Heated? Thought my head would explode. They treated Zelensky like 2 mobsters about to put him in the trunk of their car!

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Trump is the head of an organized crime family. He is a mobster, a gangster and a monster.

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You left out traitor, rapist, anti-American, racist, disrespectful to the People, Russian asset, and ugly as hell.

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She did say rapist and traitor - but it was a lot of powerful words, so a lot to keep track of...

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In times of crisis, we are desperate and as a nation we crave for a leader to show themselves. History has shown the strongest of them are women. History has been re-written to ignore this fact. We take no prisoners, and this is true across race, creed and color. Women must unite. And men must accept us as leaders and equals.

Do not let anyone divide us. Not today for they fear all of us the enemy we must take on. The leaders are rising, and the people are getting louder and ever more present. My comments are meant to shine a light on the strength of women which number half of all of us and to point out we are a gas tank half full if women's voices and leadership continues to be not palatable based on what is ancient misogyny and something we can no longer afford for the sake of our children.

We need more women in positions of power and leadership. As an example, look at the recent gathering of NATO leaders in London. Not only was the meeting led by a female Prime Minister it was notable how many female Prime Ministers were amongst the other leaders.

In Europe and nations across the world women blend seamlessly into all parts of each Nations's community. They are accepted and seen as partners, equal partners. Are we ready yet? There is not time for debate because what needs to be done will be done by men and women led by men and women.

United we stand the fuck up. Divided we fall in a pile of shit that will bury us.

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When it comes to women in leadership roles this country is very backwards ! It’s shameful that the ERA still hasn’t been passed! What is wrong with this country? We always brag that we are the greatest country on earth but we can’t even pass the Equal Rights Amendment? That’s pretty pathetic and Americans voted in a very backwards thinking Trump!

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I firmly believe the exclusion of women and disenfranchisement of all people no matter their race, origins, language/accent, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or any diversion from “the collective us” versus “those buried by what is a visceral response and categorizing as the other” is the basis of the downfall of our democracy.

For centuries our society’s culture has been burdened by discrimination; and most especially burdened by the exclusion of women from power, and as a result we remained stuck and never matured or changed despite much talk and legislation.

Today we are there. Today is the result of our nation’s inability to mature and reach self-actualization, and today all of us will suffer physically, mentally and financially and literally become impoverished and made vulnerable.

Not simply because the richest amongst us are rising and seizing all power, but because our culture unlike the democracies across the globe is fermented upon the oppression of females and discriminatory visceral response to all the “others” from participating fully in the strengthening and potential of what was in fact a nation from its beginning built on the premise of inclusion.

Save women of course for women fall into a “special” and inescapable role of discrimination deeply baked into our culture over hundreds of years when the first error in judgment was made and that is in the writing or our Constitution which never mentions us.

Remember the words spoken but ignored of Abigail Adam’s in her plea to her husband, one of the authors of our Constitution “Don’t forget the ladies.” We “ladies of today” 250 years later are assigned to a double role which is being allowed to run in and fix immediately all that is complex and broken after which we are once again consigned to our positions under the bus.

Our nation did not listen. Those in power did not listen. No one is listening and we now witness and experience the inevitable fall of our democracy. We will fall because we were weakened by edging out women and all the “others”.

So today, my fellow Americans, we stand together in utter shock upon a landscape that is our reality living under the cruelty of an oligarchy.

But we can watch from our destroyed democracy the glowing landscapes of the more enlightened and self-actualized democracies united and growing stronger while we pine and wish for their assistance, seek their harbor and sanctuary.

We and our children and their children have lost what was once ours and neglected and taken for granted, for we will be the starved and we will be the oppressed and we will be the immigrants seeking escape from what was once a democracy.

We did not listen to the words of Abigail Adams “Don’t forget the ladies” while we assumed the work of her spouse and the founding fathers would continue without any work or concern by us.

We did nothing to grow our democracy. We neglected our civic duties. We turned away and then we were manipulated by those who wanted it all; those who own our media (namely Fox News and The Washington Post and medica outlets and our social media and sell us their goods for which they admit have been programmed to addict us to the blue screens).

We lost to them without even knowing we were at war with them. We lost to them who give not a hoot for democracies or you the people. With Trump’s speech yesterday we have been defeated, and they won. And there was much applause by their well cared for and manicured hands.

All the while across the globe democracies did listen as exemplified by their acceptance of “others” and their embrace of women in power and their recognition of need by providing for their citizens (health, education, day care, housing, elder care).

They will rise and unite launched by their culture of acceptance, and by necessity under threats issued by our leaders, they will defeat us and those governments that once were our “enemies” for we today have more in common with our enemies than we do our allies. In fact, we have over time and sealed by the last election aligned with our enemies and now will be abandoned by our allies.

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what kind of spam crap link is that..should be deleted

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report then block the author -- it is a game of Wack a mole -- spies reading our posts and posting with the same statement to tantalize and interrupt and distract our work and our united front that is found here -- report and then block

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Nothing was left out -- Incredible speech -- A warrior's cry -- We should keep restacking and sharing it to other venues of social media -- The shot heard round the world -- Stand Up! Stand The Fuck Up! And if you don't like being proven wrong. Grow up!

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How about antichrist? No one in the world more closely resembles the definition of an antichrist.

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Janis, good list, and there's ignorant, toddleresque, a consistently productive liar, addicted to money and power, and suffering with dementia.

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What Trump tried to do to Zelensky is what he insists on from his adversaries when coming to a “deal”. He insists in a final humiliation. It’s a game. It’s a pattern.

He is a bully. He miscalculated and became the humiliated one!

Trump stomped on America that day for Putin. That’s the message. He is a Russian asset. Treat him as such! Don’t treat him like he’s the POTUS.

If everything he’s done and behaved are not the actions of a Russian asset, tell me what is. 🤔

The GOP now supports Russia over America.

It’s going to be a long and dangerous four years and I will be wearing these kinds of shirts everyday until this nightmare ends 👇


Run the traitors out of everywhere!

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This is right to the point. Trump changed his mind about the deal which I’m pretty sure Zelenskyy wasn’t too happy with. But Zelenskyy was subjected to abject bullying and meanness, in public. Trump pivoted, perhaps pirouetted to spoil the deal and humiliate Zelenskyy rather than take heat for what some might have felt to be a bad deal. For Putin!

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The felon had no intentions on any agreement with President Zelensky, he was only going to take the minerals and help putin with the war, after all, putin owns the felon and musk. Even musk's son poke what he heard his father state more than once, he told the felon he was not the POTUS, he even said after that, he told the felon to shut his mouth.

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Trump is playing Putin's cards. Trump is afraid of Putin. Mark Meadows told that to Congress after January 6th insurrection. Its Putin who wants all of those precious minerals in Ukraine. Hitler wanted to get his hands on it too. The people of Ukraine burned down their cities and set the oil wells on fire so Hitler wouldn't have access to it. Russia has always hated Ukraine. Also, Ukraine in history never was under the Russian government until the end of the second world war. Ukraine belonged to the Mongolian Empire. And Russia was never able to defeat Ukraine until the end of the second World War.

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I wrote earlier today that NPR reported the glee that Russia's Putin expressed that American Democracy is broken.

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They supported Russia Over America since before Trump became president the first time. That's why Trump visited Putin while he was campaigning back then. When I saw that trip in real time I decided right then I would never vote for Trump. Why in the world would a non-politician go visit the head of another state while campaigning?

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Putin probably gave Trump illegal campaign money. Putin and Trump have been having dealing all the way back to the 1970's. KGB buddies! I read that one in the Irish paper. The land areas that Putin is holding right now and Ukraine is trying to push Putin's Army out of, is where the mines and the minerals are located. Ukraine could be a very wealthy nation. Europe will deliver Ukraine. It's just a matter of time when one of Russia's drones makes a mistake and hits Poland or Romania or some other NATO country. I am praying that it happens. That will get America off her ass and force the stinking Republicans to oust their rotten master in the White House.

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... upvotes

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You are so right and it’s up to us to get rid of him because there isn’t one decent person in the Republican party who wo admit that they are after a dictatorship with Republicans only. This is their goal they are all TRAITORS ! It doesn’t appear that there is even one Republican who is an honorable person! We have to protect our country with help from the Democrats we must volunteer! I am still stunned that Trump with all his crimes was allowed to run for the Presidency! Not that many years ago a candidate from Colorado a Democrat was demonized for being in a boat with a woman not his wife but with others too! His campaign was over big scandals! Now we have a rapist felon, monster who wants to impoverish millions of American citizens so he can give the money they earned through Social Security to multi millionaires!

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How about a FORP T-Shirt: Fear Of Republican Politicians. And a FORP cap.

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How about a t-shirt and hat that says down with all Republicans and their MAGA mentally ill.

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MTN just showed the Orange Pig doing a Nazi salute, and laughing down at Mar-a-Lardo.

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That is insulting to pigs. The guy is an orange psychopathic criminal.

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No.......The biblical story describes how the demons were put into the pigs and they all went over the cliff..........then go for Orange roaches or rats.

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A little like the cult lemmings..???

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A Whole Lotta LIke.......Orange lemmings.

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I just saw the salute and it makes me cry . This won't happen in the U.SA.

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Thomas, that's what the people of Germany thought. They didn't believe that a rotten man would get elected and destroy their Constitution and rule their people like a mad man. Hitler destroyed all of Germany. The same thing that Trump is doing right now to America. Where the hell are our Army Generals?

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Do you have a link you can share? Thanks.

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I can not seem to find a link of that salute

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I've seen it. It's on the internet.

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And a bully.

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How sorry can our president and VP go.They are a disgrace in the whole universe. Pathetic, and rude and ignorant.

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not to mention Marjorie's fashion-expert boyfriend . . .

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They knew Russian reporters with camera were filming the event directly to Putin. Only we, the people, didn’t know it was happening. They were pleasing their Kremlin master. A big win for Putin and for Trump as well as he can gladly say to our European allies: F**k you! Over the weekend repugnant GOP demanded Zelensky to resign.

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Diminishes " the padded cell" humanoid to be..

djt is now The Incredible Shrinking man"! Putin is " A' movin' on UP

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Zelensky will never resign. He has a 54% approval rating from his people. And Trump showed just how ignorant he is on the cameras. Ukraine is under Martial Law because they are at war. When a country is at war and under Martial Law, there are no elections. It can't be done. This is the reason President Roosevelt remained in office till he died during the second World War. And Churchill continued as the Prime Minister of England. Trump is truly unfit for office. He has no idea of how to run a country or anything except to destroy everything he touches. And like Zelensky said to both Trump and stooge Vance, you don't care because you are protected by 2 oceans. But when World War 3 gets started, then you will care. Our oceans will no longer protect us.

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The biggest bully.... Trump

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They are mobsters especially Trump, he even dresses like one!

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All the guys in the room are monsters, only monsters speak over everyone


THOSE PEOPLE FOR THEIR HELP & The Help of their GOVT. But in the next room 300 thugs had practiced attacking, insulting ZELENSKY By shouting, talking over him, insulting for not wearing a suit by someone who never was in a war

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The nasty twins need to be IMPEACHED

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Watch this video. It’s our last BIG chance!


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Musk is a barrier to peace.

Musk controls Trump and the Cabinet, and through them, the military.

Musk believes empathy is bad and cruelty is good.

Musk supports Putin. He is behind Vance's attack on Zelensky.

Musk is attacking Social Security.

Musk manipulates Congress with threats and bribes. For his own pocket and agenda. Corruption.

Musk is subverting elections with intimidation and propaganda.

Musk threatens judges and demands control over the courts.

Musk demands that federal workers report directly to him.

Musk is a clear and present danger to the United States of America.

Musk's "I'm smarter than you" act is a con. He's a dumbshit.

Millions of rational patriotic citizens rise up and demand his removal.

Musk is a dumbshit. Fire Musk!

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We can't fire musk because we didn't hire him. Fire donald and jd and mitch and mtg, etc

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If one GOP Senator had the balls to stand against him and tell the truth and demand Trump remove him, he would be gone.

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I doubt any Republican has the courage to speak up, sadly I think they are no longer plain old Republicans but now Fascists! Nazis

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That is what they are and always have been.

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Who in the hell brought Musk into

Our gov't to destroy our country.

He better love trump and ole J.d. while he can because we are fired and we tired of it.

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it actually wasnt a "who"..it was the millions of dollars he flooded into trumps reelction campaign..the old "money talks" thing..plus some connections to the same people who brought vance into the picture,AND his contracts with the federal government..

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Too late to fire mitch, he’s already on his way to Hell

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All the money he is syphoning into an offshore account off the backs of the American people whose lives he is destroying will be clear sooner than later. Where is the proof of bloat in the system? Show some spreadsheets. Show us why you fired so many people for no reason. He will end up in jail with his butt buddy or someone will take a couple of shots for the team and end all of this. The sooner, the better.

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Oh please please please!

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Yes, we have waited tooblong already. Instead of killing him let's send to a deserted with no outside communications.

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He has a reason to fire people - their salaries need to go to the billionaires

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Like himself!

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Wow I never thought of that but I bet you’re right! He’s just a natural born cheater and this would be something he would be likely to do! How do we find out? At one point he was supposedly very low on income but now apparently he’s back to having countless millions, how did that happen? Did he drain off money last time and is preparing to do so again with his crooked associates?

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I loved that Cold Open. The guy playing Trump gets better all the time. It was brilliant!

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Donald was determined NOT to help Ukraine. He planned to publicly offend Zelenskyy. He did the same with Mike Pompeo and Mitt Romney when they crossed him. He gave them false hopes, then he let them down. Typical psychopathic behavior!

Zelenskyy is the West's first line of defense against Putin, and we had better recognize it like Europe and Britain obviously did. Musk is Putin's puppet, not unlike Donald.

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President Zelensky was the only adult in the room, and the only person with courage. All that Bigmouth could do in his ignorance was shout him down with lies and baseless attacks, his trademark, as Vance's blather was a pure insult. A minder for Donald never does any good, because he runs his vile mouth no matter what. A disgusting display of depravity. JD is a disgrace to the uniform he once wore.

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President Zelenskyy has dignity and courage. Not to be mistaken with machismo and posing - Bigmouth and Guyliner, if you are listening. Sure it is impossible to get Donald shut his ugly mouth. Scott Dworkin just called JD a national disgrace, I couldn’t stop laughing. It is a shame that a person like him could ever wear an uniform. I never thought someday I would miss Mike Pence, but even he was better than Guyliner.

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President Zelinsky is facing down Putin. He's not going to roll over for some human waste named Trump.

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That is why the world RESPECTS him.

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j.d. is just a small time punk. Sold his soul a long, long time ago. Yes he’s a disgrace and a moron. What about our Secretary of State!! What did he do besides sit there like a bump on a log. I had no idea that so many men were so ballless!

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Exactly and the old school GOP members have gone away. i.e. Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney. These MAGA morons are gutless cowards who are in complete lockstep with this despicable scumbag. Benedict Donald is extending his middle finger to the country and the people who knew NOT to vote for this diabolical criminal have to suffer the consequences. We need to stand up, speak loudly and challenge him in the courtroom, where he has spent MOST of his pathetic life!

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Zelinskyy needs to see all these furious replies somehow.

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This is a small thing, but thank you for spelling President Zelenskyy's name correctly. It shows respect and an acknowledgement that Ukrainian is not Russian.

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I support Ukraine’s fight for their homeland, culture, and language 100%. I found it heart-rending that Russians bombed a tiny village, the only thing they could destroy was a library, rich with Ukrainian books. Ukrainians want to belong to the EU, hoping for European standard of living. Life in Austria or Germany looks like dream for the average Ukrainian citizen. They want NATO and EU membership and Putin actively stops them.

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Yes, Dianne, Vladimir Putin's criminality equals that of the notorious 'Prince Vlad' of Medieval times, and our degenerate phony of a president is his toady, Shame, shame!

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Now that you mention, I also thought of that already. Another ugly Vlad known as Dracula. Putin also reminds me of Hitler. And, of course, top KGB leaders, this is the environment where he came from and it shows.

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Right. Let us never forget that Putin was the head of the old KGB.

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He is operating like KGB agents and leaders. Russia is a mafia state, a kleptocracy. Sadly, the US is well on its way to turning one.

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I admire President Zelensky so, so much. What a brave, strong and GOOD man he is. May God Bless him always.

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Thank you for pointing that out. I didn't know, Louise.

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Actually, the official transliteration that is used in Ukrainian passports would be Zelenskyi.

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Like Europe, Britain and Canada!

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Sure, Canada too, thank goodness. First, Europe will suffer from Putin's aggression and energy blackmail. Britain will suffer, too. Canada and the US, too.

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Well said, Dianne!

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Thank you, Jeffrey.

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Thank goodness for the Brits. I am so glad they treated Zelensky with the huge amount of respect and admiration he deserves. Meeting with them must have been a huge relief for him after that attack in the oval.

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💙🇺🇦🇬🇧🇪🇺 PM Keir Starmer greeted him with Big Hug

LOVE IT !!!!!!

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And now we see smirky Mike Johnson saying, once again, Zelensky needs to come back with gratitude. What’s worse than asking for that dignified, courageous man to grovel?

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In the closet like no other. He is a total Douche.

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He definitely is.

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🤮I am relying heavily on the vomit emoji since friday

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This is so painful and pathetic to watch!

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I refused to watch because I knew that I would likely punch a hole in the nearest wall. 😠 😡

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It definitely hit an emotion in me that I’m not used to feeling and that is hate. I was raised not to hate and my children were raised not to hate so I’m not only angry and piss off but I have this other emotion that I truly have never dealt with.

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It's okay to hate fascist traitors.

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Welllll, that too, but when it is aggravated every single day it is bad for our 🫀🤎♥️💙

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I feel robbed of my safety and I feel/have felt since 2015 ?golden escalator stint that we were in grave trouble.🤮🤮 The trauma & anx that Donald purveys to all of us all the time is disgusting and if we could sue him for it we would

Support dems in upcoming mid elections! 🗳️Slowly we will gain a foothold and represent the people or at least foil evil intentions of this regime to strip us of our civil rights!!!

We have to take back power and tell Putin to rot in hell 👺👹💀☠️👹👺👹🔥🔥🔥

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Maybe "revulsion"?

Or "embarrassment" as an American?

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Spot On, Gregg!

Don't need an emergency nemesis basin handy to watch late night

" Golden Girls" reruns! Keeps my heart/ blood pressure low....stomach calm!🤗

No TVnews, newspapers..at all anymore. Cannot ...simply cannot willingly look at that

ugly man. Mary talked about him looking into a mirror...no image looks back at him.

That thought really appeals to a personal rejection of what havoc....what chaos...

he creates worldwide.....

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Vance is trying very hard—and being quite successful—at being as big an ignorant, contemptible asshole as his boss always has been. This was an unbelievably painful thing to have had to watch.

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Imagine what will happen once the big Cheeto croaks & he’s the Prez?

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That may be exactly why the big Cheeto chose him. Trump may not be very smart but he does have great survival instincts—unfortunately.

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Narcisstic Personality Disorder cases have no problem leaving a path of human wreckage behind....in order to survive. When the Orange Pig finally is welcome home in Hell......the world will rejoice.

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my only worry is that the people currently in hell may already have suffered enough.

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Where is Lucifer the crime-fighter when you need him?

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Does He ?

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I call him JD Fancy Pants. I love that he went to Vermont and they fucking told him to go home. He is so ignorant and immature/

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There had to be SOME reason Trump likes him, and possession of a heart or a brain obviously aren’t the reason. Whatever ideals he might once have had, it’s clear he has long since abandoned them. He has sold his soul to Trump for a shot at power. Trumpism corrupts everything it touches.

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This is a great article on someone who has seen the Orange Fool developing into the criminal, the liar and the selfish narcissist we now see.

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You are a hero in your own right. You have been treated a lot like Zelensky by dRumpf and you have risen from that mistreatment with integrity, grace, and strength! You are an inspiration!🇺🇦

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So depressing and infuriating.

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Thank you Mary. We are standing up and please continue to motivate. I

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I have thought for a while, although many are responsible, that the majority of blame lies on Mitch McConnell.

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And that fucking weirdo Garland.

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What about Vance? He is as bad and as loopy.

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What is frightening is the thought of this ignorant, lying baboon taking over when Trump is removed after he either has a stroke or the 25th amendment is invoked. He'll never be impeached with the MAGA cult in the majority.

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Not all republicans are MAGA they are just cowed by donald.. but the white supremacy groups are having a field day under donnie

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I agree that not all Republicans; MAGA seems to be s a cult.

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Too disgusting. I don't know how you can stand it but I'm grateful for your voice.

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Thank you so much!

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