Dana Goldberg's idea of getting Democrats to propose a gun control bill called "Save Donald Trump's Life" so Republicans either have to pass it or go on record that they don't care if he gets assassinated.

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Bwahaha, this would be God-level trolling :P Awesome:)!

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I am linking GOD ( blue check mark one) about this! ☝️ 💡

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Nice one...I like that, hehe:)

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Excellent idea!

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Brilliant, clever, and even ingenious.

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Love it.

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Brilliant idea ! The “Ban AK-47 (and all similar long guns ) Act to Save DJT ,Useless Ex President Old Fart s Life So He Can Continue Golfing”

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S White, what a great idea. It seems manipulation can work on both sides and we should use it carefully but well too. Call it the "Save Donald Trump's Life" bill. It won't matter that if passed and signed, it would save a lot of people too. Now, who do we get to write and introduce the bill? It would be good if it were a Republican and a Democrat, but a Democrat in the Senate would work.

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I’m sure his MAGA Congressional disciples would kill any such bill so Trump’s wraith could take credit for it, posthumously.

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Or the "Save Melania's Husband" act.

Two birds with one stone.

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She has used her sexuality as currency in the open market to first support herself and then to snag a wealthy old man. I don’t think she enjoys sex and I honestly don’t think she has ever loved a man romantically.

(She was rumoured to be having an affair with the secret service man)

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Wasn’t that a plot point in Carl Hiaasen’s Squeeze Me?

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Having never read the book, you know better than I do. Really, who cares about grifter Melania and her stupid book

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They are opposed to gun control, just gun control for them. As Naomi Klein as documented in her book The Shock Doctrine, they actually have been working towards gun control. Here’s how I think it will go, if they succeed:

The Second Amendment, their favorite, will finally be understood and interpreted taking into account the “well regulated militia” part. So, they’ll rapidly form a well regulated militia to begin to deal with all this violence against Saint Donald by the wicked American hating democrats and foreigners in their land.

Of course this militia will sweat an oath to the President. It won’t say Trump, but it will say President, who of course will be Trump. Allegiance to Trump. Probably 5 million will be quickly organized into the new well regulated militia.

Now they are immune from any gun confiscation laws. Time to confiscate everyone else’s gun. Either join the militia and take the pledge or hand over your guns.

The new militia members will be like kids in a candy store taking and stockpiling all these shiny guns for themselves. They will overstep their authority and hurt a lot of people during the confiscation process, but that will only help their cause. Their Dear Leader will praise the most violent among them as brave heroes.

This won’t take long, a few months. Then suddenly we will have a standing Trump Army of many millions, well organized, thst he can offer to do anything. If he decides to make an example of Chicago, for instance, he can send hundreds of thousands into the streets of Chicago in a “war against crime.” All the other law enforcement agencies will either stand aside, or participate.

This is year one. Year two will be time to finish up “weakening the federal government enough so that it can be dragged into the bathroom and drown.”

All departments of government that provide services to citizens deter than services to Trump, slashed. The military that keeps getting in Putin’s was will turn its focus to “America First,” and be pulled off the world stage and retracted back to primarily inside US borders.

Trump idolizes how Putin controls Russia. He LOVES how Putin forces millionaires and billionaires to lick his boots. Putin became the richest person on earth by making himself partner with every major corporation in Russia. Imagine if Trump can do that in the US with it vastly larger economy. This is the logical end game for businessman Trump and his Trump Organization. He wants to be number one. He can’t do it with his genius (there isn’t any), but he might be able to do it with his ruthlessness. Following Putin’s blueprint.

Blaming democrats for the violence is just part of the strategy. The two dumb would be assassinations have served up the justification for the next steps in his grand plan, should he win election or be able to steal it.

We don’t want him shot. We want him defeated and exiled, Napoleon style. Make this run for the presidency Trump’s Waterloo.

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Sounds a lot like WWII Germany.

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Exactly, but back then they called it the SS. Also, please stop calling trump a business man. If anything, he's a failed business man kept afloat with shady bank loans and money from organized criminal groups. Not that there's much difference between the two...

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Also, please stop calling him President! 😡

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....Orangeman inherited from Daddy...........Bumfucks life legacy is blowing it and ripping people off

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And now his family is going into a Cripto Cash Scam???? Perfect.

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History is something to learn from and NOT to repeat. So instead of sitting around and watching the Maggot Militas form up.......counter fully armed pro-democracy opposition groups should be on alert to negate this threat.They are already using storm troopers to intimidate.......protests and more high level endorsments for Kamala Harris must keep pouring in.

Donald Trump is the Trojan Horse for Project 2025. Christofascists...Heritage Foundation.....Pro-life hypocrits are waiting in the wings.

The priority is to continue at full speed to expose this henous document and send it to the shredder ASAP!!!!

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Dana may be a comedian. But; her, aforementioned, idea is NO JOKE! ... It's absolutely BRILLIANT!!! ...I say; "MAKE IT, SO!"

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please No. name it for any of the mass shootings, the murdered victims of the shootings, or Saving Lives Banning Assault Weapons. that (person) having forwarded extremist behavior is the antithesis of safety. call the “republicans” out: make them have to make moral choice.

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Great idea. More specific: “Save Donald Trump from Gun Violence “.

Or, he could simply build a wall around his golf course and provide his own security. Oh, right- that’s not how he operates. He wants someone else to pay for his security. Furthermore, the more times he has a gun pointed towards him, the more headlines and free publicity, the more distractions from embarrassing facts, and the more he can beg for sympathy.

Yes- naming a gun control law after him is a GREAT idea!

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Effing brilliant.

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He and his son Jr are vile and disgusting ppl. Jr posting a picture on twitter of a hammer sitting on top of a pair of underwear as his new “Paul Pelosi Halloween costume”. Donald spewing that he hates Taylor Swift bc she bests him on likes. Even Musk, who I absolutely can’t stand, spewing garbage about no Assn attempts on Harris? Why aren’t these men “cancelled” by every person? They are weak, insecure, lowlifes.

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I read that Musk is a government contractor and as such is subject to the same rules as military advisors. Why isn't he being held to account for his hateful lies? Why isn't he being questioned by Democrats?

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I read that his post has been reported to the secret service and the fbi

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Think the only way to stop them is to fine them hugely for spreading lies I mean in the billions of dollars range and revoke Musk s citizenship too! Send him back to. South Africa!

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Seriously? I’m all in with most but revoking his US citizenship isn’t a thing. In fact, such an action would be Drumpf-like, unconstitutional, and a slippery slide.

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Putin and Saudis own him

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Maureen, I also want to know how it is that a government contractor can contribute huge amounts of money to political campaigns. That should be illegal if it isn't already. But, like Trump, Musk thinks he is immune to anything he does and that the law does not apply to him either.

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He is immune. Completely. He is richer than most countries. Adored by tens of millions. And his many-thousand satellite system serves dual civilian and military functions. If Trump can do anything he wants, and so far in his life he has proven that true, while “only” being worth a couple billion and controlling mostly golf courses and hotels around the world, just imagine what someone worth 50-100 times that can do. Musk can do anything he wants.

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I was coming here to say just that. Terrifying, what one man has control over!

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I don’t know whether government contractors are subject to the same restrictions as government employees. But if they are, then YES! At the very least, his government contracts should be revoked. It’s crazy that we pay Musk our tax dollars.

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Beyond that, why aren't they being visited by the FBI and or charged for fomenting violence?

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Good point! Why not? And where s the DOJ in laying charges for hate crimes too against Haitians ! Isn’t it a crime to publicly target a racial or national group in this way?

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I hate to say it, but Merrick Garland really is a horrible choice for AG. The Founders must all be rolling in their graves at how our government allowed this to happen over the past few decades.

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Doesn't make a damn bit of sense considering the demented felonious numbskull is still awaiting sentencing while out on bail. Anyone else would've already been apprehended and given a new residence for an indefinite period of time. This two-tier justice system needs a complete overhaul.

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We could start by putting a few supreme Court justices in jail for the dozens of felonies that they have committed as well as political treason that they're up to right now.

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Starting with the Supreme Court.

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The key words are "anyone else." Trump gets special treatment because he's a former president, even though he's a dirtbag.

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Starting with Merrick Garland. He turned out to be a catastrophic dud.

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I used to think that too. Then I read a couple of articles that explained how Barr and Trump left a gigantic minefield for Merrick Garland. Remember, also, his confirmation was delayed by the Senate led by Mitch McConnell. There are articles about some of the booby traps and how much time it took for Mr. Garland to deal with them before he could get to the critical jobs of holding lawbreakers accountable. I suspect that we are not going to know the extent of Mr. Garland’s actions for many years because of the dangers to DOJ workers that his thorough approach engenders. It may look as though not much is happening, but it’s debatable that any president could have found a better Attorney General to de-activate the myriad landmines set by the previous administration. Mr. Garland seems to be interested in cleaning up the DOJ and ensuring that his cases for accountability are as strong as possible, rather than being in the spotlight unless absolutely necessary. I recommend looking into facts about Mr. Garland’s work as AG. There’s way more work being done than what gets reported on. For all we know, the accountability questions we discuss on Substack may already have been in the works at DOJ. I hope so!

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Well, from what I can tell so far, it doesn't do anyone any good to clean up an advanced machine if it's not actually put to the use it was designed for. Please send links to any of those article you referred to.

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Excellent point!

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It's because the Press establishes a "permission structure" by always walking on eggshells around those bastids instead of reporting how it really is. They're more concerned about whether they might be called partisan than about what their actions do to the fabric of democracy (especially considering that arguably the most successful "news" venue is the most partisan!). The Press no longer has a clue what "context" is. They only care about clickbait.

The vast majority of the media has taken the "professional" out of "journalism". These days a 7th grader with half a brain, writing for the school paper, could have moderated the 1st debate better than Jake and Dana. It's the Press that will be the reason Democracy Dies in Darkness.

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Between the GOP, Cheeto face, the village idiot who goes by the name Vance, and the vile rich guy who peddles EVs, they are now planting the seed for some ignorant MAGA moron to take a pot shot at Harris and Walz…disgusting.

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I want to know why these people are not identified as Domestic Terrorists. If anyone else was spreading lies that evoked bomb threats and other forms of violence in a community, they would be arrested and prosecuted.

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Jr needs the distraction from the fact that he’s probably cheating. 4 years is a long engagement, and I seem to remember seeing some pictures where she did not look happy

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They are all despicable.

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they are despicable people.

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I posted this to Notes this afternoon:

I’m not for political violence against anyone. The recent assassination attempts on a certain candidate are abhorrent and must stop.

Having said that . . .

To the convicted felon Republican candidate for President I say: “Fuck you. It is YOU who has stoked the fires of hatred in this country. You whine about the inflammatory rhetoric from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and anyone else opposed to you, yet you call them ‘enemies from within who are trying to destroy our country’. You attack anyone and everyone who does not kiss your flabby orange ass. You lie like normal people breathe. You are reaping what you have sown. You tried to overturn an election and have threatened to do it again. If you do not want to be called a ‘threat to democracy’, then stop threatening our democracy, Asshole.”

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Donold is at war with the demons in his head. In his mind he sees anger, grievance, rage and violence at every turn. He is projecting all that chaos onto the citizens of the US and the world. He's severely mentally ill and truly a danger to all of us.

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So true, Mingo.

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No one listened to Dr. Bandy Lee who wrote the book The dangerous case of DT prior to his first election. Talk about facts. She was spot on and she and her colleagues were shunned and no one listened. Now look what has happened. I fear that many in our Nation are morally and spiritually deaf and can’t hear the truth if it hits them over the head.

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The thing that bothers me the most about the MAGAs is their willful, aggressive ignorance. They avoid truth because they deeply fear it. In my opinion, that makes them, and their convicted felon cult leader, dangerous to our democracy.

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MSM was all outraged regarding their perceptions of his Mental " incompancy".

Yet here we have the orange puke's REAL mental INCOMPETENCE, on full screen, in HD, AND MSM IS BALANTY IGNORING,WHAT EVERY SANE PERSON IS SEEING, ON THE DAILY.


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Well put!

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So very well said !!!

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So very well said !!!

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May thousands of bugles blow your statement to the whole nation even to the whole world. F*** you Trump. Get back in your hole JD! A bigger bunch of A holes I have never seen.

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🎺🎺🎺🎺 I’ll be happy to have Kamala Harris be my bugler.

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Well said!

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I agree 💯. He really needs to be voted out and arrested if he causes violence.

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Anyone else think that this event seems odd in that (1) Trump's visit to this golf course wasn't on his schedule, (2) that the perpetrator had been there for 12 hours in advance of being confronted and (3) that no one is questioning that this might be (another?) paid for hire PR stunt. Anyone?

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I'm right there with you.

I'm thinking it may have been a Putin PsyOps operation to increase sympathy for Trump without actually putting Trump in danger.

Putin and the Axis of Dicktators want Trump elected because they know they can easily lead him to do whatever they want by mere flattery and dangling false promises of developing Trump resorts on their best beach front properties.

Evidence that the alleged shooter may have been a Russian plant: the weapon was a Soviet style AR; he had supported Tulsi Gabbard, who is suspected of having ties to Russia, in the past; his past visits to Ukraine to lobby for Americans to join the fight could have been a ruse to make him appear to be anti-Trump; he never actually fired at Trump; he was taken in without a shot fired – how convenient for him, for Russia, and for Trump; somehow he knew Trump would be golfing, which would be easy to communicate to him if someone inside the Trump organization was in on the plan.

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How do we know it’s a Russian AK ? All I have seen is the serial number was filed off the gun and AK-47 long gun. I’m not saying you are wrong just asking for further info . The witness who provided the car licence photo to police certainly seems to have been in the right place at the right time also.

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This article from the Associated Press says (very late in the article) that a loaded SKS style rifle was recovered from the place where the Secret Service officer first saw a rifle aimed toward the hole at the Trump golf club where Trump was about to golf.

According to Wikipedia, an SKS rifle is a semi-automatic rifle designed by Soviet small arms designer Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov in 1945. The SKS was first produced in the Soviet Union but was later widely exported and manufactured by various nations, and millions were sold before the AK-47 was introduced in the 1950s.

Still, beginning in 1988, millions have been sold on the civilian market in North America, where they remain popular as hunting and sporting rifles.



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An AK will blow the animal apart. What is the sport in that???? I used to hunt, for a very short time, with my brother in Illinois in the back fields. I shot a pheasant and a rabbit and am still ruing the day. But, I proved to my brother I was a better shot than he was. No one needs a gun that shoots more than one bullet at a time for hunting. The law is, supposedly, that repeating rifles can only have three bullets loaded at a time. But these are not law abiding Citizens, so that's out the window. It's not a sport, it's murder.

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That's what I saw reported. Sorry, I don't remember where I read/heard that fact reported. I read so many different reports throughout the day.

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Mike Flynn. He’s my guess.

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Yep. Me too.

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Well they’ve stopped talking about Springfield, Ohio. Unless you live there. So I’d say it worked.

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And suddenly the debate s vanished from the news cycle too! No more failure DonOLD! Back to martyr DonOLD!

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I thought that immediately

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My thoughts exactly. The minute I heard about the "attempt on the former president's life" , I felt that something was very fishy.

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How was it determined that he'd been there 12 hours? And how far away was that secret service agent who spotted the gun barrel poking thru the bushes? Why, also, if the guy was there for 12 hours, didn't the secret service spot him sooner?

How many secret service agents does Trump have? Former president's, I believe, have only 2, but there would be more than that because he's a nominee for president.

And has any president or former president had this many failed assassination attempts? It's just too fishy that two dimwitted would-be killers would somehow manage to know where to go, where to be, and both with semiautomatic rifles, to get almost close enough. How did the rally shooter know where he could get up on a rooftop and have a clear shot? And why would a guy fly to Florida all the way from Hawaii, buy a semiautomatic and ammo in Florida, drive to one of several golf courses Trump owns and manage to find the right one when Trump wasn't even scheduled to be there that day?

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I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment.💯 💣

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Was actually thinking this was possible before you gave me these other facts. We'll have to see what the investigation shows.

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He’s a deplorable person. I won’t even call him a human being because he’s proven time and time again that he is anything but. He’s the one who’s ruining your country and his supporters in the repugnican party have a lot to answer to.

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I call them the republican'ts because they can't do anything right.

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Or repugnicunts

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That is an insult to all vaginas, without which none of us would exist.

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Yeah but i don’t call vaginas the C word because it is a gross term but it’s perfect for Trump.

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I rather object to that term. Maybe prick?

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He's a psychopath.

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He’s scared and very dangerous. The whole world is holding its breath hoping he will not get back into the White House. That excludes despotic criminals like the Russian and North Korean leaders who are desperate for him to win.

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Yup, even those of us way down the bottom of the planet in Aōtearoa (New Zealand) are observing all of it closely.

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And then there's Vance. For some more terrifying background on him, check out his endorsement of the book "Unhumans". Below are links to coverage of the book on Wikipedia and Frank Schaeffer's commentary about it on YouTube. A truly frightening world view.



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Appropriately or not to say this —- I hope the next shooter has better aim!

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I read somewhere, or saw a video of Trump saying he's kept in touch with Kim Jong Un and his other dictator friends. Once he said he'd had phone calls from Putin and Orban, and then he said later that he hadn't spoken with Putin "in a very long time."

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It will be okay! It will. I seriously believe that there are thousands of us who have not responded to polling and are in the wings already armed with the Harris vote. We’re just sick of the crap and are just waiting to cast out democratic votes for madam president!

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I sincerely hope you are right. I don’t know how much more of this we can endure

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I hope that the people excited about Harris/Walz will actually pull the lever and vote. I am always surprised at the people who express strong opinions on who they want to see in the Whitehouse, then cannot actually find the time to get to the voting polls.

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I sincerely think that undecideds and democrats will find the time to vote. Democrats realize the urgency and importance. Have faith 🤞

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I agree

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I also worry about the next 50 days and I am very uneasy.

I just wish Donald would go to jail for his crimes instead of being able to capitalize off his violent victimhood.

Thank you, Mary, for your column tonight. 💙

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Scary times 😥 Glad to have you to help us through. ❤️

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Counting the ongoing debate with Taylor Swift, Donald is 0-2 in debates with women, 0-3 if you count E. Jean Carroll, 0-4 if you count Rosie O'Donnell.

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There were at least 24 unsuccessful attempts to assassinate Hitler, so when they say Trump is God's champion, tell them this fact.


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The hatred, the demonising of opponents, the calls to fight: We've heard this before.

This guy has all but promised labour camps and death marches along racial or religious grounds.

Lady Liberty in New York must surely be weeping.

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Thank you for sharing your insights. He truly is democracy's greatest threat and the smallest man who ever lived. May he disappear....

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Unfortunately energy can not be eliminated- only transmutated. This is happening now. Evil is very sticky but shit washes off and new things grow out of it. A worm like Donald is really just one big long asshole.

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Tom Nichols, an Atlantic staff writer whom I hold in exceptionally high regard, in his bi-weekly email today, posted, in full, Trump's latest vile unhinged rant on a social site that wasn't "Truth" Social. (It can be accessed w/out a subscription.) What kind of down & dirty scum attacks a global phenom the likes of Taylor Swift for the outrageous unforgivable act of exercising her constitutional right of free speech to endorse the presidential candidate of her choice. This THING is losing his bleep at an accelerating pace. I'd like to see Vice President Harris, the seniors in the campaign and HER high-profile surrogates be more aggressive (much) in condemning the MENACING ORANGE BUFFOON (MOB). Never in my 69 years have I ever HATED anyone like I hate Trump and his pos MAGA MORON/America First movement. It's not even close.

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Same, never in my 83 years have I hated anyone. Ever. Until now. So I write postcards to voters every day, reminding them to vote blue and vote early. It’s all I can do.

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That is wonderful Mim! Still politically active in your 80s ! I seriously want to be like that when I get there!

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Same here, Daniel. Hate like never before and rage because I just want the bastard to shut his fucking anus-mouth attacking everyone, his vile rhetoric, WHILE whinning and whining, posing as the victim, AND the damn corporate media still HELPING him and letting the whole country down against this SICK PSYCHOPATH!! 😡😡

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I agree. I also think about what it will be like if he gets in, has a heart attack and dies, and JD becomes our president. I wish Elon Musk felt the same way. He could launch them into space permanently.

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Thank you, Mary, for keeping the truth alive!

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Nine looooong years.

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6/16/2015 is the escalator day. 6/16 was my dad’s birthday and that’s how I remember. So 9.25 years.

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Trump and Vance are going to get someone killed. They will deny any connection between their hateful, violent racist rhetoric and the murder. Republicans will close ranks to defend them. The corporate media will not challenge their assertion of innocence or their lie that this is all Biden and Harris' fault because they allowed the brown horde to invade Springfield, Ohio. Do I have it all about right?

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That is exactly why I want to see them arrested and tried as domestic terrorists. What they are doing goes way beyond the sane limits of free speech.

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Depending on how you look at it Trump has already caused deaths. Whoever has died as a result of overturning Roe is his fault. He has bragged about it, saying he's responsible. I'm waiting for him to take credit for their deaths as a good thing. Just like taking credit for doing nothing about gun control and being so proud of it.

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450,000 American deaths from Covid on his watch because he disbanded the task force Obama and Biden used on Ebola etc.

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They already got that firefighter killed at that rally when the first so-called assassination attempt occurred. Someone pointed out that when Jim Jones was losing followers, he faked an assassination attempt. Precedent set.

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Violence is the secondary response in the MAGA playbook when acceptance of their extremism isn’t forthcoming.

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Noam Chomsky speaks about the two parties on YT. Worth listening to. He says the Republicans have are not there to improve the country but to focus on social issues in order to get people riled up which takes the focus off their lack of ideas or plans to improve the lives of Americans. Trumps campaign is doing the same thing. Covering up, or trying to cover up their lack of any plans to help the country grow and improve. The only plan Trump has is to be the Destroyer in Chief.

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“We have a concepts of plans…”

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I am pretty sure when he said "we have a concept of plans" he was just stating he has heard of the word "plans" before and thinks he knows what it means.

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Maybe he will get the help he needs, behind bars.

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Do you really think he would accept help? I think, from what I've seen, is that he thinks he is just fine as is.

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He won’t accept help because only he can fix it.

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Good point. And fixing applies only to others.

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Trump would raise the recidivism rate and blow the standard deviation up.

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D.Allen, not really possible, unfortunately.

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I do not think that is even possible. I think his disorders are woven into the fabric of his existence so tightly it would be impossible. It would be like baking a cake, then saying I want to remove the eggs. Too late because the eggs are already incorporated into the cake. This is a silly way to explain my opinion, but you know what I mean.

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