Why oh why does the psychiatric community just ignore the bullshit rules and use the duty to warn and tell people the truth about Trump’s sociopathy and dementia. He is clearly putting people’s lives at risk. What do you need, you cowards?

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There are some good books authored or edited by Dr Bandy Lee

Check them out.

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I've been following Dr. Bandy Lee ever since I read her book, "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump," in 2017. The book, which has chapters written by Dr. Lee and twenty -seven psychiatrists and mental health experts, was an early warning of he dangers of a mentally ill man like Donald Trump occupying the office of the presidency. For their efforts, Dr. Lee and the other contributors were banned by the corrupt American Psychiatric Association, which receives considerable funding from the government. The American Psychiatric Association ostensibly banned Dr. Lee and the others for violating "The Goldwater Rule" which states that mental health rofessionals cannot offer a diagnosis unless they personally examine the subject. In Trump;s case, the Goldwater Rule is utter and complete bullshit. I am a private investigator who specialized in criminal and indigent defense work. I have had extensive contact over the course of my thirty-four year career with both pschopaths and sociopaths, many times appointed by the court to work in their defense when they have been charged in a serious felony case. I can tell you from experience that an examination of the subject is almost useless because both psychopaths and sociopaths are extremely practiced liars, and any information gleaned from a personal examination wouldn't provide the information necessary to make a correct diagnosis. Therefore, a mental health professional would rely on a close observation of the subject's behavior. One day spent listening to the constant stream of lies coming from Trump, and then cataloguing his statements on his Truth Social account would provide any qualified mental health professional with information enough to make a diagnosis. At the center of Trump's numereous psychopathologies is psychopathy. From my personal experience, psychopaths are the most dangerous of all, and Trump checks all of the boxes in the DSM for psychopathy. Dr. Lee has predicted with great accuracy Trump's behavior, and what is worrisome to me is how urgent her tone has become in her recent appearences with Anthony Davis on his podcasts under the Meidas Touch Network. As electoral defeat looms with the possibility of prison, Trump will become more destructive, desparate and dangerous. The country should have been paying more attention to Dr. Bandy Lee, but she is up against massive denialism and chosen stupidity. Both Dr. Lee and I see violence on the horizon, a result of the spreading of what she calls Trump contagion. In a just world, Trump should be put in prison for the rest of his life, with no access to social media. That would be the containment that is needed to prevent the spread of Trump contagion. However, the chances of living in a world where justice prevails are slim to none, and Slim is already packed up and ready to leave town.

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Steve Vender, I totally agree with you. I follow Dr. Lee as well, read her book etc. I've also had experience in the field and am highly concerned about Trump's escalation of the lies. What's very worrying is the cult members who worship him and refuse to see what he's doing. It's also very disconcerting that the DOJ has essentially accomplished nothing by way of holding him accountable for his crimes. I'm disgusted with his probation officer, anyone else would have been before the court for a surrender hearing long ago, yet he continues on with impunity. I'm wondering why the corporate media hasn't ascertained what the current status of his firearm is..... did he surrender it? When? To whom? Where is it now? It's totally within the realm of possibility that he would have a complete meltdown over something, pull out his firearm and kill someone. He'd then spin it to "standing his ground" and concoct some lame story about being in fear because of previous "alleged attempts" on his miserable life. Let's not forget how he's said multiple times "I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and I wouldn't lose any votes" ..... that is his mindset. It seems the media doesn't want to address his obvious pathologies, it's more important to get the clicks and ad revenue than to truthfully inform the public about what a danger trump poses to society and the world. It's still mind blowing how he sent COVID test kits to Putin and not the States in the United States who desperately needed them. 😞

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Thank you, Diane Lee, for your comment. Allow me the opportunity to totally agree with what you've been witnessing daily and what you wrote in your comment. Don;t be too hard on Trump's Probation Officer, although I understand your frustration. Trump[s PO takes his orders from the corrupt people who run the system according to their own self-serving set of rules, both written and the unwritten ones. He's a cog in a well oiled machine, and he couldn't take the right path even if he wanted to (which he doesn't). In preparation, I'm having dinner for friends and a viewing of "Downfall," where Bruno Ganz becomes exactly like Hitler in the final days in the bunker. To compare Trump to Hitler is risky, but if I'm hearing Dr. Lee correctly, Trump is capable of his own personal Gotterdamenrung. When faced with the truth, Hitler ordered the destruction of what remained in Germany at the time. It will be interesting to see how Tump's illness, manifests itself and makes Trump want to destroy those forces that forced him to acknowledge something he has been running from his entire life: the truth.

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Steve Vender, in my state, the PO is pretty much independent and only confers with various LEO's etc. They actually work with the attys, seeing input into what might be the best way to help the defendant get rehabilitated and stay out of the can. I have heard that the majority of Florida LEOs have sketchy codes of ethics, so I'll defer to your opinion on the orange Mussolini's PO and lack of oversight.

So, I'm guessing "the bunker" in the instant case might be "Mar-a-Lardo" (pun intended) or the NY Tower of Babel ?? Florida seems more friendly to the orange scourge though. Enjoy the dinner and movie, it's definitely a timely viewing regarding the subject matter.

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"seeking input". Damned autocorrect 🤬😆

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hmm, I see you didn't comment about the spewing of B.S. that has been coming from the Democratic party, for the past terms including Obama and Bill and Hillary's reign of power. Especially don't forget the incompetent duo we have now in office. In the three almost four years she had been sitting on her rear in D.C she would have answers on how she is going to help re[air all of the bad situations a lot of the Dems created. If she was going to do any good for the United States People she would have already done something or started working on something to help them. She says things with no actual plan or Idea of what she is doing.

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You either have your eyes closed and your ear plugs still in, she is doing what a VP should be doing, even pence tried to do what she is doing, but ConOld used the FEMA money for the border wall instead of for the hurricane Katrina help, which he threw paper towels to the people for the cleanup, but Kamala Harris and Biden aren't doing anything, they are doing a lot more the ConOld would. Biden has and still is getting the help out to the people, as much as he can, seen as johnson won't recall the congress to get more funds for FEMA. The money FEMA has gone through already is from more than one storm, and their funds have to be approved by congress (which will not go back to congress to help out) so your hate speech is nothing but hate for your GOV, ConOld does not care about you, and Hurricane Katrina should have proved that to you. ConOld would tell you to swim to another state.

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Thank you for the book suggestion I will buy it !!💙🙋🏻‍♀️

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I agree, Steve. I used to be a therapist and I'm going crazy with the fact that the APA shushed the perfectly valid warnings that a lot of us can see with our own eyes, degrees or not. SOMEBODY with credibility in the field-besides Mary Trump-needs to speak up already! Time us running short!

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You think they would after all it is their country too💙🙋🏻‍♀️

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She has a 2 new books out in the last few months - one was on 24 Sep. "The Psychology of Trump Contagion: An Existential Danger to American Democracy and All Humankind" and "The More Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 40 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Warn Anew"

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Thank you Steve Vender, for your professional insight. Only that more professionals would speak out. But most of the GOP, MAGAs wouldn’t listen anyways.

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Steve, allow me to refer you to Anne Applebaum's fine history 'Iron Curtain' for which she interviewed hundreds of citizens in "Little Stalin" dictatorships in post WWII Eastern Europe. In this she related the tales of seemingly reasonable and formerly professional people who went along with the flow of the repressive regimes in order to ensure their own safety and comfort, at the expense of the well-being of the masses. Dr. Lee could be seen as sacrificial to the 'cult of trump' much as Galileo was nearly sacrificed to the Roman Inquisition in 1630. Fortunately, science and reason prevailed throughout much of Europe in that instance. It is not clear in our present time whether that will be the case.

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Great post 💙💙🙋🏻‍♀️

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Thanks for the recommendation, Dennis. I always read her journalism, especially on Reader Supported News, but I've never read a book by her. I will definitely check on what you mentioned.

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Great read, Steve. The first page relates the experience of a survivor crawling out from under the smoking ruin of a destroyed European city on the day after the War ended there, an eerie and surreal world.

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Sociopaths lack empathy . Some are able to achieve success in business and/or personal relationships.

Psychopaths inevitably gain the attention of authorities and are killed or incarcerated.

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Hola Bill. I appreciate your willingness to participate, but you have sociopaths and psychopaths turned around. Both of these psychopathologies lack empathy, but one of the major differences between the two is that sociopaths tend to be more impulsive in their behavior and quick to use violence, whereas psychopaths are usually much more restrained in their behavior, no less violent, probably even more so, but psychopaths are usually much smarter and able to plan their crimes and cover them. This makes them much more dangerous than the sociopaths. I've sat in interview rooms with both of them, and it was unnerving at times to deal with a psychopath. Because of a higher intelligence level, it's very easy for psychopaths to manipulate people. They also exist in high levels of our goverment and military because of their intelligence and ability to cover their tracks. Lastly, from my experience, sociopaths are more prevalent in county jails, state and Federal prisons than psychopaths.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

I was married to what I believe is a psychopath. He's good. No one believes the stories I can tell. The calculating nature of the horrible things he did was/is nearly impossible to reconcile with the man that most people know and even the people who do believe me or know for themselves have a tendency to brush it off since they have not been a major target (intimate) - a lack of empathy that isn't any better than the psycho himself. And I have a real strong feeling that many people don't WANT to believe that "people" like him exist which explains the victim blaming. They do not want to feel vulnerable so I must have "made" him do it or I am making it up.

And I believe a psychopath does use a form of something sort of like empathy in order to know how to do the most harm to their target. And they enjoy the hell out of it. The more I begged him to stop the harder it became for him to hide his smirk - and his erection.

If I were to divide up psycho/sociopaths that is the criteria I would use. Sociopaths may be more impulsive but a psychopath has done it before, it felt good and they will take great pleasure in doing it again.

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Hola Heidi. I feel that given what you described, it feels inappropriate to click on the heart symbol that indicates liking a comment. Indeed, your description is that of a classic psychopath, especially with your use of the word "calculating" to describe him. I do like your use of the past tense as in, "I was married..." Hopefully you are divorced and live far away from this man. Everything you wrote in your description of him would check alll of the boxes in the Diagostic Statistical Manual (DSM), the volume used to determine psychopathogies in a person. As you described and from my experience, psychopaths do enjoy torturing a person, whether it's literal or the kind of mental and emotional torture you described. Then add in the psycho/sexual element and you can see why psychopaths continue their cruel and unfeeling treatment of their victims. A true psychopath is indeed frightening to most people, so it doesn't surprise me that you encountered such denialism. Psychopaths can be utterly charming, but the charm is largely an act to benefit them. They can wreak havoc on an entire group of people, turning their victim's friends against them by playing the role of a nice guy husband whom the friends would never believe that they can be so cruel, lacking in any empathy and ultimately destructive. I hope you are far away from this man who caused you so much pain. I thank you for coming forward with your story, and I hope that you've recovered from the damage he's caused you. I wish you all the best in repairing the damage he caused you. Buena Suerte!

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I read them. We need a unified group of them to stand up and make sure only people living like troglidytes haven’t heard the truth about Trump’s sociopathy and dementia.

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The trouble is the brain washed MAGA will not believe the experts. They are a cult.

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But the undecided independents might.

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Also see the latest movie follow-up to #UNFIT called #UNTRUTH

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Where is that movie available? It SHOULD be mandatory watching

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Google it. It’s out there- by Dr. Lee & George Conway 3rd

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I'm not very familiar with Dr. Lee, but anything with Conway is probably quite good. And seeing as Dr. Lee has already been recommended a few posts above this, I'll definitely look for this.

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Ooo I didn't know about that! I have #UNFIT in my library.

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The documentary film"Unfit"is, hands down, the best and most informative film on Donald Trump. As part of their sentencing, the people who are willing to commit crimes for Donald Trump when he goes down to defeat, and they are apprehended, tried and sentenced, they should be made to watch this film every day and twice on Sunday.

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I heard it was fabulous !!💙💙🙋🏻‍♀️

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I read that there was a follow-up to "Unfit," but I didn't get the title. Thank you for directing me to "Untruth." If it's even half as good as "Unfit," it's still very valuable in getting out the truth about the mentally ill Donald Trump.

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I have a four year degree in nursing and science and sociology. I can recognize a psychopath easily. No empathy. No apologies or contriteness for anything he says or does. Delusions of grandiosity, extreme egotism, superior intellect and judgement. Everybody else is a loser and is wrong. He knows everything. He has genetic issues it’s his genes and the other half is his nurturing. I can see him doing cruel things as a child to people and animals. I can see him lying and cheating. He does not recognize the truth and he is negative about the USA. He is charismatic to some. They mostly think he is the world’s greatest businessman. Lying cheating stealing raping loving murderous dictators. Vowing vengeance and imprisonment on his opponents. Denying all the wrong doing he has done . Calling out those who tell the truth about him as being liars and persecutors and that we are the bad ones for investigating him and impeaching him and stating he lost an election he is sure he won. It amazes me how many of us are liars and that he is being persecuted over made up fake stories about himself. Surely there aren’t that many investigators who are all pathological liars????

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Wow, Kristin...you nailed it! (Bartender,get Ms Doyle whatever she's drinking, please) A psychopath is all of the things you described and more. And, of course I'm reading between your lines. Who comes to mind? His initials are Donald John Trump. Hopefully, when this horrible episode is over (hey, people still become Nazis and revere Adolf Hitler), history will judge this as a truly horrible time when one man can wreak such havoc on an entire country. That's why I value Dr. Bandy Lee so much for describing the mass pathology as "Trump contagion." Trump is the mentally ill, diseased individual who's spread that disease to his cult followers. In the process, this contagion has exposed the absolute rot at the center of what used to be the Republican party. I have high hopes for a blue wave come election time. If it happens, it will be the first step in a long and dificult recovery process. Unlike AA for the recovering alcoholic, we have no "higher power" to guide us. We are the higher power, and our weapon is a strong desire to know and speak the truth every day, no matter how painful that may be. It;s the only way to the restoration of good mental health.

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Thanks, Steve, you have him pegged to a t. Hitchcock would have had a field day featuring this wretch in a series as his murderous and sadistic self, pulling defenseless ones into the morass of their demise. The supercilious smirk that he wears as he looks down his face at everyone he takes to be inferior to him (i.e. everyone) raises extreme nausea.

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Thanks, Kristin. He's the definition of 'twisted'.

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I intend to see it!!💙💙🙋🏻‍♀️

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Lol twice on Sunday!😆

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Donald's disjointed gigs go to frustrate, obfuscate, inculcate, and then obliterate us with his malicious nonsense. We would be the 'suckers and losers' of all time to stand for any of it.

To Mary Trump: thank you for your 'quote of the century' from your first book "...profit from your death" and you of all people would know.

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Several doctors in the community have reached our to warn America. Dr. Lee had a lengthy interview August or September of this year. It seems the APA and some major news outlets have denied access to her speaking. It seems her associates were trying to reach out with an evaluation of what they as professionals were seeing and hearing from Mr. Trump BEFORE he entered 1600 PA. Ave. Corporations refused to give airtime.

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And they held a convention in DC on Sept 27/28 “The Increasingly More Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” with forensic psychiatrists, cult expert Steve Hassan, military experts, foreign affairs experts AND NO MAJOR MEDIA would cover it! It s available to view on line and is damning of Trump!

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I apologize if this has been mentioned elsewhere in this thread, but it’s very worthwhile to watch “Shrinking Trump” on YouTube. Drs. John Gartner and Harry Segal are psychiatric experts who examine trump’s increasing dementia & cognitive decline. They speak with authority, experience, statistics & humor. But their warnings are crystal clear. Watch it & see what you think. Last week’s guest appearance by George Conway was superb.

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Meliannos, I love George Conway, he minces no words when it comes to DonOld 😉😆

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I agree. "Shrinking Trump" is brilliant, I highly recommend subscribing on YouTube. And George Conway is a treasure, of course.

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Catherine, we should post the link to that video here and on other social media platforms.... get the word out as much as possible. I never heard of that conference, so I'm interested in listening to their opinions. Thanks for alerting us 🙏💕

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I've never heard of it either. Thank you

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Time for a repeat!

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What is the program to view and where to watch?

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The mental health community has been speaking out against his obvious mental illness and the danger it presents for almost a decade. (The longest decade of my life.) Dr. Bandy Lee, forensic psychiatrist at Yale, published “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” in 2017. It included 27 contributors from the mental health and legal fields. It is now in its 2nd edition. Mental health providers have been silenced for decades by the Goldwater Rule, but the legal community made it clear that we can speak out publicly if a person presents a clear danger to others. Leaders like Dr. Lee have. Minor players like myself have. But if people don’t read, don’t pay attention to anything outside the immediacy of their daily lives, or if they believe the con, our power is limited. It is frustrating and frightening.

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I know MANY people who only listen to what others say. They don't read anything.

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Dr. Lee has just sponsored a major conference with security & psychiatric experts doing just that. Here it is: https://youtu.be/2AhXXeCcZss?si=RW-mIYcG_8s90NFs Of course.corporate media ignored it as usual.

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Who knew?? We need them on CNN and MSNBC and PBS snd CBS and ABC.

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Honestly, the cult doesn’t care and the rest of us are still able to recognize what we’ve seen and heard from this guy for the past 9 years. We’re in an emotionally abusive relationship which waaaaay too many ppl seem to like.

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They have Dr Bandy X Lee lost her job at Yale over the book she edited on Trump c 2017 The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump

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Why hasn’t the MS media pick up this. Why is this clearly mentally ill man treated as normal? If you read a transcript of his rallies it is gobbledygook. Or his rally speeches that are calls to violence against fellow citizens… why isn’t this called out? Not covered as freedom of speech. There is something called incitement. I feel like I am in a huge mental health hospital and the inmates are running the institution… alternative facts anyone?

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Oh, but they have, all during these past nine years. The most recent was a "Duty to Warn" petition started in March that hundreds of mental health professionals have since signed, and more sign it each day.

The frustrating thing is that no matter how many mental health pros shout the alarm, it only reverberates through the echo chamber. Once again, maga minds are not swayed.

I saw many psychiatrists interviewed recently in a documentary that say they are pushing back against the criticism that they can't diagnose Trump as he is not their patient.

They say that conversely, since they are able to observe Trump on a daily basis in public, without the obfuscations he would say in a therapy setting, they are actually more apt to render an accurate diagnosis.

They have been shouting this all along. Perhaps the media has simply not reported on it, or not reported on it enough. A petition like that deserves far more attention than a 24-hour news cycle.


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Doesn’t get covered on main stream media!

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There is absolutely nothing they can say or do to dissuade his faithful MAGAts.

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The "psychiatric community"? Are you referring to the APA, the American Psychiatric Association? If so, then yes, I agree. Forensic psychiatrist and violence expert, Dr Bandy Lee (who is not a member of the APA) and dozens of her colleagues, have been speaking out about this since 2017. Yet another example of discrediting and not listening to the women who know - Anita Hill, Hillary Clinton, Dr Christine Blasey Ford (new info about Trump's DOJ burial of over 4,500 FBI tip-offs re Kavanaugh's sexual misconduct)... and look where we end up. 😢😡🤬

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The APA is like the AMA, a worthless group more interested in their wallets than anything else. My MD husband would never join the AMA.

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Another Thing To Worry About: "A US scientist who won the 2024 Nobel physics prize for his pioneering work on artificial intelligence said Tuesday he found recent advances in the technology "very unnerving" and warned of possible catastrophe if not kept in check. John Hopfield, a professor emeritus at Princeton, joined co-winner Geoffrey Hinton in calling for a deeper understanding of the inner workings of deep-learning systems to prevent them from spiraling out of control."... When You See Sam Altman, he appears to be as Serene as someone sitting on a Block of Ice in Hell... Let Hope For The Best...

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We dont need the psychiatric community to tell us. It's obvious except to the willfully blind (who may think they are profiting from it.)

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The higher up one goes in society, the more their insanity is accepted and excused by their peers. I have wondered whether that’s because they are equally afraid of having their own insanities exposed.

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I was feeling good about this election and now I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that people are going to be swayed by Donald and the rest of the MAGAts lies these next four weeks. I hate this so much.

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Remember, if the lies keep getting identified as lies by all of us, it could just as easily backfire on Trump

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Exactly! The felonious Russian stooge needs to be put where he belongs. Not the Oval Office but whatever prison welcomes lying treasonous turds!

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I would vote for adseg in that special place in Colorado from which there is no escape. Either that, or Guantánamo Bay.

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I just want to see a perp walk in an orange jumpsuit. And oh yeah - tell him he has to use the potty - no more diapers.

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And, keep in mind that the overwhelming feeling you are experiencing tonight is likely you are sensing the collective distress of all those people going through the hurricane who are also very exhausted. We are all, and everything else, is interconnected at a very fundamental level.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

Not to mention, for those HSP’s, empaths and other sensitives out there, there is a huge geomagnetic storm hitting Earth tonight. 4 out 5 intensity. The hits just keep coming. Do everything in your power to eat well, get enough sleep, be in Nature, meditate, whatever works to keep you on an even keel. We can do this!

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Deb, be in nature, and take in the aurora if you are able. Powerful natural events like this can be inspirational as well as disruptive. For a gifted child to witness such an event could open the mind to other great wonders.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

Dennis, yes! Nature is truly an antidote to everything going on in the world for sensitives and non-sensitives alike. Would love to catch the aurora - and - it’s always down to cloud cover, can I stay awake and will it reach me. This storm just might be visible where I am given its size.

Hmm on other great wonders. My mind is open and already pretty attuned to the ‘out there’. Wonder what lies beyond all the worlds I already frequent!

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Deb, keep your eyes peeled for the aurora, since the NOAA predicts a strong prospect for a class 3 CME impinging on the central US on Thurs. and Fri. nights. Happy watching!

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I’m glad you made that comment. I’m an empath and Trump has made my life almost unbearable. We should have some sort of FB group for empaths during the age of Trump.

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Laura Boatner, yes! Great idea.... I've been a total wreck since the orange Mussolini has been back in the news 24/7.

Take care 🙏💕

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And first time yesterday NYTimes Seneca Poll show Harris49% national polling DT 46% so she s edging up w 4 weeks to go plus 48 hr media blitz on Stern Kimmel The View 60 mins etc

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I am getting tired of Democrats winning the popular vote but losing the presidency because only the swing states matter. We need to closely watch the swing states and they are too close. They should not be,but it's the reality. Republicans will do everything in their power to suppress the vote.

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I fully expect that the GOP will again lose the popular vote & perhaps the vote in the rigged electoral college. Trump hasn’t done much to attract voters beyond his controlled base. Several states (including my own) & Speaker Mike Johnson are busily making sure local election boards can legally refuse to certify election results (e.g., Georgia) & throw the election into the House of Representatives. If that happens, we’re done & the American experiment is over.

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You're right, but I hope it doesn't come to that. I'm counting on Marc Elias to help with this possible snafu in vote certification.

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That’s all well and good, but Harris has to win in the battleground states to give her the electoral college majority.

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Thank you for the excellent advice!

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Deb, thank you for the reminder about the geomagnetic storm....no wonder I've been feeling so totally "off" and literally sick. I'm an empath and sensitive, lately I've been picking up some very concerning "vibes".

I thought it might just be the impending hurricanes, but I'm still feeling that it's something more.

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@Deb There are two good TED talks that explore interconnectiveness:

Darren Brown demonstrates it


Aaron O'Connell: Making sense of a visible quantum object, explains it


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Oct 11·edited Oct 11

Andy, thank you for the links! Excellent.

I came to the quantum world via the woo woo world (among other things, there’s a series of 5 books from the 1930’s about the Great Masters of the Far East - they talk about bi-location and other things the masters do).

I’ve experienced Deja vu since high school, ‘know things’ about ppl via convos they swear we’ve never had and seemingly pop in and out of alternate (parallel) realities. Have done some rudimentary remote viewing that has been spot on. It can be a little unsettling at times (ya’ think, lol). All that said, I have a strong background in info tech (since 1976) and seemingly walk in both worlds simultaneously.

Anything quantum fascinates me. Since it’s all energy the questions are literally endless. And the meaning of it all?? Well…… we all walk in the quantum field and are part of the one, whatever the one is!

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Although Darren Brown performs illusions, the TED talk was real, and there were no plants in the audience. I worked in computers, and one time I was tasked to recover a Unix server that the admin who set the password forgot. Everybody was locked out. I did what Darren Brown did and guessed it correctly, so I know what was on the TED video is possible.

I resonate with your comment about walking in a quantum field. But, for me, the universe has a layered structure. Everything exists in a vertical system made of an abstracted layer created by the brain, a physical layer that we directly experience, which is projected from a quantum substrate like a hologram. All three layers continually interact with each other to produce the reality we each experience.

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meteor coming soon, too

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

That would be me! Thank you for the reminder!

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IN ADDITION TO. These destructive weather events are contributing to the overall anxiety. I have no doubt that is exactly what that PRICK running his fear mongering lies campaign wants.

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Yes, fear can be an incapacitating mechanism.

But, consider that fear is also a lot like hunger pain. Both are a primitive form of communication of the reptilian brain. hunger pains tell you to go out, find food, and eat something. Fear says there might be trouble here, but something is missing. go out and uncover the hidden information.

Don't believe me? watch your cat when it plays hide and seek when you scare it. how many times does it peek at you from around the corner after it runs off and hides? that's it's fear response telling it to gather more information.

Once we have all the information, the fear goes away and we are not fearful anymore. we become determined

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Well said and I totally agree with you. Thanks!

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I agree, Carrie. Voters "believing" in Donald's (disaster) lies does NOT make sense.

Thank you, Mary, for your 2nd column today. 💙

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That's the plan. And I hope it doesn't work. He wants us all to feel hopeless.

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The mainstream media is the source of uncertainty on Harris winning. She will win in a landslide. Mary already said it. Corporate media is dying and it’s desperate to keep a horse race going that looks evenly matched. It’s not. Trump and crew are the masters of foot bullets.

They will lose big time.

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That is what would make sense. I want to believe it. And I want tRump to quietly concede - but I know he won't and that is what keeps me awake at night.

I know several Harris supporters in this community but no one dares put out a sign. I won't. I had a man jump out of his truck at a stoplight and start beating on my car window with his fists prior to 2016. From what I could translate out of his unintelligible noises it had something to do with my Bernie bumpersticker.

There are but a few Trump signs though - even where they had signs in 2020. But I have to go to a different town in a different state for groceries. I wish I had a photo to show you of the first house you come to in that town. It is scary. I know one woman here who stocked up on Trump shit - a hat, stickers, etc - in 2020 because she was afraid there would be roadblocks and loyalty demands at the state line and/or elsewhere. I kind of laughed at her. Kind of.

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Carrie my feeling is the weather .

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

Try to turn your thoughts around as this is Exactly what they want us to do...(Despair and then give up hope and then think a Donald "win" is inevitable). It is all psychological warfare....very deliberate!

Hold onto positive thoughts!

I get all my news from Palmer Report. It has kept me sane since 2016 when the horror began....


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We need to deliver a defining blow every day we have left to eliminate Donald Chernobyl forever.

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If we just keep getting people registered, we'll be in pretty good shape.

Take heart, Sister.....we've got this...............

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Democrats need to push back on every lie by the republicans and particularly by Trump and Vance.

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he literally doesn’t care if his own supporters die

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That’s exactly what happened during Covid.

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Dear G-d, Smite him!

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Scathing review of your uncle's inability for compassion for anyone, not even himself. He's one of the scariest individuals I've ever known. You've produced another outstanding article this evening for us. Thank You, Mary and will reStack ASAP 💯👍🇺🇸💙🌊

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COVENS UNITE!!! Render Mar-a-Lago


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They are safe down there, that’s our only part of the state will see rain at most. I’m in tampa and in the middle of it right now, no power and hoping for the best while everyone at Mar-a-Lago is absolutely not concerned for the gulf coast at all.

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They never are

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Be safe! Hope all will be well for you down there inspite of damage. Beautiful spot!

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And that's shameful but then again, it's DJT we're talking about!

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🙏🏼praying for all affected 🙏🏼

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Linda Ferris, so mote it be ! The sooner the better. Too bad he wasn't in Mar-a-Lardo and a hurricane blew him out to sea, right off of his cherished beach front property. 🧹✨🪄🧹

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Omg Mary I can't imagine what it must be like to have this monster for an uncle.

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She's very brave to speak out like this. She's a real hero. The American people owe her a lot.

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She is a hero

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And I thought my uncle was bad!

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Worse living and growing up in the same house 🏠

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I’m also a Kathleen Rose 😊

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This is the party of lies. Sick that the Felon is starting to blame the Democrats giving FEMA money to undocumented immigrants. This is sick. They seem to blame immigrants for everything. These people need to lose bad next month.

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Those people are too stupid to realize that they would be lost without immigrants.

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Just as we would be lost without pollinators if the repugnantKKKans eliminate the EPA.

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You are correct! I'm somewhat amazed at how little people understand about how our planet works these days. For me, that's something that has always been of interest.

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“As human beings, we are vulnerable to confusing the unprecedented with the improbable. In our everyday experience, if something has never happened before, we are generally safe in assuming it is not going to happen in the future, but the exceptions can kill you and climate change is one of those exceptions.”

—-Al Gore

As Donald runs the fascist playbook to dehumanize immigrants, the Dems are out there rescuing the innocent victims of this frightening and deadly storm. But let’s remember Donald did throw some paper towels to chip in his small part. Thank you, Mary!

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Ha ha funny. Thank you. They could call it BOUNTY.

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💯🎯🎯Absolutely Lisa !

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This one for the Lincoln Project Lisa !!!🎯

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I love the graphic of a B52(?) Ejecting Paper towels over the affected areas.

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Thanks for all you do. You are such a breath of fresh air.

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I truly despise this man. Not just for his blatant abuse of power and constant lies but his complete disregard for human life and the people he supposedly wants to serve as president. He only cares about himself and money. Nothing and no one else.

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I'm reading

"On Disinformation: How to Fight for Truth and Protect Democracy" by Lee McIntyre

Ten ways everyone helps stop disinformation in its tracks are in Chapter 6 "How to Win the War on Truth" as long as we all do everything we can.

🔶️Confront the liars🔶️Be a truth teller🔶️Resist polarization🔶️Realize the zombie foot soldiers are victims too🔶️Tune out the BS that there's nothing you can do🔶️Don't fall for false solutions that take 30 years to do🔶️It's false to claim good information stops bad information, it does not🔶️Engage in political activism🔶️Know you are not alone🔶️Keep learning more how disinformation works


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I am so tired of the word disinformation.A lie is a lie is a lie. The poorly educated base doesn’t know what disinformation is, but they know what a lie is.

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Lie and the lying liars that create the lies! Me too. A lie is a lie is a lie. Misinformation can be accidental but lies are intentional and Donald Trumps speciality. I don’t want to lose our democracy so I really don’t care whose tender feelings are hurt. Read “Bullshit”. Trump is our very own Hitler and simultaneously Putin’s “useful idiot”. Fighting for our lives.

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Totally agree! It’s a kind of white washing of lying. Or a diminishment of the word so it doesn’t seem as serious.

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Join us. 😊

For how I do more and worry less in politics, I enjoy Simon Rosenberg's site on SubStack called Hopium Chronicles.


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I've run out of adjectives to call this piece of sh__. People are dying. Who are these "Americans" living among us that support this cancerous freak?

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Sick of them blaming non existent migrants

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Nancy Marzano, I'm rather fond of Michael Cohen's moniker for the orange Mussolini --->Vonshitzenpants 🤣

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One of my favorites, too!

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I don't understand how people can't remember his horrible handling of COVID. We were reminded of it this week when we heard about his gift to Putin. About 5 years too late but thanks anyway Bob. Got anything about Nixon you want to get off your chest?

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Jim Ryan, yes! I feel the same way. I was disgusted with Woodward. He's only interested in selling his books. One has to draw the line at some point. 😞

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The storm has intensified, and it is expected to be the worst hurricane event in a hundred years.

It will not be possible to travel tonight as widespread power outages are expected to knockout all street lighting. You will not be able to see the road in the dark with all the wind and rain, or to clear the amount of water pouring onto a windshield. Trees will be falling all over the place, and flying debris is expected to form barriers across roads. Bridges and roads can be taken out by wash at least fifteen feet deep.

The whitehouse has setup a reddit account to provide live textual updates to people, as Twitter has become inaccessible to many users ever since Elon Musk bought it and turned it into X:


Democracy Docket’s Sophie Feldman discusses the measures officials have taken to ensure elections will run smoothly in post hit hurricane states.

How Hurricanes Helene and Milton Are Impacting the 2024 Election


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I feel my footsteps needing more power daily

As the depth of the lies keeps increasing

Into a sticky goo of smelly nonsense

Swarming with MAGA insects

Trying to swallow my shoes

Freezing me into a Kafka nightmare

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Jim Sanders, perfectly said, my feelings exactly 💯.

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I’ll never understand the Trump situation and why or how he attracts some really intelligent

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