Judy, the sad thing is that those who cling to Trump don't know that he is poison and cannot seem to be held accountable for anything he does, even when it's done to them. They never learn.
We can’t afford to wait for them to get over themselves. We need to get ahead of this and cause as much dsmage as we can. Damage does NOT IMPLY PYSICSLA it means the law LAW HARM LAW DAMAGE. LAW HARM. NOE !!!
They kissed his butt and then he insulted them. Back stabbers. Dunces. Scammers. Dishonesty, incompetence and stupidity. Prerequisites for consideration in the new administration.
Heard that Cheetolini has discarded all his toilet paper and dismantled the bidet, he’s afraid he’ll get an anal irritation rash from all the obsequious butt lickers, and there’s no need to waste water and paper on personal toiliting hygiene, maybe that will qualify for some environmental street cred.
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Facing ferocious viewer backlash from their visit to Mar-a-Lago, the hosts of “Morning Joe” claimed on Tuesday that they visited Donald J. Trump’s estate only to take a look at the nuclear codes.
This just in from Andy Borowitz Mourning Joe and Brzezinski only went to Mara-Iago to see the nuclear codes; “As soon as we got there, we headed straight for the bathroom to see them,” Joe Scarborough said.
Scarborough acknowledged that he and his co-host, Mika Brzezinski, saw Trump “in passing,” but added, “Honest to God, that’s not why we went. We totally forgot that he lived there.”
For her part, Brzezinski was philosophical about the show’s possible cancellation, stating, “At least I’d finally get to talk.”
You've got to be kidding if they think any viewer with eyes, ears and half a brain would believe that BS. Hope they cancel that show;don't need anymore liers.
They helped create the monster. The monster turned on them. Because they were ashamed of what they had done, they turned on the monster. But the monster didn't die. It has risen from the ashes and is more ferocious than ever. So they try to placate the monster. The monster will turn on them again, it's in the monster's nature.
DJT is a Mob Boss... If DJT doesn't make Threats, one of his Minions Does... That was one of the Reasons that DJT owns the GOP... Per Stephanie Ruhl of MSNBC, she got a Call from one of the Minions reminding her that DJT doesn't forget... OBW: " Russian ballet star Vladimir Shklyarov died on Saturday after falling from the fifth floor of a building."... Shklyarov was a Critic of Putin....
Thanks Mary for your bravery and honesty and for sticking fat with your principles of integrity in face of the dangers which the felon could direct at you. Sending lots of love and hope your way from Rosebud Melbourne Australia. Kindest Regards Kerry Hoobin
They have made the classic mistake of people who are co-dependent to sex and drug addicts, narcissists, abusers, etc. - you can’t expect a normal healthy rational conversation with a pathological mentally deficient person.
It’s pathological on their part. Thinking they can sane wash this only wraps them into the problem and they by even requesting a meeting diminished all the good work they have done these last few years offering a small port in this storm of chaos. They are deeply naive and flawed in their reasoning and it’s only a matter of time before it all backlashes on them.
In actuality only 30% voted for him taking into account the 90M Americans who didn’t vote. Our country is already experiencing post traumatic stress from the last decade. Their hubris and ignorance of mental health has weakened the good they could have done. Sad, frustrating, deluded, ridiculous …
True. Is that Portugal I hear calling? Or Spain? Or — I’ll even take Guatamala or Panama, or Colombia. Seems as though the New World has moved to a new neighborhood.
Mary, this is beyond nauseating. God help the decent citizens of the US and all countries who have come to rely on the leadership of democracy. This pushes all the alarms and put the free world on high alert. Scared and beyond angry.
I can never take them seriously or trust them again. I hope they lose all their viewers and get fired. Mika and Joe loved to talk about spineless Republicans who kissed tRump's orange butt. They are probably walking around with an orange halo around their lips. Jerks.
I asked my personal AI Assistant for her thoughts on the wisdom (or not) of the visit to Mar-a-Lago by Mika and Joe. Here is what she said:
The decision of journalists like Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough to visit Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago raises significant ethical concerns in journalism, especially when the subject in question exhibits authoritarian tendencies. Here are the key reasons why such visits are problematic for top journalists:
1. Compromising Objectivity
• Perception of Bias: Visiting a political figure, particularly one as polarizing as Trump, can create a perception of partiality or favoritism, even if the interaction is professional. For journalists, the appearance of objectivity is as crucial as objectivity itself.
• Conflict of Interest: Personal or social interactions with a public figure may blur the line between reporting on them critically and maintaining a relationship.
2. Legitimizing Authoritarianism
• Normalizing Antidemocratic Behavior: Engaging socially with an avowedly fascist or authoritarian figure risks normalizing their conduct. It can signal that their actions are within the bounds of acceptable political behavior, even when they undermine democratic norms.
• Platforming Harmful Ideologies: By engaging with Trump in a non-critical manner, journalists may inadvertently amplify his rhetoric or policy positions, lending credibility to views that threaten democratic institutions.
3. Undermining Public Trust in Media
• Erosion of Credibility: The public relies on journalists to hold powerful figures accountable. Socializing with someone who is openly antagonistic to the press and democratic principles undermines this role and could lead to accusations of complicity or hypocrisy.
• Fostering Cynicism: Such interactions may foster public cynicism about the press's commitment to its watchdog role, reinforcing the belief that media figures are part of an elite class disconnected from the public’s concerns.
4. Ethical Concerns in Covering a Subject
• Access Journalism: Visiting someone like Trump may reflect an overemphasis on maintaining access rather than prioritizing hard-hitting, investigative reporting.
• Compromised Coverage: Personal relationships or encounters may make it difficult for journalists to cover their subject with the rigor and detachment required.
5. Facilitating Manipulation
• Exploitation by Trump: An authoritarian-leaning figure like Trump could use such meetings to manipulate the journalists, gaining favorable coverage or exploiting the encounter to legitimize their position.
• Media as Propaganda Tool: Authoritarians often use interactions with journalists to bolster their image, portraying them as cooperative or conciliatory even when their policies are not.
Ethical Imperatives for Journalists
• Transparency: Journalists must ensure their methods and motives are clear to the public. Visiting a controversial figure in private without clear journalistic purpose invites suspicion.
• Accountability to Democratic Principles: The press has a responsibility to uphold democratic values, particularly when reporting on leaders who threaten them.
• Avoiding Dual Roles: Journalists should avoid being perceived as both critics and confidants of those they report on, especially figures whose leadership is antithetical to the press's role in a democracy.
Contextual Considerations
While journalists sometimes engage with controversial figures to gather insights, the context of the relationship and the public nature of the interaction are critical. In the case of Trump, whose antagonism toward the press and democratic norms is well-documented, any private, non-journalistic meeting is likely to be viewed as inappropriate or harmful to the journalist’s role as an impartial observer and critic.
In summary, visits like those by Brzezinski and Scarborough to Mar-a-Lago risk compromising journalistic ethics, legitimizing antidemocratic behavior, and eroding public trust in the media’s role as a watchdog for democracy.
Thanks for reporting this to us, Mike! I hope it’s all right with you that I’m going to post this AI response somewhere else and tribute it to your name since you did it.
Hi, Lee. Feel free to repost wherever with or without attribution. I intend to write an essay for Together For Good that takes up the broader issue of erosion of norms in the coming autocracy, which has already begun and will use some of this in that essay as well.
Yes Bob Woodward is so compromised because he talked with a known Facist. Burn his books and foul him out !!! Intelligent people can talk with opinionated odd balls and not lose their way..
Hi, Charlie. You make a point worth pondering. Is there no difference between Joe and Mika's meeting with Trump on the one hand and Bob Woodward's many interviews with him on the other? Worth thinking about. One distinction that comes to mind is that Woodward's interviews were on the record and formed the basis for a book. Joe and Mika gave us only a cursory summary of what they talked about that did not include what the President-elect said.
I'm writing a longer essay about this and will try to incorporate your thought.
They take the good and make it bad. And the bad and make it good. I don't know what the heck people are thinking. Right is right and wrong is wrong. And Trump is the WRONG man for the American people.
He is of course. And the irony is that he didn't get any more voters this time than he did last time when he lost. It's just that the majority stayed home. Shame on them.
That's okay! Pay backs are going to be hell when he dishes it back to them. And when they get go spend 50% higher in their grocery costs and in their electronics.
Every new cabinet selection he makes just proves the inmates truly will be running the asylum...pardon my crude language , please...when.will the real republicans ( lower case intended!) find the " cahones " sp? to rise up.against this man?
For goodness sake...won't some of find the honor within you that John McCaine stood for all his life? Shame on.you!
Mika's ancestral country, Poland suffered being cut off from radio and press communication as soon as Stalin's forces swept through it in 1945. Then, it was decreed by the Soviet operatives that any Pole found with an operating radio transmitter would be executed summarily. This was how the "Iron Curtain" came to be. Weakness and cowardice exhibited by the presumed keepers of the First Amendment only will draw us deeper toward the abyss. Now, only we can save us.
I used to watch them every morning. Not now. I will miss their guests, especially Rev Al and Clair. They need to put Michael Steele and Katy Kay in as anchors. Love your blog Mary.
I never cared to watch either of them. He has always seemed patronizing to me. I stopped watching cable news networks over 2 years ago. The occasional Lawrence O'Donnell while VP was campaigning. Once the election was over I stopped doing that even. We have to all get behind independent journalism. Remember extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures!
Mika and her crockadille tears on the View a few weeks back........she gets the rottton tomato/turncoat of the year award. Satan must be doing the happy dance.
I think the reason Bezos didn’t endorse Kamala was he was let in on the secret that all the billionaires knew - that the election was fixed. Why else would Trump tell his followers that they didn’t need to vote???? Musk or Russia provided the hack to make sure Trump would win.
Sounds like you’ve been hoodwinked by the allure of conspiracy theorists. However, who knows how corrupt for power are these Oligarchs billionaires. It seems conflicts of interest is going to be the driving force for the next 4 years. It is tragic to watch the dismantling of this country by amoral AssHats, and an ignorant electorate.
Alice Sturdy hasn't been hoodwinked. She's looking at the discrepancies - low turnout? really? repro rights initiatives passing but those voters voted for the enemy of any civil rights? doubtful, and so on and on - and concluding that all those boasts, not just 'you won't need to vote' but the variations on 'the election is rigged' which was and admission not an accusation including on 11/4 when he said at his final rally "they cheat, they always cheat, it's sad" and his little smile indicated that he was boasting/admitting (again). It was voter-nullification and vote-creation by software - not in the voting machines, there are too many of them, but in the tabulation software in counties and states. Virtually undetectable unless people thoroughly compare the results spit out by the software with the original data. (I don't know that for sure, but it stands to reason and it explains the weirdnesses.)
I sure hope our allies are figuring this out, even if the US doesn't, or all the other democracies will be falling like dominoes.
There is actually a letter to Harris written by high level computer scientists regarding the irregularities and how they were accomplished. I think it would take a bit of digging: the person who posted it in a comments section I read found it in a Reddit.
I still watch, and trust, several folks at MSNBC. I think, in particular, The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell has been outstanding in presenting the truth, with great guests, and without sinking into cynicism, despair, or capitulation.
They want to stay on his good side. Oh wait, he doesn’t have a good side! Shame on them.
Everything Trump touches….dies.
Absolutely, Judy. Trump is a psychopath and everyone in relationship with him will suffer.
Judy, the sad thing is that those who cling to Trump don't know that he is poison and cannot seem to be held accountable for anything he does, even when it's done to them. They never learn.
Not only shame on them, but woe to them—no matter how much groveling they do.
They think he’ll lurve them now! Ha!!
Not Mr Tantrum Pants... once you're on his shit list, you stay there.
Hello, how are you? Can you please send me a direct message? because I have to ask you something right away
Yes Russell?
They've always been smarmy, both of them. Icky, creepy smarmy. Groveling is in their nature.
Think it’s woe to us. They are stuck in shock and awe. We don’t have time for that. It’s our time for action !
We can’t afford to wait for them to get over themselves. We need to get ahead of this and cause as much dsmage as we can. Damage does NOT IMPLY PYSICSLA it means the law LAW HARM LAW DAMAGE. LAW HARM. NOE !!!
They kissed his butt and then he insulted them. Back stabbers. Dunces. Scammers. Dishonesty, incompetence and stupidity. Prerequisites for consideration in the new administration.
Heard that Cheetolini has discarded all his toilet paper and dismantled the bidet, he’s afraid he’ll get an anal irritation rash from all the obsequious butt lickers, and there’s no need to waste water and paper on personal toiliting hygiene, maybe that will qualify for some environmental street cred.
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Facing ferocious viewer backlash from their visit to Mar-a-Lago, the hosts of “Morning Joe” claimed on Tuesday that they visited Donald J. Trump’s estate only to take a look at the nuclear codes.
This just in from Andy Borowitz Mourning Joe and Brzezinski only went to Mara-Iago to see the nuclear codes; “As soon as we got there, we headed straight for the bathroom to see them,” Joe Scarborough said.
Scarborough acknowledged that he and his co-host, Mika Brzezinski, saw Trump “in passing,” but added, “Honest to God, that’s not why we went. We totally forgot that he lived there.”
For her part, Brzezinski was philosophical about the show’s possible cancellation, stating, “At least I’d finally get to talk.”
They checked in on Melania's bedroom to catch her in the middle of a threesome with the secret service dude and the cleaning women.
Before the cleaning women are deported, that is. 😑
Love that Mr.Borowitz! 🤗
You've got to be kidding if they think any viewer with eyes, ears and half a brain would believe that BS. Hope they cancel that show;don't need anymore liers.
Hello, how are you? Can you please send me a direct message? because I have to ask you something right away
They helped create the monster. The monster turned on them. Because they were ashamed of what they had done, they turned on the monster. But the monster didn't die. It has risen from the ashes and is more ferocious than ever. So they try to placate the monster. The monster will turn on them again, it's in the monster's nature.
DJT is a Mob Boss... If DJT doesn't make Threats, one of his Minions Does... That was one of the Reasons that DJT owns the GOP... Per Stephanie Ruhl of MSNBC, she got a Call from one of the Minions reminding her that DJT doesn't forget... OBW: " Russian ballet star Vladimir Shklyarov died on Saturday after falling from the fifth floor of a building."... Shklyarov was a Critic of Putin....
No. Dijt is a front man for a mob boss. He doesn't have the brains to be a mob boss. His mob boss has money and blackmail power.
Peter- exactly right
Monsters breath fire, he just blows smoke.
Thanks for your lovely comment and encouragement, please kindly send me a message I'll respond back!
Don is a sociopathic narcissist: Mika and Joe “didn’t do that to him.” He’s been a loser his whole pathetically, wasted life.
"you do not ever make common cause with fascists." That's right.
Thanks Mary for your bravery and honesty and for sticking fat with your principles of integrity in face of the dangers which the felon could direct at you. Sending lots of love and hope your way from Rosebud Melbourne Australia. Kindest Regards Kerry Hoobin
Thanks for your lovely comment and encouragement, please kindly send me a message I'll respond back!
They have made the classic mistake of people who are co-dependent to sex and drug addicts, narcissists, abusers, etc. - you can’t expect a normal healthy rational conversation with a pathological mentally deficient person.
It’s pathological on their part. Thinking they can sane wash this only wraps them into the problem and they by even requesting a meeting diminished all the good work they have done these last few years offering a small port in this storm of chaos. They are deeply naive and flawed in their reasoning and it’s only a matter of time before it all backlashes on them.
In actuality only 30% voted for him taking into account the 90M Americans who didn’t vote. Our country is already experiencing post traumatic stress from the last decade. Their hubris and ignorance of mental health has weakened the good they could have done. Sad, frustrating, deluded, ridiculous …
Exactly ! And you are self aware enough to recognize that we ARE all suffering from PTSD and Trump is to blame ! I hate this !
True. Is that Portugal I hear calling? Or Spain? Or — I’ll even take Guatamala or Panama, or Colombia. Seems as though the New World has moved to a new neighborhood.
Mary, this is beyond nauseating. God help the decent citizens of the US and all countries who have come to rely on the leadership of democracy. This pushes all the alarms and put the free world on high alert. Scared and beyond angry.
Same here, Sherri
And then he went on his stupid app and basically ripped them a new one. They have no shame - how humiliating.
I agree 100%—they should know that he can’t be trusted!
Shallow, Shallow people. Not watching anymore and Mika should resign from her "know your value 50/50".
I can never take them seriously or trust them again. I hope they lose all their viewers and get fired. Mika and Joe loved to talk about spineless Republicans who kissed tRump's orange butt. They are probably walking around with an orange halo around their lips. Jerks.
According to Andy Borowitz, their last five viewers left them.
Great material for SNL, though. 😅
I never could stomach them. Couldn't understand why they were given all of those hours to waste on MSNBC.
Mika looks like a real hypocrite at this point.
I asked my personal AI Assistant for her thoughts on the wisdom (or not) of the visit to Mar-a-Lago by Mika and Joe. Here is what she said:
The decision of journalists like Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough to visit Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago raises significant ethical concerns in journalism, especially when the subject in question exhibits authoritarian tendencies. Here are the key reasons why such visits are problematic for top journalists:
1. Compromising Objectivity
• Perception of Bias: Visiting a political figure, particularly one as polarizing as Trump, can create a perception of partiality or favoritism, even if the interaction is professional. For journalists, the appearance of objectivity is as crucial as objectivity itself.
• Conflict of Interest: Personal or social interactions with a public figure may blur the line between reporting on them critically and maintaining a relationship.
2. Legitimizing Authoritarianism
• Normalizing Antidemocratic Behavior: Engaging socially with an avowedly fascist or authoritarian figure risks normalizing their conduct. It can signal that their actions are within the bounds of acceptable political behavior, even when they undermine democratic norms.
• Platforming Harmful Ideologies: By engaging with Trump in a non-critical manner, journalists may inadvertently amplify his rhetoric or policy positions, lending credibility to views that threaten democratic institutions.
3. Undermining Public Trust in Media
• Erosion of Credibility: The public relies on journalists to hold powerful figures accountable. Socializing with someone who is openly antagonistic to the press and democratic principles undermines this role and could lead to accusations of complicity or hypocrisy.
• Fostering Cynicism: Such interactions may foster public cynicism about the press's commitment to its watchdog role, reinforcing the belief that media figures are part of an elite class disconnected from the public’s concerns.
4. Ethical Concerns in Covering a Subject
• Access Journalism: Visiting someone like Trump may reflect an overemphasis on maintaining access rather than prioritizing hard-hitting, investigative reporting.
• Compromised Coverage: Personal relationships or encounters may make it difficult for journalists to cover their subject with the rigor and detachment required.
5. Facilitating Manipulation
• Exploitation by Trump: An authoritarian-leaning figure like Trump could use such meetings to manipulate the journalists, gaining favorable coverage or exploiting the encounter to legitimize their position.
• Media as Propaganda Tool: Authoritarians often use interactions with journalists to bolster their image, portraying them as cooperative or conciliatory even when their policies are not.
Ethical Imperatives for Journalists
• Transparency: Journalists must ensure their methods and motives are clear to the public. Visiting a controversial figure in private without clear journalistic purpose invites suspicion.
• Accountability to Democratic Principles: The press has a responsibility to uphold democratic values, particularly when reporting on leaders who threaten them.
• Avoiding Dual Roles: Journalists should avoid being perceived as both critics and confidants of those they report on, especially figures whose leadership is antithetical to the press's role in a democracy.
Contextual Considerations
While journalists sometimes engage with controversial figures to gather insights, the context of the relationship and the public nature of the interaction are critical. In the case of Trump, whose antagonism toward the press and democratic norms is well-documented, any private, non-journalistic meeting is likely to be viewed as inappropriate or harmful to the journalist’s role as an impartial observer and critic.
In summary, visits like those by Brzezinski and Scarborough to Mar-a-Lago risk compromising journalistic ethics, legitimizing antidemocratic behavior, and eroding public trust in the media’s role as a watchdog for democracy.
Great work AI!!
Wow! That is a deeply considered and well thought out analysis. There may very well be hope for AI.
Thanks for reporting this to us, Mike! I hope it’s all right with you that I’m going to post this AI response somewhere else and tribute it to your name since you did it.
Hi, Lee. Feel free to repost wherever with or without attribution. I intend to write an essay for Together For Good that takes up the broader issue of erosion of norms in the coming autocracy, which has already begun and will use some of this in that essay as well.
Hi Mike, is “together for good” your SubStack? I want to know how I can find you so I can follow your writings. Thanks!
Yes, Together For Good is my Substack. Here is the link: https://perfectingrol.substack.com/
Thanks for the support.
Yes Bob Woodward is so compromised because he talked with a known Facist. Burn his books and foul him out !!! Intelligent people can talk with opinionated odd balls and not lose their way..
Hi, Charlie. You make a point worth pondering. Is there no difference between Joe and Mika's meeting with Trump on the one hand and Bob Woodward's many interviews with him on the other? Worth thinking about. One distinction that comes to mind is that Woodward's interviews were on the record and formed the basis for a book. Joe and Mika gave us only a cursory summary of what they talked about that did not include what the President-elect said.
I'm writing a longer essay about this and will try to incorporate your thought.
AI for President!!!
They take the good and make it bad. And the bad and make it good. I don't know what the heck people are thinking. Right is right and wrong is wrong. And Trump is the WRONG man for the American people.
He is of course. And the irony is that he didn't get any more voters this time than he did last time when he lost. It's just that the majority stayed home. Shame on them.
That's okay! Pay backs are going to be hell when he dishes it back to them. And when they get go spend 50% higher in their grocery costs and in their electronics.
Every new cabinet selection he makes just proves the inmates truly will be running the asylum...pardon my crude language , please...when.will the real republicans ( lower case intended!) find the " cahones " sp? to rise up.against this man?
For goodness sake...won't some of find the honor within you that John McCaine stood for all his life? Shame on.you!
I am totally disgusted and disappointed and will never watch Morning Joe again.
I understand that journalists are afraid but we need you now more than ever to speak truth!
We need you to hold our politicians accountable, especially tRump.
We cannot obey in advance. He wins if we don't stand up to him.
Mika's ancestral country, Poland suffered being cut off from radio and press communication as soon as Stalin's forces swept through it in 1945. Then, it was decreed by the Soviet operatives that any Pole found with an operating radio transmitter would be executed summarily. This was how the "Iron Curtain" came to be. Weakness and cowardice exhibited by the presumed keepers of the First Amendment only will draw us deeper toward the abyss. Now, only we can save us.
We count on you, Mary, to keep plugging your uncle where it hurts most, his fragile 6-year old's ego.
(That old? I don't think so. More like 2.)
Her dad is rolling over in his grave.
I am disgusted -- and I never watched Morning Joke at all!
Well stated!
I used to watch them every morning. Not now. I will miss their guests, especially Rev Al and Clair. They need to put Michael Steele and Katy Kay in as anchors. Love your blog Mary.
Great suggestions!
Of course they sold out
I really expected better from them. Especially Mika.
I didn’t. Morning Joe’s journalism is like what soft porn is to its hardcore counterparts—squishy, filtered, fuzzy, barely visible, and dishonest.
I never cared to watch either of them. He has always seemed patronizing to me. I stopped watching cable news networks over 2 years ago. The occasional Lawrence O'Donnell while VP was campaigning. Once the election was over I stopped doing that even. We have to all get behind independent journalism. Remember extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures!
In the 100 or so days leading up to the election, I didn't view them that way at all.
Especially when she talks about women to know your value. A bunch of HogWash
Mika and her crockadille tears on the View a few weeks back........she gets the rottton tomato/turncoat of the year award. Satan must be doing the happy dance.
I think the reason Bezos didn’t endorse Kamala was he was let in on the secret that all the billionaires knew - that the election was fixed. Why else would Trump tell his followers that they didn’t need to vote???? Musk or Russia provided the hack to make sure Trump would win.
Sounds like you’ve been hoodwinked by the allure of conspiracy theorists. However, who knows how corrupt for power are these Oligarchs billionaires. It seems conflicts of interest is going to be the driving force for the next 4 years. It is tragic to watch the dismantling of this country by amoral AssHats, and an ignorant electorate.
Alice Sturdy hasn't been hoodwinked. She's looking at the discrepancies - low turnout? really? repro rights initiatives passing but those voters voted for the enemy of any civil rights? doubtful, and so on and on - and concluding that all those boasts, not just 'you won't need to vote' but the variations on 'the election is rigged' which was and admission not an accusation including on 11/4 when he said at his final rally "they cheat, they always cheat, it's sad" and his little smile indicated that he was boasting/admitting (again). It was voter-nullification and vote-creation by software - not in the voting machines, there are too many of them, but in the tabulation software in counties and states. Virtually undetectable unless people thoroughly compare the results spit out by the software with the original data. (I don't know that for sure, but it stands to reason and it explains the weirdnesses.)
I sure hope our allies are figuring this out, even if the US doesn't, or all the other democracies will be falling like dominoes.
Perhaps it’s more wishful thinking rather than being hoodwinked. But it’s not beyond the realm of possibilities…….
There is actually a letter to Harris written by high level computer scientists regarding the irregularities and how they were accomplished. I think it would take a bit of digging: the person who posted it in a comments section I read found it in a Reddit.
Have to agree with you ! But I’m not going to stand by and watch ! I just have to figure out WHAT it is that I can
Do !
I still watch, and trust, several folks at MSNBC. I think, in particular, The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell has been outstanding in presenting the truth, with great guests, and without sinking into cynicism, despair, or capitulation.
Don’t believe Rachel, Joy and Chris will ever bow to tRUMP
And Joy, Chris Hayes and Rachel are great to watch
Selling their souls to the devil....