Oh boy...cats sometimes know when a person is going to pass away I wonder if Cap is sensing the death of democracy? He is beautiful. His picture and your story turned my mood around. You captured perfectly the death of empathy and the rise of white supremacy in this country. Will fascism win? It seems to me (and perhaps, Cap) that democracy is now in hospice care.

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This is well said. We've got this. 👍

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I love cats - ever since I was a farm boy years ago. As a boy I saw a mother cat use body language to get me to open a door she needed to bring her young litter down. After that, they seem wise. I even sense possible esp with them. Wonderful wise creatures.

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Mary thank you for your wonderfully import writings & your cat’s picture and sharing her hug!

Always Marie

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Mary, I think it would be a great thing to remodel Trump's MUG SHOT by putting MASHED POTATO all over the top of his head. You know, as if a big bowl of it had been overturned there for some reason. Then his mug shot will be perfect. If you ask me.

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How to stem the tide of hate and cruelty? I saw the "be kind" sign everywhere during the pandemic, but it seems to have vanished. What happened to the Golden Rule, which is at the center of every belief system? And just garden -variety decency? It is hard to believe these values will prevail. Greed is the Creed and hatred increasingly the MO.

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Beautiful, and very important message, Mary! ❤️

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Nice cat. I'm exhausted by faux Khristians. They wouldn't know the Golden Rule if it kicked them in the ass. They must have another Jesus. This new b.s. about "muscular cCristianity" is addressed in Du Mez's John Wayne and Jesus. As for misogyny, read Jack Holland's Misogyny. For women, it is incredibly revelatory. Misogyny is called "the oldest prejudice."

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Q - "Why, do so many of us continue to believe that helping people—those less fortunate than we are or those different from us—is seen as a threat to the majority?"

A - "They have been groomed and conditioned with narcissism." https://samray.substack.com/p/how-did-trump-steal-the-gop-and-turn#details

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Oh, I LOVE the photo of CAP! I love the way you photographed him. Was that when he was still attached to your leg?? I also had a cat who was not affection very ofteb and wouldn't cuddle or even be held much, but ne slept at the end of my bed every night. But, if I would be in my bed and cry (the only place my daughter wouldn't hear me) my cat would walk up to me and lay on the pillow ON TOP OF MY HEAD AND PURR!!! And I'm talking EVERY time I cried, which happened, like, 3 to 4 times a month (maybe less). How lovely is that?!? So, I get it, we gotta take it when we can, right? Love ya and can't wait for another 'Mary Trump and the Nerd Avengers. God, I miss you so much. But I get that the negativity of the topics and the opinions could add up to become a toxin for you. I know you love them all, but too much is simply too much. I get you girlfriend! Blessings and Light! ~Maddy

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Although many of our problems can be traced back to "White Supremacy" in America, I feel like ALL of the current problems we are experiencing can be traced to one man-child alone: Donald "the wannabe Dictator" Trump. I downloaded Donny's mug shot so I can show my son what pure EVIL looks like!

Most people see (what Trump is attempting to portray) strength & viciousness. I see a BULLY who has FINALLY BEEN CAUGHT by the Truent Officer! A "King Baby" bereft of any human soul whatsoever.

I am saddened and dismayed by our current society, which is why I am planning to move to Eastern Europe. Unfortunately, I can not wait to leave this cesspool we so cordially refer to as "society."

I will continue, for now, to endeavor in hopes that the "logical" Democrats best the "Radical Reds" and return this country to it's once shining glory! ~ Jay in Tucson

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I don’t believe all of the problems can be traced back to him though. Those folks with their racist ideas existed all along; somehow he brought them out into the open. But they were already there...

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cap's a good kitty! in these times of worry & immediacy, we need to be reminded to take our time, take care of ourselves & each other.. ;)

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I LOVED your post about your cat. He looks like a teenager, but other than that, he looks a lot like our black senior cat, Mr. Toes. Our cat is VERY friendly & acts more like a dog, really. He comes when called. He used to fetch when he was little. He follows me around the house all day reminding me to "stop and give love (pets)" every so often throughout the day. He's my daily reminder there is A LOT of GOOD in this world, despite the chaos unleashed on society by your infamous uncle! Thanks!

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May I say, that cat looks like a happy cat. I have a dog, would love to have a cat, but my dog would not let me keep one. He like being the only animal in the house. The world in a whole, has gone crazy to the truth of it. It took one man to bring out the ugly in most. Our world has been turned upside down, but, God will bring things together, days will be brighter, the sun will come out. The sky will once again show a rainbow that will shine all over the world for Peace of the People. God, is showing us all each day and He is bringing out what has been done in the darkness, now all is coming to light. God, He is Good. We all must keep believing in the Good In All Of Us. My Mary!!!

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You just articulated precisely how I feel about the state of our nation and animals. Cap knows. 🫶🏼

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Cats are wonderful...so is your Sunday note to us. There is always hope.

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Pathological... A Nation of sociopaths. People who seem to get off on anti-social behavior and cheer each other on. Glorified liars on News Media. And when challenged, they tell even bigger lies.

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