What are we doing about Lindsey G in Nebraska trying to flip the electoral vote ??? They are obviously threatened by Kamala and desperately trying to cheat.

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Trump already placing the blame on his possible loss. RNC Chair Whatley (what about co-chair Lara Trump), and Jews who don’t vote for him, just to name a few.

He could never believe the reason might be he’s unfit for office. It’s why he lost last time. It's why he will lose again.

More than 700 national security officials endorse Kamala for President.

She has extremely conservative Republicans endorsing her too. She’s uniting America.

We are the REAL "Silent Majority". There are so many Kamala Harris supporters who will not place signs anywhere due to the MAGA. Even in blue states Kamala supporters fear retribution and violence for posting yard signs or bumper stickers. MAGAs feel duty bound to subjugate through force.

I think people need to see your Harris/Walz yard signs. It heartens and gives other courage!

We shouldn’t live in fear because the opposition chooses violence over kindness.

Now imagine wearing these kinds of t-shirts in a red state 👇 🤣


Kamala’s leadership will move America forward. Let’s vote early.

Let's go!

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I agree. I have a small 4x4 sticker on my car window. I'd been afraid to put it up. Then decided, screw them. If we hide due to fear, they win.

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I have a Kamala t- shirt. The first time I wore it was to a Lowe’s. I felt a bit nervous, but as I pulled into the parking lot, I saw a guy walking out with a red MAGA hat. That’s when I decided f#*@k it. I’ve been looking at those damn hats for years. Time to get ourselves out there!

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I got a Kamala shirt as well. It has a logo similar to Tide detergent, and it says: Kamala cleans stubborn orange stains. Only problem is I've worn it three times and not had one person smile at me. Things aren't looking so good in Arizona!

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I have the Kamala tee where she is standing in front of the Statue of Liberty and it declares " I'm with her".

Here at the Walmart, in Sumter, I have gotten compliments from all races; and yes, some surprised me.👋💚💯

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I'm glad to hear that. My experience was disturbing, as I can generally count on a couple women I don't know smiling at me , sometimes even saying hello when I go to Wal-Mart. So not only did it stop the warm fuzzies, but makes me think the gals that normally acknowledge me are MAGA adherents!

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If you bump into my niece she’ll smile at you.🙂 I’m in eastern Mass. so it’s a lot easier, but we still have plenty of Trumpers here.

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Good for you!!! I have been reading Mary's new book.Such an amazing read. Donable Lector will find his special, eternal, burning place in hell soon enough.

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I sit on my front porch here in Kansas City Missouri with my Harris Walz sign and get the honk finger and F you daily ! Guess what THIS IS WHO WE ARE ! Trump monsters 👹

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Re yard signs: I live in a 55+ community in the reddest county in Arizona. I would put a Harris/Walz sign out if I felt it might engender honest conversation. It won't. I had the haircut from he** one time because I told my hairdresser I didn't like or support Trump. Anyway, where I DO take comfort is that out of 250 homes in our gate community there are "only" 15 Trump signs out in yards. There are 2 Harris/Walz. And the rest? Well, maybe they're the same as I am: going to vote Harris but not showing our hands in a stacked deck. However, this week I DID draw the line at someone putting a Trump sign up on common land in our community. I politely notified the HOA employee in the admin office and the sign was removed. Equally politely.

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Oh, no, common grounds is out of line. Glad you spoke and HOA supported you.

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Valerie, understand about not wanting to put out the yard sign but you need to find a new hair stylist. Never support a MAGA. I think all their money goes to Trump. That is why they “feel” poor

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Valerie, please see my comment to Pat above to know I hear the truth of what you are saying.

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It’s interesting. I live in an over 55 area in Arizona and last election Trump signs were all over the place, and only a few Biden signs. This election I see very few Trump signs and more Biden signs.

… perhaps this is a good sign!

Although, I wonder if it has anything to do with the Republican Party being financially strapped right now. They had an office near me which closed during COVID and has not reopened.

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Maybe they are financially strapped because TFG is using the RNC money for his personal use, i.e. legal expenses.

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Same thing around here, maybe folks are realizing Harris is the way.

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Me too. Fewer Trump signs this go around.

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Same here john not many yard signs and few trucks flying tRump flags which I saw all the time In 2020 occasionally a bumper or windows sticker . Not many very good sign.

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Have any other Arizonans noticed the proliferation of home made Trump and Lake signs? They look like they were made in a 2nd grade crafts class. Posted right out there with all the other signs at every intersection. Seems like a “sign” that things aren’t going so great for Trump or Lake in AZ if their supporters can only make signs with poster boards and markers from the craft store.

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I haven't seen any hand made signs here.

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It could be both reasons. And the RNC is pouring all its funds into Trump's legal defenses and can't be sending out flags and banners. Hilarious.

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More Biden signs? Interesting, since he's no longer running. Any Harris signs yet?

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Yea, people had Biden signs and seem to keep them up, and some Harris signs.

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Well,I don't always put signs up because I'm not team player. Meaning I'll vote for Harris but I'm not wearing a team jersey. I think a lot of Dems are like that. Voting for Harris is a logical decision not an act of loyalty to my team. Let them wear the stupid hats.

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I think this is the time to be a team player if there ever was a time. I think about John Lewis and so many black folks that had to fight for every right as white folks got. I’m not black but somehow thru my whole life I have felt this way I think mostly BC my grandmother was racist and it made me sick. I can’t imagine the battles they have fought for rights AND in my opinion this is the biggest battle we have to fight most of all for democracy. IMO I think tRUMP has ruined this country with all his hate and politics. So I will put my sign out and I will vote while trying to convince other voters Harris is the way forward for our people our country and our democracy.

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I mostly think as you do Pat. This said, it is tricky to put up yard signs where I live because we have several Proud Boys living in our midst. They are as stupid as I don't know what. They love their guns and throwing stuff out their truck windows. They are not above setting fire to a garage or anything else. I have always put yard signs out to show who I will be voting for. I don't think of it so much as being a team player, just letting people know how I see things. But it really is not safe to do so this year. I can hardly believe it has come to this.

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I am hoping, Michele, that if Nebraska has the votes to change their system, they will be overruled by the courts because it’s too close to the election. Mary, is so right and so spot on. How can we even think about putting this immoral and demented, crazy person in the White House? But maybe we won’t need Nebraska’s one vote. If we can take Nevada and NC, game over. So many paths for Harris-Walz, and don’t you just love her compassion? The Oprah event was a lesson for all our leaders in compassion-action! We need politicians that care about us.

Mary, just got your book, next on my reading list after Hillary’s!

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I pray you’re right. We absolutely can’t lose this election. We know we have the popular vote but have to get the electoral 👊🏻👊🏻🙏🙏💙💙

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Our cohesiveness as a country depends on Harris winning. If Trump wins, we can kiss our democracy good-bye because if he declares himself a dictator on day one, what makes anyone think he will give it up on day two.

Will congress grow some b's and impeach him as soon as he is sworn in so that he can't achieve his agenda? And who is he going to get to enforce it? His goon squad supporters? The military?

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Unfortunately, that's exactly who. Military isn't allowed to disobey illegal orders, but if he wins everything we know will be lost.

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That's great news! We have to fix these states & their last minute rules or laws. We need a FEDERAL law that no town, state, city can submit a new "trick". Voting bills must be resolved 6 months BEFORE an election.

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Miss Graham was full of smiles on meet the press, makes me wonder.

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It's Nebraska's choice to make. It's not cheating if it's legal. The Winner-Take-All system of the Electoral College imposes a distortion but it's legal. Nebraska hasn't moved to that model - yet.

I hope they don't but it's a sign of desperation if they think that one vote is going to make the difference. Americans should turn out and vote so that it's never that close.

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I used to live in Nebraska in the Second district. It has turned blue only twice,in 2008 and 2020. that's the only electoral vote out of 5 that the Democrats will ever get. The R's can't stand losing only ONE electoral vote in mostly red Nebraska. Go figure!

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You could have stopped with, 'What are we doing about Lindsey G??????' He's right up there with the big cheese for continually lying and doing about faces. Another perfect example of what used to be the GOP. Sad very sad.

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Hope Jack Smith will get around to skewering Lady G. And others, after turd.

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IMO, when Harris does get elected, I hope Merrick Garland is replaced as AG.

I personally don’t think he is aggressive enough on ANYTHING.

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How does Graham keep interfering in other states' business? Remember he tried to pressure Georgia into throwing away votes in majority Democratic counties at the same time his own Senate race was rated a tossup & the most expensive Senate race to date. Somehow he cruised to victory. Apparently he was much more successful at getting the results he wanted in his own state.

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I probably won't live long enough to hear how Lindsay wheeled and dealed his way to his last victory. But it is probably also how he takes care of business in these other states. The old, What do you want? Here is what that will cost you.

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We need to dig deeper. Why does Lindsey G keep on licking even after DJT gave him the boot? Like his mentors JEdgar Hoover and Roy Cohn, The Donald has a little black book that he's not afraid to use. What evil lurks in the hard of Graham?

It follows that someone somewhere knows exactly why DJT does his own licking on Putin's boots. Legend has it that Putin got the goods on DJT when the slumlord was in Moscow trying to negotiate a deal for a no-tell hotel and casino resort. How else do you explain Trump's Moscow Mule routine?

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Since we are talking, 'What about...' I have wondered If Melania is Putin's Mole? Why else would she have stayed on this long? I have also wondered about Melania's mother's death and the various DJT's family deaths. They all seem curiously quickly glossed over by even DJT. Can't help but notice how Ivanka is rarely present since her mother .... fell down the circular stairs. ????

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The American justice systems says we must assume innocense. The reverse is true for the grifters from Trump Tower.

- Melania is Putin's mole or tool.

- Melania's mother's death could have been a warning for her to keep quiet.

- Ivana was too old for stairs like that - but that doesn't mean she wasn't pushed!

- sounds like paranoia? Nope. The Grand Old Pervs are capable of anything: from 9/11 and WMD to the Gaza prison break during the Nova Rave so close to Gaza border the debauchery could be heard at the nearby mosques.

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I agree with you on all counts. And also wonder about when DJT went to visit his brother within 24 hours before he died. Was DJT worried his brother might say something on his deathbed? These are people who may each have had their own little black books, so to speak.

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They are desperate, cornered and immoral - expect the worst.

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Michele, we are letting it happen because despite the rule about no changes after 60 days before an election, Republicans see this as their cheatin' time and they are going at it in Nebraska and Georgia with gusto. I have heard nothing that will stop the insanity and the just plain criminal behavior on the part of Graham and the rest of the Republicans. It seems to me that members of Congress who wantonly break the law should be kicked out. They won't be, but that's how it goes when rich white men rule with their corporations and anyone in Congress without a moral compass can be bought and paid for and have no one in power to do anything to stop it.

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DJT has the pics on Lindsey Gayham. He'll do whatever his master orders.

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I don't know who's on the ballot for any office here in S.C.

There have been no ads, blurbs, signs in yards, NADA....so if Lindsay or Tim are on the Ballots, I hope they will be defeated, but this is a red state.

Hopefully, WE, will be able to defeat many of the down- ballot refukkkans.


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Sep 22
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Gee, "naive, slow to move Democrats," are you from Maine? No? Then you don't understand their politics. Mainers are not ones to take kindly to outsiders interfering in their electoral process. That's how Susan Collins got reelected - Mainers don't appreciate outsiders knocking on their doors and telling them who to vote for. Mainers don't appreciate outsiders telling them how to change their way of allocating their electoral college ballots. The people of Maine are the only ones who can make that change and they are not "naive." Angus King is an Independent and he is winning.

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K, you are right. Republicans have been working to perfect every cheat, grift, graft, etc. for years and it seems our Republican courts can't/won't do anything to stop it. In fact, our Supreme 6 are delighting in it, their Catholic selves believing they are doing the "work of the lord" with their cheating, lying, and stealing rights from the American people. Disgusting

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IF the Catholics are fair game, then we can discuss NutandYahoo and his Weapons of Mass Destruction action of last October. Let's get this straight:

Israelis organize the sex, drugs and rock'n'roll Nova rave on the day before the 60th anniversary of the greatest war in Israeli history. The stage is within earshot of Gaza on the Muslim holy day. Was or wasn't this an example of Israel baiting the Gazans to attack? More than that, it was Nutandyahoo doing what he thought would help DJT get elected!

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So what can we do about this??? Anything?? We could lose by this one vote.

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If we’re afraid we’re going to lose by ONE vote, we’ve got much bigger problems than the ones listed above.

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Mary, why would women still vote for Donald after he took away their bodily rights? It is just mind boggling!

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I just heard a woman today saying she was going to still vote for Mark Robinson-just nuts!

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Because it's their team. And she probably watches Fox News and tell her it's no big because Dems are worse.

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Yes, people do not operate only on the basis of logic. Look at Mark Robinson, who supports slavery and would like to own slaves, and doesn't notice that he'd be a slave. Or Clarence Thomas, whose votes in Supreme Court cases make evident that he hates Black people.

But, actually, it might be possible to defend the woman. Although few pro-forced birth advocates care about fetuses (or about women, since they are willing to have them die, as the two in Georgia did), an occasional pro-forced birth advocate, even if a woman, might believe that women should give the government control of their bodies in order to save fetuses.

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Save fetuses but where are they once the children arrive and are neglected.

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That's it right there.

Refusing to give school kids lunch.... They & their kids got lunches.

"Crisyuns" and pastors, who know nothing about the" Eight Beatitudes", preached about at "The Sermon on The Mount"

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Second coming of God belief …..

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I don't suppose she gave a reason?

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Brainwashed Trump Cult followers are souls that are lost too the bowels of Hades.

When dealing with heartless Narcissitic Personality Disorder cases, it is best to go No Contact and protect yourself.

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He’s better than the other guy is what she said almost verbatim

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There you go: opinion without any actual thought.

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What could anyone like or respect about him? He’s a fraud from DJTs model, another George Santos, Madison Cawthorn looney. And a gigantic embarrassment to NC.

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Makes you really wonder. Definitely we're not raised by my parents who taught self worth.

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Some women, and men, whom I know still support him because they believe the myth that he had the greatest economy. He did not, but very few people are willing to admit it because they believe that the country was more secure under him. It all depends on what you value the most.

Those of us who don't agree that the economy was so great are left scratching our heads at those who do, especially those on fixed incomes without adequate savings.

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Another head scratching matter is how anyone could vote for a person who was responsible for hundreds of thousands of COVID deaths. They've done studies that show this and show that deaths were higher in counties that supported Trump. Of course, part of the problem is that the media largely ignored it.

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And it was Trump, as soon as he was elected, who did away the pandemic emergency planning board that Obama set up. Simply because Obama set it up. I read somewhere that it could have saved 1,000s of lies.

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LIVES not Lies. Although lies destroyed lives as well.

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I understand reflexively writing "lies" when referring to the monster toddler.

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See those 3 little dots to the right at the bottom of your post. You can click them to edit your post.

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Only on the web not in app

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In deep red NorCal, our county's COVID vax rates since the first came out is 33 percent vax'd. That's largely do to CSU - Chico has 100k, deep blue. Maga heavy people are COVID vax suspicious. Part imo is the "the damn govt isn't telling ME what to do.

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But the same people who don’t want the government telling them what to do are willing to vote for a fascist, authoritarian government. Stunningly crazy stuff.

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Thank you, Mary, for telling us about Judge Maryanne's misogyny in your answer (22:57) to my question.


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Caroline, as I have listened to the interviews with Trumpettes, I have picked up one thing; those women truly despise women. It may be that since there are so many fewer opportunities for women than men that they feel they have to disparage every other woman or that they just hate women in principle to match their hubby's or "friend's" view of women. It is ridiculous, but it shows up all over the world, woman-hating women. They clearly care little for the rights they could fight for, just that they "got that woman."

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Stockholm syndrome, or hoping for crumbs from massa's table

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Why? Some women think that unborn humans have rights that need to be balanced with the rights of the mother. Although I support Joe Biden, I cannot recall any way that he has promoted adoption as an alternative to abortion.

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Forced birth is slavery.

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We have to beat Trump / Vance so resoundingly that the Rs can’t steal it. A tall order. But Democracy depends on it

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They are already planning to steal it, regardless of vote count. Refuse to certify ballot count (reasons don't matter, just need corrupt election officials), then the House votes Trump in.

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Our democracy and freedom depend on an overwhelming win!

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SCOTUS just gave POTUS unlimited immunity. Joe would be understandingly hesitant, but till inauguration day, he could stop to all bs and say "I declare Kamala and Tim...."

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declare what ?

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And what are we going to do to stop it?

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I think that his supporters will view Jan. 6th as a dress rehearsal for a civil war and stage one of those so that Trump can walk in there and declare himself dictator and not just for a day. Some of them have already threatened it and called for one "the next time".

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I think there are at least hundreds of thousands of Americans that would love to see Trump stand in the House of Representatives like Saddam stood in Iraq’s parliament building and read off names of “enemies of the state,” democrats and disloyal to Trump repubpicans, as military (or militia) members escorted them off to prison or worse.

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It is shocking to me that we have this happening here. Long gone are the days in which there was some civility in politics and people simply accepted their election loss and waited to try again the next time. The evolution of extremist groups here has eroded our election process and promoted a culture of hostility to change the results when a candidate's constituents are displeased with the results.

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I read from somewhere, that Georgia election officials count the ballots with a pencil in their hand, so they can make a mark to void the vote so ConOld will win. Even though it is a lockbox the votes are in and an electrical vote count, they still have people open the lockbox to count them.

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Yes, seriously. Someone that was on that duty, posted about it, he stated he was told to have a pencil while doing his counting and was also told how to do it. He said he did not go back and will not be doing any counting. Can't remember if it was on Instagram or Facebook where I read it.

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I would be wary about the validity of an anonymous person's posts on either of those sites. If this, in fact, happened, the person should have contacted a reporter, at the very least.

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It was reported, but was pushed aside for lack of evidence, it is still something to watch out for

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As bad as the big cheese is, it is super scary to think of Vance ever being president. Hard to say which of the two is more out of his mind. Why we have so many people who cannot see through them is another head scratcher. I used to think that the cheese had something on each of the GOP. It seemed the only thing that could account for them agreeing with him. But now I think they are all much sicker than that. Very hard to understand what has happened to their minds let alone souls.

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Having Vance one meatloaf away from the Presidency is frightening.

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Hi Mary. I bought the audible of Who Could Ever...and I can't stop listening! I've admired your courage and fortitude for years but this takes that admiration to a whole other level! You are one strong broad baby and you deserve all the accolades that this book is bringing. Thank you for being so honest and so outspoken! Peace and love, Laurie

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Sep 22
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It is Lisa! What she lived through is painful to listen to but how she survived is a lesson in fortitude! Gotta love her. Sending positive thoughts on your husbands surgery!

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Best wishes for your DH's surgery, 💐

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Yes, we can do this. We MUST do this to save our beautiful country from the MAGGOTS! Clean house! Vote blue right down the ballot!!

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Let us not forget that if Donald steals his way back in office he is never leaving. It is the beginning of the end.

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Sep 22Edited
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As a woman, that prospect is almost scarier than Trump being President.

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Almost? I'm about 30 years beyond childbearing possibility, but vance scares me even more than trump does.

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me too.

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Vance, or MINI ME as we call him, is rancid. Almost worse than Trump if that's possible. He's such a damaged person, he hates women because he's not living his real life. As was well as well covered in the beginning, he grew up as a gay teenager until his grandmother told him 'that's not allowed in their family' so he had to change sides. It doesn't work that way! So he's living a false life, he's got to be in personal turmoil and have great anger within him and he takes it out on women because the women in his family made it happen. I'm an artist, not a psychologist. Mary would be better to comment on this but this is how it looks to me.

Regardless of the origins of his appalling lies, ignorance and cruelty, he cannot be allowed a seat in our government, he cannot be allowed to have any power over any of us.

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Do so love your word " rancid!"

So delightfully colorful & descriptive!

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thank you for your comment. When writing about JD couchfk the word rancid just came to mind. Watch him when he’s talking on TV, he seems to have dead eyes with nothing behind them and he twists every truth into a projection of his and Trump‘s own behavior to fit his agenda.

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Thx. Didn't read the book, appreciate the info.

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ConOld is stating it's the democrats that are trying to shoot him, yet it was republicans, the funny part is, the only one who would gain from ConOld being shot is Vance, because he would end up the republican runner, yet no one is looking into that fact.

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Everyone would gain if ConOld died. But I don't condone violence. If he'd just drop out of the race, I'd wish him a happy rest of his life in prison.

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Vance would gain a lot more than the rest of the US. it just seems odd, he was loosing in the numbers, he was shot at, ConOld made Vance his VP the next morning. He made the remark about dogs and cats, there was a shooter in the area. Both times were just the next day. And the last time, Vance admitted on national TV that he did make it up about the dogs and cats, yet the shooter was in the area after Vance made that statement.

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Well, he just put bullseyes on the Democrats. No one is going to want to admit to being one and no one is going to want to go to a public polling place in fear that any one of the poll workers could be one of his faithful supporters looking over their shoulder while they're casting their vote.

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interesting! Let’s make this into a movie!

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And that's just plain terrifying!

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Yes, he's even more extreme and will be the one pulling Trumps strings to achieve his extreme right-wing agenda. Scary times that we're in now.

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Have we forgotten to factor in don jr. & erik the red.in this equation?.Are they to figure in dad's legacy plans ?

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How do we convince people that anti-abortion laws are truly about the legal murder of women of color and poor white women? Eugenics. Institutional, anti-Black racism in medicine was already killing Black women (pregnant or not) and men at significant rates. Controlling Black women’s bodies has always been about violence, population control and cruelty. Abortion IS healthcare. Forced birth is slavery.

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The closer the election gets the more nervous I get. We can not let this man near the Oval office. I thought he didn't have a chance in hell in 2016 and I was wrong! Please vote BLUE!

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But we know a lot more of what they will do and I feel like we are on firmer footing this time around. I still think tRUMP cheated but Hillary conceded with out questions. That’s what I think anyway.

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Sorry to sound conspiratorial. But I think Vance hated, then loved, Trump in order to gain the Vice Presidency. If Trump wins he will soon die of some mysterious cause and —god forbid— Vance would be President

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no need for him to die (except for the blessed relief to most of the country) - Vance and some Cabinet members can declare him unfit under the 25th Amendment and then Vance becomes president. Very scary, since it's obvious he's unfit from day one.

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This was the plan I believe.

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Sep 22Edited

I don’t think it’s a conspiracy theory and have wondered myself just what is going on with JD. I suspect he’s been bought, sold and paid for by some far right dark money (sort of like the Supreme Court?). Call me paranoid but it makes sense especially since ppl that knew him in his earlier days report him to have changed radically. Thoughts of ‘let Mango Mussolini win then 25th amendment him’ are the stuff of nightmares from which we might not be able to awake. Project 2025 anyone?

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Vance was supported and goosed into his position by that billionaire, whose name I can't remember, but you all know who I'm talking about. Of course, their private think tank figured out that being VP to an obese, unhealthy, elderly president is almost a slam dunk into the position of Pres. Thus, his flip from "Trump is America's Hitler," etc., to He's the best( paraphrasing). Vance is like all the Repubs, a hypocrite who will go where the wind of personal gain blows him. ( no pun intended, but it fits!)

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Yeah, Peter Thiel bought JD’s senate seat for him. Spent millions getting him elected. I think JD’s foray into VC was at Thiel’s side… can’t make this stuff up and we all know the Heritage Foundation et al are playing the long game. I don’t remember who it was that said it but it applies here - follow the money, it will tell you everything you need to know.

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That's right, Peter Theil bought him his senate seat.

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Peter Thiel is Vance's billionaire backer.

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Then Trump's sycophants would shriek, "A Democrat assassinated our Beloved President!" and start arresting all the non-Fascists they could grab.

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I've been saying the same thing for months. 25th Amendment if they think they can get it done, unfortunate accident if not. This is why they didn't replace him. They knew they couldn't get it done this year with any other candidate, and they're afraid (correctly, I hope) that a new Democrat in the White House will make sure they can't steal another election.

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Interersting conspiracy theory that may be true. How does someone change their values so much in such a short time? He is not insulated. He is well educated.

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Lust for power. Misogyny.

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Well educated in what sense? $$ got him into college and got him thru. His lack of any moral center, empathy or interest beyond his own gain is what counts! He also has been called a sociopath and he certainly acts like one. Listening to him while cringing at the horrible things he says on television, the lies, twisting the truth and making it fit his personal agenda show that he's a sociopath. Truth and integrity do not enter into anything he does. Going to a good college is irrelevant in a person like this.

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Well said, Lynn. I couldn't agree more.

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For the rest of his life.

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for there to be a conspiracy there needs to be more that one person involved. I can see this as a sheet naked power play by JD all by his lonesome.

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His insane billonare backers

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hey, don't forget he's in it with the mango menace. That makes two of them! They exercise their misogyny and cruelty from a different perspective perhaps but they have common ground which is why they're now together and why they should be dumped together.

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well, if his plans involve the 25th Amendment I kinda doubt Orange Man is in on the plan.

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his plan is the 2025 plan for your life and your future, which won’t be very rosey if he gets a chance to implement it. It does not include the 25th amendment. that is for us to use .

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Actually, the vice president INITIATES the removal for incapacity of Section 4. He does have to get the Speaker and President pro Tem of the Senate to cooperate. See Section 4.

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It has been a long-held belief of mine that Trump would not still have any power, let alone be the GOP presidential candidate, without the support of the Republican politicians! What is equally sickening is that it would appear that many of them do not actually respect or like him BUT back him because they need the support of his MAGA nuts to stay in power! A spineless lot, who put their own ambitions over what is good for the country. I grew up in the U.S. and hate to see the harm Trump, clearly a nutter, has done to the U.S.! Please, for the good of the U.S., AND the rest of the world, defeat him in November! 💙💙💙

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Your comments are so articulate and horrifying but you’re preaching to the choir.

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The choir is likely not the only group who will read Mary's clear and important message.

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I’ve been reading “Lucky Loser” and I can see where your assistance to the authors has been invaluable! What’s mind-boggling is how he has been able to get away with the most horrifying business practices. With seriously stiffing people who irked for him, either businesses or individuals, with taking money out of his operations even though they were on the brink of bankruptcy, of not paying taxes because he used his “losses” as tax deductions, of two-timing his wives, of literally stealing from his father’s estate before the man passed away. Of course there’s more such as what he did to your and your brother regarding your grandfather’s estate. If any of us “normal’ people had behaved like that we’d probably be in jail. It’s time to clue in all of those people who blindly follow and support his madness so they can help us elect Harris and Walz and really move forward, not backward and into a fascist-like state with Trump as it’s king.

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THE LIST IS LONG AND SO AGGRAVATING! We ALL need to be released from the terror of his very existence. And now there are two of them, with JD couchfk. Apologies, these 2 just move me into an area of profanity. A place I don't want to be.

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Question: what words of advice to you have for the powers that be for the probable event that Donald will lose? For example, being prepared for another Jan 6 event or worse.

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That’s why it is imperative we control all 3 branches of government. We do that by showing up at the voting booth and voting blue no matter who!!! Let’s just get this done and over with. Enough. I’m not staying in this country if he manages to get elected. No way!!!

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Your latest post should be the editorial in every newspaper that claims to care about our democracy and the mental capacity to do the job he or she claims to qualify for.as President of the USA. Thank you for writing it. You ar

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Just the fact that at each Rally in last weeks he did not know where he was. In Arizona said Pennsylvania....and his giant faucet from Canada story that needs major airtime. So incredibly bizarre. There needs to be a blooper type country wide ad of really bizarre shit Donold has said since Sept 01. Not just stupid but insane.

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Yes. To counteract media sanewashing his words.

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That comment: someone who would strip our country for parts to obtain personal gain … PRICELESS !!! Thank you for an excellent pep talk, MS Mary!

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I didn't see that! where can I find it?

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Thank you! I realize that I didn’t hear Mary’s complete post. That’s why I missed it.

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See below your post to me

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all good

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