I agree with you about the golden halo, and how necessary it is. I am going to spend the next 4 years (though I’m 77, so who knows?) doing good for the down-trodden, the ones your uncle sneers at. Currently I’m making an easy throw blanket for the homeless and putting together tea bags and sachets for Meals on Wheels clients.
I too am in my mid 70's and love what you are doing! My mother made little bundles of Kleenex, Handy Wipes and cough drops to hand to people on the bus who had sniffles and coughs. When you have little or no money, such things can be welcomed. She also kept stickers and little Dover books handy for parents to give to their pre-school children.
Yes, that is sometimes true Carol. I think some of us have to remember what kindness is. Helping someone get up a set of stairs with their luggage or packages. Something like offering an arm to steady a person coming down those same steps is still a good thing to do.
Thank you for your comment Brian, Yes, I carry such things too when I travel. Little kids can be sitting in the middle of a bus with everyone looking at their phones. They especially like being given something for them. I make sure to let the parent make the decision to let the child have it. Mom loved people and especially kids. Kids giggling or getting a good laugh was music to her ears.
I watched a little boy and his mother use his stickers like tattoos on their hands and arms. They had a pretty good time doing that. :-) He was too short to look out the windows, so having anything like this to do was a pretty big deal.
Reminder: Donald J. Trump cannot be inaugurated, sworn in, and be the 47th President of the United States on January 20, 2025 unless 70 Democrats in the House of Representatives and 17 Democrats in the Senate vote to remove his insurrectionist disqualification before December 17, 2024.
The Supreme Court ordered Trump to have his "insurrectionist disqualification" removed by a two-thirds vote of both the House and Senate on March 4th, 2024. He did not do so.
Section 3 of the 14th Amendment doesn't require a formal conviction, so the Congressional investigation, finding, and referral for criminal prosecution, and the federal indictment and prosecution for insurrection can easily be used to keep him from ever holding federal office again.
Section 3 of the 14th Amendment still reads, and only legally reads, that the only way an insurrectionist can hold federal office again is by a two-thirds vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
That's a real jaw-dropper!! The question then becomes, does JD Vance become president? That is also truly awful. And then there would be no vice president, so Mike Johnson would be next in line if something happened to Vance. If the 14th amendment is held to, the one good thing is that Jack Smith could then continue his prosecutions, and Judge Merchan could sentence trump however he wants.
From what I read, due to Trump and team delaying past the deadline means he can't be inaugurated, sworn in, and serve as the 47th President of the United States; and that means Kamala Harris would become 47th President of the United States by default.
The Supreme Court ordered Trump to have his "insurrectionist disqualification" removed by a two-thirds vote of both the House and Senate on March 4th, 2024. Tump and his legal team were too illiterate and unintelligent to actually read what was legal and had standing (state enforcement against federal candidates), and what didn't (federal enforcement against federal candidates). And MAGA SCOTUS is now permanently legally barred from ever addressing any matter pertaining to federal enforcement of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment against Trump, so they can't even try to interfere on his behalf again, should Democrats in the House of Representatives and the Senate demand and force a vote on the matter of his disqualification for holding federal office.
How is SCOTUS legally banned from helping trump? And do you think we could get the democrats to force the vote? I would certainly hope so. How many of the dems know about the need to hold this vote?
Sounds like SCOTUS illegally took the case to begin with. SCOTUS was required to kick the case back to Congress immediately to force a two-thirds of both houses vote to remove Donald Trump's insurrectionist disqualification. But they illegally denied Congress the ability to vote on it at the time, illegally legislated from the bench to keep Donald Trump on the ballot by illegally amending Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution, and dismissed the clear two-thirds vote requirement to replace it with "Congress must pass new legislation and amend Section 3 of the 14th Amendment in order to keep insurrectionists off of the ballot and out of office in the future. All six MAGA SCOTUS injustices can now be immediately and permanently disbarred from ever judging or practicing law anywhere in the United States now and in the future for that illegal legislating from the bench; because the U.S. Constitution clearly says that the Judiciary can never interfere with Congress legislating, or with the President enforcing the laws of the United States.
Very, very interesting. Not at all surprised that this SCOTUS would do that. But I wonder if we'll ever see any action that would let them know that they were out of line.
Judge Merchan could sentence regardless, but he is waffling on that. Those are state charges that unrelated to the federal government’s self-imposed restriction against prisecuting a “sitting” president. This whole “no one is above the law” BS. The Rotted Pumpkin is obviously above the laws of this country, and it’s disgusting.
I agree. It has really bothered me that he wouldn't give trump at least some sentence. I understand that it's a delicate situation and that his life and that of his family could be in danger, but I would really like to see a sentence imposed.
When Nixon lost Agnew to corruption, he appointed Ford to be VP. Nixon resigned before he would have been impeached. Ford as VP became president. Ford is the only President who was not elected. Under the 25th amendment. (This was when the GOP was actually representing the people.) Speaker only ascends to President as 3rd in line for that office, not VP. Ford appointed Nelson Rockefeller to the VP immediately.
Why is this the first I've known of this. Yes, it may be my own failing but I would have thought it would be common knowledge, particularly as there appears to have been much irregularity in polling. I don't know whether that is true or not, though what I've read suggests that it is very likely. However, what I do know is that for someone with Trump's character and record of behaviour, criminality, lies, abuse of others, applause of dictators and appalling statements of intent, he is someone who ought never to have been able to stand for election again, let alone actually be elected.
I didn't think I was out of touch but this is remarkable news and I am amazed that I am only now becoming aware of it and even more amazed that I haven't read it anywhere else.
I am pretty sure that the founding fathers never wanted a criminal, psychopath, or a self appointed king running their country. They made the constitution and governance process too complex so that such a person would never be able to defeat it. Unfortunately, you need the training of a constitutional lawyer to understand it.
Thanks, Andy, for letting me off the hook, so to speak. I do try to keep abreast of things and to understand but not infrequently I find myself bamboozled. Then again, I don't have either legal or political nouse other than as a relatively invisible nobody, so I guess I shouldn't really be surprised at just how much of which I'm unaware or don't understand.
You all have to call and write your representatives and Biden to have it enforced by Merrick garland. It is the DOJ that is responsible for the constitution being followed, and it also manages inaugurations.
I do not know what happened to Biden. maybe he has long covid that has damaged his brain somehow. I doubt he is going to do anything based on his actions since the election. he seems to be oblivious to all the problems, and doesn't understand America is about to cease to exist as a democracy. If states break away from the union, as they most likely will to protect themselves, America may even cease to exist as a country.
you may have to also put pressure on kamala to relieve Biden on an amendment 25 and have her act on the 14th amendment.
it isn't just your country, a lot of lives depend upon it around the world. If nothing is done, many many many people are going to die.
The entire west coast should dump the red states............and even possibly try to become part of Canada...........If anyone should buld walls....blue states should protect themselves from the fascist red states
2 movies come to mind on this. Man in the High Tower and Civil War (2024). Both show the US in sections, governed separately. Both are very scary scenarios.
Trump has the Maga cult in the palm of his hand.........seems to have gotten away with Jan 6.....very scary scenarios that could become reality very quicky....
Full speed ahead Lei and just go for it. You fit right in and I learned so much from your work on the inauguration. My one suggestion is to check out IHIPNEWS. Keep track of this post....let me know if you do give it a shot.
In Canada, we have Quebec which was a settlement of France, that got concqured by the British. It was allowed to continue to exist as a province in Canada. Because of its heritage, much of its population wants to separate as an independent country to protect its culture. You probably heard about the various referendums held for this in the last 50 years. The reason Quebec did not separate has to do with controling their own money supply. They would have to establish their own central bank with a new currency, which would be largely worthless in the rest of the world. Staying in Canada allows them to do trade with the Canadian dollar, and this gives economic security. The same problem exists for states that break from the union. They would not be able to control or use the American dollar. So, breaking from the union also means joining another friendly country that is willing to share their established currency with that state.
Quebec never faced the tthreat of national guard/ICE officers forcefully removing people, putting them in camps for deportation. Yes...in 1970 the murders brougt soldiers into the streets to bring order. The stakes are higher and more violently volitile.
California could make it on its own merits. The electoral college is not working at all.
not saying you cannot make it. a big thing people forget to take care of is the state's monetary currency. joining Canada is one way around it because you can use the Canadian dollar as an established currency. that was the big problem Quebec faced in separating from Canada. the bloc told Quebecers they could continue to use the Canadian dollar, but Canada said no. so, establishing new currency is half the work of breaking off
You are missing my point entirely. Financial things could be worked out. Why should Democratic states keep proping up the red GOP states...that hate the Democratic states??? So.....just let the Christian nationalists have their fascist world and allow the progressive areas have their world.
Canada, hopefully will come together as a nation to counter the Trump tariffs under Trudeau, who has international experience.....the other guy is a closet Trumpist in waiting with endorsments from Alex Jones and Musk.He would be a total disaster dealing with a situation like this.
Let's hope our team remembers this and enforces it. I'm sending letters to my representatives. I suggest you do the same. I've already sent to Adam Schiff (direct from his website), Elizabeth Warren (via Facebook), and the entire Democrat Party (via website)
Please forward to anyone you know that has deep knowledge of the constitution. This was sent to me, but I'm no expert in this area. I'm just trying to find someone that can validate it.
The Supreme Court ordered Trump to have his "insurrectionist disqualification" removed by a two-thirds vote of both the House and Senate on March 4th, 2024. Tump and his legal team were too illiterate and unintelligent to actually read what was legal and had standing (state enforcement against federal candidates), and what didn't (federal enforcement against federal candidates). And MAGA SCOTUS is now permanently legally barred from ever addressing any matter pertaining to federal enforcement of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment against Trump, so they can't even try to interfere on his behalf again, should Democrats in the House of Representatives and the Senate demand and force a vote on the matter of his disqualification for holding federal office.
It was sent to me and zive forwarded it on to various experts to get validation. I also sent it to Kamala Harris, Adam Schiff, Elizabeth Warren, and the entire Democrat org.
I have created a graphic for the upcoming “No Watch” inauguration party. You know, so ratings will be bad and an ego will be crushed. Here is the Box link for download. Use and pass around at will.
You Sir, are a genius and I salute you. I feel like mainstream/legacy/social/all media rammed this through for..."Engagement." For the first time in my life, I hope hell is real.
I used to teach art history in another life and I adore the works of Claude Lorraine. You’re so right - he was a master of ideal landscape painting and the mystical, almost magical light in his works is indeed calming. Keeping ourselves as calm as possible is essential for our mental health. And please, don’t ever feel bad about light postings - we all need time to recharge. ❤️
Thank you for all that you do. We need to maintain hope and keep in the light during these stressful times.
Personally, I’ve cut down so much on my news consumption as I don’t even trust The NY Times anymore.
There is plenty of beauty and good in the world and we have to remember that.
It’s also important to remember that your uncle is incompetent. It’s showing already and we can hope that he doesn’t do much damage — and he has just two years to accomplish anything because after that he’s a lame duck.
Have you watch the video of Trump and Elon watching the launch. There is something wrong with Trump. The right side of his face isn't moving right. I wonder if he has had a stroke. The Telegraph has the full video on YouTube.
There has definitely been a shift in energy. As an intuitive, I'm so grateful! I am focusing on DJT destroying himself... I truly believe that is what will eventually happen.
Of course we love you and rely on you to keep our sanity. But please please take care of yourself first. As we all navigate our horrible new reality, self care allows us to contribute more to our united cause; saving democracy and America from fascism. Commit to work with resolve and unity. We have truth and integrity on our side and we’re going to win.
I agree with you about the golden halo, and how necessary it is. I am going to spend the next 4 years (though I’m 77, so who knows?) doing good for the down-trodden, the ones your uncle sneers at. Currently I’m making an easy throw blanket for the homeless and putting together tea bags and sachets for Meals on Wheels clients.
More strength to your arm - so good to know that there remain many good people who do what they can to aid those worse off than themselves.
I too am in my mid 70's and love what you are doing! My mother made little bundles of Kleenex, Handy Wipes and cough drops to hand to people on the bus who had sniffles and coughs. When you have little or no money, such things can be welcomed. She also kept stickers and little Dover books handy for parents to give to their pre-school children.
All lovely! To do this you have to be capable of THINKING about other people. Many people are not able to do that…
Yes, that is sometimes true Carol. I think some of us have to remember what kindness is. Helping someone get up a set of stairs with their luggage or packages. Something like offering an arm to steady a person coming down those same steps is still a good thing to do.
Thank you for your comment Brian, Yes, I carry such things too when I travel. Little kids can be sitting in the middle of a bus with everyone looking at their phones. They especially like being given something for them. I make sure to let the parent make the decision to let the child have it. Mom loved people and especially kids. Kids giggling or getting a good laugh was music to her ears.
I watched a little boy and his mother use his stickers like tattoos on their hands and arms. They had a pretty good time doing that. :-) He was too short to look out the windows, so having anything like this to do was a pretty big deal.
Thank you & may others follow your lead!
Thank you!
Thank you for this inspiration. Helping others and finding deeper purpose and meaning in life is what will sustain us all.
Don't worry about light postings, Mary. Breaks are good for all of us. Hope all is going well with you.
Reminder: Donald J. Trump cannot be inaugurated, sworn in, and be the 47th President of the United States on January 20, 2025 unless 70 Democrats in the House of Representatives and 17 Democrats in the Senate vote to remove his insurrectionist disqualification before December 17, 2024.
The Supreme Court ordered Trump to have his "insurrectionist disqualification" removed by a two-thirds vote of both the House and Senate on March 4th, 2024. He did not do so.
Section 3 of the 14th Amendment doesn't require a formal conviction, so the Congressional investigation, finding, and referral for criminal prosecution, and the federal indictment and prosecution for insurrection can easily be used to keep him from ever holding federal office again.
Section 3 of the 14th Amendment still reads, and only legally reads, that the only way an insurrectionist can hold federal office again is by a two-thirds vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
That's a real jaw-dropper!! The question then becomes, does JD Vance become president? That is also truly awful. And then there would be no vice president, so Mike Johnson would be next in line if something happened to Vance. If the 14th amendment is held to, the one good thing is that Jack Smith could then continue his prosecutions, and Judge Merchan could sentence trump however he wants.
From what I read, due to Trump and team delaying past the deadline means he can't be inaugurated, sworn in, and serve as the 47th President of the United States; and that means Kamala Harris would become 47th President of the United States by default.
How I would love this!
If only!!!
This sounds too good to be true??
It would be lovely if this could be real
Wow! That is good news. So much for thinking you don't have to play by the rules…
Some extra context:
The Supreme Court ordered Trump to have his "insurrectionist disqualification" removed by a two-thirds vote of both the House and Senate on March 4th, 2024. Tump and his legal team were too illiterate and unintelligent to actually read what was legal and had standing (state enforcement against federal candidates), and what didn't (federal enforcement against federal candidates). And MAGA SCOTUS is now permanently legally barred from ever addressing any matter pertaining to federal enforcement of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment against Trump, so they can't even try to interfere on his behalf again, should Democrats in the House of Representatives and the Senate demand and force a vote on the matter of his disqualification for holding federal office.
He failed to do so prior to November 5, 2024.
How is SCOTUS legally banned from helping trump? And do you think we could get the democrats to force the vote? I would certainly hope so. How many of the dems know about the need to hold this vote?
As for Dems to force the vote, we to remind them of this. In all reality, this could end up another dead end, but we have to keep trying.
Sounds like SCOTUS illegally took the case to begin with. SCOTUS was required to kick the case back to Congress immediately to force a two-thirds of both houses vote to remove Donald Trump's insurrectionist disqualification. But they illegally denied Congress the ability to vote on it at the time, illegally legislated from the bench to keep Donald Trump on the ballot by illegally amending Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution, and dismissed the clear two-thirds vote requirement to replace it with "Congress must pass new legislation and amend Section 3 of the 14th Amendment in order to keep insurrectionists off of the ballot and out of office in the future. All six MAGA SCOTUS injustices can now be immediately and permanently disbarred from ever judging or practicing law anywhere in the United States now and in the future for that illegal legislating from the bench; because the U.S. Constitution clearly says that the Judiciary can never interfere with Congress legislating, or with the President enforcing the laws of the United States.
Very, very interesting. Not at all surprised that this SCOTUS would do that. But I wonder if we'll ever see any action that would let them know that they were out of line.
Here's the source of the article https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4952397
Judge Merchan could sentence regardless, but he is waffling on that. Those are state charges that unrelated to the federal government’s self-imposed restriction against prisecuting a “sitting” president. This whole “no one is above the law” BS. The Rotted Pumpkin is obviously above the laws of this country, and it’s disgusting.
I agree. It has really bothered me that he wouldn't give trump at least some sentence. I understand that it's a delicate situation and that his life and that of his family could be in danger, but I would really like to see a sentence imposed.
When Nixon lost Agnew to corruption, he appointed Ford to be VP. Nixon resigned before he would have been impeached. Ford as VP became president. Ford is the only President who was not elected. Under the 25th amendment. (This was when the GOP was actually representing the people.) Speaker only ascends to President as 3rd in line for that office, not VP. Ford appointed Nelson Rockefeller to the VP immediately.
Back to Genocide Joe.
Why is this the first I've known of this. Yes, it may be my own failing but I would have thought it would be common knowledge, particularly as there appears to have been much irregularity in polling. I don't know whether that is true or not, though what I've read suggests that it is very likely. However, what I do know is that for someone with Trump's character and record of behaviour, criminality, lies, abuse of others, applause of dictators and appalling statements of intent, he is someone who ought never to have been able to stand for election again, let alone actually be elected.
I didn't think I was out of touch but this is remarkable news and I am amazed that I am only now becoming aware of it and even more amazed that I haven't read it anywhere else.
I am pretty sure that the founding fathers never wanted a criminal, psychopath, or a self appointed king running their country. They made the constitution and governance process too complex so that such a person would never be able to defeat it. Unfortunately, you need the training of a constitutional lawyer to understand it.
And a sociopath as evil as the rotted pumpkin to accomplish it.
Thanks, Andy, for letting me off the hook, so to speak. I do try to keep abreast of things and to understand but not infrequently I find myself bamboozled. Then again, I don't have either legal or political nouse other than as a relatively invisible nobody, so I guess I shouldn't really be surprised at just how much of which I'm unaware or don't understand.
You aren't alone, Roger. This is the first I've heard of it, too, and I have been paying attention to all the legal news I can get.
Thank you, Susan, you are very kind.
Same here. What will keep this from happening?
You all have to call and write your representatives and Biden to have it enforced by Merrick garland. It is the DOJ that is responsible for the constitution being followed, and it also manages inaugurations.
I do not know what happened to Biden. maybe he has long covid that has damaged his brain somehow. I doubt he is going to do anything based on his actions since the election. he seems to be oblivious to all the problems, and doesn't understand America is about to cease to exist as a democracy. If states break away from the union, as they most likely will to protect themselves, America may even cease to exist as a country.
you may have to also put pressure on kamala to relieve Biden on an amendment 25 and have her act on the 14th amendment.
it isn't just your country, a lot of lives depend upon it around the world. If nothing is done, many many many people are going to die.
BTW Kamal's last known whereabouts is Hawaii. It maybe the safest place in the states for what is to come under trump.
This is a time for your leaders to stand with courage and not turn into clucking chickens.
BTW, she's not in Hawaii anymore. she came back to DC five days ago of this writing
The entire west coast should dump the red states............and even possibly try to become part of Canada...........If anyone should buld walls....blue states should protect themselves from the fascist red states
2 movies come to mind on this. Man in the High Tower and Civil War (2024). Both show the US in sections, governed separately. Both are very scary scenarios.
Trump has the Maga cult in the palm of his hand.........seems to have gotten away with Jan 6.....very scary scenarios that could become reality very quicky....
great work on all your postings by the way
Thanks. I'm a bit new to this platform, so it's been a bit bumpy for me... Lol
I appreciate the feedback 😎
Full speed ahead Lei and just go for it. You fit right in and I learned so much from your work on the inauguration. My one suggestion is to check out IHIPNEWS. Keep track of this post....let me know if you do give it a shot.
In Canada, we have Quebec which was a settlement of France, that got concqured by the British. It was allowed to continue to exist as a province in Canada. Because of its heritage, much of its population wants to separate as an independent country to protect its culture. You probably heard about the various referendums held for this in the last 50 years. The reason Quebec did not separate has to do with controling their own money supply. They would have to establish their own central bank with a new currency, which would be largely worthless in the rest of the world. Staying in Canada allows them to do trade with the Canadian dollar, and this gives economic security. The same problem exists for states that break from the union. They would not be able to control or use the American dollar. So, breaking from the union also means joining another friendly country that is willing to share their established currency with that state.
Quebec never faced the tthreat of national guard/ICE officers forcefully removing people, putting them in camps for deportation. Yes...in 1970 the murders brougt soldiers into the streets to bring order. The stakes are higher and more violently volitile.
California could make it on its own merits. The electoral college is not working at all.
not saying you cannot make it. a big thing people forget to take care of is the state's monetary currency. joining Canada is one way around it because you can use the Canadian dollar as an established currency. that was the big problem Quebec faced in separating from Canada. the bloc told Quebecers they could continue to use the Canadian dollar, but Canada said no. so, establishing new currency is half the work of breaking off
You are missing my point entirely. Financial things could be worked out. Why should Democratic states keep proping up the red GOP states...that hate the Democratic states??? So.....just let the Christian nationalists have their fascist world and allow the progressive areas have their world.
Canada, hopefully will come together as a nation to counter the Trump tariffs under Trudeau, who has international experience.....the other guy is a closet Trumpist in waiting with endorsments from Alex Jones and Musk.He would be a total disaster dealing with a situation like this.
Bring it on!
Let's hope our team remembers this and enforces it. I'm sending letters to my representatives. I suggest you do the same. I've already sent to Adam Schiff (direct from his website), Elizabeth Warren (via Facebook), and the entire Democrat Party (via website)
Are you sure about this? Sounds too good to be true. 🥴
Please forward to anyone you know that has deep knowledge of the constitution. This was sent to me, but I'm no expert in this area. I'm just trying to find someone that can validate it.
We can only HOPE!!!
Is this true?
Extra context:
The Supreme Court ordered Trump to have his "insurrectionist disqualification" removed by a two-thirds vote of both the House and Senate on March 4th, 2024. Tump and his legal team were too illiterate and unintelligent to actually read what was legal and had standing (state enforcement against federal candidates), and what didn't (federal enforcement against federal candidates). And MAGA SCOTUS is now permanently legally barred from ever addressing any matter pertaining to federal enforcement of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment against Trump, so they can't even try to interfere on his behalf again, should Democrats in the House of Representatives and the Senate demand and force a vote on the matter of his disqualification for holding federal office.
He failed to do so prior to November 5, 2024.
That's what I'm trying to find out too. I'm posting it everywhere I can to get that answer.
Wow! Did you just know this, as a Constitutional lawyer or similar, or have you seen this in a Law Journal or anywhere else?
It was sent to me and zive forwarded it on to various experts to get validation. I also sent it to Kamala Harris, Adam Schiff, Elizabeth Warren, and the entire Democrat org.
Thanks. There are an awful lot of Dem lawyers in Congress who should know this if true, so I have reservations believing it. But hope springs!
We can only hope this isn't another dead end
Here's the source for the article. This is a Harvard Law Review paper... Not some Facebook armchair muck 😉
Dear MaryTrump,
Please take it easy.
Warmest loves from London :)
I have created a graphic for the upcoming “No Watch” inauguration party. You know, so ratings will be bad and an ego will be crushed. Here is the Box link for download. Use and pass around at will.
I would never watch it, and I really hope that all democrats and former presidents stay away.
You Sir, are a genius and I salute you. I feel like mainstream/legacy/social/all media rammed this through for..."Engagement." For the first time in my life, I hope hell is real.
Me Too
I'm just glad you are still with us and fighting the good fight.
I used to teach art history in another life and I adore the works of Claude Lorraine. You’re so right - he was a master of ideal landscape painting and the mystical, almost magical light in his works is indeed calming. Keeping ourselves as calm as possible is essential for our mental health. And please, don’t ever feel bad about light postings - we all need time to recharge. ❤️
Dear Ms. Trump,
Thank you for all that you do. We need to maintain hope and keep in the light during these stressful times.
Personally, I’ve cut down so much on my news consumption as I don’t even trust The NY Times anymore.
There is plenty of beauty and good in the world and we have to remember that.
It’s also important to remember that your uncle is incompetent. It’s showing already and we can hope that he doesn’t do much damage — and he has just two years to accomplish anything because after that he’s a lame duck.
He’s lame already anyhow.
Glad to receive your post, Mary......I like feeling connected to this group you have created.
You inspire me. Thank you.
Thankyou, very kind of you to say... oh, you meant Mary, didn't you. 🤭🙂
Yes but acknowledgement is inspiring also. Thank you. 🙏🏻
Have you watch the video of Trump and Elon watching the launch. There is something wrong with Trump. The right side of his face isn't moving right. I wonder if he has had a stroke. The Telegraph has the full video on YouTube.
There is definitely something off about his expression as he stands by his various nominees
I think we are in kind of a breakfast with bernie situation.
He looks so dead, so empty.
Light postings are just fine for now.
There has definitely been a shift in energy. As an intuitive, I'm so grateful! I am focusing on DJT destroying himself... I truly believe that is what will eventually happen.
We can only hope
Hope is one tool, but hope wants and needs partners. In depth thinking, courage and daring
Mary, why aren’t the dems investigating the swing states. ??
HaHa good picture of you with the Balloon captions 😂see you soon 💯👍
Of course we love you and rely on you to keep our sanity. But please please take care of yourself first. As we all navigate our horrible new reality, self care allows us to contribute more to our united cause; saving democracy and America from fascism. Commit to work with resolve and unity. We have truth and integrity on our side and we’re going to win.
Do not obey in advance.