He's a traitor. Shows how much he cared about us. He was the worst person to lead us at that time when COVID killed millions of our fellow Americans. This creep is out for himself and deserves to spend of his life behind bars and broke.

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What scares me isn't that HE is a traitor, it's that almost HALF OF AMERICA are traitors for supporting him!!!

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Including the many Red Russian Republicans inside our government.

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Where is HUAC now that we actually need it?

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I know. Here he is chummy w Putin and throwing the commie accusation at Harris and Dems in general and completely unaware that Russia is a communist country ( well sort of, historically, but now a fascist/kleptocracy with those who piss-off Putin go out a window or blown out of the skies).

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One HUAC was one too many

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Defeat the Red Menace in November!

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They choose to believe in the lies. Maybe they're too ashamed to admit that they made a mistake supporting them? It's the failure to admit to admit you made a mistake and doubling down on the lies. That's what I believe.

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Yes! I have been stressing to my friends that NO ONE goes into the booth with you! NO ONE will know who you vote for!

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I think they have been carefully taught to hate Democrats and they hate us so much that many of them want us all harmed.

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Susie, it is true they hate Democrats because we represent all the people they have been groomed to hate. They desperately need their loyalty to Trumpland because so many of them have let their hatred, anger, fear, and resentment isolate them from people who could connect with them and make their lives sweeter. They will stick to a man who despises them and has told them so, because they want to belong to something they think is powerful, something that can get those "libs," or "woke folks" or "demons" or whatever name they have been given to call those who see life differently. It is almost as though they want to be miserable so they can claim they are holier than everyone else. In reality, they are just more miserable, by choice.

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Red flag to all his followers: Not one President alive is going to vote for him. He's not a Republican he's a Trump, traitor, lier, molester/rapist etc. Are these people that sick and demented? Ship him and his followers to an island and let him play Dictator there.

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The MAGA crowd is a pathetic bunch that have OD'd on the Kool-aid. This is a cult, and no matter how much common sense you throw at them, it is shamelessly batted away. Their comeuppance will occur on Nov 5 and their diabolical and despicable hero will end up spending a great deal of time in courtrooms. You reap what you sow!

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Reminds me of Jacob Marley with his chains he forged in life

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Joe, yes, people are often wrong, that's life, but the inability to admit when one has made a wrong choice is like a disease; it keeps digging deeper and deeper into a hole of lies that one must tell oneself to the point that a new reality has been created to cover the inability to admit being wrong, in this case, wrong about who Donald Trump was and is. One can understand that people can be bamboozled by the massive media push of Trump and the inability of anyone to hold Trump accountable for anything. To some, that might look like strength instead of the fake promotion that it is, of a man who was unworthy of any recognition. One could believe in Donald Trump's prowess at first, but over time the truth has been hitting them in the face and yet, they pretend it is not real, when it is they who are clinging to a lie, a big lie. Ugh!

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Just wish the law would treat him like any of us. We all would be locked up if we only committed one of his many crimes.

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We are not “special”. We are just citizens of the United States. Trump is a king. Justice does not exist for him. Just us.

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Three avenues of lies. The third is the absolute worst.

1. The sin of commission - the obvious easy one

2. The sin of omission - allowing people to believe an untruth

3. Believing your own lies - this is where a lot of these folks are sitting

Telling the truth and owning up to misdeeds are best learned in childhood. These are foundational to developing a conscience.

Fear is likely the root of most of this nonsense. It's hard to face fear if the habit is not developed.

I'm sorry for people caught in this trap of misery.

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Chapter 10 in Timothy Snyder's little book, "On Tyranny" starts out by reminding us that "To abandon truth is to abandon freedom." He then goes on to quote from Victor Kemperer secret diaries written during the Nazi years, "The Truth Dies in Four Modes". The first mode is "the open hostility to verifiable reality". The second is "shamanistic incantation", "endless repetition". The third is "magical thinking" (eg. A disease that kills hundreds of thousands will vanish. The winner gets fewer votes.) The fourth is "misplaced faith". (eg." I alone can fix it." " I am your retribution...the protector of women".)

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I hope that those who are too ashamed to admit their grave mistake of voting for Trump have the decency to atone for their sins by voting for Harris in the privacy of the voting booth.

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Some will but not all. Hopefully, the "some" will be enough for the EC to do the right thing.

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How many times does Donald have to get caught with his hands in the Russian cookie jar before MAGA realizes they've been had?

Admitting Trump works for Putin is healthier than holding on to the delusion that trump isn't a traitor. I think it's not a leap to surmise that Trump gave classified information he took from White House to Putin in his calls to Putin. Trump is a traitor to USA citizens and our constitution. Period.

Trump can never be allowed back into the White House again!

That's why I love wearing this "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" t-shirt 🤣 👇


After November 5th it's OVER for Trump.

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Nevermind the Whie House! How about "persona non grata" and literally KICKING him out of the U.S.A.?

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Let him go live in Russia

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There are plenty of 30 story hotels or apartments that he could slip and fall

from to claim his just reward in Moscow!!!

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I would love to have a T-Shirt like yours to wear. I would wear it to church with full pride.

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From your lips to 'God's ears...

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It doesn't matter how many times. It could be a thousand. I live in a very red area, surrounded by Maga. I know many of them well. The majority of them sadly decided a long time ago that he was right. That it's all 'fake news'. The Deep State has made it all up. Etc...There's no breaking through, I've tried. I can only speak for the many I know. Idk what excuse they make for him in other states. Hard to believe but not all of those I'm talking about are uneducated either.

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Where can I get one of those shirts??

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That bothers me but it’s even worse that any of the known traitors are allowed to stay in or run for office. Age is the only requirement for being eligible?! That is messed up. Background checks, physicals, drug testing, education, and skills are required for other jobs. We must fix this. I worked in a hospital that required annual physicals and CEUs.

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That really fucking scares me

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No, half of Americans do not support Trump’s revolting coup. Its the internet, connected worldwide, that has you believing that active measure and tv news repeat what is popular on the internet that drives your irrational fear. The magans are dangerous, but mostly they do random shootings, arson and vehicular assaults.

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Maybe those 7+ Phone Calls with Putin involved finalizing that Gilded Cage that Putin is building in Moscow for DJT when DJT flees the USA on 'Trump Force One'... Wasn't DJT Building a 'Trump Tower' in Moscow, Russia, until he secured the GOP Nomination in 2016?

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He was at least negotiating to build a tower in Moscow, with the penthouse suite as a gift to putin. Because both men are transactional, I foresee that putin will drop trump like a hot potato if he loses the election.

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Thanks Susan... We can hope, unless Putin wants an ex-American President as a Trophy....

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You know, Apache, your thought gave me a great idea: after he dies, give him to Putin to put in a plexiglass display with the body preserved in formaldehyde. He could set up that monument right in the middle of Red Square…

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They can put him alongside the Captured Nazi Trophies...

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He had his daughter over there flirting with old Oligarchs. He's so disgusting; he not only makes sexual remarks about his daughter 🙄 but puts her in nasty position. Not even Putin agreed to his Trump monstrosity. Trumps a sucker.

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I'm sure the DOJ will pull his passport.

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Many are unwitting traitors. 41+% of Americans are illiterate. They hear what DT says, believe it and don’t have the literacy to read deeper for the truth. If democracy is to survive the US educational system has to aim for and achieve 100% literacy. Canada has 99%. Many Euro. nations have 100%.

It makes an enormous difference.

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And they call themselves "patriots".

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For them up is down, black is white, right is wrong, lies are truth.

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I find both things frightening.

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Brain Washed, Deluded and YES, many of them ARE Traitors.

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Detestable Orange Donable Lector is guiilty of first to infinity degrees of murder. Now fake chiristian Moses Mike under direction of the Trump/Putin duo of destruction is undercutting aid to hurricane victims.....when will the #1 enemy of humanity be tried for his multiple crimes of ending the lives of thousands of innocent victims.

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And half of Congress!

Vote blue

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Couldn't agree more!!

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We lead the world in Covid deaths! Over 1 million people. Trump suggested drinking bleach and some of his followers actually did. Utter moron on top of being an extremely rude sociopath.

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We must not forgive him for one million deaths in our country. He lied all about Covid. People would not get the Covid Vacine, even whhen it became available. We have had Ben Arnold as our only traitor until now. Count Trump as the number one traitor of all time. Send TRump to Russia and see how he will whine after a dose of Putin.

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I would hope they would charge him somehow for all these deaths that could have been avoided on his watch. What a disaster! He keeps negating all of this and his loss at the election!

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Except he has immunity for actions taken during his presidency. Apparently, lying and endangering people was part of the job.

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If he’s in charge the next pandemic will kill a lot more of his own voters.

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Remember, he hated the tests because they increased the Covid count.

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I agree, Joe.

Thank you, Mary. 💙

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Gotta LOVE the Kremlin's response to Cheung's bathetic, puerile denial statement. The puppet master is more grown up than the wannabe strongman. Too bad Donald can't feel humiliation, only anger. Maybe some of his admirers will finally cringe. -- And I can't even convey my contempt for Woodward, sitting on this report for years while his book percolates its way to print. Profit conquers all.

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Looking at it from a different perspective, Mr Hawley..

Perhaps the book's release was timed to have the ( hopefully!) the greatest.potential impact.on.the voters in the upcoming election...which I fervently hope , that seeing it in that light...it works.to perfection for.our Blue warriors all!

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I agree with that — I had my own visceral “Oh yeah!” reaction — but it’s a shame that Woodward knew this so long ago and joined the silent chorus of his source(s) & anyone else who knew and kept it quiet. Got to shake it off and pull harder for victory.

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Your question certainly a valid.one to ponder, Mr Hawley . Woodward has .(in my opinion) always been an excellent newsman...a man of.integrity. Woodward & Bernstein's reporting back in the Nixon days brought to light a flawed president & his " dirty tricks" minions.. Am old enough to have been a witness to those difficult times. ...but , as to the release. date.of Woodward's book....I possess no crystal.ball, sir. Just hope it will but add to the evidence plainly available to.us all that the republican choice for president.would.be wrong...destructive,..perhaps even fatal to our democracy....

Solution?. To borrow your words, Mr Hawley..." Got to shake it off and pull harder

for victory!". Vote Blue! Up/Down.the ballot !

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Y'all done talked me down. Must admit I know zip about how/when Woodw'd reported this, when he learned it. And must admire him for taking the heat he knew woud be drawn by his tactical timing to make it public.

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Note to self: Reserve contempt for the mindset of the times, prioritizing the fleeting & fickle blandishments of power, privilege, & profit. It fosters a pursuit of vanity & emptiness rather than stressing the value the system exists to provide to the world. Richard Powers was long interviewed on *1-A* today. I love to read history, but sometimes it's too recent a subject, and fiction can be more enriching; case in point. Which will I buy, War or Powers's? Any doubt?

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I agree with you re Bob Woodward holding onto this crucial piece of information four years after until his next book to profit from it. Trump is a traitor and Woodward is shameless!

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I respectfully disagree, Ms Carter.

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I haven’t read the Woodward texts, but it’s possible the news about the Covid machines might have come AFTER publication of his last book. There was a reference that this tidbit came from an aide whose conscience finally wouldn’t let them stay quiet. And Woodward is a writer who insists on rock solid verification. That also might have delayed using this story.

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consider the information a "first" of october surprises that are to come..usually its only one,but i am thinking this time around there will be a few more,including the current misinformation campaign trump has tried to push regarding FEMA help and the hurricane in florida!

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

One of the first conversations that I had when DJT began campaigning for the presidency in 2015 was with my brother in law. He's a Libertarian and 19 years younger than I and a determined contrarian, who relies on You-tube and other online sources techies gravitate to for information. He doesn't trust the government or either political party. I was shocked that he was not concerned that the candidate, DJT had such close ties to Russia and Putin, and made comments that were way too Putin friendly for my comfort. We ended the discussion 9 years ago when he ask "Don't you think we should "get along" with Russia?"

I stood there speechless realizing that he wasn't appalled that a POTUS candidate was aligning himself with what I consider an arch enemy of our country and most of the free world. He was repeating words used by Donald J Trump...in DJT's own simplistic vocabulary. I let it go because I didn't want to cause a riff in the family, and also because from experience I learned that he doesn't back down on his beliefs...We had the same disagreement on the covid vaccine, and I was accused of living in a left wing silo ( I'm a healthcare professional with an MPH.)

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The stakes are high for Putin right now. Having the USA again in his pocket would help him enormously. Putin will be putting his best boost behind Don Trump right now. We'll find out the details after the election, I guess.

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It would be a miracle. Let's pray it happens soon.

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I completely agree. I just question with Jan 6th taking of secret records Putin etc how is this not a form of Treason? The people following him included. They want to destroy democracy 🙄.

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giving aid and comfort to the enemy , pretty clear right there.

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I so agree.

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In 1956 Nikita Khrushchev promised that Russia would defeat the United States without ever firing a shot. Donald is actively campaigning to accomplish that.

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Eloquently said, Mr Smith! Spot on!

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Was it Nikki who said, ‘we will bury you’? It was either him or Gorby but I think it was him, we used to get Movietone News before the cartoons and main feature in theaters in the 50s and I remember seeing Khrushchev and his wife on screen when they visited the US.

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Khrushchev took his shoe off at the United Nations and banged it on his podium, yelling "we will bury you" in Cyrillic. He wasn't speaking to the US specifically but to the rest of the UN that were against him.

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Bury you in capitalism were his words. Russia was still a communist country and once our ally in ww2 but now it's an Oligarchy

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The MAGA cult leader appears to have committed another crime by violating the Logan Act.

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I truly believe that if the Old Obese Orange Turd murdered someone execution style on video his supporters would find a way to support him and say he really didn’t do it. I feel like I’m on different planet than these people.

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Or that he “had every right to do it”

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So what, right? The only crime he has yet to commit is his threat to “shoot someone on Fifth Avenue.” Nothing matters. He is immune.

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Not if Kamala Harris is elected. He is finished! And right now Jack Smith's new filing just pierced right through his armor of protection that the stinking U.S. Supreme Court Assholes gave him.

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Yes I like “stinking US Supreme Court Assholes.” I am very afraid of what else they can/will do.

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Yes he has continually violated the Logan Act and needs to be jailed for it. He doesn't quit!

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Doesn’t this fall under the Supreme Court’s immunity decision?

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And why is no one in authority going after him under the Logan Act?

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It shouldn't. He is a "former" president. He has no "official acts" after leaving office.

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That's right he has no official acts, he is out of office. Harris will burn him. She was a no bullshit Attorney General of the State of California. She wouldn't blink twice when it came to putting a criminal behind bars for any crime. She was also one of the very best DA Prosecuting attorneys in California. You should go google her track record. I am a Native Californian. Born and raised there.

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Sadly it will not make a difference to the cult members. Hoping it sways a few ‘I’m not going to vote’ Monday morning quarterbacks to actually participate in saving democracy and casting a vote for Harris/Walz and down ticket blue. I have no doubt Donald is working closer with Putin than anyone really knows. Terrifying. 🥺 Thank you Mary ❤️

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Sadly, MAGA republicans won’t be reading Woodward’s book (or this Substack). How can we get this in front of the eyes that need to see it?

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Even when they see it, they’ll deny it.

Recently had a discussion with a MAGA who claimed US was safe during Trumps presidency that we didn’t even have any mass shootings. Of course that’s a lie but he challenged me to “name one.” I said ok (being obvious) the 2017 Vegas massacre. He directly said that was a conspiracy, actors, etc. What’s to be done with people like that? Ignore them is all I know to do, in the same way they ignore reality.

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Trump is nothing more than Putin's bitch and I'm sure has given him whatever secrets he could lay his hands on during his term. But as sick as they are I don't think that there are enough of these deluded morons to put him back in the White House. We have to hope that the rest of the fence sitters will see sense and realize that they kind of like having a democracy and may not be as happy with living in a dictatorship.

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Yeah, a dictatorship complete with its own Gestapo (secret state police) and concentration camps (to be constructed).

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Except they don’t believe it will be a dictatorship. That’s just crazy lefty talk. And even if it turns out to be one, the faithful “know” that it won’t apply to them.

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The MAGAts are never going to change.

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Then we must outwit and outvote them.

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MAGA represents "only" about 30 million voters, a small minority. These kinds of reports will sway the non-MAGA Republicans who typically vote down ballot and will make them think twice. It's a waste of time and money to try to convince MAGA, especially when there's no need to.

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I do try to remember despite the loudness & msm coverage & bombardment of nonsense, they are the minority, they lost in 2016 (electoral college gave him the win) and they lost big in 2020. I know they’ll lose again next month.

I do worry about the bs they’ve been doing at state level with elections making them harder to certify, putting deniers in charge, etc & I worry about the SCOTUS. But I do try to remember, they are the minority.

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Part of the problem is that those Republican voters who don't like Trump and won't vote for him will still vote for other Republican candidates. They can hold their noses for 1, but can't seem to realize they are encouraging the same crap by continuing to vote for other GOP candidates. I have a sibling who is that way.

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we have to prevent them from interfering and obstructing the election results.

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I’m worried about what they are planning for when Harris wins.

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I join you in your concern, shee-rah ! Spot on!

" Past is prologue !"

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Call the media and write letters to the editors of all newspapers. write your own post and have it printed in your local newspapers. That's something allot of people will read.

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Do the MAGApublican Clowns (MC) know how to read🤡🤡🤡?

I figured no because they🔥🔥🔥🔥 all the WOKE 📚📖📙📘🎒!

They are stupid MC dumb fucks because of themselves. 🤑🤑🤑🤑

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The CIA must be asking, "How did Russia go from a feared enemy to a trusted ally." Surely the "follow the money" mantra works here.

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He has been groomed, either by brainwashing or by his own stupidity

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Or both. And we should not discount drugs either. But I say we just let the facts come out and let the pieces (of his life) shatter and fall where they may.

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I am always amazed that very few mention his total incontinence since his TV show, "You're fired." I never watched because I've been fired many times and know the pain and uncertainty that accompanies those words. Apparently he revels in those painful and embarrassing moments that others experience. A true sociopath.

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Did you mean incontinence or incompetence? I think both actually apply.

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Thanks for your response. Yes, BOTH apply but I just thought that we all already know about his incompetence.

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Thank you, Jenika & shee-rah for giving us a smile-producing moment of levity to soften a serious subject! We do so profit by a smile each day to allow us to continue the battle for our Blue candidates up/ down the ballot. You both do us a great service ...helping keep our sanity & well being sharp & fortified for the final days ahead! Vote Blue...with a broad smile on our faces... Victory is on.the horizon!

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Trump Tower Moscow.

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Send the whole fam family and his followers to the outskirts. They want a Dictator welcome to it.

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So, you actually think that the CIA noticed and cares?

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As a Russia Specialist who did research for DOD at MIT, served in Russia and Ukraine during Cold War and was head of Soviet division of major policy institute in DC I have followed his Russian contacts closely and never considered him a legitimately elected potus since electronic " stuffing of balletbox" in swing states by St Peterburg FSB geeks shouldn't count. His open use of a Blackberry in a town full of Russian spies who could follow his every text, his tete a tetes in Oval Office with Russian officials minus any US interpreters, and numerous other behaviors were consistently alarming for our national security. I agree with Liz Cheney that he can never be allowed anywhere near the White House again!

Read out his sentence & LOCK HIM UP!

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As you being a Russian expert, I want to ask you something that has been troubling me all my life. I am old and retired now. But, when I was a kid, I was pulled out of my family because parents were abusive. Part of the process required them to attend family counselling with a psychologist, who investigated the family dynamics.

My parents were both born in Poland. My dad in Krakow, and my mom on a farm along the eastern border of Poland. When WW2 broke out, both were captured by Russia. My mom was sent to a Siberian labor camp, supposedly my dad to a Russian prison. Then, when Russia switched sides, one of the conditions was they had to release all of their POWs. Supposedly, my mom had to WALK to England. I don't know how my dad got there. In England, they were both enlisted into the Polish division of the English army. After the war, England gave pensions to all of the polish fighters, and allowed them to migrate to any Commonwealth country of their choice. that is how my parents came and MET in Canada. a year later, I was born.

This was the story my parents told me. But, the psychologist found something else. He called me into a one on one meeting one day and said he now knew what was keeping my parents together, and why there was abuse. But, he said because of patient confidentiality (privacy laws), he wasn't allowed to tell me details other than it had something to do with the war. I said I knew the story and outlined what I wrote above. He said yes, but there's more. He said the reason he was telling me was so I could ask them about it. Then, he said he did not think they would ever tell me, however, it was still important that I ask.

The kinds of things my parents did when I lived with them are identical to what Donald Trump does. same disinformation, same reverse denial, same ambiguous language, same dismissal of everything outside of their closed system as being fake (including media and TV commercials), same dismantling of my judgement, same isolating me from peers and friends, and same violence.

I lived in many places with many different people and families since I was pulled out. From that, I saw how "different from the norm" my parents really were. One person whose dad was also in the war said that when Russia switched sides, they mixed undercover KGB agents into the crowds that had to walk back to England that then enlisted into the polish division of Great Britain's forces.

Is this historically true? could this be what the psychologist found? has this happened to a lot of people, born into "sleeper agent" families that migrated across the world? I would appreciate any insight.

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Why the hell did Woodward hold off on this type of information? He should have sent this to Jack Smith before he chose to make money off these allegations. BW is almost as bad as DT for gritting.

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I bet Jack Smith already knows all of it and more.

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I bet its in Jack Smith's 165 page brief. Trump is screaming about this. Not everything is going to be revealed till its ready to go to trial. And yes Trump shared some of those secret documents info with a wealthy businessman from Australia at a business dinner in a restaurant. That man called our FBI and reported it to them. He shared the secret codes of our Navy Ships or at least told the man that he has them. The stinking traitor. Thank God Australia is our ally.

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Utterly horrid. I can't fathom how our government is allowing this criminal run for its highest office. What a disgrace. He should be in prison for the rest of his life

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GITMO. Traitor.

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Let’s see now . . . who is more credible - Bob Woodward, an esteemed journalist who has made a career of digging out the truth, or a 34 time convicted felon who lies like most people breathe, who is so incapable of telling the truth about anything that his lawyers are afraid to let him defend himself on the witness stand in his many trials? I would say Bob Woodward, in the easiest of easy decisions.

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Bob Woodward is one of those RARE actual Journalists …not many of them are left.

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But why did he hold on to this information in time to publish his book right before the election? $$

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My question exactly. But maybe it was to maximize the effect? Similar to some of these folks like the Cheneys … they held back until their voices would be loudest and could create the biggest shift. Maybe that is what he was after. And the $$$$ , of course.

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He had to complete the gathering of his facts to avoid being sued once he published his book. He gave the first copy of it to Lawrence O'Donald to report of the Covid Tests being given to Russia's Putin.

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Mary, what do you think Putin has on Donald? What do you think his hold is over him? I’d be interested to hear your opinion.

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I think he s got debts on Trump all that motivates either one is money/power. Follow the money indeed! 6 bankruptcies and counting!

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Actually he has filed 7 bankruptcies according to Putin. I bet one of those was in Russia being that Putin knew about it.

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Nancy good question. Mary spill the tea!!!!

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Donald might have for some time been considering "doing a bunk"/fleeing the country. He needs a friendly place with no extradition treaty. So bribes to Putin are essential.

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The louder Donold yelled "No Collusion!" the deeper Putin's choke collar dug into his orange, saggy neck.

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Think you mean…his Vagina neck

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unfortunately, media will downplay this. They've caved in about every lie, every threat, every effort to distort facts. So tired of it.

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So much of our MSM has been purchased by DARK MONEY.

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I have thoughts that trump is an agent of Russia/putin. What would be better for putin than to have the US cave on its democracy and trump is the perfect tool to be used because he is so easily swayed and in my option just a dumb ass

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Apparently there is evidence that he has been actively cultivated as an asset by the Russians since the 1980s.

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I read that Russia has been following him since he came on the scene with his casinos.

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No Trump isn't a dumb ass. Just cold hearted and calculated to destroy our country. A stinking reprobate rat!

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I totally "get" trump now that I've read all three of Mary Trump's books. Actually, I understood trump by Mary's first book, Too Much and Never Enough. As the twig is bent, so goes/grows the tree....

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He’s not (entirely) dumb. But he is incredibly needy for affirmation. So if putin keeps telling him that he’s a very special boy who was a great president, he will keep rolling over and trying to curry more favour.

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AND…they have the perfect Mr. Ridley to take over when Trump is tossed aside..one way or the other. Tea or Free Flyin’?

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You mean Vance will be their next candidate for the presidency....?

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I think vance is their current candidate for the presidency. Trump is just the Trojan horse to get him close enough.

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No, Vance and the cabinet members will Amendment 25 Donny and he’ll be tossed into the dust bin of history.

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“We get all the funding we need from Russia,” said one of the elephant slayers. Or was it a dead giraffe, they so proudly posed with?

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Eric the Dumb

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Evil family. Genetics show what rot is in that Trump clan. Killers for FUN.

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Couldn't have said it better. Could never get that dam picture of that innocent animal in Eric and Donals arms years ago. Just sick.

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Trumps SMILE after they KILL something.

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Hearing that Barron mistreated “small animals” does not seem far fetched at all, does it?

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"The book from the renowned journalist of Watergate fame reports that Trump, while President in 2020, secretly sent Putin Abbott COVID-19 testing machines when the devices were scarce, according to CNN." Just why did it take Woodward four years to bring this into the light?

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It wouldn't have mattered because trump was UNtouchable in those days. Hopefully the trials of the orange one will resume after he loses.

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