Melinda Gates Says Bill Gates's Work with “Abhorrent” Jeffrey Epstein Led to Divorce

The philanthropist added that she realized their marriage “just wasn’t healthy, and I couldn’t trust what we had.”

“I did not like that he had meetings with Jeffrey Epstein, no. I made that clear to him,” she explained, adding that she met with the convicted sex trafficker “exactly one time” because she “wanted to see who this man was.” She continued, “I regretted it the second I walked in the door. He was abhorrent. He was evil personified. My heart breaks for these women.”

VANITY FAIR, March 2022

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Thank you for sharing this Lisa. I totally believe that. With too much money BG's dark side came through. I used to think he was an honorable nerd egalitarian... now I know better. yet another example of "Absolute power corrupts absolutely". Ugh.

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Bless Melinda Gates. I am so sorry this happened to her.

I am so proud of her for speaking out to save other women. I am glad a list is going out with the names of the men who were part of this power grab. What tapes were they in?

Bill Clinton needs to come forward and tell what he did while in the facilities with Epstein. According to the Documentary, Victoria Secrets: Angels & Demons on HULU, Epstein had cameras even in the bathrooms, per one of Epstein's employees.

Now, we are now aware that Donald purchased tapes from Epstein. Did Donald start doing the same thing? Blackmailing Republicans? What about Democrats? What about Agents?

What do you think? Possible? That's what Putin does as well.

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I think there is a lot more to this story and the media should not give up investigating. Focus should be on Donald and people in power who can cause damage to our country. Not worried about former President Clinton.

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I agree with you Lisa. I needed to say it a different way. Bill Clinton as well as all the others who visited Epstein's facilities need to tell what they did instead of being blackmailed by Putin, who it seems has the 700+ tapes now, or donald who pay have purchased Bill's tapes. When someone turns 360 degrees, something is up.

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For the sake of America, his entire past, his ongoing crimes against America, underage young women, & women of all ages must be proven, exposed, & he must be PUNISHED & REMOVED FROM ANY & ALL PUBLIC OFFICES & PUBLIC LIFE!!! For the sake of everyone, BAN THIS OBSCENE, VILE PERVERT!!!

BTW ~ why has no one ever proven that he does NOT know the “Lord’s Prayer”, the “Pledge of Allegiance” or any of the “National Anthem” nor any other standard prayers, Bible passages, or national standard fare, memorized, common American memorized-since-childhood songs, pledges, prayers, songs, etc.!!!

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The only time he claimed to be “religious” was when he was courting the votes of evangelicals and you know after those prayer sessions, he laughed at them when they left, on the way to the dining room or toilet.

Evangelicals are the only reason Pence was his VP... tRump is ever the serpent in the garden of Eden.

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Beverly -- I remember one other time -- when he cleared the area in front of the White House with armed police riding horseback and marched his senior advisors and Ivanka through the cleared area to the next-door church. Ivanka took a Bible out of her purse, handed it to her Dad and he stood there, mute, holding the Bible upside down. Poor General Milly was so embarrassed, as i remember, he issued an apology for being there.

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He did. He trusted, innocently, I would propose, that no Commander in Chief would drag our military into a clearly political matter! He also stated as I recall that he'd learned a valuable lesson. Let's hope other military command staff have also followed suit.

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How is it that his platform is in behalf of Christianity, freedom to worship. He is for what you and I want for our country.

It would be nice for a Billy Graham to be president but, is he qualified to make foreign relations decision. Billy Graham was in his position where God called him and he was one of our finest men. I want someone who can handle running this country and I do wish his life was in Christ. Many around him are God fearing men.

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Good GOD- we Do NOT need anymore “Religious Christians” running this country; like the Religious Muslims” lead IRAQ!

There is FREEDOM Of and Freedom FROM religion.

Dead people like Billy Graham cannot run for office, first; and second: WE the People get to decide what we believe as to god.

NOT have a preacher or imam from one Christian sects (Baptist v. Pentacostal v. Southern Baptist; evangelical Lutherans vs Lutheran) or Muslim sects (Sunni v. Shia).

NO NO NO- absolutely not!!!!!Whatever You believe should not be forced to be what My belief is or anyone else’s belief is.

A PERSONAL Belief must NEVER become How We Run Government!!!! Personal is Personal. Government is not church.

Ya Want the Insurrectionist Shaman to be the leader???? Or maybe a Jim Jones type. Or an ayatollah type?

NO NO NO - stop it.

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Jan 4, 2024
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Let us not forget that cleaning Donald's room at the White House they found a book of Hitler. Thank you, Lord for revealing who we are dealing with.

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The Gross Trumpkin believes what his brain - dead MAGATs believe - that he's a combination of Superman & Jesus. Gullibility incarnate.

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Well, that’s their Problem - stupid is as stupid does. Gullible is right!

How did Americans get so dumb- I guess That’s OUR real exceptionalism.

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If you look at history over the past 50 years, you'll find that it has been a Republican Party project to "dumb down" America by refusing to properly fund public education... read that as primarily "urban school systems" and, well, you get the picture...

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This was always part of the Neo-Nazis 100 year plan. I believe it started well before the 1,600 WWII Nazi War Criminals were allowed in our country without going through our Immigration System.

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This nation has never had any significant inkling of noteworthy intelligence to begin with.

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Are YOU referring to YOURSELF?

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“No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.”

— H.L.Mencken

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Americans were not aware that Donald was putting hypnotic suggestions in his video. Beware.

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MAGA sentiments have coursed through the river of our nation since before 1776, in one form or sense, or another. Periodically, like stock market crashes -- also constructed by destructive, power maniacal forces -- break out in an epidemic! The perfect storm Tim Alberta, and others including Jane Meyer, and Nancy McClellan (Democracy in Chains; Dark Money) describe in their books on the subject has now melded these radical anti human rights forces to many equally autocratic and equally extreme religious right groups, and the race has been on and cracking for who can seize the most control and power for the minority force of elite and rich white men who purport to believe their rights have been mangled just because they have had to share a realistically very meager portion of rights and benefits to women, especially white women, Blacks, and other non-whites since the 1960's. They fail to grasp that human rights for all does not mean less rights for them -- it is not pie!

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I wonder as you present this post as well. However, I believe most people are not as mindful and alert as is surely mandatory from my perspective to the thieves in this coming night that seem to be gathering steam like a snow ball rolling down a mountain toward destruction of all and anything in its path. We are innocent in a sense in this regard as a young nation compared to Europe who grappled and struggled with these same forces through at least two horrific world wars, and has come out on the other side with communal efforts like NATO, the UN, and the European Union. None of these groups are without issues, but their existence speaks of learning the hard bought lessons that we are in fact our neighbor's keepers, and that other's problems are our problems because they will one day make their ways to our doors, too! Moral being when we help and partner and compromise with others, we help ourselves. Simple to describe, but for many self-absorbed, selfish, self-centered individuals it's virtually impossible to conceptualize and then act accordingly.

If people grew up, really matured to their chronological ages, most of the problem we have would quickly be matters of a rocky historical record. Since that is not happening, we are destined to trudge and stumble through this period of excruciating uncertainty. It's not new to this Boomer. It feels very similar to me to the mid-1950's civil rights fights in the South through to the Bay of Pigs era with the threat of the USSR and communism. My how seats at the critics table have switched from then to the MAGA POV re: Putin etc al.

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Well, I hear you. Now that we are aware that some Americans wanted us to fight on the side with Hitler before WWII, it all makes sense to me now. I always wondered, how in the world did our government allow 1,600 WWII War Criminals to secretly come into our country. Well, the secret was not a secret to them, but to American Citizens. WOW!!! How many millions upon millions of people died in that World War to keep our Earth safe? To learn that a Trojan Horse was brought into our country in the dead of night. Criminals, treated like Kings, told in the Documentary "Camp Confidential: Americas Secret Nazis."

Yep, Putin, I believe is the grandchild of a Nazi, just like Donald is a grandchild of a Nazi. The Light of the Truth is on. It is shining brightly.

We have to take our Country back. The first step is to get the truth out to all Americans.

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They are so so dumb, but funny how when it becomes time to vote, the last 2 years, there was no big red wave, these clowns are scared of there own shadows, once in that voting box, we’re no one else can see, there ticking the blue all the way, they can see, Biden/Harris have done an incredible job, and there not going to give it up for trump, they vote, run back out side put the red caps on, they love trump, after voting blue lol

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Unctuous derps and those peerless in vacuous idiocy, many who feel powerless, as they’ve never had a chance being anything more than serfs in their lives are his followers!

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They're so far REMOVED from the real world that they couldn't find the Milky Way galaxy or the solar system on a map of the universe. They'd only see " Trump Universe " wherever they looked !

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How do you spell, s-a-t-i-n ... When that shoe fits, it must be worn!

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Isn’t it spelled s-a-t-a-n?

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Some of my home’s walls are painted in satin! Oh no.

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His father was anti-democracy, and DJ Trump emulates him to the T, apparently. Arrogance, defiance are among top traits Trump's personality manifests in all his affairs. He has never, that I can see, met a rule, tradition or norm he followed, observed or adhered to in any setting. This strain to our country and jeopardy to our society must be met head on and repelled. It is not mirrored on the left or by Biden, Harris, or the Democrats even by their 1%ers. That accusation is pure projection and confession.

Thank you Dr. Mary Trump for helping in that quest for sanity and serenity!

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And the original Drumpf was a German draft dodger who came here to escape German compulsory Military service. He was Not allowed back in Germany and Friedrich and Elizabeth Drumpf lost their Bavarian citizenship because of it! The name changed to Trump by Donnie’s grandpa Friedrich Drumpf.

His dad Fred obfuscated about their German heritage because he didn’t want Jewish and other clients to reject them as business partners.

Boy do Friedrich’s apples not fall from that diseased part of the tree.

Maybe that’s why Donnie’s ability to lie, lie, lie without even thinking has been groomed and is so well developed. As well as his desire for fascism/authoritarianism is so strong. With a family penchant for draft dodging, too. He’s known to have FORBIDDING any of his children to serve in the military as well; or they’re out of the will.

Check out History.com about the Drumpf to Trump saga.

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I assume that Trumputin will, if nominated, refuse to debate Biden but if he does, Joe's first question should be "can you please recite the Lord's Prayer"?The antiChristian religious right will have a shit fit since he can't/wont.

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Foolishly inserting religion into politics just as the right wing MAGA evangelicals do.

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The MAGAt’s have (since Ronald Reagan) obtained many Evangelicals to their side through duplicity. From Jerry Falwell to Franklin Graham (who met with Putin as reported by our own National Intelligence in the “Putin’s Asymmetric Assault on Democracy” which was denied by Donald at Helsinki). The Evangelicals are a huge voting block. It’s important for democracy that as many as possible need to realize that they are following a “false prophet” - right out of 2 Peter 2. Break that hold on the Evangelicals and it will help defeat the all the MAGAt menace that threatens our democracy.

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Yes, they are following a false prophet's. Yet, it is written, many will be lead astray believing in the evil one who comes Masquerading as the Light.

That's why one need to know what to look for. Evil comes to Kill, Steal, and Destroy. Good is gentle and Kind. Simple as that.

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It's Not. But, isn't there supposed to be a separation between Church & State??

So Why do they take the oath of office with a hand on the bible?

Test: How do you spell Politics? "Hypocrisy" FYI: that's also how you spell Religion! Yes, I know...

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Well said, Kay! What or who can counteract the MAGAs who are aggressive, determined and out of their minds with hatred for everyone not like them?

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Because trump is a pathological fraud.

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Thank you, Mary, for your reporting.

I hope Epstein's many accomplices are held accountable, including Donald.

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Donald's deluded robot worshippers will not believe anything bad, no matter how true and how much absolute evidence there is to prove it. Like today. Just the same as Hitler's Worshippers were.

Right to "The End"...

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Please remember that much of where people stand depends on where they sit. And they sit in front of FOX News and similar news sources.

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They're ALL indoctrinated to believe that GOP Jesus is incapable of wrongdoing or human error. IDIOTS.

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AND, He's Backed Up by those Sick & Dangerous Evangelicals. We can only hope, that

"This One" Doesn't Rise From The Dead. ( AKA: Zombie)

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Crucifying him would take a TITANIUM CROSS, & even it might not support his blubber & flab.

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But plate it in gold, badly, like his makeup 😅

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They have been poorly educated in compliance with Republican strategy for the past 60+ years so to outnumber the rest of us and win an election. VOTE

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Those aren't the people we're trying to convince, though

The people to whom anyone rational should be directing their persuasion attempts are the undecideds, not any MAGAts

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Remember the early 90’s, 13 year old Jeff Epstein sex-trafficked girl who accused Donald Trump of rape? Mysteriously she dropped the charges after Donald Trump’s defense attorneys got involved. Intimidation? Payoff? Both? Donald Trump, to my knowledge, like always has never been called to account.

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I read that she was getting death threats and dropped her case, per her Attorney Nancy Grace. But isn't having sex with a 13-year-old rape her in the USA?

Why didn't Nancy call the police and have him arrested? I don't get it. Why are the laws different for rich people?

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I’m not a lawyer, but I know the law well enough to know that when an adult has sex with an underage person, legally it is “statutory rape”. The law rightly has determined that an underage person is incapable & unable to give informed consent for sexual relations.

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Of course he's on the list. Power corrupts. I have it tattooed on me as a reminder. No detective work required. There is enough public domain information to be sure DJT is a piece of garbage who molests anyone he wishes to take advantage of. If we lived in a sane country, this malignant narcissist and all the rest of them would have been put in the cages they deserve.

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But apparently, we DON'T live in a sane country. To be fair, I believe the majority of us are decent, intelligent people. But there are enough really rotten apples in our population and in our government to spoil this entire country and its democracy.

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Here, here! It's our responsibility and our very existence depends upon honestly, honorably, and bravely facing up to them and doing the right thing to the best of our abilities!

I believe this is what Biden-Harris are doing and if returned for a 2nd term, would continue to do. What Biden is doing is not sexy, entertaining and shocking; right acting never is. The bully, the clown, the doofus -- they all get more attention which is what's happening now especially with U.S. media coverage of DJT, et al. Americans are human first -- we know who has our best interests top of mind, and who is fake and phoney. And, in the final analysis, this is God's world -- the force or energy that is beyond human -- will determine what is to be. A preview of after this storm would be nice about now as this is a very difficult period of time. But make no mistake about it: Americans can do hard things! We are still Americans. I have faith we will do what needs to be done in due time.

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We are Under the GOD of Love and He will fix this. He is shining a Light on all the evil doers. We must act. I am choosing to write, call, give rides to the polls and pray. Each of us must do something. We will not allow the Nazi to take over our country again.


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System failure is endemic in our legal structures.

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That is why I believe we must all stand up and say, "Enough."

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Great tattoo, BTW. Say “-“ (45) is definitely on that list. Do we believe it will make a dent in folks’ perception/worship of him? His lemmings will follow him off a cliff. When the “grab ‘em by the p****” clip went public, we all thought it was over and he was toast. Until he wasn’t, and we all know what happened after that! We’ll again be thoroughly disgusted over his involvement, while his sycophants will spin the facts into some strange twisted macrame of justifications and/or victim hooded-ness. He gets away with so much s***, it’s astounding. It’s beyond me why anyone would lift a finger to help him wriggle out of the next festering pit of trouble in which he finds himself.

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I honestly believe that if we all pray and ask The Almighty to deliver us from this evil, He will.

There is only One Creator called by different names. Let us all pray together.

Remember the boys in the caves? The world prayed for them. The Almighty sent his people.

Prayer is the key.

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I just hope they aren't hiding present day active political people or those who want to become our first dictator to protect them.

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Oh, there are other " DJT's " Mark 2.0 out there, slicker, smarter & less vulgar, no doubt. We have TO VET FUTURE CANDIDATE wannabes.

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Very true! I vetted PO1135809 in the 80s & knew he'd be what he's always been.

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A good personal friend of mine studying theatre in the 70’s often ran into him at nearby Studio54. He says his eyes were totally “dead” and he had an inhuman demeanor. His heart and soul don’t exist. He is evil personified. But we know he can cast the charm at those he wishes to use. He’s a monster. Very, very mentally ill and very, very dangerous.

I’ve been studying him since 2015 and know what Mary is about. Respect and admire her intelligence, courage and grit. Subscribe if you can. She is expending her every minute doing this good work.

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Absolutely correct!

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It takes an act of evil to put hypnotic subliminal messages in your video's.

He couldn't fool the Trumper's with out that brain control tool.

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Yes. Many of us knew what DJT was already in the 80s.

BTW, you may like this new Trump song ... 01135809 ...


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Thanks, **M**!

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Fun song❣️

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I wonder how that brain can keep his legs BARELY going. It conducts barely enough volts to power a light bulb.

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Too busy with, Me, Me, Me Crime, Crime, Crime for Me, Me, Me!

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Somebody should give him some SHINY OBECTS, he might try to swallow them & then choke. Giving the Fatso Fuhrer a Heimlich would require someone like Andre the Giant ! Make that TWO Andre the Giants, or Andre & Lou Ferrigno.

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Mike Johnson, speaker of the House is a weasel in my estimation with these precise intentions and the belief system to support it. If he wasn't intricately involved with January 6th, it's only because he was so under the radar his tracks and handprints have been obscured or hidden by his handlers -- because don't ever forget -- Johnson comes from Huey P. Long's state, Louisiana! It's in the water or should I say, the swamp!

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Well, who has heard of Saul who killed, murdered, tortured people in the Bible?

Remember what happened to him? The Almighty can turn anyone around. He can put people on their knees, and get their attention. Saul became Paul.

I remember a pastor who told me the Almighty put him on his knees and introduced himself to him as the Father of Jesus.

Make no mistake about it, The Almighty, the Creator of this Universe's hears us.

Who has been keeping up with the UFO's? The same message they give is take care of the planet. Who sent them? Who else.

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I read people through their eyes and Donald Trump's eyes are dead of expression. There is no genuine warmth behind them. It's rather frightening almost like looking into twin pits of hell.

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Thank you guys.

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I remember watching an investigative piece that said Donald Trump had a regular girl at Epstein’s place and her name was Maria. She disappeared under mysterious circumstances . Anyone else remember seeing this news piece? (It would have aired on network tv, as I don’t have cable.)

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Trump sees us " ordinary people " as expendable SERFS. More narcissism & runaway ego. So what else is new ?

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He sees everything as expendable. Except him.

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Daniel -- If only his MAGA worshippers would realize that what you have said is the truth . . .

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His followers are not the quickest on the draw.

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I like the ordinary. That's how creation intended me to be. If I excel it's through my hard work for trying to do something for others and not being selfish.

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Read it. And threatened another rape victim of his not to talk or she’d end like Maria.

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I never saw this

Is there a link? A clip?

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I’ll search for it, as I witnessed the story and know it exists.

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Thank you.

I knew about the Virginia Giuffre suit against Ghislaine Maxwell, and I knew about the Miss Teen USA pageants ... but we all know there have to be others

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I have been and continue to be inspired by your courage and honesty, Mary. Please keep it up. I am completely invested in your progress and desire for truth and integrity. Love you!

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I'm sorry, but I knew Old Donald's name will be on that list. Old Donald is a sick man, more ways than one. He is one of those old nasty men that love young girls. Most of the public has seen pictures of Old Donald with Jeffrey Epstein years ago. I remember seeing him in pictures with Old Epstein and Maxwell. Anytime someone stand up in front of people and talk about going to his own daughter, if she wasn't his daughter. Talk about her backside, you know this man is a sick dog that need to be put down.

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"Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law." We can collectively WATCH A LIVE VIDEO of a crime take place, and yet the perpetrator is referred to as the "alleged perpetrator." Case in point, we all saw the attack on the Capital, and three years later, culpability is still being argued in the courts. Is there really ANY doubt that DJT is a sexual predator? Is there really ANY doubt that he is a self-absorbed, dishonest, corrupt, would-be autocrat? "Until proven guilty...?!!" Is it just me, or is there something really wrong and out-of-balance in our judicial system?

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Thank you Mary shedding light on what many of us suspected. I lived in Manhattan during the 80's, 90's and early 2000's. I remember the quotes about Epstein that you wrote about in this article. Seven flights on the "Lolita Express". Please my fellow Americans, consign Donnie to the ash-heap of history where he belongs.

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Glad you are doing this.

I am not in a position to pay at the moment

But if you can shine a light on one of the worst people ever, I commend you.

He is evil selfish bully and sick. Something deranged and maybe dementia is at play in his brain. He should be institutionalized

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According to USA Today, CNN, & others are reporting on it.

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Please stop saying Trump is disturbed. There is such a thing as evil and Trump is evil. Being a mentally disturbed person does not make you evil.

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People who delight in their evilness ARE mentally disturbed!

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