
Mary! There's only one thing I dislike about your podcast.

It is not on every day.

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E JEAN you should be Director Of The Democratic National Party, Such Drive, Enthusiasm, I hear Your "Classy Pit Bulls" are doing well, Take Care

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I love E. Jean!

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Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022

Thank you, Maureen .

Right now I’m watching Volodymyr Zelenskyy speech to Congress and a heartbreaking video . This should give us pause and urgency as to what we here in America are prepared to do in the fight for our democracy.

Thank you for your kind words and sharing some of your life experience with me. 🌹

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Paula, I hope that it does.

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Mary, I was going to nominate Pres. Zelenskyy, but I think I will choose the Ukrainian people, who, under the worst of possible circumstances, have not given up!

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I am.nominating the Ukrainian lady who carried her very large old dog all the way to the Polish border. The dog was "dog tired," and couldn't walk any longer.

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Agree, Mary. Things are so out of wack, that elected American officials are singing the praises of a Dictator as he slaughters, surrounds, and starves innocent people. What?

I don't recall having a job where I could Choose to show up and participate. I would simply be fired if I did not show up and provide product.

These thoughts came to mind again today, when reading about the Senate Banking Committee. The R members have chosen not to show up, to simply vote Y or N; on the head of the Federal Reserve and the key players there, it remains undone! Similarly lots of ambassadorships, etc. remain unfilled, because they are not being voted on by elected officials, whose job is to do this.

Remember the Intention of the former Chief of Staff (for the President) was to, End the Administrative State., he said it over and over again. This is what we are witnessing, the road to Dictatorial rule. The folks who are taking us there are not believers, either; they are just bought and paid for by "dark money."

The Biden Administration is filled with smart and caring people. They need to blow past this lack of functioning. We need to assist them by working to get out the Vote. The proof is in the pudding. We are the people we have been waiting for!

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Marian, well said!! So maddening.

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Thank you, Mary, for your post.

My nomination for Good Humans of the Week are the Ukrainian fighters who are slowing down the Russian invaders.

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Thank you Caroline Grevelle

So true how the Ukraine forces are slowing the Russian fighters down . My hope is that we here in America can take note of the Ukraine people pride of country and a willingness to fight for democracy. Also to not take for granted what freedom means . Everyday we see here how our rights are slowly by the stroke of a pen can do to dismantle such rights and freedoms. The awful gaslighting from the far right.

These are the issues ever present in my mind . I never thought I would have to put my dreams on hold because of the mess we are in right now .

I am hopeful that a shift will happen . That the people will come out and vote in large numbers .

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President Velenskyy. For continuing to be fearless in his defense of Ukraine and his country men and women. He is the face of bravery and an inspiration to the global democratic community.

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I double Vlodomyr Zelensky Again Like Carol for Person Of The Week, The Man Is Brilliant, Driven, Smart, Kind And Resistant!

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I am nominating Philanthropist, Bethenny Frankel. Her BStrong initiative has donated $25 million in aid and supplies to Ukraine and over $10 million in cash. Among the supplies donated are hygiene kits, blankets, generators, and sleeping bags. In addition, BStrong is making a priority relocation services for Ukrainians.

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I’m nominating baby Veronika, who was born the day after her mother was injured and carried out on a stretcher from the bombed maternity hospital in Mariupol. Even after Russia said the mother faked her injuries, she left the area and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Baby Veronika is Ukraine’s future and that is something very precious to hold on to!

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The brave people of Ukraine and President Zelenskyy continue to show the world what it is to fight for freedom. Bethany Frankel deserves mention for jumping in and organizing huge donations of money, clothing and supplies to be sent to Ukraine.

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Your Live Show Was Superb, Listened To Every Minute, Beautiful Balance, The Way Your Show Winded Through The Issues And Then Ended up On What Each Of You HOPE for was well done. I will be tuning in again! Bravo

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Physicians for social responsibility, San Francisco chapter, who are warning about the dangers of nuclear weapons

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I would like to give a shout out to my friend, Cary, for collecting medical supplies for the Ukrainians. He sends a shipment every other week.

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Completely agree with your title. Enjoyed the show - such a genuine and fun dynamic between all of you! Your “rants” are great. And I think I adore E. Jean more every time I listen to her. For good human of the week, I repeat my sentiment that the people of Ukraine (including Pres. Zelenskyy) and all of those stepping up to support them are good humans of the week in perpetuity. Each day the news is filled with example after example of bravery, resilience, and love in the face of the unspeakable. It’s extraordinary.

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For the Good Human of the Week I nominate Marie Yovanovitch who has reemerged to help all of us understand more about what is happening in Ukraine. Marie, like Fiona Hill and Lt. Col. Alex Vindman, has used her platform to keep speaking truth to power. They are all great people but this week I want to focus on Marie. Her voice has been invaluable. I especially like this move she made while appearing on Stephen Colbert's show. https://people.com/politics/former-us-ambassador-to-ukraine-sends-a-message-to-putin-with-bracelet/.

Also, great first-ever live show Mary. I loved everything about it. I want to shout-out your fantabulous friends/guests E. Jean, Jen and Marissa as well.

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Mary, you said more than a mouthful…. I am stunned by what is happening to our country! We are devolving as a democratic nation and a portion of our duly elected officials are aiding and abetting. Where does it end? How does it end? I am truly afraid.

I then turn towards Ukraine and witness the bravery and fortitude of not only President Zelenskyy, the soldiers and everyday Ukrainian citizens and marvel at their courage. Bless them all and send more weapons!

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