It’s been such an amazing week. Watching him flail has been pure joy.

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Correct spelling


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I can hear in my mind Culture Club singing:

"Karma Karma Karmala Kamala"

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James I think the campaign team should run with your musings/ suggestions !

Song and imagery are powerful communication tools!

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That's great!! Thank you!

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I see you listen to the Stephanie Miller Show! :)

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Hillary and others made this moment possible. I’m sure the press will eventually create dumb gender stories but in my opinion the voting public in general has gotten past that and can now more easily imagine a woman president. Hillary running in 2008 and 2016 made it seem natural. IMHO, because of Hillary’s success, I think Harris won’t have to deal with as much noise about it. (I’m not saying there won’t be ridiculous discussions about gender, only that there will be less of it).

Trump's campaign is focused on challenging voters and intimidating them. Seeing the younger generation enthusiasm is refreshing. Harris brings a new perspective to the campaign, her high energy and smiles is in complete contrast to Trump's gloom and doom messages. Trump trashing America is a negative message but is appealing to the victimhood of his followers. Harris joy and optimism of the future is highly appealing to the younger generations!


I already ordered a shirt with that EPIC quote. I got it from here 👇


Go Kamala!

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I agree! And I have ordered, from Etsy, the " , La" shirt to wear proudly! And let us not forget that Hillary DID win the popular vote!

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And Donald did lose....

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Yes! And really Hill should have contested it! But water over the dam now!

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YES!!! She sure did win the popular vote. I, like many others woke up the next day in utter shock. Walked around for days in a fog. However, now that all this time has passed, I truly believe she was saved in the end. The maggots would have tortured, sued, subpoenaed her till her last breath. Yes, she could take it, but it would have been an awful existence for her, I fear. She did put a million cracks in the glass ceiling and would have been a great president. We will always be grateful and proud for all she did for our country.

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It's the dems who are the pros in lawfare.

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I'm looking for a lapel pin we can all wear! Power in Numbers!

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You can find many on line! I like the " , La " ones!

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

I like Make America Laugh Again

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Excellent!!! Some one needs to get some made up, sell them on the corner and send the profit to Kamala with a pin or two!

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I did already see this site, but I want something I can wear every day that is more subtle. Just her name is good in script or something like that.

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SPOT ON. Biden passed the torch, because his mind is fine, and still thinking straight, and because he has faith and trust in the exceptional ability of Kamala Harris to excel in the Oval! And it's time for a woman to be President, as women comprise 51% of our population. Scientifically, (something GOPs don't believe in) genitals have nothing to do with brains, judgment or the ability to lead. Angela Merkel is a great example of a woman who received a Nobel Prize for shoring up European Democracy.

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Angela is also a chemical engineer (?). A scientist.

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PhD quantum chemistry

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The smartest, most insightful people I have worked with in corporate business for over 30 years are almost all women. There are unique qualities to many of these women that men simply can't match.

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The dems don't even believe in women anymore.

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You're Weird

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Nope. It is the decide Retards thst believe women should be in the kitchen, pregnant, & barefoot! We ain’t going back.

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Very well said.

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Docket #17-857, docketed at 11 am on Dec. 15th, asking the US Supreme Court;

• to appoint Mueller as Special Master to continue his investigation under the protected aegis of the Court;

• to vacate the unlawful Electors vote for the GOP Pres-elect 11/8/16 ticket,

• remove Trump & Pence and declare HRC the President to serve out the balance of the existing term,

• or have qualified Electors revote adhering to the Constitution and the Framers’ intent - as clearly expressed in the Federalist Papers, particularly in Hamilton’s No. 68:


This is what I led into the Supreme Court - helped draft, got a DC Court printer for 44 copies and on the docket - plus found the people to sue Trump... with the help of my group of 10 men and women. So I know how great HRC is: www.citizensfortruth.net

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While I understand the reference to "not going back" to the past former presidency, it is just the same, a negative meme. I strongly recommend the Harris team change this to "we're moving ahead" or "we're moving forward, while they're going backwards". I also wish Harris would rephase the MAGA message and say that we don't need to make America great again because we never lost it. America is Great and has been all along! This is a remarkable and great nation, so long as we take the high road, and not stop to the low road of negativity, deception, lies, denial, and other underhanded deceptions.

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NOT going back to the days of white male supremacy. NOT going back to the days of back alley abortions. NOT going back to the sexist racist 50s. . .

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I agree. Let her know that‼️

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Yes, my wife has gotten her "I'm With Her" t-shirt out of the drawer. There are a lot of women itching for payback for 2016.

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Remember when you buy from her website the money goes to the campaign. Lots of cool things.


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From an interested CanadIan: FINALLY! GO Kamala. The prospect of having Trump across my back fence again is now like dust in the wind. Welcome back, Yankees!

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Your lips to God's ear Will!

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School yard bully meets expert prosecutor- match and game!

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Convicted felon with dozens more outstanding indictments meets expert prosecutor who is explicitly putting him on trial before the American people :)

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Phenomenal as his flails will continue to make him fail.

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A flailing failure. Such a sight to behold. Now bury the image until November 6, 2024.

I recall a deafening silence from Trump supporters who posted his 2020 victory too far in advance. Then it was a pathetic series of excuses that is still ongoing(stolen election) to ensure Trump is not a LOSER but he is.

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Last evening in Charlotte, the Orange Idiot stated that America is a stupid country and if VP Harris was elected there would be no cows and eventually no people! He is an old senile man who should be in a prison cell right now!

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Stupid is as Trump does.

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Or locked up with ““Hannibal‼️” in that asylum. Maybe dinner together. This poor guy is bat-shit crazy.

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I sure hope you're right.

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Love it, and thank you for being you, God!

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Kamala should not agree to a "debate" with Donald. The Press calls these entertainment events "debates" which is a lie. A lazy lie.

A real debate is two reasonable people, talking in GOOD FAITH, about serious issues. In a courteous, mannerly, civilized manner. Dumb Donnie just can't do that. He isn't capable of Good Faith because of his petrified training in Bad Faith. Kamala speaks Good Faith. So there would be no intersection of ideas. The Dems should JUST SAY NO. It's a waste of everyone's time.

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On the other hand, she is capable of putting him in his place by calling out his lies and by pointing out, as she's done, that he is the type of person she has prosecuted for sex crimes and fraud. She just might push him over the edge.

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In a legitimate debate that is exactly what would happen. These mainstage spectacles are NOT debates.

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Performative art = more Trump lies.

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They're a waste of time and money. The only one's who benefit are the Corporate Media who are treating this election like a freaking game show. That's why they're pushing tRump, among other reason's.

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That might be worth it to see him implode or explode. Would that change anyone’s mind though about his fitness for office and sway them to not vote for him? Doubt it.

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Implode, please. The thought of his vile orange corpulence blowing all over a room is not a pretty picture.

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Or hovering behind her like he did Hillary, it I expect Kamala would call him out on it if he did. The moderators sure wouldn’t call him out.

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I'm sure she would. But Hilary is no wilting flower and she couldn't control anything he did. And of course you're right the moderators do nothing. He just yells louder. What a pig

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Agree. But Hillary had to try to be “likeable” along with everything else.

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Kamala's lethal stink eye would do the trick...but some sharp words would make my day.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

THE TRUMP TEAM has tried out a video where KH is speaking to a group of women and she used the "F-ing" word. Women loved it. These so-called Xtian men were appalled.

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Mine, too, but when it's a black candidate, it takes so little for the media to start running with a "too angry" line about them. They did that with both Cory Booker, you know, the gentle, vegan Cory Booker, and Kamala Harris. Every time she spoke pointedly in a debate, someone described it as "yelling".

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

Ooh did that tick me OFF! I can't believe the moderators just sat there and watched him do that to her.

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They should have played the theme music to “Jaws” during that performance….tho’ some would have probably given him props for it…funny, tho’, how he seems to be so freaked out about sharks, the music might have spooked him.

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I remember him "stalking" Hillary. I hope Kamala will call him out if he does! But he is afraid of strong women and Kamala is a strong woman!

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Hillary is, too. But she had to rein herself in for the sake of her image, so that people wouldn't hate her.

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Yeah, turn to him and give him the “stink eye” and say “back off buddy, now!”.

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Vicki, have you known Toddler-Trump to really change his mind about anything? He also can't really learn much anymore (OK, he wasn't great at learning beyond how to con folks before the dementia anyway).

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It will if the Federal Marshals enter the room with a straightjacket and handcuffs and take him out.

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Kate, I love the image that is playing in my head of the marshals dragging a grown-up toddler from the debate. It's hilarious!

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Add diapers like I just did. Even better, yes?

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At least he very least watching Mr. Marmalade implode would be entertaining. I’ll bring the popcorn.

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*at the very least*

This is what happens when you attempt to engage you brain before your first cup of coffee. I’ll still bring the popcorn.

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Oh I like that Mr marmalade except it’s an insult to the very sweet and tasty jam . We need to think of something rotten and orange, like Mr Rotten Pumpkin. It matches the filth that comes out of his fat head.

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well if it did, they would never admit it.

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I hear you but I don't want to watch 90 minutes of her not being able to tout her agenda bc she has to correct him and call him out nonstop. I agree that a debate against someone who's not in good faith is just spectacle (and maybe entertainment to some, albeit not me).

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A "debate" would be a complete waste of time.

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And sheer frustration

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I have wondered for sometime if Biden made a mistake in agreeing to a debate before his nomination was confirmed? Not that it matters anymore but just a thought. Could be a lesson for future nominees. There is many a slip between a cup and the lip, as the saying goes.

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He definitely made a mistake and especially to the rules. Still can’t figure out why he agreed to no notes. That was a set up. They all use notes.

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I didn't know there was a rule (to not debate before the nomination is confirmed). It was not a surprise that Trump agreed. He spits out lies and hatred, without notes, regardless of what the question was. He was in his comfort zone.

I have come to the conclusion that it was meant to be this way. First, the early debate, then Biden got a cold and he had just returned from different time zones. When he was strong and campaigned after the debate, he tested positive for Covid. The assault on him by the media continued, and his party increased the pressure on him.

It wasn't meant to be him in this election.

That doesn't justify the behavior of our media nor the behavior of the democrats. I have never seen a sitting president who never committed a crime, never had character issues, and had been a good president, humiliated the way Biden was, that too by his own party.. This hurts me the most, but time will heal.

I would have liked the media to expose the selfish democrats and Trump's psychological problems, but they never will.

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I couldn't agree more, Vash! You are right on.

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I agree. You are right. Joe was treated terribly. He absolutely does not deserve that and there’s the other guy spewing the most ridiculous things and not a mention in main stream news.

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I thought the something.

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deletedJul 25
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Oh that was entertaining wasn’t it.

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She may be quite capable of calling him out, but it wouldn’t make a bit of difference. He would never admit to lying. None of the Trumpies ever tell the truth. I’m quite sure they don’t even believe their own stories. They just know how to appeal to people’s grievances.

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It is all for show, and KH can play that game for her own benefit. She doesn't have to correct every lie...just allow him to come out looking like an angry, old imbecile.

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We're not trying to change Donny. Can't do that with psychopaths. We're just trying to show what Rule of Law means.

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Annie, It is so hard to believe that people are so married to their grievances or supposed grievances that they would vote for an ignorant fool like Donald Trump and a hateful liar like J.D. Vance who even wrote a book that is filled with lies, although it is hard to isolate them from the few actual facts. I wonder if those people even remember what led to the weight of grievances they are carrying around. Who wants to live such a miserable life? I honestly don't get it!

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Amen. Never in my 70 years on this earth will I ever “get it‼️” I swear some of my family & friends are indoctrinated into this cult. I pray for our country, but this madman cannot be in the White House again. Woman unite.

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I think they like that he says out loud what no one else does. He’s unlike any other politician with his pet names and bold lies . They see it as strength against the establishment. He says the racist parts out loud and homophobic and sexist and yada yada. The fact also that he gets away with everything. He’s a hero to them. I can’t figure it out but that’s my take.

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Vicki, I do believe you are right. Those Trump folks like hanging onto their various hatreds and fears as well as their grievances and need someone who will pat them on the head (metaphorically since Trump tries hard to touch no one), and tells them what they are thinking is honest and really is a good response to who THOSE people are. For the hateful ones, Trump is like their comforter in chief, someone they have deified who tells them it is OK to be a disgusting human being.

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Truth has never been part of their playbook and never will.

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Annie, even a day later, I still don't understand holding so much anger and hatred that one's grievances lead to supporting and voting for someone who cares absolutely nothing for you or anyone else. It just makes no sense, and when the griever is supposedly a christian. it is just so crazy to me, but also sad.

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I think that, unfortunately, his voters DO believe everything that he spews out (I think the elected Republicans know he’s lying).

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Carol, you are probably right about the elected officials knowing what Trump really is, well, except maybe Marjorie Greene, Lauren Boebert, and some of the Texas state and federal legislators; they're pretty oblivious and were only put up to run because they are the least bright people in any room.

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Trumpies is a new one, it’s kinder I suppose.

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Agreed. I didn't watch the Biden/Trump debate, but I will SURE as hell watch any debate between Harris and Trump! She will wipe the floor with him and his ridiculous ear patch

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Hanry, the way that last debate was run, there is no way anyone comes out looking good. Questions with too little time to answer, a mumbling complaining Trump even though his mic is off, lies that are never fact-checked and Toddler-Trump has been repeating those lies so often, they shine through his dementia and even the media thinks he sounds presidential, or rather says they do (they are lying of course). I think Kamala should wait until after the Democratic convention to decide what to do about the debate. Too early and Republican simpletons have fodder to play with to create ads that are demeaning because she didn't want to debate the jerk. The way Biden waited until after the RNC convention was over to make his announcement was terrific. She should wait until after the DNC convention to make a debate announcement. Of course, if given the chance, she could best him, but he is a bully. Hillary Clinton was a good debater too, but she just couldn't match the extreme bullying and that was 8 years ago. Who knows what would happen to Trump if foiled too often. He is a coward, but even cowards lash out at people they don't like.

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Trump already does that. He has no agenda beyond lashing out and revenge. I think he's lashing out at Kamala now because Biden pulled a fast one on him by pulling out of the race.

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Susan, in addition, I think she scares the heck out of Trump. Harris does not play games of trying to placate men. I think Trump senses that in the part of his brain that is still working. So, he thinks it is his job to insult, slander, lie about, and verbally abuse Harris. I suspect all of that just rolls off her because she has heard it all before and she saw what happened to Hillary Clinton when she tried to be nice and civil with a man who is never civil unless he is trying to get something. Harris is not going to tolerate ?Trump's usual bullying of women. Keep it up Kamala!

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I rather suspect it all rolls off her - I certainly hope so. Personally, I love that she scares the heck out of trump. The idea makes me smile. And I agree that she won't tolerate all the bullying. He has no real idea of what he's up against, well maybe in the reptilian part of his brain that still functions, sorta.

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Susan, another challenge is that the folks on his team are just as disgusting as Trump is. They now have ads from "PACs" that are a series of lies about Kamala Harris (as one would expect) narrated by a whiny white woman which will pull in the sympathies of the marginal women who believe anything spoken with a certain type of voice. They seem to like whining. Maybe it activates their mothering instinct. How sad they get their mothering up for a man who is beyond disgusting and things they are all disgusting too.

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Don’t think that much functions in Trump’s brain or body.🤗🤗🤗

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Trump will GISH GALLOP lie after lie dozens at a time that it is hard to begin.

Medhi Hasan’s book on debate “Win Every Argument”, published last year, had chapter 11 “Beware of the Gish Galloper”. I wish president Biden’s debate coaches would have read this.

They prepared him for a debate and not a TV 📺 SHOW! Pass this on to VP Kamala Harris’s people!

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Frank, Hasan's book was excellent. If I were still teaching, I would be using it with my students. I did teach them about propaganda and how it can be used against people, but Hasan explains how it is done and how to counter it. His chapter on the Gish Gallop was an eye-opener and once I heard the definition, I thought of Trump immediately and the people who are interviewed and just keep galloping over the interviewer, often being seen as something special, someone who has a lot on the ball (Steve Miller), when all they are doing is pumping out phrase after phrase, not usually connected to add to the confusion and the lies get mixed in. A good interviewer stops the gallop immediately. I wish it could be called out whenever Trump starts it. His fanclub doesn't even notice anymore because the words no longer mean anything, just the voice, as though they are hypnotized. It really is disgusting that the media has let Trump get away with it and blamed Biden, a thoughtful person, for not being able to get past it during what they called a debate. I don't believe Harris will be put off by that but she should read the book, too.

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I agree she should not debate him on the grounds that as a totally irresponsible gasbag, liar, and convicted felon he doesn’t deserve another chance to spread his lies and other poison. I suggest the slogan “He’s got nothin’”. As she announces that, she should publish and proclaim a thorough correction of his lies in the Biden debate maybe mentioning one each time she speaks @ her rallies.

Kamala will be putting him down just like that every time she campaigns. She’s already “living rent-free in Trump’s head”. Her VP will soon join her there. Even that creep JD Vance seems to have moved in, with his ridiculous and just plain weird campaigning;

Trump has no idea how to deal with Harris other than his seventh- grade level nicknames and name-calling. Let him flail on his own time.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

Seventh-grade? You give him too much credit. Seventh-graders are entering their teens, but he is emotionally closer to a third-grader and in some respects is a toddler (the unrelenting whining, for example). No one who has reached the maturity level of a seventh-grader would mimic a disabled person, as he did in 2016. The Democrats ought to play the film of that over and over. That should have evoked enough outrage to force him to withdraw from the race and to hide his head in shame until he sought therapy.

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As if he knew such a thing as shame…

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They played it frequently in 2016 but they had no success. People still wanted a disgusting man rather than a good woman.

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Remember that more people voted for Hillary than for the orange turd. If Republicans cared about democracy rather than about power, they’d agree to getting rid of the Electoral College.

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Republicans never cared about democracy. Hillary got more popular votes but that’s not how winner is determined in our system. The electoral college must be abolished but Republicans never felt the bred for that because they won two elections based on EC.

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Vash, that is certainly true in the white states, and is probably still true. Those isolated white people are scared of their own shadows because they are dark and follow them around.

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So sad, but she still won the popular vote‼️ How did we end up here?! Oh yeah, the Electorak College.😔😔🤮

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Henry, the problem, Trump does not feel shame, only that someone got him and now he needs revenge. I agree the video of that insanity should be played occasionally, maybe in an ad showing who Trump really is, adding the racism and misogyny would round things out. Some of the comments about immigrants might help too, although, a lot of Americans have been primed to hate immigrants too, so that might not work as well.

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Barbara, I think the naming stuff begins around 4th grade and since I am thinking 3-year-old toddler, it is clear we are thinking he never got out of childhood except in body.

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Who would moderate? The same ass clowns 🤡 from CNN they've had their chance and screwed it up, msnbc they seem like tRump cheerleaders half the time ⏲️ No fact check, then what is the point. Who's left, the BBC? They might be impartial but their not American which might not be a bad thing 🤔. Hey how about newsmax?, sorry bad joke. One of the Christian outlets ? Sorry worse joke.

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Good point. Because of your comment and preceding ones, I think I've changed my mind about the wisdom of Harris's debating the monster toddler. But it has to be he who refuses, not she, or he'll claim that she is afraid of him.

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Henry, yes, that's it, Harris can't refuse to debate, and she has said "bring it on." She does have an advantage Hillary Clinton did not have 8 years ago; Harris has watched Trump at work all that time and I am certain has noted his weaknesses. Clinton thought she would be involved in a real debate with someone who had at least a bit of intelligence and some civility. Harris will not make the mistake of thinking that. Besides, in the courtroom, she has learned how to object and can use her courtroom voice to stop Trump's gish gallops and constant whining and forgetting. I am hoping the debate does not happen, but I think Harris can hold her own if it does.

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We should see if The Guardian does that sort of thing, they seem to be one of the few sources relatively unencumbered by falsehoods and agitprop.

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Palealien, you know if "The Guardian" or any other "foreign" entity were to moderate, Trump would whine that they are not American. It would be a good way to make sure the debate never happens. Harris could call Trump out, though as a coward if he refuses to debate. It could be a win-win!

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I think it's supposed to be ABC

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Maybe you can do a better job as moderator David but I doubt it. CNN#1.

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Hand to hand combat is a NO WIN proposition for Kamala. So much better to attack from positions of strength. Stay out of the same room with this criminal! Be like David and use artillery to win against Donald's knife fight.

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It took me a while, but I also concluded that another so-called debate, is not worth the effort and energy required. The way they are set up they just give trump a free rein to do whatever he wants. I think Kamala should definitely keep her distance.

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I'd like to see him try that brooding stalker b.s. he did in the debate with Hillary...

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That whole weird bit.. was almost worth it to see Alec Baldwin on SNL lighting him up. But, I don’t think anyone’s mood is in a very good place to appreciate stuff like that at the moment.

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Bring bowls of mashed potatoes.

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She’ll be putting him in his place every time she speaks. She should-maybe?-engage in a virtual debate by exposing his more egregious lies from the first debate in her speeches and maybe some campaign papers.

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That would be a wonderful “sight to see‼️”

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Oh she is.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

I am in full agreement with you and have been since the shit-show the Republican candidates put on during their primary season. Grates on my nerves the way words are being appropriated and misused. When I hear someone refer to President Biden's performance at the "debate" I want to spit nails. It's like judging a spelling bee champion by how she handles playground bullies (....some really bad memories from my childhood).

I would be thrilled if someone in the Harris campaign finally blew the whistle on this sham.

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Why try to be rational in the face of irrationality? Waste of time.

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Trump's act is pretty predictable and KH "knows the type". Rational is boring, Trump's brand of irrational is sensational in a depraved, chaotic way. A skilled prosecutor takes command of the room, frames the "show" and makes her case. If VP Harris believes she can use this format to her advantage she may go for it...fully prepared.

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What other choice is there to irrationality?

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But wouldn't you like to see Kamala take Trump down? There would have to be a mic shut off condition and candidates would not be able to move around on the stage and an audience.

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Except if it’s like the last Biden/trump debate, calling out his lies took time away from answering the moderator’s questions. trump used his time to insult Joe and rarely provided answers to many questions. The President tried to ignore him to provide answers but even he had to swipe at trump a few times as he was so ridiculous. I want to see a mikes-off debate where the moderators call out the lies and push for trump to truthfully answer (which he won’t of course but he won’t feel so smug at being allowed to get away with it like last time).

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I agree, there should have been a fact check reported as the 42 lies came out of his mouth!!

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I hate the lies Trump got away with but having the moderators call out the lies is a difficult issue to square. It would mean that the moderators aren't moderating but rather are sitting in judgement of the debaters. I think it's up to the opposing candidate to call out the lies but with evidence. One possibility is to have fact checkers on duty during the debate and at the end of the actual debate have fact the fact checkers call out untruths with real evidence. It would be part of the debate. Or maybe candidates get to ask for 3 truth checks each that would be reported on at the end of the debate. I also have trouble with the 2 minute answer. You can't explore a complex issue in 2 minutes. I'd rather see single issue debates like the economy debate, the climate debate, immigration, etc.

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“Fact checkers on duty . . . call out untruths with real evidence.” 👏👏👏

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Moderators that don't call out Bad Faith are on the side of Bad Faith.

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I wouldn't worry about Kamala handling the lies. She understands they're a distraction, and will be able to handle them en masse, without getting flummoxed the way Biden did.

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Yes! She would chew him up and spit out the pieces!

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No. Too much risk. Attack from afar and avoid getting pummeled.

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Would not work.

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dt doesn’t debate..he spews toxic vitriol. He practices Performance Hostilty, approaching each stage setting as though it is a WWE.

Kamala can take him apart on her own speech platforms..

Yes, Kamala Can!

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"Performance hostility" is an accurate descriptive. I also like the term, "propaganda warfare" to describe TFG's diatribe of lies and deflections and nonsequiturs in "debate".

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You make a good point. Like the response to his speech where he mocked her speech in a babyish voice "I'm the prosecutor and you're the felon", and they took that clip and added, "I'm Kamala Harris, and I approve this message." Hilarious.

And kind of a great alternative to "When they go low, we go high." It's not going high, but it's not going low, either, it's just holding up his own words in a context where he is not in control, showing just how stupid he sounds.

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I think her campaign should put out a statement saying, "Our candidate only "debates" men like Mr. Trump in COURT."

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This is so simple. While Trump has his 2 minutes to respond to the moderator’s question, Kamala Harris listens and quietly puts up a finger for every lie he says. Now it’s her turn. She says to Trump, “You just told 4 lies.” And then she proceeds to address the question.

No need to elaborate on or correct his lies. Just let him and everyone know SHE knows and WE know.

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I disagree. If Trump told all the lies he told in the Biden debate Kamala would clobber him. She is a super prosecutor and that is the perfect skill for a “debate”. I think it would set her up to win big, and win a lot of other close races for the Democrats.

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I think so also. Dems have GOT to keep the Senate for sure!!! And it is already neck ‘n neck in the House. ! Wouldn’t that be awesome to take all 3?!?!? But somewhere along the line, the disingenuous & dishonest Supreme Court has got to be dealt with‼️

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Trump has found a way to hi-jack any debate format and turn it to his advantage. Much as I would love to see Kamala eviscerate Donald, I think she should “just say no” to a debate with Trump.

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You're so right. And Debates should end with those two people coming to terms with each other in a win win situation through negotiations. It will never happen with the Golden Rug who doesn't understand any of the above he is so full of himself and hate and jealousy.

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I'm not sure I agree. Kamala is an actual prosecutor with reams of experience and an enviable record in the courtroom. She knows exactly what she's doing. She has the ability to dismantle Trump piece by piece, strip him naked and continue on right down to the bone. It's Trump that's afraid and doesn't want to debate, even though he blusters that he can't wait and wants even more debates. As per usual, it's nothing but bluster, and contemptible lies. She must not refuse the opportunity. It would maker her look weak instead of him. Let him be the one to back out, to be the coward that he is. Then she can make hay out it, mocking him for his feeble cowardice.

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Like David, Kamala needs to use long distance artillery, not get into a knife fight. Goliath brought a sword and expected hand to hand combat. If David got close he would lose. Kamala and the Dems need to be SMART about this. If both sides operated in Good Faith there could be a real debate. But this is a TRAP by the Press and Donald to crush her. Forget about "looking weak". So much better to strike from a distance and bob and weave and ropadope. And laugh at his foolishness. And pull his pants down and mock him to the very end. And look strong in the process. Call bullshit on these fake debates. They are designed to help Donald.

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Trump isn't capable of tearing down Kamala in a one-on-one. He's an intellectual pipsqueak, especially compared to her. She knows perfectly well how to handle people like Donny Diaperstain. Trump is no Goliath. He's a pathetic little man who attempts conceal his weaknesses and deep flaws with faux macho bravado and bluster. It works with the rubes who are even stupider than he is, until one day it doesn't. That day is coming. And it's coming soon. He's already losing his audience. Look at his rallies. Sure, the paid pews are full of rubes sporting placards and cheering his every inane utterance. But much of the rest of the audience has already left. He's not filling the halls the way he once did anymore. They've stopped laughing at his idiotic jokes, and look in askance at his many nonsensical verbiages, where he can hardly ever say a coherent sentence. So, if Trump has the temerity to go one-on-one with Kamala, I say bring it.

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Amen. Debating Trump legitimizes him. He should not be treated as a legitimate candidate even though he’s the Republican Party nominee. He doesn’t respect the process, so engaging with him as if he does is pointless while providing publicity.

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I agree on what a real debate is, Kamala must not back off the debate.

And she won`t. She can handle the clown.

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Kamala can refuse to debate because he is a pathological lier! Be done with him!

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I agree, let's not waste time on him.

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Maybe God did spare Trump from the assassination attempt so he could not only lose to a woman but a woman of color 😁

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If he loses and she fires Merrick Garland and fast tracks his trials he will be in prison for his many crimes and the nation can begin to heal from all the damage he has wrought.

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When. When he loses. 😊

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I would definitely like to see a new attorney general. Polite is not what we have needed for the last 4 years.

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THAT is as reasonable a reason as any I've ever heared. A god like that is a god I could follow.

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I agree, Reader/Writer. 😃

Thank you, Mary. 💙

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Wondering who would have taken his place that could have been more difficult to beat then tRUMP, so yeah just the thought of Kamala scaring the shit out to him, he might have to take that Kotex on his ear off to clean himself up is worth him surviving that ear piercing.

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And I thought it was a missed opportunity. This is even better. :D

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If it was indeed a miss, it was more effective than had it not.

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I am a believer in Karma!

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Among the many perverse but satisfying images that have warmed my heart this week: Convict Trump waking up in a cold sweat from a dream about Leticia James, Fani Willis, Jasmine Crockett, Kamala Harris, and Tanya Chutkan striding boldly toward him, followed and cheered on by millions of Americans -- all races, all genders, all ages.

Like I said, I know it's unkind but I cannot deny the pleasure I take from this image.

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Alex, you said what was thinking. Thank you!

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Absolutely priceless! Your image warms my heart, too. It gave both my husband and me a good laugh.

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A great visual! What music ought to play with this ad???

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Well, now you've done it: I'll be thinking about that obsessively until I find the music. >>smile<<

Any suggestions?

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This Epically cool music from Kill Bill comes to mind: Battle without Honor or Humanity https://youtu.be/gw5vAd5icAg?si=OynyHt4myhbTCxwH

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At the moment all I can think of is rewriting some of the words to Do You Hear the People Sing from Les Miz. (The Original London Cast is my fave.) Have a go at it, Alex!

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The image I had when they had their convention was that of a bunch of people with “Pinocchio nose “fighting to be able to move .they couldn’t their noses kept getting caught.

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Schadenfreud can be utterly delicious, in judicious quantities

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Yes from despair to elation for me too. Whats the bet when he loses this time he will blame Vance.

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...or foments another insurrection?

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Yeah, except HE’s not the president this time. The Meal Team Six people won’t even get close.

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You are thinking logically but my confidence in MAGA's ability to think logically and humanely has evaporated. Not long ago they killed one of their own at a Dear Leader hate rally. How does that make sense? They've been known to show up at Pride events despite claiming to loathe the queer community, just to make noise and harass people. On the day they stormed the U.S. capital, not an iota of substantiated complaint had been validated by any court in the country they claim to love.

So...the possibility of their hatred of democracy, women, people of color, and Democrats overriding their common sense and inspiring them to act out again doesn't seem that remote to me.

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Never underestimate the MAGA and the Trump team. Never forget January 6, 2021. If DT loses this time, I am sure they have something up their sleeves to get a reversal. The good thing is Kamala is the VP this time. She will control the event.

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May it be so.

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I don't think they have common sense--they're cultists, and cultists do what their leader directs them to do.

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That's his plan. That's why he's not worried about the lack of campaign offices or GOTV funds. He doesn't care if he loses. He and his acolytes are always sussing out the best way to do it.

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Too often, with MAGA, the "best way" means whatever way allows them to vent rage and performative indignation: insults and name-calling, smashing windows and defecating on the Capitol floors, trolling social media sites, hate rallies and conspiracy-mongering. It's heartbreaking to think about living that way.

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Hey, why not???

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I was watching a well-done documentary on the Columbia shuttle disaster from 2003 recently, and learned something about Senator Mark Kelly that I didn’t know and made me respect him and which also made me solidly behind him in any endeavor he would choose to follow because of what it showed about his character and respect for others.

Within minutes of his learning of the breakup of the Columbia on reentry over east Texas and the loss of his co-astronaut team, and hearing from a source on the ground that their bodies were located, he pulled strings to get a helicopter and pilot to fly him to the location where the bodies were still untouched by local law enforcement and had them all protected and covered and then organized the local coroner/mortuaries to pick them up and taken to a secure place. Bless his heart forever for this awful task.

This incredible act of respect and love and dedication cemented, for me, that this is a man who is a true leader and so incredibly special and good and loyal and who I could support wholeheartedly in any political office he was interested in. I did vote for him as senator from my state because I liked his moderation and his strength in fighting against the huge and unconscionable influence of the maga movement and hoped he would one day run for higher office. I saw this documentary last spring as this election was heating up and wondered if he would or could ever get as far as the White House and decided probably not. This is an exciting opportunity in my mind.

Contrast his character with that of the horrible example of the convicted felon we now have in our faces 24/7. Mark is and always will be my choice for higher office.

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Thank you so much for posting this about Mark Kelly. As he supported his wife Gabby

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Yeah he would make a good VP!

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Thanks for talking about this! I really like him and this makes me appreciate him even more. 😀

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He’ll be the most strategic pick (and an excellent one all around).

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Breaking news, sort of: the FBI is reporting that the injury to the orange turds ear could have been from shrapnel, not a bullet. Ballistic forensic experts (not sure if it was the FBI or an independent testing) replicated a high powered rifle's passing by a dummy ear (pun intended). Their conclusion is that ballistics traveling at mach3 would have has taken taking the ear off, and probablyl the skin on his left side of his face. Lying Trump is such a piece of excrement... .

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What it didn’t take his ear off and then it grew back quickly and amazingly and doctors have never seen anything like it? 😂

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From AP: Former Secret Service agent Rich Staropoli said the AR-15-style rifle used by the gunman fires a 5.56 millimeter bullet at such high speeds - over 2,000 miles an hour - that just the air pressure as it passes can cause extensive damage.

"The shock wave alone could have ripped his ear off," Staropoli said of Trump.

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The mystery deepens. What happened to the bullet if it was not even close to DT?

I want the full story. Can the FBI solve the mystery?

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I think it was the bullet that killed someone behind him.

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Correct. Now the question is did it touch Trump or not? My guess it did not. Was the miss just an error by the shooter or did he miss it intentionally? We will never know the answer because the shooter is dead.

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From what someone else said in comments, if the bullet had grazed his ear, it would have taken the whole thing off, plus skin on his face. I'm not familiar with bullet damage, but that makes sense to me.

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They did. Just not saying - not part of their job. I like the info. BUT just gave him more drama. UGH

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That 5.56 mm NATO ammo is very light and subject to even weak wind push per Brandon Webb, a former Navy SEAL. Crooks (the shooter) was also a known poor marksman, and was making his shot hurriedly from a 45° angle. More details on the rifle, ammo, and firing conditions: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2024/07/16/trump-shooting-assassination-gun-details/74425138007/

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The ballistics slomo of the gel “ear” exploding said more than enough. And no one has suggested the lack of hearing loss, even from a miss? I must have dozed off.

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We all know it's all another one of his bs lies!!!!

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I had heard something before about it being shrapnel. Thank you for the confirmation. That makes his gauze pad (or as someone else described it, his Kotex) even more ridiculous.

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I read that there's speculation that it could have been glass from the teleprompter, which apparently was hit by one of the rounds and shattered.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

Snopes has debunked the glass shard theory and has a number of photos where the entry and exit wounds from the bullet through the top of CF's ear can be clearly seen. The pinna of the ear is cartilage and minimally vascularized, so bleeding wouldn't be high (nowhere near the level of a scalp wound). Snopes also has timeline photos showing both teleprompters intact and undamaged.


IMO it was a perfect storm of sheer dumb luck (CF turns his head at the right (or wrong) instant); Crooks (the shooter) rushing to take his shots at a 45° angle to the stage; the 5.56 mm NATO ammo being light enough to be pushed off course by even a puff of wind; and Crooks being a known poor shot using a rifle not intended for precision targeting.

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That's also what I had heard. Maybe now he'll be terrified of teleprompters and just show everyone how crazy he is. Nah, he'll stick with the bullet because it's a better story line.

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No shit and the maxi-pad facade just shows how far he'll go.

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Being from Scranton, I would have followed and supported President Biden till the end, whatever the outcome . Now that he has passed the torch to VP Harris I put my full support behind her !

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Like all sane Americans I'm relieved and encouraged that Kamala Harris is the Democratic candidate for President.

But it's important to remember and honor President Biden's decision to withdraw from the race. This was a selfless act of service to this country and humanity. He just may have saved our democracy.

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I was in full support of him (I’m not from Scranton but I loved “The Office”).

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More folks are waking up to the fact that the MAGA emperor has no clothes (and never has.) Let’s continue to prosecute him, obliterate him at the polls, while also ridiculing him. Hound him all the way to prison. He’s no bogeyman; he’s a clown.

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Absolutely. And let's not be afraid to speak what we're thinking or feeling. I'm sick of everyone tiptoeing around him as though he deserved special treatment. He deserves to be in jail!

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Hans Christian Andersen's paraple, "The emperor has no clothes" is an amazing appropriate comparison. Please Google it and read the entire parable, it's an amazingly interesting read. The reason it's a good comparison is because everybody in the kingdom was afraid of the king so when he walked around naked everyone was afraid to speak up. The tailor was a big fraud and convinced the king that he had tailored a beautiful suit for the king. So the King was ss nutty as a fruit cake. Much like the orange turn the orange turd.

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Yes, even I who have the Soul of Eeyore, is, dare I say it?, Excited and hopeful of election KH!

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Me too!

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No one knows someone best like family. Mahalo Mary.

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Are you in the islands Jeanine? Native Hawaiian here. 🤙🏽 Originally from Kona but I’m on west coast CA and looking to move full time to Moloka’i when we retire.. 💙 Aloha my friend!!

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I live on O'ahu but my dad is from Miloli'i in South Kona. E malama pono.

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I'm so jealous.

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Great reporting, Mary! We depend on YOU! I didn’t know about the increased voter registrations - especially the younger voters! YES! I’m excited to support KAMALA for President. Wow!

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83% is fantastic. Those coconut memes on tiktok are clearly working.

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Sadly for me, the coconut reference only reminds me of the movie “Monty Python & the Holy Grail” where a servant of King Arthur, is banging coconuts together to imitate a horse- galloping because horses were too expensive.


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As much as I love President Biden, I was tired and anxious about the bickering among Democrats. I feel so much hope for VP Harris to be our next president.

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Good Day All. Mary, if you should happen to communicate with our Vice President, Soon to be President, PLEASE, tell her the "Mashed Potatoes" story & advise her to USE IT at an appropriate time and place, as Necessary... A Very Powerful Comment to Use On Donald.

Peace & Best Regards

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I have hope!

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Word on the street is the Swifties are murmuring about Armageddon in response to Vance’s single cat ladies comment! I hope the R’s are about to learn that you piss off a bunch of women at your own peril. I’m old enough to remember when Roe became law of the land and I was finally able to get a credit card without a father or husband’s signature. Project 2025 scares the beejesus out of me as does just about every R out there since they ditch principles and oaths to the Constitution to get ahead / stay employed.

As an ad for the new Matlock program says (courtesy of Kathy Bates)…. women over the age of about 50 become damn near invisible but it works for us because they never see us coming. Ladies, let’s roll and get this done!!!!!

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Remember the Gray Panthers in the 1960s? That was a thing then. It could be so again. Never mess with a Lady's Cat 🐈😺💕

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“Word on the street is the Swifties are murmuring about Armageddon in response to Vance’s single cat ladies comment!”


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