Thank you for your reply. I still disagree about criticizing President Biden. If it is objective and warranted then it should be done.
Our democracy (oligarchy really) is in a very fragile state. I agree. Wholeheartedly & 100% agree. I’m worried about it enough that the stress never leaves me and occasionally causes nightmares.
Thank you for your reply. I still disagree about criticizing President Biden. If it is objective and warranted then it should be done.
Our democracy (oligarchy really) is in a very fragile state. I agree. Wholeheartedly & 100% agree. I’m worried about it enough that the stress never leaves me and occasionally causes nightmares.
But, we should not give any politician (celebrity, doctor, athlete, pastor, etc) 100% support without basic examination of what they say, do and stand for and then criticizing and protesting if it is warranted and needed. In our country it is our right and obligation to hold those in positions of authority and power accountable. When we don’t we end up with arrogance & ego run amuck (see Sinema), power used for corruption and self-interest (see Manchin & Sinema, just for starters) and ultimately, demagogues in charge (donald trump, mitch mcconnell, with just about the entire Republican Party as demogogue wannabes - boebert, greene, cawthorn, etc).
I grew up in an extremely rigid culture - a violent, abusive white supremacy home and a hate, fear & misogyny based religious cult. Both demanded absolute obedience and submission to the rules. Any objection, hell, even the tiniest sigh at being verbally berated & “educated” would earn you a physical beating with whatever could be used - shoes, a broom, a board, fists. I learned early on that those who demand silent obedience are the ones who need examination the most. And while Biden himself is not demanding silent obedience, no one in any position of authority should go unexamined and held to account.
I don’t disagree with you, I’m just not articulating my point very well 😉. I am not advocating for unquestioning support of everything Biden does or does not do, and I agree that it is imperative and foundational to a healthy democracy to criticize our elected leaders, including those for whom we voted - where warranted, like you said. And this is the critical distinction, to me. So much of the media criticism and, frankly, criticism from within the Dem party, is skewed and devoid of context or nuance. And that type of criticism- “whataboutism” or criticism just for the sake of criticism/conflict - risks dividing the coalition of voters that are critical to keeping/building on the very slim Dem majority that we need to keep our democracy alive. Thank you for sharing about your experiences growing up - I am so sorry that you went through that. While not anything like what you endured, I grew up in a very conservative, rural area. Strict expectations in terms of values, beliefs, religious doctrine, behavior, etc. Little to no room for questioning status quo. My brother endured physical abuse from our father, which my sisters and I were spared simply for being female. We did get corporal punishment from time to time, but it was very systematic and muted in comparison. Those experiences, of course, continue to shape my perspective on a variety of things. Thanks so much for the engaging conversation, as well as for your service.
I don’t think you weren’t articulating your point. I made the assumption you thought Biden should not be criticized. That’s on me, not you. Sorry about that.
I agree with you about the failings of most of our media. It’s a real problem.
I’m sorry you had to grow up like that. It stays with you. Well, me, I mean. Even when I’ve done the work to move past it all, that kind of abuse and ugliness causes wounds that can still hurt and at times, bog us down. Again, I mean me. That’s what happens to me. But I’m still sorry you had to grow up like that. It is terrible to watch a sibling be abused.
Thanks for the thanks on my service. Except for the constant sexual harassment and occasional sexual assaults I liked serving in the Army. It was a good fit for me after such a chaotic childhood. Plus, bonus! no discrimination on gender for pay. Your pay was based on your rank. That was great.
Thank you for your reply. I still disagree about criticizing President Biden. If it is objective and warranted then it should be done.
Our democracy (oligarchy really) is in a very fragile state. I agree. Wholeheartedly & 100% agree. I’m worried about it enough that the stress never leaves me and occasionally causes nightmares.
But, we should not give any politician (celebrity, doctor, athlete, pastor, etc) 100% support without basic examination of what they say, do and stand for and then criticizing and protesting if it is warranted and needed. In our country it is our right and obligation to hold those in positions of authority and power accountable. When we don’t we end up with arrogance & ego run amuck (see Sinema), power used for corruption and self-interest (see Manchin & Sinema, just for starters) and ultimately, demagogues in charge (donald trump, mitch mcconnell, with just about the entire Republican Party as demogogue wannabes - boebert, greene, cawthorn, etc).
I grew up in an extremely rigid culture - a violent, abusive white supremacy home and a hate, fear & misogyny based religious cult. Both demanded absolute obedience and submission to the rules. Any objection, hell, even the tiniest sigh at being verbally berated & “educated” would earn you a physical beating with whatever could be used - shoes, a broom, a board, fists. I learned early on that those who demand silent obedience are the ones who need examination the most. And while Biden himself is not demanding silent obedience, no one in any position of authority should go unexamined and held to account.
I don’t disagree with you, I’m just not articulating my point very well 😉. I am not advocating for unquestioning support of everything Biden does or does not do, and I agree that it is imperative and foundational to a healthy democracy to criticize our elected leaders, including those for whom we voted - where warranted, like you said. And this is the critical distinction, to me. So much of the media criticism and, frankly, criticism from within the Dem party, is skewed and devoid of context or nuance. And that type of criticism- “whataboutism” or criticism just for the sake of criticism/conflict - risks dividing the coalition of voters that are critical to keeping/building on the very slim Dem majority that we need to keep our democracy alive. Thank you for sharing about your experiences growing up - I am so sorry that you went through that. While not anything like what you endured, I grew up in a very conservative, rural area. Strict expectations in terms of values, beliefs, religious doctrine, behavior, etc. Little to no room for questioning status quo. My brother endured physical abuse from our father, which my sisters and I were spared simply for being female. We did get corporal punishment from time to time, but it was very systematic and muted in comparison. Those experiences, of course, continue to shape my perspective on a variety of things. Thanks so much for the engaging conversation, as well as for your service.
I don’t think you weren’t articulating your point. I made the assumption you thought Biden should not be criticized. That’s on me, not you. Sorry about that.
I agree with you about the failings of most of our media. It’s a real problem.
I’m sorry you had to grow up like that. It stays with you. Well, me, I mean. Even when I’ve done the work to move past it all, that kind of abuse and ugliness causes wounds that can still hurt and at times, bog us down. Again, I mean me. That’s what happens to me. But I’m still sorry you had to grow up like that. It is terrible to watch a sibling be abused.
Thanks for the thanks on my service. Except for the constant sexual harassment and occasional sexual assaults I liked serving in the Army. It was a good fit for me after such a chaotic childhood. Plus, bonus! no discrimination on gender for pay. Your pay was based on your rank. That was great.
Thank you, and thank you for sharing.