Since I mostly believe in Karma, I do think that Donald's Downfall is in the cards. Don't know what it will look like, but it is not going to be pretty. I am going to save this comment to send to my Trumpy family members!

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I don’t believe in that stuff anymore

Look how long he has gotten away with it

The rule of law has been so perverted

They have been so diabolically strategic and united in this decades long plan to over throw America

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Agree -to a point. frump imagines he's the 'big man in charge' while those who're using him are laughing themselves silly because THEY are manipulating his strings because he's too stupid to realize what's going on. He's being used all while thinking he's the user. THAT is what makes his coming downfall so good: the realization that he's nothing more than a dumb-bunny being played by others far more crafty than he could ever be. Of course WE will suffer during his 'term' but we CAN fight back and withstand the idiocy if we think strategically. Those who put together his project 25 and it IS his - written by the likes of stephen miller (another dumbo in my personal opinion), it can't help but fail. As magat cultists see how THEY will suffer along with us (their perceived 'enemies'), I imagine a change of opinion in magaverse. Lincoln Project isn't giving up. Me either.

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What their basic problem is that they’re full of hate and envy. Trump has always wanted to be some big important person people look up to, unfortunately the only people who look up to him are sleaze bags like himself not decent humans. He isn’t respected by decent people!

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The supposed decent people, who still support him, have exposed their hypocrisy.

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We all have choices. Hegseth's and Trump's supporters could have chosen to investigate the allegations first before giving him the credence about his denials, but instead they put their blind faith in man who has done nothing but deny, deny, deny.

Before I believe anything from either side, I am googling it and looking for information on qualified sites, like university and government sites, and in credible news and political publications. It takes some work, though, to find some credible information, so it's important to look through several of the sources to first identify whether they have a particular party affiliation. Many will indicate whether they are partisan, bi-partisan, or not at all affiliated. It's important to do the work and go through many sources, though.

As a former Republican, now Independent, I still align myself with some conservative values, but by switching parties, I have given myself the ability and permission to consider information from the left that is also credible. In this day and age of AI and extreme partisanship, it is important to remain diligent about validating the information first. I have come to accept that BOTH SIDES have some skeletons in their respective closet, it's just a matter of which side has the most obvious appearance of impropriety at the time.

Obviousness has the problem of perception. Afterall, "perception is reality" for some. It is a concept that was emphasized by a journalism professor that I had I had in college.

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All apparently easily deluded..

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All The Richest & Corrupt Politicians people & MAGA Followers to Destroy America Democracy. Stay tuned

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The Orange 🍊 King 👑 Will Arrive to White House

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I hope he trips on the way in, and Maligniant, too

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So true!

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Donald knows what he's doing and it's deliberate. He showed it in the debate with Biden. The faces and the stupid opinions. He uses that crap to piss off the Dems and he pulls different shit every day, hoping it will bring enough people to believe him and give him the votes. It worked this time.

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First of all he didn't win this election by a landslide as he would like for people to believe. He won by 1.5 % of the votes. That isn't a landslide. He got most of the Electorate votes but there is really nothing forcing the electorate to vote for Trump. There use to be a rule you had to vote according to your district. Some states have put an end to that rule. Trump and his minions want the people to believe that he won by a landslide so he can implement his dirty 2025 agenda.

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He actually would have lost if more non voters voted. 70% of eligible non-voters were against trump. If only 20% of them voted - he would have lost. He won by luck and ignorance of non voting citizens. So sad,- if they only knew they could have stopped this hitler wanna-be.

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Many, who didn't believe that their vote would have been effective, didn't care until he was elected. Then they complain. UGHHHHHH!

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Indeed, he’s still the same liar as always…

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He didn’t even win. Harris did.

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Unsure he actually 'knows what he's doing' compared to reacting as taught to him by Roy Cohn and this lesson one of those which stuck with him because it pleases him to feel 'powerful'. He's also never been rich and far from a 'billionaire'. He's literally lived off Banks' money which is entirely different from that of the truly wealthy.

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He's a con man.

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He also inherited quite a bit.

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AND lost almost all of it, lol.

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He‘s tricky but not very intelligent.

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Many of his supporters have this rah, rah, rah cheerleading, sort of, glee of "sticking it to the Dems" whenever there is some sort of controversy about the left that is exposed, and someone is scrutinized in the press but considered themselves unfairly targeted when someone does the same to them or their candidate.

I remember when Obama was running, and Michelle Obama was accused of actually being a man. Life was also given to the rumor that Barack Obama 'received college financial aid in the U.S. as a foreign student from Indonesia.' This gave rise to Trump's "birther" claims, which he also tried to perpetuate about Kamala Harris this time around. He can't seem to achieve his goals without attacking people and using the Conservative, and alternative, right-wing media to spread lies about her and others who opposed him.

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He may or may not be able to achieve many of his goals without lying. I believe that he prefers lies to achieve one important goal - devaluing truth as a possibility among the political classes to assert his fantasy version as valid or correct and secondarily to relieve himself of the burden of consistency. If Maga believes whatever bullshit he's spewing at the time, there's no need to keep his story straight.

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Makes you wonder why his lies weren't called out more by his detractors.

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Fwiw, he didn't need the Indonesian student aid claim to foment the birtherism. It already existed by that nutty Russian 'lawyer' woman (whose name I've entirely forgotten). He leaped on the idea out of his deep jealousy for Barack, and hatred against anyone of mixed race. The attacks on Michelle persist to this day and in order to continue those vicious ideas, they also had to create the idea that Obama 'must be' gay. Michelle never addressed them directly (why should she ever, since they were so vile?) but the deep hurt caused to her family is evident in her book Becoming. She's an incredible woman and I wept reading what frump did to her and her family PURELY for his own selfish gains. THAT mindset is what makes me despise him as much as I do. Ugh!

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I agree completely. Trump is just a vile, repugnant excuse for a human being and his spawn are simply leeches.

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If his orders to others violate his oath of office, then if obeyed, they also violate oaths. The Supreme Court needs to prosecute Trump, - or are they also in violation of their oaths of office?

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under 'project 25' I don't think any of them (including 6 right-wing scotus members) actually give a damn? That Oath which most of US hold dear matters very little to these anti-American jokers.

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I don't think I've ever felt as helpless about and concerned for our government as I do now.

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It makes ya wonder why these so-called Conservatives aren't all up in arms about all of his questionable activity even though he's one of them. They need to restore some honor to the party instead of the tit-for-tat blame game.

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The whole administration wreaks of corruption.

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Not for long. He’s already gone for many of us…

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Alot of people actually decided not to bother to vote.

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Donald Trump is a complete idiot and I refuse to recognize him IF he manages to take his demented little mind into office. He belongs in prison, he is a consumate liar and appears to appeal to only to those who are of as weak of mind as he. Obviously, you are not familiar with the personality of a narcissist, but you will find out eventually..... My deepest sympathy...

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Those laughing themselves silly the hardest would have to be Putin and Xi. Scary.

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Agree that Trump is just the orange scab on a massive political abscess but there are so many revolting people behind him in need of a prison cell. Will never be rid of them. The Dems are so determined to be decent and it makes it difficult to fight people like that. The only silver lining is that this is a kind of reckoning for politicians - people have had enough of their corruption. By the way, they better be examining the dominion machines to check for tampering as well as doing more hand recounts (which I understand is justified given the tight numbers). Why aren’t we hearing anything about this. Allison Gill called for it a week or so ago.

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I agree with most of what you say and think, but when you ARE decent, it's well-nigh impossible to turn oneself into the opposite and behave horridly. It just doesn't work. For those of us who've harboured some darker thoughts lately- they really are only thoughts we wouldn't bring them to fruition because we're not made that way or like 'them'.

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Yes. The progress, that those in charge of governing the election integrity, who probably believed that the paperless method with these voting machines was going to eliminate the "hanging chads" issue and others, when Gore was a candidate turned out to not be progress after all.

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Yeah, he imagines himself as being the "big man in charge", but neglects to acknowledge that he is THE EMPLOYEE of millions, if not billions, of people who have the power to hire and fire and in 2020, we said, "YOUR'RE FIRED". He should have been ineligible for rehire after having been impeached TWICE, but he was allowed to stay until he was finally replaced. In one business where I worked, we were prohibited from communicating with mid- and upper-level managers and sales reps who were fired.

Stupidly, he was rehired and now will exact revenge on those who held him accountable. He should have never been allowed on the ballot after the behavior that he exhibited. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, after all. We'll ALL get what they deserve. Those who didn't vote for him won't be the only ones who suffer. Did/do his supporters think they will be excluded from his revenge?

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Aren’t you afraid that now they have so much power they will be able to rig everything in their favour for the foreseeable future ?

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Of course! Which is why people are working as hard as possible for these interim months to put in place as many safeguards as possible (fair and balanced justices; solid bills and rules, etc). to prevent this vengeful mental child from his aim of retribution AND closely examine the election results. Those of us who spoke out the most forcefully are at most risk. I don't see too many of us running for cover.

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Elizabeth, I so want to believe you are right, but that decades long effort has included media brainwashing on a large scale. People like Rush Linbaugh, and those who followed him knew just how to play the strings of the unsuspecting so the notes that come out of them fit Trump and Kump as they work to wreck this nation and do as much damage as they can to our people, infrastructure, and environment. Trump is just their current tool. They used Reagan, both Bushes, and have a lineup of folks like JD Vance, and others ready to step in when Trump is rendered useless. I think Musk thinks he can be president when alas, he was not born here, one good thing. Republicans do not have anyone in that lineup that anyone would want in their homes, sure they would cause havoc. There are not enough courageous Republicans to stand up in the face of the insanity. We will have to keep fighting though because we have made a lot of progress over time and a setback at the hands of oligarchs or just plain racist misogynistic xenophobic homo/transphobic scared white folks and white wannabees is unacceptable.

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I hope you’re right…

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He is the I do as you Say I to do, for US NON FEDERAL NO RESERVES bank. All the way to no Middle class and the elites have all and rest on the way to being owned via tokenized system. And Trump the US Cryptocurrency King. In other words more of the giant US cabal con job, just as Bidens, Obama, bushes. The affinity for war and mayhem. Banker wars. USA is in for hard times the crime cabal or not. And globally many of us are aligned to the stock Market prop ups adored by Trump, wall Street, Fed it is not Bank.

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Karma is a bitch…he just hasn’t gotten there…yet.

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I'm in my 70's. I hold out no/little hope that our lives will return to the pre-Trump years in my lifetime. If that happens, great. But I'm not holding my breath.

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OMG. I see you and I feel the same way. This could have been stopped so many times in the past and nothing has ever been done to get rid of predators.

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Trump shit! So much for draining the swamp! Trump and his minions are the dirty swamp!

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Yes! Instead of draining the swamp, he poured more crap into it.

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He IS the crap. In every way.

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Me either, Deborah. I'm "putting my affairs in order". My only hope is that I'll live long enough to see Project 2025 hit an impenetrable wall and start to crumble. The loved ones in my life are my only motivation for keeping in the fight for as long as I can. Is this Armageddon?

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He is the one Nostradamus warned about, I believe. Many people believe that we are in the end times. as many of the seven signs have happened or are happening.

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When you consider the perilous state of our planet, added to the current nightmare of global politics, it's easy to believe that we are witnessing The Apocalypse. But not the religious version, this is the man-made version.

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No, At least not yet….

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Hang in there, our day will come…

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I hear you, have waited so long for a decent prez and cabinet…my last best was Obama…

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I’m in my 50s and I have friends in their 70s. None of us want to be alive for this mess and they joke that they are lucky as they won’t.

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In my early 70’s, I expect to see it…

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Me, too, Deborah. Me, too.

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Karma, like all mystical and spiritual activity, occurs through the agency of human hands. It is up to us to see that Trump's karma arrives. Let's make it soon!

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Wow, I love it. Let’s rely upon the religious beliefs of a many thousand years old mystical religion that appears to have been born to justify a rationalization of why the poor are poor. It is Karma.

I get it.

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No. I'm not religious at all. For ME, Karma is simply getting what one deserves - also known as reaping what one sows. I realize that IS considered 'religious language' but it's a matter of: IF one does awful things to others to gain wealth, power, fame, etc. the pendulum WILL swing back around to you~'with no one there to speak for you' (since you've done away with all of those you think of as 'enemies'). Now, who does that fit? He's the ultimate stupid person who uses others to achieve his ends, throwing childish tantrums when balked. At some point, those other stupids he tramples on will turn on him. That's HIS deserved karma, at least to my mind.

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…as in ‘what goes around comes around’…..

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He can do so only as long as people let him. Sadly, people do allow him to keep doing this because their cultivated hatred of the left excuses them for believing all of the BS that he and his supporters and sycophants spew

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This! All while they act as though they’re ‘good, moral and christians’ while pretending to believe that WE are whatever stupid insult they come up with for us (witness the incredible nonsense they invented against Hillary, which still persists). As Joan says: his time will come - am I awful for keeping my fingers crossed that it’s far sooner than they think? I swear, they’ll ‘suddenly’ decide that he really was Catholic and posthumously make him a saint, LOL.

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Karma knows no rules! I suggest we just wait. We cannot know now what may happen, or when, although many of us probably have some interesting and fateful ideas.

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The last thing on earth we should do is wait. We need to be making big uncomfortable noise about all of this.

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You’re right, exhausting as that seems to me

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Karma is a long time coming...some say it will in ones next Life...I really don't want to wait that long...

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My own vision is Donald in a wheelchair with a drool cup.

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A frontal lobotomy and a padded cell with plenty of fresh fruit.

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No fruit! Just plenty of salty snacks, trans fats, and sugary treats.

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Forget the fresh fruit. Let him eat sloth...

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Spoon-fed apple sauce, pureed meat, and thickened prune juice while wearing a bib.... lol.

Sadly though, 40 years ago as a nursing assistant, I had to feed many severely confused and end-stage dementia nursing home residents.

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Sadly whatever his comeuppance is his mind will be too demented to really suffer it

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Don’t be mean to disabled people who need drool cups.

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Here we are with karma again. It must be right. I mean, it is not like believing in some cultish bullshit like Trump voters do.

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I have had many, including an ex-brother-in-law that would do just about anything for 50 bucks.

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At every step of the way when Trump was vulnerable, a powerful autocrat came to save him while democrats failed to go in for the kill. There were so many things Trump could've been charged with that he wasn't, & only 1 of his 4 or 5 criminal trials, the least grave, was held, finding him guilty of 34 charges, but no sentence came out of that one. He also could've been held in prison as a national security reason for numerous reasons from stochastic terrorism to meeting & conspiring with a foreign adversary. But no one was willing to set their foot down & go against the rich, powerful forces backing Trump.

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The American people have been sold out on every level. The Department of Justice didn't do its job and lock that criminal up. And the Senate and the House failed to see to it that he was impeached. They had 2 chances to do it. All of them need to go to jail or be shot for treason at the highest levels of government.

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The Donald is deserving of all our ire…

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Just about blows your head off doesn’t it?!

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I have been very disappointed in how the injustice system has abandoned the rule of law to give justice to the American people, who care about our laws, and instead give deference to a liar, tax cheat, rapist, fraud-committing, and treasonous narcissist, who wouldn't even give his supporters the time of day.

Justice is certainly blind.

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My eyes have crossed so many times, I was afraid they'd stay that way!!!

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I continue to hope..what goes around, comes around…I’d love to see it…live on tv!

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Teflon Don

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Well, I truly believe our Federal Government is very leary of (his "people) Magas running amok if anything happens to him legally or otherwise and Magas are batshit crazy about their precious leader The Orange Jesus". However the question in my mind is......how much longer is it going to take for him to disappear from our lives. Honestly..those ugly little tiny pursed lips and that sweaty orange make-up...and tne way he uses his tiny little fingers when he speaks.....augh..

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I am so sick of seeing him or hearing that voice

Will he ever go away?

Sleazy don Jr would probably slither into view … they all keep procreating too

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Every day I wake up hoping to read his obituary. That will be a hard one for anyone mourning him to write as all his of his accomplishments are evil. That sadly seems to be my only real hope these days:

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None have any hope of being thought to have any brains, much less charisma.

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Waiting for them both to dry up and blow away. Far, far away.

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Don Jr reminds me of "Ellis", the coc head business exec, in the first Die Hard movie.

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Rule of law?

Pardon me while I get up off the floor doubled up with laughter.

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I am doubled up with sorrow.

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I hope Jack Smith writes a book so I can read it.

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Very true, but a more significant portion of the population bought into his lies and instead shoot the messengers who tried to expose them for what they are.

How did we get here?

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Tbh, it’s already the beginning of the end for potato head Donny. It’s going to be endless chaos and a revolving door of appointees, as last time. Anyone gets too big for their boots, they’re out. Mysk’s card must be marked by now. Donny is deteriorating and will probably not have the mental capacity to last the term. It’s going to be a shit four years, but when they’re over he will be toast one way or the other. No-one will look back and say this was a golden age. Women, rise up and kick out these stupid men. Then we might get some fucking peace.

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Men, get out there and kick out the stupid ones, too!!

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Unfortunately, most men, at least most of the ones I know, are Trump supporters, presumably because he espouses what they believe are masculinity and authority. When he was first elected President in 2016, I read numerous comments from men who only respected, and remarked about, how attractive his wife was and that he was a billionaire, as if those were the necessary qualifications to be a president.

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I feel for you, Sandy. I don't know a lot of men right now, but the ones I do know seem to be what I would call "real" men - men who are whole people with a wide range of emotions, respect for others including women. I realized some time ago that much of our country has been stuck on the importance of superficial things. One thing that is really sad is that they believed the lie that trump is a billionaire- everything I've heard lately says he's not.

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Possibly he is on paper only. His assets may not all be liquid and he could be "cash poor". Most of his wealth is likely in the form of his assets, like his hotels, resorts, and casinos, or even investment accounts.

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I agree, but I'm betting that his wealth is still inflated to keep his ego soothed.

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No doubt the 25th will come into play and Vance will limp over the finish line and the Dems will be back

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trump, or at least the driving force behind the buffoon, will be one step ahead of this and change rules … or just ignore them again. If Vance gets in I think it will only be a short term appointment until the coke'd up Don Jnr gets dropped into the job. I honestly don't see how, with all the blatant cheating, that the dems have a snowballs chance of winning any houses or presidential race until all of the vermin are removed … and especially if they keep playing by the rules set down by the forefathers when CLEARLY the vermin are using their own playbook.

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I hope you're right

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There’s also the mid-term election in ‘26 to prepare for.

Let’s hope that frumpy will screw up enough to make it clear that the Dems should be in charge of BOTH houses of Congress.

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Yes! Didn't they lose "bigly" in 2022? I seem to remember that the "red wave" never even materialized and many Republican congressmen/women lost their seats.

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I just hope he doesn't find a way to stay, or anoint Vance!

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Starting with First Lady Melignant….

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Too many woman are part of the problem! What could any real woman see in that???

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Somehow these magat women see him with the chiseled face and body of Sly Stallone (as depicted on their made-up flags). It's astonishing when the frump is right in front of them. Are they selling special distortion glasses at the rallies? Then there's the stupidity factor. WHO on earth wants to talk to a stupid man? Not me!

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If he didn't have the name, "Donald Trump", I doubt he would have even been elected the first time.

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the amazing thing, Sandy - is that the family name is DRUMPF! great grand-pappy changed it to 'trump' but don the con knows full well that it isn't his real name. Imagine 'drumpf' on those buildings? or 'drumpf casino'? lol. From day one he's a fraud, grifter/conman, cheat (he even cheats at golf!)

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BUT~we mustn't forget that only donthecon, most of his children (and his father) made 'trump' so disliked. Mary, her brother and her own small family - separate and distinct from her uncle who brought such disrepute to the name, is the one: by speaking out against him~who gave it normalcy and decency.

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You are right ~ he is all lumpy like a potato, but he is mushy lumpy,

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I wish I could be filled with such hopeful thoughts. Our ONLY hope IMO, is to NOT TURN OVER THE KEYS.

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Biden needs to lock Trump out of the White House like Trump did to him 4 years ago.

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I think you’re right, all these types of Egocentric, Narcissistic people seem to end in a big way. They have no humanity and always bring it on themselves. I only hope the same thing happens to Putin at the same time. I truly believe they were born evil. Trump has always been a terrible person even as a toddler. What I don’t understand is what attracts people to him as personally there is something about him that totally repels me.

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Putin is so much worse and has been at it longer

How on earth did such a little pig faced man ever gain so much power?

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yes he excelled in poisoning while in the KGB. He terrified everyone, even his compatriots, working his way up the ranks. No one knew if they would be next, I imagine?

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His time will come , as well…

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This doesn’t sound right at all.

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What? 😂 never heard that one.

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I know, right?

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He got elected by his people in free and fair elections because he was very popular. He was chosen to run for president because he was the only person they could find who wasn’t corrupt.

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"Wasn't corrupt"?

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!!!!! Nope

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Correct. He’s not corrupt at all. Everything you read about him in the West is a lie. Whatever his faults, he’s not corrupt.

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That’s your delusion…I don’t share it at all, and there’s ample evidence..

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Putin is a far better person than Trump snd he’s extremely popular with his people. He’s just a run of the mill autocrat like so many of our allies, that’s all. But his people seem to support that too.

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Harder to get to Putin, who’s much lass flexible…

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Why are both of them alive? One would think that their own poisonous vapours would kill them

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Sorry there’s no such thing as karma. Only luck. And the felon/furher is the luckiest eff

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It's truly stunning, isn't it? It's infuriating when he spews his bat guano crazy about how "unfair" he's treated, everyone is so mean to him, blah, blah, blah. It's still hard to believe he didn't cross the wrong type of guys in New York and Atlantic City because he's "stiffed" everyone else in his life.

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I was married to a narcissist, though it took me years to realize it. When I got sick and was no longer 'perfect' he cheated on me and I left. HWSNBN will NEVER change. He'll screw the USA and walk away scot-free. We can only accept the worst and expect nothing better.

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Same thing happened to me, only I was the one who left. He is a staunch Republican and has insulted his liberal friends behind their backs for their political beliefs. He destroyed everything in/out of the house and trashed it. I would have had to invest thousands of dollars to fix everything that he neglected and destroyed.

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There is karma. The man who raped me as a kid got testicular cancer and died and the one that did as an adult was trapped under a tractor for hours and lingered in hospital before he died. That is some nice karma!

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May have to come and see you and get some instructions hon., that's some good karma.

Hope the tractor is okay btw.

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Glad you were able to see it happen..

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Not many get to see that…

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I used to believe in Karma but DJT has made me question if it does really exist. Or like everything else, Karma, rules, norms, etc. don't apply to him...just the rest of us. It's unfathomable and mind boggling he's been able to slither away from everything. However, if Karma does still exist, i also believe it will come for him in a very, very unexpected way when we least expect it. And you're right; it'll be ugly.

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Maybe he and Elon in a Tesla crash or half way to mars

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Whatever it is, hope it isn’t terribly merciful

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A debilitating stroke, leaving him unable to make any word salad, immobilized fingers so he can’t tweet, and a constant flow of feces into his monogrammed Depends™️. Pastor Johnson will minister to him, as any follower of Jesus Christ is wont to do. When he finally expires at the age of 89, his namesake will have preceded him by a few years as the cocaine will have destroyed his nasal septum and cerebral meningitis will crawl right in. Eric will be reunited with his father, Gary Busey, and their sister will move to Qatar without Slenderman in tow. A man can dream, can’t he?

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Wow! Hopefully sooner …

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🤣🤣🤣 That is absolutely brilliant!!! What a lovely picture! I’m going to enjoy hoping for that!

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Agreed, Kate. I've seen Karma in action so think his comeuppance will be spectacular (for us, at least).

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We may not see it in our lifetime, but I agree, karma is a bitch.

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I had a thought the other day, not sure if it falls under karma or just dreaming, but WHEN the wheels start falling off and affecting a high proportion of the maga lemmings that supported trump, THEY are the ones with lots of firearms and attitude and 'prepper' mentality. I can see a point when the new trump authoritarians will want to reign in those disaffected people when they start to become problematic. It would be an interesting irony if gun laws were introduced by an administration most likely to be (literal) targets of these disaffected lemmings. SOMEthing will bring this house-of-cards down, you yanks have never been ones to tolerate BS for too long or against your own.

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Horses have reins. Monarchs have reigns.

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10 years of trump and I’m not seeing Karma…

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Kate Madison,

Don't.......... Hold......... Your........... Breath.

We've been saying that for 10 years.

I am done w/ Trump. He and his criminal buddies can go ahead and wreck the country. Biden already set in motion enough to bring us right down: support for a genocide, permits for our guys in Ukraine to bomb into Russia. Our so called leaders are under the thumb of the Lobby and the weapons business. Now, they can use them to defend us against what we started. Good luck. Buy Gold.....bury it in the backyard.

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please, please, please......

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I hope you’re right..

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The real problem is not trans women in women’s bathrooms but sexual predators in the administration and on Capitol Hill.

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Trump's Cabinet picks bring new meaning to the phrase, “Flooding the zone with sh*t.”

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And now Jack Smith has withdrawn all charges. How do these people continue to get away with it?

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At this point, Smih had no option as far as I can see. Garland is the one responsible for this hell by failing to act a long time ago.

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It is so much more complicated than that. There are many places to put blame. Even going back to that idiot comey bringing up Clinton’s emails a week or so before election. One of the fears initially was that going after him would keep him alive politically and you could argue that it did. All of the reptiles and supporters rallied around, paid his legal bills, dragged out the timelines.

There should be a law against all the contrived delay bullshit.

Putin is feeling pretty mighty as well - having bombed the US with all the propaganda. He has zero respect for Trump but he is a useful jackass to him. Almost tragic that Trump does not see that most of the world think he’s the luckiest moron in the world.

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It took Merrick Garland two years to institute proceedings. TWO YEARS to initiate action against a man who stole highly protected documents and incited a riot and potential coup ďétat. Disgraceful.

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DOJ had to get testimony and convictions of J6ers in order to establish that they believed themselves to be responding to and acting on Trump's behalf. There was the issue of obstrucion- must involve screwing with documents to qualify as obstruction,vand others I'm probably forgetting. Garland bears some blame, but it's wrong to characterize him as either a villain or foot dragger.

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I’m not suggesting he’s a villain but two years to appoint special counsel in order to avoid the appearance of partisanship is inexcusable. I’m a lawyer - I assume you are too - and we know justice delayed is justice denied.

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And Trump is currently the most reviled human on earth. That’s hard to accomplish.

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I think Putin beat him to that. It was clear Trump had aspirational sentiments about all of those fascists and dictators. Pure evil has such a specific type of reptilian brilliance. I don’t think Trump is quite there. He is just a disgusting bully who was completely indoctrinated in the Roy Cohn school of bastardry. I bet even Donnie’s mom couldn’t stand him.

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Outside of the West, Putin is very popular.

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Dude give your Putin fandom a rest.

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Well said!

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Absolutely right! So disappointing.

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If democracy fails, Merrick Garland will go down in history as the one who allowed it to happen. Not the impotent Senate, not Aileen Cannon, not the Supreme Court, not even the voters. Had Garland done his job even in a reasonable timeline, Trump likely would have been convicted in all cases and would be in prison right now instead of getting ready to move back into the White House.

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Yes, Garland is PARTLY responsible but, lay a lot of blame on Mitch McConnell. He's the one who told the Senate not to convict tRump the second time because he was an outgoing president and that our justice system would take care of tRump.

And here we are.

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They had so many chances and amendment choices for throwing us ass in jail. Mitch will have a special place in hell for sure. I hope his diapers are itchy.

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Garland turned out to be too inept for his position, and let slide alot happened that shouldn’t have…

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Yes, Garland is responsible for sitting on his butt and not intervening. Garland held the power to put those judges and lawyers in line. And he didn't. Ms. Quaid the law professor at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. said that Jack Smith will motion to remove his cases on the grounds of Predjudice so he can refile it in 4 years with a motion to re-open it and at that time is when Trump will go to jail.

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If he lives that long...

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I agree with the fact that Merrick Garland let the whole country down. The day after January 6th Biden should have put someone in as attorney general that would go full justice on the orange goblin and all the financiers and accomplices.

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I think I'm wrong about Smith's options. He could have waited on this - not bow the head in advance. One thing I'm wondering about - as are many others. Where is Democratic leadership right now? Crickets.

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Without prejudice is important - can charge him later if they can get him out

I wish Joe Biden would go full scRotus immunity and throw him in prison now

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Don’t hold your breath. Our justice system utterly failed.

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Yes, just listening to Andrew Weissman on the importance of "without prejudice" and he is also mentioning some precedents that I will follow up on later for full understanding.

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Nice idea but how?

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Yes, my thought is that if he's still alive in another four years, and there really is an election then to get him out of office, he'll probably be too deep into dementia to have any appreciation of what's happening to him.

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D Witham, YES!!! 💯🎯

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I am outraged by that. What is the problem? Why don’t they go ahead? If a sitting president cannot be judged for criminal acts, why was a criminal allowed to run for president and be elected ? FOR SHAME!

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One big problem is our Supreme Court.

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He put those judges in place for a reason, the sob. I was sick to my stomach when he did it.

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Every one was illegitimate. Gorsuch took the place of Obama's pick (Garland, not good, but probably not as bad as Gorsuch, & most likely not nearly as bad as Supreme Court justice as he has been as Attorney General). Kavanaugh was credibly accused by multiple people of rape & sexual assault, but wasn't vetted by the FBI & was rammed through. Barrett was rushed in while voting was taking place in 2020 to change administrations, & should never have gone through. The 3 Republicans already on the bench were even worse.

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Because out U.S. Constitution did not make any laws that says a felon criminal can't be President of the United States. And it never wrote a law that says a convicted felon and even if that felon served jail time that he can't run for any position in Congress. What we are witnessing is the failure of our own laws and judicial system. As well as the failures of our own Congress to do what is right.

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Ximena Hernandez-Cata, exactly 💯🎯..... it's an outrage.🤬

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They should let everyone out of prison with less charges against them, not including murder. They stay. We just need to make room for Donald and his entire crew nationwide (excluding the innocent brainwashed MAGA CULT).

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I submit that no American in history has done as much harm to America as Trump has.

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Mitch McConnell is right up there as well.

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Good question.

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I know, when I heard the news my heart sort of lurched and I felt both sad and angry that he got away with most of it, again. Damn him to hell!!

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But it is illegal for them to be prosecuted, as Fox News and Pam Bimbo, I mean Bondi, would have us believe.

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Fox noise is nothing but fantasy news, you must check and double check anything they say because they lie like a rug 24/7 365 days a year, that’s how we got this space cadet for President again. I wouldn’t believe anything on that ENTERTAINMENT network ever. They are NOT A News Network! They are a propaganda network for the right wing!

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Jack Smith is no fool. I think Jack Smith is asking for the case to be dismissed on Prejudice. When the judge grants the dismissal then at the end of Trump's 4 years later term, Jack Smith can file a motion to reopen the case. At which time I believe the judge will grant the motion. Which also means that Trump didn't get away with stealing classified documents and trying to steal the 2020 election. Jack Smith is not stupid and he didn't do all that legal research and filing for nothing. Those two cases are not over!

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To clarify, Smith asked for the charges to be dismissed WITHOUT prejudice so they could be re-filed after Trump is out of office. The problem then becomes the statute of limitations, which, based on the charges filed, is 5 years. Unfortunately, the SOL would expire by Jan 2029. Smith would have to argue in court that Trump’s time in office should not count against the SOL. The case law on this is not clear and it would ultimately wind up before the SCOTUS. I have little to no confidence that the SCOTUS, with its current makeup, would rule favorably on this given their propensities to shield Trump from all accountability for his actions.

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“Don't wait for a light to appear at the end of the tunnel; stride down there and light the bloody thing yourself.”

-E. Jean Carroll

E. Jean waited for no one to lead the path toward moral clarity of the horrendous rape she endured from Donald, and that pain never lessened. Mary, thank you for continuing to light the path within this dark tunnel we call democracy despite your personal pain from Donald. If you can do it, then for sure, none of us has an excuse not to keep speaking up and fighting back, and to never normalize sexual violence of any kind, even if the President confuses a woman for his wife and then claims she is not his type.

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I feel like nothing epitomises the experiences of being a Republican woman than being raped by a guy at a Republican women's event (apparently) and then have him elevated to one of the highest offices in the land because your side won. Just completely sad...

(Just to be clear, in no way am I blaming the victim for supporting Republicans :))

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I can’t imagine it making them feel more patriotic. I really don’t understand how ANY woman would support the GOP.


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Me either, ever unless they have low self esteem.

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100 percent! I don't get that at all :)

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That was the description that I read and felt so disgusted that I wanted adhower.

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Hegseth should definitely go!!!

But so should Pam Bondi - Conflict of Interest, RFK Jr. - Not qualified to run HHS, Linda McMahon - Sexual Assault lawsuit SB enough to keep her from Sec Edu, Musk-Vivek & MTG (please stopinsulting us), Tulsi Gabbard-DNI (She’s possibly Russian Spy), Kristi Noem-Homeland Security (LOL!!!)

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All of dipshit’s choices

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Likes attract.......their one last chance at being in politics.........but with tRump, you'd better have the loyaty of a lap-dog.

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Hegseth has GOT to go!! And Mace is getting her 15 minutes of fame, never to be heard from again; while McBride will have a long career as a wonderful Rep. for her constituents for the quality of her work and for her integrity.

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Mary, I believe the real problem with the maga's that are elected, is the clowns that put them in office. These are the american idiots that now comprise less than 50% of voting Americans. Here is a fact we now know, more people voted against agent orange than voted for him. This is the tragedy of third party candidates, their votes are meaningless except they tilt the playing field, in this case in favor of a convicted rapist, felon etc. The magas will soon regret their choice when their mother, fathers grandparents are thrown out of nursing homes and any on medicare and social security and medicaid finds their benefits cut.

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I wonder if Andrew Yang’s Forward party could siphon off a few GOP members of congress and they could chip away at the majority. Great idea as long as they don’t mind all the death threats and proud boy assholes driving by their house. You would have be really brave. Even guys with bone spurs could help I would think …

America actually could use a third party. No doubt though that the republicans could find a way to corrupt that too.

Oh my lord! Can’t believe I haven’t ranted about the cancer that is the billionaire class! They have sooooo much to answer for.

You need a nationwide series of weekly public announcements how Trump and the gang are fucking everyone over. Include your hard earned tax dollars paying for all of the infrastructure and laws that made being a billionaire possible in the first place (super great for them as they don’t pay taxes at all)

Be sure to mention that all of the savings by getting rid of the government will go straight into the pockets of the Trump family and their scuzzy pals. Those billionaires get shit done.

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Again, reverse engineering squad got their hands on some dominion machines …

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He lost the election. Harris won.

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Photo looks like the Legion of Ewwwww!

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This is my Second Fave Mary photo post, but she has a remarkably good eye. The one of her Father drinking in Bermuda? (pls forgive if wrong locale) while a Madras-clad? Pilot for Awesome American Airline(idk)? is pretty much my combination Life Goals feat. X Spirit Animal. So, so Badass. Love it. Low-key want a print of it.

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Great point, made me laugh aloud, which felt great! Thanks for breaking up the absolute dread I have for the next 4 years.

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If this is the way Trump (aka psychopath) intends to “protect women”, then they should all be worried sick!!

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Birds of a feather.

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Patricia, I think we should use that term 'Birds of a feather' for the entire GOP! Let, or make those who are not like these men, speak up loudly now or forever be classified as Just the same as their GOP brethren.

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You've zeroed in again, Mary.

I've been watching Wolf Hall on PBS, the story of the young and aging Henry VIII, who spent his life in masculine insecurity, jousting ( and once killing himself to be resurrected by T. Cromwell) against noblemen

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Exactly. Trump does seem to like surrounding himself with these type of men with questionable sexual proclivities. If there are any decent GOP men and or women they should definitely do everything they can to distance themselves from this less they be tarred with the same brush.

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I guess they’re aren’t any.

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We should not be surprised that the only qualification needed to be in the new Cabinet is the amount of orange ass one is willing to kiss.

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You need to be a groper or worse to rally get good seat at the table

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So true. So funny. I laughed out loud !

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I can see how pissed you are, Mary, by your writing mistakes. This whole circus is definitely Donald’s way of trying to normalize heinous crimes against women. All we can do is continue to fight back and I thank you for your diligence in providing us with information.

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I’m sorry this is so hard for you and all of us. You are my inspiration, Mary!

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Violence against women will forever be normal and permissive. What do we women do next? Buy a gun? I don't feel safe.

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Try a stun gun...legal in some areas but not lethal...will disrupt any attacker and carry on you all the time.

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The vast majority of male violence is committed against other men. The only case here involving violence is Hegseth. The rest are nothingburgers like statutory rape and some guy copping a feel. No violence in sight.

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Donald is trolling the Americans and the World. The World is abandoning America because of Donald. I look for the uninformed Americans to reject the nightmare he is presenting to them, and to act on it. The informed Americans voted for someone else.

Everyone had a mother. Why can't they accept a woman President? Perhaps their mother did not guide them toward knowledge and morals.

Jefferies has Presidential attributes. How many Americans would not vote for him because of his first name or because he is African American? Many people refused to vote for Obama for the same reasons.

The American people need education so they can recognize a scam when they see it. And also recognize greatness when they see it.

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I’d vote for Hakim in a heartbeat. Kamala first, though. Would make an incredible presidential team.

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