Thank you for this powerful commentary, Mary. You are everything every American should be: honest, brave and unwavering in your commitment to the Constitution.

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How do you know Mary is honest?

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How do we know Roger is honest? Has he written anything other than this query?

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Have you listened to what Donald Trump has said? Do you hear the cruelty? Have you decided he's being sarcastic? Have you decided he's saying these absurd things because he's trying to shape American opinions for the greater good? McCain was no hero according to Donald Trump. McCain was captured and because of that a loser. In France, he disrespected all the men who died in World War II. In Arlington Cemetery along side a grave of a fallen soldier, Donald Trump wanted to know what was in it for him. While running for president in 2015 on his golden escalator, Donald Trump condemned an entire countries as rapists and criminals. People who inhabited the southwest long before Americans arrived, who's families were artificially divided by a war and the arbitrary boundary created by the peace settlement. At a press conference, he made fun of a man trying to earn a living despite his disability. Of course, anyone would do those things. On the subject of women, beauty is the only qualifier for acceptance by Donald Trump. But don't cross him because your beauty will disappear. Don't give your opinion unless it echoes his. Of course, anyone would treat women that way. After all God subordinated women to men and thus possessions. We know he doesn't value paying taxes because it doesn't benefit him. Of course, everyone holds that opinion. We know he values law if it benefits him, such as when he rents to individuals, or not, depending on certain nonmontary considerations. There again we all do that. We all favor personal gain over the greater good. So he has a collecting fetish. Don't we all? Too many people have forgiven and forgotten to much, just water under the bridge, just the cost of doing business. Wake up! You're driving off the cliff.

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Amen, and ... AMEN AGAIN PAULA!!!! (In caps for those illiterates lacking in lowercase comprehension...they know who they are.)

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How do I know you're honest? I'm betting you only ask this question about women. Got you pegged fella'.

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Wow Mary, that was so poignant and disturbing. Thank yo for sharing your thoughts tonight. My Canadian heart, while actually joyous he’s been indicted, breaks for America in having to go through this.

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And my English heart ditto!

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Thank you so much for caring about us/U.S.

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56 likes - and I only wrote 5 words! The most likes I have received in any sub stack posting. Thank you all.

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We often feel so isolated, and in so much despair -- and often fear -- that to know that we have support in faraway lands is deeply heartening. I know that MY heart is certainly lighter today than it has been feeling for the past 7 years!

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We're (the USA) are lucky to have friends like Canada and the UK and others who are with us and know we're not all, not even most of us, like the traitors who tried and are still trying to take over our beloved America! And thank you, Mary, for reminding us so often even though it hurts and angers you! We're all in this together!!!

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This Canadian feels the same! I was horrified that Trump was elected. You could see right from the beginning the evil in him! Never liked him!

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And this Australian heart ❤ is with you too America.

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And thank you, Judy, for caring about us/U.S. I can't tell you how heartening is has been today to receive your caring message from Australia, Richard's caring message from the U.K., and LFKgirl's message from Canada. It has brought me so much happiness -- and a much lighter heart today!

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You are more than welcome. All the best to you.😍

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Thank you so much for caring about us/U.S.

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it is a good day for the country Mary.....

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Thank you for using your name and your experience, your heart and your talent, to speak the plain truth of this tragic situation. ❤

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You’ve been warning us from the beginning Mary. Presenting us with nothing but the truth. Thank you. We’ve all needed every bit of truth that we can get. Truth. The best defense against fascism.

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So thankful for you, Mary

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Preach Mary. And keep preaching. Until all join in.

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More like, get it off your chest, Mary. I'm sure you need the relief of doing that.

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Thank you - your words are palpable and we are (as Joyce Vance says) in this together. Gratefully, we are not alone. Keep calm and carry on for our democracy.

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I will not give up hope Mary and I know our collective group won't either. Sadly, it would be enough if he'd destroyed our dads as he did yours but yes, he has done so much damage in too many places, to so many people and the Tuesday indictment gives us a moment to believe that the rule of law still prevails and that no, Presidents cannot say ANYthing they want and make it so! You rock Mary, so thank you, and let's tune in, continue to have discourse, educate and together we will make a difference.

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Perfectly said!

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Mary, We have missed hearing your insight and wisdom so this was a nice note to read. You are a guiding light in these dark times.

Today there has been an accountability leveled at him. Although his followers will rally around him, there are many more citizens who are aware and care about what is good and just. We will stay strong and remain united and courageous on behalf of our Democracy. Thank you so much for being there for everyone. Please know it is not your responsibility to carry the burden of justice alone. We are here and in this together. Better days are ahead, even if it will be a bumpy ride. Buckle up everyone! XO ItsMissDenise

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You made me cry. I feel this so deeply! I love the America I believe in, not the one I'm seeing now, and I want it back!

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America, it’s still there and now peaking back up to the surface. We all need to help it along through our passion and commitment! Thank you and feel better! ItsMissDenise

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Thank you for the comfort, because I really need it. Not enough that everything in my life is falling apart these days, which is enough to make me cry, but watching what's happening in my beloved America has been just as distressing to me. I am 74 yrs old. My generation fought HARD to change things for the better, and it breaks my heart to see what we accomplished being thrown out like trash.

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Sending hugs your way. I am 67 and appreciate the boomer generation and all its contributions to our country. Get some rest and smile. I read that just by smiling, it makes our brain feel better and we begin to feel better. Take good care Diane!

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I wish I could send you a great big heart in this post. Thank you SO much!!!

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I’m 70 & I cannot believe how people even Want to associate with his name. And on top of everything, I live in Texas & used to be proud to say I was a Texan-now I avoid it at all costs.

We gotta keep up the good fight & eventually all the asshats in charge will be gone & we can start to rebuild!

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My fiance lives in TX and wants me to move there, but I DON'T WANT TO! I live in Colorado and I enjoy my freedoms as well as the ability to vote by mail. I used to say you couldn't pay me a million bucks to live in TX, and then I met my fiance who does own a home there, and is a millionaire. Talk about putting my money where my mouth is! But I do NOT want to leave Colorado.

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If it’s in Austin-u will find allies there But it’s just so frickin hot-107 today! It’s a constant struggle-so choose wisely

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Thank you for being you, Mary.

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So powerful.....I could hear your voice through the whole streaming rush of your heartbreaking words.

Take care of yourself.... jean

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I SO hope you are right, that it WILL get better.

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Thank you Mary.

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Star Wars: Andor (TV Series)

Maarva said to the two guards as they hear the bells ringing louder: “Gets to you, doesn't it? That's what a reckoning sounds like. You want it to stop, but it just keeps coming. It's when it stops, that's when you'll really want to start to fret.”

We have all been fretting for so long. The Reckoning for Donald finally seems to be near.

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We have all been frightened and in pain since 2016. The pain has been even more for you, as you have written… because he is your uncle. He destroyed so much in your own family, and has taken that selfish destructiveness and foisted upon the whole country. It is true, I am sure, that he will stop at nothing to get his way. What we really need to work towards in this country is bringing back truth into all news outlets. I do not see how we can heal with the news being so bifurcated as it is now, with so many being fed blatant lies, misinformation and disinformation.

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