From the debate, to the abdication of journalistic integrity and responsibility, to the post-debate double-standards, to the fact that in the span of four days the Supreme Court dismantled the regulatory state and set the Constitution on fire, this has been the most consequential and, honestly, frightening week in American politics and jurisprudence I’ve ever lived through.
So, now what?
Now we fight.
I’m hosting a TikTok live tonight at 8:00 (sorry this is so last minute, but I’ve been working non-stop since last Wednesday) and I’m taking questions but only from subscriber’s to The Good in Us. So please leave your questions in the comments and I’ll get to as many of them as possible.
When you log into TikTok, search @mltrump (or just search my name) and then click on my profile picture and that will show you where to click to join the Live.
Question: I feel like Dems need to take both houses and President in November then pass reforms of Supreme Court and Make constitutional Presidents cannot and never will be immune under the laws of the United States - do you agree?
What DO we do now? What can a retired old person do to make some difference? I know voting, but there has to be more. What is the most effective response?