It’s scary and I don’t understand. The country has lost their way. Companies will not hire a felon but you would vote for a felon to lead our country? Insane. I can’t even sleep.

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We need to throw Trump and all his MAGAt voters in jail to save our sacred Democracy!

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We had a chance, but Merrick Garland slow-walked the whole thing for four years, and now Trump's immune from any accountability. With SCOTUS, he's literally above the law. And itching for retribution. And surrounded by drooling sycophants pledging loyalty to him rather than the Constitution.

Oh what an evil web America has spun, with a lethal spider at the center.

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If only Democrats don’t always take the high ground then Biden can make a difference. Since he too will be above the law, he should shake shit up!

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I know. I'm sick of our "high ground." The double standard is nauseating. trump threatens people with real harm and nothing is done. Nothing. I post an" I Hate Trump" sign in my own front yard and my neighbor says I'm "being like them." But, maybe we actually need to start fighting dirty like they do. It's really all we have left.

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I had that same thought myself. The radical right counts on Dems being reasonable people.

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While he still has time. But dems are wimps and wont step up.

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This is four and a half years old but just as true then, now and as ever it will remain.

“Why do most British people not like Donald Trump?” Nate White, an articulate and witty writer from England wrote the following response:

A few things spring to mind. Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace – all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed. So for us, the stark contrast does rather throw Trump’s limitations into embarrassingly sharp relief.

Plus, we like a laugh. And while Trump may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing – not once, ever. I don’t say that rhetorically, I mean it quite literally: not once, not ever. And that fact is particularly disturbing to the British sensibility – for us, to lack humour is almost inhuman. But with Trump, it’s a fact. He doesn’t even seem to understand what a joke is – his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty.

Trump is a troll. And like all trolls, he is never funny and he never laughs; he only crows or jeers. And scarily, he doesn’t just talk in crude, witless insults – he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness.

There is never any under-layer of irony, complexity, nuance or depth. It’s all surface. Some Americans might see this as refreshingly upfront. Well, we don’t. We see it as having no inner world, no soul. And in Britain we traditionally side with David, not Goliath. All our heroes are plucky underdogs: Robin Hood, Dick Whittington, Oliver Twist. Trump is neither plucky, nor an underdog. He is the exact opposite of that. He’s not even a spoiled rich-boy, or a greedy fat-cat. He’s more a fat white slug. A Jabba the Hutt of privilege.

And worse, he is that most unforgivable of all things to the British: a bully. That is, except when he is among bullies; then he suddenly transforms into a snivelling sidekick instead. There are unspoken rules to this stuff – the Queensberry rules of basic decency – and he breaks them all. He punches downwards – which a gentleman should, would, could never do – and every blow he aims is below the belt. He particularly likes to kick the vulnerable or voiceless – and he kicks them when they are down.

So the fact that a significant minority – perhaps a third – of Americans look at what he does, listen to what he says, and then think ‘Yeah, he seems like my kind of guy’ is a matter of some confusion and no little distress to British people, given that:

• Americans are supposed to be nicer than us, and mostly are.

• You don’t need a particularly keen eye for detail to spot a few flaws in the man.

This last point is what especially confuses and dismays British people, and many other people too; his faults seem pretty bloody hard to miss. After all, it’s impossible to read a single tweet, or hear him speak a sentence or two, without staring deep into the abyss. He turns being artless into an art form; he is a Picasso of pettiness; a Shakespeare of shit. His faults are fractal: even his flaws have flaws, and so on ad infinitum. God knows there have always been stupid people in the world, and plenty of nasty people too. But rarely has stupidity been so nasty, or nastiness so stupid. He makes Nixon look trustworthy and George W look smart. In fact, if Frankenstein decided to make a monster assembled entirely from human flaws – he would make a Trump.

And a remorseful Doctor Frankenstein would clutch out big clumpfuls of hair and scream in anguish: ‘My God… what… have… I… created?' If being a twat was a TV show, Trump would be the boxed set

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This is triumphant. WOW!

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Sorry. I don’t think that’s possible now for that Very Special Felon.

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Think Trump must be killed to correct course clearly

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Not a plot. A joke. He can't be assassinated. That's not even an option. We all must join the Resistance to peacefully oppose any autocratic tendencies or ideas. Then we know what comes next. We took the oath, too ...

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Paula, killing is never an answer to anything no matter how awful the person is.

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Yea, make sure you keep your assassination plot a secret by posting it here, you fucking simpletons.

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But it has to be an accident; otherwise his orcs would come after all of us that they can reach and dispense sudden criminal vigilante justice to the captured.

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You faggots are not doing anything.

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That’s the answer right there! DJT having a flashback of his Studio 54 dance parties with BFF Roy Cohn and the Village People - and a fever dream stroke.

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You faggots are not doing anything.

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Be still, low IQ trash. Go back to the shadow.

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Sending my love to you. Peace be with you.💗

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That would require taking out him, his vp, and his cabinet.

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That doesn’t sound very democratic...

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YES, yes, and yes!

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Nov 8
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I'd like to know more about why convicted criminals can be elected to public office in America. All I've heard is to decide it with a vote. When an election is as corrupt as this US election there definitely need to be clear laws to keep criminals out. Now there's a thug with a huge gang of ready-to-be-violent sycophants planning on the blows they'll deal their enemies on day one. Then they'll start in

with the arrests and incarceration of the people of America. Reminds me of when the SS went door-to-door looking for their victims to send to Auschwitz. Nazis burned over six million people after gassing them to death. Each dictator has the power to do whatever they want. This thug being re-installed,for huge profits for the Traitor Trump Rapist Felon Family, publicly fantasized about the violent killing of Liz Cheney. And was possibly

very involved in the attempt to kill Nancy Pelosi that left her husband so injured. That's the best America has, to lead now, the worst country in the world to live? With an economy planned to collapse so the rich can grab more? Can't somebody do something to stop a criminal from getting in the White House?

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Trese wrote "Can't somebody do something to stop a criminal from getting in the White House?"

Well, in its deep wisdom, America not only just put a criminal in the WH, but gave him Absolute Power over all branches of government, plus Immunity.

But I guess the good news for all those Trump voters is they might save a buck at the gas pump. U-S-A!!!

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Ubiquitous State of Assholes!

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The Republican Party and the MAGA Crowd are morally bankrupt. Conald has many powerful enemies. He better watch his back.

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ONLY THE GAZILLIONAERS HAVE NOTHING TO FRET OVER; BUT THEN, he'll throw them under the wheels of a train in a NYC nanosecond also.

53 % of white women voted for him, that's a hellava lot of lack of self- love and mucho self- hatred right there, for all their female relatives and daughters.

Latino men, what were you thinking with, uugghhh, not Mamacita, for sure !.

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The 14th ammendment section 2 is pretty darn clear about those who rebelled against or commit insurrection against the USA or gave aid & comfort to insurrectioninsurrectionist(s) shallnnot hold office. I truly hope this gets brought up in front of a federal judge on an emergency basis. Possibly Judge Chutkin in DC?

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It already went to SCOTUS and they said Congress has to pass a bill specific to Trump!

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Of course Trump's Handpicked Handmaiden Supreme Court of Gilead wouldn't rule against their master. They sat up there and lied baldfaced about putting country and objective justice over partisan politics just like they sat up there and lied baldfaced about not touching Roe. The entire bench needs to be wiped of Trump sycophants and start again. Too bad that won't happen now, or possibly ever.

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The 6maga- refukkkans will find a new interpretation like they did against Section 3 and 5.

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😂 bless yer delusional little heart...put down the bong pipe and step away from the keyboard. That’s embarrassing 🤦🏼‍♂️

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In 1935 Nobel Prize winning author Sinclair Lewis heard about Hitler and the Nazi and wrote a novel "It Can't Happen Here" about a charismatic and power-hungry demagogue who glorifies himself in huge rallies and rides a populist platform honoring the “Forgotten Men” of America, fomenting fear of “foreigners,” railing against the “lies” of the press, and promising simple solutions to the complex problems of the times. He even held his election rally in MSG.

Well, almost a hundred years later and here we are again.


How about The Handmaid's Tale?


I think we've had all the warnings, over and over again, but I guess no one reads books any more.

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They don't read books, they don't know our history, they don't know European history. All they know, or think they know, is what trump shouts from his podiums, and in actuality they don't even listen to that. If they did they'd know he's nuts and dangerous. Maybe people should have to pass a history test before they can vote. Now see, that's something if a Democrat says it they rebel against, but if trump says it, they're all in. That's how upside down this whole thing is now.

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Sadly, the test immigrants have to pass to become citizens is a test that most Trumpers would fail.

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No shit. And I happen to know many stellar immigrants that did just that, and they and their families are proud to contribute to American society.

Not so magats.

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Pretty sure I’d fail it myself. Migrants who become citizens in this country know more about our history & politics than probably 90% of the rest of us. They certainly know more than Donald trump. We should be respecting them, not threatening them with deportation & more.

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PS Read this and try to LISTEN for once instead of pompously dismissing other viewpoints - https://aeonchronicle.substack.com/p/why-trump-won-no-it-wasnt-racism

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I read it. I also watched the Jan 6 riot as it happened. Peaceful? What freaking dictionary do you use? Yeah, I am dismissing your "viewpoint" because you are lying.

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Ok, now I’m gonna say this like I’m talking to my sister: Woman, are you nuts? We’re talking about a man who actually BELIEVES there’s a giant faucet that can be turned on to provide water to California! The man is nuts! And he’s too ignorant to be president! Your people elected an ignorant buffoon to be President!! And Dictator!!!!

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You are the ones who have it ass-backwards and don't understand history. Fascism is the corporate state. The Biden administration was fascist. It colluded with Big Pharma (corporations) to silence dissent and mandate medical treatments on people. Trump voters are AGAINST authoritarianism, your side is FOR it, especially evidenced the comment above suggesting Biden enact martial law to round up all Trump voters! You have ZERO SELF-AWARENESS.

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Fascism has many flavors. You can have oligarch fascism, where a few rule and the rest are slaves. You can have socialist fascism, which is kind of like communism. American corporatism has been fascist since the end of WWII when they distracted with McCarthyism and absorbed the fascists. The AMA was complicit and has done nothing to protect the American public from toxins and poisons.

Trump voters don't understand that they are going right into the shackles similar to those worn by the workers in Dubai. Where women are cattle for breeding and beating and most men never even get to marry because a few men hoard the youngest, the tenderest, and discard the ones they are done with. The Boston Tea party? Was over mad king George's tariffs.

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A few smart folk still do.

But it is now…sadly….the exception.

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I do, always...a lifetime book reader here.👋📖📚

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You’re so correct Abraham. I’m still stunned by what this country has become. I think things are only going to become worse effective January 2025.

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well said

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Remember; Those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it, over and over again.

White America Refuses to learn from the past because they Refuse to admit to the past of America

Sounds like the definition of Insanity to me.

Sorry if you read this as a generalization, but there is that thing named IMPLICIT BIASIS and White Privilege.

" Convince the poorest White man that he's better than any Black man, and his vote is in your pocket forever"...LBJ

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Appealing but would start a hot civil war.

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agree, it's a nice fantasy but a dangerous reality:

Trump's base is armed to the teeth and trigger-happy. Those itchy fingers would LOVE any excuse to break out their beloved AR-15s.

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Sick and rabid puppies.

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They're just mutations of the cancer.

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I agree.

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Unfortunately, he's already promised to help with the transition and he plans to attend the inauguration. It's still unfathomable that our country may be inaugurating its first dictator. I want to wake up from this dystopia and find that the felon and his minions have been exiled to another planet with no means of returning.

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It's comments like these that are EXACTLY why Trump won. Your side has become the Nazis, the authoritarians who want to throw people in jail you disagree with you. I'm going to add your comment to my piece here:


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You are twisting yourself in a pretzel . DON'T! It hurts ! Your brain ! Love from Germany 🇩🇪 🤓

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Nov 8
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You know what you sound like here? A FASCIST.

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Useless Paper Tiger Democrats. They Will Just Give Up!

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OH? Can he DO that! now - omg that would be a very good and grand action... but does he have the insight/balls?

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Thankfully sleep music worked for me last night. I hope you can get some rest soon. <3

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after venting for a few more days, i'm turning off the TV and going back to my old life of chess, music, gardening, and walking my dog Googy. Back to a calm and decent life. Until they come for me - all these posts will not sit well with the Trump-Stormers.

Gonna have to do some serious Deleting.

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Not the best attitude about worrying about what your posts will say. The rest makes sense.

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Deleting will not help you when they can dig them up from the backup or archive files. Sorry. 😔

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Lost their way, no, their minds that they lost. Never in my life have I seen a crazy bunch of people being led by a liar. Our democracy is still hanging in a ring of fire.

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Crazy? I think Stupid. Fisher's Law ("Half the population is below average intelligence") has overtaken America


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Our Governor Newsom in CA called a special session of the State Legislature to plan protections for our citizens and resistance to Trumps undemocratic demands. If you're in a blue state urge/demand your Governor to take similar action to protect vulnerable populations and the rule of law. It's urgent that blue state legislatures have a plan in place before January 20, 2025.

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I feel it’s less scary when you know the reason. I know why. It’s our schools. I’ve been trying to expose the corruption since 1995 s d that includes the unions. I wrote several books describing it and one recently that’s a memoir of my teaching experiences.

I said in my book that my work was the work of a democracy and if Trump wins I’m done. Now I’m thinking should I keep up my website WhiteChalkCrime.com for people like you? Will you feel better knowing how Trump happened even though an autocracy will not want to fix our schools sinister useless now? My goal was to get my book to a president who’d care. That’s no longer a possibility and I suspect it will be decades before real elections will be a thing.

I’m on the fence whether I should give this up. My plan was to get it published in other countries if he wins since he can’t ban that. I’m sure he’ll ban me once he knows. But that will take a while snd part of me thinks it will help people heal to know how it happened. What do you think? It’s so awful it’s hard to think.

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Publish it!!!! There are still plenty of smart people telling and publishing the truth. We can't just lie down and let them roll over us. We can't! Publish it. Please. Tell the truth. History will thank you - at least I'd like to think history will, if the world survives this man.

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The Resistance

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Please publish. The way to further enable fascism is to give up power even before it's taken. "They" count on it, count on us giving up, going into this or that form of internal exile, disappearing even before we are "disappeared." Let's not. Let's hold onto the good in us and resits, rising up through insight (such as you articulate in your book) and effective action that follows.

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It's not only that companies will not hire a felon, they will not hire a woman (or person, presumably) over the age of 40. It is seriously insane. Agree with you 100%.

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And yet millions of other felons are denied or restricted from the right to vote (sometimes even *after* their incarceration ends, if they've been imprisoned). I suspect a lot of them have committed fewer and less egregious crimes than tRUMP...

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Russian Active Measures succeeded beyond Putin's wildest dreams. They succumbed.

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I will admit up front that I said much the same thing as I am about to say here over on Adam Kinzinger's blog.

We must realize that half the country agreed to what Trump said he was going to do. Thus, there's no point in blaming anyone other than that part of the electorate. They knew exactly who they were voting for. There's no excuse "well, I was voting against...." No, Trump and Vance, Musk and RFK Jr were all very, very clear with what they planned to do and Harris and Walz, the Obamas and all the others weren't wrong in hammering it home because, now, there is no excuse. We now know what those who voted for Trump wanted or were willing to accept. They voted for that and we all now have to ride it out. If in two years when all this has been done, there is still a slim majority of voters that says "yay, this was all great, let's keep doing this" then we have to accept that the US has slid back into the days of McCarthy and earlier, other times when we all lived in our silos and the war in Europe cost far more lives than it should have if the US hadn't stood aside for so long.

If in two years, that's still the case, and if in two years there is still a free Europe out there, then I am going there. I'll be almost 75 but I don't care. Because, honestly, we who voted against Trump don't deserve any blame at all in this and bashing our heads for four years at our age--we don't deserve that either. We stood strong during a lot. We stood strong during Vietnam protests, Civil Rights, against Nixon. More recently COVID. But standing strong against a criminal madman supported by more than half the voting American population is a bridge too far. I'll do it for two years, until the midterms. But no farther.

I am buying all my expensive goods, like tires, now so it bolsters our current economy. I have unsubb'd from every single corporation that supported Trump. I am weaning myself off Amazon but it played such an important part during COVID, and I live in a small town, that's going to be tough. But I'll certainly reduce my spending. I will buy more simple food from my local co-op. I believe that what Trump proposed, if enacted, will cost everyone but the billionaires and very well-to-do and the sooner those of us who warned about price rises DON'T pay those prices, the sooner those very people who didn't want to pay Biden's prices, will realize what high prices really mean.

I am tired of not sleeping, I am totally fed up today by all the plethora of articles blaming this group or that when, really, the blame lies with the people who voted Trump in. Period. I am also fed up with the emails proposing crazy ways of "fighting back" that really just echo what we were told during the election cycle. I will do things my way, I will find the best path. Mary, I still stand with you but I have to have an end date. And for me, it will be the midterms.

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Hi guys

I live in Australia and let me share a real story. I live in the state of Queensland and we had a state election in 2012. The Premier (equivalent to your Governor) who was elected a very far right individual. We he was elected with a massive majority all but wiped out the centrists. Anyhow he lasted 2 years 10 months. He stuffed up big time - sacked 20000 public servants put teachers firies ambos lawyers doctors everyone off side. It was a catastrophe. Well he was thrown out by a massive 17% swing. Your guy is a misogynist and racist clearly with dementia signs. I give him 2 years and the swing will come back. But…. Brace yourself America (and indeed the world).

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Sadly the Trump dementia scenario means we get President Vance for the remainder of the term. Not an appealing alternative.

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Just as creepy in fact.

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AND potentially for the 8 years AFTER that.

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I was going to say that we shall have president Vance within 2 years. He will invoke article 25 - he has an agenda too.

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Hi and agree. I live in Macleay Island, Queensland. And yes we don't take shit.

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I seriously thought those of us Americans who seemed to be supporting Harris didn't take shit either, but it turns out a lot of them were looking for a perfect candidate, evidently got their panties into a collective bunch and voted for someone who will send his minions towards THEM in a heartbeat if he thinks he needs to.

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One thing that Australia and Canada have, that the US doesn't, is a Parliamentary system. It's much harder--though not impossible--for a Prime Minister to rule as a dictator.

Looking at Canada, although Canada has two main parties, Liberal and Conservative, both of which are fairly centrist as of now, there are two very powerful smaller parties, the New Democratic Party (NDP) which is historically left-leaning and the Bloc Quebecois which is Quebec centered. Quebec sends a lot of representatives to the Federal Parliament so, with the NDP, the Bloc often operate as "kingmakers" in terms of power when neither the Liberals nor the Conservatives can win a straight majority in an election. When that happens, the party with more seats has to try to govern with a coalition with one or both of the smaller parties to form a majority. Sounds complicated but it's a much fairer system than the US Electoral College. The other parties can come together to bring down an unpopular government before the usual 4-year term, by voting "no confidence" on key legislation. They have to, however, judge, whether the Canadian electorate WANT an election midterm....

Anyway, that's all just to explain why Canada functions so differently.

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The Canadian (also British, Irish, Australian, New Zealander, South African, etc.) Parliamentary system sounds MUCH better than our stupid two party system. We should just do away with the Electoral College, make the chief executive a prime minister, and make the presidency a strictly ceremonial position like in Germany.

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Yes, we need to get rid of the Electrical College which would take some time including a push for a constitutional amendment.

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There is also the Green party. However, there are a lot of maga-types and trump wanna-bes here in Canada. Poilievre says things that are pure maga. And a recent provincial election here in BC was a really close one between NDP and the ultra-conservative John Rustad. Rustad is, of course, contesting election results. And said trump will be good for BC. Makes me gag!

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Similar stuff going on in recent Queensland Australian election where the LNP pushed for abortion ban.

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Thank you for explaining the parliamentary system. It sounds better than what we've got here in the states. It would be nice to have someone kicked out on a vote of no confidence. The impeachment process we have is supposed to be like a court trial and many of us would prefer that to the clown car approach that some of our representatives wish to engage in.

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Thank you for explaining.

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I don’t think supporting genocide was a trivial thing to object to, especially with the formal police investigation into Netanyahu and his deliberate timing and placing of the festival, especially the extension of it for a day, knowing the slaughter would take place, giving him the excuse to raze Gaza to the ground.

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Absolutely agree. But was withholding your vote for Harrls, who said she did not agree with the slaughter, a wise thing to do, knowing that other candidate has no intention of doing any good on the international scene at all? I have voted badly plenty of times in Canada in my day, especially in my college days where I believed politicians. That experience taught me that you can’t be full-on idealist in the polling booth when the choice is between well-intentioned and evil.

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Whatever bad happens because of the fascists in charge, MAGA will blame the Democrats (or whatever other minority group they choose).

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Have you ever got THAT right, Carol!

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Thank you!

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But after the demented psychopath is home with 24/7 home care, we’ll have Vance. And a House and Senate owned by MAGA (yes, from what I last heard, the House is still in dispute, while the fascists are ready to declare victory before all the votes are counted — I’m one who believes that the presidential votes were tampered with, btw). Vance is young and apparently a fervid supporter of Orbán-flavored fascism.

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And potentially Shady Vance for ANOTHER 8 years after that.

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Eight years? I’m thinking permanently. Or there’ll be Don Jr. (Junior Psychopath).

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I know. I was just trying to (pretend to be) optimistic.

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Many of the ideas in Project 2025 came courtesy of Orbán.

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It appears though that many in Trump’s circle don’t actually like Vance. Certainly the consensus is that he rode into this on Trump’s coattails. Heck even the other day, when Trump called Zelenskyy, it was Musk’s presence that merited mention. Vance has to hope that Trump’s actions, before he goes completely doolally, bolster him up because he has very little street cred on his own. Think of other VPs who faded into insignificance after their short time in the spotlight. Cruz is still in, survived against a very, very strong opponent. Vance should be watching HIS back.

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Sad to say, real elections are over in this country for a very long time. They control all the branches of government, right up to the corrupt Supreme Court. The "presidential immunity" decision was checkmate. Remember, they have "elections" in Russia and Hungary, too. Who always wins? Life in America as the "land of the free" is over. And Kruschev was right. "We the people" (or rather a majority of the people) did this to ourselves. Overwhelmed with grief. Please hold a good thought for us.

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Remember the old fashion cliche, seek and you will find? The way back to democracy is in hiding. Waiting to be found. From Australia. I am united with USA.

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Thank you!

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Totally agree. They will be hoisted by their own petard.

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Sorry you had to go through that

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you're assuming there will be a next election...

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Not assuming anything but let me rephrase. My end date is two years from now. Clearer now?

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Mine is, too. Probably sooner. (Giving up Amazon feels like an impossibility now, because I don't drive and it's been SO easy. But I'm going to have to figure out how to do it.)

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The first time Trump became President we had actually already decided to move to Ireland on a trial basis. I have three citizenships (yes, they are all legal): Canadian, Irish and US. But my husband only has US. Ireland allowed him to live in Ireland and be on health care, based on my citizenship alone. Canada is much tougher, it would take a year for my husband to gain residency and during that time he'd have to purchase private health care. Very expensive. I'm also not sure whether he could live in Canada for more than six months. We couldn't afford to have two properties, we're not the wealthy folks who are looking at upsizing elsewhere. So, anyway, Ireland. We enjoyed it but there are many downsides to living there. Maybe we need to start a new blog: people who want to talk about leaving the US. But let's not jump the gun, let's let the dust settle for awhile.

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There are actually a number of groups beginning to organize of Americans discussing the pros and cons of leaving the United States, as well as the pros and cons of various locations. When trump "won" in 2016, I began thinking about moving. As time went on, I decided that if he "won" in 2024 that we would move. My husband is Tibetan (from Nepal), so we could always live there, but it is not anywhere I would enjoy living. Other than that, we have no other dual citizenships.

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We are planning to leave soon. My husband is English so we're going to the UK. Count me in on any discussions or other group thinking of leaving.

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We’re worried here in the UK that the far right are going to take over when people realise that their lives haven’t got better under this right wing Labour government.

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I think the wait for provincial health insurance coverage in Canada is 6 months, or used to be.

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Longer than that if you don't already have residency though isn't it? Like if you are a spouse waiting for clearance?

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I am with you. Tell me when and where.

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Please say more about the downsides to living in Ireland...I'm besotted with the idea after my first visit there this summer and maybe I need a reality check ;-)

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Number one is driving over there! The main roads are good but once you’re off and in town, extremely narrow. You have to get used to driving on the other side of the road. Passengers will keep screaming at you “mind the wall’ because there are few verges. You can drive on your US drivers license for the first year but after that, you have to take the Irish drivers test which is fiendish. Then there are the houses. Their idea of “central heating” and the US is totally different. And yes it is cold in Ireland. Not freezing (usually) but damp and cold.

The Irish have a very wry sense of humor. And now that Trump has been elected a second time they will be merciless. It’s not for the thin skinned but they mean no harm. If you want anything done, say you do own or rent, their idea of tomorrow is “sometime”—typically European.

But there are loads and loads of upsides too and I am happy to list those too.

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Check out Temu. They are better. Great selection, good prices, great service! Free shipping, accepts PayPal.

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Good suggestion. I already use Temu. I've heard, however, that most of their sellers are individuals who really need the money -- but aren't getting paid. Capitalism, anyone? (Also, recent news that using PayPal is about the same as using Amazon. Similar cast of characters.)

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Temu allows sellers who steal copywrited designs from artists. Do not support them! It is a huge problem in the stamping/paper crafting industry, for one. I would imagine in the clothing industry too.

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I have a friend in Australia who said she’d help get me (and my partner and my brother?) to live there. She’s an IG friend. And I have a friend I know who moved to Colombia years ago. And here I am, don’t want to leave the apartment more than twice a week, moving to faraway places! 😂😂😂😭😭😭 I can dream….

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Ah. I see. well then...

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It is going to be a miserable two years. Goodness gracious, it’s not been but a handful of weeks.

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My thoughts exactly. With an autocrat, the idea is to break down Democracy, that's exactly what project 2025 describes. Should Trump succeed and with immunity given by Scotus, he has free reign to end elections and call it a day for America. lordy, he will probably try to rename the country TrumpLand. He could also close borders keeping Americans from leaving. I used to wonder why so many Jewish folk took forever to leave Germany or other threatened parts of Europe until it was too late and they were locked in and rounded up like cattle. If I had the finances to leave, I would leave now and not wait until it may become impossible.

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My father and his brother fled Nazi Austria. Their mother and their sister were murdered. My partner and I are old now and can’t afford to leave, and we’re both native Brooklynites who’ve never lived anywhere but NYC (NYC is my country). Also, we’re atheist Jews in a very Jew-hating world. Ain’t going nowhere. I’ll still renew our passports, just in case. And the fascists can close the borders, of course….Glad I’m old. I feel for younger people who hate Trumputin and Vance.

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But WE are the exceptional people, Americans of the Dream, with a sense of duty and conscience that went before to inspire us, the beliefs and values that constitute a Republic, to think independently strive towards liberty and justice, yes all those corny sayings and values which actually exist. They’ve been co-opted by Newspeak. But they have meaning. If we come together to be independent and free, we will see the victory. It takes a preponderance of fools to start a tyranny, but a lack of brave and wise individuals to continue it.

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Steve, who do you think are the Americans of the Dream? Honest question, no sarcasm intended. Several articles, which I didn't have the heart to read completely, claim the Democrats didn't understand the real America. Just what and who are the real America? Are those the people who voted on Tuesday? The people who think it's fine to break laws around elections, around document security? That it's fine to give people $1 million to vote--and we know exactly how those people were voting. A Federal judge gave Musk the go ahead, what have we come to?

Are people like us not "real Americans" because we obey the laws of the land, we pay the taxes we are asked to, we don't complain when a gov't doesn't do everything we want it to because we recognize there's a gap between what an honest leader might want to do and what they actually can do given other countries' belligerence, we understand that climate, hurricanes and fires and bridge collapses and so on all affect how much something is going to cost. Are we not "real" Americans because we are as much pragmatists as we are dreamers--and incidentally, those who voted for Trump on Tuesday are probably voting to throw the dreamers out. What irony.

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I think that real Americans understand the principles of constitutional law and believe that no one man or woman merits authority in unconstitutional practice. This is the general American creed of governance. To be a real American is to aspire to higher values. It is the foundation in American rules and hopes that constitutes “real Americans.” This is not a “true Scotsman” fallacy as the fundamentals are necessary for American governance.

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Good for you, Valerie! You have to do what feels right to you. And I think you're right about the voters. Republicans used to harp on personal responsibility. (You don't hear about that anymore, do you?) Well, the people who voted for Trump need to accept responsibility for their choices. They're adults. Time to act like it.

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You do not hear it because these are not Republicans. The R name name hides the truth to give a sense of normalcy so people will believe what they are told to believe.

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You're right about that, Cheryl.

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I could not agree more!!!

This is what they wanted and I don't want too, nor will I, listen to them complain about the results if it bites them in the Ass! I hope it doesn't get as bad as I expect, but if it does there is no one to blame but them!

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Perfectly said.

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Great post. I totally agree. I’m unsubscribing from Substacks where the author is blaming Democrats. Nope. You’re right. The fault for this hell we’re about to endure lies solely with the people who voted for him and corporate media.

I’m not waiting two years though. I have a young teen daughter. What does her future look like amongst so many racists and misogynists?

I do worry about my 77 yr old mother. She thinks she’s too old to move to another country. I’ve lived abroad twice and didn’t want to come back to the US anyway. Maybe now is my chance..

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I am 72 and my husband is 75. I don’t consider myself “too old” to move and in fact it’s a better time now than when we moved in December 2016 because my grandkids are older and have their own lives, I hardly see them. But the downside to that is my husband is having some cognitive issues already—do I want to be dealing with him in a different country on my own or would I rather be here, with my daughter and her family only a few miles away?

I agree about the teen daughter. Not so much because of racists and misogynists—my grandchildren are growing up with eyes wide open: the 20 yo and 19 yo both voted Harris although we are probably THE most MAGA and corrupt county In Arizona. Their dad is a Trump voter, not really MAGA but he’s Border Patrol and was very fed up with BIden’s early border stuff. We love him to bits, he doesn’t have a mean bone in his body but he’s not a deep thinker.

I was born and lived in Canada for the first 25 years of my life. Left Quebec because the language laws enacted after the 1977 provincial election slammed the door on my promotion prospects at the university I worked at. Went to London and my own daughter was born there. We moved back to Canada, to Toronto, when she was 1 because I was struggling so much as a single mum and we lived in a very, very generationally poor area outside of London. I worried she would grow up like the kids we saw around us, barely comprehensible in speech, looking forward to a life on the dole. (Not a judgement on ALL generationally poor in London, please. This was just where I lived.) So she grew up in the very diverse Toronto and she still holds the values she held there. I think she’s influenced her children, as have I.

Lots of stories about choices, but, yeah, I see the impetus for you and I wouldn’t discount it. Please keep in touch on this, I am starting to create an actual “choices we make” blog in Substack—I am a Blogger person so it will take time to learn. But if this election has taught us anything, it’s the importance of being able to “talk” to like-minded people.

Our county here in Arizona hasn’t even finished counting, only at 67%, but already it’s the county that Kari Lake is hoping will give her enough votes to overtake Gallego. It voted against much-needed school funding measures. And even on the abortion question, where the rest of Arizona has carried the measure enshrining reproductive rights, our county is split almost 50/50 with the “no” votes ahead. Lots of retired military here too, they obviously don’t care what the top brass had to say.

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I relate so much. If I could convince my children and their families to go too I’d be gone. I’m nearly 62 and I don’t have time for the idiots who voted for this to realize they f’d up. They are complicit in denying starving children nourishment, women having dominion over their bodies, immigrants trying to survive and find a better life… the list goes on and on. I’m so fed up with stupidity. I do not want this new America. I want the country back that I was proud of. The one that other countries looked up to and respected. Now I am ashamed. We are now becoming the racist, fascist bully. WE MUST STOP PROJECT 2025. NOW.

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No! Half of the voting public …maybe. Though frankly I think the election was rigged. In PA particularly. Which means 1/3 or less Americans are buying this BS.

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At this point, 3 and a half months since the black day in history, I agree Cynthia, I do think the election was rigged. Which is super ironic, here we are those who defended the 2020 election, and US elections in general being fair, being faced with a REAL rigged election. The signs were there, with Musk blatantly buying votes and Johnson and Trump doing a wink-wink, nudge-nudge, we’ve got it covered.

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I'm thinking about what I may need to buy before the disastrous tariffs are placed, too.

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Nov 8
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Basically, most of the country worships money more than anything else.

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You probably would have said this, but, people DON'T vote because they don't think it is going to change their everyday lives. Ho hum, different party, nothing really changes for me.... It's only when people believe their lives are changed--mostly for the worse, but sometimes for the better--that people will vote.

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Nov 11
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I can’t explain it in my own mind because I was very emotionally invested in this election. But from what writers who were on the ground are saying many many people either didn’t believe things would change for the better in their not-so-good lives or they were totally captivated by social media/Fox and they believed Trump and his cronies.

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This is all true. Unfortunately the powerful people are able to manipulate things in their favor. This is a long discussion but that's the gist of it.

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This is all so horrific. It's also just the next chapter in this story, and I'm here for it.

As Katherine May said so beautifully today: "I feel proud, today, to be among people who are trying to digest difficult news rather than clinging to unreality; to be allied with those who are letting their grief rise. We have nothing to fear from despair. It is just the dying of an illusion. It is not the end." - https://katherinemay.substack.com/p/we-have-nothing-to-fear-from-despair

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I think we are at the scene of a very sophisticated crime. we all bore witness to it. it's time to call Sherlock Holmes. things are not as they seem, something is afoot

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I so agree. Musk very publicly trashed election laws. Putin and China did so, less publicly. And the very willing homegrown terrorists here played their parts.

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I do not know how to express this:

Trump whined the election was stolen and in 2020 he committed real election fraud. The biggestwas he tried to substitute the real electoral certificates with fake ones. he was discovered because the fake ones did not match the paper audits. he went on to file lawsuits in the courts anyways about recounts, fraudulent voters, etc. Biden and everybody questioned him about his bullshit and pointed out "we would never not accept the results of an election"...

well, he has done it again, but this time he corrupted the results that were reported to election map polling places. These results are not the official ones, and they make it look like Trump won. The official results are only released by the EAC after every vote is counted, which hasn't happened yet. The EAC gets it counts directly from the counties. The results map people get their counts from the electoral boards of each state. After a county sends it's results to the EAC, it then copies it's state's electoral board. I think what Trump did is he had Maga operatives on each state board record a different pre-prepared set of numbers that is different than what the counties reported. I believe the unofficial results do NOT reflect the people's choices. I believe they are made up results to make it look like Trump won.

If somebody does an EDP audit on the books of the electoral state boards against the paper trails the EAC holds for votes, I am extremely sure they won't match in most of the cases.

An election doesn't happen in a vacuum. Trump had almost no support in the entire week before election day. you could see that in the sparse attendance iof his rallies. many were even cancelled. if he had this kind of support, why cancel 60 minutes? And, you can see that in each party's fundraising. Are you telling me that all those people who gave over a BILLION dollars to kamala in a three month period, did so only to vote for Trump? These were all small grass roots donations. It was a huge number of people. It would take 80 million people to give kamala $20 each to reach that kind of number. Any way you check the numbers against other things, they don't match up most of the time.

We can speculate all we want. WE DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. All we know is that the results are not congruent with other facts, and the numbers don't even balance with themselves. And, they do not explain the conflicting results shown by each election result map, nor the speed that the results came in at given more than half the ballots were not cast at a polling station. Those ballots have to be processed by hand, and the signatures needed to be manually confirmed. It's a very labor intensive process. The results were presented as if all this mail-in ballot counting was done in a couple of hours.

The things people are questioning and can't account for are enough to warrant an investigation and an EDP audit. Trump has even made comments himself a month ago he didn't need to worry about the vote. MAGAts were found on some state election boards. some have been there since 2020 and have since been prosecuted and sent to jail.

I do not think the correct response to what has happened is "we will have a peaceful transfer of power." There is ample evidence the election has been tampered with, that the informal results do not reflect the voice of the electorate, that an investigation needs to be done to uncover the truth. I do not know who did the crime. It could be Russia, or individual states, or citizens acting privately, or more likely because he has already tried before - Trump.

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And he did say that he and Mike Johnson had a big surprise ready.

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It's not the end if people unite against the planned dictatorship. Are there really more Nazis in America than ever before? Or more people ready to fight for their Constitution that Project 2025 plans to cancel?

Definitely follow the author, Mary Trump. She's definitely a bright light in these dark days.🥰😊🥰

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Bright star she is.

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But without violence, how can anyone overturn a dictatorship, once it’s established? I hate violence, but has any country overturned fascists without violence? My knowledge of history is lacking. I think of Gandhi, but that was a very different situation.

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How perfectly beautiful! Just subscribed to her 💙 Thank you so much for sharing.

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Right with you Mary. All this did was make my resolve deeper. Thank you for you. 🙏

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I’m worried for you…..wishing you well from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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We might yet be visiting you…

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Is Scotland a good place to resettle?

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Well we’re not governed by a Fascist, free healthcare, free university tuition, free prescriptions, free eye test, free dental checkups, free bus travel for young people up to age 22 and over 60s and we have extremely strict gun laws……I’d say it’s a great place to live !!……oh and Trump can’t even visit here because he’s a Felon

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I am 86 years old. I can die in another country as well in America. I love this country but am so disgusted with all the koas and Trumpiers.

I am shocked at the election. I asked at post office for application for pass port and do not keep them at all PO 'S BUT asked at another and they had a run on them and are out. I will try again MOnday. Know anyone who wants to but a good built house with 5 bedrooms---cheap.

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Sorry about the typing, in a hurry----

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Please rest. And thank you. We've got you. And we've got each other. That's all that's certain. But that's a lot.

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Mary I feel something is a foot, like somebody has something up their sleeve like in a poker game not to be played yet. He is carrying everything. There is no way in hell he could carry all three so easily without outside help. Too many states too many electorial colleges. These need to be adjusted by the population of said states. The map was red with a few exceptions. It made it look obvious he and his Russian friends do something. I just have that feeling of something not right she had too much on the Democrat side. So sad but what do we do, this is a democracy and play fair not cheating. Vance will take him out in some way shape or form. He wants to be the young president. A Judas in the mist.

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The lies were repeated how many times? The fear mongering, racism and misogyny are why he won. And racism and misogyny are not just for Rethugs - they just feel more free to express it while a closet Dem woman hater (I was married to one) is just more practiced at virtue signaling. And I am with you on Vance. I suspect the 25th amendment paperwork has already been printed up.

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I feel gut punched and and slow to get to my feet. This is not what I expected at all with unemployment down since 40 yrs, the economy up, jobs and business up. People needing workers. Everything better than ever and the streets run red with our blood in all those red states. All will be assessed and like me wondering how in the hell did that happen. Now we start a new fight with our law makers to keep medicine prices down. Have health insurance and repeal the tax rise he will want to give middle America and the Billionaires with no taxes. Stay strong and let's go forward and live to fight another day. We are smart, educated bunch of people compared to let's say the reds. I like blue so much better

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The part that gets me is that a whole lot of people really believe that Trump will be better for the economy. Biden handled the mess Trump left deftly, and could have done better if there were so much determination to defeat his plan of actually taxing billionaires a tad closer to the percentage of their income that, say, people with mid and upper 5 figure incomes get taxed.

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You know, I was thinking that way but I'm starting to wonder. First of all, if Trump has any brain left, he won't allow it. Second, I don't think his family will allow it. Third, I don't think his loyalists will allow it. And last, I don't think his supporters will allow it. But I could be wrong.

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Hope so

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Definitely cheated to get the psychopath into office.

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I’m unmoved in my opinion and resolve acknowledging that one really can fool some of the people all of the time

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The only thing I wanna know is why don’t the vote totals add up commensurate to the enthusiasm I personally saw. Biden got 77 million in 2020 and Kamala only gets 67 million in 2024? 10 million less —sounds fishy to me.

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84 million people did NOT vote in this election. They just don't understand the privilege of being able to cast a vote when so many in other countries would love to have that privilege.

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It's disturbing. That is to find out how many misogynistic and racist as*holes we have in the USA-- soon to be known around the other democratic countries on this vulnerable planet as the USSR of America.

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The word is misogyny and there are a lot of closet women haters in "progressive" groups. Be on the lookout for virtue signaling. For example - the Democracy Now devoted ex husband assaulted me. next thing I heard he was trying to get some woman let him help her rebuild her women's health clinic.

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Thanks, Mary, for all you've done for us. This situation sucks so much. But, yes, we rest, then we fight.

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A writer with Mother Jones wrote an interesting explanation for what just happened that I read today. Basically, she said that people have been barely getting by for a long time, and certainly not getting ahead. It started way back with Reaganomics, trickle down, or piss on the poorer folks. Then we had the Bush tax cuts, then Trump’s, none of which were helpful for working folks. We had the pandemic, and I remember getting some nice checks to help out, but inflation (because of these very same infusions of cash and supply chain problems) really increased. Biden has been trying to help the middle class and unions, etc., but given inflation, it just hasn’t been enough. They are frustrated and just decided to burn the system to the ground. The sad thing, what just happened is going to hurt badly, because the new administration doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anyone who isn’t rich. It’s going to be very painful, unless you’re rich. And to add insult to injury, they will gut the IRS, which has been doing a good job under Biden, of making the wealthy pay some taxes. Maybe this explains it a little, but maybe the folks who voted for DT know it’s a con, but they are in on it. Surely he won’t crap on his “friends.” Just watch him/them.

Sweet dreams, Mary, for as long as you need.

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I read that article Mother Jones and it made a lot of sense. We have too much inequity between the haves and the have-nots who are living paycheck to paycheck. In the future (hoping mid-terms) we can deal with the not allowing a felon to run for office, electoral college, or & campaign finance reform.

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It is only a portion. Born in 1943, remember when Wonderbread( 30 thick slices) = 0.25 cents , N.Y. Daily News = 0.03cents., butcher gave away Chicken feet's and bones for free, " Home Relief food / milk pick- was in Mt. Morris Park ( Marcus Garvey now)

Until 1970, my mom's bring home paycheck was less than $ 100.00 weekly as a Pocket book maker for Mr. Moskowitz.

Yep, my whole block of 117th street was " PO" but WE managed.

I became a BSN a wife and mother of 2, a divorcee. Not " PO" anymore, but as a SC. Retiree, am in the class just above poor. Soooo, we'll all make it through, just got to control our greed for material things.

Good Night and Peaceful dreams.👋💙

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Wait until these people see what the reality of Trumps presidency looks like……let’s see how the buyers regret unfolds !!!

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Oh, the many religious nuts will swoon over fascism (always did). No need to think for themselves (well, they probably never did). Just obey the Master. I think most of the Republicans wanted what they’ll get.

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It’s just unbelievable….. rest of the world is watching with their mouths wide open

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Get your rest. We have to fight the good fight! I’ll admit, I don’t sleep well, but lately it’s brutal!

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This was the BIGGEST turn out in history according to Michigan SOS Rosalyn Benson. Yet why are the voters numbers 1.5 MILLION LESS?

Trump’s numbers numbers are the basically the same as 2020 while Harris is 1.5 million less than Biden.

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Remember how there was purging of registrations? Maybe there should be an investigation…. Who should investigate?

“I’ve been looking at the voting numbers and seriously, something is not right here. Let me show you some numbers:

Harris-Walz 2024: 67,957,895 votes Trump-vance 2024: 72,641,564 votes

Biden 2020: 81+ million

Trump 2020: 72.4 million

Now, look at those numbers carefully.

The news has been that more people THAN EVER voted in 2024, yet, this is not reflected in the numbers shown above.

Is it possible that FEWER people voted in 2024 than in 2020?

Is it possible that 15+ million people did not vote, despite the long queues, the massive vote early turnout, the ballot boxes crammed with (burning) ballots ...?

It is being estimated there are roughly 20 million missing ballots. As a voter whose ballot was discarded (I learned this a few days before election day -- beyond the deadline, so too late for me to get a new ballot), I am seriously concerned that this election is not valid at all!

How could Trump get basically the same number of votes whilst harris got 15+ million votes FEWER than biden? Seriously, EXPLAIN THIS TO ME like i'm a very confused child.”

~ GirlScientist (from Robert Reich’s newsletter)


“I’ve been looking at the voting numbers and seriously, something is not right here. Let me show you some numbers:

Harris-Walz 2024: 67,957,895 votes Trump-vance 2024: 72,641,564 votes

Biden 2020: 81+ million

Trump 2020: 72.4 million

Now, look at those numbers carefully.

The news has been that more people THAN EVER voted in 2024, yet, this is not reflected in the numbers shown above.

Is it possible that FEWER people voted in 2024 than in 2020?

Is it possible that 15+ million people did not vote, despite the long queues, the massive vote early turnout, the ballot boxes crammed with (burning) ballots ...?

It is being estimated there are roughly 20 million missing ballots. As a voter whose ballot was discarded (I learned this a few days before election day -- beyond the deadline, so too late for me to get a new ballot), I am seriously concerned that this election is not valid at all!

How could Trump get basically the same number of votes whilst harris got 15+ million votes FEWER than biden? Seriously, EXPLAIN THIS TO ME like i'm a very confused child.”

~ GirlScientist (from Robert Reich’s newsletter)


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Yes I agree with you Mario

Investigate!! I made a comment about Trumpee blurted out "we have a surprise for you, a good one". He knew last week he was going to win. Between Russia and the people he put in place to cover the election at voting poles, he was just waiting for everything to fall in place. INVESTIGATE !!!!

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I heard that there was a lot of voter suppression. See Greg Palast's reporting.


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Love you & praying for you & all of us who know the truth and did NOT vote for that….

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Yes. Let's rest. We are all with you, Mary!

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