"But let’s win by such margins that we finally repudiate the message Donald and his party have been peddling for eight years—and stop their coup in its tracks."


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In 2020, Biden beat him by 7 million votes. I would call that a sound, ass-whooping. In spite of that, that was the beginning of the big lie. I don't see how we're going to win by that margin again. If he questioned the results back then, he'll question ANY results that say Harris won. Sadly for us, he's got two big weapons now that he didn't have back then . . . Mike Johnson and the Supreme Court. Judging by their past actions, they will do anything to please him, even if it means lying about the results. My wife and I are barely getting by living only on Social Security. If he cuts that, we like millions of others will suffer. That also means that any businesses/companies that have us as customers will suffer as well. Cutting out large purchases and late payments might only be the beginning. Local businesses will suffer as well. The convicted felon likes attention-getting actions which make him look as if he knows what he's doing. He rarely thinks about anything other than that, like the effects his policies will have on the average person. Talk about "The Big Lie"; to me that means lying about how much he cares about the middle class then enacting policies that do the exact opposite of what he promised, usually benefitting the top 1-2% of our country. Why do you think Musk has signed on to help? He wants from Trump what he thinks he's entitled to, starting with a nice tax break and screw everyone else! I don't even know how to describe what our lives will be like if he's back in the White House.

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Totally agree. But the point is tRump doesn't care! He doesn't care that he lied to his people, he said what was "needed at the time." He doesn't and never has cared about the middle class. He doesn't care about anyone really but himself. He only takes care of the ones who CAN do something for him...hence, the huge tax cut for the top 1%'ers! When you're rich like that, the only other people that are in the world are the other people like him. So anyone "less than" are not even in their peripheral vision let alone in the world. We.are.not.relevant. ....according to Chump, only his "like kind" are. We are nothing to him, that's why the world is in trouble if/when these cultists snap out of it! Woo! ...yes, we are....big trouble. I predict that if Humpty tRumpty loses and isn't put back together again, he will go to prison but, he will not last there.

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You're absolutely right. The head scratcher here is so why do these people keep supporting him? He has done nothing for them. Yes gas was cheap 4 years ago - it was COVID! Everyone was stuck at home. As soon as people started moving, prices did too - UP. He did nothing for them.

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They also laud tump for the supplementary checks. That wasn't him, even though he signed his fat-ass name on them. They were because of the pandemic, and passed by Congress.

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Stupidity on the part of his followers. He's their god.

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I think the resulting severe, continuous increase in food, etc was due to price gouging. If they get away with it, why stop? As far as his minions go, there's no depth to their thoughts, IF they even think?! They're not looking at Chump and his "circle" processing how he lives and who he associates with. We are not in "his" world, at all. Chump has no reason to deal with us and if he wasn't running, he wouldn't be!

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You are so right ! We will definitely have to vet the hell out of politicians. When Trump was in he did not follow the rules about vetting people that should never happen again. They owe us three judges that they stole from us. This is how it started They chipped away and chipped away and decided they want it all. But they don’t want another dime to go to fema when we are dealing with global warming. I heard once Republican say we should never ever spend another dime on disaster relief. Another time 16 Republican states refused to take the money allocated for food for poor children saying We are not going to spend money on food for children ,we already have an obesity problem in this country ! Do they understand anything about obesity ?

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You are so right! I always said there are 3 things that Chump wants:

1. To win so he doesn't have to go to prison (he doesn't actually want the 'job'!)

2. Money. He's ultra greedy so that's why he wants to cut several " necessary" programs, again, not thinking of us little people and esp not the seniors and disabled, of which I am both. And, he also wants all the programs to be under him and answer to him...that way he can siphon money off from the programs he cut. And, of course wheel n deal with his communist friends. And last, but certainly not least:

3. Vengeance. Since his own father told him he was a loser, he's got this chip on his shoulder growing up that keeps getting bigger thru the years from bullying, cheating in school (that's why he knows nothing even though he "says" his IQ is 156!! ) But this would be his chance at revenge without getting in "trouble" or anyone pointing out the consequences. He will let his imagination run rampant (very dangerous) as we last heard when he described Liz Cheney in front of a firing squad.!

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Trump signed a bill 3 days before President Biden took office that caused 40% of our inflation problems. Trump did it knowingly for his greedy cronies. And if he gets elected it will only get worse.

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Wow, that was a dumb false statement. Typical.

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And he’ll do less for them later after he gets a lot of them killed off fighting for him. You heard him during Covid he said “I’m glad we have Covid these people want to shake my hand ! I don’t want to touch them ! He will use them up and spit them out while he’s raiding the coffers. There will be stealing at all levels. The Magas took our money and did almost no work for four years and they are filling their pockets with money from mugs and T-shirts and any one willing to throw them some money to lower their taxes. This is a just treason wrapped up in lunacy ! Keep your head up cause I need you too so I can. Wait till they find out he used them cause he thinks he duped them. I don’t want to be them when people wake up. Why do you think billionaires are throwing money at it they are now looking for their piece..Head up.

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Nothing but prison would please me more. However, if it never happens, he'll be answering to the Almighty and be judged. Hell would be too good for him.

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I for one WANT for DJT to spend TIME in PRISON — he has already been CONVICTED of 34 FELONIES in New York, for goodness sake. This creep is NOT above the law. I want him JAILED and removed from any prospect of EVER being elected President again.

As a Democrat, I voted proudly for Kamala Harris!

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I'd be happy if he would just keel over and die. Of course, I'd also be happy to see him in prison, but if he were dead, we probably wouldn't have to think about him anymore. Or maybe he could go to prison and die after a month in the slammer.

I suspect we all voted proudly for Kamala Harris. I certainly did!

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I reported your comment to Secret Service. Enjoy the next few years working for food and housing you retarded fool.

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Excellent assessment.

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Biden also won by 74 electoral college votes.

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One thing the sitting president has that he did not have before is broad immunity for official acts while in office. Biden needs to get creative and use this newfound immunity to exterminate the orange virus infecting politics. Sounds like a job for the CDC, NIH…or Seal Team Six?

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YES! Should Biden turn our democracy over to fascists, if Trump wins? This situation has never before happened (from what I know from my very scanty knowledge of our history). Biden could refuse to concede….

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You are correct! If Biden thinks Chump is a clear and present danger to our country... You're right!

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Yup. Under that immunity law he could probably do it. Stick him in the slammer. But I suspect Harris is going to win.

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I agree with you. I have been thinking the same thing. Biden needs to get creative and throw the punk in jail. I think he is waiting till after the election to strike back! Supposedly, the Democrats, Harris, Waltz and her team have put together a plan should the media call the election for Trump before all the votes are in. I have a feeling that Fox News anchors are going to find themselves behind bars if they pull their shenanigans like they have done in all past elections. And Trump has set up his cronies to deliberately interfere with vote certifications in multiple states. I think President Biden will call in the National Guard and our Generals to arrest the punks!

I wish I knew exactly what the Democrats plans are.

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I feel certain the Dems do have a playbook, but what it is remains a mystery to me. Tuesday night through Wednesday morning will potentially bring constitutional crises to our country that we have never experienced.

Despite a majority of conservative justices on the US Supreme Court, I hope they apply common sense and stay the hell away from electing our next president. We experienced that back in 2000 only to find out later that it was the wrong decision; not an unpopular decision, a *wrong* decision. The court’s decision to stop the vote recount, at the behest of George Bush’s brother, Jeb, and the Florida Republican controlled legislature, left votes in Florida uncounted that would have given Al Gore the presidency. My fear is that common sense will not prevail and since the Supreme Court’s reputation is in the shitter already, they’ll make the decision they want, not the right one. Subsequently they will defend the decision by rhetorically contorting themselves like circus performers to make it appear it is supported by the constitution in their ‘originalist’ minds.

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We got you little fag.

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Things were different back then. Trump only had that one Access Hollywood moment, the other stuff could easily be swept under the carpet. Women hadn't really "seen" him and now we have. Biden was a nice guy but there was nothing to mobilize women and young voters. Now there is. Reproductive rights have brought women and young people together and the young celebrities getting the message out on social media has reminded me of the Obama days. Obama ran a different kind of campaign and so has Harris. We've done all that we can do now we hope that the electorate is still as savvy as in the Obama Days. And the polls? I don't believe them.

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Covid is what caused him to lose in '20. Sadly I truly believe if the pandemic wouldn't have happened he would've been re-elected. His complete lack of a response is what cost him that election. His cult was already in place if you remember. He can always count on their vote. The question is how many more have joined since then?

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Absolutely 💯

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I can hear the anxiety in your voice, and I understand completely. I'm fortunate to have a teacher's pension. He's just a lyin' idiot. But I'm very sorry for how you must feel.

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Thank you. I know there are many more like my wife and I.

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Our lives will be pure hell! I want Harris to win and tax the hell out of them, the top 1% to 2% wealthiest people in this country. I am tired of carrying the weight so these fks can cheat and not pay anything.

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The middle class have been footing the bill for everyone above us for decades.

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I think it's unlikely Trump will win. Read Simon Rosenberg on substack. And read about Ann Selzer's polls. She specializes in Iowa, that is not exactly a Democratic leaning state, and by her polling, Harris is doing very well there.

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Bobby boy, you do realize they're were 12 million Democrat votes missing this election, because when Biden supposedly won 81 million.... This time Starlink was watching every server that was operational to make sure you b****** didn't cheat again and we proved the fact. You didn't win the election in 2020. You weren't even close. You shit bags falsified over ten million votes, that's obvious. You keep screaming at the sky that the career politician grifter Joe Biden got more votes than the first half black President in American history. You keep doing that. It'll get you a long way to nowhere. Kamala just blows.

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We see now in the real light Biden lost 2020 by 8 million votes. 15 million less Democrat votes for the first Hindu Haitian hooker than Biden...we know you cheated but now we will forever have StarLink blocking you basturds from attacking the servers to change the votes. Your time fucking America is done, FOREVER.

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Wow Rick-happy are we today? I predict that a year from now, you will be twice as angry, when our country has economically collapsed.

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People must like his message about Radical Islamic Fascism.

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I can't imagine many of them understand what he really represents, much like the German population when Hitler got elected.

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He actually went in on a coalition. The Nazi-DNVP coalition's majority was crucial for Hitler to pass the Enabling Act, which effectively granted him dictatorial powers ¹. This marked the beginning of the end of democratic governance in Germany, and the Nazi Party's totalitarian regime would go on to have devastating consequences for the world. It’s a worry

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Thanks for the correction and yes, it really has me worried Peter.

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Yodagirl, Hitler was not"elected" to a position of power. In the Weimar parliamentary system Hitler was "appointed" chancellor by the aged, ill, feeble Paul von Hindenburg. Hitler was overwhelmingly supported by the German landed aristocracy (eg. the Junkers) because he promised to attack the Communists. The Junkers and all wealthy germans were deathly afraid of the Communists who had recently fomented a successful revolution in Russia; turning over control of the country to the "soviets," or committees of workers. The Junkers thought that they could control Hitler once he had power. They failed to do so. The history books have emphasized Hitler's hatred of Jews, and rightly so. But we have perhaps lost sight of the fact that his hatred of the communists is what put him in league with the German elite. This is what allowed him to gain national power. The fact that there were many non Jewish Germans who hated Jews was not unique to Germany. Antisemitism had been rampant in Europe for centuries.

The elite in the U.S.A. were also scared half to death by the Communist revolution in Russia. That is why they, in effect, went silent, underground for about a half century, until the election of Reagan who assured them they could once again take unfair economic and political advantage of the rest of U.S. citizens. The wealthy American elite's hatred and fear of Communism is what created McCarthyism in the 1950s. Reagan was instrumental in creating that McCarthyism. In his testimony before the House Un-American Affairs Committee HUAC. The slimy Reagan named people in Hollywood he suspected of being Communists or "communist sympathizers." The carers of these people were then subsequently ruined. Some of the most brilliant, talented screen writers in the movie business were shut out for years, like Dalton Trumbo who refused to name fellow Communists. Trumbo was a brilliant writer. You may have seen some of his films.

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Corrected again, and thank you for all the effort you put into that post!! I never knew that about Reagan, and unfortunately ate up his philosophy hook, line, and sinker in 1980. I came to my senses and went independent when Dimwit 43 invaded Iraq, but have voted Dem. ever since. Biden's reinstatement of FDR's policies made me realize how uneducated I was in my early 30's.

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Yodagirl. The economic policies of both FDR and Biden are based upon the economic theory of the Brilliant Englishman John Maynard Keynes. I knew nothing about Keynes until I was in graduate school in the late 1960's. Maybe we all were "uneducated" when in our early 30's.

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I hope history fixes all the lies and conspires the Maga party spent years screaming in our faces about President Biden . He’s a compassionate, and Strong Man in the old fashion sense of being able to remain disciplined, and focused on the task he promised us he would. He promised to apply all he had learned in his long experience. And trust me they tried to distract him , they said he stole money ,he didn’t ,but a Russian spy said he did and his son was in on it. His only surviving son , struggling with drug addiction,after the death of his brother. Who by the way lost his mother and sister ,while in an accident in which only he and his bro survived. They were badly injured too but survived to rejoin life. I can’t know what that’s like but I’ve had my things and I white knuckled it at times.. This man came back because his son made him promise to do it. Go save the country Dad! Thank you Bo Biden !💕❤️💕 He was not a perfect human being ,but look in the mirror ,but he gave us everything we needed and Maga and the Russians and Israel, and North Korea and China pecked at his head constantly his whole presidency and look where we are sitting , right now ! Beautifully landed our Economy ,the envy of the world. Ran his self ragged trying to put out the sooooo many imaginary fires the Magas kept spreading ..The Cruelty The Cruelty of his deeds are the worst of it. That is how he punishes people who beat him at anything. Money gives them this power. Some people don’t deserve money. This is what monsters look like , they look like us. Money also isolates you. Racism will take your soul and cause so much pain which robs you of Joy ! I’ve been afraid for so long and five years have gone by and I’m worn out by the negativity. Tomorrow if the weather allows I’m gonna build me a fire in my fire pit and unload some stuff ! Than I’m going to figure this out one day at a time. Take care of yourselves. If you can afford to buy each of yourself something from barefoot dreams ladies. QVC has sales right now. It could be a little hat. It is just so soft and comforting. And cuddle up and ready for winter but if we are lucky Spring will be here soon. And we won’t Ever Go Back ! Thank you President Kamala for being the one. Cause you got work to do Girl ! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. From one goddess to another ! Don’t worry you’re the one. Represent!❤️💕 I love you President Biden for what you did for this country. I know you love this country. Thank you and I hope you spend every moment you can with your family. Decompress like the rest of us. I’m in counseling! We all need an island vacation ! For Months ! I love how the immigrants see our promise and many do well and work hard. Trump has dirtied our country so much some of us have lost heart but I see Spring. Right now I can’t smell it but I’m in anticipation! Be Kind !

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Not interested in subscribing but post a direct link and I will read it.

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We are getting money through to readers that want to write a novel for the adventure!

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you and your sick perverted lifestyles got clobbered because America disagrees with you couple of nutjobs. Keep pushing, please.

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I voted. I donated. I helped knock on doors. I have been in contact with people I know. I will drive people to submit their ballot early.

I will not drive people on Election Day, only because I will be a poll watcher.

I want to do more. Go Kamala.

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Good on you, Jim. Thank you for your service.

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Are you married? Just kidding-but you do sound like a perfect guy.

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Far from perfect.🤫. ♐️♐️♊️

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You are doing all the right things! I applaud everyone who is doing one or more of these actions. That is our strength: we care. The R side has an awful candidate and a very poor ground game.

Two more actions people can take: ballot curing and driving voters who cannot get to the polls. 😇

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I cannot do ballot curing without training. Apparently training occurred while I was in SE Asia and missed it.

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What is ballot curing?

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Ballot curing is the process of fixing any problems with your absentee or mail ballot to ensure that your vote is counted. So if someone forgot to date or sign the outer envelope, the voter can be asked to correct that. Most states have a process for that, for contacting voters.

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Thank you so much! I wrote postcards. That’s all, and only 25 of them. I have shared Mary’s and others’ articles and YouTubes (easily done). I’m old and too sedentary. I know friends my age who’ve traveled from the Tri-State to Pennsylvania or Ohio to knock on doors.

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Thank you Jim Sanders

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Yeah they need people on the phone

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I’m so tired of hearing of Trump’s voice and all his lies. He never stops. We need to beat him so bad this election and send a message that The United States is not for sale to dictators. Screw them and their supposed power….NOT!!!!

Time for Trump to start some prison time and more court time for more guilty verdicts. WE THE PEOPLE ARE DONE WITH HIM AND HIS MAGATS.

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Yes donnie convict has to do his time

Can’t wait to see him in a orange suit

Every one will be FREE

He is a very sick specimen

WOW never saw anything like him 😝

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They need to start arresting his stinking crony MAGA supporters for their seditious speech and threats! Seditious Speech and threats are not protected speech in our Constitution. And threatening people at the polls they need to be grabbed up and locked up!

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I’m in Charlotte knocking on doors to get out the vote for Kamala. It’s inspiring to be among so many passionate, upbeat volunteers! We’re going to win this thing.

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Doing phonebanks, we saw the pics of volunteers on buses. You guys ROCK!!

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Biden needs to have the national guard and army if necessary the army to protect the integrity of this election. And what could happen after.

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They are ready.

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Yes, the world is waiting to see how the incumbent president will handle Trump's excesses this time around...from Nigeria.

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I am visiting Lagos, Nigeria for the first time right now. 💚🤍💚 Love it.

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Sure, you'd love Nigeria. It's a beautiful and blessed country. You'd meet beautiful people, so loving and genuine. Your perception of the country will certainly change when you visit some places like Ikoyi, Victoria Island, Lekki, and Ajah areas, among many beautiful places in Lagos. You can also visit a few places in Abuja, Port Harcourt in River State, Abeokuta in Ogun State, and Ibadan in Oyo State. You'd sure meet people that you can easily bond with. Many beautiful places to visit. Also, enjoy the local dishes in the restaurants. Enjoy the freedom and security in those places mentioned bar a few northern states (though now calm). Certainly, you are in for a beautiful experience. Sure, I won't mind catching you up...adewaleaaremu@gmail.com

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Absolutely, and I don't feel like the Democrats or Biden are doing enough to protect this election and the true results.

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I still don’t believe any polls.

And too many people can feel overconfident if it looks/feels good for Kamala. I don’t EVER want to experience that visceral gut wrenching pain that I felt when Hillary lost what we thought was a sure thing.

I think they should keep campaigning until the actual voting polls close down.

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The DNC annointed the one candidate that he and the electoral college could beat.

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Nov 4
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I think there was a collective ulcer formed that night- I remember my partner & I were in total disbelief then cried ourselves to sleep. Time for a pair of 10k plated bracelets that clip to a 48 inch chain-like belt to accessorize a tangerine jumpsuit 😉

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But as we all know, it is not over until the fat lady sings - or in this case, the fat man cries.....

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I voted on Friday in Garland, Texas, for Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and Colin Allred.

Thank you, Mary 💙!

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I do hope Colin beats the hell out of Cruz!!!!! I don't even live in Texas, but want that so much for you. Good luck!

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I hope Colin wins as well. I don't live in Texas but I do have family there and I let them know that Cruz is nothing but a douche bag! My family gets upset with me when I tell them like it is. Trump, Cruz, McConnell they all belong in prison! Defying the U.S. Constitution and allowing Trump to appoint lying, pedophile Chief Justices to the U.S. Supreme Court.

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If we prevail; I’ve decided not to do the naked cartwheels i had previously promised. But I will kiss the ground. I will.

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In my dreams, if we prevail, I would set off fireworks in the street of my very pro Trump 55+ community. And blare "Freedom" from my front porch. In reality I will raise a small glass of Irish whiskey to toast all the great women who came before and helped this election succeed. (Oh, yeah, men too....)

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Well, there are more women voters in this country than there are men voters. If all the women turn out and vote for Kamala and get their husbands to do the same she will be our next President for sure. So ladies encourage your husbands to vote. I got mine to vote and he hates voting. He voted for Kamala Harris. A straight blue ballot.

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Hysterical!! Love your comment June. 😂💕🤸‍♀️✨️

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ME TOO...and I will attempt those naked cartwheels June!!

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Video please and thank you!

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We cannot rely on polls, no matter how historically reliable. But we can rely on fact, and the fact is that Donald is not the president. He has no authority to call out the national guard,seize voting machines, or tamper with the justice department. He can’t threaten secretaries of state with prosecution for failure to change voting results. And it’s pretty darn unlikely that he could ever get another permit to hold a rally on the eclipse on certification day. Perhaps more importantly, he’s scheduled to be sentenced on November 26. Any illegal activity he engages in between now and then could be considered by judge Marchan in determining whether he undergoes house arrest at Mar-A-Lago or incarceration at Rikers—and incitement to violence would lean towards incarceration.

So Don will be who he is. He will lie and try to cheat and steal, but he won’t get far. If Kamala wins, it’s game over and he knows it. It’s only really scary if it’s a true tie. Because Mike Johnson is in his pocket and he has no scruples. Those are the facts.

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I've wondered why so few have pointed out that DT can't do the things he has threatened to do when he is not the president. I seem to remember that after he lost last time, he really backed off from the presidential duties, as if he were no longer president.

We've had on the Packer/Lions game on a FOX sports channel. Pro Trump ads abound, making him seem like the best guy ever.

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Ugh here in Florida too. Why does he sound like he's preaching from the pulpit??!! Ha if he did the church would be on fire!!

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Ugh, in New York too, watching the game and sitting through those ads on Fox Channel was annoying.

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Right But expect Russian disinformation fed through MAGA channels. They will be sore losers — may they lose indeed — if what I’m hearing on the ground is correct.

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The 45 trolls on substack are getting more vile by the day.

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I think if DonOLD TRump tries to declare victory on Tuesday no one should report that he did so. Only his propaganda channels will but ice them.

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Nov 4
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In the old days we could maybe get someone to cut the telephone wires at Mar al Lago. Now we need someone with the know how to take out the wifi and data lines....

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Arrest anyone from any media who call the election before the results are in.

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I would like to see Donald lose bigly and drop dead.

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If ONLY . . .

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JD will knight himself! He is going to be the enlightened one!

Cannot think of anything worse? What a PITS of a man!

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I have a GOTV staffer staying at my central NC house - let me just say that they are working themselves to the bone to flip the state. I believe they will.

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They have said "if we don't win, we'll take it by force". POTUS is ready, I hope. The American people will not put up with his bullshit "Big Lie" again.

Women are turning out en mass to vote against the Republicans. Retirees are also. They don't want anyone messing with their Social Security and Medicare. Lots of people reject the insanity of MAGA.

Vote early if you can. 3/4 of the people who voted in 2020 already have. Vote for sanity. Stop the insanity in its tracks.

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He won't be taking anything by force because he will be shot and killed if he tries.

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It is MAGA that think they can take the White House by force.

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The Democrats are ready for those punks this time as well as the Capitol police and I suspect even the National Guard.

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What is Maga, really? A bunch of low-life and low intellect people who can be easily coned and convinced of anything. There aren't enough of them and if they learned anything, they will be the ones in prison. Big Daddy will be deflated and face his own future as his sentencing is November 25 on thrity-four felonies. He faces his case of election interference in Georgia, A capitol felony for inciting a riot and stealing top secret documents. His election attempt will fail and this will be the year he loses it all. Fate has a way of biting you in the ass.

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Almost There, Mary, WOW we're going into the "Home Stretch" leading up to the "White House" and I'm excited, optimistic and Anxious all at the Same Time ?! Thanks for keeping us updated and your thoughts are always Uplifting and Appreciated 🤗 will reStack ASAP 💯👍🇺🇸💙🌊

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Right on!!!!!!!!! ❤️✊🏼💪🏼 Thanks Mary!

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