Viewed from abroad, the USA looks like a train wreck. To suppose that other countries are not struggling to remedy supply chain shortages, inflation, overwhelmed hospitals and hospitality industry woes is another sign of the very very poor coverage by U.S. media. To blame this on Biden or any one leader reveals a depth of ignorance that is outstanding. In the 21st century, there are more universities in the world than a century ago. Where are the clarity and critical thinking skills that were supposed to help us move forward?

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It looks and feels like a train wreck from inside the USA too.

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Thank you, Mary, for your insights and research in your posts. I thought that Palin would have been arrested for knowingly continuously endangering the public to her covid infection. But I am too logical. I think the NY Times stories on the insurrectionists are frightening.

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Mary, this post in particular has moved me to get back to work by demonstrating that writing informative and important concepts that directly approach the essence of a most major problem — without hesitance — puts the focus on the issue where it belongs. Without focus we can be tempted to miss the base issue and talk around all related issues. Brilliant.

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It feels good to do the work. Thanks again, Mary.

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Mary, I'd like to suggest an edit. As we're talking about Sarah Palin, would it be more accurate to say that you are "surprised that even New York fails to punish those who SHORT-skirt quarantine rules?" 🤣

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What we really need are more honest writers like you. The owners of the major newspapers and news outlets enjoy certain privileges by keeping the news as “both sides”. With all of us fighting each other, they work on getting McConnell, Romney, Collins, etc. to give them what they want: less regulation, less taxes, etc. The fight for our democracy is ours alone! They don’t care as they feel protected. We need to make them feel uncomfortable by calling them out. Why do they have their headlines playing both sides, or lying by omission (as with Biden’s great economy), or constantly interviewing those who hate our way of life (like tfg’s voters)? I think the more resources we have out there for people to get the real news, the better for our democracy! Maybe we work on passing laws to protect the press, to help/support local news outlets, to give more money to schools to teach civics and politics. I believe Americans are starving for information but they don’t know where to look and they don’t have the time to do the research. Americans love this country and we love each other. Our hope is in each other and we can only do this together! We need the right resources and honest folks like you.

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"'Stupid asshole' would have worked just fine." Clever snarkiness at its best. I know how much effort it takes to compile all this. I have seen much of it before in my news feed; it is the kind of stuff that bears mention again. Evidence of the further deterioration of formerly edifying news and opinion sources, such as the NY Times piece, adds to my despair regarding the public sphere in the USA. It has prompted me to write an essay on the topic I am most familiar with: political change.

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I have family in Canada. They have sadly come to the conclusion that their neighbour to the south is pretty much done as a democracy. When I came to this country in 1991, I never imagined that what is going on now could happen. It’s incredibly disheartening.

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I have friends in Vancouver and Toronto and they are quite dismayed - and afraid of what might come. I suggested they contact their politicians about putting up an effective fence between our countries - one with guard towers if the Q bunch and the local Nazi’s grow any larger or more embedded in political offices here. It is clear that our own FBI and DOJ don’t give a rat’s ass about stopping any of the clearly illegal turmoil and calls for violence. Protect yourselves I told them.

I wasn’t joking.

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Great reading you dear Mary

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Mary: Your usual excellent work to make us think! Thank you!

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