Same thing he did after the mass shooting in El Paso when he posed with the orphaned baby... big smile and a thumbs up. I'm not entirely sure he's human.
Oh my god, I remember that now that you said it. It's so easy to forget every awful thing he's done since it's several awful things every single day for years on end. But yes, I clearly remember that now and also remember thinking to myself back when that happened how inappropriate, how insulting, and how inhumane it was that he'd do such a thing. I have to say I stopped being surprised a long, long, long time ago.
There is no bottom where Trump is concerned. He does things that normal people can’t even imagine. His latest just goes to show he has no respect for anyone. Why don’t people see his flaws? How can we awaken the sleepy MAGAs and tell them to not believe in him?
His cult members are beyond redemption and most will go to the Beyond before seeing the folly of their idiocy. Scientific research (something to which none of them give any credence) demonstrates that cult participation alters brain functions in ways that become virtually permanently embedded in their neurons. One of my siblings joined a cult more than 50 years ago and attempted to convert the rest of our family, without success. However, she remains entrenched and now both in our 70s I’ve long ago given up hope. My own experience sadly leads me to believe that the MAGA cult will literally need to die off, one by one.
Certain people, Donny included, can never ever admit they are wrong even when it is glaringly obvious and the facts waved in their face. Lies are part of the propaganda recipe especially when catering to the not so informed.
Unfortunately, I don't think we can. I know I tried with my father. Dad's a veteran, yet he voted for tRump twice and even though he claims he isn't going to vote for him again he's still a diehard Republican.
Sadly, trump is not representing real republicans. His takeover of the party has only encouraged him to do more evil. The GOP should have stopped him many years ago! They have ruined their own image.
Jan, I must disagree. From all I have read, the Republican Party has been moving toward a Donald Trump-like figure for a long time. He checked all the boxes: someone who was able to be manipulated, someone who is well-known, someone not smart enough to object to breaking the law, an utter narcissist, and more. Republicans have stood against the American people for a long time and cemented it with Nixon's "Southern Strategy" which is the nice name for white supremacy/racism. Where was the Party then? Right now, I cannot think of one Republican except may be Adam Kinsinger and maybe Liz Cheyney that I would want as my representative and since they oppose nearly everything I value, not even them although I respect their courage to stand up for a time to the party bosses.
It's OK to be a diehard Republican but the party is not the same party it was. The orange stain has created a cult and someone needs to serve up the koolaid.
He has no right to use our Country and the term Republican. He is a cult leader, no more, no less. He treats our Country and our History just like he does women, with no respect and the use of rape to demoralize and minimalize.
Sherie, you are right about diehard Republicans. They are now saying well, it's just Trump and when we get him out of power the Republican party will somehow go back to some magical time when the party was just great and worthy of support. I don't know when that great time was. Republicans have been fighting anything that could make life better for anyone but rich, white men since the beginning of the 20th century. They jump on any bandwagon that will give them attention and power: HUAC hearings and the McCarthy hearings, doing whatever it takes to get elected (Watergate, lying, disinformation, voter suppression, gerrymandering and so on), union-busting, opposing every social support program, opposing the equal rights of: women, people of color, LGBTQ+ persons, and more. Yet, they want to cling to the old Republican Party. Maybe they want to go back to Lincoln's Republican Party or Theodore Roosevelt's. Considering the laws they want to enforce against women and others from those periods, maybe that is what they mean.
They are just using the Republican label. I won’t gate people just because they call themselves Republican. I don’t agree with their trickle down economics, nor do I agree with their policies that control women. Their politicians lack morals, integrity, and ethics. Still I see a difference between those republicans and MAGAs. The latter have sold their souls.
Republican is one thing... I know republicans who are NOT MAGA and who don't like Trump and won't vote for him.... We want to embrace those who don't like Trump... they are "getting it"
I just hope he doesn’t vote for Trump this year. We need every possible vote. Even if he doesn’t vote for Harris, at least Trump won’t get his vote. He can still remain republican.
Vash, unfortunately a bunch of "evangelical" christian leaders have been pumping out the lie that Trump is just a flawed messenger from god. The people who know deep in their hearts that Trump is a goon want so much to believe otherwise so these pseudo-christians have given them an out, that somehow god sent this guy to bring people back to the faith or some other equally ridiculous nonsense. It is going to be hard, if not impossible to ever reach the scared white people who have been carefully trained to follow whatever their leadership in the church tell them. It is terrible, but those people find some kind of comfort in it. It reminds me of the witch trials days when the religious guys, ministers, went along with the ravings of children and people who wanted attention or who wanted to get even with people who they thought were better than they themselves were or whose lands and property they wanted. The ministers should have known better, but chose to get caught up in the insanity instead of stopping it. The current "ministers" who are pouring out the Trump is god's messenger BS love the limelight they have received and so, will continue to groom their congregations to vote for Baby Donnie even though it is against the law for them to do it since they are tax-exempt as long as they are not political/partisan, and they are both.
The worst thing is that they have brought God into it. Whether one is an atheist or belongs to one of the religions, it is shameful to call him a messenger from God. I am not a Christian, and it is hard for me to understand that language. They are abusing their own idea of God.
Vash, the reality is that those who have tried to make Trump some kind of "messenger from god," know perfectly well he is not. They are using that concept to bamboozle their "congregants" so they can have power over their thinking, warping it into something even those cult members would not recognize if they stopped for a moment to consider what those guys are telling them. It's about power and money, not actual religion and I think it is criminal, but there is freedom of religion and I guess one could call Trump's cult a kind of sick religion.
He might be a message from god if not a messenger. The Tao Te Ching says: when the people lose their sense of awe some awful visitation will descend upon them.
Thank you, Mary,for honoring your commitment to stick with us. Please take very good care of yourself, however, to heal your exhausted body and be our ever-loyal spokesperson. We need your honest and clear feedback. I, too, am in mental health field (LCSW) and take in the antagonistic perspectives of MAGA and others like them. We must keep up our standards and commitments to humanity.
Alexander, I do still continue to the horrified and appalled. I just expect it now is all. Still never fail to be offended by everything he does and says though.
Chris, you are right about Trump's appalling acts nearly every day. Democrats all across the country need to be reminding the local people of some of them, maybe a few different ones each week so people whose memories are short can be reminded just what Trump would do to this nation if re-elected, and it wouldn't be good even for them.
I'm a Vietnam Veteran who made it home in one piece while others came home in plastic bags or physically damaged. I hate Donald with all my heart. What would he say of the PTSD I suffer from my sorrow over the losses of so many good American people in any of the wars the US has been involved in. He'd really shit if he knew I put my country above my being a gay man.
I want to see that rotten bastard and all who give their favors to him locked up in Solitary Confinement for life for their abject Treason against Democracy here and elsewhere in this world.
Can anyone explain why he is allowed to run for any office where he would be paid by our tax dollars?
I love to brag that I'm the same age as Donald but I still have a brain that works perfectly well. His never has.
Mary, one thing you missed about his appearance at the National Cemetery is that political campainging is against the law there; the guard tried to keep Donald and friends out but they verbally abused him and shoved him aside and went in anyway.
Thank you for your service. It must be even more difficult for you than it is for civilians like me who never made the sacrifices you did. Unfortunately our constitution allows him to run for the highest office because our forefathers never thought that someone like Trump could become president. It scares me that the presidential race is so tight. There is a real danger that he could get elected and do the worst damage. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that people like Trump can exist, but they do. Hitler existed too. We need to learn from history and protect our country and the people in it. It makes me sad that so many people believe his lies and vote for him.
I don’t want to sound pessimistic but it is going to take a lot of effort to keep him away from the WH. He should have been in prison long ago but somehow he always gets away. That scares me.
Thank you Richard for what you have given to your country & democracy at large. Keep the faith, the coalition of mis-matched patriots will see this to conclusion. Gratefully.
Thank you, Richard, for your sacrifices for this country and for your unselfish service. You are a far better man than tRump or his minions could ever hope to be, and this country would be so much better if there were more people like you. You're a man of great honor, and I truly appreciate you.
Thank you for your service, Richard. You represent the opposite of tfg, who doesn’t give a damn about anyone other than himself.
I wish we could prevent him from running for office. He doesn’t deserve the honor of the nomination, but SCOTUS has been bought by his billionaire buddies. There is only corruption in today’s GOP, and he is their pathetic representative as a candidate.
They no longer have access to their intelligence (I.Q.) He has drained it from them, like a parasite lives off its host.
My mom used to say that “DT was a few sandwiches short of a picric”. She was a lifelong Republican, but always voted for who she thought was most qualified, regardless of party. She saw and smelled his b.s. from a long way off. She was able to vote for President Biden before passing away from COVID a few months later at age 91. She made her own decision, and said Joe Biden was a good man that was supremely qualified. She would be really upset to know that the dumpster as you called him (and he is) was even able to run for office again. She would have been very excited to vote for Kamala Harris.
I’m not sure he’s human either. Do snakes with all orange skin, er, I mean scales , exist? How about lizards? I guess those comparisons to cheetoskin makes even snakes looks good.
The Reptile Antidefamation League asserts that Defendant 45 is not sufficiently competent to be a reptile and disavow any association with said defendant.
Thank you for that!! I've met a lot of lizards, and some snakes, and they are great creatures, even the rattlesnakes. I've met a couple of rattlesnakes of different species who showed they were more human than trump.
I'm sure you're aware of this one too: El Paso has the highest unpaid bill for his rallies out of several other cities he stiffed. Over half a million dollars. I'm shocked that anyone that lives there would vote for him.
I didn't know that, LuluBelle - but of course he has the highest unpaid bill here. El Paso is not a rich city - a lot of the population is financially poor, so I'm sure he has less respect for us than for most places. He would never understand how loving and caring most of the people here are, and he would also hate that 80% of our population is of Mexican heritage. Unfortunately I've seen at least 3 people in my area who do vote for him - the guy with the GOD GUNS AND TRUMP flag, a woman on the back side of my block, and someone else whose house I've passed. Most of us are smarter than that, and fortunately we tend to elect good representatives to the House, who serve our city well..
I hate his hand gestures. I seldom watch him if he invades my television screen, but his whole persona is that of an evil and disgusting human. How can anyone vote for him to represent us to the world and, even worse, to govern us? He only knows how to do things that make him look better or enrich himself! He still has no idea of what a president should be.
I think he was born without a heart and he was evil since birth.
Is that an Antichrist? What is an antidote to an Antichrist? Logic tells me it would be Christ. So why don’t people just follow the teachings of Christ? Sorry if I am talking nonsense. I am not a Christian so I may not understand some things. I have never understood why evil exists but I am sure on some metaphysical levels there is a reason for it. Still on the earthly plane we must do what is right on this planet , which is to keep Trump out of the WH.
Well, he is a psychopath. They are not like other humans. Their brains are diferent and they cannot be cured or changed. They will only care about what benefits themselves. They have no empathy for others, remorse or sense of guilt. They cant feel, only fake it. There are lots of them walking around. Some like Donald unfortunately get to high places.
I believe he is too, I've believed it since about 2019. Unfortunately if he really is the anti-christ he'll be elected to another term, and he won't be leaving this time.
He is NOT human in any normal sense of humanity. He has no respect for anyone and only loves himself and only does things that will make HIM look good (although that usually fails)
LuluBelle, I've been thinking about your comment and I believe you may be onto something. Donny and his tribe are obviously human but not wise humans (Homo Sapiens). This is an evolutionary leap that began in the second half of the last century and produced a new human species. Homo Corruptis. Hopefully a evolutionary dead end.
It didn't surprise me. It is always about trump! Thumbs up at a memorial at a grave site? Disgusting. No respect for anyone or anything. I hope Karma takes a huge bite out of trump SOON!
It actually was illegal. One is not permitted to use Arlington National Cemetery for political purposes. And when a worker tried to stop them, they were shunted away. And ‘he who shall not be named’ made a disparaging remark about that person’s mental health. Just another day in crazy town.
Yes, Amy! I was just telling someone else about this. The insanity never stops and the lows keep getting lower. I can’t wait until someday when what we’re living through now is history.
Reading that article, this is really sick behavior on the part of the Trump campaign.
It sounds like Arlington Cemetary was already bending over backwards to accommodate them, but they insisted that only cemetary staff do photography or filming in section 60, where there are recently buried bodies. Imagine it's your family member, you and your family member despise(d) Trump, or politics, or for whatever reason don't want to be used in his "these people died on Biden's watch BS" that he might be trying. Or, you don't want your loved one's stone to be one of the graves traipsed by or caught in the frame in the photos or video footage, there but unnoticed, when it's been less than a year.
Mary, First let me say, you do your Dad, Fred proud. Because you Cared, Loved him, Listened carefully, you saw the Truth. What your dad had to deal with, the Juggernaut of an Entrenched Dysfunctional Family System, is more than even the strongest person alone can handle. He knew it was unhealthy, took responsibility to start with himself. Like a brave explorer, he showed you and your brother, Fred Jr. there was another Path to Follow.
Please take care of yourself! Feel Better. Healing wishes for you.
Now, as one of your many followers, Thank you for your Guidance, Leadership and Sharing. Is it possible, the current Military Chief of Staff, or even President Biden, as Commander in Chief, may need to issue an irrefutable order? That 2nd, will likely be misused by the Nitwit, to retaliate & escalate as Provocation Politically. Likely the motive for Toddler Donnie’s game. That’s the mentality level. He & his cabal count on appealing to their immature worshippers.
Asa retired Air Force Vet the presence of Trump anyway near a deceased vet gravesite is REPULSIVE at least!! Trump the "DRAFT DODGER" and enemy of America was and is UNFIT to be Commander In Chief of U. S. Armed Forces! He is IMMORAL and DISRESPECTFUL toward all Vets deceased or otherwise! I'll stop here.
Yes sir, you and I are 100% in agreement. May I ask you, as a veteran yourself, what is your take on other veterans who support Trump? I cannot understand how any veteran could (or anyone else for that matter), but I know some do. I’d be honored to hear your take on this. Thank you and thank you for your service.
Thanks for your reply. A little background on me. I'm a 76 y/o white man. I served from 8 Sep. 67 -1 Apr. 88. I did not serve in Southeast Asia. My first overseas assignment was to Iceland Nov. 69-Nov. 70. My next overseas assignment was to Germany Nov. 81-Nov. 84. After my Air Force career, I worked as an Additions Counselor, an In-Home Family Therapist and finally for the State of Pa. Health & Human Services. In every job I had I saw and heard so many words and deeds that I found repulsive, etc. Like every group or culture Trump appeals to some based on his words and deeds. My long-standing issue is how many whites NEVER honestly explore where or how or why they acquired their values, beliefs, etc. Too many blame all their failures, losses etc. on others. They refuse to accept the consequences or outcomes of their actions. I think this why so many vets like and support Trump. I could go on for hours but, this is a brief response to your question.
Thank you for sharing your experience and your thoughts on this. I, like millions of others I’m sure, have long wondered about the psychology of the people who support Trump. How can they? Have they no moral fiber or integrity? How are their minds so broken that they cannot see what the rest of us do? And with certain groups of people that sense of bewilderment is exacerbated: veterans, minorities, low income, etc. And over all these years I’ve wondered about this, I’d never had a chance to converse with a veteran about it. I appreciate your perspective, and again, I thank you for your service and for your time having a conversation with me about this. It’s a pleasure.
Thank you for your response. One other comment., there seems to be underlying anger and even outrage many of Trump's supporters have. Why this is so depends on the person but, it seems to be a common trait with them. Eventually they'll have to come to terms with their situation however, for now little will likely change. PEACW!!
I certainly think a great number of them feel left behind or discarded in some way, be that from the government or perhaps even society itself. And somehow they’ve got it in their heads that A.) Trump cares about them, and B.) that he’s willing and able to right their wrongs, and C.) that being caught up in the MAGA cult gives them a sense of belonging, a sense of community with others who view life through the same lens as them. But I agree with you that underneath it all is this underlying anger issue. I also think, in many cases, that there’s just a good old fashioned lack of intelligence among them. And for the ones who don’t lack intelligence, those lack empathy and integrity which perhaps makes them the most dangerous of the whole bunch.
I hope you’re feeling better soon. The good news is that horrible side effect of Paxlovid - the constant bad aftertaste that makes even water vile - goes away a few hours after your last dose wears off, so sometime on Thursday or Friday. So if you still have a bad taste in your mouth after that, likely it’s due to political news…
Yes, Mary, thank you for your words and your informed observations about the danger. I hope that you recover fully.
I'm an Australian, but I'm no stranger to American military heritage.
I've been to Arlington. I've seen those green slopes covered with white tombstones and thought about the immense amount of service and sacrifice held in that site.
I've been to Pearl Harbor. I've stood on the deck of the USS Arizona and wept, seeing the oil still seeping to the surface, thinking of that dreadful day so long ago.
I've been three times to Omaha Beach. The peaceful lawns and trees and memorial of the cemetery on the bluffs above that beach where hell was unleashed. Each grave marker giving the name and details of an American serviceman in that distant land.
As an Australian, I know that we have good reason to thank America for sending their sons and daughters to serve. I know that Americans revere that service and honour those serving.
It is a travesty that this vain man seeks to use that national feeling of pride and respect to further his own selfish desires. He avoided service through a lie, he throws shade on American servicemen, he calls them names and he cannot be bothered to show them honour and dignity if it is raining. Such a person is not worthy of being Commander-in-Chief.
The bastard also warned each of his children that if any one of them joined the military he would disown them. Look how those shit head elderly boys turned out.
Disown them like his father disowned Mary's dad. Must say that those two cousins don't exactly cover themselves in glory despite having all the resources to make themselves into amazing people. Instead they seem to be even weaker that their father.
Britni, your comment brought me to tears! Thank you for letting us know that our brave men and women and their sacrifices do not go unnoticed across the globe. We are so very proud of our military! I, too, have stood on the deck of the USS Arizona and cried. Those that died that day caused Americans to come together and unite like never before! Isoroku Yamamoto said after the attack, "I fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant." While those words are attributed to him, he might not have said them. Those words were true then and they are true for us today. The orange man has awakened the sleeping Americans to the ever present danger he has become. We will NOT let him destroy 200+ years of Democracy! Thank you so much for your kind words.
Don Trump is a danger not just to American democracy but to the world's peace, freedom, and progress. I don't see it as a matter of American party politics but of upholding the principles upon which America was founded, testing whether they might long endure, as Lincoln said. For so many other nations, mine included, independence came not with battle but agreement and that was because the Thirteen Colonies led the way.
That sums up my own thoughts, exactly. As a Brit I abhor that MAN who is not a true American, he's a Cuckoo who takes from everyone and gives not much back. As an 83 year old man I'm not fooled by someone so corrupt of humanity. He should never be allowed back into power.
After the first two times I had Covid, the only thing that tasted good was gummy bears! I'm lucky I didn't end up with Type 2 diabetes.
My first bout - Delta variant - was the worst. I slept for a week, and ate nothing. I only had bottled water. I seriously couldn't get out of bed, except to feed my cat and lurch to the toilet. Never fully recovered. But I'm in my 70's and have been bedridden with spinal arthritis and degenerative disc disease for 10 years, so I never had a chance for complete recovery.
Please take care, Mary! Rest as much as you can, and yes....DRINK LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER, juices, and hot teas high in C - like rosehips, or hot lemonade with honey.
The brain fog and fatigue are the worst, and if anyone knows how to beat them I would love to hear from you!
Mary, thank you for this list and your insights: it makes me think that rational people may have a chance this time around. Hope you are better soon, and that your doctors don't start talking about "long cove" when you need a diagnosis, but that's what's ahead of us, I'm afraid. I used Paxlovid, not sure it is needed, but pay more attention now to my nutrition than I ever did.
But the people who support Donald Trump: they are the product of bad schooling, for one thing: who were their teachers, and what did they lean? Do they still teach civics in elementary school? And I blame MSMedia: I no longer read the Times, the Post, or other mainstream publications. Mary Trump has many colleagues in her effort to educate us, as do numerous columns, blogs, websites, and analysts. I am grateful to them and to the Internet for that.
As an aside, how did Trump persuade the Arlingtono family to allow him to use them for a photo op? And smiling all the way. I guess when someone calls and says the former president needs some publicity, can we use your family ? it takes strong people to say no. But more and more of us must learn to call him and his despicable brand of Americanism out: if you read 2035 you will see what he and the Republican party have in store for us. AIPAC seems to have bought off a lot of politicians who are afraid to remind our president and president-to-be that this subservience to donated bribes will come to haunt them. Greedy unpatriotic elected officials!
Funny, everyone talks about that bad taste and I didn't get that from Paxlovid. I also don't think it helped me one bit! It took nearly 5 weeks after my initial positive test, before I tested negative. And I still have symptoms! :(
This makes my stomach turn 🤢 why in TF is this disrespectful pos even allowed anywhere near the cemetery!?? After what he has said about the veterans and wounded warriors 😡😡😡 I just don’t understand why didn’t someone stop him from doing this photo shoot and then smiling with his thumbs up 😡😡😡 I have Never seen anyone so disrespectful in my life and I can’t believe nobody did anything to stop this BS !!😡😡😡 I have never hated anyone the way I do trump I literally can’t stand to hear his voice without wanting to rip his head off 😡 he makes me angry and sick to my stomach 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
I agree. I received an email today from Vote Vets that described the situation. Political stunts such as trump pulled are not allowed at Arlington, but apparently trump's staff bullied the employees at Arlington cemetery. Also, the family joining this monster for the photo-op are also disgusting, imo.
From Vote Vets, an organization I trust. (I'm A former Air Force brat, as we were called.)
"There are federal laws guarding the sanctity of Arlington National Cemetery from campaign activity.
Those rules matter, because Arlington is the final resting place for generations of America’s best. It is above politics.
But not to Trump. Not to his campaign.
This Monday, an Arlington National Cemetery official tried to prevent Trump campaign personnel from entering Section 60, where recent combat casualties are buried — because campaign activity is not allowed in Section 60.
Trump’s campaign staff verbally abused them and pushed them aside.
If Trump truly cared about the fallen he’d fire these staffers — but he doesn’t.
If JD Vance had a shred of dignity he’d speak out against these staffers — but he doesn’t.
Trump’s staff did this because they knew he would want them to. They know he has no respect for the fallen or that hallowed ground.
We are sick and tired of seeing Trump treating the Military, Veterans, and the fallen like props. Treating a visit to Arlington National Cemetery like a campaign event. There is no low he won’t stoop to.
But you can be sure of this: VoteVets will be the tip of the spear in defeating Trump, once and for all. Tonight, as we get ready to fight back against Trump for degrading the fallen and violating the sanctity of Arlington National Cemetery..."
Arlington Cemetary confirmed to NPR that a report had been filed about the attack on cemetery staff. The Trump campaign broke federal law by staging a political event at one of the country's oldest national cemeteries and then attacked a member of the cemetery staff trying to enforce the rules.
Will they be charged? Who am I kidding, he has skated around charges like this constantly. He just flagrantly breaks laws willy-nilly and NEVER is held accountable! I thoroughly despise this man!
...and family members....veterans, both of them...will not condemn his bullying barbaric need to feed trump's ego at the expense of the loved ones of fallen heroes . His insults to veterans increase as his desperation level skyrockets. Cowardice...they name is trump!
My dear ones have every right to make their own choices
They DO NOT, however have the right to name the consequences for those choices!. And heart.breaks for them.
I am so sorry, Lynn! Perhaps when the orange man is defeated in November, your family members will see him for what he truly is! It does amaze me that any veteran, and I have them in my family, would ever support this man after he has denigrated the military every chance he gets. I hope everything will work out for your family. Vote blue, America!
That would be trump's normal way of doing things. He makes others do the dirty work so he can't be blamed! Of course, those people work for this evil man so they obviously subscribe to his way of doing things!
On the Arlington Cemetery insult, here’s the explicit rule that somebody bent or totally ignored:
(2.) Partisan activities are inappropriate in Arlington National Cemetery, due to its role as a shrine to all the honored dead of the Armed Forces of the United States and out of respect for the men and women buried there and for their families. Services or any activities inside the Cemetery connected therewith shall not be partisan in nature. A service is partisan and therefore inappropriate if it includes commentary support of, or in opposition to, or attempts to influence any current policy of the Armed Forces, the Government of the United States or any state of the United States; if it endorses the cause of a political party or if it has a primary purpose to gain publicity or engender support for any cause. If a service is closely related, both time and location, to partisan activities or demonstrations being conducted outside the Cemetery, it will be determined partisan and therefore inappropriate. If a service is determined to be partisan by the Executive Director, permission to conduct memorial services or ceremonies at the Cemetery will be denied.
Right about now I want to throw my guts up. I’m Canadian, my father and his brother were prisoners of the Japanese in Burma during WW2, along with other British colonies especially Australians. Were it not for Americans they were slated for firing squads. Someone like Trump is a disgrace to the USA, he should be barred from running!!!
So many of us feel that same way. We do not understand why the GOP decided that a man who is 78, going on 79, was even allowed to be their candidate. He represents everything evil to me!
Arlington Cemetary confirmed to NPR that a report had been filed about the attack on cemetery staff. The Trump campaign broke federal law by staging a political event at one of the country's oldest national cemeteries and then attacked a member of the cemetery staff.
But he is just a man (well not a real man) who gets away with everything! He needs to go to prison! They reported that his people pushed aside the worker who tried to keep them out. Bully power as usual! The National Guard should have been there to prevent this ridiculous stunt! I hope this blows back negatively on trump and his "campaign"!
His staff used violence and threats with the staff member who tried to intervene. Te MSM, as usual, gave Trump a pass yesterday. The story is making its way out now. Trump campaign staff had altercation with official at Arlington Cemetery
I want him and his trolls to be arrested 😡 Anyone who pulled the stunt he just did would have been arrested ! Especially after what he said about our veterans 😡 He is a total Disgrace to our country 😡 Disrespectful 💩💩💩 Arrest him and his trolls they are ignored the rules of the cemetery and had No right to be there and to assault the cemetery staff and take pictures which are Not Allowed with his thumb up and a disgusting smile on his face 🤮🤮🤮😡😡😡😡😡😡Arrest them All 😡😡
I am so sick of trump getting away with every evil thing he does. He has the SC now saying he shouldn't be prosecuted for anything he did as president. This desecration at Arlington Cemetary should never have been allowed, but trump is a bully who orders others to do what he won't do for himself. He must be stopped! When he loses this election, he should just fade into oblivion. Please, let's make him just go away!
The guard tried to keep them out because campaigning is against the law there. True to form, they verbally abused the guard and shoved him aside and went in anyway.
So, who, in their right mind would want him back in the White House! He has already gotten HIS Supreme Court to say he can do whatever he wants when he is president!
You are not alone in those feelings. I honestly have never hated anyone until trump! My skin crawls if his voice comes on the TV. I cannot stand to look at that face! I usually turn away. I will watch the debate with Kamala though. If he shows up that is. I believe she will destroy him. He is ignorant and arrogant. Personally, I would like to see his mic turned off when it isn't his turn!
My experience as well. When his voice or face comes on tv, I’m instantly angry and shut the tv off quickly, otherwise I cuss at the tv like a grumpy loon. He is not good for my health, nor the health of this country. We need to just - shut him off - at the ballot box, once and for all. Future generations will analyze him like Hitler was analyzed, and they’ll wonder how their grandparents or great grandparents could have even elected someone like DT with zero qualifications and a toxic evil character that was devoid of a speck of integrity or goodness.
I don’t hate him, I don’t hate anyone. He has simply gone astray and it sounds like he has never had his feet on the right path. He is living out his karma and it looks like this lifetime may be the end of it.
He is creating, not burning, bad karma. Unfortunately, for the U.S. and the world. With his disordered mind, he has no interest in truth or reality. He is not an innocent. Not wanting to see his face or hear his lies, does not equal hatred. I just have an aversion to him, and anyone who lies, cheats and steals, as he has done all his life. I get to choose who I have in my life, but I don’t have control over media, and unfortunately, his mug, evil words, and all the blind sheep that follow him, are everywhere. It is nauseating, and it is seriously damaging to this country. No offense to sweet innocent sheep. Baaaaaaa.🐑
Kimberly, you absolutely nailed how so many of us are feeling about the orange smear. He is beyond detestable! We need to use that anger to get out and speak for electing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in November. I know I am working harder than ever to get out the vote! Vote blue, America!
Mary, I hope you feel better soon. Sorry to add to your pain but what NPR is reporting tonight will make all of us sick but sadly not surprised.
“Two members of Donald Trump's campaign staff had a verbal and physical altercation Monday with an official at Arlington National Cemetery, where the former president participated in a wreath-laying ceremony, NPR has learned.”
“When the cemetery official tried to prevent Trump campaign staff from entering Section 60, campaign staff verbally abused and pushed the official aside, according to the source.”
The Arlington official HAS to have police called only charges for assault against any campaign personnel who got physical with the Arlington official! THIS is illegal actions on the part of Trump’s staff and HAS to be pursued
Thanks! Glad they did something…now who follows up?!! Be great if in midst of campaigning those two staffers were charged w “common assault “ and spent a night at least in jail waiting for Trump to bail them out!! Could be a long night of the soul!
I had heard that but not on mainstream media of course. Is that not assault? Why weren't they arrested as anyone else would have been? Trump and his goons continue to do whatever they want but they are enabled by the various layers of law enforcement that won't do anything about it.
"Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate's campaign," according to the statement. "Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants." Per NPR.
The law about Arlington National Cemetery not being used for partisan purposes is one of the many laws DonOLD has broken. If he were indicted for all the laws he’s broken, the rap sheet would be miles long . He’s a habitual criminal.
Oh, just dawned on me you’re Canadian and this Afghanistan/Trump b.s. didn’t get past you. Even more impressive. Thank you neighbor and friend. As Joyce Vance always says “We’re in this together”.
All accurate! Plus, how could Biden know the Afghan government would collapse within a few days after we spent hundreds of millions of dollars training and equipping the Afghan military?
This material needs to be used by the Harris campaign to create tv ads and talk about this incessantly to let people know what he is. Some still won’t believe but we need 10-20 percent I think to win the swing states.
Thank you for this recap. Well done. This should be out there somewhere for all to be reminded. Anyone have ideas or ability to do that? DT set all that up deliberately for Biden to have to trip over. Disgusting.
Never understood how much of America managed to completely miss those facts. I don’t recall MSM trying to straighten that out either. Unless it was on a day(s) when I was so fed up that I ignored the news for a bit. I was tired of my annoyance meter pegged over on maximum. Have no idea how news anchors keep from having constant high blood pressure.
Congrats on your new book Mary! Looking forward to reading it. On another note, Donald is a pathetic little man who needs a fake photo op to stimulate his pathetic followers to make him feel large. According to NPR, they reported that Trump’s campaign staffers physically assaulted officials at the Arlington National Cemetery after they tried to prevent them from filming and photographing the burial site for campaign ads.
I’m sure we all remember his photo stunt in Washington DC with the Bible.
Let us never forget that Trump is willing to mow down anyone in his path in order to get front page news!😡
Every time you think he couldn’t go any lower, down he goes again. Now I’m reading there was an altercation with his staff because of the rule against political campaigning on sacred ground.
I cannot understand how Arlington could have allowed cheetoskin to stage this. Rules set by the cemetery clearly state partisan actions are not allowed there. That’s about as partisan as you can get during an election year. Another action that he is allowed to conduct where he doesn’t follow the rules. Any service member who CANNOT see through this charade with disgust truly is a cult member without any hope of redemption.
How does he do anything that he does? He does whatever he wants, disregarding rules, laws and barriers of any kind without consequence. And avoiding all those convictions and indictments is the only reason he's running now - to avoid yet more consequences and to continue to do what the rest of us can't. A truly despicable bottom feeder without any redeeming features. Feel better soon Mary.
As it turned out I heard a report this am that a MAGA campaign official actually physically assaulted an Arlington cemetery employees lover who tried to enforce the law. Yep, the law and order cult. They should all go to hell!
As an honorably discharged Vietnam Era veteran of the U. S. Navy, watching the news clips of your uncle at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday made my skin crawl! The hypocrisy was sickening, and that he is even able to be running for another term in office makes my blood boil! When Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are elected in November, I look forward to seeing our judicial process getting back into action to prosecute, convict and sentence Trump to many years in a Federal Prison for being the treasonous traitor that he is. Then we can move forward with our democracy!
Thank you for your service! Yes, DT must be especially infuriating for you given his disregard and disrespect for military and the world of intelligence services. We have clearly reached the boundaries of what our founding fathers anticipated and tried to safeguard. They just couldn’t imagine something as insane and foul as DT. It is indeed absurd that DT is allowed to run for office again.
I noticed that and it just sinks me that they would have so little regard for their family member that they’d participate in a cheap campaign photo op. Couldn’t they grasp what was happening?
I am friends with someone who is close friends with that family - they love him because Trump kept in touch with them 'often', she said, after Sgt. Gee was killed. They say that he is the 'only one' who contacted them after her death and consoled them so they are big fans. They were very happy to have him there at her graveside. Go figure. I read an article (an ABC report, I think?) that Biden met with all of the families, and that her family and a couple of others claim that Biden was selfish, only talked about his sadness about his own son dying, and kept looking at his watch. It's hard for me to imagine that, but since I wasn't there... so who knows. If they love Trump so much, they may have hated Biden to begin with and been biased? Hard to know. I don't want to negate their feelings.
It’s sad to hear President Biden was, in the reported Memorial Ceremony lost in his own sorrow. Yes it was inappropriate, a painful shock. More than a disappoint to the family. There’s no excuse, none. If I were the greiving, It would crush me, anger.
Only reality, the likely possibility: human overwhelm, even In a president, who’s been strong, too long, too often. Maybe, he’s got PTSD surfaced, at Very wrong time. When I was able to reflect, my empathy for him as a human who’s lost too many, loved ones. Got triggered, too. Yes, Support, it was time he retired.
Yes. My first cousin is one of the soldiers buried in that cemetery. He was born in the U.S., grew up in Canada. Then when he was old enough he went back to the U.S. to do his service. Was killed in action in Vietnam on his second round. He is still honoured in my hometown on east cost of Canada.
First off Marry I hope you feel better soon. I tried taking those meds but I couldn't. The taste in my mouth tasted like someone had died. It was awful! Donald is a very sick man as you know and I don't understand how anyone in the military could vote for him. I am retired Army and all of my friends are voting for Harris. I give to your fund for the Dems monthly and I want to thank you for all that you do.
Tying Harris to the Afghanistan Terri’s bomb is beyond ridiculous in that Donald Trump made the agreement with the Taliban and wanted to pull out sooner and had diluted almost all our intelligence capabilities leaving 2500 soldiers to protect an airlift out of Afghanistan. President Biden went through with the evacuation ( the most successful airlift in history) based on the premise that once the US negotiated an agreement to maintain international trust the US must fulfill its part of the agreement. What did people expect when the 300K afghan army crumbles. The fault is with Donald Trump.
His very presence there was insulting. The thumbs up photo op at the gravesites was next level deplorable.
Same thing he did after the mass shooting in El Paso when he posed with the orphaned baby... big smile and a thumbs up. I'm not entirely sure he's human.
Oh my god, I remember that now that you said it. It's so easy to forget every awful thing he's done since it's several awful things every single day for years on end. But yes, I clearly remember that now and also remember thinking to myself back when that happened how inappropriate, how insulting, and how inhumane it was that he'd do such a thing. I have to say I stopped being surprised a long, long, long time ago.
There is no bottom where Trump is concerned. He does things that normal people can’t even imagine. His latest just goes to show he has no respect for anyone. Why don’t people see his flaws? How can we awaken the sleepy MAGAs and tell them to not believe in him?
His cult members are beyond redemption and most will go to the Beyond before seeing the folly of their idiocy. Scientific research (something to which none of them give any credence) demonstrates that cult participation alters brain functions in ways that become virtually permanently embedded in their neurons. One of my siblings joined a cult more than 50 years ago and attempted to convert the rest of our family, without success. However, she remains entrenched and now both in our 70s I’ve long ago given up hope. My own experience sadly leads me to believe that the MAGA cult will literally need to die off, one by one.
Certain people, Donny included, can never ever admit they are wrong even when it is glaringly obvious and the facts waved in their face. Lies are part of the propaganda recipe especially when catering to the not so informed.
Unfortunately, I don't think we can. I know I tried with my father. Dad's a veteran, yet he voted for tRump twice and even though he claims he isn't going to vote for him again he's still a diehard Republican.
Sadly, trump is not representing real republicans. His takeover of the party has only encouraged him to do more evil. The GOP should have stopped him many years ago! They have ruined their own image.
Jan, I must disagree. From all I have read, the Republican Party has been moving toward a Donald Trump-like figure for a long time. He checked all the boxes: someone who was able to be manipulated, someone who is well-known, someone not smart enough to object to breaking the law, an utter narcissist, and more. Republicans have stood against the American people for a long time and cemented it with Nixon's "Southern Strategy" which is the nice name for white supremacy/racism. Where was the Party then? Right now, I cannot think of one Republican except may be Adam Kinsinger and maybe Liz Cheyney that I would want as my representative and since they oppose nearly everything I value, not even them although I respect their courage to stand up for a time to the party bosses.
It's OK to be a diehard Republican but the party is not the same party it was. The orange stain has created a cult and someone needs to serve up the koolaid.
He has no right to use our Country and the term Republican. He is a cult leader, no more, no less. He treats our Country and our History just like he does women, with no respect and the use of rape to demoralize and minimalize.
Sherie, you are right about diehard Republicans. They are now saying well, it's just Trump and when we get him out of power the Republican party will somehow go back to some magical time when the party was just great and worthy of support. I don't know when that great time was. Republicans have been fighting anything that could make life better for anyone but rich, white men since the beginning of the 20th century. They jump on any bandwagon that will give them attention and power: HUAC hearings and the McCarthy hearings, doing whatever it takes to get elected (Watergate, lying, disinformation, voter suppression, gerrymandering and so on), union-busting, opposing every social support program, opposing the equal rights of: women, people of color, LGBTQ+ persons, and more. Yet, they want to cling to the old Republican Party. Maybe they want to go back to Lincoln's Republican Party or Theodore Roosevelt's. Considering the laws they want to enforce against women and others from those periods, maybe that is what they mean.
They are just using the Republican label. I won’t gate people just because they call themselves Republican. I don’t agree with their trickle down economics, nor do I agree with their policies that control women. Their politicians lack morals, integrity, and ethics. Still I see a difference between those republicans and MAGAs. The latter have sold their souls.
Republican is one thing... I know republicans who are NOT MAGA and who don't like Trump and won't vote for him.... We want to embrace those who don't like Trump... they are "getting it"
We must embrace republicans who are not MAGA. We need them and they need us to maintain our overall sanity.
I just hope he doesn’t vote for Trump this year. We need every possible vote. Even if he doesn’t vote for Harris, at least Trump won’t get his vote. He can still remain republican.
Vash, unfortunately a bunch of "evangelical" christian leaders have been pumping out the lie that Trump is just a flawed messenger from god. The people who know deep in their hearts that Trump is a goon want so much to believe otherwise so these pseudo-christians have given them an out, that somehow god sent this guy to bring people back to the faith or some other equally ridiculous nonsense. It is going to be hard, if not impossible to ever reach the scared white people who have been carefully trained to follow whatever their leadership in the church tell them. It is terrible, but those people find some kind of comfort in it. It reminds me of the witch trials days when the religious guys, ministers, went along with the ravings of children and people who wanted attention or who wanted to get even with people who they thought were better than they themselves were or whose lands and property they wanted. The ministers should have known better, but chose to get caught up in the insanity instead of stopping it. The current "ministers" who are pouring out the Trump is god's messenger BS love the limelight they have received and so, will continue to groom their congregations to vote for Baby Donnie even though it is against the law for them to do it since they are tax-exempt as long as they are not political/partisan, and they are both.
The worst thing is that they have brought God into it. Whether one is an atheist or belongs to one of the religions, it is shameful to call him a messenger from God. I am not a Christian, and it is hard for me to understand that language. They are abusing their own idea of God.
Vash, the reality is that those who have tried to make Trump some kind of "messenger from god," know perfectly well he is not. They are using that concept to bamboozle their "congregants" so they can have power over their thinking, warping it into something even those cult members would not recognize if they stopped for a moment to consider what those guys are telling them. It's about power and money, not actual religion and I think it is criminal, but there is freedom of religion and I guess one could call Trump's cult a kind of sick religion.
He might be a message from god if not a messenger. The Tao Te Ching says: when the people lose their sense of awe some awful visitation will descend upon them.
I agree with you.
They eventually found the bottom of Crater Lake, but there is no bottom where trump is concerned.
I was also totally disgusted seeing him in the photo with Melania holding that innocent little baby.
Thank you, Mary,for honoring your commitment to stick with us. Please take very good care of yourself, however, to heal your exhausted body and be our ever-loyal spokesperson. We need your honest and clear feedback. I, too, am in mental health field (LCSW) and take in the antagonistic perspectives of MAGA and others like them. We must keep up our standards and commitments to humanity.
You may not be surprised, but don't lose your ability to be horrified. We all need to remember that.
Alexander, I do still continue to the horrified and appalled. I just expect it now is all. Still never fail to be offended by everything he does and says though.
Chris, you are right about Trump's appalling acts nearly every day. Democrats all across the country need to be reminding the local people of some of them, maybe a few different ones each week so people whose memories are short can be reminded just what Trump would do to this nation if re-elected, and it wouldn't be good even for them.
Trust me....he's NOT!!!
I'm a Vietnam Veteran who made it home in one piece while others came home in plastic bags or physically damaged. I hate Donald with all my heart. What would he say of the PTSD I suffer from my sorrow over the losses of so many good American people in any of the wars the US has been involved in. He'd really shit if he knew I put my country above my being a gay man.
I want to see that rotten bastard and all who give their favors to him locked up in Solitary Confinement for life for their abject Treason against Democracy here and elsewhere in this world.
Can anyone explain why he is allowed to run for any office where he would be paid by our tax dollars?
I love to brag that I'm the same age as Donald but I still have a brain that works perfectly well. His never has.
Mary, one thing you missed about his appearance at the National Cemetery is that political campainging is against the law there; the guard tried to keep Donald and friends out but they verbally abused him and shoved him aside and went in anyway.
He has to be stopped!
Richard La France
Thank you for your service. It must be even more difficult for you than it is for civilians like me who never made the sacrifices you did. Unfortunately our constitution allows him to run for the highest office because our forefathers never thought that someone like Trump could become president. It scares me that the presidential race is so tight. There is a real danger that he could get elected and do the worst damage. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that people like Trump can exist, but they do. Hitler existed too. We need to learn from history and protect our country and the people in it. It makes me sad that so many people believe his lies and vote for him.
I don’t want to sound pessimistic but it is going to take a lot of effort to keep him away from the WH. He should have been in prison long ago but somehow he always gets away. That scares me.
Thank you Richard for what you have given to your country & democracy at large. Keep the faith, the coalition of mis-matched patriots will see this to conclusion. Gratefully.
Thank you, Richard, for your sacrifices for this country and for your unselfish service. You are a far better man than tRump or his minions could ever hope to be, and this country would be so much better if there were more people like you. You're a man of great honor, and I truly appreciate you.
Thank you for your service, Richard. You represent the opposite of tfg, who doesn’t give a damn about anyone other than himself.
I wish we could prevent him from running for office. He doesn’t deserve the honor of the nomination, but SCOTUS has been bought by his billionaire buddies. There is only corruption in today’s GOP, and he is their pathetic representative as a candidate.
We must not forget that Republicans -McConnell with a lion’s share- gave us this SCOTUS. Make them pay for this.
Two members of my to me.
One served in Vietnam, the.other served 8 years in.the Navy.
Both die hard.trump use trying to talk to st all.
Breaks my 90 year old heart.
I am so sorry. I just don’t understand this. You have my sympathy.
Thank you, dear Vash. I don't understand the attraction to such an odious person myself....but accept their right to make their own life.choices.
I am sorry. What a sad situation.
WE have to get the Blue vote out!!! This can take a lot of work.
You said it all. AND yes he will be stopped....
Thank you for your service, truly. You are valued! DT is giving the whole world PTSD, but his followers are mistaking it for a good time buzz.
It just goes to show that trump’s supporters are not playing with a full deck either.
They no longer have access to their intelligence (I.Q.) He has drained it from them, like a parasite lives off its host.
My mom used to say that “DT was a few sandwiches short of a picric”. She was a lifelong Republican, but always voted for who she thought was most qualified, regardless of party. She saw and smelled his b.s. from a long way off. She was able to vote for President Biden before passing away from COVID a few months later at age 91. She made her own decision, and said Joe Biden was a good man that was supremely qualified. She would be really upset to know that the dumpster as you called him (and he is) was even able to run for office again. She would have been very excited to vote for Kamala Harris.
I’m not sure he’s human either. Do snakes with all orange skin, er, I mean scales , exist? How about lizards? I guess those comparisons to cheetoskin makes even snakes looks good.
The Reptile Antidefamation League asserts that Defendant 45 is not sufficiently competent to be a reptile and disavow any association with said defendant.
Thank you for that!! I've met a lot of lizards, and some snakes, and they are great creatures, even the rattlesnakes. I've met a couple of rattlesnakes of different species who showed they were more human than trump.
Animals don't kill out of vengeance.Trump does, but he lets someone else do the killing so he can be safe.
I agree completely. Animals don't have vengeance in their DNA.
Curled up, it looks like a worm. A much higher species than drumpf will ever be…just saying.
Not 100%, but maybe a good starting point:
I live in El Paso, and was not aware of that. Totally disgusting. And totally inappropriate for our community.
I'm sure you're aware of this one too: El Paso has the highest unpaid bill for his rallies out of several other cities he stiffed. Over half a million dollars. I'm shocked that anyone that lives there would vote for him.
I didn't know that, LuluBelle - but of course he has the highest unpaid bill here. El Paso is not a rich city - a lot of the population is financially poor, so I'm sure he has less respect for us than for most places. He would never understand how loving and caring most of the people here are, and he would also hate that 80% of our population is of Mexican heritage. Unfortunately I've seen at least 3 people in my area who do vote for him - the guy with the GOD GUNS AND TRUMP flag, a woman on the back side of my block, and someone else whose house I've passed. Most of us are smarter than that, and fortunately we tend to elect good representatives to the House, who serve our city well..
And with medical personnel in the hospital after the Parkland shooting, same sh*teating grin along with the asinine hand gesture. Such a horrid man.
I hate his hand gestures. I seldom watch him if he invades my television screen, but his whole persona is that of an evil and disgusting human. How can anyone vote for him to represent us to the world and, even worse, to govern us? He only knows how to do things that make him look better or enrich himself! He still has no idea of what a president should be.
There was an article out today from/an interview with Michael Cohen, that references his hands. That's how you know 45 is lying.
Think about this: "Accordion hands" exactly what it is. Never could figure the gesture out. Now it has a name !!
That’s a perfect name
His puppet hands have irritated me since day one. If he is speaking on tv I either change the channel or turn off the tv.
He is not a human. He is a demon who was born to destroy the world.
He certainly does check an alarming number of boxes for the anti-christ of the Christian bible.
I agree with you on that. He has been evil for his entire life! He is a perfect example.
I think he was born without a heart and he was evil since birth.
Is that an Antichrist? What is an antidote to an Antichrist? Logic tells me it would be Christ. So why don’t people just follow the teachings of Christ? Sorry if I am talking nonsense. I am not a Christian so I may not understand some things. I have never understood why evil exists but I am sure on some metaphysical levels there is a reason for it. Still on the earthly plane we must do what is right on this planet , which is to keep Trump out of the WH.
Well, he is a psychopath. They are not like other humans. Their brains are diferent and they cannot be cured or changed. They will only care about what benefits themselves. They have no empathy for others, remorse or sense of guilt. They cant feel, only fake it. There are lots of them walking around. Some like Donald unfortunately get to high places.
Yep. I've said that for awhile myself. He sold his soul(?), to the devil. Satan might not want him, so only other place is eternity in purgatory.
I believe he is too, I've believed it since about 2019. Unfortunately if he really is the anti-christ he'll be elected to another term, and he won't be leaving this time.
He is NOT human in any normal sense of humanity. He has no respect for anyone and only loves himself and only does things that will make HIM look good (although that usually fails)
He has never been human
LuluBelle, I've been thinking about your comment and I believe you may be onto something. Donny and his tribe are obviously human but not wise humans (Homo Sapiens). This is an evolutionary leap that began in the second half of the last century and produced a new human species. Homo Corruptis. Hopefully a evolutionary dead end.
lol….Homo Corruptis.
A subspecies of Grumpus Maximus
Be fair -- Sir offered the thumb as a replacement for the mother's breast. Maybe.
Thumbs up - there - in that sacred place - beyond sickening.
That picture needs to go up on a billboard.
No, don't give him any more publicity for the evil things he does. Not everyone sees the true trump!
I had to remember this one is at ANC. Yes billboard for this one.
Or any anger management retreat. Take hostilities out that way. Trying to keep it post worthy and not get censored.
Yes. Completely despicable.
It didn't surprise me. It is always about trump! Thumbs up at a memorial at a grave site? Disgusting. No respect for anyone or anything. I hope Karma takes a huge bite out of trump SOON!
You mean Karmala?
It actually was illegal. One is not permitted to use Arlington National Cemetery for political purposes. And when a worker tried to stop them, they were shunted away. And ‘he who shall not be named’ made a disparaging remark about that person’s mental health. Just another day in crazy town.
Yes, Amy! I was just telling someone else about this. The insanity never stops and the lows keep getting lower. I can’t wait until someday when what we’re living through now is history.
Not to mention it is strictly against the rules. Arlington does not allow any photos or gatherings for political purposes.
I heard that his campaign staff verbally and physically assaulted the person or persons from Arlington who tried to stop them from doing the photo op.
And a report was filed, I hope the FOIA's are being filed as we type.
I hope so too.
Here’s a source on that scoop:
Reading that article, this is really sick behavior on the part of the Trump campaign.
It sounds like Arlington Cemetary was already bending over backwards to accommodate them, but they insisted that only cemetary staff do photography or filming in section 60, where there are recently buried bodies. Imagine it's your family member, you and your family member despise(d) Trump, or politics, or for whatever reason don't want to be used in his "these people died on Biden's watch BS" that he might be trying. Or, you don't want your loved one's stone to be one of the graves traipsed by or caught in the frame in the photos or video footage, there but unnoticed, when it's been less than a year.
Mary, First let me say, you do your Dad, Fred proud. Because you Cared, Loved him, Listened carefully, you saw the Truth. What your dad had to deal with, the Juggernaut of an Entrenched Dysfunctional Family System, is more than even the strongest person alone can handle. He knew it was unhealthy, took responsibility to start with himself. Like a brave explorer, he showed you and your brother, Fred Jr. there was another Path to Follow.
Please take care of yourself! Feel Better. Healing wishes for you.
Now, as one of your many followers, Thank you for your Guidance, Leadership and Sharing. Is it possible, the current Military Chief of Staff, or even President Biden, as Commander in Chief, may need to issue an irrefutable order? That 2nd, will likely be misused by the Nitwit, to retaliate & escalate as Provocation Politically. Likely the motive for Toddler Donnie’s game. That’s the mentality level. He & his cabal count on appealing to their immature worshippers.
This photo will be used in Harris ads and will add to Donald’s demise.
I see dualing campaign usage.
Kamala to take him down.
And his side to say see what "I DID" for my supporters.
When you have no unconditional empathy for anyone, it's just another photo op so he behaves the same at all of them.
It was the real Trump. He has no respect for anyone but himself. His team" is just part of the cult. Sad.
Asa retired Air Force Vet the presence of Trump anyway near a deceased vet gravesite is REPULSIVE at least!! Trump the "DRAFT DODGER" and enemy of America was and is UNFIT to be Commander In Chief of U. S. Armed Forces! He is IMMORAL and DISRESPECTFUL toward all Vets deceased or otherwise! I'll stop here.
Yes sir, you and I are 100% in agreement. May I ask you, as a veteran yourself, what is your take on other veterans who support Trump? I cannot understand how any veteran could (or anyone else for that matter), but I know some do. I’d be honored to hear your take on this. Thank you and thank you for your service.
Thanks for your reply. A little background on me. I'm a 76 y/o white man. I served from 8 Sep. 67 -1 Apr. 88. I did not serve in Southeast Asia. My first overseas assignment was to Iceland Nov. 69-Nov. 70. My next overseas assignment was to Germany Nov. 81-Nov. 84. After my Air Force career, I worked as an Additions Counselor, an In-Home Family Therapist and finally for the State of Pa. Health & Human Services. In every job I had I saw and heard so many words and deeds that I found repulsive, etc. Like every group or culture Trump appeals to some based on his words and deeds. My long-standing issue is how many whites NEVER honestly explore where or how or why they acquired their values, beliefs, etc. Too many blame all their failures, losses etc. on others. They refuse to accept the consequences or outcomes of their actions. I think this why so many vets like and support Trump. I could go on for hours but, this is a brief response to your question.
Thank you for sharing your experience and your thoughts on this. I, like millions of others I’m sure, have long wondered about the psychology of the people who support Trump. How can they? Have they no moral fiber or integrity? How are their minds so broken that they cannot see what the rest of us do? And with certain groups of people that sense of bewilderment is exacerbated: veterans, minorities, low income, etc. And over all these years I’ve wondered about this, I’d never had a chance to converse with a veteran about it. I appreciate your perspective, and again, I thank you for your service and for your time having a conversation with me about this. It’s a pleasure.
Thank you for your response. One other comment., there seems to be underlying anger and even outrage many of Trump's supporters have. Why this is so depends on the person but, it seems to be a common trait with them. Eventually they'll have to come to terms with their situation however, for now little will likely change. PEACW!!
I certainly think a great number of them feel left behind or discarded in some way, be that from the government or perhaps even society itself. And somehow they’ve got it in their heads that A.) Trump cares about them, and B.) that he’s willing and able to right their wrongs, and C.) that being caught up in the MAGA cult gives them a sense of belonging, a sense of community with others who view life through the same lens as them. But I agree with you that underneath it all is this underlying anger issue. I also think, in many cases, that there’s just a good old fashioned lack of intelligence among them. And for the ones who don’t lack intelligence, those lack empathy and integrity which perhaps makes them the most dangerous of the whole bunch.
Behaving that way at any cemetery would irk me and warrant a shake of the head. But at THAT cemetery? I am absolutely SEETHING. .
I hope you’re feeling better soon. The good news is that horrible side effect of Paxlovid - the constant bad aftertaste that makes even water vile - goes away a few hours after your last dose wears off, so sometime on Thursday or Friday. So if you still have a bad taste in your mouth after that, likely it’s due to political news…
So much political news is sickening.
Yes, Mary, thank you for your words and your informed observations about the danger. I hope that you recover fully.
I'm an Australian, but I'm no stranger to American military heritage.
I've been to Arlington. I've seen those green slopes covered with white tombstones and thought about the immense amount of service and sacrifice held in that site.
I've been to Pearl Harbor. I've stood on the deck of the USS Arizona and wept, seeing the oil still seeping to the surface, thinking of that dreadful day so long ago.
I've been three times to Omaha Beach. The peaceful lawns and trees and memorial of the cemetery on the bluffs above that beach where hell was unleashed. Each grave marker giving the name and details of an American serviceman in that distant land.
As an Australian, I know that we have good reason to thank America for sending their sons and daughters to serve. I know that Americans revere that service and honour those serving.
It is a travesty that this vain man seeks to use that national feeling of pride and respect to further his own selfish desires. He avoided service through a lie, he throws shade on American servicemen, he calls them names and he cannot be bothered to show them honour and dignity if it is raining. Such a person is not worthy of being Commander-in-Chief.
The bastard also warned each of his children that if any one of them joined the military he would disown them. Look how those shit head elderly boys turned out.
Disown them like his father disowned Mary's dad. Must say that those two cousins don't exactly cover themselves in glory despite having all the resources to make themselves into amazing people. Instead they seem to be even weaker that their father.
Britni, your comment brought me to tears! Thank you for letting us know that our brave men and women and their sacrifices do not go unnoticed across the globe. We are so very proud of our military! I, too, have stood on the deck of the USS Arizona and cried. Those that died that day caused Americans to come together and unite like never before! Isoroku Yamamoto said after the attack, "I fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant." While those words are attributed to him, he might not have said them. Those words were true then and they are true for us today. The orange man has awakened the sleeping Americans to the ever present danger he has become. We will NOT let him destroy 200+ years of Democracy! Thank you so much for your kind words.
Don Trump is a danger not just to American democracy but to the world's peace, freedom, and progress. I don't see it as a matter of American party politics but of upholding the principles upon which America was founded, testing whether they might long endure, as Lincoln said. For so many other nations, mine included, independence came not with battle but agreement and that was because the Thirteen Colonies led the way.
That sums up my own thoughts, exactly. As a Brit I abhor that MAN who is not a true American, he's a Cuckoo who takes from everyone and gives not much back. As an 83 year old man I'm not fooled by someone so corrupt of humanity. He should never be allowed back into power.
you are a sad, deluded old man. Do you see the corruption in your own soul, or only in those that the media tells you to hate?
You nailed it Lawrence. A cuckoo indeed. Sadly, you see him more clearly than too many Americans.
You got that right, Britni.
Mary, I hope you get some rest and feel better soon. Thanks for all you do to keep us well informed.
Yes, the chemical taste from paxlovid! Awful, but it works!
I’ve heard gummy bears help with the taste. Feel better Mary!
After the first two times I had Covid, the only thing that tasted good was gummy bears! I'm lucky I didn't end up with Type 2 diabetes.
My first bout - Delta variant - was the worst. I slept for a week, and ate nothing. I only had bottled water. I seriously couldn't get out of bed, except to feed my cat and lurch to the toilet. Never fully recovered. But I'm in my 70's and have been bedridden with spinal arthritis and degenerative disc disease for 10 years, so I never had a chance for complete recovery.
Please take care, Mary! Rest as much as you can, and yes....DRINK LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER, juices, and hot teas high in C - like rosehips, or hot lemonade with honey.
The brain fog and fatigue are the worst, and if anyone knows how to beat them I would love to hear from you!
Mary, thank you for this list and your insights: it makes me think that rational people may have a chance this time around. Hope you are better soon, and that your doctors don't start talking about "long cove" when you need a diagnosis, but that's what's ahead of us, I'm afraid. I used Paxlovid, not sure it is needed, but pay more attention now to my nutrition than I ever did.
But the people who support Donald Trump: they are the product of bad schooling, for one thing: who were their teachers, and what did they lean? Do they still teach civics in elementary school? And I blame MSMedia: I no longer read the Times, the Post, or other mainstream publications. Mary Trump has many colleagues in her effort to educate us, as do numerous columns, blogs, websites, and analysts. I am grateful to them and to the Internet for that.
As an aside, how did Trump persuade the Arlingtono family to allow him to use them for a photo op? And smiling all the way. I guess when someone calls and says the former president needs some publicity, can we use your family ? it takes strong people to say no. But more and more of us must learn to call him and his despicable brand of Americanism out: if you read 2035 you will see what he and the Republican party have in store for us. AIPAC seems to have bought off a lot of politicians who are afraid to remind our president and president-to-be that this subservience to donated bribes will come to haunt them. Greedy unpatriotic elected officials!
Funny, everyone talks about that bad taste and I didn't get that from Paxlovid. I also don't think it helped me one bit! It took nearly 5 weeks after my initial positive test, before I tested negative. And I still have symptoms! :(
I know Paxlovid saved my life, the aftertaste is nasty, but I could deal with that, since it made my symptoms better.
This makes my stomach turn 🤢 why in TF is this disrespectful pos even allowed anywhere near the cemetery!?? After what he has said about the veterans and wounded warriors 😡😡😡 I just don’t understand why didn’t someone stop him from doing this photo shoot and then smiling with his thumbs up 😡😡😡 I have Never seen anyone so disrespectful in my life and I can’t believe nobody did anything to stop this BS !!😡😡😡 I have never hated anyone the way I do trump I literally can’t stand to hear his voice without wanting to rip his head off 😡 he makes me angry and sick to my stomach 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
I agree. I received an email today from Vote Vets that described the situation. Political stunts such as trump pulled are not allowed at Arlington, but apparently trump's staff bullied the employees at Arlington cemetery. Also, the family joining this monster for the photo-op are also disgusting, imo.
From Vote Vets, an organization I trust. (I'm A former Air Force brat, as we were called.)
"There are federal laws guarding the sanctity of Arlington National Cemetery from campaign activity.
Those rules matter, because Arlington is the final resting place for generations of America’s best. It is above politics.
But not to Trump. Not to his campaign.
This Monday, an Arlington National Cemetery official tried to prevent Trump campaign personnel from entering Section 60, where recent combat casualties are buried — because campaign activity is not allowed in Section 60.
Trump’s campaign staff verbally abused them and pushed them aside.
If Trump truly cared about the fallen he’d fire these staffers — but he doesn’t.
If JD Vance had a shred of dignity he’d speak out against these staffers — but he doesn’t.
Trump’s staff did this because they knew he would want them to. They know he has no respect for the fallen or that hallowed ground.
We are sick and tired of seeing Trump treating the Military, Veterans, and the fallen like props. Treating a visit to Arlington National Cemetery like a campaign event. There is no low he won’t stoop to.
But you can be sure of this: VoteVets will be the tip of the spear in defeating Trump, once and for all. Tonight, as we get ready to fight back against Trump for degrading the fallen and violating the sanctity of Arlington National Cemetery..."
Quite possibly Trump ordered them to get him in, no matter what - or they would lose Their jobs.
Saw this post on X:
Arlington Cemetary confirmed to NPR that a report had been filed about the attack on cemetery staff. The Trump campaign broke federal law by staging a political event at one of the country's oldest national cemeteries and then attacked a member of the cemetery staff trying to enforce the rules.
Will they be charged? Who am I kidding, he has skated around charges like this constantly. He just flagrantly breaks laws willy-nilly and NEVER is held accountable! I thoroughly despise this man!
...and family members....veterans, both of them...will not condemn his bullying barbaric need to feed trump's ego at the expense of the loved ones of fallen heroes . His insults to veterans increase as his desperation level skyrockets. Cowardice...they name is trump!
My dear ones have every right to make their own choices
They DO NOT, however have the right to name the consequences for those choices!. And heart.breaks for them.
I am so sorry, Lynn! Perhaps when the orange man is defeated in November, your family members will see him for what he truly is! It does amaze me that any veteran, and I have them in my family, would ever support this man after he has denigrated the military every chance he gets. I hope everything will work out for your family. Vote blue, America!
I wish I could say that I am shocked
That would be trump's normal way of doing things. He makes others do the dirty work so he can't be blamed! Of course, those people work for this evil man so they obviously subscribe to his way of doing things!
On the Arlington Cemetery insult, here’s the explicit rule that somebody bent or totally ignored:
(2.) Partisan activities are inappropriate in Arlington National Cemetery, due to its role as a shrine to all the honored dead of the Armed Forces of the United States and out of respect for the men and women buried there and for their families. Services or any activities inside the Cemetery connected therewith shall not be partisan in nature. A service is partisan and therefore inappropriate if it includes commentary support of, or in opposition to, or attempts to influence any current policy of the Armed Forces, the Government of the United States or any state of the United States; if it endorses the cause of a political party or if it has a primary purpose to gain publicity or engender support for any cause. If a service is closely related, both time and location, to partisan activities or demonstrations being conducted outside the Cemetery, it will be determined partisan and therefore inappropriate. If a service is determined to be partisan by the Executive Director, permission to conduct memorial services or ceremonies at the Cemetery will be denied.
Right about now I want to throw my guts up. I’m Canadian, my father and his brother were prisoners of the Japanese in Burma during WW2, along with other British colonies especially Australians. Were it not for Americans they were slated for firing squads. Someone like Trump is a disgrace to the USA, he should be barred from running!!!
So many of us feel that same way. We do not understand why the GOP decided that a man who is 78, going on 79, was even allowed to be their candidate. He represents everything evil to me!
He is a monster. His age doesn’t matter except maybe that it means he is an experienced monster.
Thank you for your family's service, so sorry for their suffering.
Thank you for reminding everyone of these things Helen. We are all family.
So why did the Arlington Cemetery authorities not stop Trump and his entourage? He is a civilan with no special right to bend their rules.
He's a bully, plain and simple.
He should have been arrested.
Saw this post on X:
Arlington Cemetary confirmed to NPR that a report had been filed about the attack on cemetery staff. The Trump campaign broke federal law by staging a political event at one of the country's oldest national cemeteries and then attacked a member of the cemetery staff.
I think he threatens people. They become scared and they give in.
But he is just a man (well not a real man) who gets away with everything! He needs to go to prison! They reported that his people pushed aside the worker who tried to keep them out. Bully power as usual! The National Guard should have been there to prevent this ridiculous stunt! I hope this blows back negatively on trump and his "campaign"!
His staff used violence and threats with the staff member who tried to intervene. Te MSM, as usual, gave Trump a pass yesterday. The story is making its way out now. Trump campaign staff had altercation with official at Arlington Cemetery
I want him and his trolls to be arrested 😡 Anyone who pulled the stunt he just did would have been arrested ! Especially after what he said about our veterans 😡 He is a total Disgrace to our country 😡 Disrespectful 💩💩💩 Arrest him and his trolls they are ignored the rules of the cemetery and had No right to be there and to assault the cemetery staff and take pictures which are Not Allowed with his thumb up and a disgusting smile on his face 🤮🤮🤮😡😡😡😡😡😡Arrest them All 😡😡
May be democrats can use this to create a tv ad, so people know how bad he is?
People already know, his cult members just don't care.
I keep thinking I can use facts to convince my trumper relatives. But as Sheri noted - they just don't care. He's their guy and can do no wrong.
Thanks for the specifics
I am so sick of trump getting away with every evil thing he does. He has the SC now saying he shouldn't be prosecuted for anything he did as president. This desecration at Arlington Cemetary should never have been allowed, but trump is a bully who orders others to do what he won't do for himself. He must be stopped! When he loses this election, he should just fade into oblivion. Please, let's make him just go away!
He is not the president now. He should be treated like any other citizen. He should be arrested.
The guard tried to keep them out because campaigning is against the law there. True to form, they verbally abused the guard and shoved him aside and went in anyway.
Disgusting. He has never showed any respect for the law.
So, who, in their right mind would want him back in the White House! He has already gotten HIS Supreme Court to say he can do whatever he wants when he is president!
Unfortunately there are many people who are not bothered by his behavior. They actually want him to become POTUS again. I just don't understand why.
Sounds like an assault on a Federal government employee. That should be enough for charges.
You are not alone in those feelings. I honestly have never hated anyone until trump! My skin crawls if his voice comes on the TV. I cannot stand to look at that face! I usually turn away. I will watch the debate with Kamala though. If he shows up that is. I believe she will destroy him. He is ignorant and arrogant. Personally, I would like to see his mic turned off when it isn't his turn!
My experience as well. When his voice or face comes on tv, I’m instantly angry and shut the tv off quickly, otherwise I cuss at the tv like a grumpy loon. He is not good for my health, nor the health of this country. We need to just - shut him off - at the ballot box, once and for all. Future generations will analyze him like Hitler was analyzed, and they’ll wonder how their grandparents or great grandparents could have even elected someone like DT with zero qualifications and a toxic evil character that was devoid of a speck of integrity or goodness.
I don’t hate him, I don’t hate anyone. He has simply gone astray and it sounds like he has never had his feet on the right path. He is living out his karma and it looks like this lifetime may be the end of it.
He is creating, not burning, bad karma. Unfortunately, for the U.S. and the world. With his disordered mind, he has no interest in truth or reality. He is not an innocent. Not wanting to see his face or hear his lies, does not equal hatred. I just have an aversion to him, and anyone who lies, cheats and steals, as he has done all his life. I get to choose who I have in my life, but I don’t have control over media, and unfortunately, his mug, evil words, and all the blind sheep that follow him, are everywhere. It is nauseating, and it is seriously damaging to this country. No offense to sweet innocent sheep. Baaaaaaa.🐑
Kimberly, you absolutely nailed how so many of us are feeling about the orange smear. He is beyond detestable! We need to use that anger to get out and speak for electing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in November. I know I am working harder than ever to get out the vote! Vote blue, America!
Same. Every word you wrote here.
I have a strong feeling he’s gonna lose. And if he starts another January 6th episode, take him out!!!
Mary, I hope you feel better soon. Sorry to add to your pain but what NPR is reporting tonight will make all of us sick but sadly not surprised.
“Two members of Donald Trump's campaign staff had a verbal and physical altercation Monday with an official at Arlington National Cemetery, where the former president participated in a wreath-laying ceremony, NPR has learned.”
“When the cemetery official tried to prevent Trump campaign staff from entering Section 60, campaign staff verbally abused and pushed the official aside, according to the source.”
The Arlington official HAS to have police called only charges for assault against any campaign personnel who got physical with the Arlington official! THIS is illegal actions on the part of Trump’s staff and HAS to be pursued
Arlington said they had filed a report, but no specifics. I want them all tossed in jail and never allowed into Arlington again!
Thanks! Glad they did something…now who follows up?!! Be great if in midst of campaigning those two staffers were charged w “common assault “ and spent a night at least in jail waiting for Trump to bail them out!! Could be a long night of the soul!
Do these actions by trump and his " goons" bring to mind the good old days of the Mafia.???
I had heard that but not on mainstream media of course. Is that not assault? Why weren't they arrested as anyone else would have been? Trump and his goons continue to do whatever they want but they are enabled by the various layers of law enforcement that won't do anything about it.
"Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate's campaign," according to the statement. "Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants." Per NPR.
The law about Arlington National Cemetery not being used for partisan purposes is one of the many laws DonOLD has broken. If he were indicted for all the laws he’s broken, the rap sheet would be miles long . He’s a habitual criminal.
This needs to be more widely reported! I had not heard.
I read it here. Otherwise I wouldn’t have known.
The tv spot I saw did not mention it was illegal activity. I copypasted Arlington's statement on each Youtube video showing him there.
I just read that NPR piece. Disgraceful.
Nothing like assault to burnish a campaign
Props for Donald being true to form. There is comfort in his being predictable.
There is some comfort but that predictably does not seem to hurt him in any way.
About Afghanistan:
Afghanistan Withdrawal Facts:
Trump not Biden Negotiated directly with the Taliban terrorists and excluded the Afghan army.
Trump not Biden Drew down US forces from 13,000 to 2,500, making them vulnerable to attack.
Trump not Biden Ordered the release of 5,000
Taliban fighters from prison, one of whom would become the new leader of Afghanistan.
Trump not Biden Wanted to invite the Taliban leaders to Camp David on the anniversary of September 11th. Seriously.
Trump not Biden Agreed to a May 1st exit from Afghanistan, then bragged that he didn't need an exit strategy.
Trump not Biden Refused to brief Biden's incoming team on the situation in Afghanistan.
Trump not Biden Shut down every airbase in Afghanistan except one, crippling the US's ability to extract its assets safely.
Pay attention to facts, not the lies .
And then to have the gall to blame Kamala for the Afghanistan withdrawal HE caused is ... I just don't have the words.
He has done it again and again, accusing others of the crimes he has committed.
Fucked up!!!!
Oh, just dawned on me you’re Canadian and this Afghanistan/Trump b.s. didn’t get past you. Even more impressive. Thank you neighbor and friend. As Joyce Vance always says “We’re in this together”.
All accurate! Plus, how could Biden know the Afghan government would collapse within a few days after we spent hundreds of millions of dollars training and equipping the Afghan military?
This material needs to be used by the Harris campaign to create tv ads and talk about this incessantly to let people know what he is. Some still won’t believe but we need 10-20 percent I think to win the swing states.
Thank you for this recap. Well done. This should be out there somewhere for all to be reminded. Anyone have ideas or ability to do that? DT set all that up deliberately for Biden to have to trip over. Disgusting.
Never understood how much of America managed to completely miss those facts. I don’t recall MSM trying to straighten that out either. Unless it was on a day(s) when I was so fed up that I ignored the news for a bit. I was tired of my annoyance meter pegged over on maximum. Have no idea how news anchors keep from having constant high blood pressure.
I shared this on my Facebook so others will know this. I hope you don’t mind that I posted it there.
Many thanks for the litany of truth
Thank you for summarizing it so well.
Thank you for that great summary. What an indictment!
Congrats on your new book Mary! Looking forward to reading it. On another note, Donald is a pathetic little man who needs a fake photo op to stimulate his pathetic followers to make him feel large. According to NPR, they reported that Trump’s campaign staffers physically assaulted officials at the Arlington National Cemetery after they tried to prevent them from filming and photographing the burial site for campaign ads.
I’m sure we all remember his photo stunt in Washington DC with the Bible.
Let us never forget that Trump is willing to mow down anyone in his path in order to get front page news!😡
Every time you think he couldn’t go any lower, down he goes again. Now I’m reading there was an altercation with his staff because of the rule against political campaigning on sacred ground.
Mary, conserve your strength! You’ll need it.
He might as well have pissed on their graves
He probably did.
I cannot understand how Arlington could have allowed cheetoskin to stage this. Rules set by the cemetery clearly state partisan actions are not allowed there. That’s about as partisan as you can get during an election year. Another action that he is allowed to conduct where he doesn’t follow the rules. Any service member who CANNOT see through this charade with disgust truly is a cult member without any hope of redemption.
How does he do anything that he does? He does whatever he wants, disregarding rules, laws and barriers of any kind without consequence. And avoiding all those convictions and indictments is the only reason he's running now - to avoid yet more consequences and to continue to do what the rest of us can't. A truly despicable bottom feeder without any redeeming features. Feel better soon Mary.
Everytime I think he will get caught, it never happens. Why? I would like to know.
Oh he gets caught, it's just that nothing is done about it. I gave up believing that he will ever be punished for his many, many crimes long ago.
....but hope springs eternal!
As it turned out I heard a report this am that a MAGA campaign official actually physically assaulted an Arlington cemetery employees lover who tried to enforce the law. Yep, the law and order cult. They should all go to hell!
Trump staffers bullied their way in: Arlington security staffers did attempt to stop them.
Cheetoskin indeed
As an honorably discharged Vietnam Era veteran of the U. S. Navy, watching the news clips of your uncle at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday made my skin crawl! The hypocrisy was sickening, and that he is even able to be running for another term in office makes my blood boil! When Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are elected in November, I look forward to seeing our judicial process getting back into action to prosecute, convict and sentence Trump to many years in a Federal Prison for being the treasonous traitor that he is. Then we can move forward with our democracy!
We will need a complete overhaul of the SCOTUS. As long as the current one is in power it will hard to see justice where Trump is concerned.
Thank you for your service! Yes, DT must be especially infuriating for you given his disregard and disrespect for military and the world of intelligence services. We have clearly reached the boundaries of what our founding fathers anticipated and tried to safeguard. They just couldn’t imagine something as insane and foul as DT. It is indeed absurd that DT is allowed to run for office again.
What makes me even sadder is that the family looks just pleased as punch to have him there. I can’t imagine.
I noticed that and it just sinks me that they would have so little regard for their family member that they’d participate in a cheap campaign photo op. Couldn’t they grasp what was happening?
I agree with you. That’s the mentality of the people who are voting first that POS. They have no brains!!!
They truly are despicable, as Hillary said.
I am friends with someone who is close friends with that family - they love him because Trump kept in touch with them 'often', she said, after Sgt. Gee was killed. They say that he is the 'only one' who contacted them after her death and consoled them so they are big fans. They were very happy to have him there at her graveside. Go figure. I read an article (an ABC report, I think?) that Biden met with all of the families, and that her family and a couple of others claim that Biden was selfish, only talked about his sadness about his own son dying, and kept looking at his watch. It's hard for me to imagine that, but since I wasn't there... so who knows. If they love Trump so much, they may have hated Biden to begin with and been biased? Hard to know. I don't want to negate their feelings.
Yes, Biden called the woman whose husband was killed in the attempt on Trump's life. She did not want to speak to him.
It’s sad to hear President Biden was, in the reported Memorial Ceremony lost in his own sorrow. Yes it was inappropriate, a painful shock. More than a disappoint to the family. There’s no excuse, none. If I were the greiving, It would crush me, anger.
Only reality, the likely possibility: human overwhelm, even In a president, who’s been strong, too long, too often. Maybe, he’s got PTSD surfaced, at Very wrong time. When I was able to reflect, my empathy for him as a human who’s lost too many, loved ones. Got triggered, too. Yes, Support, it was time he retired.
Also, I hope you fully recover soon!
Fascinating photo of Trump at Arlington—the thumbs up, the grin, surrounded by equally grinning women (mourners?): Suckers and Losers for Trump!
The grin is so fake!!!!!
And devoid of actual joy, but is full of hate and disdain
I avoid seeing his photos or tv appearances whenever I can. Can't stand him.
Makes me wonder if they are actually family, or if his staff rounded up a few tourists and paid them fifty bucks each to pose.
No, they were real family. Just members of his cult.
Yes. My first cousin is one of the soldiers buried in that cemetery. He was born in the U.S., grew up in Canada. Then when he was old enough he went back to the U.S. to do his service. Was killed in action in Vietnam on his second round. He is still honoured in my hometown on east cost of Canada.
First off Marry I hope you feel better soon. I tried taking those meds but I couldn't. The taste in my mouth tasted like someone had died. It was awful! Donald is a very sick man as you know and I don't understand how anyone in the military could vote for him. I am retired Army and all of my friends are voting for Harris. I give to your fund for the Dems monthly and I want to thank you for all that you do.
Thank you for your service.
My Covid and paxlovid experience was exactly that. a different symptom every day but add a 30lb dog glued to me the entire time.
Get well soon
Dog was helping. They have special powers :)
Tying Harris to the Afghanistan Terri’s bomb is beyond ridiculous in that Donald Trump made the agreement with the Taliban and wanted to pull out sooner and had diluted almost all our intelligence capabilities leaving 2500 soldiers to protect an airlift out of Afghanistan. President Biden went through with the evacuation ( the most successful airlift in history) based on the premise that once the US negotiated an agreement to maintain international trust the US must fulfill its part of the agreement. What did people expect when the 300K afghan army crumbles. The fault is with Donald Trump.