What an incredible vacation and one that was truly earned. Rest up and we'll be here when you're ready to hit "go".

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Thank you, Mary, for your beautiful vacation pictures and telling us about your trip! 💙 😀

I am glad that you and your daughter are safe back in the U.S. 💙

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Mary, thank you for the little synopsis, complete with incredible photos, of your amazing vacation. Sounds like a complete opposite life than you've been living--exactly what you needed! Exciting news that The Nerd Avengers are returning. I can't tell you what that means to me!!

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It's so wonderful to hear from you! Thanks for the magnificent pictures, and thanks for — you know — not getting caught up in a lava flow! Your voice is so important to me and to the world, especially during this freaking frightening time!

Rest up and be well!

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Wow awesome catch on that lava 🌋 what are the odds. Rest up it’s going to be a long nine months.

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Nothing like the prospect of being engulfed in molten lava to put political apocalypse (even as dire as ours) into perspective. Just wow. I was going to ask, right 'til I got to the part about the geotherm

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Wow! Impressive vacation, all of it!

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I missed you in my inbox and then remembered where you were! What an adventure! Get some rest...we'll be here when you get back to writing.

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Thank you for the update, I am glad you took some time for yourself, you so deserve it, Daughter? I didn't know you had kids, course that's really none of my business. Really happy to hear from you again, I was getting worried that maybe one of the thugs got to you, na na na they didn't! Thanks for sharing the photos.

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AMAZING photos. It's like visiting another planet. Welcome back to the fecal storm.

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Velkomin Heim María! Gott að fá þig aftur

Welcome Home Mary! GOOD to have you back!

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Once you said Iceland I began to wonder if you were near the volcano. Ran across an article about it and where they expected it to erupt along the fault line. The photos of both events are amazing. Glad you got to enjoy some mother/daughter time. We’ll be waiting when you post again.

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Please don't ever feel that you need to apologize for taking a much deserved vacation. Speaking for myself but I'm sure others feel the same, we missed you! Knowing you were far away from the daily shit show and chaos made it easier as well as knowing you would be back.

The photos are gorgeous and what an experience to share with your daughter.

I, for one, look forward to your updates on everything but do not push yourself to exhaustion as I suspect you did prior to your trip.

Thank you, Mary, and welcome home.

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Mary, that was wonderful! So happy for you and your daughter to have such an amazing time together!

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When I was in the Navy I spent a week in Iceland. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you dear one!!!

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