God damn everyone better show up at the polls in force. For the sake of our mental health I can’t take these jerk offs much more. Trump has to go. He just has to.
The stress is real! Please attend to healthy stress relief and mental health practices. Our mental health is our responsibility. (It's surely not the concern of the FL felon or those who fund him.) Breathe, exercise, eat well. Be well! We need all of us after we win!
Earlier in the week, I thought I was losing it! Mental health became primary. A day+ away from election news, inc. the devastation in my home state of North Carolina & beloved first cousins, unable to communicate from just east of Asheville, brought perspective.
BUT the debate was another horrific mess in these days & weeks surrounding us.
* Vance's seeming politeness and civility was Truly Disgusting...a farce of epic proportions. His lies reached 3 figures according to Mary's count! Answer questions? Ha!
* Walz, naturally nice, polite, courteous and accurate (mostly), would have been reduced to being the 'bad guy' if he had called Vance on his mannerliness and buddy-buddy agreements.
* Walz's presentations of policies provided what Vance didn't. Walz brought up Trump's failings, lies, ignorance (yes, that, too) from djt's presidential years and the revelations we see & know plus other events including that he's now a felon.
Thank you, Tim Walz, for being in political spotlight of Tuesday night's debate. You and Kamala DO have my vote!!
Betty I live in NC and although I don’t live near the mountains I spend a considerable amount of time there. This hurricane has rocked me to the core. Along with the election it is taking a toll on me. Kamala and Tim bring normalcy to me. My biggest hope is that they will win this election. I knew things would be rocky but the utter insanity of people normalizing insanity has me in a mental state I’ve never experienced. It appears many others feel the same.
I know several elderly folks whose anxiety levels are close to putting them in the hospital. They have lived long enough to have seen the USA involved in wars- justified and not- they’ve lived through recessions, the Great Depression, productive legislatures and completely unproductive ones, pivotal moments when much in society changed. That wisdom has brought them amazing perspective, but this moment in their lives is something many of them can’t see beyond. They’ve lost confidence that they might never see a recognizable USA again if Kamala and Walz don’t prevail.
The most troubling thing is how they adopt “patriotism,” and “non-violence” as their own while continuing to be distinctly unpatriotic and violent. This is how they play with our minds!
Wes. thank you for your response...and its content.Truly understand and relate to this reply and your original post gave me the push (perhaps courage?) to write.
Noting that you're a yoga teacher ... I'll share that this past Monday my day was spent with yogic breathing repeatedly. Time away from the news...added more help.
Your words 'this hurricane has rocked me to the core' resonate as well.
Helene. This out of sync election. Such devastation to our state. Safety of my beloved 1st cousins. Devastation of western NC places treasured & long-important to my immediate family, reaching back to mid-1920s until this very moment.
Human tragedies. Like you I'm shaken. Our natural world. Our world. You'd be able to add to this list, Wes.
Yet even in these topsy-turvy days which seem to be omnipresent ...
Tonight think of us in Frisco NC at Community Yoga where I’m conducting a sound bath from 6 until 7 PM EST for the Blue Ridge that’s energy will hopefully spread from the group of friends who are giving money and their hearts to those who so desperately need us in this strange and desperate moment. Our gong will ring and my banjo will play the music to sooth the mountain laurels up and down the mountain side. To hear the song of the cool mountain water and the spirits that reside inside. Meditate with us Betty. 🙏❤️🙏 🙏 Namaste
My heart and prayers are with you !! I live no where near your situation but I have covid for the 5th time and I need to stay well to make sure my friends who do not believe in Kamala change their minds 💙💙🙋🏻♀️
I dedicate my practice of yoga each day to you & to all of those suffering in those beautiful lands. Have been to Asheville, Chimney Rock~ land of the Hickory Trail & last of the Mohicans & Biltmore, among so many other amazing towns in those beautiful lands. We were just there visiting relatives just last month & my heart breaks each day for all that people are going through. The foodbank in our town is sending thousands to that area as we look for opportunities to help from Oregon.
My daughter, her partner and their 2 yo son live 20 miles from Asheville. Their house is on a hill, so they were ok. One car had a full tank; they had food, water and flashlights stockpiled. They also had cash on hand which is very important in our credit card dependent world. They didn’t have power for three days but were able to call us because AT&T transmits through the only remaining cell tower.
They’re safe, but their neighbors lower on the hill are not so lucky. There’s a lot of flooding and downed power lines.
And JD Vance and trump don’t take climate change seriously!!
All Vance proved was he has the talents to make an actor, he needs to switch careers, try Hollywood, he’s got the potential to be a successful “character” actor, ‘cause that’s the Only character he’s got. He’s so slick he can move from one persona to another in the blink of an eye. That’s dangerous, dirty, shady, reprehensible, in a position. A Major Red Flag of Untrustworthy, lack of Integrity not suitable in Government Leadership. But a valuable asset in an actor on stage or screen, leading to highly
lucrative Career.
Problem is, JD’s been bit by the heady temptations of Power, and backed by wealthy benefactors, who’ve fed his Ego. He’s got a swelled head now, in more ways than one. Physiological and emotionally, he’s so full of himself, that taste of power has become his master. To the detriment of his countrymen. He’s already allowed his temptation to turn him fully around to betray himself. Once a man’s made that pact with the devil, the odds aren’t good, he’ll ever return once he’s made the pact with his lower self.
Gee. and I’ve been being really hard on myself for over-reacting! A lot of us seem to be experiencing anxiety and dread.
Another thing is the huge disparity in polls. Kamala “seems” to be ahead over trump by 2 points-which is insignificant b/c it’s within the margin of error. Then there have been reports that she is 11-15 points ahead nationwide. I think I’m going to take Nate Silver’s advice to ignore the polls. Either they are not choosing representative samples or the “corporate news” is playing with us. Or both.
I'm gen-X, my extended family abandoned landlines 12 years ago and have only had cellphones since (financial reasons). Nobody answers unless we know the caller. I have to wonder how many others are the same and how much it skews the results. Provided the polls are honest in the first place.
AMEN! If I wasn’t sober from it for 8 1/2 years I’d be right with you, Julie! Everyday the urge gets stronger. It’s hard not to in this climate with the whole world in disarray.
For the next month, whatever happens with the dock strike, in the Middle East, Ukraine, and at the border, “don’t change the subject” is the right response. Donald Trump is unqualified to be president and very dangerous for every American and the world. In addition to his rapes, frauds, anti healthcare, anti reproductive rights, pro Putin, document stealing, Project 2025, insurrection, he promises violence with his mass deportations and retribution. History has vivid examples of how this works for the countries with such leaders. Every citizen in Germany and the Soviet Union suffered under Hitler and Stalin.
Kathleen, I’m betting many many of us know the horrendous grey of major depression that feels as if it will be permanent. I hope secretly-promise it will not. Plus the situation in our world now seems to be a black hole w the election coming like a bullet train, the explosion in the middle east plus Ukraine. What I am doing now is focusing on this moment in my life.
There’s lots to do here: some I enjoy, others I don’t much w decisions I’m loathe to make, and finally reading things I look forward to. I’m starting w one by one each getting my full attention. One step. One shrub, one bill, one laundry….
I wish you the best as someone who’s been there. 🤗
Hang on tight, Kathleen! I can empathize with you. This time of year, cold, dark, expensive holidays 3 months straight. Not good for my depression. It’s silly to say but please please throughout the day tell yourself a kind word about yourself. It’s hard to do but hang on. We need you in the world!!
He is breaking me down. I will vote. I am sick at.heart that even one person would vote for him and the fake hillbilly psychopath. There's a 44 foot foam nude Trump moving about the nation. Good artist. It was in las Vegas and Phoenix and now I don't know where it is.id like to know who paid for this. I'd like one in my yard. Supposedly 6000 pounds.
The electoral college needs to go away. We need to elec our president just like we elect everyone else. The one with the most votes wins. On another note, I'm still in shock that Trump is allowed to run. He's a lifelong criminal,convicted felon, traitor, and rapist. Blows my damn mind
Why would he succeed in a coup this time? This time we’re prepared for a coup. I hope we’re prepared for even worse. And this time Biden is president, not Trump. Despite rumors, Biden IS fit mentally and is aware of the potential dangers of transferring power.
There are right-wing, highly violent and MAGA supporting militias all across the US that are standing at the ready. Some have been making public threats already. My hope is that the National Guard has been put on alert. I worry that some voting sites may be very threatening given the claims of voting "being rigged" as DT and his sycophants are all crying/warning.
The “madman” has his ducks in a row. For example his attack on Ohio and Haitians. Look what just a few words did to Springfield. The lawsuit should be handled immediately but won’t be. He should be trusted with NOTHING. Everyone should be highly aware of what is going on in their areas. Inciting his people to violence is his game. His response will as usual be “ Well I didn’t do anything.”
They're prepared to handle the Capitol , where the votes will be officially accepted, with enough law enforcement presence. They can't possibly hold off all of the skullduggery that is in the works, and has been for (at least) months, to screw things up in the states. They're hoping to throw enough places into chaos to get the election thrown to the House or the Supreme Court or whatever it takes. We HAVE TO get rid of the Electoral College, but obviously that's not going to happen in time to save us next month.
So well said, Mary. Should be required reading for all voters.
I seriously doubt that tffg has the ability to cause another riot. There is a distinct lack of enthusiasm at his ego\hate rallies, almost no one showed up to his calls for protest at his trial, and the followers know that they were not successful and that they got arrested and dear leader did not.
I agree, Kim. What other employers would hire someone with the criminal record Trump has? Yet, he held the most important job in the country and may do so again (sometimes nightmares do come true.) This needs to change. We do need to get rid of the Electoral College votes. We no longer need them. I can understand why we had them initially, but those circumstances no longer exist. We also need to add justices to the Supreme Court. And, by the way, shouldn't the justices have to answer to someone somewhere when they are corrupt?
There are quite a number of countries a president of the U.S. would normally visit that don't allow felons in. Why aren't we seeing more about that and how he would deal with that aspect of things, God forbid he get back into the WH?
Even though I did not like last night's debate, either, I feel Kamala's and Tim's chances of winning the Electoral College has significantly improved after Jack Smith's document was released today.
One of the analyzers I heard today said that oftentimes, what fits into the news right away and what people find out about the debate first is what happens right at the end. So the timing for that was impeccable and it really did hit the news right away, before any other information about the rest of the debate did. And people see that.
Didn't see WAPO, but the MAGA Sycophant at the NY Times, Russ Douthat (or something like that) lauded Vance. I have a cheap online subscription to the NY Times, that I will be ending in December after the election, in part, for it's part in the public lynching of Claudine Gay. I previously had a subscription to WAPO that I ended a couple of years ago due to the writings of Mark A Theissen, a FOX troll. If Trump does get elected and nationalizes WAPO and the NY Times, I will applaud.
How in the name of all that's right can anyone really be undecided? Even if Kamala weren't the fabulous candidate she is, a dead tree stump would be preferable over the GOP nominee (may his name be erased).
I agree, but the fact is that many are blind to facts and truth, and therefore support Trump. He plays the crowd, and his sycophants fall in line and follow his music. When people choose to deny facts and truth, there is no telling what they are willing to vote for.
It is galling to listen to a good hearted person speak decently to someone personally detested, I agree. However, standing back in retrospect, I was clapping for WALZ many times throughout. He certainly came across as a decent sole with credibly tested ideas and above all one to be trusted and honourable. As far as I am concerned, anyone voting for Trump needs some serious declutter psychotherapy.
You’re so right and the jump in the polls proved it. But Walz was not as well known to the public as Vance and criterion #1 if you’re not well known is to first appear as a nice guy, the guy you can go out and have a beer with. Walz was caught between a rock and a hard place, which is why Vance could stay cool and get normalized. What a tough game politics is, especially when it’s nothing like a game in this election. It’s mortal combat.
I think Walz hit exactly the right notes. He made the case for electing himself and Harris. He clearly explicated the trump and GOP lies in a way most Americans can relate to. He explained how Harris and he would be better for the average person.
Everything JD VAnce said was a lie. Tim Walz is an honorable man, an excellent Governor and he will make a top-notch VP. TV debates are theater, especially when there's NO fact-checking.
However, there are TWO moments that will be given a lot of air play that will hurt Trump/Vance:
1) JD Vance lie that he NEVER supported a national ban on abortion.
2) JD Vance’s inability to answer who won the 2020 election and Walz’s response that was a non-answer.
This is how debate helps Harris/Vance. Both these issues will follow both Trump and Vance until election day ( I hope so! 🙏 )
We will beat them at the polls! Can’t wait to watch Trump and Vance lose epically to a woman of color. I can’t wait to wear this Kamala removes stubborn orange stains hoodie on November 5th! 👇
If I may, I will add another moment to the list: Vance’s protest that he thought the debate “wasn’t going to be fact-checked”. Ian’s another point when he was corrected by the moderator about the Springfield Haitian population. His mini hissy fit caused them to turn off the live mic. I think he doth protest too much…
But I did read an after debate rule list published by CNN or ABC that stated that moderators could turn off the mikes especially if the debate was going off the rails. So, ??
Exactly! Depending on any one person to turn the tide for everyone is an unreliable expectation. Each one of us gets to make our own moral choices every day. Something new is being born and it’s pretty dark in the womb before we begin to see the light. Walz plays the game with honour- Vance does not. Honour looks weak in the dark but shines in the light. The only safety is striving towards the good with each choice. We each make the light on this new path together 🕊️🫶🏼💙
Vance was on the campaign trail today insulting Walz and Harris. Just because he was able to pretend he was a normal person for one night, for 90 minutes doesn't mean everything else will be forgotten. No one will change their vote because Vance can give a good classroom performance. He's still weird, hates immigrants and is a misogynist. That won't change in this last month before the election. Considering the way Walz handled Vance about Jan. 6 and then Jack Smith's report being released today it will all come flooding back with full force. Most voters are on the side of democracy and even though most won't read the 160+ page report, they will read and hear about what's in it. Everyone should read the report, or skim it. It's well written and details all the criminal activity of Trump and his crew. It provides the timelines for everything, connects all the dots, and it makes clear that Trump was acting as a candidate (using private individuals, lawyers and campaign staff) which should mean Trump won't have immunity. The Supreme Court, assuming Harris/Walz win the election, won't hear this case until later next year but the damming evidence is public right now, a month before the election. Trump is freaking out on Truth Social and will be freaking out more and more. He'll keep drawing attention to Jan. 6 and this will hurt him politically with the majority of people who are not MAGA. Vote Blue
Even in the summing-up, when Walz gave a hopeful message, Vance could do nothing but robotically repeat his “Kamala awful” mantra. He is a horrible man.
You could probably google it or go to the Meidas Touch, they always have everything, I follow them on FB. Steve Schmidt is always putting issues on there.
Feisty is often good; and, Vance was smarmy and unctious. When your oponent is defeating himself don't stop him. I expected Vance to cackle insanely; toss his head back; and, rub his hands together in deranged glee as he told lie after lie. Walz actually showed stoic wisdom and used his deft light saber at the right moments in the debate! As Tim Walz often extols, we must leave all on field. We can and will win; and, it will take every last one of us!✨️💙✨️
I especially wanted him to clap back against Vance's insisting on referring to "the Harris Administration," and claiming that she made or destroyed Executive Orders. Vance proved himself to be a smarmy liar.
Excellent points All, but that's Tim Walz, just a basically Nice Guy!! Vance came across like a paid Actor, just reading off a script he'd already rehearst, lines.memorised. Damn that guy can Lie?! Thanks for checking in with us this evening, be well 💯👍🇺🇸💙🌊!
Mary, I saw the debate in a very similar way. The scariest thing I can imagine is for Donald to be elected and not be able to function. I really had hoped that we wouldn’t have to worry about Vance for 4-8 years.
The f-ing electoral college is unbelievably outdated and dangerous.
Michael Steele said today that Democrats had better “get off their a$$es and vote” and I pray they will. Vance is slimy but sometimes slime slides"… The electorate owes you an enormous debt for the difficult work you do and for your courage.
You nailed it, with Trump declining rapidly the odds would be his running mate, the “very green” inexperienced newbie, a Senator for only 2 yrs inheriting the Oval Office early into the fledgling administration, if “djt” managed to steal the election. The manipulators behind the scenes have been planning for that very scenario. The same cabal that produced the nefarious Project 2025, consists of some of the same cohorts who were responsible for Vance’s conversion from evangelical to the ultra conservative Roman Catholic cult.
Mary I totally agree with you. I was yelling at the TV when Walz missed those opportunities to attack his many lies. I didn’t recognise the man that rallied with Kamala those many times in front of thousands of people. It was as though he was neutered. Vance was debating for President as he knows Donald could drop dead soon after he takes office should we be so unfortunate to face such fate. He’s many times worse than Trump.
Walz lost so many chances to throw the things jerkydevilvillian said back into his face but he didn’t. The scowl on his face the whole time was not a good look. Where was the confident orator who seemed to be jovial, personable, and exciting to listen to? The moderators should’ve been fact checking in real time. It would’ve been a good way to knock that dipshit to the floor. It was a disappointing debate. For those who didn’t know either man, jerkydevilvillan was polished and personable even though WE know he’s full of shit. Walz looked defeated the moment he hit the stage. He truly needed some ooomph to propel him from sad sack to a polished style. He DID get some stingers in. One of my favorite answers was when dipshit said schools need more officers, locked doors, and stronger windows. I had to keep myself from puking. Anyway, my opinions however wrong they may seem to others. Overall, the evening was a disaster and shouldn’t even have taken place.
It’s my understanding that the rule of this debate was no fact checking was allowed. Why would Harris/Walz EVER agree to that is beyond me. Remember when the moderator fact checked Vance on something and Vance immediately jumped on him about the agreement to have no fact checking? Such BS. It should be a GIVEN that all parties will be fact checked. Period. That might keep things more honest.
Walz has a habit of frowning often. It definitely isn’t a good look, it seems to appear when he’s concentrating hard. The effect on viewers is off putting, appears to be a scowl. Challenging as it maybe, working with coaches to modify his habit will be beneficial.
Yeah, but I still give the benefit of the doubt to voters from all generations to see the stark difference between Harris Walz & Trump Vance these past 3 weeks. Polls also showed Indepenent voters both favored and chose Walz the winner 58% to Vance. I know we daily Politico Junkies still get freaked out by those Indies & Undecided voters, but they aren't 100% ignorant to what Walz did get across last night even with his Midwest Nice delivery - Amber & Abortion, Sometimes It Is Just The Guns, Springfield Haitian Attacks, Clear Opportunity Economy & Housing Plans, baiting Vance into "But The Rules Were No Fact Checking Me!"...and Coach Walz' 99 yard Touchdown run to end the game, dropping the nice and condemning Trump & Vance's Jan 6th Big Lie Insurrection DIRECTLY WITH AN IMMEDIATE VIRAL CLIP "That is a DAMNING NON-ANSWER!"...
*All of which so perfectly lined up with Jack Smith & Judge Chutkan's Jan6th Case Breakdown Revised with MASSIVE 77 CO-CONSPITATORS (named thank you!) the day following Walz' KO on Vance that ended the debate.
I admire your optimism, but I am afraid it's unwarranted. There are far too many people who blindly and ignorantly support Trump. I pray you are right, but I am afraid you might not be.
Then "Do Something!" with that anxiety, like Michelle said at the DNC! Since Biden v Trump CNN Debate at least once a week I've been postcarding, letter writing, donating, and now Phonebanking this last stretch in Oct. for Harris Walz! Stressing out with fear over a VP debate does this Big Tent party any good. Turnout turnout turnout is our weapon vs the thousands of lies told by Trump Vance :)
*if you need some inspiration/direction for these last few weeks subscribe to Simon Rosenberg's Hopium Chronicles - lots of groundwork GOTV duties that can use all the help they can get this final push! We got this!
I just want to say one thing: lies told well, are still lies. J.D. Vance is a total fake. Without Peter Thiel and Donny Dearest, he'd just be a guy who wrote a really crappy book.
Vance is not stupid. He knows exactly what kind of man Trump is. He knows what Trump did to Pence. I think Vance has the same kind of character that Trump has. If Trump wins, I think Vance will eventually put together a 25th amendment maneuver to oust him and become president.
Walz set the tone right away...the way forward is working together for good solutions. Not that JD is worthy of working with but.....We will win by fighting for it. Even if we lose we'll fight until we win!
God damn everyone better show up at the polls in force. For the sake of our mental health I can’t take these jerk offs much more. Trump has to go. He just has to.
Couldn’t agree with you more strongly. It’s keeping me up at night.😢
Me, too. My stress level is through the roof! We’ve got to get Kamala into the White House before my brain bursts.
Great post !!
Thank you for your kind thoughts I feel stronger everyday !!
The stress is real! Please attend to healthy stress relief and mental health practices. Our mental health is our responsibility. (It's surely not the concern of the FL felon or those who fund him.) Breathe, exercise, eat well. Be well! We need all of us after we win!
Me too !! I have Covid so I am up anyway I go between crying and saying bad words I am sure my neighbours want me to move !!!!
Be calm and rest up! Take good care. This will pass soon?
Thank you so much I feel like the biggest baby When I think of the families who lost family, friends in the path of the huricane
You aren’t a baby! A lot of us feel the same way!
Feel better soon, Roxanne!
Earlier in the week, I thought I was losing it! Mental health became primary. A day+ away from election news, inc. the devastation in my home state of North Carolina & beloved first cousins, unable to communicate from just east of Asheville, brought perspective.
BUT the debate was another horrific mess in these days & weeks surrounding us.
* Vance's seeming politeness and civility was Truly Disgusting...a farce of epic proportions. His lies reached 3 figures according to Mary's count! Answer questions? Ha!
* Walz, naturally nice, polite, courteous and accurate (mostly), would have been reduced to being the 'bad guy' if he had called Vance on his mannerliness and buddy-buddy agreements.
* Walz's presentations of policies provided what Vance didn't. Walz brought up Trump's failings, lies, ignorance (yes, that, too) from djt's presidential years and the revelations we see & know plus other events including that he's now a felon.
Thank you, Tim Walz, for being in political spotlight of Tuesday night's debate. You and Kamala DO have my vote!!
Betty I live in NC and although I don’t live near the mountains I spend a considerable amount of time there. This hurricane has rocked me to the core. Along with the election it is taking a toll on me. Kamala and Tim bring normalcy to me. My biggest hope is that they will win this election. I knew things would be rocky but the utter insanity of people normalizing insanity has me in a mental state I’ve never experienced. It appears many others feel the same.
I know several elderly folks whose anxiety levels are close to putting them in the hospital. They have lived long enough to have seen the USA involved in wars- justified and not- they’ve lived through recessions, the Great Depression, productive legislatures and completely unproductive ones, pivotal moments when much in society changed. That wisdom has brought them amazing perspective, but this moment in their lives is something many of them can’t see beyond. They’ve lost confidence that they might never see a recognizable USA again if Kamala and Walz don’t prevail.
The lies the “other side” tells!
The most troubling thing is how they adopt “patriotism,” and “non-violence” as their own while continuing to be distinctly unpatriotic and violent. This is how they play with our minds!
Wes. thank you for your response...and its content.Truly understand and relate to this reply and your original post gave me the push (perhaps courage?) to write.
Noting that you're a yoga teacher ... I'll share that this past Monday my day was spent with yogic breathing repeatedly. Time away from the news...added more help.
Your words 'this hurricane has rocked me to the core' resonate as well.
Helene. This out of sync election. Such devastation to our state. Safety of my beloved 1st cousins. Devastation of western NC places treasured & long-important to my immediate family, reaching back to mid-1920s until this very moment.
Human tragedies. Like you I'm shaken. Our natural world. Our world. You'd be able to add to this list, Wes.
Yet even in these topsy-turvy days which seem to be omnipresent ...
... Gratitude surrounds me. Betty
Tonight think of us in Frisco NC at Community Yoga where I’m conducting a sound bath from 6 until 7 PM EST for the Blue Ridge that’s energy will hopefully spread from the group of friends who are giving money and their hearts to those who so desperately need us in this strange and desperate moment. Our gong will ring and my banjo will play the music to sooth the mountain laurels up and down the mountain side. To hear the song of the cool mountain water and the spirits that reside inside. Meditate with us Betty. 🙏❤️🙏 🙏 Namaste
My heart and prayers are with you !! I live no where near your situation but I have covid for the 5th time and I need to stay well to make sure my friends who do not believe in Kamala change their minds 💙💙🙋🏻♀️
Namaste' dear Wes ~
I dedicate my practice of yoga each day to you & to all of those suffering in those beautiful lands. Have been to Asheville, Chimney Rock~ land of the Hickory Trail & last of the Mohicans & Biltmore, among so many other amazing towns in those beautiful lands. We were just there visiting relatives just last month & my heart breaks each day for all that people are going through. The foodbank in our town is sending thousands to that area as we look for opportunities to help from Oregon.
My daughter, her partner and their 2 yo son live 20 miles from Asheville. Their house is on a hill, so they were ok. One car had a full tank; they had food, water and flashlights stockpiled. They also had cash on hand which is very important in our credit card dependent world. They didn’t have power for three days but were able to call us because AT&T transmits through the only remaining cell tower.
They’re safe, but their neighbors lower on the hill are not so lucky. There’s a lot of flooding and downed power lines.
And JD Vance and trump don’t take climate change seriously!!
Sheila, so happy to know your family is safe!
Thank you! So nice of you!!
Wes, do you have a place to stay? Food & water? So sorry so many have been hit hard by Helene. 🙏
Yes I’m good thanks
Mary needs to take us on as patients !! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Did any cult members notice he avoided answering who won the election ?? Probably not, how sad!!
All Vance proved was he has the talents to make an actor, he needs to switch careers, try Hollywood, he’s got the potential to be a successful “character” actor, ‘cause that’s the Only character he’s got. He’s so slick he can move from one persona to another in the blink of an eye. That’s dangerous, dirty, shady, reprehensible, in a position. A Major Red Flag of Untrustworthy, lack of Integrity not suitable in Government Leadership. But a valuable asset in an actor on stage or screen, leading to highly
lucrative Career.
Problem is, JD’s been bit by the heady temptations of Power, and backed by wealthy benefactors, who’ve fed his Ego. He’s got a swelled head now, in more ways than one. Physiological and emotionally, he’s so full of himself, that taste of power has become his master. To the detriment of his countrymen. He’s already allowed his temptation to turn him fully around to betray himself. Once a man’s made that pact with the devil, the odds aren’t good, he’ll ever return once he’s made the pact with his lower self.
I pretty much can't take it anymore either - my anxiety is so high and I'm losing so much sleep
Gee. and I’ve been being really hard on myself for over-reacting! A lot of us seem to be experiencing anxiety and dread.
Another thing is the huge disparity in polls. Kamala “seems” to be ahead over trump by 2 points-which is insignificant b/c it’s within the margin of error. Then there have been reports that she is 11-15 points ahead nationwide. I think I’m going to take Nate Silver’s advice to ignore the polls. Either they are not choosing representative samples or the “corporate news” is playing with us. Or both.
I'm gen-X, my extended family abandoned landlines 12 years ago and have only had cellphones since (financial reasons). Nobody answers unless we know the caller. I have to wonder how many others are the same and how much it skews the results. Provided the polls are honest in the first place.
I hate the media right now!!
Sanewashing should be a felony. It may end our democracy.
I think I’m going to take Nate Silver’s advice to ignore the polls.
Ignore Nate Silver’s polls! Warning to heed!
I'm thinking about starting to smoke pot to chill.......it's a joke but not really.
AMEN! If I wasn’t sober from it for 8 1/2 years I’d be right with you, Julie! Everyday the urge gets stronger. It’s hard not to in this climate with the whole world in disarray.
I’ll ignore all of it if you will!
For the next month, whatever happens with the dock strike, in the Middle East, Ukraine, and at the border, “don’t change the subject” is the right response. Donald Trump is unqualified to be president and very dangerous for every American and the world. In addition to his rapes, frauds, anti healthcare, anti reproductive rights, pro Putin, document stealing, Project 2025, insurrection, he promises violence with his mass deportations and retribution. History has vivid examples of how this works for the countries with such leaders. Every citizen in Germany and the Soviet Union suffered under Hitler and Stalin.
“Don’t change the subject!!!!”
I'm struggling with major depression anyway so this is very bad.
Kathleen, I’m betting many many of us know the horrendous grey of major depression that feels as if it will be permanent. I hope secretly-promise it will not. Plus the situation in our world now seems to be a black hole w the election coming like a bullet train, the explosion in the middle east plus Ukraine. What I am doing now is focusing on this moment in my life.
There’s lots to do here: some I enjoy, others I don’t much w decisions I’m loathe to make, and finally reading things I look forward to. I’m starting w one by one each getting my full attention. One step. One shrub, one bill, one laundry….
I wish you the best as someone who’s been there. 🤗
Great post !!💙🙋🏻♀️
Kathleen - Please take samani's suggestions to heart! Take care of yourself. We got you! You are not alone in all of this upset.
Hang on tight, Kathleen! I can empathize with you. This time of year, cold, dark, expensive holidays 3 months straight. Not good for my depression. It’s silly to say but please please throughout the day tell yourself a kind word about yourself. It’s hard to do but hang on. We need you in the world!!
Sending hugs & love. Keep going, with you if I read or watch to much news. Walks & nature are comforting , but also my home hasn’t washed away…
It does really help our mental health when the things Trump says just fade from the national conversation like they did early in Biden's term.
After a while, you just get numb to it
I hope
He is breaking me down. I will vote. I am sick at.heart that even one person would vote for him and the fake hillbilly psychopath. There's a 44 foot foam nude Trump moving about the nation. Good artist. It was in las Vegas and Phoenix and now I don't know where it is.id like to know who paid for this. I'd like one in my yard. Supposedly 6000 pounds.
So true it really comes down to us, as usual !!
The electoral college needs to go away. We need to elec our president just like we elect everyone else. The one with the most votes wins. On another note, I'm still in shock that Trump is allowed to run. He's a lifelong criminal,convicted felon, traitor, and rapist. Blows my damn mind
I agree with you. He should never be running again. Once was more than enough. Those years were the longest ever.
Once was once too many!
This seems tougher somehow. Maybe because we lived with at jackass for four years already?
I am hoping that President Biden has prepared for another coup because it feels inevitable that Trump will do it again this election should he lose.
Why would he succeed in a coup this time? This time we’re prepared for a coup. I hope we’re prepared for even worse. And this time Biden is president, not Trump. Despite rumors, Biden IS fit mentally and is aware of the potential dangers of transferring power.
There are right-wing, highly violent and MAGA supporting militias all across the US that are standing at the ready. Some have been making public threats already. My hope is that the National Guard has been put on alert. I worry that some voting sites may be very threatening given the claims of voting "being rigged" as DT and his sycophants are all crying/warning.
Agree totally.
The “madman” has his ducks in a row. For example his attack on Ohio and Haitians. Look what just a few words did to Springfield. The lawsuit should be handled immediately but won’t be. He should be trusted with NOTHING. Everyone should be highly aware of what is going on in their areas. Inciting his people to violence is his game. His response will as usual be “ Well I didn’t do anything.”
YUP YUP! Has put my hometown in a tizzy. The bastsrd!
They're prepared to handle the Capitol , where the votes will be officially accepted, with enough law enforcement presence. They can't possibly hold off all of the skullduggery that is in the works, and has been for (at least) months, to screw things up in the states. They're hoping to throw enough places into chaos to get the election thrown to the House or the Supreme Court or whatever it takes. We HAVE TO get rid of the Electoral College, but obviously that's not going to happen in time to save us next month.
So well said, Mary. Should be required reading for all voters.
I seriously doubt that tffg has the ability to cause another riot. There is a distinct lack of enthusiasm at his ego\hate rallies, almost no one showed up to his calls for protest at his trial, and the followers know that they were not successful and that they got arrested and dear leader did not.
I think the next coup will be in the courts, not in the capitol. Fortunately, democrats are gearing up for this too but the situation is treacherous.
Maybe you need to shut up and take a deep fucking breath or ten.
To whom are you speaking, Kim? Can you make your point without swearing? What, exactly, is your point? Thank you.
Are you a Magat?
Wha?? Huh?? Who are you?! You’re in the wrong place. Byeeeee
I agree, Kim. What other employers would hire someone with the criminal record Trump has? Yet, he held the most important job in the country and may do so again (sometimes nightmares do come true.) This needs to change. We do need to get rid of the Electoral College votes. We no longer need them. I can understand why we had them initially, but those circumstances no longer exist. We also need to add justices to the Supreme Court. And, by the way, shouldn't the justices have to answer to someone somewhere when they are corrupt?
There are quite a number of countries a president of the U.S. would normally visit that don't allow felons in. Why aren't we seeing more about that and how he would deal with that aspect of things, God forbid he get back into the WH?
I was responding to Kim Boyd. Kim Kaliszewski - not sure what that is all about.
Thank you, Mary. 💙
Even though I did not like last night's debate, either, I feel Kamala's and Tim's chances of winning the Electoral College has significantly improved after Jack Smith's document was released today.
I agree, and I have a feeling Walz’s best line about Vance giving a damnable non-answer, will be what’s remembered most, given today’s news.
One of the analyzers I heard today said that oftentimes, what fits into the news right away and what people find out about the debate first is what happens right at the end. So the timing for that was impeccable and it really did hit the news right away, before any other information about the rest of the debate did. And people see that.
Yes! What wonderful timing. Thanks to Jack Smith & the judge Chukan.
Yes, yes, yes!!
If only! But I don’t think anyone’s mind will be changed.
Read WaPo yesterday about the undecided leaning voters. I've never seen more confused people anywhere.
Undecideds are decideds who just don’t know it yet
Didn't see WAPO, but the MAGA Sycophant at the NY Times, Russ Douthat (or something like that) lauded Vance. I have a cheap online subscription to the NY Times, that I will be ending in December after the election, in part, for it's part in the public lynching of Claudine Gay. I previously had a subscription to WAPO that I ended a couple of years ago due to the writings of Mark A Theissen, a FOX troll. If Trump does get elected and nationalizes WAPO and the NY Times, I will applaud.
But undecideds….
How in the name of all that's right can anyone really be undecided? Even if Kamala weren't the fabulous candidate she is, a dead tree stump would be preferable over the GOP nominee (may his name be erased).
I agree, but the fact is that many are blind to facts and truth, and therefore support Trump. He plays the crowd, and his sycophants fall in line and follow his music. When people choose to deny facts and truth, there is no telling what they are willing to vote for.
I pray you’re right.
It is galling to listen to a good hearted person speak decently to someone personally detested, I agree. However, standing back in retrospect, I was clapping for WALZ many times throughout. He certainly came across as a decent sole with credibly tested ideas and above all one to be trusted and honourable. As far as I am concerned, anyone voting for Trump needs some serious declutter psychotherapy.
The word is ‘de-cutting’ - my new word for the day.
This darn iPad keeps changing it, after I change it sorry - ‘de-culting’.
I know. Spell check is sneaky. A lot of mistakes I see can be blamed on it.
auto-incorrect! LOL
Great Word✨️💙⚖️🇺🇲🗳
You’re so right and the jump in the polls proved it. But Walz was not as well known to the public as Vance and criterion #1 if you’re not well known is to first appear as a nice guy, the guy you can go out and have a beer with. Walz was caught between a rock and a hard place, which is why Vance could stay cool and get normalized. What a tough game politics is, especially when it’s nothing like a game in this election. It’s mortal combat.
I think Walz hit exactly the right notes. He made the case for electing himself and Harris. He clearly explicated the trump and GOP lies in a way most Americans can relate to. He explained how Harris and he would be better for the average person.
Everything JD VAnce said was a lie. Tim Walz is an honorable man, an excellent Governor and he will make a top-notch VP. TV debates are theater, especially when there's NO fact-checking.
However, there are TWO moments that will be given a lot of air play that will hurt Trump/Vance:
1) JD Vance lie that he NEVER supported a national ban on abortion.
2) JD Vance’s inability to answer who won the 2020 election and Walz’s response that was a non-answer.
This is how debate helps Harris/Vance. Both these issues will follow both Trump and Vance until election day ( I hope so! 🙏 )
We will beat them at the polls! Can’t wait to watch Trump and Vance lose epically to a woman of color. I can’t wait to wear this Kamala removes stubborn orange stains hoodie on November 5th! 👇
We MUST stand firm and united, to defend our freedoms.
VOTE blue up and down the ballot!
If I may, I will add another moment to the list: Vance’s protest that he thought the debate “wasn’t going to be fact-checked”. Ian’s another point when he was corrected by the moderator about the Springfield Haitian population. His mini hissy fit caused them to turn off the live mic. I think he doth protest too much…
But I did read an after debate rule list published by CNN or ABC that stated that moderators could turn off the mikes especially if the debate was going off the rails. So, ??
POTUS to dogcatcher, I’m voting blue. I always do.
But the media, "unbiased," hammers on Walz's China date confusion.
Exactly! Depending on any one person to turn the tide for everyone is an unreliable expectation. Each one of us gets to make our own moral choices every day. Something new is being born and it’s pretty dark in the womb before we begin to see the light. Walz plays the game with honour- Vance does not. Honour looks weak in the dark but shines in the light. The only safety is striving towards the good with each choice. We each make the light on this new path together 🕊️🫶🏼💙
Vance was on the campaign trail today insulting Walz and Harris. Just because he was able to pretend he was a normal person for one night, for 90 minutes doesn't mean everything else will be forgotten. No one will change their vote because Vance can give a good classroom performance. He's still weird, hates immigrants and is a misogynist. That won't change in this last month before the election. Considering the way Walz handled Vance about Jan. 6 and then Jack Smith's report being released today it will all come flooding back with full force. Most voters are on the side of democracy and even though most won't read the 160+ page report, they will read and hear about what's in it. Everyone should read the report, or skim it. It's well written and details all the criminal activity of Trump and his crew. It provides the timelines for everything, connects all the dots, and it makes clear that Trump was acting as a candidate (using private individuals, lawyers and campaign staff) which should mean Trump won't have immunity. The Supreme Court, assuming Harris/Walz win the election, won't hear this case until later next year but the damming evidence is public right now, a month before the election. Trump is freaking out on Truth Social and will be freaking out more and more. He'll keep drawing attention to Jan. 6 and this will hurt him politically with the majority of people who are not MAGA. Vote Blue
Even in the summing-up, when Walz gave a hopeful message, Vance could do nothing but robotically repeat his “Kamala awful” mantra. He is a horrible man.
So hope you are correct!! October Surprize indeed!
Patricia, Do you know how to obtain copies of Jack Smith's report ?
You could probably google it or go to the Meidas Touch, they always have everything, I follow them on FB. Steve Schmidt is always putting issues on there.
I wish Tim had been more assertive. These aren't really debates and one needs to be feisty. Vance is such a snake.
Feisty is often good; and, Vance was smarmy and unctious. When your oponent is defeating himself don't stop him. I expected Vance to cackle insanely; toss his head back; and, rub his hands together in deranged glee as he told lie after lie. Walz actually showed stoic wisdom and used his deft light saber at the right moments in the debate! As Tim Walz often extols, we must leave all on field. We can and will win; and, it will take every last one of us!✨️💙✨️
I like unctuous too. Better than smarmy, smug, arrogant, oleagenous. But JD is all of the above.
"unctuous." Perfect!
Trump only picks the corrupt like himself.
I especially wanted him to clap back against Vance's insisting on referring to "the Harris Administration," and claiming that she made or destroyed Executive Orders. Vance proved himself to be a smarmy liar.
Not a snake… a worm. If you are more feisty yourself you will feel better. 💙
He's worse than that. Thank you, Pat.
This is where I would love to see Josh Schapiro in that debate, he would have swallowed him whole without the blink of an eye.
Excellent points All, but that's Tim Walz, just a basically Nice Guy!! Vance came across like a paid Actor, just reading off a script he'd already rehearst, lines.memorised. Damn that guy can Lie?! Thanks for checking in with us this evening, be well 💯👍🇺🇸💙🌊!
Vance came across like a used car salesman a slippery liar that can't be trusted
Or someone selling you a Ponzi scheme, using criptocurrency.
A thousand times yes!
OMG, yes! He’s immensely unlikable (as well as a fascist)!
If only that wasn't deliberate.
He always addresses the women moderators by their first name. I find it very odd.
Mary, I saw the debate in a very similar way. The scariest thing I can imagine is for Donald to be elected and not be able to function. I really had hoped that we wouldn’t have to worry about Vance for 4-8 years.
The f-ing electoral college is unbelievably outdated and dangerous.
Michael Steele said today that Democrats had better “get off their a$$es and vote” and I pray they will. Vance is slimy but sometimes slime slides"… The electorate owes you an enormous debt for the difficult work you do and for your courage.
You nailed it, with Trump declining rapidly the odds would be his running mate, the “very green” inexperienced newbie, a Senator for only 2 yrs inheriting the Oval Office early into the fledgling administration, if “djt” managed to steal the election. The manipulators behind the scenes have been planning for that very scenario. The same cabal that produced the nefarious Project 2025, consists of some of the same cohorts who were responsible for Vance’s conversion from evangelical to the ultra conservative Roman Catholic cult.
Mary I totally agree with you. I was yelling at the TV when Walz missed those opportunities to attack his many lies. I didn’t recognise the man that rallied with Kamala those many times in front of thousands of people. It was as though he was neutered. Vance was debating for President as he knows Donald could drop dead soon after he takes office should we be so unfortunate to face such fate. He’s many times worse than Trump.
Walz lost so many chances to throw the things jerkydevilvillian said back into his face but he didn’t. The scowl on his face the whole time was not a good look. Where was the confident orator who seemed to be jovial, personable, and exciting to listen to? The moderators should’ve been fact checking in real time. It would’ve been a good way to knock that dipshit to the floor. It was a disappointing debate. For those who didn’t know either man, jerkydevilvillan was polished and personable even though WE know he’s full of shit. Walz looked defeated the moment he hit the stage. He truly needed some ooomph to propel him from sad sack to a polished style. He DID get some stingers in. One of my favorite answers was when dipshit said schools need more officers, locked doors, and stronger windows. I had to keep myself from puking. Anyway, my opinions however wrong they may seem to others. Overall, the evening was a disaster and shouldn’t even have taken place.
It’s my understanding that the rule of this debate was no fact checking was allowed. Why would Harris/Walz EVER agree to that is beyond me. Remember when the moderator fact checked Vance on something and Vance immediately jumped on him about the agreement to have no fact checking? Such BS. It should be a GIVEN that all parties will be fact checked. Period. That might keep things more honest.
There was an option for fact-checking, I saw in another report today.
Walz has a habit of frowning often. It definitely isn’t a good look, it seems to appear when he’s concentrating hard. The effect on viewers is off putting, appears to be a scowl. Challenging as it maybe, working with coaches to modify his habit will be beneficial.
And Vance has a working brain.
Maybe the October Surprise is that the media is starting to report a little more on DJT's brain: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/10/01/trump-wisconsin-swerves-subject
Or lack thereof :D
I couldn’t have said it better, tecolote42!
Yeah, but I still give the benefit of the doubt to voters from all generations to see the stark difference between Harris Walz & Trump Vance these past 3 weeks. Polls also showed Indepenent voters both favored and chose Walz the winner 58% to Vance. I know we daily Politico Junkies still get freaked out by those Indies & Undecided voters, but they aren't 100% ignorant to what Walz did get across last night even with his Midwest Nice delivery - Amber & Abortion, Sometimes It Is Just The Guns, Springfield Haitian Attacks, Clear Opportunity Economy & Housing Plans, baiting Vance into "But The Rules Were No Fact Checking Me!"...and Coach Walz' 99 yard Touchdown run to end the game, dropping the nice and condemning Trump & Vance's Jan 6th Big Lie Insurrection DIRECTLY WITH AN IMMEDIATE VIRAL CLIP "That is a DAMNING NON-ANSWER!"...
*All of which so perfectly lined up with Jack Smith & Judge Chutkan's Jan6th Case Breakdown Revised with MASSIVE 77 CO-CONSPITATORS (named thank you!) the day following Walz' KO on Vance that ended the debate.
Chef's kiss IMO! 🌊🌴🥥🐈🐈⬛🇺🇲
I admire your optimism, but I am afraid it's unwarranted. There are far too many people who blindly and ignorantly support Trump. I pray you are right, but I am afraid you might not be.
Then "Do Something!" with that anxiety, like Michelle said at the DNC! Since Biden v Trump CNN Debate at least once a week I've been postcarding, letter writing, donating, and now Phonebanking this last stretch in Oct. for Harris Walz! Stressing out with fear over a VP debate does this Big Tent party any good. Turnout turnout turnout is our weapon vs the thousands of lies told by Trump Vance :)
*if you need some inspiration/direction for these last few weeks subscribe to Simon Rosenberg's Hopium Chronicles - lots of groundwork GOTV duties that can use all the help they can get this final push! We got this!
Vance got normalwashed with Walz’s congeniality.
Thank goodness Walz asked Vance the most important question of the night !
I just want to say one thing: lies told well, are still lies. J.D. Vance is a total fake. Without Peter Thiel and Donny Dearest, he'd just be a guy who wrote a really crappy book.
Vance is not stupid. He knows exactly what kind of man Trump is. He knows what Trump did to Pence. I think Vance has the same kind of character that Trump has. If Trump wins, I think Vance will eventually put together a 25th amendment maneuver to oust him and become president.
Of course he will (Vance, too, is a psychopath who’ll do anything he can to be on top).
Walz set the tone right away...the way forward is working together for good solutions. Not that JD is worthy of working with but.....We will win by fighting for it. Even if we lose we'll fight until we win!