already subscribed! can't wait to see the Nerd Avengers again :) thank you, continually, Mary, for all that you do!

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We need to throw Trump and all his MAGAt voters in jail to save our sacred Democracy!

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And we need to crush Donald at the ballot box this November under the biggest landslide in history, in both the popular vote and the Electoral College.

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They know they are losing, that's why they're already talking b.s. about not excepting results of election.

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Amen! She's the best.

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Thank you for being awesome.

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Here We Go !!

Mary and the Nerd Avengers are back !!!

Thank you Mary .

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I agree, Paula! I am SO EXCITED!

Thank you, Mary!

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Thank you , Caroline Grevelle .

Hope to see you and all there as well.


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Thank you Patriotic American Rachel Vindman

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Congratulations. Can’t wait. You are such a brave warrior from the Trump family. Best of Luck. Love you . Regards.

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Goody goody! Thanks Mary, you work so hard. Very much appreciated!💙💙🌹

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Proud First Day Subscriber here. 😍

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Good for you, Mary Trump Media!

Your news will hit tfg with the heft of a meteor - -

'cause when it comes to W.H. candidates, he's been the creepier.

But reading about him daily is as bad as toxemia.

I pine for the day his photos are only in SEPIA!



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“We all have heard about ordinary people who find themselves in extraordinary situations. They act courageously or responsibly, and their efforts are described as if they opted to act that way on the spur of the moment... I believe many people in those situations actually have made descisions years before.”

Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters

Mary, thank you for the wonderful and exciting update. All the hard work and success you have achieved in your life has been honed and now harnessed which will now guide us in the last stretch to save our democracy. I sleep well at night knowing you and so many others will fight the virtuous fight we are in to save America and the free world. As Winston Churchill said “Victory at all costs.”

We have no choice but to rise to the occasion at this precarious time. Captain Sully also said “Integrity means doing the right thing even when it’s not convenient.” Thank you for always stepping up no matter how painful or inconvenient it has been for you lo these many years. THANK YOU!!!!!

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Absolutely Lisa of ordinary people in extraordinary situations.

“ Victory at all costs”

So grateful for Mary and her guest who do the heavy lifting at a cost to themselves.

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Absolutely. Much like Captain Sully who performed a daring water rescue which had never been successfully completed prior by any pilot. Mary has the strength and fortitude to rescue our democracy yet again like she did in 2020. How fortunate we are to have a pilot like Mary navigating these uncharted skies on our behalf. Fasten your seat belts everyone there is political turbulence ahead. Thank you for your reply!

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Thank you!

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Maybe even Captain Nemo! Mary’s rocks!

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Great Message Lisa

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And it is interesting, Lisa, that the more we know about #DiaperDon, we still have not heard from one individual with an anecdote of "extraordinary" kindness about this cheapskate.

Nobody has come forward to say "but he helped me when I was down" or "his fatherly advice meant so much to me after I lost my own Dad" or "he gave me money and brushed off the idea of repaying him and I was so grateful for his generosity."

Even Mrs. Melancholy Trump is a grifter and into self-dealing.

* NBC NEWS: Media paid Melania Trump thousands for use of pix in 'positive stories only.'

The first lady earned six figures from an agreement with Getty Images that paid royalties to the Trumps and mandated photos be used in positive coverage.

* * LINK: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/news-media-paid-melania-trump-thousands-use-photos-positive-stories-n883111

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I just subscribed too and I’m stoked that Mary is doing a YouTube channel!!

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Done, I subscribed! Congratulations!!

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Yay! I just subscribed on YouTube. 💙💙

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May 16
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The link in Mary’s post took nearly right to the YouTube page. I clicked “subscribe.” 🤷🏻‍♀️

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The link took me to my browser. So I finally typed in the address @marytrumpmedia rather than searching Mary Trump Media and then I found it and subbed!!! thanks for following up!!!

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Thanks. That worked,

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Me not nearly. 😬

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Well, bust my buttons!

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Cool. Freaking cool!

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My Dear MaryTrump 💙

Namaste 🙏🏻

I love you and, of course, all your Nerds too🦋🌄🌺🌝 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂👏🫂🧘🏻‍♀️🌌

I have missed you all - sending good vibrations from London 🦋🫂💙🐥🌻🌹🌼💐💐

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Ditto on yay!!!

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