I just saw a clip where he says he knew nothing about this Arlington situation and threw the parents under the bus saying maybe they set it up with the staff . He just lies and lies and lies.

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He makes Tricky Dick look like a Boy Scout. Dubbya comes across like a Nobel laureate compared to him.

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I remember I absolutely loathed George W. We all wondered how he was getting away with invading Iraq when there weren't any WMDs. Compared to Trump he was FDR.

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Trump is a mob boss like John Gotti

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He learned how to be one from his pal the NY mob boss. It will come to bite him in the arss someday. Which it is about to now with Special Counsel Jack Smith on his six

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I’m so afraid the Supreme Court will not support jack !

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Biden is trying to put 2 more in the supreme court now, and he wants to put limits on all of them. Jack is going through the appeals court, not the supreme court

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Me too !

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How long do we have to wait? I'm 76. I want to see him kicked out of the country before I die, preferably asap

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I do not think he will be kicked out of the country, but he might end up in prison. Most probably would be in home arrest, because of his political past. I would not be surprised if they take most of his property, even though most of his properties are run down enough to have them torn down. His towers could be used for other things.

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Me too. The wheels of justice turn sooo sloooly. Not to mention all the delays trump gets. That's how he rolls. Delay, delay, delay.

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I recommend you go ahead and die. DJT will be running the country, not leaving it. In spite of your affliction, you too will benefit from his actions.

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Someday, when the hideous diet he eats finally catches up to him, I hope to visit his final resting place with a full bladder after two 7/11 Big Gulps.

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And bring a whole bunch of large dogs with you. How much you wanna bet his kids are going to want an eternal flame like at JFK site, and try to get DT added to Mount Rushmore, yet again. Remember that, when his brainwashed followers seriously wanted that? Light years beyond absurd. DT reminds me of Barney Rubble from the Flintstones. No offense to Barney, or the cartoon, they’re adorable, DT is cringe.

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While we’re at it, don’t forget the letter signed by numerous pols.. “my” local rep- to get him a Nobel Peace Prize. Is there a “Nobel Sleaze Prize”? - he’d win that in a heartbeat.

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Lmao, but you right; well as a Draft Dodger, he can't be buried in Arlington; can he?


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And you'll need to take a selfie there.

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Bury him in Bedminster golfing lawn, like he did Ivana ; 🪓🔨⛏️⚒️🧹🎇🧨🎈🎉🎊🏑🪁, 🤫🤭🫢😂 ; then visit nightly and watch her " ghost" whipping his ass.

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And what do we do is there enough of us to turn the election and the electoral over to democrats?

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There are over, 15000 new registers to vote this year already, more might be ready to vote this year, after hearing what the republicans want to do about abortions.

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Also that project 2025, book of threats against the inhabitants of OUR NATION.

MAGAGNATS don't believe it will have any effect on them ; I gather.🙄🫣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤫

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Illegals. Right?

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If 2020 voters come through again and any new voters then yes.

My fantasy is this random figures of course:

Kamala 82 million, #45 40 million.

(40 million too many though. 😆 )

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Yes, Pamela, I believe there are enough of us that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will win this election by a landslide. Americans are fed up, exhausted and ready to end this nightmare! Vote blue, America!

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Love that sentiment and let’s work to make it a reality

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Yes there is. VOTE BLUE!

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I am a republican, turned independent to vote blue all the way hoping we’ll stop this craziness !!

How dare him stand near those who died for our democracy such a foolish old man with a paper head!’

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Yes of course, but the problem is getting enough of "us" to the ballot box!

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MSNBC showed a chart yesterday. New voter registration for *Black women alone* was up 175 percent. 🇺🇸

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YESSS, my Dear, there are and the number is growing daily.

How do you think the 1/6 Rioters, now feel after hearing the horse mouth opened and freely admit that" I got more than the 63 million votes this time, but THEY BEAT US BY JUST A LITTLE BIT", ON WORLDWIDE TV?


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Exactly, he’s a wannabe NY mobster. He’s been screwing people over for years. I’m surprised he’s still alive.

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Both of them, Arrogant and Self Absorbed. However, Donald has far more wealth and power behind him. The kind that Gotti didn't have.

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Donny is not a Billionaire.Mob pockets are far more deeper than his has ever been. Just imagine the " take" from the construction and docks industries.

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He actually doesn't, most of it is inpartner shipps and Loans from Russia

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Perhaps he will suffer the same fate as Gotti.

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We can only hope. And the sooner, the better.

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I would like to see him as we saw McCarthy if anyone remembers….!

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He sure acts like one. Learned it at his father's knee.

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Actually, He's just a Puppet for those who really run everything. Their Pockets Are Deeper Than He Can Emagine and their Power Exceeds Anything That The man/child will ever know. tRump Exists because They Let Him.

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The difference is they only target their own for either screwing up or for being a rat which was considered the worst thing you could do!

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They know who the IDIOTS are in the pecking order.

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Considering, of course, that it was Dick Cheney who was running that so-called administration.

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And Karl Rove.

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CHENEY - As a wolf howl & lightning crashes in the distance. LOL.

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Darth Vader.

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Tracy, At least Darth Vader knew who and what he was fighting for, not good, but comprehensible in his world. Trump has no clue of what he stands for beyond himself. That's far worse!

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But he seems to prefer Hannibal Lecter…

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Like horses neighing whenever they hear "Frau Blucher."

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No one compare’s to Trump for “PURE EVIL “ ! He is in a class by himself ,

LOW class !

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Don’t they all? Remember hating W and all he did , stood for. Now looks like a pussy cat! Trump has got to be defeated or the world will not be safe or salvageable! It’s not only the USA! You affect so much else as a superpower! 🇨🇦!

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One of the most insidious things of this era Catherine, specifically Trump, is the extent to which the overton window has shifted. What was once considered totally offensive/outside the bounds of acceptable, is now just their way of doing business, & considered quaint to his followers. He's a certifiable degenerate & has infected them with his disease.

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Dubya got away with a lot because his family was wealthy and well connected

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George did things that were reprehensible, BUT the fact that he's a recovering alcoholic caused me to cut him more slack than I would've normally.

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Amazing isn’t it

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Who did Trump invade?

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Aug 30Edited

I’m watching a documentary on watergate and Nixon and I swear to god they could be talking about Trump. Both men had visions of grandeur, didn’t trust anyone and were corrupt as all get go.

Anyway, Trump makes Nixon look like Mr Rogers! 🤣

I'll take the prosecutor and coach over the felon ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.

That's why I have this "Prosecutor & Coach 2024" t-shirt 🤣 👇


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When you wrote 'couch' I thought of JDV, or whatever his name is.

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Vance looks like Don Jr or Eric. One of them has a doppelganger.

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That is why Con-Old likes him, he always says, she looks like his daughter, well now he has one that he can say, he looks like his daughter, ops, son.

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Trump thinks it's J D Wentworth. He introduced him as such at the convention. LOL!

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No, you're joking, right? I mean, it's not beyond the realm of possibility but.... It's a joke, yes? Lolol!

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No, I'm not joking. I saw the video. Vance looked bewildered but then I guess he just decided to overlook it.

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Thank goodness he never heard of shag pile carpet.

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I think of Vance when “couch “is mentioned too !

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Make sure you attribute "couch" to the right person (Trump's VP, not Kamala's "coach")

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Ops, I made a mistake, I corrected it.

Thanks for telling me 😉

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Love that t-shirt ! 💙

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I had an English teacher who made the class watch the hearings. THAT was like SLOW DEATH by boredom. The light..... dimming.

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It turned exciting for me - I was watching with my mom when the 18 minute gap on the tapes happened. Rather than showing dead air, the local station eventually cut to a reporter describing a new federal transportation proposal. When they held the report up to the camera, it was one my father had written!

Mom was jumping up and down with excitement, and ran to the kitchen to call Dad at work, lol! I think that may be the first time I ever saw her that excited!

It was kind of cool.

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Very cool story!

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That’s a good documentary.

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Yes, it is! 😉

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I hope we have enough to put weight them !

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Both were paranoid, also.

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Get ready to be disappointed. AGAIN.

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Nigga, prepare for a DJT & RFK Jr enema!

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Get yr racist idiocy out of here you do not belong MAGAT INCEL TROLL

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No matter what anyone may say about Nixon, he didn't want to be President so he could get a big mirror in which to admire himself.

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A big mirror? How about using $50k of HIS OWN CHARITABLE FOUNDATION’S MONEY to buy a MF painting of HIMSELF, which he then hung in one of his own establishments.

Chalk up the demise of the Trump Foundation for fraudulent practices as just another milestone along the road of Dirty Donny’s Deals Done Dirt Cheap (with apologies to AC/DC for besmirching their artistry).

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Far more subtle than that; Tricky Dick had intelligence, on his side....a bit corrupt though it was....the hidden side of the SCORPIAN🪡.😏

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He wants a war, a literal civil war. He LOVES violence, in a deeply sick, physical way. He's a disgusting pervert and wants nothing more than to see his sycophants (psychophants?) Bloody and beaten FOR HIM. Watch the most recent rally footage where his acolyte attacked the press, immediately after he called the press enemies. You'll see what I'm saying.

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So true !

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Speaking of Boy Scouts of America, I still cringe to think TCF was allowed to speak at the July 2017 BSA Jamboree in Virginia. In his speech praising Jeff Epstein (not by name), TCF said the money manager "liked women a little on the young side". He said this to teen-age Boy Scouts at their quadrennial Jamboree!

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Daniel - great point. What makes this political war so personal for me is that our political opponents (most of my family included BTW) think so little of us and our views - to the point of visceral hatred - that they will continue to throw their support behind such an obviously vile excuse for a human being, quite literally an American fascist, rather than let a progressive government continue until the next election. That is un-American, and is a personal slap in the face of anyone with progressive views. Were the Republican candidate a person with some modicum of honor and compassion, and largely truthful, then it ceases to be personal. Now it is just a good honest difference of opinion. Big diff to me. I guess though that such persons who are Republican are few and far between.

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Hahahaha!! Hilarious!! Unfortunately so RIGHT!!

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Sad truth.

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Whereas President Buyhim comes off like Bernie…of Weekend at Bernie’s

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And apparently has a staff that also lies or is incompetent, or both.

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They don't just lie, they intimidate, they bully, they physically threaten (and apparently physically shoved the Arlington employee). They are perfect enforcers for their fascist boss.

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And all of this while he's out on bail. This is worse than one of those Gotham City episodes.

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His actions should go against him in his sentencing

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That ad with Trumpster at Arlington, should be PULLED !

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Brownshirts or Ton Ton Macoute as in Haiti

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And the worst part is that a female birthed them!

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At least he didn’t try to have your candidate assassinated.

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And is violent. Imagine shoving that woman. I am so angry about that.

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And he says he will be a champion for women? Sorry we are way smarter than that.

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What a liar ! He will say ANYTHING to win !

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Me too ! But she’s afraid to complain or sue ! SAD !

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The woman wouldn’t file a police complaint due to Trump supporters harassment. She was scared of that and I don’t blame her.

Now with RFKjr using Kennedy‘s last name is as well known, and if people don’t read that his family denounce him they’ll think Kennedy is behind him that worries me.

Also, Federal Gov should charge all that were in that picture as the know full well no pictures to be taken their and campaign should know the laws if not what a sad campaign (they still owe millions of dollars to airports across the United States that Trump campaign refuses to pay that’s a hell of note.

I sick of him getting away with his blatant laws. He is CITZEN not above the law. Are police, Gov and Feds afraid of him? If so to many are working for his cause not America Laws. When does it end. I am worried about the attacks in Texas on Latino’s communities & LULAC as 1mil were deleted from voter rolls!

Ken Paxton sent out 9 men to harass 87y women keep her out side in her nightgown while’s searched everything took her phone, computers all Dr appt were on her phone. That’s just one. I truly believe Republicans in that state have won by large numbers for a reason. Corruption. To attack Latino is because 39% voters in Texas are Latinos and 1mil are unregistered this woman was the one who sent people out to get people registered to vote. All because Harris is running. I hope Texas will see what these evil White old men are doing in Capital and their house. They just as soon as cheat because most Texas work and pay no attention to elections. Will see. Ken Paxton is A corrupt as they get. He should’ve stood trial but went to the right Judge in Texas. Same thing in Georgia.

If I could afford it I would go many state to help get people to reg to vote. Tell them what DJT HAS done to people throughout this Country to cheat.

I get so mad I vent in typing. This last weekend TRUMP Supports drove threw our little Town yelling at other that were for Freedom they were so ashamed they covered their own face with their hands. I thought that was funny. 3 TRUCKS ONLY and one point there were abt 30 so that a good thing.

I am not sure how I can help here in the foothills of CA others States or Harris Campaign donate is one but other? If we could all chip in just maybe we can beat down to a MEGA LANDSLIDE where no doubt who won

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Thank you! This movement should have been addressed quickly and certainly, but (I believe) the horrors of the pandemic were too great to ignore. The DOJ, led by Merrick Garland (who I personally really like) is too timid and self-reflective to be effective against an enemy of this magnitude. So many of us saw this coming years ago! And too many people said we were crazy, reaching, clinging to conspiracy theories... but here we are.

Vote! Vote Blue, and please remember to check your voting status. Texas in particular has or is in the process of purging voter rolls, as much as 12% of total voters, and the Republikkkans' reign of terror is nowhere near over.

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If they tell the truth and/or are competent, they don’t last long

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Or they get hired back, like Lewandowsky

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Vile staff

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Just one look at Trump spokesman Steven Cheung is enough to scare the hell out of most people. For a superficial asshole who claims he's better looking than Kamala Harris, Trump brought the monster-like character Cheung on board who looks like he could appear in a horror movie without any makeup. Based on his ridiculous comments, he also appears to be just as vile as he looks.

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Then there's Stephen Miller {shudder]. He definitely IS as vile as he looks.

I think people should stop naming their kids "Steven/Stephen."

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He was instrumental in separating the immigrant babies from their parents. He now has a little girl. How some people can bring such pain and suffering on others and not be concerned about life turning against them is mind boggling.

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Bullies are COWARD it take 1 PERSON to stand up to a bully being coward doesn’t to much knowledge he tends to make statement for media not people. One Day Karma will come for him and Trump. When it does they will go Down hard.

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I'd need to be blind to kiss TFG's butt.

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You'd probably need to lose your sense of smell, too.

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And have a close pin on my nose !

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Cory Lewandowski, a true thug.

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Those traits, plus absolute loyalty, are what it takes to be around the Orange Malignancy.

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Who has that staff?

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That’s his standard b.s., deny knowing someone, even when there are witnesses and photos. And those under his mind control believe every word he says no matter what. It’s so sick and I’m beyond tired of it.

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A broken piece of crap who wants to remake society in his blighted broken twisted image.

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They do don’t they !! Just believe and change it up to sound the best for them and match right along

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Yeah, where's the video they have proving their innocence? 🤬

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I know , it makes my head hurt !

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He has a socially contagious seriously destructive mental illness that should have had him committed in order to minimize the destruction many years ago. If only Dr Bandy Lee had been allowed to warn the public from the beginning…. It is insane, and dooming for the Earth and humanity, that one atomic bomb of a human being has been allowed the freedom to destroy and spread hate the way he has. Poor Mary to have to be related to him. It must be even more hellish for her to be forced to observe.

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Diseased toxic mind for sure. Mary Trump is resilient and has an incredibly strong mind. By going public with all she went through, and the truth about DT, she is educating and helping this country and the entire world. She is an awesome force for truth and keeping our individual and collective minds and hearts healthy. That DT is still in the public eye, able to run for office yet again, and is not locked away for the rest of eternity, is a travesty, for sure. We must all learn from it, and be that much quicker and sharper to next time identity evil characters like DT, and never again let someone with absolute zero qualifications or good qualities, anywhere near public office and the nuclear codes.

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I suppose he apologized profusely for the incident…no. Such a bully

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He is unimaginably loathsome. I don't know how anyone stands him.

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Melania has a memoir coming out. And the Donald has yet another book too. Two narcissists who are gluttons for attention.

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They don't have the sense of smell.

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He has lie - abetes.

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Good one !

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Looks to me like the family were blown away by Trump's presence (bet they're Republican) and were thrilled to get this photo. Look at all the thumbs up. They're thinking he's the Chosen One and is not subject to Arlington laws.

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Exactly ! He just said he didn’t do it ( Arlington ) for publicity , so he will take the DESPICABLE add down ? NOT !

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I have a friend who is a close friend of this family - they are great Trump fans and he has been in touch frequently with them since their daughter was killed. Yes, they were very pleased by his presence there.

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It figures , they would be MAGA’S !

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Liar, liar. Pants on fire!

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So that’s what that odor is 🔥 👖

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It could be his Dirty Adult Diaper...

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According to Adam Kinzinger... DJT REEKS when you get physically close... The MSM should use current Photos of DJT after a long Day when his Hair & Make-Up start to Melt, and Not Posed Photos when DJT was Younger... Then We will start to see the Real DJT Emerge...

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And that does not mean “hot pants”

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You'll see a clip tomorrow where he's saying he knows more about the Arlington situation than anyone else, that he's done more for Arlington than anyone.

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Right ! Thanks for the laugh ! 💙

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Like Mary said. When will it be enough? Hilary's comment about the "basket of deplorable" was ill-timed but one hundred percent accurate.

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Since when does the bastard’s staff do anything without his complete knowledge? If he pleads ignorance and just showed up where he was told to go I hope Harris, Walz, and their surrogates repeatedly point out the lack of command and awareness the dimwit processes. But I’d bet dollars to donuts he knew exacting what he was doing and the hallowed ground and respect for service members be damned.

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And the worst part is so many actually believe this man

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It’s “mind boggling “ ! They don’t care what he says or does ! They are united

by HATE “ !

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And now he’s all for extending abortion and all in on IVF !! Wonder what good ole DeSantis will say about that! Oh and tax payers will pay or he’ll force insurance companies yeah sure just like he made Mexico pay for the wall!!!

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That's the part that is terrifying to those of us who are not American. And maybe to most? Americans too...

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I read this, too, claims he is the victim. Such an asshole.

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“ BIGLY “ !!!!!

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Of course he did that. It’s a standard procedure with him. He would throw absolutely anyone under a bus, including his kids, if he didn’t need them to kiss his backside daily and run his feeble multi-bankruptcy businesses.

He loves, nor respects nothing and no one. Utterly incapable.

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That’s the COWARD that the jerk is. Truly he is the Exact opposite of what is a Leader and how a Leader comports himself. The Shameful behavior, no doubts of that! The parents of the soldier are not expected to be aware of all rules. That is the responsibility of a Leader and the Leaders staff. Of course, this person, being an emotionally disturbed and unstable person, chooses to do the opposite of human decency, and flaunt rule breaking to taunt and create chai’s and division. Precisely because he is unable to control himself. Creating disruptions, to deflect attentions onto the chaos, gives him feelings of power, in warped ways.

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and blames and blames and blames! When he’s caught, it’s always someone else’s fault.

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Kay, the other factor is that in addition to incessant lying, he also really can't remember a lot of what happens anymore, beyond the time of the actual event. Those two things should make him ineligible to be in charge of anything, ever!

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I don't believe the cemetery employee has to "press charges." She was acting as an agent of the federal government so the federal government is the plaintiff, not her as an individual. The Department of Justice needs to make a stand here and stop letting this thuggery go unchecked. It emboldens them. For the sake of upholding federal law, Donald Trump and his campaign members who showed up without permission, just assuming they could do whatever they want wherever they want, should be treated like the bullies and thugs they are. And the thumbs up and smiling while standing next to a woman's grave was pretty sick, and the woman on the far left hand side of that photo was making a white supremacy hand signal on top of it all.

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Give the Orange Bully an inch,.........and he will take your life. This sub-human life form gets away with everything and made mockery out of truth and integrity. I am so proud of the the lady who made a stand against the biggest asshole of our time.

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AMEN !!!! 💙

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Same thing with the Lulac shit in Texas being perpetrated by Abbott. Hello Merrick, anybody home?

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Why ask Garland? Biden has the powers of God according to the SC. Declare these bastards a threat to National Security and a terrorist organization and toss all of them into Gitmo!😀

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Creepy Joe will first need his diaper changed, drool wiped, and fed a couple handfuls of medications.

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WHY ARE YOU HERE MAGAT INCEL? Get lost on some other site!

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I am praying DOJ investigates its serious voter intimidation plus deleting 1 million Latinos from their voters rolls. Its horrible what they’ve done in that state plus on different note. if someone’s taking a pregnant person out of state they arrest both of them and could be charged with murder, attempted murder, I BEGINNING TO think the State Republican Party has been rigging their elections for Rep law maker along with Gov and AG. To many dislike the party, Gov, AG AND CRUZ something smells fishy in that state. I know a lot of people that live there they seem to have issues with voting. It’s Odd this Party be in off since Ann Richardson.

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Yes - the Republicans have been working at rigging the elections for years now. They’re also getting better at it!

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She could charge the Trump staffer with assault or something similar. The government can't do that. But for the other things, yes the government could.

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George Conway, on Stephanie Miller suggested starting a "go fund me" for the patriotic staffer.The money would be used to provide protection from the .....brainwashed.....moronic.....slithering....gutteral Maggots that would threaten her and her family.

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If the government takes action on this incident, the employee will be called as a witness and then her desire to remain anonymous will go up in smoke. She can be called against her will as a witness by either the government or Trump's lawyers.

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Good point. But we know by now they won't do anything.

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I agree. She was doing her job. Higher ups in org will handle it. He broke a federal law and regulation. He would have known, if he had read up on the rules while President. Too busy golfing.

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Im curious on how ANC is classified. It's a National Cemetery but also a military monument administered by the Army(I think). Does that make ANC a military facility? Wouldn't Uniform Code of Justice apply?

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Who exactly would arrest him and his goons?

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Give me a badge. I'd love to put him in Solitary Confinement.

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The F.B. I. has jurisdiction on federal lands.

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Apparently the Army oversees this cemetery and it was their employee. While they defended her against the lies that have come out since, they said since she didn't press charges, the matter isn't going to go any further. So looks like they won't be seeking justice without her decision to press charges. Doesn't seem right.

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Americans must see to it that what they pulled there is yet another criminal act to add to his name. The fear of Donald has to be turned around and America, since no one with the authority to do so, must scare the living shit out of that egomaniac. What can he do if we all face him with our loathing for his behavior.

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They're not going to arrest him. This is how rumors start. They've already stated that the matter is closed. Let's focus on registering voters. Please get yourselves trained to do this:


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FBI no?? It’s Federal territory.

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Nope. She refused to press charges, and the Army says the matter is closed. I don't think the DoJ can get involved.

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I'm sure they think it's more important to protect this woman, but if they wanted to hold him accountable, they could do it without her needing to do anything more than provide a statement. The least they could do is offer to protect her from their histrionics if she'll agree to press charges.

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They have not released her name. It is to protect her. If they pressed charges she will become a witness and subject to threats by Donald. My personal opinion is that they should protect the woman even though it allows Donald to escape yet again. He will escape anyway, given the composition of the SCOTUS. So why endanger her life? It us sad that laws can’t be enforced anymore because of DT.

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You make an important point. She shouldn’t HAVE to press charges. That ought to be done by the Cemetery and the US Army, against a political candidate and his staff who belligerently broke the rules and assaulted an employee. It ought not to be on her. Her employer should press charges against the Thug and his gang.

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Agree the DOJ HAS to investigate lay charges federally; the employee is a witness only in that case not the person laying the charges and her identity can be hidden by the court so his Magat Morons can t go after her! She shouldn’t HAVE to expose herself to their vileness any further; who can blame her for not wanting to be their punching bag!

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You are RIGHT ! Wish they had the “BALL’S to stand up to the “ BIGLY BULLY “ !

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Good point. Considering she was scared of backlash from Trump crazy fans.

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Agreed. It’s not up to an alleged, albeit believable, victim to decide whether or how an assailant is prosecuted. It’s solely up to a prosecuting authority to decide whether or how to bring charges. But, it must be noted that a waiver of prosecution asserted by a victim may potentially impair the credibility of the victim.

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Still, she isn't pressing charges, and the Army isn't either. It's being dismissed, according to the cemetery staff.

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That is an institutional failure and it needs to be pursued by whoever is in charge of en forcing Federal laws! Not the employee ; the institution has to be forced to enforce the law. Wouldn’t that be FBI to investigate and DOJ to lay charges based on the incident report other witnesses MPs who were called etc ??

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“I made the difficult decision to retire because a campaign of bullying, intimidation and retaliation by President Trump and his allies forever limited the progression of my military career.”

—-Alexander Vindman

These are the tactics used by the mafia and totalitarian governments to keep their citizens repressed. This is all part of the fascist playbook. Let’s be wiser and brave together. Thank you Mary for sharing this critical update. Hope that woman is safe and protected for the time being.

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Alexander Vindman is in a tight race in Virginia's 7th district...he could use some donations to his campaign...I just contributed....I can't think of a better way to give the finger to Trump than to elect this guy after all Trump put him through.

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Actually, I was mistaken... it is Alexander's brother, Eugene who is running for Congress. Polls show that he has a 1 point lead over his Republican competitor which to me is a tight race. I extrapolated that more contributions might help his campaign.

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Noted !

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I started a recurring donation to his campaign six months ago because he's my hero, and I don't even live in his state.

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It’s his brother Eugene running for Congress. I served with him; good guy.

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Thank you , I WILL be happy to help him 💙

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I have often thought he acts like a mafia don!!!!! And I understand over the years there have been dealing with them.

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Of course he does he was tutored in mafia ways by his lawyer, Roy Cohn who was an actual experienced lawyer for the mafia dons for years. The pun, is apt but unintentional. Sleazy when not illegal, skirting the law, was many of the “dark” tricks + tactics useful a shady employee like Roy was to Trump.

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His retirement was so sad to me ! He was pushed out of a job he loved & was successful at

by a Despicable lowlife !

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I agree Both brother are good decent men and one did the right thing when he came to whistleblowing on Trump. But of course Trump retaliation went to both Eugene & Alexander Vindman They both lost they Military jobs as Trumps vindictive way. Now one is running for senator in Virginia

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BREAKING: The U.S. Army has officially released a statement condemning Donald Trump’s politicization of a memorial service for fallen soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. Donald Trump is the least patriotic candidate to ever run for public office

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To me, though, it's meaningless. Unless the two Trump campaign staffers (we know exactly who they are) and DonOld are charged for breaking the law, every Republican running for re-election, and other MAGAmericans will do exactly what these traitors did. Full stop.

Why, why, is he and these 2 "staffers aka goons" not being held accountable?!

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That's it? A statement condemning...? This Veteran has a statement for him: Fuck you! What a rotten bastard you are. I wish there was a way to undo the Brainwashing you've cast upon those supporters who, just the other day, you referred to as basement dwellers.

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Good ,now they should pull Trumps ad !!!!

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Traitor head oligarch & no class peddler

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I would hope the Entity of the National Park Service or whoever is responsible for Arlington (the Army?) would file charges against not only the campaign but the individual dipshits who harassed and shoved the employee, much in the same vein as they have brought charges against the two assholes in Utah who destroyed thousand-year old rock formations.

This desecration of civility and respect has to stop.

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The Army needs to press charges IMO. Otherwise it simply looks like the U.S. Army doesn’t care about their civilian employees being assaulted on federal land. I’m just not okay at all with the Army’s response to this.

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Me neither. But I've been an Army wife for 40+ years, my husband retired after 30 years. I hate the US Army. I won't go on post anymore - I never want to see a uniform again. He does all the commissary shopping and I see civilians for any medical stuff. Hate, hate, hate the Army.

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I’ve had similar experience. My partner 30 year service member until MAGA nutters. My partner didn’t even get a proper retirement. It traumatizes me to this day.

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I am sorry! I do understand. Don’t let eat at you I am not sure what you went through don’t let the Army get you like that. You and your husband live your life to the fullest it’s not worth your Mental Health.

My brother was in Army he was hurt in Sierra Vista, AZ Army base while working on a a big generator at the time, HE was unable to go back to duty, so they honorable discharged him. After 21 yrs they offer him free medical so now he a mess pain meds it seem he hooked on opioids & pot. Sad I felt for his kids. After Divorce his kids they move to Conn & mom never seen any child support thu the Army. He’s never seen his kids since they were little ab 10. One just turn 40

I lost touch with him he seemed to stay drunk a lot

I do blame the Army for not help her or those kids it seems wrong. Maybe I incorrect

Take Care of your self

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You are right ! Sadly , it won’t happen !

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I agree, Mary. She was hamstrung because of possible threats and probably in fear for her life and her family’s life. I can’t believe anyone can support this thug. But in the last 8 years we have learned so much about our neighbors and it’s not good. I blame the American people for this point in history we where find ourselves.

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I definitely would file charges, and subsequent threats file charges against those individuals, both my husband and I would proudly, and patriotically to hold them all accountable.

This of course, says volumes about the family members who desecrated the ANC by inviting him, and their fallen family members even being MAGAmericans. They also have no respect for all buried there with their actions.

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I know , I’m using pencil in my address book , as I’ve crossed out so many ex friend’s & family ! I just don’t want people in my life that can support this “ MONSTER “ !

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Hope you are feeling better, Mary. Donald is disgraceful and despicable. LFG! Vote 💙💙

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This is what the slide to fascism looks like.

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Are we related? LOL!

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🤣 cousin!

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Long time, no sea!!

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Followed! I'm with you down here in the sundown state.

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How sweet , you Sea’s ! 💙💙

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I am so sick of SCOTUS writing special immunity that no president has ever before requested, need or had, and everyone else just letting him get away with his crimes — except for E.Jean Carroll and maybe Jack Smith. But remember AG Garland is so afraid of Trump, he didn’t even start investigating Jan. 6 for more than a year — after a legislative committee did most of the work.

Trump violated a Federal law by shooting material that he used in a commercial that has already aired/been shown on digital outlets (TikTok) 32 :CFR § 553.32

Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate’s campaign,” the cemetery said Tuesday. “Arlington National Cemetery reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants.”

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IF the institution charged with enforcing a Federal law refuses to do such enforcement, CAN a Court not issue a Court Order or decree demanding that said institution enforce said law on behalf of the American people??? How would an ordinary citizen or maybe the ACLU set about ensuring that the Federal law is enforced on these two staffers and their boss for breach of a federal law in a Federal cemetery?? It should be possible legally to force the court in the region to do so? Anyone know if the ACLU would take it on?

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Is there not a process of recall for Supreme Court Justices, as difficult as that obviously must be, that have been clearly Corrupted, as certain ones Have Done, in Giving Illicit fascist dictatorial Powers to a President? It seems, that the purpose of the nefarious political Project 2025 intent, is to slyly hide within it bloated minutiae, ways to manipulate and dismantle, destroy what remains of the very safeguards that DO exist, until the enemies of our Democracy finish their destruction from within.

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Short answer: No. they are assumed to be above reproach and receive lifetime appointments because of that ridiculous, blazingly stupid and unrealistic assumption.

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You brought up a great point ! NO President has EVER needed immunity or even brought up the possibility ! So if he shot & killed someone on 5th Avenue , as he stated , he really would be immune ! What I don’t get is why would he be be protected by acts NOT

related to the duties of the office !

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Because the 6 SCOTUS justices would say that his crimes were connected to and part of his doing the job/acting in the office of the president. Whether the crimes actually had any connection to his being president means nothing. Truth has nothing to do with it.

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Donald is a despicable, disgusting and disgraceful excuse for a human being.

Your perspective is always helpful.

Thank you Mary

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YES , the 3 “D“s !

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I’m so tired of people calling him a sociopath. He’s a psychopath.

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He's every negative imaginative.

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How about both Mary state he is a

Malignant narcissistic psychopath if I am not mistaken

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Whatever path he takes, he's a walkin' and talkin' blowtorch!

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Perfect tool for dismantling the deep state

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Stephen Cheung is a disgrace to both his profession and to Asian people (like me). I take great offense to his lack of professionalism but it's just par for the course when you see the person he works for. Scum hires scum equals scum. NO ONE should put their hands on anyone else w/o their consent. No one.

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It would be wonderful to find a way to put Cheung in jail. Unfortunately, it's not a crime to be a lying a$$h***.

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The thug who assaulted the Arlington employee should be arrested and jailed pending charges and trial, even if she declines to press charges, the crime was witnessed and he should be held accountable. And frankly Trump should be charged with violating the laws against using Arlington for campaign purposes. Enough of the double standard that allows Trump to commit crimes that anyone else would be immediately jailed for.

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Wouldn’t it be a bail violation to break federal law?? Just wondering.

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Oh boy that s a good can of worms to open all over Trump!

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Acute TDS Alert!

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I just hope she, her family, her friends, her workmates and anyone who has read about or seen this disgusting exhibition of thuggery and disrespect, votes BLUE, from the top of the ticket down to the bottom.

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I'm concerned, she's secretly a MAGA supporter. Another reason to not speak out, file charges. She'd be shunned not just by his supporters but her own family. Will we ever find out? IDK.

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Good question but she went after them and intervened in trying to stop them filming which would seem to suggest she s serious about enforcing the Arlington laws at least; less likely if a Magat I’d think??

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The report has been filed. Now it HAS to be investigated because it is a Federal issue. The employee does not have to do anything further. So the possible ramifications for Trump are not in his favor. Did he violate his probation terms is one. Oh joy if they yanked him off the campaign trail and in to prison !!!

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He's an "adjudicated" felon also, and on parole, what happens with additional felony charges? He needs to be remanded into custody or barred from any travel, including taking his passport as we have absolutely no idea if that's been done even as a felon.

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Adjudicated...got autocorrect!

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