I live in Milwaukee and can guarantee you that we will not be voting for your uncle.

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Republicans said Trump was referring to Milwaukee "crime rate".

That's funny considering Trump is a CRIMINAL who made millions committing fraud, stealing, cheating, scamming, illegal RE deals and money laundering for the mob.

Can't wait to celebrate Biden's victory wearing this funny and clever anti-Trump t-shirt on November 5th! 👇🤣


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I’ve read a few posts that say to wear orange on July 11, in honor of the jail uniform tfg will have to wear.

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Looked at a few and then I decided to send those $$ to a Dem candidate instead.

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I read somewhere that Donald had to go to the Parole Office. Does that mean he is free? Out on Parole? If Donald is treated better than others who have committed the same crimes, then I say, let everyone out of prison. It's not far to punish others and not Donald.

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The is out until sentencing day, July 11. After that we’ll know whether he’s going to jail or not.

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The thing is that , yes there is crime and crime rates have significantly decreased in every State ; Well, except the RED ones.

Factual stats from Dept. Of Justice, folks.

Watch maga go berserk on here. 😲🙄😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

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I cannot in good conscience lower myself to your level of psychological projection and spreading misinformation and disinformation. You can break down the facts here. Blue vs Red states and cities on the UCFR.


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Weird how that works. Red states put out the actual crime rate while blue states have progressive DAs that don't prosecute criminals, hence the "decrease" in crime rate. It's amazing how that context works.

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In what world do DAs in blue states not prosecute criminals? I've sat on three juries AND I worked as a newspaper reporter exclusively covering criminal court cases in Essex County, NJ. You're making this up out of whole cloth.

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You're right. Made up out of whole cloth. Or, I pay attention whereas you don't.

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Interesting. I see your point, but that's one DA in one city. Even more interesting, tho, is the post you deleted that still ended up in my inbox, loaded not only with inaccuracies, but also a personal attack on my appearance. Of course, you yourself hide behind an orange dot and your first name, but I digress. Let's review... You said, "I look at your profile pic, and I automatically guess that you're 'vote blue no matter who.'" Why? Because I'm bald? Wanna take a stab at why that is? Or perhaps you guessed and you went there anyway. Anyone who fires a personal dig as a tool of debate doesn't have much confidence in his arguments. But regardless, thanks for reminding me of my illness. Well done.

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Not too crazy about the fact that you’re pushing a T-shirt to make some money… Or maybe someone else makes that money? I don’t know… I see it as blatant advertising.

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Trump pushes anything to make money right down to the suit he was wearing the day he was arrested in Georgia,and you people say nothing about that! He sells the King James Bible of which he's never read or has stepped one foot in a church,begged for money every step of the way because he is nothing but a liar,rapist,fraud and a grifter!!! You people are to damn dumb to see it and that's what he counts on!!!

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Huh? I despise DJT

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It's always a give-away when anyone uses the phrase "you people." It's dehumanizing. And then this particular poster follows it up with an ad hominem attack: "are to [sic] damn dumb."

What it means is that we can discount this guy.

For the record, as a New Yorker, I always despised Donald Trump -- when I bothered to think about him. Then when he ran for president, I saw all that crude bluster and boasting winning the day, and I fell into a four-year funk.

Despite 2-3 things he did as president that I appreciated, including his policy towards Iran.

But now, in the last couple of years, I am reserving my fury for the progressive socialists who are driving my city down the tubes. There is no position they take that I can agree with.

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I would advise you continue your fury for Trump or there will no longer be any progressives for you to be furious with. If Trump wins, Democrats will die. It's that simple. If you don't believe me, watch a Hitler documentary and cringe at the Third Reich similarities to Project 2025. That said, I fully suspect you're a troll.

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Hello?! Gold high tops?

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Excellent T shirt 😀

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I believe you see unicorns and talk to Elvis.

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That's funny considering Biden is a CRIMINAL who made millions committing fraud, stealing, cheating, scamming, illegal RE deals and money laundering from Ukraine.

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Nope - it's factual.

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Fuck off …liar…just like your cult leader DJT

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I live in Texas. Many of us that live in the large Democratic cities here will also not be voting for the orange con man.

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I live in Texass too and will not be voting for the grotesquely orange conman nor any other rethuglican candidate for that matter. Straight blue for me!!!

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I’m in Texas too. DJT shouldn’t ever have been elected. He was so obviously flawed & clownish. Even far from NYC I knew a bit about him. He’s a fraud through and through. What has a demented fraudster with lunatic tendencies have to offer but destruction.

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Many Texans love their state. How do you like paying for the extra residents....got enough resources to handle a couple million more? They are on the way....thanks to the WH essentially granting amnesty by executive order.

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I lived 70 miles from the border all my life until I moved to Texass. I

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I have no problem with immigrants; after all the US was built on immigration. We are all from immigrantstock, even the native Americans. The US would have the resources if the billionaires would pay their fair share in taxes, so get off your little pony, as you’re definitely not on high horse status, thinking you’re better than an immigrant. I’d help an immigrant any day of week before I’d help someone like you. Don’t forget, you are from immigrant stock, so put a sock in it and stop with your hatred.

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Criminal, unaccountable, career immigrants, some with stated designs to turn this land into a caliphate....where no accounting is done, no public records, often violent and abusers, human slaves and worse, military age men who completely disappear from view. This is not an emotional appeal. It is one looking at reports, data, and facts. The good immigrants who follow the rules, like a family I personally know, have considerable resentment for the bums running in. Please expand your view. I will provide data.

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So when will Biden have a large rally like Trump?

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All I can say is it takes one to know one....especially in Texas......

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Big thank you 🙏🙏

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Best news I have heard all day.

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I grew up a Midwest neighbor, from the Chicago area, and loved visiting Milwaukee, a wonderful city on our shared Lake Michigan; so much to enjoy including great restaurants. Some of the best ethnic German ones, for best taste of sauerbraten, roladen, weinerschnitzel, and oh those October Fest Celebrations, with bratwurst & Lager beer, without having to fly all the way to Munich. A rollicking good time. For sophisticated tastes, plenty of elegant, fine cuisine.

Foolish, clueless Donald. Every seasons has its appeal. Warm - sailing on Lake Michigan, many water sports, so many bays & lakes nearby. Fall & winter-Football’s a big draw in Wisconsin, other team sports, ice hockey, skiing, haven’t even started on cultural events. Not far is Lake Geneva….

And as an adult, I preferred flying in & out of Milwaukee’s Airport when I traveled, if I could. With family in the area, after I retired to AZ, lucky me, there were more opportunities to fly to Milwaukee. A lot to love in our America’s Midwest. Any candidate for President needs to love all of America’s regions fine qualities, not be so immature, limited and unsophisticated he or she’s incapable of this.

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I Live in Green Bay, and I guarantee that I will be voting for Crazy Mary's uncle, as will virtually everyone I know. Milwaukee and Madison are a blight on Wisconsin's sanity, just like Mary's a blight on the sanity of America.

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He ow can you vote for someone so blatantly stupid and that outright admits hating Americans which includes yourself don't you get that why vote for someone that hates you even at the least let alone one that wants to ruin this wonderful country as we know it and dictate everything just like adult hitler did so many years ago

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...save your breath

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Jun 14
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Many of the those like the folks you refer to tend to see right through phony’s the DJT type, pseudo sophisticates, spouting bs. Disgusts ‘em, right.y so Intuitively they feel the insecurities it’s trying so hard to cover up and fool. Sadly the smarmy dazzles and distracts, glittery attracts many less discerning, like flocks of crows who don’t care, guys words are like cheap worthless fake ‘gems.’

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So you think she would vote for Hunter's entourage instead? What would your mother say about indelicately murdering innocent children...who think and know the pain of literally being sawed into pieces...what would she say about people crashing into her home just because they are immigrants? What would her reaction be to find 105% of eligible voters are mailed ballots? And 120% of those voters voted and their ballots were counted weeks later after the election? The people who were born on dirt floors in my area are aware. Yes, I had a neighbor who had nine children born at home and the home had dirt floors. No car or vehicle, just a horse and mules.

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Too many TV shows with propaganda in it. Dont listen.

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Jun 18
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Hunter's family was also pictured in the laptop.... Abortion rips a living body until death.....immigrants are taking up residences, forcing many tenants out.....the states have exaggerated voting turnouts and have had messy practices for years...these are facts..I am sorry your mom isn't here.

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I gather you’re against abortion.

The anti-abortion folks tell us an abortion is never needed. They are wrong. Abortion bans disregard the life of women with fatal fetal abnormalities whose own lives are endangered by the fetus that cannot survive. These women are being denied life-saving care until they are nearer to death. To be clear, whether the woman has an abortion or not, there will be no baby resulting from this pregnancy. It is the life of the mother that is at risk in a doomed and dangerous pregnancy.

Consider my husband’s experience when he went to the hospital emergency room. The doctor diagnosed him with an inflamed appendix and told him it needed to be removed. (The same way the women were told their fetus was in distress and could not survive.) So the medical professionals promptly prepped my husband for surgery and removed his appendix. (The women were denied an abortion to safely end a pregnancy that could not produce a surviving baby.) My husband didn’t have to wait until his appendix burst and blood poisoning (sepsis) began to spread throughout his body. He wasn’t told to go home and wait for his appendix to burst, until he was closer to death. Nope. The well-trained doctors and staff set right to work and removed the part of his body that could kill him if it remained in his body. (The woman may not have been told they needed an abortion, because in some states it’s illegal to tell them anything about abortion or help them leave the state for care. Texas has a bounty hunter law that allows anyone to sue someone who helps a pregnant woman get an abortion and receive at least $10,000.)

My husband’s situation was no different than the horror stories we’ve heard about Amanda and all the other fine women who wanted to be pregnant but something went wrong and their fetus couldn’t survive. Granted, my husband wasn’t going to deliver a surviving baby, but none of the ladies would be either. The only difference is that the woman were denied an abortion, the medical treatment they needed because there’s a law that threatens to punish and imprison doctors if they treat pregnant women, even when their pregnancy is doomed and dangerous.

The abortion bans put women at risk. But the lawmakers hear these horror stories and do nothing to fix it. Clearly, lawmakers cannot be trusted to protect pregnant women. You now who can be trusted? Women.

We trust women to raise children. Women should be allowed to make their own reproductive healthcare choices, to decide when, and if, they have children. No woman should be forced to give birth.

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No, a child is not another appendix, it is a child. Sheer numbers of these children butchered or poisoned precludes only rare conditions. One of my best friends was aborted....but she lived and is a mother to her own biological and literally twenty plus children adopted or fostered..very happy children.

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Hi Mary,

Even in my safe abode here in New Zealand I shake in my boots. Your Uncle is really scary and I can’t get my head around some people that live in America. So brainwashed and very frightening. What make them tick, I guess only god knows and I think even I think he is confused.

Good luck with your campaign dear girl xxx Val.

PS Joes not old he’s younger than me and I’m not old! ☺️

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Don’t feel so secure Val. If the light of democracy goes out in a country as powerful as America, the whole world will be plunged into darkness.

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Hi Val, I’m kiwi American… it boggles the mind why any American likes Trump but was truly flummoxed when I visited North shore of Auckland and found one of my old friends loves Trump! How can that be? But I guess she tunes into FOX news and we argued. I had hoped from afar people would see more clearly and not be brain washed… not many places further from the USA than NZ!

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Fox lies daily and doesn't show the viewers the real side of Trump! The dimentia side that wants to turn our country upside down!!!

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And there’s a story that some right wing guy who owns a bunch of television stations is making his newsreaders talk about a Wall Street Journal article that says Biden is old. Just as bad.

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Yes. 81 is old, yet 81 rides a bicycle daily, is fully cognent in all spheres, has basically conquer his stuttering and does have a lifetime of gifts.

Yet, 81 has SERVED AMERICA for 50 years, has been through he'll & back, without losing his faith, attends MASS every Sunday, pulled this Nation of Inhabitants out of un-Pandemic, more rapidly than any other country, passed bills to improve life conditions for the living for generations.

OUR descendants will breathe clearer Air, drink clearer water, drive across safer bridges onto better streets, travel via safer rails; maybe on trains like the ones in JAPAN, not get bogged down by STUDENT DEBT and Our Military families will receive the care they deserve both in & out of active duty.

To live and function for 81 years without filing bankruptcy × 6 (even tho' gifted $ 4 million + what djt stole from family members) , raised a son to serve honorably for the Country, Ina War, raise a son, brain damaged & traumatized to the point of Addiction and have a new family successfully, is proof of wisdom gained through out his lifetime.

So, as a person , who will turn 81 on Election Day ( fully cognizant in all spheres), Immanuel vote for the MAN WHO WILL BE 82 , 9 DAYS LATER.😎♏️💯

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I totally agree. I think that Biden is the best President I’ve seen in my 68 years. I adore Obama. He’s brilliant, a great singer and a huge heart. But as a president he didn’t fulfill the job requirement well. Biden has passed more legislation. He hit the ground running. The only thing I’ve been impatient about is the situation in the Middle East. But I keep reminding myself that there is so much more to the story we don’t know.

As to Biden’s age, don’t forget the moment he needs to step aside we have an immensely capable Vice President ready to take over.

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It's after the election now, but I agree with most of what you said. Except drumpf ended up getting a total of 400 million from his Dad, not just 4 mil. His Dad bailed him out again and again. drumpf was so bad at business ( like you say, 6 bankruptcies) despite having a policy of never paying an invoice in full or his taxes honestly - better maths heads than mine have worked out if he'd simply invested his Dad's money in a good term investment sort of account, he'd have more money today than he ever made up until the presidency. Hard to say now since the 2016 presidency, as he has grifted so hard, and accepted so much foreign cash, and grifted off his base, that he may now be richer than he otherwise would have been. But it's all been grift, rather than sound business practices.

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I'm not a Fox fan. In fact I watch more up independent journalists

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Hi Beth, I don’t no any Kiwis who like Trump but I guess there has to be a few clueless in all societies.

My only child lives in DC where are you, I can’t come up there anymore medical insurance is crippling.

I have lived on the North Shore all my life but it’s grown so much it grieves me x

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Hi Val, I’ve lived in Mairangi Bay and Torbay before being lucky enough to move to Waiheke Island in New Zealand. Sadly I got sick with stage 4 breast cancer and so felt I had to move back to USA. I am so sorry that you can’t get to DC to visit with your family because of high insurance costs! That stinks! I am forever grateful to have become a NZ citizen in 1995. Now I am so fortunate to travel back to Nz in summer and not worry about paying for high travel insurance because of Nz’s socialized medicine. If I get sick while visiting NZ, I am grateful that I can be treated without big medical bills. This is such a blessing for me to travel and see my best friends and the beautiful country I love.

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Yep, fellow Kiwi here. When we had the crazies occupy Parliament in March 2022 and rip up the city cobblestones and hurl them and burn down the kids' playground and rip up the footpath to get to the water system to make showers for their month-long occupation, getting on public transport and bullying the school kids etc - yep, there were Trump flags amongst that lot. And American right-wing conspiracy theory media consumption, especially during lockdown - not just Faux News. These ferals thought this had "never happened before" when in fact we'd had lockdowns and schools shut for months, during the 1918 Black Flu and during a couple of the polio epidemics in the 40s and 50 before there was a vaccine for polio. Kids literally did their school work by mail in those days, and their teachers marked it via the hub of the Correspondence School - which was normally only set up for kids who lived too remotely or had other reasons not to attend school physically.

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NZ has a disconnect and secrets. One time I had a student from NZ and a tutor aid from Aus. Talk about customs still in vogue!

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Americans are stupid dumb f*cks. Low I.Q.; uneducated. slobbering, Fox news watching morons. You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig.

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Not all of us.

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Not all of us! Many Americans who live in cities are more educated and informed. No one in my family or work place is voting for that POS Trump

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That's a pretty harsh, over-the-top generalization, buddy! If that's all you can observe, exclusively and as far as the eye can see, I'm glad I don't live in your part of the country.

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What a moronic comment and perhaps you better rephrase your comment as it makes you look like a “stupid dumb f*ck. Low I.Q.; uneducated. slobbering, Fox News watching morons”. You must be that pig that wears lipstick but you’re still a pig.

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Thank you. Are you married? If not can I buy you a cup of coffee? I appreciate your candor and sincerity.

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That's a helluva generalisation akin to saying all Muslims are terrorists. If you're brainwashed from childhood, denied an education that encourages you to think for yourself or look for real evidence to support your beliefs, and kept in a news silo that censors your news or outright lies to you, and many of those lies and hatred are coming from a person standing in a pulpit who makes you believe thinking differently from the "righteous" will send you to Hell, then even bright people can be brainwashed by a cult. Clarence Thomas's wife used to be in a cult. Clearly she has the brain wiring to become a J6-er the way she has. And if decades of plotting by right wingers hadn't stacked the Supreme Court and got rid of laws that would have prevented lies being spread on billionaire owned propaganda channel FOX and it's imitators, then those millions of people would have accurate facts and wouldn't be as brainwashed.

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May I ask you, how much education do You have? Your comment is describing Americans in general.

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Sir that is only some Americans.

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You are speaking of the maga cult members and I would agree 💯 % with that.

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Brain washing, hypnosis, subliminal suggestions are real in the Trump video's.

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Now you are suppositioning....and avoiding the problems we have.

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But Joe is on drugs....

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No, trump is the one on drugs.

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Which ones?

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She's confused. : )

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Such a sad little man. He must have had a terrible childhood; I understand that he never measured up to his dad who castigated him at every opportunity.

That said he is still a horrible human being, not worthy to sit behind the Resolute Desk ever again. Or ever, too bad we have the Electoral College, sigh. Regardless we must ensure he loses every bit of the upcoming election.

It’s a choice between ‘not perfect’ and Facism. Choose not perfect all the way down the ballot, VOTE BLUE!!!!!!!

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Read Mary’s book TOO MUCH AND NEVER ENOUGH. It’s explains clearly what happened to her uncle. I can’t enough type his name.

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I thought it would take me a long time to read it, but I read it very quickly. I have a much better understanding of the family dynamics since I finished it. Mary and her siblings were treated shamefully by her uncle. He stole the money she inherited from Fred trump, her grandfather as well as tfg’s father.

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A very sick family. Very sad how Mary and her brother were treated after their father died.

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Where is her brother now?

I believe he also caved to the dysfunctional mores of that brood.

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No, he did not. The felon tried to deny his very ill son health care. No love lost.

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Yes please everyone read it …

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#34 is a good name.

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Or type period

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Excellent point. No POTUS is perfect, and there are policies (specifically related to Israel) that some Dems aren’t happy about. But our party accepts varying opinions and debate. In other words, DEMOCRACY! The FELON trashes anyone who disagrees with him. I lost count of how many cabinet members he cycled through during his disastrous presidency bc anyone who challenged him got fired.

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Yep, that’s why they all vote as a block. No diversity in thought, no freedom of opinion.

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diane..there have been may biographies done of mr trump and his family history,including photos.yes,in lots of ways,he did have a bad childhood because he was the "chosen" son to take over for his father (mary of course can give the most accurate portrayal of that family history).. in one video there was an interview with trumps mother who was asked at the time (early 80's or later i think)about him running for president as he had mentioned it a few times,where she made the comment,"oh no,donald does not have the temperment to be the president"..!it was also brought out in one of the biographies,that he was sent to military school because his parents didnt know what to do with him! oh well..past history but it helps to know that "apprentice" persona was a scripted,made for tv reality show as well,and people voted for him because they thought that "tough guy" youre fired thing was for real!!

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Respectfully, I would recommend we focus our attention on what we can do to prevent Trump winning the Presidency instead of trying to figure out how he became who he is. Lots and lots of people have had terrible childhoods, far worse than Trump, yet became decent people. Let's face it he's just a bad seed and we're stuck trying to prevent him from destroying our lives.

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i do agree with you maureen,however,mllions voted for the man in 2016 because they believed the billionaire real estate mogel fantasy he created..even though he lost in 2020,he still managed to create a "big lie"of a stolen election,and still today,his MAGA voters who are interviewed say they like his strong personality and toughness,which is far from the truth..people need to understand the motives he had and still has,to be elected..our only option is to vote in november,but being an educated voter and understanding motives does matter..

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Agree. He is a sad little man. But, there are millions of other sad little men and women who are willing to overlook everything about this sad little man so they can have him as President. That to me is a stunner. I wonder were there this kind of sad little people here all these years hating everything and everyone? Or did they just wake up when Trump showed up and decided he was their man?

No matter what Trump says or does makes no difference to his believers. They see and hear only what they want to see and hear about him.

I worry that the government, FBI CIA etc. are not adequately prepared for the election trouble that is bound to happen.

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No after President Obama took over for eight years getting us out that hole we were in, they hated that a biracial man would do that. Although they say he is black they forget that his mother is the original Dorothy from Kansas, a white woman. They don’t mention her at all. It amazes me that during trump birther arguments, they didn’t mention her. She was American and he was born in America. They came out their racist closets and the rest they say is history!!

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I remember the Tea Party crowd and the crowd contesting Obama's citizenship. I suppose these folks trace their roots back to the the Confederacy and having a black man in the White House was something they could not abide. Perhaps you're right that's when the haters rose up and of course leading the pack was Trump.

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Have either of you young ladies seen films/ pictures of the school integration, Civil Rights marches, or the Busings? Check out the faces of the whites, especially the Busings in Boston, Mass.

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They are like the serial killers that neighbors never saw coming; hiding in plain sight all the while. A perfect example is the Architect out on Long Island, the last count is 10.

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...castigated or...


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Please Vote Blue and pray that our FBI can stop the hacker's. Russian and Some American hacker's. Sad situation. Putin made Donald a President in 2016. Now, Tucker went to Russia to negotiate another hack. But, at what price?

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Thank you Mary for the getting the truth out - I applaud your veraciousness and how truthful you speak about your Uncle. Thank you so much and hope the rest of the country will listen

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I agree, Kaye.

Thank you, Mary. 💙

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That man is 78 today, hope it’s his last birthday

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I realize Mary seems to be spreading herself rather thin of late, but all for an unshakably vital purpose. I think most folks here would agree, and it’s still great to see “The Good In Us” whenever it hits my inbox. Mere gratitude is inadequate.

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Mary, you hit every nail on the head. I have been here since Truman and have witnessed everything. But the last 9 years have been an upheaval of America, all engineered by the Republican shipwreck with Donald at the helm. I became a teenager in 1964. I lived through so much. But to end up seeing the division in America between people like us that live in the real world and those that have gone insane and live in Trump World, is just too much.

Again, I hope that my birthday this year brings back the real world to the majority of Americans. A house divided can only fall.

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Darrell, my 81st Birthday is November 5th, Election Day; the greatest gift will be a Biden-Harris, Senate& House Win for America.

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With hope in my heart, dear friend..may you be allowed to celebrate your happiest birthday ( so far) on Nov. 5th.

God Bless you...from a 90 year old great grandmother 🙏🤗

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My 50th birthday is on November 4, and I couldn’t agree more!! ❤️

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Darrell, may I wish you a Happy Birthday in advance. May your wishes come true..for you and all the country.

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Milwaukee’s mayor jumped on this immediately and was brilliant in his response as was Josh Shapiro, Governor of Pennsylvania, who was interviewed by Nicolle Wallace on her show today. Your felon uncle must have so much hate inside of him!

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The Don puts the L in LOSER…and he knows it. That’s not strength he’s constantly pouting off, it’s narcissistic rage! Go, Joe, Go!

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You are our Best voice

Keep on it We need you


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One truth most don't realize about malignant narcissists is they hate everyone, including themselves.

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Absolutely true. I was raised by such a person. Took a long time to put the pieces my gut was telling me together, but yeah. That’s how it is.

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So unfair & unjust when any child is forced to grow up with a narcissist. Huge credit to you & anyone who rises above, or is working on it.

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Thanks for your kind thoughts. Mostly now it just enrages me that for four years my country was subjected to my upbringing.

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So that son of a bitch returned to the scene of the crime today. The bootlicking festival was truly disgusting. I want him and his enablers to pay. Voting them out of office just isn't good enough!

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Absolutely! They all need to be held accountable for their unamerican activities.

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P.S. Mary might ask her uncle if there’s anyone he doesn’t hate.

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We don't want Mary wasting her energy on something we know he'll just lie about.

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Agreed! Only mentioned that because at some point in my 30’s, I’d heard enough, the straw broke the camel’s back, and I did ask my malignant narcissist that very question. If looks could kill . . . But at least it bought a few minutes of quiet.

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Especially themselves. I was married to one for over 20 years. He was violent, both mentally and physically abusive. He gone now, and I am a very contented woman

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Good for you, Sharon. The older I get the more I see how subtraction (of people, things, old ideas) reduces baggage and enhances life greatly.

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Sorry you had to live with that. Glad he’s gone now.

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I'm still disgusted by his bizarre birtherism when Obama was in office. It was sheer BS; but he was perversely adamant. And it turns out HE is the one now the Constitution actually does disqualify from holding office! History will have field day with him.

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Don't forget narcissists constantly disgust us normies to get us to give up or give in.

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And WE love President Joe Biden, his entire family, YOU, and the city of Milwaukee.

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Agreeing with everything mentioned, here’s the thing: all of this has indeed happened. The GOP consistently dismisses these issues, and rehashing them is futile since Republican voters often vote along party lines, even reluctantly supporting a flawed candidate. So, how do we counter this? Appealing to the better angels and conscience of red voters is ineffective. For these voters, money talks. Greed and avarice drive their decisions. We need to focus on what truly registers with them—financial impact. Highlighting how their votes affect their wallets and the economy could be a more effective strategy. I don’t know. But I know that logic isn’t moving the needle.

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Simon Rosenberg over at Hopium has a piece on how Mary’s uncle felon’s plans to put tariffs on shit tons of foreign goods will drive inflation through the roof. It needs to be more publicized, especially to all the morons out there who think Donald did well on inflation.

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The Donald did not do well on anything. He destroyed the nation’s balance sheet, destroyed tax process, destroyed our constitutional discipline, fomented latent fascism, fanned intolerance, and made love to the worst dictators… on the planet.

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Yes, I know that. If you read comments on articles in Yahoo News, you’ll find people who “think” otherwise. Some of them aren’t necessarily cultists either; they just believe the BS about Rs being better for the economy, and that President Biden made inflation worse. And that’s all they are basing their votes on, as if the end of democracy somehow doesn’t matter. Those people scare me more than the cultists do because there seem to be enough of them to win it for convicted felon DJT. Rosenberg’s piece is good ammo to fight back with.

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I saw that

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The problem is the cult base is not the ones who he is enriching. And like over 35% of registered Republicans earn under $20,000/year. The only help they get is the help Democrats fight to give them.

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Horrifying but hard to deny

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Mary Trump - This is a perfect summary of where we are in 2024. Thank you! And Milwaukee's Mayor said of donald in response-"Right back atcha, buddy." Mary, keep eating your fruits and veggies. We need you to stay healthy. Carol in Kansas [the State that said "screw you" in 2022 to the state abortion ban referendum]

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He hates New Hampshire too! He said it was drug infested!

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Thank you, Mary, for your truth and honesty. It is refreshing in the day and age, a totally different era we are living in. God bless you.

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I live in GA and if he wins I anticipate rage-fueled revenge for the State because Bryan Kemp wouldn’t cheat for him. All blue States can count on that too.

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