Mary, when you send out the “Donald Is Screwed” party invitations, I’ll be ready!! 👠👠👗👒

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I’ll bring sage. Others will need to bring some too. It’ll take a lot of sage to cleanse it. ☮️

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Dont bother with burning sage. Just burn the place down

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I came to say that and you beat me to it!

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Perhaps, with a lot of bleach and sanitation, the place could be used for low income housing.

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At least get rid of the gaudy fake gold everywhere

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Brilliant! I never thought of that. We can roast hotdogs

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How about marshmallows 🤗🤗

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Housing for immigrants and the homeless. !!!

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With him in it.

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Nah. Mar-a-Lago existed before TFG. Repurposing it would be the way to go.

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Hi Joan, exactly! We are thinking alike on this… I just posted (before reading what you have posted here) about needing a bale of sage and many hands to do a full cleansing 🩷 my first thought was “we need to do a cleansing.” Innfact, we should burn white sage, if any of us go to the women’s march in DC in August.

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Sage and sweet grass....as long as were at it we should just have the place blessed. I can only imagine the dense energy at that place!

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I have three kinds of native sage growing right now… maybe four. It’ll take a village.

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Me too! I live 1hour north of Palm Beach,meet you all there!!

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I'll be there 😊

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Me too!!! Hells yeah!!!!

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Me 2...

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Me too!

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The judge will cave in, Trump lawyers will appeal it will go to the Supreme Court and the case will be toast, your justice system is severely broken. The rule of law is therefore suspended for the next 4 years maybe longer.

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"I said some things about him — not nearly as bad as I could have said ... but I just talked about him not being a self-made man, having money from his father, and saying he went bankrupt — and it made him go berserk," she told The Daily Beast this week. "He went on a tirade for a good decade that hasn’t ended today."

---Rosie O’Donnell, May 2020

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Yes, Joy Behar on The View mentioned recently that she had never seen Trump so bezerk as when Rosie O’ Donnell said those things about him. Joy said he only loses it when someone suggests he’s not as rich as he says.

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I've thought about Mar A Lago and the possibility he'd have to sell but never heard anyone talk about it. This would destroy him, it's his symbol of "success". His "proof", in his mind that he belongs among the extremely wealthy Palm Beach residents. Losing it means losing all of that. It means LOSER to him. The worst thing he could be.

Thanks Mary! Your amazing!

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Jennifer, he transferred it to Don Junior, when Jack Smith filed charges against him in the Florida documents case (August 2023). However, there is a federal statute against hiding assets when you have a court case that could result in filing liens against those properties. So that transfer will be found to be not legal. Just thought I’d bring that up.

Surely, his attorneys advised him, but he doesn’t pay attention to his attorneys and it could’ve been when he was in a gap.: Before he paid the $3 million in advance to Kise.

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Not to sound cynical but I think people are waiting for him to suffer some consequences. The hope many of us have is dimming. He just seems so insulated. I mean it’s utterly ridiculous how he gets away with stuff over and over and over again. It’s exhausting, frustrating and embarrassing as a nation. Sorry. Thanks for letting me vent. Haha sigh sob.

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Adolf Hitler suffered the consequences of his actions only after he destroyed everyone and everything around him.

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Well, Jr. sounds like he is digging a bigger hold for himself.

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Thanks! I had a feeling that wouldn't work out the way he wanted it to, not much does these days. Lol SAD.

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I saw a post here on the stack that said the property hadn’t been sold and if that’s true no money changed hands. It was a change of title and someone pulled a copy of the deed transfer and posted it online. I believe it showed that there were some underlying mortgages. It could’ve been a fraudulent post but it certainly looked legitimate. There’s money owed on that property, according to tgat post. It’s a matter of doing a title search on the property record/address.

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It wouldn't surprise me at all if that's true.

Well, if he has to sell he's going to be very disappointed since he thinks it's worth 10 times what it's truly worth. I think his "math" makes worth a billion dollars 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Hum...don't you think that Donald's children will pay for everything? I am not in the court system, so I am not aware of how it works, but anyone can pay the fine? Is that right? His Saudi buddy has enough money to purchase New York, right? Well, didn't I read somewhere that Donald was a billionaire? Is that also a lie? What did he do with all the money the countries sent to all his businesses? Surely he has a savings account. Oh my goodness, I have forgotten about the Trumpers, they will send him the money.

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His oldest two sons are screwed due to the NY fraud case as well I believe. And it seems like Ivanka can't stay far enough away from him.

Yes, anyone can pay but we're talking hundreds of millions of dollars and not being able to do business in NY again. He'll have to start selling assets an he doesn't have has many as people think. In many cases Trump licensed his name to things...but he doesn't own the thing.

I think Trump was able to look like a billionaire by inflating assets, which he's been found guilty of and who knows what other underhanded tricks he pulled. He's a professional con man, a grifter and a liar so nothing he says can be believed.

His supporters will send money, money and more money to his campaign and whatever schemes he can come up with but his legal fees, fines etc will be astronomical. I also think Mar A Lago is not a money maker. If it breaks even I'd be surprised. If he goes to jail that's an entirely different set of problems.

Look Trump is never going to be poor but I do think his wealth will dwindle considerably. Enough that he won't be able to maintain the lifestyle he's accustomed to and I can only hope it's worse than that. He's scammed so many people he doesn't deserve to live like he does, he deserves to be bankrupt. Crossing my fingers 🤞

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He is going to be poor.

He doesn’t have enough money to pay the fine that Leticia James suggests.

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We've no way of knowing how many dollars are 'hidden' by various legal and / or illegal means - know what I mean ? What is likely is that his "reach" may diminish; especially if we make sure that broadcasters realize that "WE" know that OiD and the gop leadership are 'playing them like a free fiddle', deriving camera and microphone air time for their re-election for free - since the broadcasters are footing the bills for them, gratis. I spent some time in politics; it was a common ploy for candidates to say outrageous things, including total falsehoods, adopting nutty nick names, etc. Reason: people won't forget your name if their always talking about you, for good or bad. We used to call that a "whisper campaign.' It works.

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TY - and sorry… I tried to Google, but I am not familiar with the OiD. Could you please tell me what that means. Trump defines outrageous. He defines illegitimate, immoral, and many other things. I know we are all working so hard to expose his lies.

I just learned that the GOP in Nevada made quite a big mistake because they they informed Trump‘s campaign that they would not put him on the ballot if he was on the primary ballot. So they didn’t put him on the primary and had him on the caucus. Then the Democrat legislators went in and successfully pushed a new law through that abolished the caucus . by then, Trump was not on the primary ballot. Of course, there is no secret about this (part of the legislation session) but Trump‘s campaign missed it. Therefore, he is not on the primary ballot for Nevada. That ballot sans Trump, is being mailed out later this month and he won’t be on it. If they just keep shooting themselves in the foot…… Nevada is blue, regardless of what Trump says, Las Vegas and Reno are Blue and the rural areas are red, but the major population is in Reno and Las Vegas.

Thank you so much,


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Lol ! "OiD" is my pet name for tfg (DJT, 'the former guy'. No doubt you've heard of Benito Mussolini ? Very charismatic, self assured, all the right 'airs' about himself, yet was a consummate people manipulator. As he rose to power, he adopted a nickname to further his heroic stature performance. He adopted "il Duce" - translated from Italian it means 'The Leader or The Boss'. From the ancient Roman, it was a Roman officer in command of 2 legions or more of soldiers. iL Duce flim flamed / swindled a large 'appearing' portion of the populace of Italy to 'follow him only' because he "knew" the way out of their miseries from post WW1 and the Great depression. Every time he gained a follower or two, his PR people made it seem like 'legions' and that folks best get on his growing bandwagon; and it grew and grew, based more on the "get on the bandwagon early" or get left behind - or worse. As you may know, those are all logic fallacies and tools of tyrants. Well, I dubbed tfg "The Orange iL Duce" - hence 'OiD'. There, you have it.

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Melania better get her documents in order

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Saudi Arabia is tired of him. He is no longer of use to them. They don’t believe that he has a shot at being president again.

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I agree, he doesn't. Plus with the new information that he smells he needs a caregiver. Dementia?

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I don't believe the polls that have him almost even with Biden. We learned how bad the polling can be in 2016 and you just can not convince me there are more MAGA voters than sane people in this country

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But the Saudis seem to like Jared...2 billion dollars worth..

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PS: Micki, but the interest on the 2 billion is not trivial. And I think he’s probably giving some of that to Donald, who protected Saudia Arabia, after the brutal murder of Jamal Khadhoggi… the CIA and another intelligent service announced they were positive the Saudi Crown Prince ordered the killing. Trump said “maybe he did maybe he didn’t but Saudi is still our friend.”

Then Jared trotted over and came back with $2 billion

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Dems are making huge errors by not filing lawsuits vs obvious breaches of conduct, etc. - including "Obstruction" of government entities like the Postal Service, etc. For example, that nut case holdover that Biden needs to find cause to fire; he singlehandedly "knee-capped" the postal service that had just invested tons of money to make themselves more competitive - remember ? He had tons of brand new handling / sorting automated equipment tossed out ! More examples are out there, and if not there, they are in my records.

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The 2 billion was an investment. Jared gets the interest. He doesn’t get to keep the $2 billion.

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An investment that he receives compensation of some form or another, perhaps including capital gains on that he pays minimal tax on ? Perhaps on the board of said investment vehicle ? Too many shell games are available to hide income - we know this; or did we forget ? Just tossing some thoughts out there.

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OMG Valere ! Please don't jinx us all ! Never, I mean never, in a million years did I ever even imagine he'd win at all the first time !

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I just read a book, The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post. She built Mar A Lago. I ordered a book, to arrive soon , called Mar A Lago. So I have been fascinated with the history of the property. I hope he loses it. With NY being taken from him, where will he go? Not that I care one whit.

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Of course we all want this to end and Orange Von Fatfvk to lose what frankly he doesn’t have

His net worth is in his head filed under “Ridiculous Brand Value”

If you deduct “Ridiculous Brand Value” what’s he worth or rather what does he owe

Time for a fire sale and see if he ends up travelling on a private jet or a yellow cab or a bicycle

I live in Australia

My Father lives in the UK

I worked in 5 countries and stay in contact with tens of people

He’s regarded as a “highly dangerous joke” by the world outside of the US (other than perhaps Dictatorships)

UN Members

G7 Members

Think he is a “highly dangerous joke” with the make up and the hair and the suits and the adult diapers

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He was a joke at the one and only G7 he attended in Canada. He crossed his arms and went into a snit over tariffs with Canada. Angela Merkel did a stare down with him and Trump left. He didn’t attend a single G7 after that. He attended one G20 in Germany in 2018, following which he then headed to Helsinki to meet with Putin (breaking established protocol by only allowing a translator to attend). In 2019, he attended a South American G20 where he intended to meet with Putin. His minders talked him out of it (because of optics). He golfed throughout the next G20 in Japan. And refused to attend a single session of the last one (held in Riyadh , Saudis Arabia but because it was online (COVID lockdown) he couldn’t grandstand and get his picture taken, so he went golfing at his own golf course for that last one in 2020. Biden had to repair all the international damage Trump did to us. By the way, Trump, very proudly said “I get along very well with the dictators.” Of course he does. But he shouldn’t wear that like a badge. Where is Madeline Albright when we need her?

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Yep !

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Yup, you said it best. A danger to the free world and as usual, always full of shit.

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Is that why I just read that he has a bad body odor? Someone needs to help him change them.

Oh my goodness, keeping urine on the body break the skin down, create sores, and can cause infections. We want Donald to live to be held accountable. Where is his doctor? I mean a real doctor who will tell him the truth, not lie for him and get him the help he needs, like a full-time caregiver.

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You must be referring to his adult size diapers. 😂 Our president to be Donald “Poopy Pants” Trump. I pity the leaders who are forced to sit next to him.

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Oh my goodness! I wouldn’t like to sit next to him. Let us pray that he will one day get a Caregiver who cares to take care of him. Sad.

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Lord of the flies, Beelzebub, from the depths of the sulphur pit… We know him and ‘love’ him… our very own….Satan’s spawn.

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Hum…I have read your message over and over and I am not sure how to respond. I’m sorry, can you explain. I’m sorry I am behind responding. I am working on getting back on track. Well, I am giving it a go.

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My reply is all tongue in cheek naming some of the foul smelling creatures from literature, etc. Lord of the Flies is also known as the demon Beelzebub (and of course is the title of a book we all read when we were in 4th grade.. young children stranded by themselves devolve into hellacious characters… much like dJt, et al.) The odor from a sulphur source smells much like rotten eggs… likewise a reference to where Biblical sources throw Satan and “his angels”..and also the smell of diapers full of crap… as many claim dJt smells of a full crappy diaper. His incontinence is due to a lax bowel most likely a side effect of the drugs he has abused for decades. I hope this helps inform you of my references?

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I am so far behind on my emails and I am so sorry for the late reply.

I just read that he soiled himself again and it seems to me that he must have a Caregiver to help him.

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If the carer is his son, that would account for his dour continence (no smiles for Barron!)

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Jan 9Edited

Also: Know him and love him (sarcasm ) Satan’s spawn (reference Jesus saying that “he is of his father, the devil” ie. a person who lies constantly. )

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I know the Post family would be thrilled to have the residence sold. Out of the hands of this criminal!

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When Mar a Lago goes on sale, I hope one of our well-endowed progressive billionaires will buy it and blow it to smithereens. I would like to see a video of Mary L Trump pushing the button.

On the site, they should build a museum of authoritarianism featuring guess who. There should also be a large wing devoted to enablers. looking at you, Mike Pence.

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I like that idea, but how about turning it into a [Veteran's coming home from the HELL'S of war] type housing. Also a home for our homeless veterans. Hmm what say y'all 🤔?

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Another commenter suggested that it become a shelter for migrants. That would be wonderful too, but it might expose them to governmental scrutiny.

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That was me and I would love to see his face as bus with migrants are brought there for shelter.

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By the way, that is a wonderful picture. How about homeless people, migrants, and disabled veterans? We are trying to give the man a heart attack aren't we? I'm sure the residents of Palm Beach would be thrilled also.

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I feel that Mar a lago will be the last possession that trump lets go of. I don't see him losing it before his death. The New York lawsuit will not bankrupt him entirely.

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That's a great idea as well Kat, for that matter the place is big enough for both.

But now that it's after the erection of the Queen Do Lil Donny and King to be Elon Cruztee this will never happen now

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Yes Kevin! I posted that on aJoyce Vance’s substract when he was indicted in June 2023 - and suggested it again tonight before reading your post. I think a place for veterans to heal would be poetic justice given that heel spurs demean our brave military warriors, including those buried in France from World War I. But it would be a wonderful place for healing on the ocean. We would have to burn bales of sage to cleanse it first:)

I’m glad others are suggesting this as well💛

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How about a shelter for abused and trafficked women and children.

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Oh my goodness! so many great ideas. How to choose? Oh my goodness!

so many people in need. The abused and trafficked women and children need more protection.

Passing the law of Equal Rights is the first step. Who gave men the idea that we women are their property? I don't get it. I was in hell with a so called man who loved me. Love does not hurt, kill, or mentally abuse.

I see that in some movies they teach that it is okay to abuse women. Not okay.

I also heard that 4 men decide what will be on Television, Movies and such.

If that is true, who are they and who gave them this power? Making people of color look bad. Unacceptable. People watch a movie and believe as it is real.

We have a lot to do.

Mary, after your project is over and done, please stay on. We have so many issues not only in the United States, but in our world.

Love, Peace, and Happiness in 2024. Believe!

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Great idea! A Veteran's Home to get them healed and a way to start over. They can be taught how to play golf.

Let's go with that one. I remember seeing a photo of a veteran outside our Capitol in a wheel chair with no place to go in the snow. Heart breaking. Too many veterans were injured in the war and became addicted on the pain killers. Some ended up in prisons.

What in the world..... How can any of our veterans not be given free Rehabilitation to get them off the drugs before releasing them into society where they are vulnerable

We must do better. We must.

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Thank you Joyce Marie. I fully agree and poetic justice given that heel spurs had six deferments, so that he wouldn’t have to go to the military. Then, when he became commander-in-chief, he took every opportunity to demean the veterans, and to disparage the wounded. He wondered why they showed up in wheelchairs at Memorial services…. Can’t think of a better use for Mar-a-Lago. After we burn the bales of sage to cleanse it 🤍

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It originally was in a Museum trust. They had trouble with paying the upkeep, so, it was sold. I would like to see it as tourists attraction.

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Maybe with a “pissing wall” for those wishing to, um share their sentiments of cult 45.

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The first Putin President should also be the first President void here in the USA.

Let us remove all books, photos, and any of his names on buildings.

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Heh, TFFG’s presidential library will be a copy of Hitler’s speeches next to a gold-plated toilet (aka, the “reading room”). Hmmm, no larger than an over the top tacky Rococo decorated outhouse!

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lol Barb !

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Well, I would like not to see the Donald's picture anymore or let along a building with his criminal history.

What about turning it into a place for the homeless? It would serve the people trying to get a hands up. They can live there, social workers, trainers, all things to get them on their feet.

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I think that's another really great idea, and they won't be the targets of immigration services as migrants would be. It would also drive the Palm Beach crowd purely crazy.

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The Post Family? Who are they? Why do they care?

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Mar a Lago was built by Marjorie Post of Post cereals.

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Thank you! I love learning.

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Washington Post

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Post cereal company owns a News Paper?

What? Okay, head has been under a rock.

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Post cereals has nothing to do with the Washington Post.

Mar-a-Lago, a resort and national historic landmark in Palm Beach, Florida, was built by **Marjorie Merriweather Post** between 1924 and 1927¹. She was an heiress to the **Post Cereals business** and was considered the wealthiest woman in the United States during the 1920s¹.

(1) Mar-a-Lago - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mar-a-Lago.

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Thank you, Mary, for enlightening us to Donald's nightmares!

I hope Donald becomes homeless and in JAIL at the same time!

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His next home should be a cell at Leavenworth Federal Prison forever!

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I think it should be turned into a migrant center.

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lol!!! That would actually be great!

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Could you imagine how he'd react to that? Migrants bused to Mar-a-Lago? THAT would be some small but good justice!

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I love that woman. She has a back bone like no other.

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She got all the backbone in the Trump family!

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And no bone SPURS either Rick. Lol

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Just trying to keep it real. I can't imagine that the loathsome Donald can't specify the order in which his properties would be sold. I also assume Mar a Lago would be last on that list.

But I relish the pain he will suffer when any of his properties go on the block.

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all of them, including Mar-a-Lago, have been put under receivership since the New York fraud trial. Period. They all get divided up according to what the receiver says.

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I did some research on receivership in New York. The goal of receivership is to safeguard the property while the trial is going on. When the trial is over the owner receives at least some control over the property's disposition. If a bankrupt person owes a million, and has property worth more than a million, it would be tyranny to dictate which of the property must be sold to satisfy a debt.

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Thank you Kathleen. Since I’m not an attorney, I may be using the wrong term for what the judge determined for the property. There is some kind of a word that they have determined what properties are to be on the list. I thought it was receiver ship, and I’ve only heard that used in bankruptcy. I may be incorrect about the word, but I think it’s a way to keep those properties from being sold while the court case is going on. Also, he has to report any financial s made, such as check writing over a certain amount. I was a little bit surprised to see the Scotland property on the list. But that is something I googled and found sometime ago. I was curious to see what he had for assets because the E. Jean Caroll trial was set for January 2024. I haven’t looked at that website since last November.

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All of the properties owned by the Trump Corporation would be on that list. Receivership can happen both in bankruptcy and in any kind of large-scale business lawsuit. The point is to prevent A business's assets from being sold, given away, or damaged before the bankruptcy or business lawsuit is concluded. The goal is to preserve the value of the business until the lawsuit is concluded— after that point, I am sure that trump will have to submit a plan to pay off the judgment against him.

It also seems obvious that he has more in assets than Letitia James is demanding. I think he will have to sell many properties, but not all. I will be shocked if Trump does not include Mar-a-Lago among the properties that he will hang on to.

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Thanks Kathleen. Indeed, I’m quite sure that the word is receivership. And there were properties listed such as one called seven Springs I think in New York, and of course, Trump Towers and Mara Largo. I don’t believe I saw the New Jersey golf course on there. But of course he owns that because he buried Ivana there.

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I know we’ll have to wait and see what true value he has in those properties. But I don’t know that he’ll be able to keep Mara Largo.

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I hope they haven't forgotten Ivanka and Jerrid with all the mega bucks from the King in Arabia and China as well. She wasn't the inosent one.

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Javanka needs to be hauled before a Congressional Investigation Committee.

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That would be determined by the court-appointed lady.

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come undone)—many blindly followed

didn’t know(they say)where

he wandered till

it was too;late

high challenges beneath his feet, dreamed

sky-touch but oh,

lord—it was too(late)

too late(he's)



lost his way, come


amidst a sea of truth;lies he sought

discovering in whispers and shouts

futility's taste—

oh it's too late

undone he stands,

path laid before like broken glass,

what they saw in his becoming

oh lord—oh—it was too late

hurdles many, solutions scarce,

promises many, truth so sparse.

voices many, listening ears few,

opportunities vast, wit withdrew.

too late(he's)



lost his way, come


didn't he know? didn't he see?

where he stumbled, where he’d be

and when they saw; his final fate,

oh lord—too, too late

indictments steep, a mountainous sin,

rising to conquer but sinking in,

realized he could not face the tide,

oh lord, it was too—too late inside.

too late(he's)



lost his way, come


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Beautiful poem.

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Thank you.

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Duran Duran Come Undone

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Original artists--The Guess Who, back in the prehistoric era of 1969. Also called "Undun."

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This one, too. The phrase kept rattling around in my head.

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You are on FIRE tonight!! 💥


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It’s an old poem but it perfectly applies to Mary’s article.

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I just adore you Gloria!!! I can hear it..... boo fucking hoo!!

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This was a lovely one to read tonight - thanks Mary! We all know that Donald Trump is one of the most psychologically sick puppies on the planet today and, as such, my guess is that he will never have the ability to learn from any of his mistakes or atrocities. So the fact that all of this is happening - that people like Leticia James, Fani Willis, Jack Smith, and E.Jean Carroll - and Mary Trump, of course - and so many more are finally willing to take him on now is amazing, wonderful and necessary. Here's to all of us who know the difference between a truth and a lie.

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He is a malignant narcissist. Have you seen ‘Unfit’?

It’s a movie/documentary that came out in 2020 and includes some of the best interviews and descriptions of Trump from practicing psychologist and psychiatrist as well as people who have worked with him such as George Conway and John Kelly, his former chief of staff

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Love the side by side photo selection.

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The only reason why I will never set foot in Mar a Lago is that there are demonic spirits in that place. Places pick up vibes. When I took to my mother to Gettysburg battlefield, she said: “This is such a sad place.” and she was no American historian.

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My ardent hope is that he continues losing other cases, he’ll opt to try to leave the country.

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He’ll be so happy in Saudi Arabia..,

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Would Putin get someone to take care of him? Caregiver needed immediately.

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Thank you for your difficult work.

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I believe Mar a Lago was signed over into Jr’s name. Done a few months ago

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I'm not a lawyer, but I believe there are laws that prevent transferring property to avoid civil and criminal consequences.

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Thanks for the update.

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I’m not either. I remember reading an article in a traditional paper can’t remember which or I’d pull it up. Regardless the man has no respect for laws as we all know.

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Yep, And the laws cover also the case of having properties in other states. For example, the receiver in the New York fraud case has counted Mar-a-Largo as among all of his properties. One cannot hide assets when a court case is pending or due to be filed, because there is a federal statute that covers properties in other states as well. So transferring to Junior did not accomplish anything as far as saving Mara Largo.

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Great reply, Valere.

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Jr is part of this fraud case I thought. He was whining about a cabin that Trump org owns and whether he'd be able to keep it. If that's true why would MAL be any different?

But I really have know idea and if that's true it's an excellent point to bring up.

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He signed it to Don Junior, in June 2023. . However, it is still listed under the receivership from the New York fraud trial, because there is a federal statute that you cannot hide assets when you have a possible lien from a pending court case. So it begs the question whether his attorneys informed him of that or whether he was just between attorneys at the time, and he took his own advice as he usually does.

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Oh, lord, I hope not!!

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