I had the same response to Stewart’s comments as you did. I used to (and to an extent still do) admire his intellect and wit as well as his passion for important issues. The Trump-Biden bit was not only off to the mark but ill advised. Thank you again for speaking truth.

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Yes, Jody, exactly. I agree with all you say here. Thank you. And thanks to Mary. I was hoping that Jon had said more about Mary’s statements.

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So you have two people who make mistakes and who don't do their job. One is evil and the other just doesn't care. Why should Jon Stewart only focus on the evil one? I live in a red state and I know that Biden doesn't care. He's not evil, but he and his administration are absent from even trying to stop fascism. Mary Trump was wrong for attacking Stewart who only pointed out facts and that's the truth.

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You are WRONG. How can you say that Biden doesn’t care or that he is not openly confronting Trump’s stated goals of invoking the Insurrection Act on his first day after being inaugurated followed by calling for martial law and sending the military to round up “illegal immigrants”, followed by deporting them. Watch the “State of the Union” address in March.

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You "know"??? that President Biden doesn't care? Really? You "know"??? that he doesn't do his job? Really? You must have been hiding under a rock for ther past 8 years.

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You are delusional.

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You poor man.

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Goodbye Scott!!

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So, you have acne and ebola. Why should your stupid doctor focus on curing ebola first? Doesn’t he realize how terrible this acne makes you look?

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While I disagree with it, I can see how you might arrive at that conclusion based on his apparent lack of action regarding the hesitancy by his administration to bring to justice people on the right who are actively threatening our democracy & rule of law. He should've fired Garland long ago & replaced him with an activist AG such as Preet Bharara, or even his own VP, Kamala Harris. Possibly also replace Christopher Wray & definitely Louis DeJoy. I think there are reasons other than not caring for his failure to do this, such as a misguided sense of loyalty to people who work for him (even if they don't reciprocate that loyalty), or fear of being considered intrusive in the justice system.

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That page is still up, and so far has raised $898,433. The RNC will not be paying his bill, he only has $8 mill left in that, and he still has to do his speeches, and raise more money for the RNC. Someone else posted his plane was reposed, that was also a lie.

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Look at who started the GoFundMe page. It looks like lobbing to me.

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Elena Cardone, organizing this fundraiser, Aventura, FL, and it has gained some already $982,726, she said she started this alone, and her and her husband Grant Cardone have decided to cancel all future events in NY and halt all our real estate ventures there. I say good, let NY take her property. I hope NY justice system steps up and does something about this all.

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By the way, she now has lawyers involved with her on this.

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You are 100% right. It is so disappointing that Stewart did this, but the fact that he can't take criticism is pretty appalling given the circumstances. Thank you Mary. With you all the way.

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Actually, he was pointing out the inability of Democrats to take criticism, and asa Dem I must say he is correct. Like it or not, people ARE making Biden's age an issue. The piece he did on 2/12 was suggesting what Biden can better do to dispel those concerns. It was good advice that I hope he will listen to. If we can't critique ourselves we can't win.

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Looks like you’ve totally missed the point. Democrats can’t take criticism?? How many Republicans can’t take criticism? It’s what happens when we’re in such a polarized time. How many Democrats do you know who don’t think Biden’s age is worrying? We do. And one way to assuage the worry is to talk up his amazing achievements. In any event, the issue is the both-sidesism that is extremely dangerous. And the fact that Stewart was so defensive (he’s the one who can’t take criticism) shows him to be an asshole because HE seems to be missing, or avoiding, the whole point. With his huge audience, his comedy/rhetoric that Biden and Trump are basically the same is very misleading and dangerous. He hasn’t learned a thing from 2016.

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Exactly! Maybe he should talk about what Biden’s age has to do with the fear of a Black woman, Kamala Harris, at the helm. That would be far more interesting.

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I don't want to hear him talk about that.

I want to hear Tiffany Cross talk about that.

I want to hear Angela Rye talk about that.

I want to hear Joy Ann Reid talk about that.

I want to hear Danielle Moody (Nerd Avengers represent!) talk about that.

I do not want another White-presenting MAYUN to talk about that, because he wouldn't report it correctly as he's already mansplaining to Mary so it's clear he doesn't know how to see his own biases.

All the Concerns about Joe Biden's Age Are Really About Race & Gender


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Agree totally! When I see the Biden Ageism comments on any social media, I do exactly what you said: Highlight ALL that he has done for this country coming out of a worldwide pandemic that closed down the whole world for 2 years. Thank God he is our president! His vast experience is what was and is needed at this difficult time of division. We need to stop talking about Pres Biden's age.

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"one way to assuage the worry is to talk up his amazing achievements." Look at the piece again. That is EXACTLY what Stewart was saying. The fact that people like yourself thinking that his doing so was tantamount to "bothsiderism" is what is very misleading and dangerous. Here is a guy with a national audience suggesting Biden do just that by exposing his work on policy more publicly and you all are *attacking* him for it. Yes, the inability of anyone to use critical thinking skills to look at themselves and those they support is at t he root of our current polarization. Stewart is trying to break that cycle by saying,"yes, both sides have their problems, but only one is pushing us towards totalitarianism. If people can stop being so damn offended just because he expressed concerns we can avoid becoming that which we claim to hate, a cult of personality.

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You’re still missing the entire point. We don’t have to keep going.

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Yeah, clearly we don't, as I believe just as strongly that it is you who are clearly missing the point.

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It's not a matter of being offended. I don't think anyone needs a PhD in critical thinking to know that that is NO equivalency between the two men. One works hard to do the job he was elected to do and is doing it well, and the other is a deadbeat con man who doesn't pay his bills and worse!

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Democrats can’t take criticism?? The republicans can not take criticism, look at Marjorie Taylor Greene, or Lauren (Bobo) Boebert, or even trump himself.

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The media are the ones making a big deal about his age. That's the problem

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Look at polling data. They are not the only ones. The fact is that Biden is not doing all he can to demonstrate the fitness that I know he has. Stewart accurately pointed out examples of that. His policies clearly demonstrate his fitness, but the process of putting those policies together is not on display. It needs to be.

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The media definitely influences what people talk about. If the media focuses on Biden’s accomplishments, that’s what people will think/talk about. But that doesn’t sell ad space, controversy does. So we’ll hear/read more horse race and bothsideism.

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The media needs to tell the whole truth of the good that Biden is doing, but they aren't. They are, for the first time in decades, not letting corporations like Kroger and Albertsons merge together and that helps all of us immensely. If the media would talk about the good they were doing instead of just talking about his age we might get somewhere. But they don't. We have to tell everybody.

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And folks like David Norman are too blind or too naive to see it. Biden is elderly.... no one is trying to 'cover it up'. But being elderly has a lot of benefit... (1) wisdom; (2) experience; (3) patience; (4) respect; (5) knowledge; (6) courage; (7) freedom from negative influence; (8) ego in check; (9) stable (except Joe's opponent who is anything but); (10) compassionate.... I could go on and on and on.... I'm guessing David Norman is either still an ego driven male or hasn't the depth or critical analysis to understand the value.

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Yes, of course media affects things. But as someone who has had a front row seat working at two major networks over the last 15 years I can tell you that the media only cares about reflecting what enough people already think so as to grab their eyeballs by feeding those beliefs. Media is as driven, if not more driven by public opinion than it drives public opinion - with the notable exceptions of those that just outright lie at their owners' bequests (Fox, OAN, NewsMax). Controversy doesn't drive ad sales, eyeballs do.

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Oh nonsense. Biden’s age was a RW talking point and the media, which has never liked Biden and was shocked at how Dems rallied behind him in 2020, were more than happy to amplify. The same media that turned every bit of good economic news into “but a recession is coming”—which led those same polled Americans to believe we were actually in a recession when the case was just the opposite.

No one is more thin skinned when it comes to criticism than journalists. To downplay the impact of media—especially after 2015/16–is disingenuous and frankly ludicrous.

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I wouldn't brag about the coverage at "two major networks" if I were you.

WMD in Iraq ring a bell?

How about her emails?

How about gerrymandering?

How long did it take you boys to call Trump a liar when he lied every day?

You people have been trying to drum up drama about nothing since Obama wore a tan suit while you walk in fear that Republicans might say mean things to you.

Jon Stewart is doing a great Bill Maher -- only most of us got tired of Maher's schtick a dozen years ago.

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Sorry, I don’t agree with your notion that the media just reflects already formed opinions. Some do “preach to the choir” but mainstream news orgs whether print, broadcast, or online need to grab attention to justify ad rates. Generating clicks is why headlines often make a story sound more ‘exciting’ than it often is. (I also speak with some behind-the-curtain knowledge.)

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Hmm that's not what Les Moonves head of CBS said in 2016. He said Trump may be bad for the country but he sure is good for our profits

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Wow , we’re all doomed if that is

“Reporting the facts “

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You think the polls don't reflect what people are seeing in the media? Jon Stewart got 3 million viewers on that episode. That's not even including YouTube. Today I wake up to see news that a poll in MY state which is a swing state, and not red, puts Trump ahead of Biden because his age is a bigger concern than Trump"s indictments!!

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Perhaps President Biden is too busy righting the ship of state that Donald nearly sank to worry about tooting his own horn. Maybe that's our responsibility.

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Very good point! There isn't enough recognition of Biden's MANY accomplishments to even out the very few bad! None of them illegal. HUGE DIFFERENCE by the way!

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Yep Sandra - question is WHY IS THAT ????

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Nah- Stewart sees himself as a progressive who feels righteous about taking shots at Democrats no matter if it harms their electability. He’s just now feeding into agism as well as the misogyny he displayed in 2015-16.

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He was actually giving advice to the Biden team to make him appear more electable. He is not feeding into ageism, he is responding to it. But then again I cannot take seriously anyone who honestly believes that Stewart's criticism of Clinton was misogyny and not genuine concern over someone who cited Henry Kissinger as her foreign policy guru. Both Hillary and I are old enough to remember Kissinger for the mass murderer that he was.

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Isn't it nice that no one cares that you don't take misogny seriously?

Unless of course some poor woman is related to you.

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I am not going to dignify that with an answer, but I will say that you sound very much like a Trumpster

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Huh? Sounds like a Trumpster? tRump is nothing if not a lying rapist and massive Misogynist. At the very least, try to make sense.

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Except of course, you did.


Here's a pro tip, David. "I'm not going to dignify that with an answer" should be a complete response.

Once you throw other things in with it, it just sounds like adolescent excuses.

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I have been writing for publication for over 50 years, so I do not need your “pro tip.” But if you look carefully and put on your reading comprehension shoes you will see that I did not dignify her question with an answer. I illustrated how an ad hominem attack calling someone hateful simply because they don’t prescribe the same motives to someone else’s behavior (“He is, and so are you!”) is in fact pre-adolescent behavior.

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So we all should bow to your 50 years of experience at the same time, we should agree with Jon Stewart and you that age disqualifies you?

Joe Biden has 50 years of experience too.

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He want ratings ... I miss the days of "boring politics" or just simple honesty! The Donald has opened up a can of worms that will take years to rectify! FYI Teachers & Police, Social services are all paid for with taxes. So letting billionaires have soo many tax breaks only hurts the quality of America! Taxes are necessary and the 1% can cover huge amounts of infrastructure etc. Do not believe the BS we are in trouble we are okay but our allies r not. Call your congressmen tell them to pass a budget & stop investigating President Biden already! ✌️💙

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I believe self degradation is a democratic trait that does not work in their favor, especially in this political world! One of the main reasons I vote as an Independent, don't want to loose my spine too!😉 ✌️💙

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Accepting criticism when it's due is honorable, but when it's not due then the critics can be rightfully assumed morrrons.

Read the Heather Cox Richardson's "Letter From An American" and "What did Joe Biden Do Today" for a few weeks. If after all that what comes to your mind is Biden's age, then... heeheehee.

Grandpa Joe looks old and frail? Yeah, so? He's 81. What's the correlation to his brilliant navigation of most difficult domestic and international conundrums some orange gasbag left behind? Yeah, he kicks ass at 81, that's what's astonishing! Sharp, lucid, smart, eloquent and vigorous at 81 - that's aaausome!

Too slow with helping Ukraine with full capacity of modern warfare, garlanddude still emoyed, no USSC expansion? Perhaps those were mistakes, but who's really qualified to say that? You? A gazzzascreeching schizophrenic? An absent-minded clueless unaware "environmentalist"? Not I. I think those are mistakes but how would I know? If mofo traitor illegitimate criminal fuzhymash got white hair after 4 years, kicking ass at 81 is nothing short of a miracle, hail it, cheer it for fuck's sake!

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Really? I guess people didn't like the fact that Stewart is a supposed "liberal" but insulted our president. Of course we can't deny the age of the rump guy either. Let alone his obvious lack of health. It was kinda a no-brainer that BOTH of them are the same age. But as far as "if we can't critique ourselves" has gone far far beyond "this is politics." We are way beyond that We are, in fact, in the danger zone - something we've never had before - an authoritarian "person" (??) who is also a criminal already found guilty of sexual assault & fraud, indicted for attacking our very own government (peaceful transfer of power blah bah) and actually inciting a riot/melee/insurrection. But hey - minor little things, right?

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He should address them separately not together as if they are similar.

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Because the GOP won't just make stuff up and hammer it day and night without help from Stewart, Bill Maher, Axelrod and Carville? 🤷‍♀️🤬

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OMG.... we are sooooo on the same page!!! I've been so disgusted with all four you mention... it's like they've tasted the lemonaide and think maybe they like it. All used to sound reasonably intelligent and unconfused about where the country is best served and now sound like they're just looking for sound bites. I shake my head.

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Of course they will. My point is that Stewart is not actually giving them help. Pointing out the enormous success of Biden's policies while suggesting he is doing a lousy job of shifting focus to them hardly "helps" the GOP. As for Bill Maher, does the man have any fans left that are not *already* either Republicans or Libertarians? I have not seen any coverage of what Axelrod or Carville are saying, so I am not sure what the concern is - though I can say that in the past I have generally liked Axelrod and always disliked Carville.

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I mistakenly listen to their podcasts and "with friends like these who needs enemies?". 🙄

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Fortunately I would not worry too much about their podcasts affecting the vote.

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Hey Dave, what's that over your head? Oh,it's just the whole point here.

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Actually what is over your head, entirely, is the point you are missing. Most of the criticism I am seeing here is making the same point Stewart was making if you put aside your knee jerk reactions and just listen again, keeping in mind that sarcasm and satire are his stocks in trade.

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If Jon can’t take criticism why did he mention it and joke about it? He obviously CAN take criticism.

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Behind you 💯. Wonderful rebuttal. Chef kiss.💙

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I agree.

Thank you, Mary. 💙

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Your response was truthful and very insightful. I agree with your explanation. Trump and Biden are very different people. Jon Stewart needs to validate the differences and not highlight ages or the mental acuity of Trump versus President Biden. Vast and critical differences between them. Thank you Mary!!! Keep the truth coming!!!

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That is exactly what Stewart was saying BIDEN should do.

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You are totally correct, Mary!!! Jon Stewart is WRONG and I am shocked at his lack of character. One can be wrong, but blowing it off is a cowardly response.

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Totally, absolutely, completely, 100% on the mark. Stewart has been living in his ivory tower for too long. There was ONE THING he should have done as a response to the criticism of his equivalency: APOLOGIZE. Instead, he attacks? What a small man.

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John Stewart could have used his signature comedy style in so many ways to wake America up to the real threat of the orange criminal. Glad you called him out, Mary!

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Hmm, how unfortunate that instead of an actual discussion, everything remains a joke because 'it's just tv, folx!'

Thanks for sharing; I didn't watch him in the past and I doubt that's gonna change now.

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Seem to be the GOP platform: say anything on tv because it's not real

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You do understand that his program is on Comedy Central and that he is a comedian, right?

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So was Zelensky- pretty powerful platform.

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Zalenskyy did not achieve his position by hosting a comedy show. He achieved it by making the conscious decision to *leave* that life and enter the political arena. He would be the first to understand the difference.

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I will never understand calling Biden and Zielinski dictators. They got rid of dictators, but the right wing would rather have Putin than Biden.

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No way Zelenksyy was a big tv star and a hunk on soap operas I believe... Nobody thought he could pull off what he has pulled off, holding back Russia for almost 2 years!! He is a VERY Brave man! Congress will be vilified for these delays in support! Especially during a crucial time such as now!! When wives in Russia are starting to complain they want their husbands back from front lines so they can go back their real jobs!! Time is now to strike back at that piss ant Putin!

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Lighten up

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Yeah but he wasn't funny. Chew on that....

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He was not funny because you fail to see the value of humor in this case. It was funny. You just don't think it was because you see it as an attack on Biden and/or bothsiderism. It was neither.

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No, it wasn't funny. It has nothing to do with what I "think." You have no idea what I think or see. It just wasn't funny.

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If you look up and down the thread, David is just mansplaining to everyone why they're all wrong and only he can be right.

Who else do we know like that?

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If you are not expressing what you think, then what are you expressing? I and my friends, Biden supporters all, found it very funny - and very good advice. I am glad that someone actually offered some constructive criticism on how to get past ageism. That y'all instead see it as a form of ageism is just absurd.

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You guys just don't quit, do you. Who the fuck are you to determine why I didn't find it humorous? The grand inquisitor of humor?

Maybe I have a different perspective on all of it, it's not for you to determine my personal view on humor. Get off my back about it. I didn't state a reason for my statement and you are NOT in a position to make one up for me. I just didn't find it funny. Get over yourself.

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Your being overly aggressive. Stop.

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He really is. I reported some of his comments because when you get to the point of "Well actually" the common sense move is to stop and consider if you're just haranguing people instead of continuing to go at it.

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It’s the old “just kidding!” response.

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I know this isn’t popular to say, but I’ve always thought that Jon Stewart’s need to make us think he was the coolest guy in the room came at the expense of humor. Apparently, it’s now at the expense of responsibility as well.

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The responsibility of a democracy.

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Thank you. Saved me some typing, dictating and correcting the dictating errors on my iPad.

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Agree 100%

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Great job Mary! Keep your excellent analysis and commentary going. You clearly got under his skin.

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Jon Stewart was not funny. He was angry. And even if he claims it’s only a 20-min comedy bit, the very people he used to mock as among the most unlike him will use it to defeat Biden.

He’s using a false humility to belie the fact that he was invited back on the show he pioneered 9 years ago to make regular appearances. Who else gets that honor? Who else was so eagerly awaited?

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“It was one fucking show!” Stewart exclaimed. “It was 20 minutes. But I guess, as the famous saying goes, ‘democracy dies in discussion.’”

I think this is the crux of Jon Stewart's guilty conscience--which he does not admit. Like you I am a retired therapist, and his defensive, blaming response was proof in the pudding. I so like your standing up to fame and power! Keep it going.

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Yeah, like if you don’t look at all his commentary over many years and can’t miss the misogyny and privilege displayed there from Day One. He’s not dumb, but he sure is blind and deaf to valid criticism.

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Spot on! Good for you. I hope he gets a copy of this sent to him!

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I agree with you and I myself took blow back on some fb groups for asking people to boycott him. But many others agreed. I will keep supporting you and thank you.

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Is this really worth a boycott?

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No, especially since all he actually did, if you look at the piece, is suggest that his campaign was doing a bad job of dispelling concerns about Biden's age. He was clear that there is a huge difference between Biden and Trump. Also, one can support Biden and think it is tragic that we have to choose between the two oldest candidates ever at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive, nor did Stewart imply that they were.

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Thanks, I kinda have to agree with both sides here. What I mean is Mary was spot on when she criticized him for equating Biden and Trump in any way. The only comparison is chronological age and Biden could literally run circles around Trump in any situation. I also wasn't thrilled with the way he responded on Monday, either. But I will say that Jon was right on with his suggestions about what the democratic party and Biden need to do ìn order to get their message out and show Americans that the crap they hear over and over about Biden's condition is lies and propaganda from the media. Unfortunately, there are many young people who àre frustrated and angry about the status quo and the same choice as last election. Jon should go out of his way to let people know the truth rather than going for the easy laughs.

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That regardless of who we choose there is an approximately 90% chance that they won't live to complete their term? That those of us who are older are refusing to make way for those most invested in the world today? I consider Biden to arguably be the best President since FDR, but yes - the fact that our system has resulted in that choice is tragic. AGain, they are not mutually exclusive if one applies just a smidgen of critical thinking instead of being a knee jerk reactionary who says "oh - he questioned Biden! Smite him!" Isn't that thge kind of behavior we see in Trumpies that terrifies us?

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I totally agree. The “it was only 20 minutes” was such a fake response. No one measures the impact of an event by the amount of time it took.

It’s like the J6 insurrection deniers saying it was only 4 hours.

Or “I’ll only be a dictator for one day”

(Writing “dictator” makes me thing Jon could have said “ I was only a dick for 20 minutes”. ).

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