Women like you will save our democracy. My partner and I are also lgbtq. We are terrified that Kash and his jack booted thugs will come knocking at our door, but will continue to resist: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/dei-lgbtq-public-servant-fired-letter

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The issue is Christian Nationalists using our government to force us to follow thier extremist views. They can't be happy living in a country that allows you to worship as you choose, they want to force everyone to follow their beliefs.

That's why I have a shirt that says: "This is our home, not your church"

This one 👇


We must do everything we can to combat fascism!

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My feeling exactly. Believe as you will and hold your own values, but don't force those beliefs/values down the throats of the rest of the country.

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Ways to resist.. *Place homemade "Stop Trump" stickers every where.

Write on every piece currency Stop Trump or Stop maga, anything. Flood the ‘market’

*Invert postage stamps

*Write on Canadian, Mexican social media pages messages of supporting them regarding trump's tariffs,

*Call FCC and complain about maga media,

*Remove maga media from supermarket newsstands,

*Get involved in fox maga media surveys, distorts the numbers,

*Order free items from mags, i.e., The Heritage Society - then return to sender. Cross out you return address.

*Read about the White Rose

*Shopping is voting, shop morally.

* Call maga advertisers

PLEASE add to the list


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Feb 22Edited
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Me, too, Dana. I ordered it and just saw a scam page on the product! Muskrat scamming millions of people of a $40 scam product! I just cancelled mine as a scam. If you got it, return it for credit due to the scam release. I knew I'd heard of that so called "doctor". He was one of DT's fake doctors during Covid pushing bad advice to Americans.

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(Nationwide Boycott)

Feb 27-28


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First of all, they are only a part of this, smaller than you might realize tbh...

What they've done over the years is bring together all flavors of dissatisfied people under one banner... Even though many do not share the views of all the others, they only want the part they want... So they allow other stuff to get that...

And there will be no reasoning with most of the Christian Nationalists... They've had it hammered into their brains that they are the chosen ones and their mission to get into Heaven means they must convert or destroy all opposition... Anything they do in support of that is allowed, no matter what their book might say...

As to all the others, they see something they want in all this and are willing to look past things they might otherwise not choose themselves... Partially because they feel it won't be their responsibility what the others do...

Many of those now showing remorse for their votes do so ONLY because it bit them, in their collective A**es... Have no sympathy for them, they didn't care about how it would affect others until they were the others... The ones who are happy will remain happy as long as they don't pay a price... And even then some will simply assume it's the price for remaking the World in their image...

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The Christian fascists are the original groomers. They will nag you and pursue you to "accept Jesus as your lord and savior" and they won't shut up EVER. It's a cult. And Trump, knowing he needed a base, knew they idiots were already in a cult and would be easy to con. These people brought us Trump. I hope they rue the day, but everything that happens we I'll be "God's will." They will not budget from their insanity. I grew up in fundamental church. At age 11 I thought there was something wrong with me because I just could not believe all the dogma, the miracles, virgin birth, Etc. I just couldn't believe it. By the time I was 16 I told my mother I was done with church and I would not be going again and I never wavered in that belief because what I saw in my home church was hypocrisy. Some really nasty people were the "good Christians."

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The christofascists are just another flavor of Taliban converting or destroying the infidel.. no more no less

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Thank you, Mary, for your calm, clear-eyed perspective to help guide us through this dystopian nightmare. I refuse to let these small men take away my sanity. We must work together to resist and fight back because the Democratic Party is obviously not coming to save democracy.

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I agree with you and absolutely hate what this awful man has done to marginalized groups of people. My son is trans and he’s terrified to even go out in public, Even though he doesn’t look feminine at all. My heart breaks for all of you. Stay safe

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My heart breaks for all of "us". We're all going to be affected. It's definitely worse for the trans community, heartbreaking AND dangerous! My daughter made flyers about the blackout on February 28th and was putting on people's cars. I asked her to please stop as she's also a child of color and I'm concerned for her safety. It's batshit crazy out there. And the crazies are prepped and ready for war, itching to use those guns and gasmasks they've been stocking up on for so long. These are scary times. Where's our Lincoln when we need one?

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We are our Lincoln, as wild as that sounds. You, me, your family, my family. Us! Strange as it is, ‘we’ all have far more strength than the orange slime & inc want us to feel. Just the boycott … what if it’s extended? What if we reuse to pay taxes as long as the orange slime & ketamine rampage into our privacy and treasury? It’s s new way of thinking, isn’t it? We’ve never had a king since the tea party.

Now the orange monsta has crowned himself. Nonono right?

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Ways to resist.. *Place homemade "Stop Trump" stickers every where.

Write on every piece currency Stop Trump or Stop maga, anything. Flood the ‘market’

*Invert postage stamps

*Write on Canadian, Mexican social media pages messages of supporting them regarding trump's tariffs,

*Call FCC and complain about maga media,

*Remove maga media from supermarket newsstands,

*Get involved in fox maga media surveys, distorts the numbers,

*Order free items from mags, i.e., The Heritage Society - then return to sender. Cross out you return address.

*Read about the White Rose

*Shopping is voting, shop morally.

* Call maga advertisers

PLEASE add to the list


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Where have all the Cowboys Gone??!!

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Ways to resist.. *Place homemade "Stop Trump" stickers every where.

Write on every piece currency Stop Trump or Stop maga, anything. Flood the ‘market’

*Invert postage stamps

*Write on Canadian, Mexican social media pages messages of supporting them regarding trump's tariffs,

*Call FCC and complain about maga media,

*Remove maga media from supermarket newsstands,

*Get involved in fox maga media surveys, distorts the numbers,

*Order free items from mags, i.e., The Heritage Society - then return to sender. Cross out you return address.

*Read about the White Rose

*Shopping is voting, shop morally.

* Call maga advertisers

PLEASE add to the list


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Run for school boards on a save democracy platform.

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Feb 22Edited
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marked as spam.

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I wonder if this person realizes how sick some of us are of seeing this spam.

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Brain Fog......"YOU'RE FIRED"

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See, that’s why we’re all stressed out a lot. Be like Ella, who sings, “I never bother with people I hate.” This whole weekend, I’m not gonna bother with politicians I hate 😍

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I was thinking about all the people I no longer speak to because of that POS! I never bother with people I hate!!

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I can't talk to any of my adult siblings. Guess they love Mango Mussolini more than their own 'flesh and blood.'

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I had only one to lose contact with, a friendship of many decades. It took me longer than it should have to cut the ties.

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Me, too, Candace. We were neighbors as children, went to the same schools and I've stayed in contact with her all my life. She started sending me lies about Hillary in two page letters on line. I couldn't believe she fell for the lies and she became radicalized. I had to stop responding after giving her the truths she said were all lies. Ouch.

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I should have ended the relationship the first time she sent me a text alerting me to my bank's plan to empty my account tomorrow, the second time she told me that contrails from jet engines were chemtrails, and the third time she told me that all vaccines were poison.

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Mary, you warned us with your incredible book "The Most Dangerous Man in the World". Doesn't anyone read? This is a very dangerous time in the world. Keep up the excellent work. Stay safe Mary!

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Americans do not read.

Reading requires mastery of at least one language.

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At more than the 6th grade level the average American reads and comprehends at, or the MAGAts who cannot read and comprehend at the 5th grade level.

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Yeah, I think the younger generations don’t read at all. But hey, let’s abolish the DOE

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actually,the closest most americans come to reading,is now on internet websites..children are not encouraged to read anymore,as so much garbage has been spewed about secret messaging etcetera..i will bet they dont even have books like when i was little and you learned to read with "see jack run",or "see spot play" or the like..then there was dr seuss,but thats a diferent story..teens dont read unless its online,and they even get their "book learning" from internet sources,and not physical books..they are not encouraged to go to a library,or to read the calssics etcetera..and adults..well..what can i say..such "busy lives" they dont have time so newspapers are outdated,libraries are a distant memory,and even bookstores are going out of business..there might be a "book club" or two around,or a church group where they recommend certain things to read,but as a whole..people just dont want to take the time...the internet and computer and yes.tv media are easier..it IS very sad..by the way..i am a "boomer" and i DO remember a lot of things..both good and bad..people who came of age later on dont quite understand what going on as we speak, and the old saying applies"those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it"!!!!

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Shar, as to your question, "Don't people read anymore?" we know the answer, not if they can help it. Those who support this regime either don't read at all, like Toddlers-Trump-Musk and their Fox Not Nearly News hypnotics, or they read books like Patel's and the other fascist tropes. They feel so out of control in their own lives, mostly by choice, they have to control other people and they go at it hard. They claim to be sooo christian while hating most of their neighbors. If there were some way to reach them through their religion and show them they are being lied to by their "preachers" maybe they might wake up. Or, maybe not!

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MAGA laughs at me when I tell them to read their news, and not on an alt right outlet. They are beyond ignorant, pathetic, hateful creatures

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My first book about Trump was by David Cay Johnston, Pulitzer prize winner, who calls him the greatest conman in the history of the world and says that for his entire life Trump has been a con artist. The second was by Michael D'Antonio, another journalist who has followed Trump for many years. That was enough for me. I could not read Mary's book. I need to be able to get some sleep.

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Joy Behar from the View, wrote "The Greatest Gasbag" It's a classic dated 2017. If you can find it, read it! Her feelings about him were right on line with mine, and my friends thought I was crazy, too. Everyone thought he was 'funny'. Oh, yeah. Big Joke....the jokes on us.

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I will look for it.

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I just picked this up today. Very interesting.

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Hi Mary, look online for a clip from a Frank Sinatra TV special where Ella is the guest, and they sing "The Lady is a Tramp" together. Frank is aglow in the presence of Ella - he adored her - and it's the swingin'-est performance you'll ever see! xoxo

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Oooohhhh good one!!! I’m gonna use that

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Morons Are Governing America

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There is no bottom to the depths they will go, for their own personal benefit. Any glimmer of spinal formation is quickly crushed with threats to primary them in the next election.

Worse, they don’t view non-GOP people as citizens or even human beings. In their eyes we’re at best “non-Americans” and traitors at worst.

They live in an information echo chamber system of overlapping deviations from reality, soon they will tell you 2 + 2 = 5, because Big Math is in league with the deep state to keep “real Americans” down. A la climate change for one example.

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HalfaBubbleOff, the sadness is that they are being the people they claim to hate and distrust. What an irony that they will never stop long enough to think through the things they believe and analyze what they are actually doing and saying, and why.

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Mary don't worry they will pay I'm almost sure of it we just have to make sure we can survive them till then and stomp on them .

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I think there is a fetish among subservient people to sexualize dominance, an observation that deserves a ringing “duh” from the flash mob, Freud, Jung and perhaps Schrödinger’s 🐈‍⬛. But this creepy sexually-driven Naziism bleeds out the ears of “Sieg Heil Steve” Bannon and “Achtung” Musk. That’s such a repulsive EWWW about the C-Packers, it deserves mention in contemplation of Kash Patel.

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I think that Trump and MAGA get a sexual thrill when they see people they could have saved suffering and having their lives upended. Bloody sadists.

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Before seeing your comment, I made the same one! I agree that the sadistic sexual thrill needs to be publicly outed and discussed

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I think it is so common because it is a trained perversion that is rejected by a few, tolerated by many, and consciously pursued by a few.

Murder-lust and rape-lust is innate to the few who are psychopaths, but it can be trained into many by indoctrination.

Research in killing in war suggests that perhaps half of the population are “Children of Abel.” No matter what, even for self-protection, they cannot deliberately kill another human being. Period. This is a historical invariant. There are plenty of jobs in military forces that don’t require causing lethality.

In the Vietnam War, the psychological manipulation was undertaken to deliberately force the Children of Abel to be killers. It is horribly destructive to the ego.

I could go on, but I think the result from this continued psychological manipulation is to produce the morally deformed.

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Just look at their Stepford jacked-up face women? What the bloody hell?

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I made a similar comment before seeing yours. I agree that the sexual thrill these low lives are getting needs to be made public

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Sobering words and excellent advice. Yes, it is going to get worse before it gets better. And yes, stay vigilant!

Ella is the greatest. All these years after first hearing her, I still thrill to her voice.

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Jack-booted is right. "Heil Hitler". :|

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I’m thinking it’s all a show: Show me your loyalty … and I’ll (or Elon) will make all the decisions. Showtime, is all Donald knows.

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Lots of crazy and stupidity coming our way. And we can’t fix it but we can shame them and shun them also. Best thing to do is Have a stay at home national peaceful protest strike. Just refuse to play the game anymore

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Let them take each other out. Crazy times.

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I'm old enough, and have the means, to abandon this potentially great nation and finish dying elsewhere for a few years. It seems the option is to live in fear or seriously gun up. Both are anathema to me.

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Mary, I'm with you on everything, including Ella. She and Barbra are my top two favorite singers. I had the extreme privilege of knowing Ella for the last eight years of her life. I was in her home a number of times, and in 1990 I even had Christmas dinner there. She was without a doubt one of the nicest people -- and certainly the nicest person in showbiz -- I have ever known. May her memory -- and her music -- continue to be a blessing and an inspiration.

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WHY would Schumer & the Dems NOT holding 'hearings' about the nominees during transition?? Why, that would be too much work for Chuck. His best days have been left in High School where he scored a 1600 on SAT. He's coasting now and barely gives a f*ck about his fellow americans.

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