I wish a credible forensic scientist trained in body language WOULD publicly relate his findings on Trump; I go by instinct, but I'd like to see a scientist comment.

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All I can envision with 30,537 fact-checked-verified-lies during his four years as *cough - bad* acting prez is to engrave each lie in a brick that paves a memorial road, like a shrine of what NOT to be. ‘The Walk of Shame’ where folks could step on the lies that - at one point in history- tried to keep their souls and spirits under foot. Build it and they will come, walk, and lay to rest all the B.S. I would support such an effort and project. Grateful for your unique critical perspective and voice. Appreciate you.

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Thank you, Mary, for all you do on behalf of basic sanity.

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What a deranged thread 🤦‍♀️.. just keep on voting yourself into a concentration camp!! If you think just for 1 min the dems or neocon can get us out of this mess you believe in fairytales..

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Well, you can either wait for the jackbooted thugs to kick down your door...or you can fight back before they amass so much power you paint a target on yourself.

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Such hubris has never before been seen!

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Every time he gets that kindergarten smile, you know he’s squirming inside.

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It's a dead giveaway.

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I’ve just read through this entire comment section, and I’m shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, to not find a single comment about how ridiculously tiny his hands look while mishandling that Glock. 🤣🤣🤣.

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I guess that we didn't want to appear mean when all this poor sap is doing is just allowing himself to be used by some more grifters to make a couple of bucks and get their 15 minutes.

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Jail for P01135809

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Absolutely agree 💯%. It is just so wrong on every level for Main Stream Media to not call out lies and manipulation when it's right in front of them, but profits over people is the corporate motto! 🤬

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Trump holds the gun like he holds the Bible, like a wet diaper.

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I was thinking grenade, but you're right.

I can't imagine he's *ever* held a wet diaper. I'm sure I'm right, and that's really sad.

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This is a picture of a violation of conditions of bond-ARREST HIM!

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He obviously doesn't know how to hold a gun, and appears very uncomfortable. I'm sure MAGA world noticed this, but will ignore it at all costs, and move on to the next uncomfortable "man of the people" stunt photo.

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Absolutely right; the lying ignorant scumbag has no clue about handing a firearm. Nor should he be allowed to do so as a (not yet convicted) felon. How pathetic to be proud of his likeness on a Glock; it is just indicative of murderous intentions IMO.

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In reference to the gun shop photo: Think how Donald must look through the eyes of a war veteran.

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You'd think him saying, "Why'd you bring him, no one wants to see that" about a disabled war veteran, in front of said veteran, to Gen. Milley, would be enough.

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Andrew Weissman, of Enron and Mueller investigation fame, said today on MSNBC that in No. Carolina it’s a felony to just “receive” a gun. That is, taking a gun in your hand by picking it up or having someone hand it to you. He certainly did that. It was Mr. Weissman who reminded us that TFG was told by a judge to crime no more, for heaven’s sake! 😁

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I like Andrew, but, Jesus, if anything he ever said came true, we wouldn't be lamenting the opposite here every day.

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I love me some Andrew Weissman! Such a brilliant man, and I'm sorry I missed seeing him today. Didn't stay on Nicole's show the whole time. I just watched Rachel's interview and a bit of Lawrence. Wasn't in the mood for news today. Unless it's delivered by Miss Trump, of course; then I'm all ears!!! :)

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More people need to hate guns.

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