I think he’s not only running for president to pardon himself from prison time, but to also set up a permanent family dynasty for his devil-spawned children. He needs fascism to carry this out.
As Mark A. Milley said, he's "fascist to the core" Together with his pathological lying and malignant narcissism and his agenda if elected “Project 2025” Fascism/Authoritarian will become the rule given Trump total power. Destroying our democracy taken away normal freedoms!
We must do everything we can to combat fascism. Voting is not going to stop fascism, but anything that puts a barrier between Trump and the executive will at the very least make it so that an authoritarian fascist regime is not guaranteed.
Anyway, there's optimism in the air. Kamala Harris is showing us the politics of what's possible, and she'll lead with that same joy and optimism as our next president.
I've gotten so many high-fives wearing this Kamala shirt everywhere I go 👇
I have to get my ballot in the mail. I don't trust drop boxes. And I voted blue all the way down my ballot. Every vote for all Democrats. I want to see every Republican lose their seats. That is what needs to be done. Send those punks a clear message that enough is enough! We are sick of your sick Trump candidate. And you Republicans who have been supporting that POS are just as sick as Trump is! Shame on all of you!
Samm, thank you. I use to vote Republican but never again. Not after Donald Trump. The worst President, Fascist Pig in the history of our country. I will never vote for another Republican.
I was a staunch Republican until Trump, now an Independent. I took a chance and helped to get him in, in 2016, figuring that a CEO of a corporation would have the administrative skills to run a country, but was not aware of his numerous bankruptcies and other unscrupulous actions. I did not vote for him in 2020 and certainly will not in 2024!
I knew what he was. I did not vote for him in 2016. He was a less than marginal student in College. I learned that from my Political Science Professors long before Trump ever decided to run for President. I don't want stupid people running the country I live in. America first! Not stinking politicians! Democracy First!
How can he usurp all power since we have this thing called the Separation of Powers currently. Congress and the Judicial branch ought to be able to rein him in somehow. Throw him in Leavenworth if he tries to throw out the Constitution and put his supporters in there with him if they do anything. Use the National Guard. Our Founding Fathers put these guardrails in place for purposes like Trump and his dictatorial aspirations.
Yes our founding fathers gave us the Separation of Powers, to include the Separation of Church and State. Another lie that comes from the far right idiots! The stinking United States Supreme Court gave jerk Trump the authority to be a dictator. The very thing our founding fathers warned us about. Do not elect to the office of President any foreign Prince from any country for fear that they would try to set themselves up as King. Trump comes from a long line of Scottish Barons from Scotland. We are in serious trouble if that punk gets elected again.
General Mark Milley and James Mattis are both good men. We have to keep General Mark Milley in our prayers. He is concerned about Trump if elected that he will have him court martialed.
Fool. He rather die than serve with a man and his team that kept Trump from calling the order for a nuclear attack on someone. Gen. Milley said that one man had to stay awake at all times to keep him from pulling the plug. Trump thought he was in charge but a few good Generals that serve this country proudly kept him from doing something stupid. Milley kept us from WWII and the fool never caught on it was his generals that were running the country. Garland has been a big disappointment during Biden but Barr was dangerous with Trump. Just think what Trump could have done if the silent ones of the country kept us safe. If Trump should be in office again who knows if guardrails will be in place. Trump wants to kill Gen. Mark Milley for his service. Trump is a fascist and is following Hitlers play book. Hitler was kicked out of the German Army his first go around. Like those who want power he killed his way up when he returned to the Army and re-enlist. He will set up the concentration camps and behind a fence anyone of color will be housed. The rest of us God only knows. He is blaming the Jews for his loss. Where Hitler wanted a pure race Trump does as well but wants to blame all Jews if he should lose. What do we do? Just what do we do the everyday white person with a Jewish husband like my daughter and niece. How do we protect the rights of all men just because it's someone else's fault, which is not true. It's his fault and maybe more so Vance's fault. Naw it's Trump's alone to bear.
Yes. If he wins just watch the attempts at President for Life. The Supreme Court decision has allowed this if Trump can justify it. A real problem for the whole world. He has never lived by laws, protocols, and time honoured practices in his entire life. Millions are blind to this.
more to come We are a ruined country if we let a corrupt narcissistic liar creepy man with so many law suits against him. Take over our country by bullying. Orange man should be held accountable and be not be allowed to cheat his way in stealing the presidency. What is happening???
In essence, he wants the country for himself. He thinks it's for sale like a piece of real estate, but he wants it given to him on the same gold platter Fred Sr. gave him his fortune.
He didn't read Hitlers Mein Kumpf, he does not read but believes the hanger on'ers and their opinions. He will have no power and the enemy is within his circle. Vance will put him on the fast train to get him qualified as incompetent so he can have the position. I truly believe this. He will experience a coup, what he was trying to do to Biden. It will backfire on him. Post election we must be very careful because in power or not he will seek to harm everyone who did not vote for him and he doesn't know us but look out the Washington post and the writes like Michael and Katie. Those at MSNBC, but we are not going to let him win.
It’s like we are just standing there watching a freight train coming at top speed & it feels we are helpless to stop it! He should have been kicked out of office on the first impeachment! I fully blame Mitch McConnell for this mess! He so wanted a conservative SCOTUS he’s put this whole country in danger!
McConnell is one EVIL BASTARD. He had two chances to stop this madman and he chose money and power over democracy. There is a special place in hell for what he has done to our country.
When tax dollars were doled out to the state of Kentucky, McConnell's wife Elaine Lan Chao served as Secretary of Labor under George W. Bush from 2002 to 2009, and Secretary of Transportation under Trump from 2017 to 2021.
The tax dollars I refer to were during Bush's terms. Guess whose county in Kentucky those dollars were used for upgrading.
Ms. Lan Chao resigned after the January 6th insurrection.
I may as well note that her father's big time shipping company was caught in a drug shipping scandal for drugs coming from China to USA.
I heard about the ship that was stopped off the coast. I tried to find out what the repercussions would be but never could find any reference to that effect. I think there is always someone to fix whatever mess you're in. Trump stopped the investigation of Matt Gaetz : he and Barr stopped the investigation of the 10.000,000,00 gift that Trump got from the Egyptian just before the 2016 election.
I agree! McCarthy. McConnell, Jordan, Johnson, can't forget MTG! ALL OF THEM. And they continue. What hold he has on them? Even the people that voted them in!? Is it the water, the air?
The un-American attempt to establish a permanent Republican majority and re-write the parts of the Constitution that They Don't Like. It's been going on since the 90s. It is indeed an attempt at a fascist takeover, Trump's second, now.
Probably more like the 50's... Regan's era for sure. A right a day was lost. Those voting for this will most likely be cursing their life. Or bemoaning their lot.
It's like when something comes up to vote, such as restrictions/jail for people who commit a small crime , (or changing the law to make it a crime), and their take is 'I have nothing to hide.'
I try to point out all they have to do is change what the crime is...the door has been opened. You've lost a freedom...
Actually this all started with Reagan…he was voted by the Evangelicals / White Christian Nationalist/Project 2025 keepers…they want this country back to what it was pre-civil war days! All these religious zealots are nothing but angry racist bigots whose holy grail is Money & Power nothing Christian about any of them! They use ‘Christian’ like the rest of us toilet paper! They are so disgusting & corrupt makes one ill!
They want to bring in the One World Order! The Republican Party is hell bent on it. They have to suspend the U.S. Constitution just like Germany did in WW2 when Hitler rose to power. Our U.S. Constitution is the only thing that stands in the way of making our country part of that One World Order. Trump cannot be a dictator for one day without first suspending our Constitution. People need to wake up! If Trump does this he can roll down the streets military tanks right where we live in residential areas! And just like Hitler, the Nazi Party existed before Hitler rose to power. All the rotten militia gangsters Q' anon, the Patriot Boys and all those other Nazi Fascist Pigs are the ones backing trump. The same Adolf Hitler play book. MAGA is a bunch of sick mentally disturbed people that belong in the mental institutions!
I agree. People, like Micky Haley, seem to go whatever way the wind blows. What does Trump have on these people since many in congress have changed from criticizing him to now supporting him? WTF??
I feell I am on that train and can't find the cord to pull the train to a stop. I am hanging on in fear that our votes won't be enough. If you look at the landscape frow a window it's like weeds of poison are growing as we watch until we are on a pin head trying to take the country in the right direction. God help us, this I pray but I know that is not enough. He will provide direction and guidance to the good but evil is abound and crushing us. He won't set for a loss, he will fight harder this time we must have our barriers and bounds so he cannot do this to our country again. I hope you hear the fear in my voice because it is there and real.
I can't believe our country and constitution was intended to allow a felon to run for the highest office in the land when a felon looking for a so so job in factories etc are disqualified due to the company policy. Where is our company policy. We cannot trust this felon. He proved himself through his 4 yrs and the impeachments and love for the dictators and their way of running a country. We need new rules for SCOTUS and any government job. I have held a top secret clearance and no way in hell could Trump and family to include Flynn qualify for a TS. Flynn might have once been qualified but he is no longer, he has become a Natzi.
That is my thought exactly…they’re going to vote him in & get rid of him…they are using him to get in! These billionaires have gotten way too powerful! It’s time to bring them down a notch or two! Sadly it’s all about money & power to these guys….nothing to do with the country or the people! If he gets in, I’m afraid there will be a civil war! He should NEVER be given the nuclear codes!
Need to tax every billionaire out of existence! No one should have that kind of money or power! Redistribute their wealth to the state to house feed clothe the people!
History repeats itself over and over again....HItler,,Bolsonaro...Amin...Duterrte..Gaddafi..Hussein...Orban...Putin....Mussolini.....Franco.........Manson...Jones....Vance....Trump
No it won't. He is batshit before the election and will be batshit later. If he loses the same attempt to block the certification will occur, guaranteed, and if elected the same morons in Congress who back him and won't have the stones to keep him out of office are needed to vote for the 25th.
This time he doesn’t have the power of the presidency……WE DO! I’ve got to believe there will be plenty of security around the Capitol. We weren’t ready the last time , but we will be this time!
Bidens already got National Guard forces ready to patrol Capitol long before any ceremonial days. My hope is he ll intervene legally somehow were worse to come to worst to preserve democracy in the USA.
…and if the VP is a fucknut and the cabinet are all sworn to Orange Jesus because they are hand picked incompetent millionaire loyalists, it will never happen.
That’s what they are so afraid of…for decades these billionaires have been getting away from paying their fair share! It started with Reagan & has continued with every Republican president since! Reagan was elevated to the Presidency because he was a very conservative‘Christian’, we can thank the evangelicals for that big mistake! The Republican Party & the White Christian Nationalists aka Evangelicals, made a deal with Iran not to release the hostages until Reagan took office…they did that so Jimmy Carter would lose the election! RELIGION needs to stay the hell out of politics!
This time he doesn’t have the power of the presidency….. WE DO! We weren’t ready the last time, but we will be this time. I’m sure the Capitol will have many safe guards around it. There will be more than one Ashli Babbitt this time if they show up with guns.
Kamala Harris is over the Electoral Vote Certification. All she needs to do is certify herself. And when she does A-hole Trump will accuse her of stealing the election and screaming that he won when he didn't win! I see it already. Another January 6th or sooner.
I'm thinking that is why the MSM is cherry picking what they report about pendejo boy 👦. They would have a time line of just when donny boy lost his stuff and prove it.
That’s why Vance and the cabinet members will use Amendment 25 to escort him from the Oval Office. Any bets as to how quickly they’ll retire him to Merde a Lardo?
That's my greatest fear...all his antics, cursing and vulgar antics make him seem more like a stand-up comedian. He's had not one serious plan to lead our country. He just rants and raves about how badly he's been treated and how dangerous anyone who doesn't agree with him is. It's like if he wins, he will brag about not even trying to win! The whole campaign feels like a ruse to get Just Dumb Vance in charge!
He wasn't indicted on 92 counts for nothing. This guy is a real criminal. He spent all his time in office figuring out how he could rip off the country, trade secrets for money, make all kinds of backroom deals and whatever other criminal activities he could come up with. He is a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, his company is declared liable for fraud, bankrupt multiple times etc. We don't hear much of anything of all this from anyone in the media. Just because the Supreme Corrupt Court decided to give him immunity doesn't mean that we have to. Let's all remember that it isn't just his bizarre behavior that disqualifies him from being President.
You know Linda I think you might be right. I have wondered that myself. Invoke the 25th Amendment and you have stinking Vance for President who could have never won. The Pay Pal tycoon has been supporting Vance ever since his college days. Vance has never worked. He's bought and paid for by the wealthy corporations that are nothing but corrupt.
JD Vance will lick their boots. He's waiting in the wings, all prepped and ready to go. He is one twisted creep. Amazingly, these men eagerly give their souls away to evil forces. They will do anything for power - kill, rape, steal, lie to the American people, and pretend that nothing ever happened. There is a special place in hell for all of them. Misery loves company.
Maybe but Vance is a real loose cannon with horrendous mommy issues. I don't know that he is their choice to do their bidding. Not that he wouldn't, but he's a lot more insane than I think they were hoping for and therefore harder to control.
It makes me violently ill to think that could actually happen… but JD is extremely ambitious and with his lack of experience in how the government works, if he can get rid of trump (25th Amendment), he would be much worse than trump! Very very scary!
I have had the same thought for weeks now. It felt like my own conspiracy theory but now thousands, perhaps more, a saying the same thing. Frightening times that we're living in
Spot on. That has been the plan all along: get elected, pardon himself and his enablers will use the 25th amendment to replace him with JD Vance, the devil incarnate.
Jd. Annot take the Oath as he has stated so much that shows he does not support the constitution. And Biden has the power to stay in office if he chooses, then he can pass to Harris. They can play rough ball to. No takeover by Nazis.
Oh I hope to God he will! He is a truly good man and a democratic believer. It would be a righteous coup d etat but worth it to stop these fascist maniacs! WHY hasn’t Musk been charged with buying votes? I know DOJ useless!!
Biden won't try to stay in office after his time. He's a guy who obeys the law. All that Crime Family stuff the GOP loonies have been spreading is more appropriate to the Trump Crime Family--an actual entity. Trump projects his sleaze onto his opponents on a regular basis. You ought to check it out some time.
One cant even imagine this hillbilly namechanging identity-missing lying moron sitting in one room with one of the US foes negotiating, or "putting a foot down"....
My question is; why isn’t he being forced to turn in his medical & I should add, that the medical report needs to be done by a reputable doctor? If need be 2-3 doctors so there isn’t any issues with a fake analysis being submitted. This is absolutely ridiculous that he gets away with this kind of stuff! He must be made to follow the procedures, he’s not special!
I believe all politicians should by electoral insistence take the PEEsat (Political Election Education) scholastic aptitude test which tests their understanding of the constitution, electoral process, public service V. business/military governance, division of Church and State, etc....throw in there cognitive test just for giggles.
This is pretty much the first time we have a presidential candidate in full-on descent into dementia/madness. I blame the lapdog SCOTUS for not upholding the Constitution thus forcing CO to retain him on the ballot. There were other states wanting to do so.
IMHO the conservative SCOTUS justices are all in for the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025 and are a part of the plot to get Trump elected through his cult and to then use to 25th to get rid of him and install JDV who will then be smart enough to use their immunity decision to do what ever the oligarchs want him to do. They will be greatly rewarded for their treason.
I like that but I have never heard of it. Most of us are so absorbed in our testing within our profession we don't really know the political system. We need more education and that test is a wonderful idea. Graded with unbiased protocols.
I made it up. As someone who worked under DOT rules where any accident requires drug testing I would often wonder why politicians can't be sited for voting while under the influence...influence of what? billionaires, pot, alcohol, delusional granduer. Then when I see some of the comments by politicians these days it is clear they have little understanding how things work. In my profession, I was tested each level and it took 10 years to achieve the highest level. They have LSAT, MSAT, GSAT...why not PSAT. I added the PEE because I have a fantacy of asking some politician how they did on their PEE Test. I doubt it could be required but it could socially be demanded.
And he is not sneaky about it, it's out front in BOLD LETTERS. We need to believe him but the right are dismissing him like it's saying we will all have ice cream on Wednesday. They are not taking him seriously and these dumb asses and stupid red necks will be in the concentration camps and wonder what happened. God help us.
Well said 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Voting is a responsibility to our country, ourselves, our future generations, our veterans, our ancestors who fought for the right, and the list that goes on and on. Thank you so much Mary ❤️
Hey Diane, let them know that you will not support the establishment any longer. Due to their Drumpf-itis.. it’s deathly contagious to morons and lemmings.
That McDonald's establishment let it be known that they did not invite Trump to eat there and they are not supporting Donald Trump or anyone of any political party. They are actually angry that Trump did what he did.
The United States is at its “Dr. Strangelove” moment. I always thought that movie was just a farce that could never truly happen here: A clinically insane leader decides to fire off nuclear weapons because he believes that American blood is being poisoned. Yet, here we are at this moment of potentially electing such a person. Except, instead of firing the weapons at the former USSR, Trump has threatened to use the military against “the enemy within” which is just normal Americans and congresspeople like Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi.
i thought the same about The Manchurian Candidate I think in the 50S. I found out in the 70s that it was based on fact. China had done it. Our Govt tried also. I could not believe the lengths they went to, the experiments they did on soldiers, people in mental institutions. At that time doctors didn't have to get permission from the patient to use them. It was horrendous.
And experimenting on paid volunteers with LSD as a mind control agent sort of backfired on ‘em, luckily for the rest of us. Unfortunately by now it seems that particular genie is being stuffed back in the bottle.
Exactly. Also in truth they sterilized the imperfect child so they could not reproduce a retarded child if they themselves were slow or had mental problems. They put these children on a train with no parents and sent them West to fend for themselves. Oak Ridge did many experiments. The scientist lived in concentration camps so they would not tell what they were doing. The things that were done to people is unspeakable. There is another thought and it's true but it involved Plum Island off NY. Scientist there were creating diseases and infecting the animals. Our government shut it down after WWII and the animals were let loose. Lime disease found in ticks is man made by scientist in our country. Those animals, when tide let down created a land bridge and they moved into the woods of Long Island and they moved around from there. The disease was meant for people. Not only was there no antidote for lime disease and the outcome was to kill the person but by one of these ticks and the long term affects. I like about 40 miles from Oak Ridge and asking questions will still get you arrested and run out of town. The Nuclear Waste was put in barrels and buried in the hills. This was the 40s and up to the 80s the barrels rusted the waste material leaked into the ground water and many tumors and cancers were developing in a little place down from Oak Ridge TN, it was in the water and streams and when I was a nurse working Hospice an entire family was affected and as one doctor from Russia said I have not seen these cancers since Chernobyl. One doctor named Smith was new and Smith is his true name, he called to one of the plants YK__ __ and inquired about what was being done there and he and his family were literally run out of town with death threats and shootings into his home. He moved within the first few months of being targeted and now practices in Washington State. This is a true story and not embellished at all. The cancer rate from those who worked there and in the area around for 60 miles has the highest cancer rate. I took saw and took care of patients with growths and cancers that was hard to believe. The small community of Ten Mile is down stream from Oak Ridge. At one time it was the only nuclear waste dump site. Burning into hills and mountains was the method for years. Now there is another site in Iowa and it is much more advanced but in Oak Ridge the waste thate was buried 70-80 yrs ago are still having effects. Animals have been born with 2 heads and other out of the world things you could not imagine. Throat cancer and lung cancer is the worst, then there are the neurological tumors growing on the nerve endings. I could go on and on for hours. Sorry. Our government is messed up for sure and the things we don't know are wild. The things we are seeing now we can do something.
this is a link to a book called Annie Jacobsen's Nuclear War on Amazon. Nuclear waged war is unwinable. It causes long term damage to planetary eco systems making life impossible on the planet. The book hypothesized a nuclear attack by North Korea on the United States, which then retaliates, creating a chain reaction of other nuclear nations launching their weapons. There are many monitoring safeguards in effect to prevent this. But, it raises the question of Trump having his finger on the nuclear button.
The reality is, the world is already at war with Putin. North Korea and China are already doing practice exercises to invade Taiwan, Japan, and south Korea, just like Russia did practice runs on Ukraine's border. This is part of a complex plan Putin put together, where he has compromised several world leaders such as Trump, to disrupt nations from banding together against him
Look at what he did to our 2 FBI Agents who saw right through him. James Comey knew that Trump was in bed with the Russians. He was having dealings with Russian MAFIA at his N. Y. Trump Towers. Trump also fired Andrew McCabe because McCabe ordered special transportation security to get FBI Agent James Comey safely back home to Pennsylvania and to his family. Trump is nothing but a PUNK! If you haven't read former FBI Agent James Comey's book you should buy it and read it. And the same thing about FBI Agent Andrew McCabe. I bought both of those men's books. A real eye opener. And as for Mueller and his Trump investigation, that was nothing but another political sham! Mueller should have never been put on that investigation team to run it. Trump should have been impeached.
Yes he will start with everyone who has opposed him. I am reminded of the movie staring Bruce Willis and Annette Benning. Even FBI agents not of white blood was put in the camp. Tanks in our streets and killing non white. It was made during the 911 crisis from Bin Lauden but it applies today. Watch out I think we will be in great trouble should be have any power and I fear he will take that power even if Kamala wins. It is proven he has been running Congress for the last 4 yrs. How is it that a civilian with no power in our government have control over Congress and some in the Senate. We know he has SCOTUS. He has been in power though not elected to do so. Congress needs a through cleaning if he loses this time. Many in the right will perform that Koo that we fear. I could not believe this happened and our AG let it happen. This is the one area Biden needed to butt in and tell Garland what to do. Jail those who follow his orders. Never in our history had this happened, if it has happened before it was covert and not out in the open. Those in Congress should be removed that listened to his orders like Border deal he squashed that the right mostly write and the VP signed off on and he told Johnson to squash it. A civilian telling Congress and the speaker of the house doing his bidding. Do you think if he loses this time that he will sit back. He will take over Congress and there will anarchy in government and the military will set up those camps for pure blood. Staining out blood my God he sounds like Hitler to the Jews. Same words.
Not in the least. I'm not a great Christian, but what the Christijihadists (and make no mistake, that's what they actually ARE) are fixated on some externals, but not the what the message of Jesus is--to be kind and help others when you can.
There's nothing Christian about them. They are being nothing but used by the Republican right wing idiots for votes and money. And the Bible instructs Christians to come out of this world. They are to be sojourners passing through it. And not to cause harm to others. Another passage on Judgement Day, where Jesus says depart from me you wicked and evil doers. I never knew you! They are called to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. They have allowed the Republican Party to blind them. It is the Republican Party that passed Roe v. Wade in 1970. Candidate Bork who was Democrat got borked off the Supreme Court because he was Pro-Life! Not an abortionist. The Republicans wanted an abortionist to pass Roe v. Wade and make it the national law of our nation. Most Christians do not even know this. And they think the Republicans are so clean.
True, but the sad thing is that Democrats are only left compared to the GOP these days. I can remember a time when most of their platform was somewhat reasonable, at least compared to today's GOP. Most Democrats are pretty centrist.
there has been a documentary on MSNBC several times in the last few weeks, comes on at 10PM on the weekend. It's titled From Russia with Lev and it's all about the B/S that went on before and during Trump's first run. This guy was in thick with Trump and his cronies. This man Lev was arrested and fined. He spilled his guts to Rachael Maddow and she recorded it.
Dianne, would you happen to remember the title of the documentary? I'm sure many of us would be interested in seeing it, if we haven't already seen it. Thank you!
Hasn’t he disqualified himself from a security clearance at this point? If he qualifies for a security clearance then a top secret clearance is meaningless.
Presidents and vice presidents don't have to go through the same vetting process as others do in order to view classified materials. It's ridiculous. I had a clearance once. It's quite the process for us "regular" folk, including all sorts of hoops to jump through.
I believe in this particular Presidential election, the politics of the candidates are irrelevant. This election is a choice between right and wrong. Supporting an addlebrained incoherent degenerate misogynist racist rapist criminal liar is wrong, wrong, wrong. A vote for such a person is a crime against America. No Votes For Criminals!
Mary, have you thought of calling Adult Protective Services for your uncle & tell them that you suspect those close to him are committing Elder Abuse? Ask them to just check on him.
There was a line around the block at 0705 this morning in Texas's first day of early voting. Nevertheless I have to ask, what do we do if he wins? Scared s---less.
I think he’s not only running for president to pardon himself from prison time, but to also set up a permanent family dynasty for his devil-spawned children. He needs fascism to carry this out.
As Mark A. Milley said, he's "fascist to the core" Together with his pathological lying and malignant narcissism and his agenda if elected “Project 2025” Fascism/Authoritarian will become the rule given Trump total power. Destroying our democracy taken away normal freedoms!
We must do everything we can to combat fascism. Voting is not going to stop fascism, but anything that puts a barrier between Trump and the executive will at the very least make it so that an authoritarian fascist regime is not guaranteed.
Anyway, there's optimism in the air. Kamala Harris is showing us the politics of what's possible, and she'll lead with that same joy and optimism as our next president.
I've gotten so many high-fives wearing this Kamala shirt everywhere I go 👇
November can't come fast enough! Can't wait to vote for our FIRST woman president.
I just received my notice from the MD board of elections that my vote has been recorded. I voted proudly and joyfully Blue, right down the ballot.
Thank you!!! Voting Blue up and down ballot.. just waiting waiting waiting to vote!!
I have to get my ballot in the mail. I don't trust drop boxes. And I voted blue all the way down my ballot. Every vote for all Democrats. I want to see every Republican lose their seats. That is what needs to be done. Send those punks a clear message that enough is enough! We are sick of your sick Trump candidate. And you Republicans who have been supporting that POS are just as sick as Trump is! Shame on all of you!
Exactly, we have to have it all, POTUS, Congress and Senate. Vote blue all the way down 💙💙💙
Ct has just become an early voting state (Oct 21st) and you can be damn sure I will be voting blue up and down the ballot!
Thank you!
As a fellow MD resident I received my notice last week too! Blue all the way down the ballot!
New York State opens early voting this coming Saturday. 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Thank you both 🌹
Great 👍
Samm, thank you. I use to vote Republican but never again. Not after Donald Trump. The worst President, Fascist Pig in the history of our country. I will never vote for another Republican.
Me too. I’m an independent but voted all Democrat. I don’t trust anyone in the Republican Party. They are all toadies.
They absolutely are and a threat to our country and us.
I was a staunch Republican until Trump, now an Independent. I took a chance and helped to get him in, in 2016, figuring that a CEO of a corporation would have the administrative skills to run a country, but was not aware of his numerous bankruptcies and other unscrupulous actions. I did not vote for him in 2020 and certainly will not in 2024!
I knew what he was. I did not vote for him in 2016. He was a less than marginal student in College. I learned that from my Political Science Professors long before Trump ever decided to run for President. I don't want stupid people running the country I live in. America first! Not stinking politicians! Democracy First!
A Nigerian resident is very proud of you.
I am a Nigerian, resident in Nigeria, and I am proud of you.
How can he usurp all power since we have this thing called the Separation of Powers currently. Congress and the Judicial branch ought to be able to rein him in somehow. Throw him in Leavenworth if he tries to throw out the Constitution and put his supporters in there with him if they do anything. Use the National Guard. Our Founding Fathers put these guardrails in place for purposes like Trump and his dictatorial aspirations.
Yes our founding fathers gave us the Separation of Powers, to include the Separation of Church and State. Another lie that comes from the far right idiots! The stinking United States Supreme Court gave jerk Trump the authority to be a dictator. The very thing our founding fathers warned us about. Do not elect to the office of President any foreign Prince from any country for fear that they would try to set themselves up as King. Trump comes from a long line of Scottish Barons from Scotland. We are in serious trouble if that punk gets elected again.
I suspect he'll be forced out with the promise of a blanket pardon by President Vance. Not that it'll help on state charges.
Of course, we'll all vote blue to never see THAT.
And yet an ex pat US media commentator said he would rather serve under General Custer than Mark Milley. Unbelievable
General Mark Milley and James Mattis are both good men. We have to keep General Mark Milley in our prayers. He is concerned about Trump if elected that he will have him court martialed.
Fool. He rather die than serve with a man and his team that kept Trump from calling the order for a nuclear attack on someone. Gen. Milley said that one man had to stay awake at all times to keep him from pulling the plug. Trump thought he was in charge but a few good Generals that serve this country proudly kept him from doing something stupid. Milley kept us from WWII and the fool never caught on it was his generals that were running the country. Garland has been a big disappointment during Biden but Barr was dangerous with Trump. Just think what Trump could have done if the silent ones of the country kept us safe. If Trump should be in office again who knows if guardrails will be in place. Trump wants to kill Gen. Mark Milley for his service. Trump is a fascist and is following Hitlers play book. Hitler was kicked out of the German Army his first go around. Like those who want power he killed his way up when he returned to the Army and re-enlist. He will set up the concentration camps and behind a fence anyone of color will be housed. The rest of us God only knows. He is blaming the Jews for his loss. Where Hitler wanted a pure race Trump does as well but wants to blame all Jews if he should lose. What do we do? Just what do we do the everyday white person with a Jewish husband like my daughter and niece. How do we protect the rights of all men just because it's someone else's fault, which is not true. It's his fault and maybe more so Vance's fault. Naw it's Trump's alone to bear.
Excuse my words but I cannot think of a better one he is an idiot
I am with you, come on November 4th.
tRump's Father, Dr. tRumpinstein gave Donald the Wrong Brain: "Abby-Normal".
Love that Young Frankenstein reference! Great movie!
Balm before blame is the winning strategy. Tell folks we're doing things right.
He would have to get past Vances agenda, donny boy has a real vipers nest 🪹 built up.
I took believe he should watch the enemy within arms length. Vance will stab him in the back and not blink an eye.
Yes. If he wins just watch the attempts at President for Life. The Supreme Court decision has allowed this if Trump can justify it. A real problem for the whole world. He has never lived by laws, protocols, and time honoured practices in his entire life. Millions are blind to this.
more to come We are a ruined country if we let a corrupt narcissistic liar creepy man with so many law suits against him. Take over our country by bullying. Orange man should be held accountable and be not be allowed to cheat his way in stealing the presidency. What is happening???
Of course that’s the plan. Project 2025 will result in The House of Trump controlling infinity and beyond. The Pope will be exiled to Gaza.
1000% correct.
In essence, he wants the country for himself. He thinks it's for sale like a piece of real estate, but he wants it given to him on the same gold platter Fred Sr. gave him his fortune.
That’s a good way of looking at it
He didn't read Hitlers Mein Kumpf, he does not read but believes the hanger on'ers and their opinions. He will have no power and the enemy is within his circle. Vance will put him on the fast train to get him qualified as incompetent so he can have the position. I truly believe this. He will experience a coup, what he was trying to do to Biden. It will backfire on him. Post election we must be very careful because in power or not he will seek to harm everyone who did not vote for him and he doesn't know us but look out the Washington post and the writes like Michael and Katie. Those at MSNBC, but we are not going to let him win.
I think it’s worse than that. Vance will Amendment 25 him and then the Heritage Foundation and the tech bros. Will be in charge.
I agree Samm. Not on my watch!
I suspect that the billionaire overlords are aiming to get him into office so that JD Vance can take over and do their bidding.
It’s like we are just standing there watching a freight train coming at top speed & it feels we are helpless to stop it! He should have been kicked out of office on the first impeachment! I fully blame Mitch McConnell for this mess! He so wanted a conservative SCOTUS he’s put this whole country in danger!
McConnell is one EVIL BASTARD. He had two chances to stop this madman and he chose money and power over democracy. There is a special place in hell for what he has done to our country.
When tax dollars were doled out to the state of Kentucky, McConnell's wife Elaine Lan Chao served as Secretary of Labor under George W. Bush from 2002 to 2009, and Secretary of Transportation under Trump from 2017 to 2021.
The tax dollars I refer to were during Bush's terms. Guess whose county in Kentucky those dollars were used for upgrading.
Ms. Lan Chao resigned after the January 6th insurrection.
I may as well note that her father's big time shipping company was caught in a drug shipping scandal for drugs coming from China to USA.
Richard La France
I heard about the ship that was stopped off the coast. I tried to find out what the repercussions would be but never could find any reference to that effect. I think there is always someone to fix whatever mess you're in. Trump stopped the investigation of Matt Gaetz : he and Barr stopped the investigation of the 10.000,000,00 gift that Trump got from the Egyptian just before the 2016 election.
Garland could have stopped this years ago, too.
Garland has proven himself to be one notch above worthless....
He put quite a few in prison from 1/6. Just not the top leaders. Yet. Ever?
I agree, Patricia.
Thank you, Mary 💙.
I agree! McCarthy. McConnell, Jordan, Johnson, can't forget MTG! ALL OF THEM. And they continue. What hold he has on them? Even the people that voted them in!? Is it the water, the air?
What the hell is going on?
The un-American attempt to establish a permanent Republican majority and re-write the parts of the Constitution that They Don't Like. It's been going on since the 90s. It is indeed an attempt at a fascist takeover, Trump's second, now.
That's exactly what it is, a fascist takeover. They've made Trump the face of this movement but fascists are already in power.
being paid by Russia, too.
Probably more like the 50's... Regan's era for sure. A right a day was lost. Those voting for this will most likely be cursing their life. Or bemoaning their lot.
It's like when something comes up to vote, such as restrictions/jail for people who commit a small crime , (or changing the law to make it a crime), and their take is 'I have nothing to hide.'
I try to point out all they have to do is change what the crime is...the door has been opened. You've lost a freedom...
Actually this all started with Reagan…he was voted by the Evangelicals / White Christian Nationalist/Project 2025 keepers…they want this country back to what it was pre-civil war days! All these religious zealots are nothing but angry racist bigots whose holy grail is Money & Power nothing Christian about any of them! They use ‘Christian’ like the rest of us toilet paper! They are so disgusting & corrupt makes one ill!
Linda, I am thinking the same thing! What does he have on them??
They want to bring in the One World Order! The Republican Party is hell bent on it. They have to suspend the U.S. Constitution just like Germany did in WW2 when Hitler rose to power. Our U.S. Constitution is the only thing that stands in the way of making our country part of that One World Order. Trump cannot be a dictator for one day without first suspending our Constitution. People need to wake up! If Trump does this he can roll down the streets military tanks right where we live in residential areas! And just like Hitler, the Nazi Party existed before Hitler rose to power. All the rotten militia gangsters Q' anon, the Patriot Boys and all those other Nazi Fascist Pigs are the ones backing trump. The same Adolf Hitler play book. MAGA is a bunch of sick mentally disturbed people that belong in the mental institutions!
Something Wicked This Way Comes
I agree. People, like Micky Haley, seem to go whatever way the wind blows. What does Trump have on these people since many in congress have changed from criticizing him to now supporting him? WTF??
Sadly he put Europe in dire danger as well.
Runaway train..just what it feels like.
I feell I am on that train and can't find the cord to pull the train to a stop. I am hanging on in fear that our votes won't be enough. If you look at the landscape frow a window it's like weeds of poison are growing as we watch until we are on a pin head trying to take the country in the right direction. God help us, this I pray but I know that is not enough. He will provide direction and guidance to the good but evil is abound and crushing us. He won't set for a loss, he will fight harder this time we must have our barriers and bounds so he cannot do this to our country again. I hope you hear the fear in my voice because it is there and real.
I can't believe our country and constitution was intended to allow a felon to run for the highest office in the land when a felon looking for a so so job in factories etc are disqualified due to the company policy. Where is our company policy. We cannot trust this felon. He proved himself through his 4 yrs and the impeachments and love for the dictators and their way of running a country. We need new rules for SCOTUS and any government job. I have held a top secret clearance and no way in hell could Trump and family to include Flynn qualify for a TS. Flynn might have once been qualified but he is no longer, he has become a Natzi.
Trojan Horse… or should we say, ASS?
😀😀😀You are correct! Major jackass.
Trump/Vance are the Trojan Horse..........Project 2025 is what is suffed inside
That is my thought exactly…they’re going to vote him in & get rid of him…they are using him to get in! These billionaires have gotten way too powerful! It’s time to bring them down a notch or two! Sadly it’s all about money & power to these guys….nothing to do with the country or the people! If he gets in, I’m afraid there will be a civil war! He should NEVER be given the nuclear codes!
Need to tax every billionaire out of existence! No one should have that kind of money or power! Redistribute their wealth to the state to house feed clothe the people!
Exactly. Donold would be bounced 30 days into his term with the 25th amendment.
His true believers are in denial about his fascist agenda.
His true believers could not even spell fascism, much less explain what it is. They've got no idea whatsoever.
It's astounding that there is so much ignorance in this world.
History repeats itself over and over again....HItler,,Bolsonaro...Amin...Duterrte..Gaddafi..Hussein...Orban...Putin....Mussolini.....Franco.........Manson...Jones....Vance....Trump
No it won't. He is batshit before the election and will be batshit later. If he loses the same attempt to block the certification will occur, guaranteed, and if elected the same morons in Congress who back him and won't have the stones to keep him out of office are needed to vote for the 25th.
This time he doesn’t have the power of the presidency……WE DO! I’ve got to believe there will be plenty of security around the Capitol. We weren’t ready the last time , but we will be this time!
Bidens already got National Guard forces ready to patrol Capitol long before any ceremonial days. My hope is he ll intervene legally somehow were worse to come to worst to preserve democracy in the USA.
Congress has nothing to do with the 25th Amendment. It’s the VP and a majority of the cabinet who can invoke it.
…and if the VP is a fucknut and the cabinet are all sworn to Orange Jesus because they are hand picked incompetent millionaire loyalists, it will never happen.
That’s what they are so afraid of…for decades these billionaires have been getting away from paying their fair share! It started with Reagan & has continued with every Republican president since! Reagan was elevated to the Presidency because he was a very conservative‘Christian’, we can thank the evangelicals for that big mistake! The Republican Party & the White Christian Nationalists aka Evangelicals, made a deal with Iran not to release the hostages until Reagan took office…they did that so Jimmy Carter would lose the election! RELIGION needs to stay the hell out of politics!
This time he doesn’t have the power of the presidency….. WE DO! We weren’t ready the last time, but we will be this time. I’m sure the Capitol will have many safe guards around it. There will be more than one Ashli Babbitt this time if they show up with guns.
Kamala Harris is over the Electoral Vote Certification. All she needs to do is certify herself. And when she does A-hole Trump will accuse her of stealing the election and screaming that he won when he didn't win! I see it already. Another January 6th or sooner.
I'm thinking that is why the MSM is cherry picking what they report about pendejo boy 👦. They would have a time line of just when donny boy lost his stuff and prove it.
They have played him and he doesn't even have a clue.
That is what I think is going on. too. The Federalist creeps know Trump is basically uncontrollable.
That’s why Vance and the cabinet members will use Amendment 25 to escort him from the Oval Office. Any bets as to how quickly they’ll retire him to Merde a Lardo?
That's my greatest fear...all his antics, cursing and vulgar antics make him seem more like a stand-up comedian. He's had not one serious plan to lead our country. He just rants and raves about how badly he's been treated and how dangerous anyone who doesn't agree with him is. It's like if he wins, he will brag about not even trying to win! The whole campaign feels like a ruse to get Just Dumb Vance in charge!
He wasn't indicted on 92 counts for nothing. This guy is a real criminal. He spent all his time in office figuring out how he could rip off the country, trade secrets for money, make all kinds of backroom deals and whatever other criminal activities he could come up with. He is a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, his company is declared liable for fraud, bankrupt multiple times etc. We don't hear much of anything of all this from anyone in the media. Just because the Supreme Corrupt Court decided to give him immunity doesn't mean that we have to. Let's all remember that it isn't just his bizarre behavior that disqualifies him from being President.
You know Linda I think you might be right. I have wondered that myself. Invoke the 25th Amendment and you have stinking Vance for President who could have never won. The Pay Pal tycoon has been supporting Vance ever since his college days. Vance has never worked. He's bought and paid for by the wealthy corporations that are nothing but corrupt.
These are not serious people.
JD Vance will lick their boots. He's waiting in the wings, all prepped and ready to go. He is one twisted creep. Amazingly, these men eagerly give their souls away to evil forces. They will do anything for power - kill, rape, steal, lie to the American people, and pretend that nothing ever happened. There is a special place in hell for all of them. Misery loves company.
Maybe but Vance is a real loose cannon with horrendous mommy issues. I don't know that he is their choice to do their bidding. Not that he wouldn't, but he's a lot more insane than I think they were hoping for and therefore harder to control.
It makes me violently ill to think that could actually happen… but JD is extremely ambitious and with his lack of experience in how the government works, if he can get rid of trump (25th Amendment), he would be much worse than trump! Very very scary!
I have had the same thought for weeks now. It felt like my own conspiracy theory but now thousands, perhaps more, a saying the same thing. Frightening times that we're living in
Spot on. That has been the plan all along: get elected, pardon himself and his enablers will use the 25th amendment to replace him with JD Vance, the devil incarnate.
Wow! The pardoning plan makes perfect sense to me now! I hadn't considered that! I think you hit the nail on the head!
Yes, I agree.
Thank you Mary! If worse comes to worse leave wi 24 hrs for Newfoundland! No one ll look there for you and it’s lovely!
Jd. Annot take the Oath as he has stated so much that shows he does not support the constitution. And Biden has the power to stay in office if he chooses, then he can pass to Harris. They can play rough ball to. No takeover by Nazis.
Oh I hope to God he will! He is a truly good man and a democratic believer. It would be a righteous coup d etat but worth it to stop these fascist maniacs! WHY hasn’t Musk been charged with buying votes? I know DOJ useless!!
" He is a truly good man" you are talking about WHO? Lost the thread.
Biden won't try to stay in office after his time. He's a guy who obeys the law. All that Crime Family stuff the GOP loonies have been spreading is more appropriate to the Trump Crime Family--an actual entity. Trump projects his sleaze onto his opponents on a regular basis. You ought to check it out some time.
No. Donny Rumpleskins cultists would rebel.
I believe you are correct.
And, JD Vance sees it. He is looking forward to being President and ruining our country! That is TERRIFYING! Vote BLUE!!!
Thank you, Mary, for all you do.
One cant even imagine this hillbilly namechanging identity-missing lying moron sitting in one room with one of the US foes negotiating, or "putting a foot down"....
My question is; why isn’t he being forced to turn in his medical & I should add, that the medical report needs to be done by a reputable doctor? If need be 2-3 doctors so there isn’t any issues with a fake analysis being submitted. This is absolutely ridiculous that he gets away with this kind of stuff! He must be made to follow the procedures, he’s not special!
I believe all politicians should by electoral insistence take the PEEsat (Political Election Education) scholastic aptitude test which tests their understanding of the constitution, electoral process, public service V. business/military governance, division of Church and State, etc....throw in there cognitive test just for giggles.
This is pretty much the first time we have a presidential candidate in full-on descent into dementia/madness. I blame the lapdog SCOTUS for not upholding the Constitution thus forcing CO to retain him on the ballot. There were other states wanting to do so.
IMHO the conservative SCOTUS justices are all in for the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025 and are a part of the plot to get Trump elected through his cult and to then use to 25th to get rid of him and install JDV who will then be smart enough to use their immunity decision to do what ever the oligarchs want him to do. They will be greatly rewarded for their treason.
You have struck the nail firmly on the head. Most corrupt SCOTUS I've ever seen!
Hey. they got the money, they got the power, and they won't bite the hand that feeds them
Pretty much.
Here, Here. I agree.
I’ve been in a few conversations about testing for political office. Yes they all Should know the document before they take an oath!
Please share more about this PEEsat? All I could find was PES university entrance exam.
I took would like to know more.
I like that but I have never heard of it. Most of us are so absorbed in our testing within our profession we don't really know the political system. We need more education and that test is a wonderful idea. Graded with unbiased protocols.
I made it up. As someone who worked under DOT rules where any accident requires drug testing I would often wonder why politicians can't be sited for voting while under the influence...influence of what? billionaires, pot, alcohol, delusional granduer. Then when I see some of the comments by politicians these days it is clear they have little understanding how things work. In my profession, I was tested each level and it took 10 years to achieve the highest level. They have LSAT, MSAT, GSAT...why not PSAT. I added the PEE because I have a fantacy of asking some politician how they did on their PEE Test. I doubt it could be required but it could socially be demanded.
I’m filling out a form now, hoping to be approved for an interview to adopt a cat. Why can’t there be a form or test (or license) to run for office?
Also many people in the workforce age out and thank you for your service. Trump is too old and a pervert.
But gosh whiz, he passed those two cognitive tests (as he keeps bragging that he aced). What was is now?
Golden Toilet
Copy of Mein Kampf
French Fry
Bottle of Ketchup
He did it with pictures and actual food on his table. :-)
I agree 100%. That should be a requirement to run for President. Our 1st Lady should offer to get one if he is willing to do the same.
Someone within power should get this info to her and see what happens. Somebody please!!!!!
Agreed a physical for each body system and a forensic psychologist. They are tough to pass and he never would.
He is becoming more and more dangerous every day.
He is and if Merrick Garland had grown a spine in 2021, he, Trump, could have been done and dusted.
Merrick Garland needs to grab a microscope and find his damn balls!! Worst AG ever
LOL Love it and so true, though he may need to consider an electron version.
And he is not sneaky about it, it's out front in BOLD LETTERS. We need to believe him but the right are dismissing him like it's saying we will all have ice cream on Wednesday. They are not taking him seriously and these dumb asses and stupid red necks will be in the concentration camps and wonder what happened. God help us.
Well said 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Voting is a responsibility to our country, ourselves, our future generations, our veterans, our ancestors who fought for the right, and the list that goes on and on. Thank you so much Mary ❤️
His McDonald's stunt was one town over from me. I'll never patronize that establishment again.
Hey Diane, let them know that you will not support the establishment any longer. Due to their Drumpf-itis.. it’s deathly contagious to morons and lemmings.
That McDonald's establishment let it be known that they did not invite Trump to eat there and they are not supporting Donald Trump or anyone of any political party. They are actually angry that Trump did what he did.
The Melting Pumpkin is such a low life pig....McDonalds should file a cease and desist order .......yea Wendys here I come.
Did people actually eat the food he handed them through the window????? shudder.
They weren't actual customers. They were part of the set up.
Yes one of the news articles said as much and only did this for about 5 orders.
I would have peeled rubber outta there before he could hand me my bag. No telling where those hands have been!
He didn’t wash his hands or wear a cover on his hair. Eewww!
The United States is at its “Dr. Strangelove” moment. I always thought that movie was just a farce that could never truly happen here: A clinically insane leader decides to fire off nuclear weapons because he believes that American blood is being poisoned. Yet, here we are at this moment of potentially electing such a person. Except, instead of firing the weapons at the former USSR, Trump has threatened to use the military against “the enemy within” which is just normal Americans and congresspeople like Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi.
i thought the same about The Manchurian Candidate I think in the 50S. I found out in the 70s that it was based on fact. China had done it. Our Govt tried also. I could not believe the lengths they went to, the experiments they did on soldiers, people in mental institutions. At that time doctors didn't have to get permission from the patient to use them. It was horrendous.
And experimenting on paid volunteers with LSD as a mind control agent sort of backfired on ‘em, luckily for the rest of us. Unfortunately by now it seems that particular genie is being stuffed back in the bottle.
Exactly. Also in truth they sterilized the imperfect child so they could not reproduce a retarded child if they themselves were slow or had mental problems. They put these children on a train with no parents and sent them West to fend for themselves. Oak Ridge did many experiments. The scientist lived in concentration camps so they would not tell what they were doing. The things that were done to people is unspeakable. There is another thought and it's true but it involved Plum Island off NY. Scientist there were creating diseases and infecting the animals. Our government shut it down after WWII and the animals were let loose. Lime disease found in ticks is man made by scientist in our country. Those animals, when tide let down created a land bridge and they moved into the woods of Long Island and they moved around from there. The disease was meant for people. Not only was there no antidote for lime disease and the outcome was to kill the person but by one of these ticks and the long term affects. I like about 40 miles from Oak Ridge and asking questions will still get you arrested and run out of town. The Nuclear Waste was put in barrels and buried in the hills. This was the 40s and up to the 80s the barrels rusted the waste material leaked into the ground water and many tumors and cancers were developing in a little place down from Oak Ridge TN, it was in the water and streams and when I was a nurse working Hospice an entire family was affected and as one doctor from Russia said I have not seen these cancers since Chernobyl. One doctor named Smith was new and Smith is his true name, he called to one of the plants YK__ __ and inquired about what was being done there and he and his family were literally run out of town with death threats and shootings into his home. He moved within the first few months of being targeted and now practices in Washington State. This is a true story and not embellished at all. The cancer rate from those who worked there and in the area around for 60 miles has the highest cancer rate. I took saw and took care of patients with growths and cancers that was hard to believe. The small community of Ten Mile is down stream from Oak Ridge. At one time it was the only nuclear waste dump site. Burning into hills and mountains was the method for years. Now there is another site in Iowa and it is much more advanced but in Oak Ridge the waste thate was buried 70-80 yrs ago are still having effects. Animals have been born with 2 heads and other out of the world things you could not imagine. Throat cancer and lung cancer is the worst, then there are the neurological tumors growing on the nerve endings. I could go on and on for hours. Sorry. Our government is messed up for sure and the things we don't know are wild. The things we are seeing now we can do something.
Wow! I watched The Manchurian Candidate. I had no idea that was a true story. The MULTRA Experiment is also a true story.
I have to research that experiment
Whatever you do, don’t read this unless you want to wake up at 3am as the terror sets in. (Excellent book, anyway.).
this is a link to a book called Annie Jacobsen's Nuclear War on Amazon. Nuclear waged war is unwinable. It causes long term damage to planetary eco systems making life impossible on the planet. The book hypothesized a nuclear attack by North Korea on the United States, which then retaliates, creating a chain reaction of other nuclear nations launching their weapons. There are many monitoring safeguards in effect to prevent this. But, it raises the question of Trump having his finger on the nuclear button.
The reality is, the world is already at war with Putin. North Korea and China are already doing practice exercises to invade Taiwan, Japan, and south Korea, just like Russia did practice runs on Ukraine's border. This is part of a complex plan Putin put together, where he has compromised several world leaders such as Trump, to disrupt nations from banding together against him
I most likely will.
Look at what he did to our 2 FBI Agents who saw right through him. James Comey knew that Trump was in bed with the Russians. He was having dealings with Russian MAFIA at his N. Y. Trump Towers. Trump also fired Andrew McCabe because McCabe ordered special transportation security to get FBI Agent James Comey safely back home to Pennsylvania and to his family. Trump is nothing but a PUNK! If you haven't read former FBI Agent James Comey's book you should buy it and read it. And the same thing about FBI Agent Andrew McCabe. I bought both of those men's books. A real eye opener. And as for Mueller and his Trump investigation, that was nothing but another political sham! Mueller should have never been put on that investigation team to run it. Trump should have been impeached.
Yes he will start with everyone who has opposed him. I am reminded of the movie staring Bruce Willis and Annette Benning. Even FBI agents not of white blood was put in the camp. Tanks in our streets and killing non white. It was made during the 911 crisis from Bin Lauden but it applies today. Watch out I think we will be in great trouble should be have any power and I fear he will take that power even if Kamala wins. It is proven he has been running Congress for the last 4 yrs. How is it that a civilian with no power in our government have control over Congress and some in the Senate. We know he has SCOTUS. He has been in power though not elected to do so. Congress needs a through cleaning if he loses this time. Many in the right will perform that Koo that we fear. I could not believe this happened and our AG let it happen. This is the one area Biden needed to butt in and tell Garland what to do. Jail those who follow his orders. Never in our history had this happened, if it has happened before it was covert and not out in the open. Those in Congress should be removed that listened to his orders like Border deal he squashed that the right mostly write and the VP signed off on and he told Johnson to squash it. A civilian telling Congress and the speaker of the house doing his bidding. Do you think if he loses this time that he will sit back. He will take over Congress and there will anarchy in government and the military will set up those camps for pure blood. Staining out blood my God he sounds like Hitler to the Jews. Same words.
I watched a chilling documentary on Christian Nationalism last night. Watched it on prime. Didn’t sleep well after watching it. Nightmares all night.
Nothing Christian in Christian Nationalism
Not in the least. I'm not a great Christian, but what the Christijihadists (and make no mistake, that's what they actually ARE) are fixated on some externals, but not the what the message of Jesus is--to be kind and help others when you can.
Christojihadists.. JFC.. What next?!?
There's nothing Christian about them. They are being nothing but used by the Republican right wing idiots for votes and money. And the Bible instructs Christians to come out of this world. They are to be sojourners passing through it. And not to cause harm to others. Another passage on Judgement Day, where Jesus says depart from me you wicked and evil doers. I never knew you! They are called to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. They have allowed the Republican Party to blind them. It is the Republican Party that passed Roe v. Wade in 1970. Candidate Bork who was Democrat got borked off the Supreme Court because he was Pro-Life! Not an abortionist. The Republicans wanted an abortionist to pass Roe v. Wade and make it the national law of our nation. Most Christians do not even know this. And they think the Republicans are so clean.
The left is missing a real opportunity in not aggressively promoting both Bad FAITH and
God & Country. They are utterly COMPELLING.
True, but the sad thing is that Democrats are only left compared to the GOP these days. I can remember a time when most of their platform was somewhat reasonable, at least compared to today's GOP. Most Democrats are pretty centrist.
Quite so; that's a good point.
I agree, know your enemy.
there has been a documentary on MSNBC several times in the last few weeks, comes on at 10PM on the weekend. It's titled From Russia with Lev and it's all about the B/S that went on before and during Trump's first run. This guy was in thick with Trump and his cronies. This man Lev was arrested and fined. He spilled his guts to Rachael Maddow and she recorded it.
Dianne, would you happen to remember the title of the documentary? I'm sure many of us would be interested in seeing it, if we haven't already seen it. Thank you!
Best. Caption. This. Month.
Hasn’t he disqualified himself from a security clearance at this point? If he qualifies for a security clearance then a top secret clearance is meaningless.
Presidents and vice presidents don't have to go through the same vetting process as others do in order to view classified materials. It's ridiculous. I had a clearance once. It's quite the process for us "regular" folk, including all sorts of hoops to jump through.
I agree he shouldn't have access to much of anything about the Govt
The undecided voter: “ Fascism, communism, what’s the difference, I still don’t own a car.” - Ferris Bueller
I believe in this particular Presidential election, the politics of the candidates are irrelevant. This election is a choice between right and wrong. Supporting an addlebrained incoherent degenerate misogynist racist rapist criminal liar is wrong, wrong, wrong. A vote for such a person is a crime against America. No Votes For Criminals!
Mary, have you thought of calling Adult Protective Services for your uncle & tell them that you suspect those close to him are committing Elder Abuse? Ask them to just check on him.
I am sure our Mary is on his list! Vote Blue!
I'm sure she is, too. He considers ANY criticism of him to be an event warranting jail--or worse.
There was a line around the block at 0705 this morning in Texas's first day of early voting. Nevertheless I have to ask, what do we do if he wins? Scared s---less.