The hypocrisy is very frustrating. Manchin and Sinema can say what they please, but their actions prove they are both racist and uninterested in retaining our democracy. Thanks to the refusal of the other party to step up, these two "Democrats" wield more power than they likely ever thought they'd have. I'm sure that feeds their egos and further fuels their decisions.

Meanwhile, a Democratic club to which I belong had a legislative update from a couple of state legislators last night that was equally depressing -- it's clear there is a concerted effort by republican-led legislatures throughout the country to take away rights and control what people say and do. It feels like our country is slipping away...

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Colorado is a blue state. This was a big surprise to me! (Denver Post 1/18/2022)

Two-thirds of the Republicans in the CO State Legislature voted to thank State Rep Ron Hanks and those who joined him at the US Capitol on Jan 6th. A majority of the House GOP voted to ' call into question' whether Joe Biden was legitimately elected; to urge the decertification of 2020 election results in an effort to reinstate former Pres. Donald Trump; to support embattled Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peter, an ally of election deniers who is under investigation for allegedly allowing a security breach in her election division and to commit to ensuring dead people are removed from voter rolls- something for which there is already a process in CO. (This is the same county that gave us Lauren Boebert)

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It's like we're in an alternate universe! I'm in Florida with Ron DeSantis, Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, so you can imagine how things are here if you have issues with that party in your state!

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I left Florida for this reason

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I can't even imagine. The last thing I ever considered was that our democracy could unravel.

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Frightening. Hope Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold prevails in her suit against Tina. Why isn't Tina fired already?

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I'm not sure. I read that Tina Peter had been staying outside of CO and that she only recently came back. Perhaps Jena couldn't subpoena her until recently.

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sorry .. I was trying to paste an article - Sinema has just been censured by the Arizona Democratic party …

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I’m all for abolishing the filibuster & passing voting rights….. I’d really like to see Manchin, Sinema & McConnell irrelevant after midterms…

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Add the rest of the Senators and Congress that participated in the insurrection. Every last one of them

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I’d like to see every single person who participated in the insurrection- from funding it to showing up - charged with at least sedition (and all other charges as applicable) plus a few others charged with sedition and treason.

However, it is clear that our DOJ is toothless and useless (all those who defy/defied Jan 6th Committee subpoenas should be in jail waiting for trial) and our President & the entire upper level Democrats are unwilling to face that our democracy (oligarchy really) is being openly, blatantly and gleefully dismantled right in front of their eyes. They’re either mentally unable, too ignorant of facts, stuck in the past or complicit in the takeover.

The filibuster should have been completely removed decades ago. Congress isn’t Hollywood and Jimmy Stewart was an actor. Ditto for the corrupt Electoral College - dismantle it completely.

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What gets me is that instead of everyone talking about voting in more Democrats to make those two irrelevant so we can accomplish more, we're talking about losing the majority because people are disappointed more hasn't been done, as if the GOP ever did anything good for the average person. The logic escapes me.

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We must not give up or cave to their pressure. Winning is often accomplished by wearing people down. That started long ago with hate and multiple issues to keep us in fear. Don’t buy that ticket. Focus. Think bad shit? Think of your next move. Do it with music.

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If Covid were less transmissable and more public concerts allowed it'd be easy to organize fundraising concerts for our blue candidates

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Search art of mix fandom/Tone Def on YouTube Music, hit video tab, its a song created from outakes and hot mic comments by GHW Bush, We then went to his speech archive to Make verses to Match the hot mic choruses, lol, Released May 1992 originally, since you mentioned "doing it with music" thought I'd Show Road Map!

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The filibuster rule is a convenient excuse. Once again, the GOP (and, now that I think of it, can we stop calling this the Grand Old Party?) is standing behind rules it doesn't hesitate to break when it suits them. To think that these "traditionalists" of the Senate (including Manchin and Sinema - and what is her deal, anyway?) wouldn't even return to the traditional definition of the filibuster to address voting rights: an action such as a prolonged speech that obstructs progress in a legislative assembly while not technically contravening the required procedures (Oxford Languages). The "talking filibuster" rule changed to the "silent filibuster" in 1975, when W. Va.(!) Sen. Harry Byrd (D), then majority whip, changed the rules. Now, Manchin, who replaced Byrd from W. Va., wouldn't hear of fiddling with the rule - even while the country burns. The rules will change as soon as the Elephant party regains the majority - and that could be as soon as later this year.

And then, too late, we will all be watching on livestream as our modern Rome burns.

Minority rule is bad news for all Americans who stand for majority rule in our diverse, pluralistic Democratic Republic.

Ben Franklin warned, "It's a Republic if we can keep it."

That's on all of us.

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I'm with Ian Millhiser in that the Senate should be abolished thereby rendering the filibuster moot. See also the Electoral College. The House needs to be expanded as does the Supreme Court that we've talked about before.

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Jan 22, 2022·edited Jan 22, 2022

Definitely the Electoral College should be abolished. It was designed to be in control. The people's rights have been taken over while it's been advertised as a "compromise" between the presidential election and the popular vote of eligible citizens. Since the Electoral College selects the electors voting for President and Vice President the people can be denied the representation they want.

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Oops, hope the animals and car are all better! This obstructionist Senate means that laws which are popular with the majority of Americans can't pass, so people's view of the government being useless is reinforced and it's a vicious never ending circle into autocracy (the executive branch having executive order powers is the only way to get stuff done but they can then be undone by the next pres so it's useless in the long tem). Need to carve out filibuster for voting rights at a minimum and at LEAST turn it back into a talking filibuster so obstructionist senators have to WORK to prevent discussion on bills. So mad.

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White supremacy is running rampant on the hill. Mitch McConnell's comment gives him a one way ticket to Putin's pasture. Completely disgusted that the John Lewis Voting Rights Act did not receive any partisan support. It is pathetic.

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I don’t give up, but it’s disheartening. Especially after MLK, Jr. Day.

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The day after a criminal sociopath was inaugurated POTUS, there was The Woman's March.

Where TF is that energy now?

Our voting rights & women's rights are being torn away, and our collective response seems to be a herd of deer-in-the-headlights. I get why. For the past six years we've been assulted with an entirely new & frightening reality. Everyone, including our kids, has suffered some level of trauma as a result. But we MUST shake-it-off & fight back! Because no one is going to do it for us.

A government by the people. And the people need to take to the streets & march to protect our freedoms. If we don't: We. Will. Lose. Them.

I believe people care. The Women's March proved that. So let's get on with it!

The Parkland students organized March for our Lives.

What's it gonna take for We The People to organize a March for our Freedom?

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Energy, focus and a well thought out plan. we need to organize and not just a March which is good, but immediate ideas about what to do about upcoming elections- what candidates to support at state level, (anything to be done in W VA and AZ? or other) increase voting numbers at the local level (most people don’t vote in local elections or know who the candidates are), Attending town halls and asking questions in front of cameras…who to write to, raise $, etc. We are weary, challenged by inertia, because we are fighting against a sinister evil that is backed by foreign adversaries and cunning leaders who are using social media and psychology to target a vulnerable culture. It’s almost too late… we have to act now!

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Fear not. The torches and pitchforks moment is coming.

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During the pandemic, I'm not marching anywhere. Fact is, republicans don't care what anyone thinks - - if they did, they wouldn't try to eliminate abortion rights, among other things. Short of violence, they're going to go full steam ahead because they can. And I do think it's possible we'll need to do more than just march.

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not to mention demonstrations are becoming a magnet for violence by some .. led by none other than…

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Yep, I’m over the edge this week with the hypocrisy and everything else. No valid reason not to do at least a carve out for voting rights. Onward and upward tomorrow, we have no choice but to continue the fight. Thankful for the sunset pic, for some perspective - hope the sunsets continue to be so beautiful! Hope all is well with the pets and the car.

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Mary Its Impossible To See Americans Believe the Filibuster WAS in Constitution, and Many prefer the comfort of Uncle Donald's Cult Rather than examining WHY filibuster emerged as Senate Rule, ITS A DEVICE THAT PREVENTS BLACK PEOPLE, GENERATIONS OF THEM, from achieving equal rights! THE JIM CROW legacy. THIS YEAR, IF WE RETAIN HOUSE AND WIDEN SENATE LEAD: filibuster gone, voting rights returns, 2 new SC nominees, And End to The Status Quo as we know it. As Much as I respect My Fellow Activists we must PIVOT to Voting 2022 and Work like hell to bring it! THIS FIGHT WITH A SLIGHT MAJORITY Is draining we must reinforce ourselves and focus on the vote, Bring The Change!

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Jan 22, 2022·edited Jan 22, 2022

The authoritarian playbook is in motion now . Once again people will have to vote in huge numbers till we put in place more Democrats in office to have a real majority. I’m worried now it’s hard to not be .

The hypocrisy about the carve out of the filibuster and how there is no problem with voting in America took me all the way back to when my family traveling south , never ate in the Howard Johnson . The time my mother was denied a fur coat rental for our family friend being ordained at a synagogue.

I don’t want to be an alarmist . How long before these groups start coming with their guns and explosives shutting down our municipalities this has happened in the past . That we be put in a position to choose the things we love or join forces with them . The ones who will suffer the most are our children and the diverse groups here . This country was never about inclusion . My dad use to tell my brothers and sisters I don’t want to hear any talk about who holding you back or why you can’t get ahead in life .

To just go out in the world and be the best you can be . At this moment in time that saying means very little to me . I’ve lived it being a woman working in a field dominated by men . Donald will meet his fate . This country may see a fate sooner than we thought , then where on the face of the earth will we live when America looses democracy. I understand what your saying here your thoughts they way you articulate . I feel what you write and I internalize it . It makes me angry that here we go again . Problems rolling into other problems , it’s cyclical at times can be all consuming. My hope is that we protect the poll workers the voting populous the equipment a statewide campaign for The President and Vice President to explain to the people what how and why we need to stay in the fight and how their programs will transform and repair our future going forward .

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The filibuster is a joke, and we are the punchline. Just wait until Moscow Mitch abolishes the filibuster to get what he wants. Unlike Senators Manchin and Sinema, he is not troubled by such trivialities as bipartisanship and consensus.

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I too am disgusted.

We need to look at the leadership in the Senate and determine if we have the right tools for the job. Government needs to step-up and show how its necessary and different from the private sector. Many people are confused about the role of government, they think that if you are the CEO of a corporation you can also manage government agencies.

Government elected officials take an Oath to preserve and protect the Constitution and to REPRESENT their constituents. The loss of Voting Rights is one reason people are confused; didn't we already ensure that everyone has the right to vote and have their vote counted? It was undone by the Roberts Court and the laws in the States, and that is why only the Senate can put it back together again.

President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law in 1965, more than 55 years ago, since then it has challenged upheld by many bipartisan elected officials

He said it would end his political career, but he did it anyway; and it did.

The Senate Dems. forced a vote. They should have done this a long time ago. All elected officials know that there is no such thing as bad press, all press is press. Two Senators have gotten massive amounts of press for opposing American voting rights. There is a lack of leadership in the Senate.

Why doesn;t the Senate act on DC statehood, DC has voted for it time and again? It would bring 2 new Senators who would likely support voting rights and the Biden agenda. The population in DC exceeds the population of a few State's with 2 Senators, Wyoming e.g.

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I feel more and more hope deprived after the vote this week. I thought there might be at least a handful of gop who put country over party. I never ever thought this would go so far. It is surprising only in the seeming lack of a sense of impending doom if this country fails. Meanwhile it comes out that TFG was planning to remove voting machines like Mussolini! I am just so bone weary. Arrests are too slow. Requests instead of subpoenas. No quick consequence for refusing to show up. When will we get tough with these lawless shits? They don’t comply because there are no real consequences. Of COURSE they don’t comply. I am reaching the end of my tolerance for all this. If I were young and had money I would go find another country in which to live!

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My views on the filibuster have not changed. In its present form it is an unconstitutional and undemocratic senate rule. It had no teeth in its archaic form, which meant that a dissenting Senator must be allowed to talk all day and all night against a law he did not like. When he fell asleep or otherwise stopped talking, the vote could be called. The reason republicans do not want it changed back to its original form is that the legislation the democratic majority brings to the floor is popular with mostly all Americans, and to continue to talk about reasons against it would be impossible.

And you are spot on, Mary! The senate is not a democracy. Republicans rule it whether or not they’re in the majority. When they’re in the majority, Republicans rule because they have 51 votes. When they’re in the minority, Republicans rule because they use the filibuster in its present form.

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I hope your car and pets are much more resilient than us humans who are shattered by the Simema-Manchin corrupt obstruction of voting rights. I believe the filibuster needs to be struck down and pulverized with the peeling out by the coal-toxic supporter's (Manchin's) Maserati. He did this to the BBB.

After the vote, I was mortified by Sinema shaking hands and receiving the adulation of the republicans. I think she is the poster child for Lady Gaga's "Applause".

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Mary, I feel the filibuster is not the problem in and of itself, if it was the old 'talking' filibuster it worked to some degree. I am one of those people that generally say, in situations like these, be careful what you ask for. I am not, in this toxic environment ready to get rid of the filibuster, at least not until we see how our mid-terms go.; I don't want to give the Republicans a simple majority vote, at this point, if they manage to win back the Senate in Nov. I had no problem with a carve-out. The real problem, however, is the Republican cabal. It isn't even Donald, he is a pawn, a man who thought he could take Russian money and not have a payback. The Republican Party was a cabal before Donald, and it will be after he goes to prison with his kids that don't turn on him for a better deal and his co-conspirators.

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Everything in this country would work better with simple majority rules. Easy to understand, straightforward, less susceptible to unscrupulous manipulation. Why do we need to contort the voting process?

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First I need to say what has happen to our country ,democracy is a ignorance that has been brewing for decades , Donald Trump didn't create it but he knew it was a cancer that he could use to validate his wildest delusions of superiority. As a society the ignorance was being contained and kept in a place of management in the lanes of trends and leadership that may have carried the same ignorance that has erupted into a rampant pandemic threatening and corroding the fabric of sanity that held together the word "united" in states of America where yes we had different views of what we felt was okay ,right or wrong but remained in a state of cohesive livability . A country has always been a reflection of it's leadership and those leaders red or blue had lines and boundaries based on ,morals ,respect ,values and fears of what would and could happen if those lines were crossed by a leader with out those boundaries ,values, morals, respect or fears somehow got elected to the platform of President, the powerful mirror that reflected the image that kept ignorance at bay and manageable . The fear that there would be serious consequences to freely express what society says is ugly ,dark , ignorant and not right kept those who harbored it from freely acting it out . Along comes the "Donald" who doesn't or hasn't had any consequences for his ignorance and ugliness and seemingly a disconnect from any feelings that produce regulation or boundaries. I believe that in 08 when Obama took office as the 1rst black president Donald Trump saw the smoldering ignorance in this country waiting for a leader who would light a fire of validation to give them permission to turn all their smoldering ignorant delusions and insanity to fire burning up what ever, who ever said what they felt ,thought and desired wasn't good or right. For Donald Trump having and controlling a huge mass of people to follow and worship, him as their god and only source of what they want to be the truth, which is what he feed them continuously that also feeds ,sustains and protects the delusions of superiority and grandeur he has existed in forever. As it is said "Birds of a feather flock together" As long as those who look at Donald Trump as a leader of virtue ,truth and righteousness or fear him because he holds the cards to their political careers and has become the deal with the devil they live in and have more shame then courage to admit a career conman has made a party of career politicians his kiss the ring fools that will take the bullet for him like it or not. Unless they admit the truth that they made the biggest ,foolish ,stupidest mistake in their career and lives by aligning ,enabling and protecting the biggest source of pure constant ignorance and lies that pre 2015 they all knew Donald J Trump should have never had access to our political system more or less the office of president. President Obama told everyone in his exit speech " Trump is not fit for the office", #1 The only way to put the fire out is to stop the man who lit it from continuing to gaslight it over and over again, Until those who follow and see him as their leader and creator of what is a cult witness him receive the most severe consequences from his words and actions that will totally neutralize him ,shut him down , and put him away as a #1 menace & threat to our country ,democracy ,people and society and #2 those elected officials who enabled , protected and are directly complicit with also betraying their oaths to office and acts of treason that brought about the domestic terrorist acts on 01/06/2021 also receive the most severe consequences too ,at least lose their elected positions and both be forever banned from running for or having any federal or public offices again , after all the #1 requirement for positions of power is the ability to be trusted ,honesty ,truthful, not perfect ! not flip flop! the party of trump have shown us who they are ,what they're committed too, even if they were to admit their guilt ,apologize say we're sorry they crossed the line of no return 5yrs. and 21 days ago and still are consistent with the ignorance and lies. Only when real true justice is served can we begin recovery ,heal and become once again "The UNITED States of America from the UNUNITED states of America " we are now. Donald and his cult of ignorance has damaged this country ,democracy and people far more then 911 or any act of aggression in all of Americas history and MUST be treated as such asap! Time is running out!

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As a young person moving into middle age many things seemed to indicate movement toward greater equality and democracy. But the Equal Rights Amendment is stalled in the Senate and gains for which my father's Quaker ancestors ( who believed in gender equality and worked for abolition/ manumission/ UGRR) were beaten back by people who falsely say they are Republicans and say they have things in common with the party of Lincoln.

These aspects of our system are draggjng us into autocracy: the filibuster, the Senate, the Electoral College. They were set up by privileged white men to protect their own power, privilege, and economic position. The ones who set it up were my mother's ancestors. I disavow them and these antidemocratic institutions. I vow to reincarnate and come back to make sure they are transformed. J hope those young people watching will do everything to change them.

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Manchin and Sinema are saying things about the filibuster that are not true, just as Manchin said he couldn't sell Build Back Better to his constituents when polls showed them in favor of its components. I don't know if they are deliberately ignorant of the facts, i.e. close-minded, or suffer from some mental condition that prevents them from understanding, caring about, or recognizing how two-faced they are, i.e. Trumpublicans.

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Agree. Im convinced that they are Republicans plants in the Dem party. Who’s paying them?

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I was so angry yesterday about the failure of voting rights legislation to pass in the Senate. So many people will lose access to the ballot, and most Senators are ok with that. Our democracy has really taken a new low, and it didn’t have to be this way. We can’t give up fighting for what’s right. But it still hurts so much.

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What do we do? How to we fight and communicate- writing to our senators is not enough. I don’t think we can camp out in the capitol any more, SC? … the other side has many tactics much of which we would not use as they are immoral or criminal, but we need to devise a plan with multiple actions, ideas … esp in run up to midterm elections!

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Note: Original definition of filibuster was: conducting ‘unauthorized’ warfare against a country. THAT’S what this REALLY is! We have to fight to keep democracy. Remember Franklin:’A Republic if you can keep it.’

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A political system that repeatedly ends up with the minority (representing as low as 33% of American beliefs), is essentially not a representative democracy. Reform is needed ASAP.

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Thank you Mary. Well said.

I hope your 😺 is well and your car is back on track today!

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i think its a mistake to talk about jim crow and leave the assumption that it's a civil rights issue, it's a citizen rights issue. Calling people "white" is alienating and erasing of multiple ethnicities. Dems are being painted as catering to elites and to minorities; we have to erase that misperception by emphasizing the left populism that Bernie Sanders represents.

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Fretting over how Dems are being painted, in the face of the evolving catastrophe in the land with full-throttle GOP imprimatur writ large, is to hopelessly miss the point. It's only on the left that such hand-wringing transfixes the imagination - spawning self doubt, paranoia and self-loathing. I invite you to closely watch the guys in the opposite camp: How much of the soul-searching you're obviously proposing here do you see in progress therein? I bet you there's no such introspective reflex anywhere in sight. Recall how the right fought against 'judicial activism' in the Supreme Court in the 1980s/90s? Now, where is judicial activism being openly fanned today if not on the self-same right? Look how the January 6 coup attempt, initially universally condemned both on the left and on the right, has now turned into a lop-sided effort to save our hitherto globally revered institutions. America is not necessarily served well by the timidity of one of the two governing national parties - the Dems, by all standards of measurement.

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I know this doesn't have to do with the filibuster.

After all the revelations from the January 6 committee, will the courts uphold the state legislatures' legislation that allow stealing of future elections? The public and, therefore, the courts will have documentation of the inner workings of the Big Lie that was the basis of the legislation to undo voting rights.

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T. V. networks continue to report bits and pieces of insurrection facts already established for them by ppl like Seth Abramson and many others. The big picture, the long term scope of plans to reverse the 2020 election, etc. doesn't get play.

I think general public has tuned out.

Sen Sinema doesn't seem to grasp the so-called Republican party marches in step with the aspirations of Trump. Their loyalty to or fear of him superceds their loyalty to rheir oath to U.S. Constitution.

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Mary, I'm beside myself over this. Manchin's and Synema's so-called defense of the filibuster is not only disingenuous, it's nearly incomprehensible. Manchin says there have never been exceptions, despite the 160 times there were. I think at this point both of them are so invested in their positions that it matters not to them if what they say is inaccurate or foolish. We need to elect at least two more Democratic senators to make them irrelevant.

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Rules for 'How to recall an elected official in AZ'' are on Google. It's not hard. Sinema's term is until 2024. Perhaps if saw saw a recall underway she'd change her room..

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This Weeks News Cycle SUCKED just like some in 2022 will, BUT its our job to make the great cycles Outweigh The Negative Ones and Thereby Keep The Pendulum on our side now. At 55 yo A News Cycle is like A usual event but those of you my age and older remember more consistently Positive Cycles of Past, Reagan was of the eighties but like a house plant in a garden, The Eighties Grew Around And In Spite Of Reagan, my partner 74 yo said "In my lifetime with My wage level The Reagan Years Meant I had to pay rather than Get A Tax Return Only Time In My Life" thats how he remembers Reagan Eighties" funny, The Moment George HW Bush insulted the Simpsons I knew Bill Clinton would win! lol

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VOTE! This is how we change things.

We have to help get people registered to vote and to the ballot box to elect as many Democrats into local and state positions and into Congress in 2022 as possible. We need a majority that can't be undermined by people like Manchin and Sinema. That must be our focus!

When that happens, we can get rid of those things that prevent our government from running effectively and efficiently.

Majority Rule for elections and for passing legislation must be the law.

No more filibuster - debate should be happening while legislation is being written.

No more dark money or lobbyist money allowed to buy legislation.

Misconduct from any member of Congress must be handled with transparency.

Americans need to see their government officials are held to very high standards.

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Thank you Rhonda C.

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Hello Maureen Harrington. Happy Friday 🙂💙 Yes music I agree!

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Filibuster rules? I'm reminded of Senator Warren who once held up a credit card contract, and said that even she wasn't able to read the small print in her battle to forbit corporations from cheating the millions of us who trust companies so completely, that we readily check the box that says: agreed. The millions of us that were sure that the young man, Rittenhouse, who entered another state with a weapon he was not of legal age to hold, shot and killed demonstrators, would be found guilty but wasn't. Then there was the housing debacle in which another million people lost their homes because they hadn't completely read or understand the small print on their housing loans. Here we are again, filibuster rules? When it comes to voting rights, they hold firm, but raising the debt ceiling? Different story. We Americans simply haven't read the small print. Either admit ignorance and acquiesce or make the print much larger. This is how many other countries' leaders manage to get their way by proclaiming that the buyer didn't beware.

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"intellectually dishonest" is the perfect phrase. I appreciate having this in my brain. Thank you. In general, I really love your down to earth way of using language. It really makes some of the demons less troubling.

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I think it's abundantly clear that the BananaRepublicans are proudly and forcibly imposing their will on us. We need to start doing the same. We need to be as despicable and diabolical as they are to fight for democracy. Clearly the two sides of our politics are now between USA and Trussia.

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Sinema is an airhead but Manchin is a SNAKE! He changes his story every time anyone gets close to agreeing with him. He has also been in 'constructive talks' about changing the filibuster for a year now. He was 'very open' to a talking filibuster, changing the cloture vote from 60 votes to 41 votes to keep the filibuster going, and other changes to keep Mitch from blocking everything. Now he says no to EVERYTHING. So we've wasted a year talking to this jackass!

I think they should take all duties away from both of them so they can spend 100% of their time to finding those 10 good Republicans they insist exist and pass the Voting Rights Acts! Sinema says she's disappointed that the Dems didn't work harder to get R's on board. Well, now's your chance to step up, Sunshine! Go forth and find that unicorn.

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It's amazing how the GOP touts this tool when it serves their purpose. I can't believe with a majority in the Senate that we still are not getting anything done. Obama's hands were held behind his back and now Biden. This is not the way we as Americans expect those whom we have voted into office to act. Mitch has got to go as well as the rest of the deplorable republicans that continue to keep the middle class stuck in the cycle of living from paycheck to paycheck. We all need to enjoy the efforts of our hard work and reap the rewards! I lay you odds no one on Capitol Hill could survive on the type of wages and benefits we as Americans continue to endure year after year after year. The rich just get richer and the poor just get poorer and endure this ridiculous cycle!!! Stop the madness and let's get them all voted out even if we have to bus everyone who needs help to the nearest voting sites!!! This attack on our fundamental rights to vote continue to be attacked by the present minority!!! VOTE BY MAIL HAS GOT TO BE HELD UP FOR ANYONE WHO WANTS TO VOTE!!!!!

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Caroline Grevelle I was thinking the exact same thing , wasn’t sure to ask . Thank you.

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Manchin & Sinema dragged this out until it became so obvious to everyone that no matter what they'd both vote against democracy, and that, to me, is the bottom line here. No matter their twisted logic, cries of defending one of the least democratic farces in our government against future nefarious usage by the GQP against democracy, no matter what they want us to think, they both had nothing but their own agendas in mind. SInema's, today, was censured by the Arizona Democratic Party for her actions. They voted against the will of the people and the betterment of the nation. Censure should be the least of their punishments, voting them out the best solution, hypocritical, self serving anti democratic phonies. Ugh!

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I’m a resident of Texas.

I support filibustering under rules such as found in the Texas Senate.

The Texas Senate allows a member to filibuster by speaking continuously on the issue under discussion, with onerous rules: no eating or drinking; senator must stand (may not sit, lean, or use desk or chair in any way); no bathroom breaks; other senators may raise objections if the speaker does not confine remarks to the issue under consideration; after 3 violations of filibuster rules, the Senate votes on the point of order & if sustained, the senator speaking must yield the floor.

In the Texas Senate, filibusters are only really useful as a delaying tactic near the end of a session (140 days for a regular session starting the 2nd Tuesday in January of odd-numbered years, and 30 days for a special session called by the governor following the end of a session), if the single speaker can keep at it until the session ends.

So, for the Federal Senate, allowing multiple speakers (no repeat speakers) makes sense to me.

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I like Bill Maher's idea that Biden & Obama get divorced from their wives then gay marriage each other and then Obama can take center stage. It would own the BananaRepublicans lol.

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Good ideas for what worked in the past but Republicans no longer care what their constituents say unless they are in lockstep with their goal of turning America into a fascist state.

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