Indeed everyone should realize by now that donald is psychologically incapable of not swiping other people's money, when given the chance.

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Just remember, your donations to put Trump"back in the WH" will go first to Trump to pay his legal bills. The RNC is BROKE & closing election offices all over the country. Trump hasn't got a ground game & is definitely gonna LOSE in November!

This anti-Trump 2024 t-shirt is funny 👇 🤣


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So strange your page says you have posted nothing, liked nothing & subscribed to nothing.

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…”BYE DON!” Be still my heart!🥰

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I just reported K-Me

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I figured the call-out was enough because it was borderline & why bother Mary, but it was close call, so now both bases covered for her & her admins.

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It's not strange, I set my profile visibility as private 😉

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It is when you are promoting the sales of a t-shirt inside a non-applicable comment. No one here is going to give "donations to put trump back in the WH."

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You just made my life look sunnier!!! Thank you. I believe you and need too...and I understand why. Don is about 2 traits: need for 1. power and 2. control. Domestic vioence characteristics. Feel battered by him? IF he gets in, lots of vindictive assasinations, figuratilvely speaking....

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I just bought mine! That t-shirt is hilarious! Very clever.

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Yeah! It is 😉

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After so many years of non-stop lies, I'm skeptical of the legitimacy of this T-shirt offer. Red Curve could easily be behind this merchandise scam as Diaper Don profits from his imminent election demise. Sorry, but no thank you.

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That was one of the t-shirts from 2020 and I got mine from actblue.com.

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Well said Sam Ray, in plain and common sense simple truth language! I’m visualizing this reality sinking in, penetrating the until now impenetrable layers of the sheer stubbornly willful ones, unbeknownst to them, a benign power for good of for all, will miraculously guide them to pull the levers for the the other one… not for dangerous Donald.

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Thanks Kali. CNI philosophy is all about bringing psychological common sense & clarity so more people can see the light.

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Too true

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Of course he is. He was given the chance, took it. Such an ugly sleaze bag.

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I knew as soon as Donald moved his DIL to Chairwoman of GOP that they would be stealing the money for whatever they need. That whole family are nothing but cons and grifters. Donald thinks everything belongs to him. We must fight by biting blue and getting rid of this scourge. Thanks Mary for your hard work.

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Forgive me, but did you mean voting instead of biting?

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Auto correct makes translators of us all

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I think in his twisted mind he thinks he should get a big cut because they are using his name to get donations.

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Keep on following the money and keep on Donald's trail, Mary. Thank you for all you do.

We can't afford to have Donald back in the White House. There are enough right wing morons there as it is

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What happened to the monitors who they claim are "carefully" watching his account? Why take such a risk? It's not a secret that the man cannot be trusted with money. This should be on every channel and in every paper! WTH? Now his RNC has named Bobb as an election official? It never ends. On and on and he keeps avoiding consequences. thanks for keeping us up-to-date.💙

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ROTFLMAO... Bobb, indicted for election interference in AZ as the election integrity officer... You can't make this stuff up.

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Mary, I am so glad to have become a supporter. It must be emotionally draining at times for you to have to deal with the fact that this ill person is related to you. Yet you are so incredibly intelligent and so devoted to the truth that we are blessed to have your insights into the worst of the worst of what is going on. I do hope you are advising the Democratic Party and President Biden on how best to deal with broken people like Donald and the Russian Caucus that now seems to be so rooted in the House. I’m so very grateful for your contributions to the sanity of our nation. Thank you so much!

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Very well said. The tremendous work Mary does here is stressful, and…it’s family. Please take good personal care so you can keep spreading these ‘deep dive’ messages that are so clear and concise. So glad to see more media recognizing your stellar contributions.

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First thought that popped into my mind, is this being done to bypass the Court Appointed Financial Watchperson, Retired Judge Barbara Jones, or an even more nefarious reason???

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The court appointed watch person is for trump's business. From what I gathered this is money from PACs and therefore not under her watchful eyes.

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I believe she is only overseeing the Trump organization entities, & Trump’s personal accounts. This would not include PACs or the RNC.

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Barbara Jones, please do your job! Dog event daddy's corruption and get a hold of jack smith. You are getting paid huge sums of money to do your job.

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Does a bear poop in the woods?

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He has friends in low places.

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Low friends in high places.

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That too!

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🤣 definitely!

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Supreme Court: Not illegal because Trump did it. That is our opinion.

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Yes, I listened in on the Supreme Court listening to arguments from the prospective attys. It sounds like it’s going to go along party lines & give donald immunity. If they do that, they are co-conspirators in his scheme to over throw our democracy.

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If Trump gets immunity, that will mean that Biden will have immunity. Biden: "Get me Seal Team 6!"

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That’s the long term threat, isn’t it? That presidents have across the board immunity as trump is trying to win, full immunity. No person in the United States is above the law.

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I think if they do give him immunity it will not be full immunity and will not apply to Biden. It would more likely interfere with his federal indictments. My guess is that they will delay so long that no other trial can be held prior to the election. I hope that’s the worst thing they’ll do. It certainly wouldn’t be good but it could be worse and with this SCOTUS anything is possible. We will see.

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They don’t need to give him immunity to keep the J6 trial from occurring before the election; they can just stall & then send it back to Judge Chutkan for review as to what is part of his job as President & what is not. They may be hoping he will be reelected; but if he is, they will soon regret it. Too many of them live in an ivory tower & not in the real world. A good example of that is reversing Roe/Wade, & the unintended consequences of that action on their part.

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I so agree with you!!! God help us all.

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Absolutely!!! A dictator doesn’t need a supreme court

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Except that it wasn’t unintended consequences. All of those self-righteous abortion abolitionists knew very well what would happen, they don’t give a damn.

TikTok vids are free, go follow Jessica Valenti, @auntiekilljoy if you haven’t already; she keeps us up to date on all the sneaky ways they are trying to take away our rights.

In the states with ballot initiatives to keep abortion legal & put it in their state constitutions, they are putting up competing initiatives that appear to be pro choice, but they are actually anti abortion. They are just giving them titles to sound pro choice such as

“Bill to Protect Women” etc. one state is even floating 2 of those fakes so that there will be 3 of them just to really confuse voters & drawn off enough votes so that the real pro abortion initiative won’t pass!!

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No, I think they will drag out the decision till after the election because they are stupidly thinking that Trump will keep the court intact if he wins. He will destroy any entity who can tell him No. they should consider that because there is plenty of evidence that he gets rid of anyone that says No to his demands.

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If they do Biden can do as he pleases. He could stay on as president. Right?

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I have been thinking the same thing. Thank you! Donald stacked the Supreme Court.

Oh my goodness!!!! Another "First again. Mary, apply for the record of Donald being the First President with all the criminal records. The First to steal a Presidential Election- The first to use America Treasury as his own account- The first to start a riot and attack our Capitol- The First to tell people to inject themselves with bleach to get rid of COVID and the list goes far beyond any world record ever made. The worse, the very first President charged with rape. He may get into the Guinness Book of World Records. Make that list Mary.

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They are just as trustworthy.

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He's committing the same crime he's on trial for right now!! His arrogance knows no bounds!

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The hurrican is on the horizon......Stormy Daniels if and when she takes the stand.......Trump team is scared of her........judge turned down subpoena challenge........speed up guard training for when Orange must put on his "Orange" suit.

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I totally agree with you on this. His arrogance is becoming something else 🤷🏼

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The biggest travesty will be possible inaction by the FEC on this. This excellent report from The Daily Beast and referenced here by Mary is very good information, but there’s a huge potential roadblock, in that the FEC apparently currently has 2 Republican commissioners appointed by Trump and 2 democrats appointed by W Bush and Biden respectively, with 2 vacancies and so far as I could tell, no action being taken to confirm an appointee Biden put forth in 2022. I could be wrong on this but that’s what I found. For reference, there are supposed to be six commissioners and no more than three from any one party. But if they deadlock, no action is likely to be taken. I am no expert on the FEC so I welcome comments or corrections.

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Everything the “Don”ald does is shady. Bet his MAGA donors are paying for those $700 McDonald’s orders! It is fascinating to see how his mind works and how he manages to make every transaction push the boundaries between legal and illegal. Roy Cohn was a good teacher. David Cay Johnston wrote for Politico about Trump’s long and sordid association with the Mob. It should be required reading! https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/05/donald-trump-2016-mob-organized-crime-213910/

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David Cay Johnston wrote a book that came out before the 2016 election and the media generally ignored it. It lays out Trump’s mob connections and money laundering as well as his stiffing people on money he owes them. I recommend everyone read it.

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David Cay Johnston is amazing.........has been tracking Orange criminal activity for years.

Susie, you know your stuff....keep going!!!!

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Susie -- David Kay Johnston has written three books -- two after the pre-2016 one. All are page turners !

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Yes- when I came upon the article I put it on my “to read” list. The article is a good place to start!

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Of course he is. His "Christian" base, actually believes him. Mary, I am so sorry that you're related to him. Just to be around him is torture.

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Just to see or HEAR his name is torture to me since he slithered down that escalator and praised autocrats, in '15, and many times since Esp., as he pronounces his autocratic PLANS. DAY ONE ONLY, my left foot!

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Great adjective “ slithered” for that infamous trip Down the escalator when the “Slimy One” announced his run for office. Any honorable person would have chosen Going “Up” an Elevator, to Symbolize the Beneficial, Good, Inspiring Reasons to Vote for the Candidate & their Policies. Only an arrogant, cagey, corrupt, conman, convinced he can fool Many, with his Smarmy Lies, Smirks all the way Down, enjoying his Gotcha.

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Beautiful expansion on our need to be reminded of the entire character of this pretender to his throne, redo. Knowingly voting is the HOPE of America, but the ACTUAL SHOWING UP to VOTE FOR BIDEN or AGAINST Trump is the only way to get this terrible NAZI PARTY of ‘merica behind us, or OUT OF OUR lives while saving our WORLD.

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I'm sorry God. I know Trump is one of your creatures of creation, but I think this time you really goofed. He just refuses to help himself and doesn't want to admit when he has done any wrongs. He sins way too much as well and it's so sad that he bad mouths people all the time.

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Mary, you are a “SUPER-WOMAN”! You go ‘above and beyond’ keeping us informed of what The Don is up to.

No, he’s not ‘stealing’ money from the RNC. His daughter-in-law has said that every penny that comes in will be going to Donald. He doesn’t have to steal it. Hell, it’s just plain given to him!!!

For the life of me, I do not understand people. This clown 🤡 hadn’t hit a kick at a snake his entire life. He’s had absolutely everything given to him. He’s never held any job where he had to get his hands dirty, or even broken a sweat for that matter.

He was raised to take everything he wants and not to care who he steps on, or throws under the bus, to get what he wants. He’s still that way today. Only difference is, the law is finally catching up to him, and hopefully, he’s going to be getting what he’s deserved for a very long time.

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It is getting worse and worse. What a moron and an abject failure. He is defiinitely ZE loser! Let him rot in jail !

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We haf-ta get him IN jail first. Let's keep working on that part, however it works out.

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As mentioned earlier......they are training guards to protect him in jail......Bubba and his lonely pals have a shower stall, soop and plenty of time ready for his arrival........do you think the guards will turn a blind eye??? Not looking good for DJT........the Capitol police did not fair to well and these officers kind of stick together, right???

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I think a night in the slammer and dealing with awkward bathroom issues will be a challenge for him.

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Great job, sleuthing! I'm embarrassed to say that I cannot afford to upgrade my subscription (disabled and living on a fixed income). Love your tenacity and morals. Your dad would be proud.

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Don’t be embarrassed Patti. Mary had a comment about those who cannot afford to upgrade which are many last night I believe. I will find it and send to you

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Thanks, Rita.

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No need to be embarrassed, Patti. Your situation is what it is, and it is honest. Unlike the subject of this newsletter.

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Thank you, Susan.

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You are welcome, Patti!

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The grift goes on…🎶

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