Dr. Livingstone, I beg to differ. Mary Trump, as Clinical Psychologist and niece to this narcissistic lunatic, understands his character far better than any "chief psychiatrist" anywhere ever would. Trained as a psychiatrist (a long, long time ago), I (as an MSW! (so now you can stop reading, because what would a mere MSW fella know, rig…
Dr. Livingstone, I beg to differ. Mary Trump, as Clinical Psychologist and niece to this narcissistic lunatic, understands his character far better than any "chief psychiatrist" anywhere ever would. Trained as a psychiatrist (a long, long time ago), I (as an MSW! (so now you can stop reading, because what would a mere MSW fella know, right?)), am of the opinion that the vast majority of his pathology is rooted in all of the psychological trauma and emotional abuse (in particular) that occurred in this family--not in the area of medical/psychiatric maladies. As you and I both know well, psychiatrists look for pills, medications, endless therapy, ECT, etc. to "resolve" mental health "illnesses." That ain't this guy! It's all there in the childhood dysfuncation (Adverse Childhood Experiences, anyone? Mary?), and his incredibly fragile self image and self-esteem--too weak to show any resiliency whatsoever. And so he ends up going down the rabbit hole of degradation, depravity and two-year-old temper tantrums. And American people choose him to be their leader!! And might actually do it again! In that regard, can we please stop speaking about folks in this country as having any political sense? Obviously, millions do not! Here's a thought--maybe the people who vote need to prove reasonable mental/civic fitness to cast an intelligent vote based upon some sense of knowledge and understanding of what a Democratic Republic actually is.
We do not disagree. I consider non/treatable character disorders still to be psychiatric conditions but of childhood origin. I am a child development professional.
Thanks for your responses. Indeed, I know that many of us can agree, and believe, that this is "all quite dangerous." And no one seems to know that better than Mary!
I agree with what you have said. Trump’s condition is not a typical DSM5 “psychiatric condition”,. He has a character disorder due to his development during childhood experience. It is probably not treatable.
Dr. Livingstone, I beg to differ. Mary Trump, as Clinical Psychologist and niece to this narcissistic lunatic, understands his character far better than any "chief psychiatrist" anywhere ever would. Trained as a psychiatrist (a long, long time ago), I (as an MSW! (so now you can stop reading, because what would a mere MSW fella know, right?)), am of the opinion that the vast majority of his pathology is rooted in all of the psychological trauma and emotional abuse (in particular) that occurred in this family--not in the area of medical/psychiatric maladies. As you and I both know well, psychiatrists look for pills, medications, endless therapy, ECT, etc. to "resolve" mental health "illnesses." That ain't this guy! It's all there in the childhood dysfuncation (Adverse Childhood Experiences, anyone? Mary?), and his incredibly fragile self image and self-esteem--too weak to show any resiliency whatsoever. And so he ends up going down the rabbit hole of degradation, depravity and two-year-old temper tantrums. And American people choose him to be their leader!! And might actually do it again! In that regard, can we please stop speaking about folks in this country as having any political sense? Obviously, millions do not! Here's a thought--maybe the people who vote need to prove reasonable mental/civic fitness to cast an intelligent vote based upon some sense of knowledge and understanding of what a Democratic Republic actually is.
We do not disagree. I consider non/treatable character disorders still to be psychiatric conditions but of childhood origin. I am a child development professional.
This is all quite dangerous.
John L
Thanks for your responses. Indeed, I know that many of us can agree, and believe, that this is "all quite dangerous." And no one seems to know that better than Mary!
I agree with what you have said. Trump’s condition is not a typical DSM5 “psychiatric condition”,. He has a character disorder due to his development during childhood experience. It is probably not treatable.