Impeach and convict. Now.

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You think he actually cared about that oath? Heck, he probably used that same Bible as toilet paper and hour later for his considerable behind. He never aimed to uphold the tenets of that oath, he's not even remotely interested in actually doing the job of President. It's a pathetic grift like every other pathetic grift he's ever done.

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He didn’t place his hand on the Bible.

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But that doesn't absolve him. He's the president. By definition he's supposed to uphold the Constitution. Childish games don't change that.

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Agreed, but considering that no one makes him follow the Constitution, why should he? It just gets in the way of his childish impulsivity. A civilized society only works because its citizens, taken broadly, agree in good faith to follow its laws, rules, and traditions. We certainly don't have that in the audacious First Felon.

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Reader, none of the rest of the toddlers in Trump's playground have any of the graces of society either. They are all misfits who are now orgasmic at their ability to do harm to others, for no real reason than that they want to steal from the American people and control the lives of people they have contempt for. Yep, that's what a third of the Americans who voted chose.

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I'll speak for him, and for the dozens of men and women propping him up: "So?"

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We are all propping the fascist bastard up.

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Enjoy your vacation in Gaza.

And no FBI or DOJ to protect you!

Ohhh forgot you have Hamas and Hezbolah and Iran to protect you on the Gaza beach.

Bon voyage.

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SCOTUS pretty much handed him a free pass. The conservative majority of "justices" is remarkably indulgent, which 47 interprets accordingly as he continues the fevered signing of his name on a bunch of executive orders, whether they are legit or not. We are talking about an assault on the rule of law itself.

Sorry--I feel like a Meanie exposing the Hitler patterns this guy is pressing into service. It's like exposing a (false) Santa ior abuysive daddy. ugh.

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No, no! We MUST expose the very strong Hitlerian behavior occurring in our nation today. It is ESSENTIAL to the survival of our democracy!

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Your living in a political fantasy!!

Political gangsters could give a rats ass about the law , police, FBI and since he's borderline illiterate,he could never read or comprehend the constitution!

We are on the ship 🛳️ of fools.

And they are playing bring in the clowns 🎶‼️

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For fear it would burst into flames....

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Or he would, one or the other.

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I like you way best.

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He doesn't give a shit about the bible.

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I know that but his MAGATS don’t.

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On purpose, as if it mattered.

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the Floating Fingers have fears of commitment regarding the document that is supposed to hold our developing story together. What a total sleaze.

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He didn’t even put his hand on the Bible. He had it all planned out what he was intending to do. Nothing but revenge and cruelty.

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Cruelty is the point. He just can't get past that three-year-old mindset. Maybe he stopped developing emotionally somewhere around there and there he stays.

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I agree. There are many people who do not grow beyond a certain age. He demonstrates that mind set. When he throws a fit, it is like a 3 year old in the middle of the room. Poor guy, his mother was preoccupied with her own issues. His father was disappointed in his name sake and had no choice but to pay attention to the son that was willing to do anything to get his father's attention...even if it meant throwing his brother under the bus. DJT has never known hardship in his life and only cares about himself. It is so great for him that he found a woman (Melania) that thinks as he does. "Get everything you can out of anyone you can."

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Reader, that is why for years, I have referred to that as Toddler-Trump. He has access to the weapons of an adult with 3-year-old reasoning. It is tragic! His entire toddler playground from Vance to Musk to every single person Toddler-Trump has nominated for any important office in our government and to 6 of our Supreme Court justices. It's Trumplandia run by toddlers. Outrageous!

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I see his development arrested at 12, thanks to his uniquely creepy mix horniness and misogyny.

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Three year olds don’t Plan revenge.

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The point is that he never grew beyond being the fit throwing 3 year old. From there he began planning revenge.

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Vash, maybe not most toddlers, but some definitely do. This crowd of toddlers plans, but not very well. They throw their spaghetti at the wall and note which pieces stick there. These toddlers had bad parenting and know just a few things: power, vengeance, hatred, fearmongering, cheating, and lying and they are pretty good at all of them. They got into power by using people's home-grown deeply-embedded racism and misogyny, so got a lot of help to get elected.

It is going to have to be us, We the People who care, to keep them from doing massive damage.

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No, but they do slap you back instinctively.

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He didn't swear on the Bible. His left hand was by his side. Even the garbage newspaper New York Post posted the article and picture.

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And he simply does not care.

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Not about us, to be sure.

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The bible ! Now theres a joke ! The Bible!

His hand was clutching the 2025 manifesto!

The Bible!

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This time he DID NOT place his hand on the Bible. Surprise it was not more widely reported or commented on.

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By who? The legacy press is busy kissing his behind and sanewashing everything he says or does, because the longer he goes off and does whatever insane thing he wants, it helps them sell papers and subscriptions.

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The Bible !

Please !

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It didn’t matter which Bible he used, he didn’t put his hand on it anyway. This entire administration has utter disdain for the Constitution and the law, Senate republicans are giving in to the pressure tactics and rubber stamping nominees they know to be wholly unqualified. Some democrats are even voting affirmatively on some nominees in some weird and baffling attempt to promote unity or bipartisanship. F that. Their job now is to stop, block, delay, or unravel every single thing Trump tries. I can’t stand Glitchy Mitch, but at least he was honest about the GOP agenda during Obama’s presidency—block everything Obama tries. Everyone in congress with a (D) after their name needs to be doing exactly the same with Trump whether they are center, center left, or far left.

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Every Democrat should vote Democrat. If they aren't with us, they are against us. To give the scum one vote should prod the Democrats immediately. We, the People, have ways to fight this. We shouldn't have to wonder if the person selected to represent us will fight for us. Fight like them. He hires and fires many people, he's 🥶breaking the country up. The Dems are too soft. fTrump the mindset of the worst of the streets. He's not someone you follow into an alley. That's how we fight.

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👍 agree!💯💯💯💯💯💢

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And just who is going to impeach him? Surely not the Repugnant congress.

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Dems need to file articles of impeachment knowing that the MAGA Repukes will defend the Orange thug. Then they need to go on every media outlet and say - tRump has acted illegally. It hurts you because. We have filed articles of impeachment to get him removed. MAGA Repukes are protecting him. Therefore, MAGA Repukes are hurting you. Is that what you voted for?

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They need to file articles now. As in within 2-3 weeks. Otherwise we as a country have rolled over to tyrrany.

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And how did that strategy work during the election campaign?? Yeah, right, I thought so.

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I’m sorry but do you think that any reasonable probabilty of this happening from the party of wimps?

Dream on, dream on.

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They will feel pressure, half the kids, elderly, infants are fed by the funds he is trying to pause. And, half of them are in his Maga Red States.

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He doesn’t like sick or poor people, no matter their age or where they live. This could be a way to get rid of them. Cruel beyond words.

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Spot On, Vash! I think you've got him sussed out!


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Harry, that is why Toddler-Trump didn't put his hand on the bible, well in addition to the fact that he is not christian, has no moral code, and hates everyone but himself and I am not sure how much he likes himself now that he is moving more into dementia.

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He never really liked himself because he is completely out of touch with reality. He knows only hatred.

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Right on all points

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Yep! Many, many times already, dating back to his first term in office & accelerating since then to the treasonous blitzkrieg of the last 9 days.

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So who will hold him accountable and STOP him?

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Only mass anti trumph nation wide protests !

Look out the windows!

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I know who won’t

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Did you notice that he did not place his hand on the Bible?

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Thats the plan !

Even he can't believe theres no visible opposition to his 2025 fascist government!

So trumph and his puppets dig the fascist swamp deeper and deeper!

And the people just watch !

Just like good Hitlarians in the 30s.

Just wait til the domestic spying begins!

Next week surveillance cameras turned on and tweet surveillance begins.

Achtung ‼️⚡️⚡️

Verboten ⚡️⚡️

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HOW???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? That requires 2/3 of the Senate!!! They couldn't even get 51 people to stop pete hedgehog, the worse possible candidate imaginable, from becoming Secretary of the Department of Defense!! [Now it's looking shaky that RFK, Jr. may become Secretary of HHS. *** READ CAROLINE KENNEDY'S shocking letter to the Senate, imploring them NOT to accept him.***]

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We have to keep at it and at it and at it until we get there. We cannot give up or give in to defeatism. I know it looks bleak but think of Gandhi, think of Mandela, think of all the Davids who defeated their Goliaths. We. Cannot. Give. In.

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Yes, but let's not be naive about it! (Please don't think I'm being sarcastic! "We must impeach and convict." But HOW?!)

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Pressure our representatives. One thing we can do is let them know about specific harms that are occurring in their districts. These will translate into lost votes for them if they don't fix them. Each person should tailor their calls and emails in this way. There are many programs that are being cut or eliminated. We can find instances of them in our areas.

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I agree with that 100%. Unfortunately, that goes nowhere toward getting the monster out of office.

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Death of a thousand cuts, k.

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Look around !

We have already given up !

Going about our business, just like the Hitlarian Germans in the


We have surrendered!

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Well then let's not do that, Joel. It's not irreversible.

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Train has derailed!

Cant stop it.

Too late. Achtung verboten!

Zigheil Comrade Trumph!

Look around while driving!


Just like Berlin in the 1930s.

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I could feel this coming deep in my bones on November 7, 2024. I hate it, but I have to agree with you. Von Hindenburg named Hitler as Chancellor on January 30, 1934. Dachau was opened in April. They've been preparing for this for 4 years -- very, very powerful, influential, rich people. It's a huge tank that was ready to go, just waiting for the word. And that word came on Jan. 20.

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If there was a way to make the votes secret. Then maybe some Republicans, who have to be scared, would vote for impeachment, but I kind of doubt that's possible.

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We can let them know that we'll be pleased if they do and displeased if they don't. They have to fear that they will lose their seats.

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YES!!! Ditto re votes on potential Cabinet positions. I read that hedgehog would have been sunk -- really SUNK -- if votes could have been secret. I know that is/will be true about most of the rest of them.

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They're such cowards! The Republicans that aren't vicious sadists like Trump.

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kd, surrender to trump and his crew of lowlifes can never be an option. He has never met a law that he would not break, always crying "witch hunt!" and "I did nothing wrong!" and he will never stop until he is removed from office. Next on his hit list is the U.S. Constitution, which he has placed under full scale assault in eight days. He's gotten away with everything so far, so why not this? Now is the time for jurists of principle to throw the absolute book at him!

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We have completely surrendered!

Look out the window

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“Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are being separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”

Anne Frank, January 13, 1943

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Thats the plan.

In progress.

And then they came for me.

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No question about it. First the migrants, then -- birthright citizens? trans people? gay people? homeless people? mixed race marriages? Jews?

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The French, Belgian, and Dutch undergrounds never surrendered in WWII, and people from their mold are the reason that I can tap this out today, since Dad

as a tank commander from the 3rd Armored 'Spearhead' Division, was saved by the Belgian Underground from an ambush by a German platoon equipped with the tank-destroying 'panzerfaust'. One clear lesson that I took from Dad is that one should exert courage and never back down from a bully.

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HOW, though? The Senate is the ONLY group that can impeach him.

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He belongs in prison

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Weve already surrendered!

Look out the damm windows!

Train deraled !

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I did yesterday (and heard her read it on her son's X account). If ANYONE can vote for him after reading how he liked to show off throwing baby mice and chicks into a blender to feed them to his raptors is SO sadistic themselves (of course the orange sadist fits into that group) that there is not hope for them. God willing, and I mean that with all my heart, that there aren't more than a handful of REAL sadists in the Senate.

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They are all in FEAR mode

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I know they are. And not only in fear for their own lives, but for the lives of their family members as well. America is surely descending into Hell.

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We surely need our GOD 🌟

🙏🙏💫✨ ✝️ ✨💫🙏🙏


We’re completely LOST without


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Do Not pass Go, Do Not Collect Cash, Go👉 Straight to Hell, where you belong Trump

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He's an unhealthy 78 yr.old....he should be shopping for "summer wear" before too much longer. Don't forget your pitchfork Donnie Boy.

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Amen John!!

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But HOW?!?

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EVERY AMERICAN constantly contacting every CONGRESS PERSON calling for IMPEACHMENT and REMOVAL! Also, contact state and local politicians calling for IMPEACHMENT! I've begun already!

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He ALREADY has gone against the Constitution! And yes, he is America's Hitler and he's surrounded by people with exactly the morals and cruel hearts as Hitler was. He has the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, all of the Executive branches including DOJ in his pocket. Just filing the Articles of Impeachment requires a majority in the House of Representatives. Will that happen??

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I'm sorry, but my Senators in SC don't give a damn. I've contacted them dozens of times over the years about countless issues. Not one single time, regarding any of those issues, have they voted the way I have asked.

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I was wondering about senators, etc., would they even get the message that I called???? Do they even really acknowledge their constituants' requests or concerns??????????????

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Relentless pressure.

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Good question

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Makes it hard to convict since the Supreme Court gave him free reign to do anything while President in his duties - he thinks everything he does, he has a right to do.

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That's right, but if we give up, it's all over. I am not interested in ceding my life and my country to a bunch of criminals.

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That's true -- horrifyingly so!!!

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Wrong ! We the people have allowed it all !!

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It will never happen. The senate - full of Trump toadies, will never convict him. They didn't before, they re-elected him and now he is unleashed. The SCOTUS is compromised and will not stop him either. We will either survive him - or we won't. It is truly that bad.

I want to blame the GQP and I do but I also blame the incompetent DNC and the Democratic Party for screwing up what should have been an easy victory by mismanaging 2024 AND Merrick Garland for sitting on his hands for two years and let the clock run out on prosecuting Trump's rampant criminality.

The barriers did not hold.

Our Founding Fathers imagined a lot of bad scenarios - but checks and balances were supposed to prevent this kind of breakdown. They made the assumption that there were enough moral men and women to prevent it. They may have been wrong. Only time will tell.

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I understand what you're saying, Judith, and I don't disagree about the blame. But this is also a matter of PR, and appearances are important. Drafting articles of impeachment sends a strong message. Not doing it says we're going to roll over for them.

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Paula, as noted in my reply to Mary Trump just above: most likely we will not be allowed to vote anymore, so we will be prevented from electing Democrats to either house of Congress. It takes two houses (Representatives & Senate) to impeach and then convict. And who would actually have the authority and the courage to remove a creature like this from office, not to mention the entire ZOO he brought in with him? I think we are into far deeper kimchee than we realize (with apologies to our friends in South Korea for the metaphor).

John T. Cullen JTC Sheep Heil!




MARA Make America Real Again

MUSARAL Make USA Real At Last

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I don't know the answer to that, John. But you do know that it's early in this process and we need to stop it before it becomes more entrenched.

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Paula, an article of Impeachment would never make it to the House floor as the R’s have control. Similarly, the R’s control the Senate and if they did not vote to convict him after Jan 6, they are not doing it this time either. Let’s stay away from that rabbit hole. Better to have certain state attorneys general or even private citizens file hundreds of lawsuits suit to force the system to deal with them which stops or at the least slows down his destruction of the country.

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Impeachment would never be brought to the floor as the House is in Republican hands. Plus Republicans hold the Senate and there is no chance they would vote to convict. There is no sense going down that road. Nothing he’s done so far is worse than what he did on Jan 6 and that conviction failed when Dems controlled the Senate. Let’s stay away from that rabbit hole. Better to file hundreds of law suits to stop or at the very least slow down his destruction of the country.

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I understand what you mean, Steve, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't make statements. Bernie Sanders has been introducing Medicare for All bills for years, even though chances of passage are slim. But these things keep people's attention focused on the issues, and sometimes things just change overnight. Also, there's no reason we can only use one strategy. This is my reasoning.

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democrats in the House should just start filing Articles of Impeachment weekly

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At least weekly… there are plenty of Democrats in the House. All should be filing. If there is any Republican with a soul not tied to keeping their place in the USA House of Representatives.

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A repugnant with a soul?

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Yes, an oxymoron to be sure.

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Lets list the possible charges for the Articles of Impeachment:

1. New York convicted felon for election interference in 2016 election

2. January 6th (see Volume 1 of Jack Smith report) for the 2020 election

3. Classified documents (see Volume 2 of Jack Smith report)

4. Presidential immunity (for creating and invoking it)

5. Birth Citizenship

6. Impoundment

7. Firing IG and others

8. Project 2025 in general (and he lied about it in the campaign)

9. Inflation lies

10. ... more

n. For breaking his oath of office multiple times(J6, ...)

Note: Double Jeopardy does not apply to Impeachments

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Also for cheating in the 2024 election with the help of Musk, Thiel & Putin, & also in the 2020 election (it just wasn't enough to overcome the millions of people who normally don't vote but came out to vote just to get rid of him). If there's a way to cheat, Trump will cheat to prevail. He's done it all his life.

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I’m not necessarily looking for guts - just for the annoyance factor - and get them read into the Congressional Record

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It's a chance to get all his offenses on record.

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Takes guts to stand against a convicted felon!

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DO they have the GUTS!!

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Do YOU have the guts because that’s what is required the unification of Americans to stand as as one to bring down this pseudo excuse for a president.. convicted felon down once and for all .. do YOU have the guts? World peace is at stake

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Contacted my senator twice today. Need to contact the other one tomorrow.

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Sadly, my Senator is Fled Cruz. The other one is John Corny n.

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💯 agree.. he who hesitates is lost.. cut him down before he has time to destroy the constitution.. every concerned American should stand now.. tomorrow will be too late!

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Actually it should be the Republicans who need to show their guts. Remember almost all voted against the Articles, not once, but twice

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Go ahead. Waste more time.

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That’s rude - who p*ssed in your cornflakes?

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Fuck no.

Just walk out and let the fascist Trumph party sit there alone !

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I feel so sorry for you people…….what a fucking catastrophe is unfolding……where the Hell will your country be in four years…..I’m terrified and I’m not even American…… thank F I’m Scottish and watching from a distance

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I really worry it will take a second American revolution to free your country……this is not going to end well !!!

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I’m Scottish and not watching from a distance. The imbeciles who voted for the imbecile in chief are going to be hurt.

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Even those of us who didn’t will be hurt. He also disenfranchised thousands of legitimate registered voters. He cheated his way in again.

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But not the senators and congressmen in Congress. They won’t be hurt. They’ve turned their backs on the imbeciles that put them in power. They are the ones enabling the destruction of our democracy. Congress has the power to stop all this insanity. Why aren’t they fighting for food stamps, cap on medicines? Instead, they’re fighting to take Greenland.

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And! Some even voting for his criminal, unqualified cabinet picks. For God sake why.

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You must mean the MAGA Republicans in Congress. I'd like to think at least the Democratic Senators and Reps would be stoutly opposed.

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Where are they? Have you heard any of them speak about a plan? No I know you haven't because none of us have either. Pitiful state we're in. Right now is not the time for lack of leadership.

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Some democrats are fighting back, NY is one state of them fighting back. Seems the courts are against some of what ConOld is trying to do too.

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Money talks BS walks!

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Problem is, I do not think the election was legit, it was all for show. The GOP had it planned out. They did not want a female as the leader, they did the same in 2016. There was a video out where ConOld himself stated musk knew how to tamer with the voting machines. They are doing what the project 2025 has in it.

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And so will everyone else!

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I'd gladly and gleefully accept an opportunity to escape if the Scottish government were to offer such a thing

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The way it’s going we might have to take some American refugees……. I can’t believe I’m actually saying that !!!!

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My family heritage is Scotts Irish , Danish and Italian. Idk how but I should have tried for a dual citizenship. U.S. Refugees will be a thing soon.

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I’ve been to all those countries and I’d pick ANY of them over the US at the moment.

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I've seriously considered moving out of country. I'm retired - on social Security. Guess whose SS would be cut first? Especially if you're not living here. Then I would be destitute.

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Aye, I'm planning to get my passport as soon as possible

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Indeed, but those of us looking to get out...don't think we won't pull our weight. I, for one, will help out as much as possible wherever I may go.

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I have a cottage in Canada where I spend six months a year, but I'm still a U.S. citizen. I retired this summer so I can be out of here if things get really bad. What am I saying? They're already bad.

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I have proud Scottish ancestry. Never have visited Scotland, but it's a place I'd love to visit, maybe even stay there.

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Rankin is a common name where I live in Fife…..often spelled Rankine here though. Have you heard of Ian Rankin ?

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No, I haven't. Please tell me about him.

Oh, by the way, I know that Robert the Bruce was supposed to be an ancestor of ours. Know anything about him?

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Actually my family is directly descended from the Bruce too. There was a movie….the outlaw king…..it was filmed partly in Dunfermline Abbey where his body lies, it tells his story, worth a watch. I work in a venue about 100 yards away from the Abbey, Bruce fought the English and won Scottish independence………(I want it back) if you check out Dunfermline Abbey you can see his grave under the ministers pulpit. He is also depicted in the movie Braveheart ( not so flattering)

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I'm 94 percent Irish American. Can I go to Ireland please? 🗽 This country is no longer safe for my family. 2 of my children are considered "undesirables" by the federal government.

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My grandmother is Irish by descent, I could probably get citizenship if I wanted, but the money required to move would be unreal.

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Probably worth it, you would then have EU citizenship

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Not a terrible idea

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This will likely impact the whole world in a very negative way.

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Best of Scottish luck Isobel 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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I think we might have to rescue you from orange shitler.

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Laughably stupid.

Please…Keep going!

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And you’re a misogynistic racist obviously 🙄

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Of course!

The Left…When they run out of ideas (happens after 2 minutes), they default to “Racism!!!”

You’re a clown.

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If the cap fits pepe

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When the savages whom you love rise-up to subjugate you, don’t call Uncle Sam for help.

We’re not interested in rescuing Britain, again.

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Don’t know, I’m out in a brilliant Scottish pub…..drinking the golden Amber pepe

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No answer?……..thought as much 😂😂😂😂

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How does the grass taste, sheep?

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Sooooo what does your government do for you, I’ve given you a list of what my government and most of civilised Western Europe provide for its people……I’m listening?

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Unlike Europeans, Americans are independent thinkers.

We don’t need our government to “do” things for us. We’re not weak.

We would prefer the government shut-up and get out of our lives, instead.

That’s the difference between us, and you. It’s why we’re leaders, and you’re…Not.

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William Wallace would’ve thrust a Claymore right through that draft dodging cowardly RAPIST

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They’d be allies. Both want what’s best for their country. You’d be one of the weak traitors who sold-out to the English Monarch for some ale and cheese.

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Oooh so you’re an SNP SUPPORTER ?……maybe we do have something in common?

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You’re a Humza Yousef supporter, obviously…🙄

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We feel sorry for you in Scotland. You live in a Fascist country.

Trump is YOUR President, too.

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😂😂😂😂😂We have the following

Free health care

Free dental care

Free optician tests

Free bus travel

Free kids school meals

Free education ( including college)

We don’t put up with crazy school shooters or gun looneys

And we pity your people….you’re well and truly fucked

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You’ve sold your freedom for freebies from the Government.

That’s all you deserve.

Now bend over, be a good wee’un, and maybe they’ll give you more.

If you behave.

You’re sheep.

We’re lucky to have Trump.

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Embarrassingly that orange diaper wearing Fascist is half Scottish……we are fucking mortified by him and his relatives refuse to acknowledge him……it’s like being related to Adolph Hitler !!!!

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Menopause is ruining your brain.

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And lack of intelligence is ruining yours…….. I pity you thick yokels

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😂😂😂😂I’d rather be a sheep than a thick as shit dirtbag getting shafted by rich men making a C of me…..Trump wouldn’t piss on a slack jawed yokel like you if you were on fire…….you’re stupidity is fucking BREATHTAKING 🤦‍♀️

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I don’t think men are paying much attention to you, at all.

Now go beg for your freebies from Daddy Government!

William Wallace is turning over in his grave at the thought of how weak the Scots have become…🙄

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Men ?😂😂😂😂 you’re not men…..you’ve obviously not been to Scotland…….you cowards can’t fight with a gun 😂😂😂😂pathetic

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My first thought on November 6 was for the safety net. Yes, people will starve and people will die of preventable or treatable diseases. Right here in America. The richest country in the world. It is criminal.

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This is not the richest Country in the world. It has less than 1 percent people who are extremely rich, while the rest struggle to make ends meet.

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My son has battled CF and diabetes for 51 years. He fights to stay healthy every day. Today he lives in fear of losing his healthcare. Last year his care was over a million dollars, drop in the bucket to trump and friends. How cruel they are. I can’t even face any friends who I know voted for Trump for whatever reason. Cruelty and power are their ends

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I am worried about my son too. Hugs and prayers

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Me too! My son has cerebral palsy and epilepsy. My youngest child is non-binary.

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Two of my grandchildren are LBGTQA

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He’s not a “man”. He’s a monster

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That too!!

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And a convicted felon.

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Start impeachment now!!

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Call them every day

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I fear for all of you...I pray for your country and mine. His rhetoric has slithered up here to Canada and I see many praising his actions. May God protect us all

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Jen, not only his “rhetoric”. He wants to conquer us and make us part of his empire!

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I couldn't believe last summer that some of my Canadian neighbors were praising him. I have a cottage in Ontario so I spend many months there. I would hope that Canadians who supported him would have had a change of heart since he's talked about making Canada a state! What is the sentiment there now?

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Maybe some but hopefully now with this tariff bs that will change. Lost a few friends in Texas lol and here also

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At least there were some guardrails in his first administration, but now it’s a regime that’s flooding the American psyche.

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Nice to see everything I have been warning people about for the last year is coming true even faster than I thought. Figured it'd take a few months for him to disband congress altogether, but the voters gave the fascists all three branches and they dont wanna wait so we are speed running the countries collapse into dictatorship. This was all so fucking predictable. I knew the nation was dead when the SC declared Trump a king. We have all just been in limbo the last few months waiting for this to inevitably happen. Until the MAGAs wake up from their delusions and fight with us, there is no stopping them now.

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They are a cult

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We cannot impeach or convict him. The time for ceremonial action has passed. We need work arounds and we need to have commercials running 24/7 that show the damage he is causing to real people. We need new Willy Horton ad on every day.

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laura..sorry you are wrong..he can be REMOVED from office per the constitution and the 25th amendment,if the elected officials have the guts to actually do whats right for the country...

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Mary, I am not wrong. You do not have to votes to impeach or to follow the 25th Amendment through. Period. In fact, you will not get one Republican to vote to vote with the Democrats.

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laura..i am not saying the elected idiots WILL follow through,but they CAN do that in lieu of impeachment (which we know they wont despite his ignoring federal laws)and we know he wont be convicted of anything thanks to the supreme court!25th A applies if he is considered unable to follow duties or is incapacitated for some reason..of course,then the vp ,vance would be in charge..not a better choice!its unbelievable literally ALL of the things those in the know have said regarding him have come to fruition,and so much worse than expected..of course the republicans are and will stand on the edge of the iceberg as the titanic hits it and is destroyed!

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The process is still there. So be very careful with your word choices. The steps can be taken. They might fail but that is different from being able to file.

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You are not understanding my point. I never said the process was not there. It backfired on us last time. It was a wasted effort and things are worse now. Calling him the 34 time felon, twice impeached President means nothing to 49% of the electorate. They want to know how food is getting to their table, gas in the cars, and healthcare for their families. We need to spend our efforts messaging better than they do for the next four years straight, not just during campaign seasons. Our regular tactics have failed. Americans know that neither side of the isle is working for them, but they don’t know the why. We need to show the why, and we need to show we have real answers.

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They're certainly not getting any food, gas or healthcare from Trump, or if they do, it will all be at much higher prices.

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Exactly, why we have to spend our efforts messaging their failures and our plans to fix it.

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The 25th Amendment requires his cabinet and vice president to remove him. Think THAT'S gonna happen?

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It has been a demoralizing week and a half in the DC area. It's beyond bad.

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The idiots won and wont be happy until every educated person in this nation is depressed and suicidal. This is the end of American supremacy, its the end of America as we know it.

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I agree and am heartbroken over it.

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Any talk about real action against all this?

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Sadly, no.

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How do you think people in my situation are, TERRIFIED!!! I'm on Social Security Disability, Thank God I had my quarters paid in so I make a bit more. Being 63 I can not yet draw on my Full earnings. I have a small house payment, Paid my car off last fall. No Credit Card Debts. Live on my own, in a 4 bedroom house. No way I would take in a room mate. Had been married and that was the last time anyone else is living under my roof. I have several serious medical issues. Making $280 over to qualify for any type of state aid. Its me myself and I. No family left. Can not wait for the day I see him Fully sentenced and behind the gates at the family CRYPT.

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My heart goes out to you. All I can offer is this: I will spare you the gory details but rest assured that it could be worse. You could be living in my shoes. I laid out my full story recently in a YouTube Comment thread and was astonished to find out there are people who have it even harder than I do!

I'm going to hang in there as long as I can. You too, Alan.

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Der Alan, I am a Social Worker in NJ WAY TOO MANY people who need help don't "qualify " a fact that has needed real change for a looking time!

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How could it come to this? Because millions of lazy, stupid, brainwashed Americans pulled the lever for this villain, who has not been office a fortnight, but is already tearing the country apart. We are all in serious, serious trouble.

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If you have the stomach and stamina for it, follow that train of thought a bit further to investigate how we ended up with millions of lazy, brainwashed Americans ready to vote for the villain, concurrent with 85 million registered voters who chose NOT to vote at all. It's a dark, soul-crushing story.

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We can’t keep a Democracy by not participating.

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I believe that's true. This morning a friend and I were discussing over coffee whether there's a tipping point, i.e., if 46% are participating and 54% are not participating, is it still possible to "keep" the democracy? How far short of 100% participation can we fall and still succeed?

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Democracy got us in this mess and it may not be around to get us out of it.

Freedom of speech led to disinformation and lies, elections led to gerrymandering, voter suppression laws, the peaceful transfer of power put a person who promised to be a dictator in power, the separation of politics from the DOJ enabled someone who won’t respect that to avoid justice, the respect for the judiciary has enabled somebody who won’t respect it himself to avoid trials. The constitution permits our most violent citizens to be heavily armed. Some people are hoping that the next election we will straighten it all out, forgetting that we said if he wins it will be the last election.

How did this happen? They bought the newspapers, tv stations, radio stations and social media platforms and they are not hampered by truth or facts or compassion.

Oh, they focused on school boards so they could make sure critical thinking, media literacy, civics and honest history were not taught. Did some book banning too. And they copied the authoritarian methods of scapegoating and fear mongering and cruelty of the most successful tyrants. The ones who got millions of their own people killed.

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Honestly, I think the only thing that can get us out of this is a military coup. I never thought I'd say that. Or have to say it.

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Never thought I'd feel better at such a suggestion.

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I don't know about a military coup since the state apparatus is fully in control of the military. Will they turn the guns against their own citizens? I think a people's revolution may be necessary, but I'm 69 and won't be out there in the streets at my age. Think of the 60s on steroids if enough of the population has been disenfranchised. It is the youth, workers and minorities who will lead a revolution.

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We've read about wildly crazy emperors, not knowing we could have one again. This is too much. The sober supporters are like people on the most powerful drugs. We need a reset!

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Nero fiddled while Los Angeles 🔥 burned!

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