
The Supreme Court. Oh, Lord, where do we start? What’s your impressions about their little code of ethics. Here’s mine:

In a frenzied hallucination of justice, where the gavel hits like a sledgehammer on the thin ice of moral fortitude, the Supreme Court, that last bastion of unimpeachable virtue, has decided to play dress-up. With the robes already stained in the ink of financial indiscretions, they've now stitched together a nonbinding code of ethics, as if moral rectitude was a Halloween costume that could be worn once and discarded. Ah, the spectacle! Justices Alito and Thomas, those twin pillars of pecuniary perplexity, stand as beacons of this newfound farce, wading through the swamp of scandal with the kind of grace one would expect from an elephant on a tightrope. This code of ethics, looser than the screws in a cheap bourbon bottle, is the Supreme's way of saying, "Trust us," while their pockets jingle with the melody of undisclosed riches. It's a pageantry of accountability, as substantial as a whisper in a hurricane, and yet we're all invited to the masquerade, to pretend that the robes are still white, and the scales aren’t tipped by the weight of gold.

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And the blatant audacity to state it’s been a “misunderstanding”. I say make no mistake, they need to resign now and hope no one ever recognizes them in public.

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Amen to that.

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Well, who needs a code of ethics when the last 3 perjured themselves about Roe b Wade during their hearings!! Supreme Arrogance.

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Supreme Arrogance indeed!

It's like watching a trio of circus clowns juggling truth, justice, and the American way, only to drop them all in the sawdust.

Perjury, you say?

More like a grand charade under the big top of democracy. This isn't just a bending of ethics; it's a full-blown contortionist act. When they swore to uphold truth and justice, little did we know it was just a sideshow, a performance worthy of an Oscar in deception.

Roe v. Wade? A mere pawn in their twisted game of judicial chess. The robes of justice are now costumes in this tragicomic play, and the script? Well, it's being rewritten by the jesters themselves.

We're all ticket holders to this absurd spectacle, where the guardians of the law turn into its greatest manipulators.

Supreme Arrogance?

More like a Supreme Betrayal of every principle the court was supposed to uphold. Hold onto your hats, folks, the circus is in town, and the clowns are running the show.

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This should be set to music.

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Like what kind of music. Fascinating idea!

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Something singable, like the show tuned from the '40s. People walked out of Oklahoma singing Richard Rogers songs.

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I love OKLAHOMA. It's so vibrant and full of joy.

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Randy Rainbow has a few tunes...e.g.:


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In a world often grey, Randy wears the crown,

A jester with glasses, in pink, not a frown.

With wit sharp as tinsel, he cuts through the night,

His parodies dance, and they sparkle with light.

He's my rainbow in clouds, when politics storm,

In tempests of rhetoric, he's not the norm.

With satirical verse and a musical twang,

He skewers the mighty with a barb and a bang.

From Broadway to YouTube, his stage is quite vast,

Each spoof and each rant, brilliantly cast.

For in times when the headlines can often dismay,

Randy's rainbows of humor brighten the day.

Through melodies old, with new lyrics he brands,

He sings of the follies that sweep through the lands.

My rainbow, my Randy, with laughter he grants,

A respite, a reprieve, in each of his rants.

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Rules? We don't need no stinking rules! WE ARE the rules.

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A tour de force!

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Poetic and deeply substantive leaving nothing out. Thank you!

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How do we get the media to call Donald Trump OLD

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And the “FORMER President”!

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You have my upmost respect for coming forward and trying to explain the depths of TFG’s crimes, deception and the true danger he and the Republican Party are putting the country in. You have more courage than all the current GOP combined.

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Kathy is a hero for holding a severed head of Trump! When can he be thrown into jail alongside all of his MAGAt voters?

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T* weaponized the government against Ms. Griffin. It's a story that deserves retelling in a large public space because, although famous, Kathy is a private citizen not a politician. Furthermore, her "offensive" photo was an almost exact copy of an image sold at T* rallies, on tshirts cups etc, of T* holding Hillary's bleeding severed head. The irony! The hypocrisy! The evil of it all was/is the essence of the fascist cult, its cruelty & violence (mental & physical). Was she threatened by others (the cult/anarchists/nuts) as a result & is she safe now?

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Didn’t know that about Hillary. Thanks for the info. The media should have reported that but these days they seem oblivious.

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They made up a red line for OTHERS not to cross while Trump's (every-line-crossing,) bigly obnoxious, hateful remarks are just dismissed as "Trump just being Trump"!

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(in reference to Kathy G's situation)

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He has the maturity of a Jr High child, at best. He got all into Kristen Stewart when she and Robert Patterson broke up, texting that she was a loser and he could do better. There’s also the famous fight with Rosie O’Donnell because she mocked his hair. He went after her with the viciousness of a rabid dog. In fact he often called her a dog. He is beyond pond scum. The lengths of his depravity has no limit. If he actually manages to fraud his way into 1600 to squat 4 more years, I just may have to take advantage of my dual citizenship. I don’t think I could take another 4 years of his nonsense.

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And . . . it actually wouldn't be just 4!

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Too scary for my mind to contemplate that.

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Totally unacceptable. I can’t understand his supporters. I also can’t deal with them.

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Why is the MSM so willing to give DJT so much free air time? I full appreciate the threat to our Democracy and our country. But Geezus he’s getting millions worth of air time...another grift?

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Think Les Moonves! Media is lazy! Doesn’t appreciate they’re first to go for f he’s re-elected!

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I think they are paying him for his BS, lies, and propaganda.

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How do we keep from feeling such a sense of doom when Donnie is out there spewing hate and even quoting Hitler and his fan base doesn't blink an eye?...the media hardly blinks an eye.

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His fan base has no idea who/where/why his Hitler quotes come from. they think the words are Donnie's alone. They are dumb.

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Saw numerous articles (mostly from The Atlantic) calling out his new talking points taken directly from Hitler speeches.

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His fan base is as low as he is!

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

If elected, The Defendant in Chief will do all of the fascist things that he, Miller, Bannon and the others have laid out for Project 2025. What the worshippers do NOT know, is that they will take the guns. Yes. No authoritarian can survive a heavily armed populace. Check out the gun laws in Russia, Hungary, Turkey, North Korea ... We need to spread the word that Steve Bannon is coming for your guns! If that's not creepy enough, he's bringing Stephen Miller with him.

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This is a point I have never heard nor considered before. But warn his followers? They don't listen, they don't care. Period. "Whatever Donnie says..."

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Always wondered how many other people pay attention to Donald's audience at his rallies. I think to myself, - I haven't seen this many ignorant-looking people under one roof since his last rally. I've heard these folks are hand selected to sit behind him at these events. THIS IS THE CREAM OF THE CROP THAT'S SUPPOSE TO MAKE DONALD LOOK GOOD? It's certainly not hard to mistake his audiences from ALL others.

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That's right. The hats the signs, the t-shirts...all paid for by his dumb azz supporters. it's quite comical how dumb they really are!

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Did Donald Trump put something toxic in the water in 2016 that caused the brains of the GOP to disintegrate? The Republican Party did not used to be this bad.

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What was the turning point for Kathy--meaning, she went quiet for a long time, and then it seemed like she burst back on the scene. What changed? Because I imagine the key to surviving him, for her, was to be bold and not give a duck. But that’s just my guess.

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She was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2021, but I believe that was when her illness was first made to the public. Because photos in "21 appears as if she had ongoing treatment.

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While where at it, would you guys please take a moment to pass along this info.

Let’s honor #VeteransDay everyday. I have an ask.

Jam @SenTuberville Phone Lines⬇️

DC 202-224-4124

Mobile 251-308-7233

Mobile Text 202-539-7432

Huntsville 256-692-7500

Hoover 205-760-7307

Montgomery 334-523-7424

Listen here, Tubberville, in the high-octane, adrenaline-pumped arena of Uncle Sam's defense, you're playing a game of Russian roulette with the military promotions, jamming the gears while the specter of war hovers like a hawk. If you keep this up, when the iron bell tolls, and it will toll, thunderous and grim, we'll be caught flat-footed, a skeleton crew facing the abyss. So mark my words, if you're going to chain the hands of readiness, you better be ready to don the helmet yourself. Lead the charge, Tubberville, because if this ship sails into the storm with no hands on deck, it's you who'll be at the helm, staring into the gale. Let loose the chains, man, for it's your signature on this potential calamity, and when the smoke clears, it'll be 'Tubberville's Army' that'll either stand tall or fall hard.

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Donald hates dogs. Don’t you think that says it all?

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T-rump is so very scary and getting scarier by the moment. My nephew who lives in DC says that the Donald does not qualify to run since he held back documents and THAT should take away his Security Clearance. Is that possible?

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Counting the very seconds until tonight!!!!!

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I’VE HAD A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN, PARTIALLY BECAUSE OF DONALD TRUMP. I’m already been taking anti-depressants & talking to a Therapist FOR YEARS!

Any Suggestions?

AND To Kathy,


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