“A note on Joe Manchin and Jill Stein: Fuck them.” Word.

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And fuck Kyrsten Sinema. And Robert Fucking Kennedy Junior.

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Agreed! Please say it more.

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Sooooo your solution is to fuck them, lol? How about Cornel West. What to fuck him too? And let’s toss in this salad fucking bowl, Ralph Nader. Fuck him.

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Erm, 'fuck them' is not usually a literal phrase, any more than 'fuck you.'

NO one with two functional brain cells would touch any of those subhumans with a ten foot pole, obviously. But enjoy your cluelessness! Blocked.

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You obviously misunderstood me. You should calm down. I’m not clueless at all. I’m in agreement.

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Re abortion issue. Freedom of choice is a right, even if the decision disagrees with another person's point of view.

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Nov 12, 2023
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Look, I’ll be totally up front and honest here and of course, incur much criticism. I sense I’m in the lion’s den. My observation is that Tik Tok Is the most damaging social media since much of its programing is geared to children. This same content is not, I repeat, not allowed in China. Instead, they allow only educational programing strictly controlled by government. Maybe we should do likewise because it’s not only having a detrimental effect on the youngest of children, but it’s also creating a schism in society. And it’s not going to end well. China has figured out how to destroy the U.S. From within. And please believe me, I’m not a conspiracy theorist. But my observations bring me to these conclusions. So for everyone who doesn’t think we have a growing issue here, thank you for not being part of the solution.

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I concur. Your observations and points are spot on. Tik Tok is a threat from the Chinese Communist Party to fracture our nation from within. Thank you for your voice of reason.

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However as a society, as a government, we are too stupid to understand this. We’ve already swallowed the poison.

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TikTok is a danger to the extremists because THAT’S HOW GEN Z IS NETWORKING. THAT’S WHY THE IDIOTS WANT TO BAN IT!

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Thanks, B.B. Love that T-shirt!

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“There are so many ways of being despicable it quite makes one’s head spin.” - James Baldwin

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You are so right about Jill Stein. I have been furious with her for 4 years, and she needs to be exposed for what she is. Keep at it, Mary, and maybe you can bring some attention to this. Same for the other vanity candidates like Cornel West. I admire much about him, but this run for the presidency is destructive and should be stopped.

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I think Prof. West wants to encourage education, activism and voter registration.

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Oh, is that why he took thousands of dollars from Harlan Crow? Crow is secretly supporting these third-party candidates who might do harm to Biden. West should be absolutely ashamed of himself for taking that money.

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He can do that without running as an alternative to Biden. We need to secure every possible vote for Biden. Moreover, he has more than earned the right to lead unopposed. He and his team have performed a literal miricle, by turning a depression into to a stable and growing economy and standing up for our democracy at home and abroad.

Dems need to win big in 2024, and reverse the 2017 R Tax Law for starters and to neuralize the SCOTUS, We need Interstate and intrastate rapid transit systems and we can build it right on our interstate highway system, which was built almost 75 years ago. We also need systems to transport water so no state is subject to drought or flooding. Electric cars have a place, but mainly for short drives and as destination rentals. We can also start fixing our broken immigration system. We're so fortunate to have people who want to come here, work, and become citizens. They represent the solutions to so many of critical challenges and our future.

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Amen, brother.

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I hope you are right. But as of now I have friends planning to vote for him. Not good.

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He's going about the wrong way at the worst of times.

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And he should know better.

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I know, right? Cornell West of all people. Why in the world would he damage his reputation at this time?

He would be dead last on my suspect list as one to succumb to the Harlan Crows of the world. Goes to show you how wrong you can be.

Jill Stein, Joe Manchin, No Labels or any 3rd party candidates do not have a snowball’s chance in Hell of winning jack shit.

Their purpose is to syphon votes from Democrats. We played that game in 2016 and we’ve suffered dearly since.

It’s like they get together and decide since they’re the most despicable of humans who use the word “politician” to loosely describe themselves, we’re going to forget the carnage of women’s rights they’ve left in their destructive wake?

They think we’ve forgotten they’ve cost every woman in this country the right to choose, even the anti-abortion women? Whose to say what’s down the road for them? Pregnancy is risky business at best and more so for women of color. Not to mention the far from acceptable state of healthcare in this country. It’s nowhere near what it could and SHOULD be in a nation as wealthy as the United States.

Men are standing behind women as pro-choice supporters in every red state that threw these trigger laws against women. In every state that’s had women’s right to healthcare on the ballot, men have been right there with them. Because intelligent men understand how this affects them also.

Whatever will the media do when the click bait cluster fuck known as Donald Trump and his his traveling freak show kids become no longer relevant to anything? Either by death, incarceration or their own self-destruction they too will pass on into pointless oblivion.

The MSM is desperate for Trump to keep up his cheap, shabby sideshow of a “Two year old in a 77 year old man’s body complete with kicking, screaming, food throwing temper tantrums.” In the small circus tent with shows scheduled daily at 2:00 and 4:00.

We’re moving on while Trump has no choice other than to be preoccupied with the boat load of charges against him. He’s plotting revenge against his perceived enemies and that list changes with the wind.

Please pardon the length of my rant and thank you for reading it. I think the world of Mary, Joyce and Heather and I’m so grateful to have their insight along with many others here on Substack. Lastly, I heartedly believe the 2024 elections will be about restoring women’s right to choose far and above any other issue we’ve dealt with in the past half a century. It has republicans crossing the party line vote, men supporting women wholeheartedly and is the driving force behind building a strong, educated, decisive voter base.

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'Of all people'????

A miserable, posturing, preening, pontificating tankie loser who had his five minutes twenty years ago and has never written a decent book? And who now is Harlan Crow's token black whore?


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Erm, no. You could not possibly be more wrong.

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Okay who planted the word vermin in DTs head? I mean, I know he’s racist all by himself, but this smells like Stephen Miller, who CREEPS ME OUT.

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It's how Hitler referred to Jews. They're not hiding anything anymore.

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What I meant was that I don’t think Trump is that well versed in history. Miller is.

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Trump isn't well-versed in anything; he's easily manipulated and fed by the horribles around him.

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AKA, a rubber-stamp.

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I know.

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Absolutely agree with your conclusion. The first time I heard the “leftist vermin” comments, I thought “-“ (45) wasn’t smart enough to come up with that himself and stephen miller must have breathed those words into his mouth. I took those comments as a personal insult, as I am a part of the lot he’d just publicly condemned.

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Thank youMary! I’m a proud “vermin” who will never flag from moving our country toward sanity.

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I always love how no matter how vile Republicans are, they can always get worse. They're openly Saturday morning cartoon villains and a third of this country is still stupid enough to take them seriously.

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Always, the vileness has no bottom.

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Actually, it maybe worse. America has a 79% literacy rate, but 54% only read at a 6th grade or lower level. That means 75% of our country struggles with reading or can't read. The Republicans are working to make sure the only books left to read need to be approved by them, as if were're not ignorant enough and life-long learning isn't a positive objective.

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Their outright lying to that third of the population does not help matters. Those people want to believe and are encouraged to do so. Soon and gradually, then all at once, the inexorable departure from Donald J Trump will occur.

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Whether "Donald’s mental decline is worsening or just becoming more obvious," is moot to the MAGA faithful. He could become reduced to a gelatinous mound of babbling pudding and not lose any supporters.

MAGA: you'll be fine, man. Walk it off.

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If any more white matter develops he could be sidelined. He had three chances to address the Nation on TV and passed them all. Maybe he knows his "new" ideas of raising tariffs and cutting taxes on the rich wouldn't go over too well, or he's afraid someone might ask him whether he still thinks climate change is a hoax? The fear of embarassment looms unless he completely controls the narrative and can give a stock answer to a known question or divert to attacking Hillary. That's why he started having press conferences with heleicopter blades drowinng out both the questions and his answers. He didn't do too well with COVID questions either and now he's even less agile mentally and everyone knows his moves. He's truly is uninformed, dumb, and lazy. A real inreviewer could reduce him to muttering within 60 seconds.

Which brings us to President Biden who has accomplished more for the Nation, including attempting to clean up Trump's giant messes, then Trump every dreamed. It's likes Trump set booby traps all over the globe and yet Biden is addressing them all and still moving the country forward against all the obstacles Republicans have thrown in his way. Trump is trying to distract and lead the creeps he has spawned, mainly in the House, but there's Tommy Scummyville in the Senate who's trying to sink the entire Country's military preparedness.

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Robert Golden. I love all you said.

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sadly true 💯🎯

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That's the heart of the problem. No matter how bad he was, he is, he becomes...THEY DON'T CARE!

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I disagree. Some will stick, sure. Their dream is falling apart now.

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Thank you, Mary. 💙

I agree with you about Jill Stein. It is very infuriating that she is running again. I hope people do NOT waste their vote on her!

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When do women stop going along with men who Do Not have their interests at heart?

Book Bans...Not wanting other women to get healthcare; not wanting other people or their children to have an education; hating on people because they’re a different color, class, or religion; and suffering little girls to suffer childbirth because they’ve been raped.

What’s next... witchcraft trials???

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A woman has less rights than an gun! Women have less rights than a gun! Finally that reality is setting in. When we all vote blue is when we stop going along with men and the gun industry. Surely republican

Women want to have their rights restored. I think we deserve to be first class citizens.

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Please don't give them any ideas...

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Yeah, Fuck Stein and Manchin.

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note that T kept a copy of Mein Kampf at his bedside...... that should say it all....

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wow--he reads? or, was it just placed there by a maid with a sense of humor?

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Since the Dems adopted all of the Green positions, the party is just a spoiler. To benefit GOP and Putin.

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Ask Ohio Speaker Stevens about his stand on guns. Then ask him again about his "pro-life" beliefs.

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Gee, let me guess. The fetus is sacred, but 10-year-olds in a classroom can get blasted to pieces any day of the week.

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Yup, any day of the week.

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Now that the Republican are losing over because of their abortion stance they are starting to concede that life doesn't actually start at conception but it can also start 15 days later. Our Founders were clear: Government should have nothing to do with private decisions between those involved.. While abortion was an accepted private decison while they were writing the Constitution they thought the government should not be involved. Clearly, they thought they had resolved the issue by including religious freedom protection into the 1st Amendment. They understood that America was made up of many religions and all believed in different religious doctrines. The Founders abhorred the dark ages where witches were burned and the Church and State were one. Apparently, the current SCOTUS majority didn't get the message but at least they are hearing it now, and they are going to appear very hypocritical when they get their first legal challenge from those who feel they violated their Constitutional rights ubder the 1st Amendment.

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I feel fairly certain that eventually this issue is going to come before the Supreme Court. If we look at how the Ohio legislature is threatening to ignore the will of the voters, it seems obvious that lawsuits are going to develop out of some of these ballot measures. The Republicans have tied themselves into knots with this issue, because even people in their own party are voting for reproductive liberty. Plus, I don’t know how you reconcile saving a fetus at all costs, while having no concern as to how gun violence has affected children in the United States. We now have armed guards standing at the entrances to schools, in some cases.

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By expanding and distorting the right to allow anyone to purchase or other wise obtain an assault weapon, the SCOTUS majority has restricted the freedom of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness of all Americans. They are terrible legislators.

The R SCOTUS majority has reduced the value of human life to the whims of any disordered random killer. The freedom the SCOTUS majority is intent of preserving is the monetization of tragic, torturous, and senseless death and injury in every city in America. Needless to say, the 2nd Amendement was never meant to be undertood in this this contorted manner:


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Robert, I am in full agreement with every word you wrote here. I do read some of the Brennan Center's writings now and then, and I will have a look at this link. In addition, the number of people who actually own assault rifles amounts to a very small minority compared to the adult population of the US. Yet this small proportion of gun owners has made the average American fearful of being in any public place, in any state. Because of the number of mass shootings in CO in the past two decades, I am wary no matter where I am. Even churches are not safe anymore. Thank you.

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All of the repubs are "pro-life" UNTIL the baby is out of the womb. After that it's on its own.

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Guns have more rights than women have

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Here in Ohio, guns have more rights than humans. At least according to the Republicans.

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Last week I took my 14 year old to the Holocaust Museum in Montreal (we're super close to the border, Stefanik's district, yay) and once again had that gut punched feeling reading about Hitler's rise to power and thinking about the numerous similarities. Not just between the two psychopaths, but also between people's response to the rhetoric used by both men. Terrifying, actually.

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That is the clincher. There's plenty of fascist wanna-be dictators out there. There always will be. The only time they are actually a threat is when they are accommodated, supported, or applauded. We did that. We built that. Trump wouldn't have had the proverbial snowball's chance if we - collectively, as a country - had responded to the threat he posed way back when his potential for disasterous harm was first apparent (in 2015).

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Want a "just as bad," or "possibly worse" scare?? Get hold of a copy of the PBS series: "World At War," a documentary about WWII. The first several episodes are devoted to AH's rise to power in Germany. That is bone-chilling.

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Brava Mary! Trump is on the campaign trail promoting Hungarian PM Viktor Orban as ‘ such a great guy’ - while Trump’s again bff meets with Orban to form alt-right fascist groups in Europe. The root of the false messages by mainstream media is Steve Bannon. His goal was never to go after Democrats per se. It was to disrupt the media. Hope New York throws him in jail soon, because he’s Donald’s mouthpiece to the Republicans through his Cognitive Warfare (Weaponized Psychology) based messaging from skills he gained at the strategic communications laboratory after 9/11. Now he’s turned his skills, inward, and against democracy. So the insidiousness is more than having a nowhere media. It’s a dangerous and damaging message that is being purposely used by Trump. While we don’t even want to speak Bannon’s name, we have to be aware of his dangerous message and his dangerous deeds. Indeed, his cognitive function is decreasing. All the fast food is catching up on him. I’m looking for a full implosion. Buy him before he even get into the courtroom in May 2024. Vote vote vote Blue💙 I am 1000% for Joe Biden. And while we roll up our sleeves as we roll along to 2024, we will have our work cut out for us after we win, to back off the fascists, who will remain insisting ‘we won.’

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