If only I was an American I’d definitely 100% cast my vote for Vice President Harris. As a Canadian, I can only look on at this race and hope for the best. I wouldn’t vote for Trump if he was holding a knife to my neck. He’s EVIL. People need to stop believing in him. He only believes in himself. And the lies he’s told this week are horrible. Wait till this new storm hits Florida!! More lies will be told, more people will be hurt, and Trump will be gleeful! EVIL🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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These are the same facts and arguments I would make. Trump is awful and the mainstream media points out about 10% of his racist, ignorant, vile, and corrosive rhetoric. But when Kamala Harris speaks seriously, and consistently ( so you can know what she actually stands for), and to a wide and diverse audience, she gets one compliment and three shakedowns. Grow up Mass Media!

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

Nice that it was reported today that Trump had seven conversations with Putin since 2020. Cousin Vlady still is influencing the Russia-fueled input while his orange stooge is still there for him. WTF is going on DOJ?

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Every time the Orange Offal speaks to foreign leaders he violates the Logan Act, Jail Time!

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Deb, yes, jail is what should happen, but alas, whatever Baby Donnie does seems to be OK, when if anyone else did it they would be in jail for years. What is the personal "magic" Trump has that keeps him from paying for his crimes? Is it a kind of blackmail? It is disgusting and needs to stop or be stopped. Our Supreme Court conservatives are totally on board with Trump's treason, which in itself is a kind of treason too.

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I wondered that myself. Shouldn't he be registered to act as a foreign agent? That is what they convicted Manafort for, right? What makes is even worse is that he could be using foreign enemies (Putin) to help him win the election.

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Rick Calegari, exactly right 💯. It's outrageous that the orange Mussolini has effectively been working behind the back of the United States! Sadly, our current DOJ is asleep at the helm. Shame on Merrick Garland for wasting all this time and squandering the resources at the agency. He's been " late to the party " at every turn. Had he done his job properly, we might not be in this hideous situation right now. 🤬

Also, shame on Woodward for choosing book profits over the safety of his country. Holding onto critical information all this time, just to get his book more publicity. Selfish. It's all a neverending nightmare.

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Is it possible that timing is crucial

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Mary Lou Williams, yes, I do see that there's an issue with timing. I did consider whether this could be "the October surprise" type of thing..... I don't know, I'm skeptical because of the prior books which detailed Trump's knowledge of the covid pandemic being far worse than he was ever saying in his addresses to the nation. That information was vital, in my opinion, for the public to know and understand what was going on. But..... Woodward kept quiet and only made it known through his book. So that's why I question his ethics etc. now.

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I think in this case I love that all the shit is being piled on Trump in the last few weeks of the election. Dead giveaway Trump helping to keep Putin safe when our own citizens aren’t. Certainly backs up the story about Moscow giving him first class airfare and wining and dining him trying to recruit him as an asset. Why else would an American President try to safeguard the life of a murderous dictator who kills his own citizens by poisoning them, pushing them out of windows, killing dissident’s with radioactive umbrellas, shoots protesters or puts them in the gulag. Then he hacks our elections to help Trump win. Oh yeah, that’s right it was payback! POS Trump!

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It’s much more than an admonish ment to grow up. At this point it’s plain serious malfeasance and more like WTF are you doing? Plain out colusion. This is serious.

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He is probably making a deal to trade state secrets that he stole for renumeration.

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No doubt. He's used that to further his campaign.

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Emeraldforest, perfectly said 👍

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Oct 9·edited 21 hrs ago

Trump is an attention getter. Especially when he's crazy. As long as he brings eyes and ears to their ads they're fine with him. Ad money is all they care about. Now if Harris started posing nude or screaming like a banshee they would pay attention to her.

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“When”???He’s crazy? Hey he IS crazy. Didn’t the American Psychiatric Society say so (going against their chartered standards)in like, 2017 or thereabouts?

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Yeah. That's why they run to the news media that covers the crazy. He's crazy and evil people are using him to further their own interests.

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Mass media is designed to keep the masses information. It’s about aggregating a demographic into which commercials can be specifically targeted.

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It is always heartening to be reminded that people in other countries think we would be insane if we sent trump (lower case intended, since he deserves no respect) back to the White House. Truthfully, I am hoping that Canada has lots of space for us if this occurs, since the U.S. could become dangerous and uninhabitable. (Many of us would be bringing valuable skills. 😊)

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We can only hope that if VP Harris isn’t our next president that Canada doesn’t close its borders to the US!!

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Alas, I am too old and don't have the required $$ to emigrate to Canada. I will have to be one of those latter-sipping illegal immigrates sneaking across the border. As Garrison Keillor once talked about

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It’s funny this thing about Canada being a refuge for Americans. They have no special Visa status for us. In fact generally stated, truth be told,Canadians have rather an antipathy for Americans. Their immigration rules are very strict and are tied to their labor statistics I.e. which industries need what employees. I know, I tried to get permanent residency there for seven years. Got kicked out because the category I was working to gain points ( yes it’s a points system) got shoved so I lost my points,status, insurance and work permit overnight. And, in most social democratic countries there is also an AGE limit on immigration. So, unless you have money, or get a job with a Canadian company ( and they can only hire you if they can’t find a Canadian National with same qualifications) don’t count on Cañada as your escape!

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Shame. We fished and camped all across Canada up to Banff and back. Lived on Knife Lake for three weeks at a time.

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Canada owes the USA NOTHING. And here you are spreading more BS abount another country. OK, Trumper, try concentrating on the demise of the US as we are witnessing now, not sonmething that happened to you years ago! Strange, but I have American friends who asylum in CAN...they don't seem to have nay problems.

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Wow. What a response to someone sharing their personal experience with Canada. Do you think that immigrating might be different than asylum?

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I too am Canadian and lived in the USA for over 20 years !! I came home because of Trump , i miss my friends Some have been tough to deal with because they love Donald


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I am sorry for your loss. Many families and communities are torn apart by his followers. They are immune to reason. Like little kids that stick their fingers in their ears and say "lalalala, I can't hear you."

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Ask them what is mist important for the country? Ask them why they support Trump. Listen to answers. Ask them why they believe that’s in the country’s best interest. If you disagree use what you know to ask follow on questions. You may agree on dome points ( “I agree that we should only desirables into the country, but I also think we need some immigration, so how do we do that” ). If they get angry, evasive or even hostile, I would suggest they may not be the people you wanna call friend.

I got into a conversation with a local business owner who favors Trump. During the course of the conversation he admitted he didn’t like Trump, but hated the minimum wage… it drive his costs up…even though the applicable minimum wage is the State. Since his competition has the same issue, he wasn’t competitively disadvantaged. His reasoning: Yes but fewer people are eating out because of higher costs. We left it there.

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Love Donald? Is that even possible? 🤷🏼‍♂️✊🇺🇸😎

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Most of the ones that made my life miserable in school think that Trump can do no wrong.

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I'm so sorry. Don't let them rock your moral compass. You speak out because of those path etic experiences. Stay strong!!

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My 50th year reunion is next year and it is a hell no for me going. I have let my opinion be known....

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They do, but he doesn't like them.

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Trump is incapable of Love except for himself. Ask his wives, although the one in the golf course can't answer.

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Arrgggs so sorry for you.

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I too am sorry for your loss. I bite my tongue... luckily it's just with grandchildren. I can't blame them for being gullible. How on Earth can Trump be good for this country.

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It came across the Wires today: "Former President Donald Trump has spoken with Russian President Vladimir Putin as many as seven times since leaving the White House, according to reporting from a new book by journalist Bob Woodward."... I don't think it was about Hurricanes in Florida ;-) ... Additionally, "The conversations cover a period before and after Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine, a NATO ally the Biden administration has spent billions of dollars to support."... Didn't Putin place a Bounty on American Troops in Afghanistan during DJT's Presidency? Allegedly, the Trump Organization, and DWAC, the predecessor of the Ticker

'DJT', has been floated by Russian Money... Seems that Putin is trying to Maximize his Investment... Maybe DJT is finalizing details on Trump Tower Moscow... More To Come...

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Remember Helsinki where Orange Marmalade and Putin had a “conversation”, the transcript of which was destroyed?

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I haven't... There is also a Secure Server where all his Phone Transcripts are stored...

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Secure in Mar-a-Lago?

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In the WH Basement...

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That infamous, notorious “conversation” the Donald was so ashamed about he refused to talk about. Given he’s the biggest braggart in the United States, it was absolutely correct to assume there was something thing very fishy about his secretiveness. As in he didn’t dare reveal what transgressions he had just committed. His subsequent behaviours with his pal Putin, acting as if he’s his best buddy, tells anyone with a functional brain all we need to know. “djt” has many obvious Tells that are dead giveaways….no more needs to be said his he’s been so obvious, just like the emotional toddler he still is and always will be.

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I remember seeing pics of him, going into the room and coming out. He looked positively pale after "talking" with Putin. Anyone want to bet on what threats Putin made? And I strongly believe that Merrick Garland needs to be replaced, soon. As much as I admire him as a person, he's a gentleman, and the time is long past for "gentlemanly" USAGs. We need really tough, aggressive Attorneys, and ones who are willing to at least give some info to the public, mostly to allay the fear we're feeling. tRump is a whole different animal, like Hitler was, and needs to be addressed as such. Same goes for Dick Durbin, who's had many, MANY chances to make changes to the Supreme Court, to challenge their sense of absolute immunity themselves. He was brought up in the era of decent, reasonable, honorable judges and justices, and those are not the ones posing and existential threat to our democracy. We need powerful, combative attorneys.

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Trump being ashamed? That’s rich. The man has no shame.

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Hi, Brandy! I always love to hear opinions and ideas from people across the globe that are paying close attention to our election. Every single one that I have communicated with has been 100% for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz! I, too, hope for the best and that would be Harris and Walz winning this election in November. Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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When you try to talk to his cult about what he's actually said...on tape, on videa, they just keep screaming & jeering & making accusations & smears. They refuse to listen.

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Like arguing with a drunk.

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Like my niece and her husband...AND they claim to be Evangelicals...LOL! Too bad i know their history and why I just laugh and look at them as if they were leaving on a Musk rocket to Mars while I wave bye-bye. They just don't want to know the truth for whatever reason.

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So well spoken. I would like to steal your words Brandy! All true!!

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So true!

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What do other Canadians say? Please send a Canada Cap I may have to wear it.

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It’s like watching your fellow countrymen being brainwashed 😢

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Yep. I’m a Boomer (on the young end😀) and even I get more news from podcasts and YouTube videos and Substack. I do subscribe to the New York Times still, but it’s the last place I look. Corporate media can suck eggs.

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Same but just got rid of the NYT.

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Me too

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Got rid of NYT in January

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I did too. Don't miss it a bit.

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We’re letting it go as soon as we figure out how to keep Cooking and Crossword. And they’ll get an earful about WHY we’re leaving.

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#1 go buy NYT cookbook....but who cares about THEIR cooking section? #2 You can buy books of NYT crossword puzzles. Do the crosswords in The New Yorker. There are no excuses other than NYT is BS and why I no longer subscribe, crosswords or cooking info, Book Review, can all be hanged. I don't miss their desperation and often covering Trump's azz.

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It is true that they pull their punches: but daily they have HUNDREDS of new stories of interest to me. Your local paper: you would be lucky if they had ANY local original content. It is like refusing to enter a Barnes and Noble bookstore because they carry books by Tucker Carlson. Or, flip it around, by our esteemed host here.

From Sunday: you are quite welcome.


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Yes. But Jeesh how long did it take them? I’m thinking they’re starting to feel the heat from several Substackers. Too little too late. And a lot of serious headline front page worthy misses

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Well, yeah. I’ll give you that.

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GenXer, same news diet + satire like TDS and Seth Meyers; and we now get NYT access via our public library; and that's only for recipes, home workout ideas, and Wirecutter recs. I read WaPo for Jen Rubin. That said, it's worth reading various sources to understand what certain groups' knowledge-universe is. I knew someone who said, to find out what rightwing nutjobs are watching, watch Fox. To find out what the elite read, read NYT. To find the truth... well... that's harder. I wonder what impact Substack is having / will have had on all of this.

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I can’t stand to watch the Fox people lie.

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I can only watch Fox when Mayor Pete’s on ;-)

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

I read the Guardian,the Economist, NY review of books, London Review.Watch Armanpour. Occasionally Cobert and Stewart, Democracy now and CNBC. And Substack. I skip Fox because it’s generally just in the water meaning so easily discerned from general ether.

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I get most of my National News from Substack and NPR.

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Me too, same age and choices as you state. In addition, I subscribed to THE ATLANTIC. Superb in-depth journalism!

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Since I dropped WaPo and the NY times I have been considering THE ATLANTIC. I've seen a few of their articles that looked exceptionally good. I used to get the New Yorker and enjoyed that.

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Rotten eggs. 😏✊🇺🇸😎

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Same here (except that I’m at the old end). I gave up the NYT and WaPo six months ago.

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Same here. Gave up the NYT six months ago. Still see a few headlines.

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I used to be a defender of the traditional news outlets. Not anymore. They bend over backward to seem “fair” at the expense of truth. As a result, they’ve normalized the deplorable behavior of a degenerate criminal. For example, why would fact checking be negotiable? If they are losing people like me, they’re in big trouble. And they did it to themselves.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

Canadian media is bad too. I’m fed up with CBC biased reporting on DT, withholding the best that Harris presents.

And they keep calling the race very very tight without acknowledging Harris’ remarkable gains in the polls.

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Galloway on the Current is an a-hole, but he's always been like that on everything. Spends more time promoting his own name than doing anything else. He once interviewed Obama and tried to twist his words. Obama sure gave it back to him. The Current hired a Washington Post editor to do the Current commentary during US election. I think Galloway had a big part of that decision.

As It Happens tries to be balanced, I found it ok.

The other idiot is the CBC National News and Cross Country Checkup anchor Ian Hanomansing. Apparently, he is an American that moved to Canada. He doesn't outright promote Trump, but he never goes into depth on Harris or Walz, nor the threats Trump poses to democracy.

Your World, which is the top and bottom of the hour news segment on CBC radio got lazy and just repeated what they read in the Post and NYT.

I wrote the Ombudsman at the peak of CBC's blatent Trump biased reporting at the Biden/Trump debate. They seem to have backed off since then. But Galloway and Ian remain idiots.

Dear Andy

Thank you for your feedback.  I have shared it directly with Brodie Fenlon, Editor in Chief of CBC News. While it is at his discretion whether to respond further, this ensures that he and other editorial leaders are aware of your concerns. 

Jack Nagler

CBC Ombudsman



Brodie Fenlon

Editor in Chief of CBC News


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Respectfully, if you have issues with Hanomansing, you may as well write off journalists & journalism altogether. You’d be hard-pressed to find another journalist who exhibits a more even-keeled lack of bias. He’s also not American (not that that matters) - born in the Caribbean, raised in Canada (New Brunswick).

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Andy, it should probably be "Brodie Felon" instead of Fenlon 🤨

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Thanks so much. It would be so encouraging to have CBC look at and analyze a lot more facts before they broadcast.

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Wow, really? In Canada ? Well, they’re shooting themselves in the foot. Greedy B#%*! I don’t watch mainstream media anymore

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Yes! I’m really ticked off with CBC!!

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The fact the race is very tight de facto means she’s made tremendous gains. It doesn’t need to be continually stated.

Not that CBC is beyond criticism! Their insistence on both-sidesing every issue, regardless of how egregious one sides’ claims or statements may be, for fear of being accused of bias (primarily by Poilievre & his minions I might add) has become an embarrassment!

PP has taken a page out of DJT’s playbook and sadly (if polls are to be believed), it’s playing well here in Canada. God help us all should they both simultaneously hold the reins of power.

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CBC was soooo boring! And morbid I thought. I mean in the way of BBC. I guess I could be accused of wanting my news sanitized, but god they are both overly graphic IMHO

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They don't pretend to be fair. The whole 60 Minutes interview was full of blatantly leading questions and attempts to turn her responses to what they wanted her to say. As to Trump breaking tradition by ditching the interview, that's a huge tradition in itself for him.

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And weird cutaways. They should post the whole thing unedited, like Frontline does with its interviews. I didn't watch it after the 1st 5 min.

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Thank you Maureen & T. Wu,

I was deeply upset by the pov of the 60 min program on Monday. It surprised me that it seemed to cast Kamala in a negative light while the orange turd was hiding in his gilded lair. It did mention how he’d dodged out time and again before Kamala was grilled.

But that really wasn’t sufficient to showcase how positive her agenda is vs the 2025 agenda of the republicans. Instead that was a wasted 60 minutes that could have been engaging but wasn’t, and became a big puddle and a waste of time. And so it goes. Bye bye NYTimes., WAPO, and now CBS. I have other sources like this one that are far far more relevant and interesting. Time is precious, isn’t it? Maybe as they lose revenue they’ll figure out how vacuous they’ve become?

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When they bitch about fact checking, it just shows that they’re gonna lie ass off. Nothing like telegraphing what your gonna do. 🙄✊🇺🇸😎

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Yes!! 🙌

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Right on Mary! Kamala is doing the right thing. Talk about diversification but in media sense.. gotta live what she’s doing. Instead of placating the beltway audience, she’s reaching out to all corners of the media spectrum, which is what any candidate should do.

Can’t please everyone these days.. there will always be a critic. Ahh.. screw em.

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The hypocrisy is breathtaking. And Harris’ media blitz in the homestretch is brilliant.

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Love this, absolutely spot on!

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Completely true.

Trump gets them clicks so they love him. Biden didn't give them clicks so they didn't.

Why should Kamala give them opportunities to stage 'gotcha moments' to fuel their pathetic news cycles and narratives when she doesn't have to?

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Too bad Bill Whitaker isn't getting a chance to ask Dumpty how (we'll) pay for the 7.5 TRILLION $ deficit his "plan" would cost US by helping only the wealthy.

Instead, Bill's concerned about Kamala's $3.5 trillion boost to the middle class over 10 years.

I doubt I'll ever see that question posed to Dumpty. Why bother, anyway? The answer would be the usual ethereal lies, "We'll take care of it and it'll be great, believe me."

This is one-sides-ism at its worst. And most typical.

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Clearly, it's acceptable for trump to state that he has the concept of a plan... and the media just smiles, and moves on to more crazy. But they pigeon-hole Harris and Walz every.damn.time. Screw them. They're addicted to Chaos For Clicks.

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He would claim his tariffs would take care of it, once again demonstrating he understands nothing about how tariffs work. You and I will pay for the tariffs - not the countries whose exports they’re levied on. But Trump apparently can’t be made to understand how they work.

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Forrest Laws, yes, you're right. As the saying goes "you can't fix stupid" ...... the orange Mussolini has brought stupidity and ignorance to an art form.

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Of course he gets clicks! EVERY site I open online has his disgusting face and/or voice front and center. I can't get away from him!

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Imagine if he steals power again Maureen?? Every morning at 9a his sweaty, fat face would appear on your phone demanding you harm a liberal or some nonsense....

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I'm terrified. Seriously.

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me too. can't sleep more than a few hours a night. i startle awake, remembering the evil, fascist forces bearing down on us ....

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Douglas, you're right. Remember all the midnight ranting on Twitter?? Every day we'd get up wondering what insanity he'd spewed overnight. It was wall to wall coverage of that putrid cretinous orange Mussolini. It was 4 years of daily nausea attacks. 🤮🤢😵‍💫🫨

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Politico is no longer Politico. It was bought by a German corp in 21 & most of its stars journos left.

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When a publication changes it's tack, you can sense it right away, it may be subtle but the publishers do not seem to understand that we are not asleep, we can 'sense' when they change what they are supporting - I 'went off' Politico for that very reason - didn't really think too hard about it at the time, but it was saying things I no longer agreed with, so I didn't change MY mind, merely stopped reading their opinions !

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While what you are saying is true for the well-informed & aware, it isn't true for most.

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vcragain, I did the same thing. I didn't know Politico was bought out, I did start noticing the change in the news they put forth. It was different, and not in a good way. I decided to stop reading/listening to Politico. It's disappointing that so many media outlets have completely deteriorated. 😞

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Time for some of the corporate media to be discarded in the dustbin as they don’t do a good job of reporting the truth but just look for clicks that make them money.

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Well done! The old media does not have the clout it once had. How sad to see The NY Times devolve into what it is now. The fish rots from the head.

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She is out there and she's brilliant. She explains her positions and plans unlike the rambling Orange Felon who knows nothing. At least she cares about us. That's what we need.

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Absolutely nailed it! The corporate media are fast becoming irrelevant, thank goodness!!

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Way to “stick it “ to the corporate (now mostly irrelevant) media. If social media is the best avenue then that’s where KH/TW should spend most of their time. But it’s interesting that these corporate media dinosaurs seem to be the ones doing and reporting the results of all these “quality” polls. You know, the ones who say the race is still within the margin of error. Hmmm…..

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They want a horse race. It’s good for business. Personally, I don’t think it’s as close as they’re making it out to be. I mean, how could it be, right? Call me crazy.


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Harris did the Howard Stern interview today.

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A lot of his fans from the early days are big hurt/big mad about it today-lot's of feelings lol (I'm on a facebook howard stern fan page, it's kind of scary that these guys and some gals are so brainwashed that they hate on Harris no matter what) 🙄

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But I'm so glad she went on stern, these are the places to be that should/could help.

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They have only themselves to blame. MSM has created the bubble they live in.

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She’s very smart which means that knows how to use the media 👍

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Excellent, Mary!

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