"...let’s stick with the guy who’s been fixing what’s broken instead of the guy who broke everything in the first place." That sums it up so very succinctly - so well said.

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Jun 18Edited

The Administration needs to contract with Mary Trump Media to juice its ad campaigns.

Not even kidding.

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I second it!!

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May I be third? !!!

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Right on the money Mary T.

For decades the GOP has mythologized itself as the party of competence, because they do business and profits.

But business isn’t government, nor is business the economy.

If you look at the healthy economic times, the disasters that need fixing (eg 2008 financial crisis), the just wars well prosecuted (WW II) of the past 100+ years, it is usually a Democrat or Democratic majority quietly on duty at the levers of power.

Why do we even elect people (Republicans) to government who fundamentally don’t believe in government and its mission ? Instead they wreck and defund those parts of government that DO work well and point to that as evidence … crazy !!

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count me in too, for sure!

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Fifth it

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ABSOLUTELY! Please do.

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It would drive the Republicans crazy.

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Since they’re already crazy, let send them over the edge.

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You are so right!!

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Sorry, meant to "999,999,999th it" in reply to "M". 😆

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E.g.”Hi, my name is Mary Trump and I know that guy. He is my uncle. Let me tell you a few things about him...”

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Somebody please share across media and with the DNC.

My hone will not let me, keeps flashing ads!

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Trump's plan:

Become dictator.

Project 2025.

Enact martial law.

Enact the insurrection act.

Suspend the Constitution.

Full immunity.

Turn our backs on our allies & align us with other world dictators.

Return power to the white man where women & those of color have no say.

It is crystal clear: VOTE BLUE up & down the ballot in November. Elect Biden. Increase Dems in the Senate. Take back the house.

I will be wearing this funny "VOTE removes stubborn orange stains" shirt everyday until November! 👇 🤣


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Stubborn orange stains caused by the Stubborn Orange.Brilliant.Of course Orange Stains don't show,on orange prison jumpsuits.

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That’s a great t-shirt!

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You left out imprison democrats.

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for what?

Care to elaborate?

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Trump won’t need a reason

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....but then, James....the jaundiced bungler NEVER needs a reason, does he?? Just " open mouth...insert foot.". Wonder.if.he needs someone.to help him decide which side.of the crib to get up on in the afternoon...dare he step in the Clorox he vaunted as a cure for covid!. 🙄

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Many just will not believe this;the Modern Democratic Party has always had to come in and fix the shit left by Refukkkan administrations.

I am not speaking about the Former Southern Democrats or Dixiecrats, who now constitute the GOP of today.

Don't hesitate to research this Fact.

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I 999,999,999th it! 😁

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Sinclair, Murdoch, Fox, etal are not helpng, they're hindering the actual news of what Democrats across the country & in DC are actually doing.

Thank you, Mary for spreading the good!

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Oh yes they most certainly are! I can imagine the appetite they must have to feel so close to not just getting a second Trump administration but to get a project 2025 in action and finally have and keep power that past wrangling the old fashion political way could not make happen. The plundering and all-out lying, cheating and stealing has worked to change one political party from all previous and past recognition.

No worries. They don't care what we or they call it. J ust as long as they run the show. That people in the Donald cult can't see that this "project" would turn the USA (US) into some version of Hungary/Russia with a Putin-like presidency!! #%#=&* Well, THAT just amazes me. These silly, hateful gullible people will miss democracy when it is gone, should DJT get back in office. For sure, the power and political interests behind him just want to see one last transfer of power. Should Donald die or need to be hospitalized after being elected, I am sure that the actual coup, the real power cabal will succeed and continue with their "project". And getting a democracy back after it is lost would be very, very difficult and likely not possible. The billionaires funding DJT won't be willing to let go of their achievements. No way.

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Yes the GOP propaganda machine keeps humming - but Marylanders should be grateful and vote for that DNC governor again should he run again. Common sense go-getters. Not rocket science.

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I also go back to the major highway collapse of I-95 in PA, after which, thanks AGAIN to Democratic leadership working with everyone necessary and especially the Biden administration (an extra high-five to the brilliant Secretary Pete!) were able to get that section of highway rebuilt in record time! Dems get it done! Also, I love Wes Moore and Mayor Brandon Scott of Baltimore. Godspeed, guys!

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And let's not forget the contribution and organizing skills of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigeige. Pete is largely ignored in the media because he is (gulp) gay, a family man and often brings his husband and their children. (How dare he be a family man, a good father and [gulo, gulp, gulp Gayyyyyyy] I only saw Pete mentioned and pictured on Substack

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So agree. A democratic administration like Joe Biden has now, what an amazing success story!. Biden as VP with Obama for 8 years, began with the banking crisis/ recession of 2008-09 and the experience of his time in the Senate... yeah, give me "too old" with that acumen any day! WTAF is wrong with people!

Really a hard choice, of course. The other guy: a game show host, 6x bankrupt, great "bussinessman" and tax cheat with the great "2-book" accounting system much less a 34 count felon. I know, such hard choice...

Unfortunately, people don't read but listen to right-wing media and let that great educational experience help them lemming-along to make very bad voting choices. That they vote against their own interests time after time until 150+ plus Republicans leave and trash their part? Goes unnoticed, apparently. If only these great decisions only led to their jumping off a cliff instead of dragging the rest of us with them. Sheesh, tiresome is past tense.

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Hats off to Sec. Of Transportation Pete Buttigieg who has worked tirelessly to get the job done. People wonder who is a potential Democratic president. Pete is really smart, young, intelligent and energetic, with a military record. Pubs will make derogatory remarks about his husband. But so who cares. The pubs are a party of hate. They are not worth engaging with. Congrats to Pete, Joe, and all the Feds.

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Great point that hasn't been made enough. Pete deserves more credit. He's doing a terrific job for the nation.

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He is an amazing patriot. Thank you Pete for all you do for our nation. Don't let the bastards get you down!

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Thanks David. Good idea on Pete for President, He would be great for the job, but I'm not sure America is ready for an avowed (honest and decent) gay man yet. I think the day will come when a majority of Americans will accept a person of honesty, decency, and with a resume of Public Service. We've already accepted a man whose skin was a shade darker. But not a person whose gender doesn't say MALE. We do have a vice President both female and darker skin, so the concept may come sooner. But I sincerely doubt it will come in the 1 to 4 years left of my lifetime.

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Pete for President.Catchy.

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Reminds me of "I like Ike". That one worked well.

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Pete's husband is a good guy, just like Pete, and not deserving of derogatory remarks. I've seen him on Deadline Whitehouse, and he is just an open, honest guy. Like Pete. I wish more people would look at what matters, rather than sexual orientation, which has absolutely nothing to do with a person's ability to get a job done.

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Having had the privilege of meeting them individually and together in person I can attest that they radiate love for each other and compassion and respect for those they meet. They are simply the best and both great leaders.

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Wow, Leslie! How wonderful that you got to meet them. It's nice to know that what I've seen on TV matches who they are in person. Thank you.

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So glad you are writing about this! It is a stunning accomplishment! Partnership between Dem Mayor of Baltimore, Dem Gov of Maryland and Dem POTUS, Joe Biden. Getting it DONE!

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BRAVA Mary!!! And unsurprisingly spot on accurate and timely!!! We must help save our Democracy from that corrupt Orange Asshole. Share this far and wide!!

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“I realized then how difficult it is to separate the two. The expectations that others place on us help us form our expectations of ourselves.”

—-Wes Moore, The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates

The expectation of perfection from President Biden is an impossible metric to achieve and sustain. Whereas Donald needs to simply get out of bed in the morning and the Republicans will embrace their puppet to do their dirtiest bidding. Posts like this one Mary are stupendous. Keep reminding everyone every single day how remarkable and human President Biden is. I am grateful and honored to call him my President even though we certainly do not agree on everything and we don’t need to. President Biden has by far surpassed my expectations! Thank you Mary!!!!!

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Indeed, nicely articulated. Biden fault finding (mostly partisan nitpicking) is apparently all the GOP can really do these days... certainly no constructive legislation. More's the Pity.

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Thank you. But sadly the endless false criticism of Biden’s cognition is sticking with voters as it is repeated in a continuous loop on FOX and other right wing media thereby suppressing all the good news out of this administration.

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It’s the most infuriating thing to see. And I think it’s more than his core base who believe the false criticism. I guess it depends on who we define as the core base, because that term makes me think of the people interviewed at Trump rallies—the flat Earthers, the ones who say we didn’t go to the moon, the ones who believe Obama is running the White House. But I know several well educated people who watch right wing news (oxymoron, I know) and they all believe the “cheap fakes” that are played over and over. Distortion of the news is criminal, in my opinion.

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Well said. Thank you. For every negative image played it takes fifty positive ones to rewire your brain to forget the negative narrative. Have to give Republicans credit for being consistent in their mockery messaging of President Biden. He has a stutter there is no getting away from that and they want to hide their malfeasance with massive lies. Agree with you the first amendment is a gift in our country but there has to be limits to the lies of the media; you cannot yell fire in a public theater. Thank you.

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Yes. Bias is one thing. Lying is another.

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Well, I will grant you that is their modus operandi - but I still feel that it is mostly pablum for the MAGA core base that inhale the hyper-partisan Ozone emanating from those Fake news channels. I don't see it swaying a significant percentage of independents or "rational GOPers" or even curious RFK lemmings.

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Amen, to that!

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Let’s join in all together n VOTE him (🤥) out , again. He has lost the popular vote 2 times already… get out n vote Joe in , again!!!!

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Yes Norma!!!

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Jun 18
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🤥 45 is a convicted felon, liar, habitual sex offender, con , etc… I’ll stick with Joe n his team any day of the week for the next four years. 🤥’s team are all convicted felons , too..🤮🤮🤮. SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY!!! mom always said, “ Don’t argue with the ignorant, sorry mom…. I’ll end this now!VOTE THE CON OUT , again… RIP , mom🙏

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Oh look, a crude partisan hack & sniping troll is getting his jollies tossing out baseless propaganda. Thankfully, your kind are the distinct minority. Come on hotshot, thrill us with your acumen by ushering forth all your vetted facts, not innuendo. Got my popcorn ready.

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Jim, don’t you remember when he told the people of California to stop their wildfires they needed to take their forest.. or drink bleach to kill covid. I mean do ya’ll think Joe has a dead brain?? Really..🤷🏼‍♀️ but he’s so smart . He big daddy paid classmates to take his test.. come on Jim . He’s conning all of you.

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where did you get this silly information 'Mr.King ?

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Where most these clowns get it; Fox, Newsmax, OAN, Breitbart and the biggest spreader of the GOP BS, Lie Antisocial and their Chief Executive convicted felon.

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Thank you, Mary, for keeping us informed with 2 in-depth columns today. 💙

I am glad that Democratic governors are more capable than Republicans (I live in Texas with deplorable Greg Abbott as governor).

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I’m stuck in FL with the same problem

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. MY sympathy,I recall the Texas of Ann Richards and hope to see it again..

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Sad, truly.

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Ditto for me. It's such a shame that people wouldn't vote in a good governor, like Wendy Davis or Beto O'Rourke would have been.

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This dissociative amnesia is just one more thing that makes me think of the Trump Era as an enormous dysfunctional family fraught with domestic violence. We're like one big traumatized family system which causes our neighbors to ignore the obvious criminality, cruelty and violence. That's exactly how domestic violence works.

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Thank you again Mary for stating the obvious. I live in a senior apt among a lot of cult members (maga) so I am so very thankful for you and finding “The Good in Us”. Nice to know I am not alone. Thank you for spreading the good.

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EXACTLY what every American, (and the whole world, for that matter) NEEDS TO HEAR!

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Each time one of these man made disasters occurs, I wonder if it is coincidence or sabotage? Mary’s right, Dems don’t withhold the needed help of the Federal Government. We rush in! Her Uncle used every disaster as leverage against States and Cities, making all kiss his ass at the very least. This includes the COVID-19 response, which Jared took a completely psychopathic grift take on how the Feds would respond. The Feds were ordered to confiscate State supply lines and stock of medical equipment. Down right appalling. Add it to the list of shameful acts by the twice impeached insurrectionist convicted fraudster.

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Djt was no different than twig treated the female governor of Louisiana. Why did anyone expect different. We’ve seen this shit before and will again if we look.

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And figure out how YOU can increase the number of votes cast for Biden: talk to friends & neighbors -- enlist them in your plans; question as to whether they are registered to vote [tell them to check]; ask them to suggest what THEY think they could do to increase votes for Biden [they might have some new, creative ideas]. It's your project, and our greatest power.

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Mauimom, one thing that might help is to get more young people involved in campaign planning. I just learned that one of my young former students will be doing that in the Philly area for Biden-Harris. I am excited because he is very creative and may have new ideas to offer that older campaigners will be willing to consider and try out. We need everyone on board.

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Wow. Thank you, Ruth. Your reply got me thinking as well. More later.

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Maybe join field team 6?

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The real Patriots showed up! Thanks for the reminder ~

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I am beyond amazed at the accomplishment of the Democrats related to the Port of Baltimore. It showed all of us what can be done when we work together instead of against one another. I live in the Philly area and was also wonderfully shocked when I95 a critical coridore reopened in just 12 days. We do have to also give credit to our Secretary of Transportation, Sec. Pete who knows how to communicate with people and help them to see what can happen when good leadership is involved. We need President Biden, Vice President Harris, their experience, and their team to keep things moving because the next few years are going to be critical in our fight to stop global warming. Trump and Kump have no clue and prove it over and over. They are whining toddler-men and toddler-women who have decided growing up and acting like responsible adults is just too hard. They want to drag all of us into their toddler world. We all need to stand against that kind of childish insanity. None of those Trumpers and Trumpettes have anything positive to offer the people of this nation or the world, just loud mouths, constant lying and cheating, boorish whining, childish insults, ignorance, two-faced communication, and a whole lot more that is negative. We need to send a whole lot of Republicans home for a nap come November.

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