I hope this election will be a blue blowout

USA needs to to happen

If this doesn’t happen we are doomed

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And if it does happen, life is going to be so much better for everyone in our country, as well as for our international allies--especially Ukraine.

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I'm an American-born Canadian living one hour from the border, and I approve this message.

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Thank you!

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I agree with you, David. The Ukrainian’s continue to need the US’s help. We can’t let them down now. Putin needs to be finished off once and for all.

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Putin should have been stopped a long time ago when he first invaded Crimea. everybody sat on their tush in Washington D.C. and did nothing.

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i have a feeling Kamala's gonna be Putin's worst nightmare

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Abraham, I sure hope she will be Putin's worst nightmare and work to help get sufficient tech to Ukraine to stop Russia and send it back behind its borders.

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So true. We need to vote & elect Kamala Harris.

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"It is by Beelzebub that he casts out demons."

On the shoulders of Geraldine and Hilary that carried the cross of persecution and calumny, lay the hopes of those who register to vote because they believe the words of the Who

I get down on my knees and pray

We won't be fooled again!

3rd time's the charm, I hope. Onward, legion of women voters.

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Keb Mo: “Put a Woman in Charge.” It’s time.

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People are coming around to the fact that every womb-man is a card-carrying member of mankind.

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Have voted last week in NC blue all the way down the ballot. At 75 and with macular degeneration, all I can do is sign up to Substacks and share info to people that are still sitting on the fence. I cannot understand how they do not see the clear choice: fascism or freedom. Be safe Mary and all of you. For now I’m trying to keep my sanity and pray to all the saints I remember from convent school.

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I voted blue all the way down my ballot. I will vote blue no matter what. Not only now but in the future. I have been a Democrat voter ever since I registered at the age of 18.

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Bonnie, me too!! I have voted for a couple of Republicans over time, those who actually had integrity. I have not voted for one in decades now because the Republican Party has become something that is metastasizing and as harmful as a cancer. They put up candidates who have no moral compass, who care nothing for the people they represent or will represent. They go from state to state to find an election they think they can buy (PA, OH, and MT for example). Some candidates like Mikey Johnson want this nation to follow his brand of pseudo-christianity while he hates everyone who is not him (OK, I am pretty sure he hates himself too, possibly because he isn't as pure as he claims), yet he is Speaker of the House. Trump is the party's deity and people don't really care what he stands for as long as they get power and financial reward for supporting him and his dementia-damaged ideas.

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You are so right. This has to be a victory for our side.

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Trump has been obsessed over the ACA. I am hopeful DJT will lose this election & there are enough of us who vote to elect Kamala Harris this coming Tuesday. Trump is a racist & hates the ACA for the simple reason it was President Obama who gave us the ACA.

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Also, he’s aggravated that people call it “Obama” Care. He’s yearning for a “Trump” care.

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"Trump" care = caring for himself. That's all he can do.

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CNN Reported Yesterday that DJT is over $2,000,000,000 in Debt.... This includes his Legal Bills, Legal Fines, and his "LifeStyle"... It doesn't include the Phantom Billions that DJT owes to Putin, and his Minions... DJT sees this Election as a Personal Existential Crisis.... Now Melania is trying to raise her own $$$... Hmm? Maybe Melania has been doing her own Accounting?... DJT is in Crisis, and continues to Melt-Down... I hope that the Rest Of Us don't suffer because of DJT's Bad Karma... Pay Attention To The 'DJT' Stock Price...

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In the (not widely released) movie The Apprentice- about Trump and Roy Cohn’s influence- Trump is asked in an interview what he’d do if he ran out of money. “Run for president” was the answer he gave.

Existential describes it perfectly.

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I think this time he’s running to stay out of jail. If you’ll remember many of his dipshit bootlickers already served prison terms🤣

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DJT consistently RUINS everything that DJT Touches....

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Thank You Ellyn.... I believe that another Piece-Of-Advice is to start a Religion... I believe that DJT has Nailed both of them.... Take Care Of Yourself...

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Thank you!! You too! 💕

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That concept of a plan is coming out in two weeks. Right?

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Yep, it'll be a doozy. Remember all those blank pages he showed off at some meeting or something? Just like that, nothing.

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hopefully he'll have time in jail to work on it

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Nov 2
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Yes, and a full report on his health. A psychological evaluation would be good too.

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Probably would need to do an autopsy. Only way we'd get any real truthful info.

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It would be the greatest autopsy in the history of the nation.

Better than any other autopsy ever done.

A lot of people are saying it would be beautiful.

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😂😂😂😂😂 That’s hilarious.

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here's a psychological evaluation from a couple years ago; it fits him even more today:


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We need to start calling Medicare LBJcare. LBJ did a great job getting Medicare passed.

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Yes that too. Trump has “A concept of a plan for healthcare!”

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Basically, plagiarism and stamping his name on it and saying "see what i came up with?"

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He’s too stupid to think of any ideas on his own that would actually work. He’s a lousy business person.

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Most definitely.

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Only a complete idiot conman could bankrupt a casino.

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I was going to say that very thing. He’s obsessed with everything President (a title earned and continuously honored) Obama says and did. He simply cannot fathom an honorable man of color could have done any good at all and had his name attached. Drumph is a small, sociopathic, hateful semblance of a man who will soon be forgotten to the ages. Thank goddess.

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Nov 2Edited

Yeah, we'll give him care alright... in the form of Judge Chutkan and Jack Smith.

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Those 2 judges not sentencing him following the trials is unforgivable! He should have never been allowed all the delays.

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Or released. I realize he's not sentenced yet (21 days), but any other human being would have been locked up. The only Judge I see that is not willing to bend is Chutkan. She's already stated "that she doesn't care about politics in her court, it's not an election interference". So no need to delay releasing almost 2,000 pages of information a week ago.

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His family is yearning for Trump care as well.


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😂 That video reminds me of SNL skits.

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He has never said what Trump care would be. He should tell us. WE are not mind readers.

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Barbara, I heard a comment that Trump would repeal the ACA then replace it immediately with a new name: Trumpcare.

Sounds true. His ego knows no bounds.

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He’s a narcissist and only cares about himself. He’s as toxic as the atomic bomb. @LustigMD

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He is obsessed with the ACA as it was Obama who enacted it. Anything Obama did is awful, not only a democrat but a black man.

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Plus Barack Obama has integrity. Imagine that! A Democrat, a man of color, a man of color with world class intelligence and charisma, a man of color with class, a man of color with logic.

What is Donald Trump? A fat white guy with orange hair.

End of story


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A dumb ass!

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Very true.

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Because Trump has always been jealous of President Obama and his success in WH over eight years!

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Trump abused Obama and damaged his reputation and image for 7 1/2 years preaching the Obama "Birther Lie" that Barack was not American-born, American, nor our legitimate U. S. President!--before he "took it back" on 9-16-2016! He and his multi-million-person Movement did untold damage to All-Things-Issues-People Obama-related! His one-sentence admission was so weak and quiet, most people don't know about it. 50 days later, on Election Day, 61% of "registered Republican voters" (according to the polls) still believed Trump's original BIG LIE THAT OBAMA WAS FOREIGN BORN, NOT AMERICAN NOR OUR LEGITIMATE PRESIDENT, BUT WAS A PRETENDER, A POSEUR, AND A CRIMINAL, WAS NOT AMERICAN AS YOU AND I, IS OTHER, EVEN WAS A MUSLIM WITH PERHAPS A PLAN TO DESTROY AMERICA!"

Trump has never apologized to Obama and family and all those harmed; to his duped and misled millions of Birther Hoax Liars IN HIS MOVEMENT; nor to OUR nation skewed Far Right and Wrongly. "'Tis the wit, the policy of sin, to hate those whom we've abused." (EMERSON)

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Its pressure from the insurance companies pure and simple. Boy are those lower income folks who are Trump voters going to be surprised when the ACA disappears.

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Exactly! With an aging population abolishing the ACA / Medicare and no pre-existing conditions????? That will push most of us into poverty!

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Don’t forget eliminating social security and privatizing almost everything they can. It’s all listed very clearly in Project 2025 “the plan for the next conservative/republican administration “.

Poverty won’t be a big enough word.

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Additional Words: CHAOS, DESPERATION… Nothing Good….

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Poverty, much Suffering, and Death… DJT is the Anti-Christ of Humanity….

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I've always said, he sold his soul to the devil, a long time ago.

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An aspect of the devil named Roy Cohn….

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D. Charlene, you are so right about Trump and the ACA. The truth is he has no idea what the ACA/Obama Care even is. Trump is not a person who understands anything but ways he can cheat the system, pretend he knows something, and is "a very stable genius," and unfortunately, his cult just loves whatever hateful disgusting thing he says, even laughing a bit at Trump's threats against Liz Cheyney. On the other hand, Democratic candidates stand for and with the American people, trying to make things better, and they are so much better than when Trump was in office it is astounding, but due to Fox Not Nearly News and other platforms and our mainstream media deliberately ignoring what has been done, the improvements, the advancements of the current administration are hardly mentioned and Harris is blamed for destroying this nation this past 4 years, a lie of course, but our media lets the lies pass and our various media platforms run the lying ads anyway. Mikey Johnson said the thing out loud, that he is going to help wreck "obama Care." He of course denied it, another lie from a party that can only lie. Shame on the American people for believing the lies.

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A mountain of lies should not be the basis for a presidential campaign. But here we are. While Donnie worries me to death, it's the YUGE amount of the populous that buys into it that truly worries me. Please all you sane Americans, get out and vote for Harris/Walz.

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There are long lines everywhere there is early voting. The larger the turnout, the more likely a Democratic win. I believe it will be a blue tsunami!

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Johnson is telegraphing his lord and master, if anyone thinks that Trump will keep ACA they are in for a rude awakening. First and foremost, Trump despises Obama (and everyone else) therefore Obamacare has to go. No other reason. Trump will destroy everything that actually helps Americans. He is evil, hateful and hate-filled. He has no morals and no integrity. He is a predator, an indicted criminal and a danger to America. How he got here again beguiles me. The media has played a large role in humanizing this monster. No election in my life time has been as important as this one. Most of the GOP are spineless supplicants. God help us if this creature with his claims of voter fraud—and he is the Only one who will win, or hell will break lose, gets back in office. We deserve better and voting Blue is the only answer to end this madness. Sorry for the rambling, but I am sick of the mess we find ourselves in.

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You are far from alone in that opinion. All of us on this Substack are equally angry and frustrated about him even being free and walking around. He belongs behind bars, and has belonged there for a long time.

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6 feet under

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Better yet.

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No need to say sorry, Lynn. Drumpf is like the rambling automaton of bigotry and hatred. The vote was invented to rid the world of people like him, so let's go!

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The ACA doesn't suck. Donald does, though.

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Nov 1Edited

Even RFK Jr's cousin doesn't think it's a good idea. Not just getting ACA dusmantled, but having JFKjr anywhere near healthcare. STAT, the pharmaceutical industry trade journal, reported today:

Ted Kennedy Jr. expresses concern about Trump’s ‘flagrant disregard’ for public health


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I wish people would become better informed about RFK Jr.'s unfettered and disturbing behavior as a young person, not to mention his years of serious drug and alcohol abuse. This is not someone who deserves a position in our government. Read "The Other Mrs. Kennedy."

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Well the bear and whale head stories are proof he’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

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He was a very spoiled and undisciplined child and a terrible animal abuser as a young man and I'm not talking about the hunting.

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That is a good one; 2 points for you.

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And that worm eating on his brain is a bit troubling as well.

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Yeah…this guy doesn’t believe in vaccines, has a “worm eating his brain”, used cocaine and heroin for more than a decade; what could go wrong? How many ppl think “yeah, that’s the guy I want in charge of protecting our food, drugs, and homeland security”?

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You said it.

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Can you imagine the devastation when/if another pandemic arrives if RFK jr is in charge of health?

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I think I can.

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Agreed, and on top of that it is healthcare.

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BTW, To all MAGAts: Don't fall out of the Stupid Tree and hit every branch on the way down, because you won't have a brain plan.

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Ooh, i like !! Nailed it.

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There is no JFK Jr. I know you meant RFK, who wouldn't be impressed by his nutso son.

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thanks, I will try to correct it

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Andy, thanks for that link about Ted Kennedy Jr’s comment. I have posted it to my Facebook page. This is very important information to get out there. The crazies have taken over the asylum.

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yeah, I dunno if you have to register for free with STAT to read it, It's from their news letter. It says something about the competence of Trump's team if a family member has to warn the world that their cousin is an idiot and extremely under qualified for the job

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The corporate media — including the Times and the Washington Post — have abdicated their responsibility to the citizenry by normalizing your sick uncle.

Biden misspeaks once and it’s a cover page story. Then Uncle Baby Don drives around in a garbage truck he can barely step into without falling over like the decrepit old geezer he is.

Thankfully the Times has come around to let us know what Uncle Manbaby truly is and what he will do to the country if he’s elected.

But why has it taken so many years?

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Donald Trump is a traitor whom the Constitution prohibits from serving in office. God damn the SCOTUS for turning a blind eye!

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And aside from all the other stuff, his remarks about Liz Cheney should immediately render him ineligible to hold office.

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He appointed those that kiss his ring+ass‼️🤮🤮🤮Don is greedy for validation yet, he’s a sinkhole+ enough is never enough!

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Nov 2
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Nothing could be more unAmerican! His supporters would probably insist he was just joking; but I say such a perverse sense of humor and lack of discretion again is so beyond the pale as to itself be unacceptable for a President.

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It is beyond offensive and is despicable.

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I'll bet Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi don't think Trump was just joking!

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There are 50 million people on ObamaCare because the convicted felon actually said when asked "It will be so easy to replace ObamaCare that I'll do it on Day One". He didn't deliver on one of the three big campaign promises he made. The other two were Locking up Hillary, which he didn't do; the biggest promise was Mexico was going to pay for the wall-they didn't. I haven't read Project 2025 but I heard enough to know that our lives will be thrown into chaos. I'll bet that a substantial percentage of his supporters never read it and are getting their info from the convicted felon or one of his brain-washed friends who are still in office. For my wife and I who, live only on Social Security, the chaos will start when they cut our benefits, which right now leave us little at the end of each month. If they cut it, we won't be able to pay our bills and eat. If he wins, I will thank all of my friends who voted for him for taking the food right out of our mouths and leaving us one step from being homeless.

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I can't "like" this because it's sad and awful and true.

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Most of the photos I see at his "rallies" show that his supporters look like they might be collecting SSI. Their benefits will be cut. What will they do then? Project 2025 will ruin our country. His supporters are willing to give up everything that's mentioned in Project 2025 believing that he'll lower inflation, the price of gas and groceries. There's more proof that those three areas are in better shape than they were. And yet, the believe him and right-wing media that our country's in shambles. If it's in such bad shape, why is he constantly begging for money? Shouldn't he be concerned about our financial health? The answerer is no, he only cares about himself. He lied last time, why does anyone believe him now?

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Me as well. My only income. And thank God for LBJ and Medicare. Didn’t FDR (Democrat?) give us Social Security?

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FDR-DEM and his wonderful DEM. house and senate gave us SS.

ANOTHER smart DEM. LBJ . gave us Medicare and I worked for 60 years and retired. Now I will be broke if It is canceled .

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I feel the same. All ,who vote for Trump must know know that they will not get SS EITHER AND SOME ARE OLDER AMERICANS. DO NOT understand their thinking.

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I don't say this lightly, but the difference on health care comes down to good versus evil. The evil side can cite no benefit to its proposal.

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Corporate media is desperate to keep Trump and the MAGAs close. They are trying too hard. This election could easily be a blowout making them all look foolish. Which is the best they can expect.

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Nov 2Edited

Trump called President Biden “a stupid bastard” and VP Harris “a sleaze bag".

WWWhaat? That just doesn't seem to sound right. How about:

Trump is "a really stupid bastard" and JD Vance is "his couch surfing sleaze bag".

There, that flows better 🤣

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He not only said Harris is stupid, he called her a whore who got where she is on her knees! An intelligent Black woman who outsmarts him every time she speaks — he’s jealous and hateful. No class, ethics, morals, values — I would call him a pig but that is an insult to pigs. 👿

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Right… and Harris lies about working at McDonalds.. as well as her black grandma that wasn’t alive like she stated….. If she’s intelligent then a wall can be intelligent.

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Health care coverage for all... PERIOD !

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Thanks Mary, for hanging in during the difficult long haul. I choose to believe it will make a difference eventually .John Lewis had to keep going and he taught us to continue the fight. God requires that we not stop trying.

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God kinda seems like a sadist.

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It’s human beings who have free will that are really doing a number on the world. Greed is rampant.

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Yes, we are terribly flawed. Greed and a lack of compassion, selfishness, ignorance...

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This is of our own making. It has nothing to do with God.

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Agree. I was responding to Caroline's comment.

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I wonder if any big media will write about 45 wanting to put RFL Jr in charge of women's health issues. Big media is always missing the boat now.

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They're missing it on purpose. they want trump to win. I wonder what price they will pay when Harris wins. There should be one.

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The effheads want zero help for people and zero regulation for the environment. They want a Dickensian US where people are dying in the streets or in workhorse due to hunger and disease and the air is black with coal smoke. Only the rich on their palatial estates outside of cities will flourish off the labor of the poor suckers who voted for the blood red party of death.

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*workhouses. Autofix sucks. I'm going to get rid of it.

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