
For Good Human of the Week, I nominate Volodymyr Zelenskyy for staying in Ukraine and standing up to Putin.

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I really think this is a week when this choice is a no brainer! He has shown us what true leadership & true bravery looks like! May God keep him safe πŸ™

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I agree πŸ’―. Caroline. Volodymyr Zelenskyy is doing what is expected from a person of integrity. Most leaders would grab a few hundred million USD of the government money and fled to USA, Israel, Switzerland or Monaco and live in fear in hiding. Being a Jewish those escape routes were likely offered but he stayed. He is standing his ground. I heard he's even tried negotiating but Vladimir Putin is not a logical person and completely out of touch with reality and believing that he can bully or kill anyone to live up to his ego, a deadly narcissist who has gone bunkers. Putin is at the impression that NATO and G7 couldn't possibly risk a war with Russia when they are dependent on his oil, especially heavy crude oil that USA doesn't have access to and the devestating consequences we will face if Putin uses a nuclear warhead just because he lost his mind.

We need 10 more enegy genious engineers like Eon Musk to work sleepless for the next month so that the planet never needs crude oil nor Russia. That would be the end of power abusive oil rich countries all together including USA and Saudi Arabia. Insane dictators don't negotiate. They take us straight to hell. Biden and Harris, don't know how to deal with Putin nor China for that matter because there's no logic behind it.

Even if someone assisninates such dictator, they will create a double and continue on. I personally believe the current Putin is a double and the first one is long gone. I have driven a Russian car and I have no interest in buying one. There's isn't a single product that I would prefer to buy made in Russia. There's something very wrong about Russia. I wouldn't mind buying wine from Moldavia but that's not Russian. Russia needs to wake up.

I don't know of any politician from the West that knows how to work with Russia. Republicans and Democrats both fail to help Russia become a liberated nation. It is a violent cult.

There's a river in middle of Ukurania. I believe Russia will take everything east of that river. We will find out. They are after the water.

Oil investors will bank because they will jack up the price again.

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President Zelensky. For his courage, for standing with his people and for telling President Biden β€œI need ammunition, not a ride”.

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He has done so much to inspire democratic nations at so much personal risk.

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Agree totally although I think President Biden gets the β€œsilver. β€œ

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There are so many people to pick this week for "The Good Person of the Week" but this person stands out to me. I'm calling her the Ukrainian Sunflower Seeds Woman who stood up to the Russian soldier in the Henychesk, Kherson region. Here's the subtitled video https://twitter.com/BBCWorld/status/1497313160117772288. So badass. Now I want to grow sunflowers on my apartment balcony when the weather changes to spring in solidarity. I also need to go shop at the stores in Chicago's Ukrainian Village to show my support locally.

Sending lots of love to you Mary and everyone else in this amazing community.

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She is pretty badass!

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Where can I buy a Ukrainian blouse?

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Seek out Ukrainian-owned shops in your area, if you have them, or see if they can ship one to you from a Chicago or New York City store.

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I think the person of the week should be persons. I nominate the Russian demonstrators who live under the strict rule of a dictator. They know the consequences could be severe. Putin is a former KGB agent after all. Something MAGA people don’t seem to remember.

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Good Point Valerie, Wider View of The Issue, I feel "secular" now in Choosing Zelebsky, I will have to remember how you widen this to the broader spectrum of people, Thanks

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The democratically elected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zalenskyy who is acting like a real leader, putting his life on the line for his country even though he has the option to flee. But Valerie’s suggestion, the protesters in Russia makes for a strong second choice.

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Oh, so sorry, I didn't follow the directions AT ALL. Why Zelenskyy for good human of the week? His bravery, his steadfastness, his wise speech to the Russians today, his not abandoning the ship, his complete "opposite-ness" of Putin.

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I have two, President Zelenskyy for showing his people what courage looks like and for demonstrating how important it is to stand up for your convictions, even if you may be the underdog. My second one is President Biden for rallying NATO, being a true leader by listening to and working with his Allies, and for not listening to his crazy critics on the other side or the incompetent press for asking ridiculous and meaningless questions. Both of these leaders did what was right and not what was easy!

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President Zelensky for his love of Ukraine, love of democracy, and his sheer badass self.

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Volodymyr Zelenskyy is my nominee as well. Standing as the voice/face of both his people/country and the Free World. A paraphrase of his Churchillian response to a US offer of evacuation of he and his family: β€˜I don’t need a ride, I need ammunition.’ I would say both prayers for Ukraine and #Ukraine Strong. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

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Good human of the week, and may he still be alive next week and hundreds of weeks to come: Volodymyr Zelenskyy. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

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Feb 27, 2022Β·edited Feb 27, 2022

President Zelensky and the good people of Ukraine. One I know in Ukraine asked "is this war?" I honor them for their courage, strength and chutzpah as they fight for their democracy and in turn help the west take a look at theirs.


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Good human of the week: President Biden for nominating the first Black woman, Ketanji Jackson Brown, to the Supreme Court. Now if only the Retrumplicans don't have a diabolical plan to keep her from being confirmed....but of course they do!

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If this were almost any other week I’d totally agree. Nominating Judge Jackson Brown is a big step towards rectifying the reactionary tilt of today’s Supreme Court. Particularly in view of its history as you, Mary, so well laid out in The Reckoning. But given the heroism and courage displayed by Volodymyr Zelensky I have to give him my vote. But President Biden deserves an honorable mention.

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πŸ‘πŸ» That was good.

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Zelenskyy for person of the month, for showing us a true profile in courage.

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My Good Human of the week pick is President Zelensky of Ukraine! πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸŒ»πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

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Gotta be Zelenskyy. Period.

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This is the first time I saw your YouTube Show! Love it!

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The video version is far superior to the only audio version E. Jean because then we get to see Mary and her guest's facial expressions.

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Me too!

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