Brilliant! Keep speaking truth to power....and powerless!

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That woman couldn’t sing herself out of a paper bag.

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hmmmm.......is this you, Mary Trump? You might like this, it's short. Kabir, The Bird on This Body Tree....read by Samaneri Jayasara, I love your courage!


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I’ve been grateful for your voice, filled with knowledge and insight, since you first arrived on the scene. I fear the only way to save us from DJT followers is for them to suffer at his hands. By then it will be too late for us all. I’m spiritually conscious, but not religious. With that said, I’ve thought, since he appeared on the political scene in 2015, that DJT could be the antichrist bringing on the end of the world.

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I can't get thru sorry. Couldn't figure how.

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That singing makes me think about The D words' combover, and how there's no one around them that will tell them that they are humiliating themselves and to not do that. Could one of the mental health professionals please explain what is actually going on with the comb over? It's actually a kind of persuasion isn't it? Like "I know you won't say anything and shatter my illusion of myself because you are a decent person, and now that I've got you lying to yourself let me tell you a huger lie" =]

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OH My Gawed!!!! I just listened to it and all I can say is Oh My Gawed!!! Im also laughing so hard im tearing up, ohmygosh, I'm still giggling =]

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Perhaps Ms. Trump should more aptly compare her singing skills to the vocal abilities of William Hung?

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Mary: (personal)

FYI - Neil Young is not the composer of "Won't Back Down" which was written by Tom Petty and Jeff Lynne. It appeared on "Full Moon Fever" by TP. The actual title is "I Won't Back Down." I have noticed that whoever is proofing your correspondence is missing a few errors in almost every outgoing email to your subscribers. If you'd like to add someone to do this service for you, please let me know. (service would be provided free of charge because I absolutely love you for what you do.)

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He loves the attention, positive or negative - it gives him fuel. He loves to fight - the media should stonewall him . They are feeding the narcissist.

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Sorry, I guess my remark was insulting to the cast of Stranger Things! The Trumps are a scary looking bunch. Kimberly Gill foil is the weirdest.

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I think Kimberley is totally mind controlled ie: MK Ultra mind controlled =]

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Just wondering if some of what traitortrump sold to the highest bidder had to do with Israeli defense????

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The estate of Tom Petty should send a strong rebuke to Lara to refrain from bastardizing that song in the future.

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I like this very much. An interesting take on him. The thing that's missing for me on which I would like a fellow shrink to expand is the lack of reality testing in all this. Donald, as I've said many times seems quite Borderline to me. And he projects this INTO those around him - his rage, his inferiority, his chaos. I grit my teeth each time he is described as entitled and narcissistic. Many people are a little entitled and narcissistic. What we're seeing here is a loss of reality testing that has become contagious. Lara singing that way and seemingly unable to test reality is just one example. The myriad and changing symptoms of Donald - hypochondriasis, paranoia, rage, deep envy, mania- none of which contains anxiety is critical. He is, in my view, quite borderline. Why is this important? Because it predicts other behaviors. The other thing is, I tend see what happened to our country and my association to "failing up," is sexism. MaryAnne was the smarter in the cohort, even though she enlisted Roy Cohn. It seems as though men fail up more than women. Just my two cents. I hope you get your hard earned money out of that Bastard, The Donald. Best wishes, Leigh

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I can endorse the borderline diagnosis. Is TFG* on 24/7 suicide watch? That’s a danger for those whose symptoms confirm the diagnosis, after burning down the house and taking all enemies down with him. My sad regret is that he will keep appeals going so long, the appeals will out-live him, one way or another.

*The Former Guy

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Oct 8, 2023Edited
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BTW is you would like to read the Family Tree Poem or Sonny Silverton would like to read it, and you have a set up to do so, I'd appreciate it because I don't like being a public figure. I could read it to you on the phone so you know where the intonation goes.

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Thank you Mary!

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I pray your uncle is not President in 2025 or that I am not around to see the end of this country.

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