Mary, you are a way better person than I am. It's been 9 horrendous, nerve wracking years of Donald Trump and his scams, scandals and treasonous behavior. To a point I feel bad for his supporters that didn't have that money to lose. But have they been living under a rock? Have they not read anything, watched TV, heard from other people? Even Fox is not an unqualified supporter. Just because they choose not to believe the thousands of people trying to tell them who he is, not to mention he himself telling everyone who he is and what he wants to do doesn't mean that you need to pity them. They had every opportunity to at least consider looking into the wisdom of giving their money to someone who has the kind of track record he has, and they didn't do it. On your own head be it.

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OMG! Is it only *9* years?! It feels like 50.

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Only 9 years and it feels like a century! DJT is still sucking all the oxygen in the room. YIKES. Has he never read MAD Magazine? “Don’t go away mad. Just go away!” One can only hope. Love ❤️ your many witty comments skangirl. I’m impressed by you and the majority of commenters on this site: fighting the good fight, keeping a sense of humor and clearly articulating why you (and everyone in Canada to boot) will do everything necessary to make sure #45 is denied “4 more years in the WH”. I wish I could vote for Kamala Harris. I hope everyone on this site votes for America’s first female President.

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The two of us in our household will be voting HARRIS-WALZ and BLUE all down the ballot.

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Excellent. President Harris and VP Walz will make a terrific team.

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#Harris/Waltz We will not go back!

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Vote blue----no matter who....

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Sadly, MAD is no longer with us. I never missed an issue year after year......it really taught me all I needed to know about politics......MAD went after Trump big time during its last few years. I doubt that Donable Lector ever read it...........have you ever seen him honestly have a laugh????

I miss MAD so much. RIP

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Never. Donable Lector lacks heart, a sense of humour and any understanding of the term reciprocity.

I miss MAD as well …

Maybe it will be revived once Mr T has been sent to pasture.

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William M Gains died in 1992. The founder of MAD treated the "usual gang of idiots" like his family. He took them all on trips together and was the heart and soul of MAD.


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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

Watch colbert and jon stewart. They present the essentials that you need to know about politics.

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Mr. Trump needs to be sent to prison for all his crimes! I remember his crimes from many many years ago in California! I worked at a prestigious CPA Firm in Beverly Hills and we handled quite a lot of cases regarding Trump the Sheister cheating and taking advantage of people! There was a particular project....where Trump took their money and never built! BTW the project was not in Beverly Hills, it was elsewhere! Well, there were several projects where he took the money, but did not come through with the actual building! He declared those projects bankrupt and so all the investors lost their money! I am appalled that he is again trying to run for Presidient. Do people not realize they are being DUPED? He is not going to consider making life better for the U.S.A. Residents! He is into becoming President for his own gain and for his own glory! PLEASE EVERYONE...PAY ATTENTION TO THE POSTS FROM PEOPLE WHO HAVE ACTUALLY SEEN AND EXPERIENCED WHAT WHAT A CROOK AND NO GOOD PERSON TRUMP IS! HE IS NOT WANTING THE PRESIDENCY TO BETTER OUR COUNTRY OR TO DO GOOD FOR OTHERS! HE IS IN IT FOR HIS OWN GLORY AND TO GET AWAY FROM HAVING TO GO TO PRISON FOR ALL THE LEGITIMATE LEGAL CASES BROUGHT ON HIM BY THE LAW! Well, I hope he is tried, convicted and serve time so that he can be the example we can use....AS NOBODY AND I MEAN NOBODY IS PRIVILEDGED TO BE TREATLY DIFFERENTLY WHEN IT COMES TO LAW! I am a stickler for righteousness and I refuce to accept this business of letting him go scot free! YES, I am a righteous person who demands fairness & equality among all in our beautiful country .. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! We are supposedly UNITED!!! But this situation with trump tells me we really are not! If the law does not come to grips with his wrongdoings, I say our country has become something other than UNITED/FAIR/UNBIASED/TRUE! We Must continue to adhere to our principles!!! And if they do not charge him for all the wrongdoings during his presidency, I say we are no longer the "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". We might as well "throw that towel in" and know we do not reside in the best country there is, in this world! Thank You.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 29

Here is the basic scheme Trump has used to accumulate his wealth (other than what he inherited from his father, who used the same method):

1. Develop a proposal for a huge real estate project that typically costs over a hundred million dollars.

2. Hawk this proposal to potential investors who are promised the world if they contribute tens of millions of dollars to the project. Many of these investors are people who either don't know how to manage big money but rather inherited a huge pot of gold (e.g., the surviving spouse of the person who generated the wealth), or are egotistical fat cats who simply want their name associated with a guy who they honestly believed was a successful real estate developer.

3. Convince those investors that they need to sign away the money into Trump's ownership with no strings attached because that supposedly was the only way Trump could secure his bank, vendors, and local city regulators to move forward with the project. This is the key part of the deal: the investors must sign the money away into Trump's ownership in exchange for a note from Trump that promises the investors a HUGE return from the profits of the project. But they must agree to a confidentiality statement that prevents them from revealing their investment in the project and includes a huge penalty clause if they violate that term.

4. Start the project in "good faith" so that investors get a good feeling about the project.

5. Create delays in the project to drag out the timeline. Tell investors that building inspectors and politicians are trying to stall the project unless they get some payola. But convince the investors that he's the hero that's doing everything possible to keep the project on track.

6. At some point in the project, declare bankruptcy due to overage in expenses because of the delays, etc., but make sure the banks are all paid using the investors' money for all expenses up to that point.

7. The result is that Trump takes in, say $300 million from investors but spends only about $100 million of that money before he declares bankruptcy, but he tells the investors that the coffers have run dry. Therefore, the investors lose most or all of their money since they signed it over to Trump and there is zero profit at the back end, while Trump pockets the remaining $200 million in his own coffers. THAT is how he's made most of his money.

I first heard of this scheme from Paul Krugman (Nobel Laureate in Economics) a few years ago and apparently Trump has done this time and time again, each project with a new set of naive investors for his money grinder. In fact, Krugman explained that in 2017 Trump was involved in over 10,000 lawsuits over the previous 10 year period which amounts to THREE NEW LAWSUITS PER DAY for 10 years!!!

He's the ultimate con man, and I have no doubt that he considers his own MAGA loyalists to be the real losers and suckers. It's just so fascinating that MAGA and the GOP lemmings in Congress continue to fall for it.

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absolutely correct> disgrace to the country, and i didnt vote for him before and I never will> i disliked him when he was on his tv show and nothing has changed except a bigger crook.

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I am so dumb found by some of the people that said they would most likely vote DJT because of his business sense! Do they not read, are they as dumb as they sound? Because I am floored when I heard that in an Interview of Union workers. 1 man said listen you need to do your research and remember how your working now Biden’s bills have put Union worker on the job. The kid looked stunned. I just don’t understood some of those Union workers said they’re making more money but they complain about immigration which immigration isn’t even in their community so he’s hearing it from somewhere, but he said he doesn’t listen to the main news. I don’t understand how a union worker can have a concept like that unless there is something else they’re not saying? Immigration has been a problem for 30 years. Congress (Republicans can blame McConnell for that) has never been able to agree on a reform. That’s what people just don’t seem to understand. They just had the best chance ever to hire more border patrol, judges for immigration to speed it up but nope. I frustrated with how republicans have become the vile group that there are but yet get elected!! I think Texas, Kentucky, Alabama & Florida can have problems with their elections. Seems there’s always some of them trying to undermine voters.

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Love your comment, Terry. Why can't u vote for Kamala? (Went to your substack looking for your nationality - you mention Canada.) Perhaps you're Canadian at the moment?

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Greetings Greg. Yes, I’m a Canadian citizen living in Ottawa. Years ago, I had the privilege of attending the University of Notre Dame in Indiana and earned Master’s degrees in Theology and Sociology. A big part of my heart still remains at ND (Go Irish!☘️). Since I don’t have US citizenship, I cannot vote this November. Otherwise, I would be supporting Harris-Walz and voting Blue across the board. I’m hoping that a substantial number of Republican voters finally “see the light” and vote responsibly in 40 days. The great republic is very much worth fighting for, and I believe you and your colleagues will soon achieve a more vibrant democracy. I cannot believe that DJT has overstayed his political welcome by almost 9 years. Enough already! Best wishes from North of the border.

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Thank You Sir! For sharing your views regardng this very difficult time in the U.S.A.! I also know that we all need to "group together and make sure Trump does not make it into the most important job there is in U.S.A. I am a PROUD U.S.A. Citizen who wants the best for our country! So I hope and pray that Ms. Kamala Harris wins this election. We JUST CANNOT HAVE THE CRIMINAL TRUMP IN SUCH AN IMPORTANT POSITION, REPRESENTING US...U.S. CITIZENS ANY LONGER! SO I PRAY AND WISH AND HOPE THAT MS. KAMALA HARRIS WINS THIS ELECTION!!! THANK YOU.

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Like Bonnie LeBlanc said - a bunch of us may be coming to visit y'all up there! But I think and feel the wisdom of enough of us will arise to thoroughly defeat the bastard once & for all. Then may the teflon scrape off enough from the teflon don that we will see him imprisoned for what remains of his miserable life! What good was he? He awakened a lot of people to what a danger ego is - enough that they began to find that deeper intelligence that we actually are, though ego had us convinced otherwise!

Best wishes from south of that border!

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If all doesn't go well, a lot of us may be coming to visit you in Canada. Hope that's okay.

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Not to worry Bonnie … you ARE welcome! But check out Greg’s comment below. I do believe that good people like you, Greg, Nana, “Democrazy” and friends will carry the day on November 5th. As well, and as our hero Mary Trump reminds us, her uncle just cannot get out of his own way. He’s already doubled- and tripled downed on his idiotic comments re those admirable 15,000 LEGAL immigrants in Springfield. He is “losing friends fast”. Meanwhile, young voters, women etc are turning more and more to Harris-Walz. Let’s keep the faith .. and keep fighting. Looking forward to a Blue November!

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It's actually been more like 30 years for me--he featured in several Law & Order episodes, not appearances but references. Even back then, he was treated like he owned New York.

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I actually watched a few in a marathon yesterday where he, Guiliani were mentioned, and yet one more Joe Biden actually DID appear in! I must admit it's very strange to hear Trump or Guiliani spoken about in a wonderful way!

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RE: your comment: I concur with you wholeheartedly! Honestly, I do not see how anyone in their right mind would vote for Trump. He is a corrupt, insensitive, cheater, sexually deranged by his actions with women. And his language...very unsavory! He has been a cheat....he has a beautiful wife Melania, yet he has committed adultery...who knows how many taimes! He is just a bad character! And I say....how can he qualify for President! I am a retired CPA and of course the extensive check for criminality and other areas must come back squeaky clean before I can get a job at a CPA firm! Trump is so corrupt, with 2 more pending cases. And anyone else would already be in prison. Remember he was found guilty in the case he was tried for! I personally DO NOT FATHOM THAT WE AS DECENT U.S.A. CITIZENS SHOULD HAVE TO ACCEPT A PRESIDENT WITH SUCH AN ATROCIOUS, UNSAVORY, CORRUPT HISTORY! I am absolutely appalled at this circumstance! And rightfully so....because in my profession, I cannot acquire a job unless my record is clean. I am a CPA and it does not even compare to being the President of the United States! YES...I see the unfairness in the law. And of course to clarify matters, I worked as CPA until I retired a couple of years ago. So I never had any problems getting a job...it's just the idea of me being checked so thoroughly versus Trump, with his horrific record throughout his life....gets approved to run for Presidinent AGAIN!!! I am disappointed in the LAWS NOT BEING APPLIED TO TRUMP!

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exactly! look how fast those other 4 people who got caught stealing classified documents were arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned! yet here's Trump not only running for president, but literally committing MORE CRIMES out in the open, bragging about them, while he's out on bond. SCOTUS is like "Oh but he's running for office". SO FUCKING WHAT! I don't know. I'm starting

to wonder if maybe we paint him brown, maybe THEN someone will take note of his crimes?? I mean, we can't even get the news to report correctly on him anymore. Everyone is already running scared. So ARE WE REALLY FREE? It seems we won't be until we figure out how to unhypnotize all these people from this orange disease!

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Did you hear about his appeal today? Judges are Saying the State is stretching the bill on his business where he defrauded bank by Leticia James! Do you think he got to these Judges? He’s been known to bribe witnesses. He always seems to get away with stuff I’m so sick of it. It’s not right nor is it Justice just because he has money.

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Trump has been in the public eye since the 1980s. He immediately struck me as a vain jerk & conman, the kind of man any decent person wants nothing to do with, & gave me an ill feeling every time he was imposed on me by the media.

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yes for no reason

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I look forward to the day we don't hear his cruel voice or see his traitor face.

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Because Fox and NewsMax never tell the truth about Donald...only the propaganda. These people have never ever heard or read about who he really is.. Rupert Murdoch needs to lose everything and writhe in hell...Lachlan is no better.

Before 1916 I met a guy at a meeting and was wafting on about Trump’s business acumen and how his family was the next Kennedy clan. I stopped and told him that Trump was known as a crook when I was in New York in the 70s and about the bankruptcies and scam businesses.

The guy just looked at me and said he had never heard that and asked if I knew about NewsMax, which I had never heard of...then he quickly scurried off.

I had no idea how indoctrinated people were already becoming. Another lady showed me a glossy magazine full of Trump family professional photos, all glitz and glamour...as she talked about them as though they were wonderful, successful movie stars...again the Kennedy family comparison was made. I was stunned.

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To many of us, all that glitzy, glitter, gold platted, ornate over the top furniture and “accessories” in over the top excess looked Trashy. As only Nouveau Riche trying too hard, with not an ounce of good taste. Painfully gaudy. Barf inducing. Nothing impressive about it. Or Laughably awful. Ignorance personified.

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... and how empty a person on the inside must be to need all these "character" supporting crutches to impress other people!

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I had a mother like this, so I TOTALLY GET IT!

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My mother used to say, “money can’t buy class.”

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When NBC sent a crew to Dumpy's office in Dumpy Tower to start setting up for "The Apprectice," Dumpy's office was so dilapidated - smelly, worn carpeting, grimy walls, chips out of the furniture - that they realized they couldn't actually film there. They had to build a whole new set (with "glitz" and "glamour.")

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A friend once stayed at one of his Atlantic City casinos shortly before it failed, and he said the room was awful. It hadn't been updated since the '80s, when it was built. He said the room was shabby, much like how you describe his office. So strange how the word "smelly" is so often associated with Trump. I feel like I can smell him from here.

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YUKKKKK! I've seen him on TV. That's it. And I do not believe I could fathom being around him, cause I would let him know how I feel about him...which is NOT EASY TO SPEAK THOSE WORDS IN PUBLIC! In essense, Trump is disgusting and no matter how much money he is, that does not take away the NASTINESS, CROOKEDNESS, CRIMINAL MANY TIMES PROVEN! AND HIS WAY OF TALKING...SO NASTY AND DISGUSTING! I CANNOT SEE ANY REASON WHY PEOPLE THINK HE IS WORTH SERVING AT WHITE HOUSE! HE WAS NOT WORTH IT FIRST TIME...COME ON FOLKS DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO...DISAVOW THAT JERK AND NEVER EVER LET HIM ENTER INTO THE WHITE HOUSE. We NEED Classy, Nice, Righteous, and a person who OBEYS THE LAWS OF THE LAND! He did nothing to imporve peoples' lives in our beautiful country U.S.A.

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I've actually met him. He's just as fake up close! The make up is so thick I bet he puts it on with a spackle spade!

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However, very popular with Greeks, Italians and others in the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe. Cultural show of wealth.

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thats why his florida mansion is all gold tone , fake, fake,

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Unfortunately, I stayed in the Las Vegas hotel Trump owns. I was on Priceline where you bid not knowing the name of the place you are staying. Blahhhh. The decor was similar to what you mentioned. TRASHY. The pool was just a rectangle that easily could have passed for a YMCA community outdoor pool. Oh! Guess what? There was NO casino! Hmmmm wonder why he couldn't get a licence for a casino??? Because he bankrupted four times on other casinos by putting his personal losses against the casinos he owned. Such a puke. BTW, from Canada too!

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The Murdoch family is actually in a court battle currently. It seems that Fox and all other Murdoch owned news, magazines, etc, Rupert had in a trust to be split between his 4 adult spawn; well, ONE SON, (Lachlan) wants to continue running them all like the garbage, lies, conspiracies they're currently doing but the other three want to run them differently. So Rupert, being the garbage human he is, is now fighting to remove the three that are "decent people" and give everything to Lachlan. The court says the way things are set up in the trust, he CANNOT now leave the other adult children out. It's going to be interesting watching this old man fight adult children who ARE all in their right mind.

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I bought a bike last year at an estate sale near here, great price. One thing among the tacky [guess I'm a snob] tchotchkes was a "signed" Trump photo album. I did not ask the surviving daughter about it because any answer would be painful for someone.

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One less Trump voter?

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Yeah, I had a friend from high school who married a Canadian communications bigwig and was living the high life at Boca. One time in 2008 she email'd me a photo of herself all glammed up for a gala for a charity fundraiser standing beside a grinning Donald Trump. Ugh.

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They're not even close to being like the Kennedys

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No Sympathy or Pity for Anyone who supports Donald tRump.

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I feel no sympathy or pity for all of the GOP in Congress. They are each equally as bad in my opinion. He can only lead because they will grovel and follow. A very sick group.

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Same feeling here

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DJT's Wealth has always been Superficial like that Brass Plated Escalator he rode down to start his 2015 Campaign... Those People above DJT in White T-Shirts applauding him?... Paid Stand-ins... Like Warren Buffet said, why does a "Billionaire" need to always beg for $$$?... Let's See how the DJT Crypto Exchange Fairs... DJT's Sons, including Barron are in on it... The Grifting Seems Hereditary...

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Maybe the Trump clan is hoping Barron will become the American Putin? Hey half his blood is Russian. It does seem his father is you know who.

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His mother is Slovenian.

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but who's the sperm donor is the question.

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Melanoma's Slovenian, not Russian.

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As Roy taught him.

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Roy had a willing apprentice.

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Willful ignorance.

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The only thing I can think of for how those people are is that they are desperate for more than they have. It's sad what desperation does to you. We see it every day with trump.

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Duh no brains

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Yet he is a memorable man, a case study in unerring bad justice. His batting average is unmatched.

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what I don't get is why he isn't charged with fraud and convicted. yes, he had gotten charged in the university scheme and told to pay back millions. yes, he was charged and made to pay back retributions in the charity scheme. But, recurring offenders of white collar crimes, especially substantial ones like fraud, get sent to jail with long sentences. why hasn't this happened to him a long time ago?

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You can ask that question about pretty much everything he does. He should have been in jail years ago and certainly now. He alone stands apart from the rest of us when it comes to the justice system. Truly a 2 tier system

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The weird thing is this is exactly the same thing that happened in Hitlers Germany, after the war ended and they had the Nurnberg trials. Everybody who supported Hitler was hemming and hawing, and then claimed they didn't know about all the atrocities Hitler was committing. Half the population said they never even heard of them during the war. We all wonder how that could ever have happened, and yet - here we are and it's happening ALL OVER AGAIN

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That's exactly why they don't want students to learn history. If they knew about it, they might at least *try* to avoid the same trap.

Hitler's "thousand-year reich" lasted less than 13 years. (And trump and SCOTUS and the neo-Nazi billionaires *do* know what happened to Hitler--and why. Well, maybe trump doesn't know, but the rest of them do.) The end was written in the cards when Hitler ignored what happened to Napoleon when *he* attacked Russia.

It's all very Forrest Gumpy: Stupid is as stupid does. (And you can't fix stupid.)

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Isn't the story that Hitler et al committed suicide en masse? The coward's way out. Of course they were all going to get the death penalty one way or the other.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

The trouble is that Trump doesn't plan to attack Russia, he plans to get into bed with it. But that didn't work too well for Hitler either.

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Not just get into bed with, Putin will make sure something very bad will happen to drumpf. Putin wants America and Trump's the tool he's using. No dictator likes Trump, they dislike him

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yes, stupid is as stupid does---and you cannot fix stupid.--A little Forrest Gump here., Forrest was honest and had common sense and was loveable.

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My Dad was a WWII vet, injured in the Battle of the Bulge. He was republican his whole life, a former farmer. He died in 2006, but I often wonder if he would have supported trump, due to Jan6 and the trump's disdain for the military. I kinda think my Dad would be one of those elderly people sending in money that they could not afford. It makes me sad. Of my 6 remaining siblings, I'm pretty sure 4 are trumpers That makes me sad too. None of my family will ever be helped by anything trump would ever do in the presidency. That makes me sad and mad, because they are supporting a guy who could make my daughter and granddaughter's lives hell.

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Unfortunately, trump has already affected many daughters and granddaughter's by getting Roe overturned. Women have been suffering and dying since this has happened. He and the repubs have been infiltrating our lives and rights for over half a century. Insidiously while we were sleeping.

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I lost my dad and three brother's to Trump.

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Sheree, Bless you for your comment. And bless the memory of your father for his service. I too had a father who quietly served his youth as a Marine during the Korean War. Most of his family are still Republicans. I never talk politics with them to keep peace. Pretty sure dad would have seen through The Big Cheese. But then we never watched Fox and he faithfully read our daily news paper. One whiff of what The Cheese has said about US soldiers would have been enough for dad to shake his head and say, ‘He’s got to go.’

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Exactly. This is EXACTLY like gdamn hitler. I have been encouraging people for awhile to watch the movie, Judgement at Nuremburg. It really shows a human reality that can unfortunately happen.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

My husband's favorite movie, the original with Spencer Tracy as the American judge on the war crimes tribunal and Burt Lancaster as the German judge on trial who refuses to defend himself. When he is convicted at the end, he tells Tracy that he wants Tracy to know that he didn't know that the Holocaust "would come to that." And Tracy replies, that [Lancaster] knew it would come to that the first time he sentenced a man to death he knew to be innocent. Turning that around for our situation, we as a country should know what will happen if we elect a man we know to be guilty.

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Repeating what Valerie just wrote----We as citizens of USA. KNOW we should not vote for a criminal. A man who has been found guilty of 34 counts, several other cases also. fOUND GUILTY OF RAPE BY 2 SEPARATE juries.

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Democracy Docket has just written an article about:

What’s the Difference Between Voter ID and Proof of Citizenship?


This varries from state to state.

Proof of citizenship documents include passports, birth certificates and naturalization certificates because they prove that someone was born in the U.S. or that they became a U.S. citizen if they were born elsewhere.

Approved forms of voter ID, on the other hand, can include driver’s licenses, passports, military IDs, student IDs, tribal IDs and government-issued IDs. Not all of these things are accepted in every state. Some states do not accept Student IDs for example. Most states require some form of photo ID.

check with vote.org for your voting elegibility and the identification requirements of your state.

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that what he want here isnt it?

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It is imo actually a 4-tier system.... based upon your financial means.

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It's called "obtaining money under false pretenses". Look up the licensing requirements for any profession in your state. Donald is disqualified from even getting a barber's license! The bar to get in the White House is lower than a hairdresser.

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I live in Canada. My life is in danger because of him. So is everyone else's in the world.

I have to shoehorn any compassion into my heart for rubes that want to blow up the world. I understand what Mary is saying. The profile of those who are susceptible to Grumps manipulation are creative people that are extroverts from a Jungian perspective. Not all of them are evil, and we need to be aware of that - they are victims just as much as we are. Perhaps even in a more severe way. But, I definitely have no compassion to the sociopaths who are drawn and which relate to him.

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Your life in Canada is in danger from Poillievre. He is Trump North in sheeps clothing.

Alex Jones has endorsed him........He is pushing for an election quickly.....before people catch on that he is a Magat.

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We are catching on!

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Yes, pointy head is a Grump wannabe, who is a Putin wannabe. In the California rally on Grumps golf course, Grump alluded that he wanted to expand the geographic footprint of the USA. Of course, he is not thinking if it that way. He will probably rename everything to GrumpLand in his vision of a dictatorship, which lhe likely sees as being continental south and north america. Your constitution will cease to exist. GrumpLand will invade other countries with what used to be American armed forces. Putin will do the same with Europe and Asia. Grump and Putin are connected. Putin is the leader of this plan. Both want global domination. Each thinks they can knock the other off once the plan is complete. This election is the turning point of whether all this will happen or not, and which timeline realities will unfold from this point.

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Donable Lector, as the IHIPNEWS girls say.......is the Trojan horse for Heritage's 2025. That is the code word for Democracy is Dead. The only thing stopping Putin is Ukraine. Diaper Don, as you say is a PutinPawn.

Both these bottom feeders are just the devils megachurch megagrift pastors in satanic drag.

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Sep 28·edited Sep 28

(I am Canadian) You are right. I feel sick about that but it's most likely as Pollieve is under the radar for most Canadians. Trump is already looking at our "water" as something to be redirected from the Pacific to the USA.

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Trump did use the giant tap analogy to say that.

Pollieve slides Magat talking points in there using vial speech and temper tantrums like the Orange cult does.

You are right to see that Canadians still have not caught on yet.

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Where do you get that Jungian Creative Extrovert type being susceptible to Trumpy’s bs? I’m that type, as are friends and fellow creatives. He never fooled us. Right from the start: Turned our stomachs. Biggest fraud, Total Jerk, Liar…our Inner Alarm Bells were on High Alert. Like you, we knew he was a wanna be Hitler. Even before the reports Ivana said he kept Mein Kampf in his nightstand.

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Extroverts are people who define themselves in context of others - their approval, direction, definition of things. Introverts are people whose world view is set internally. They couldn't give a shit about what other people think. Once they hear Grumps garbage instructions, they leave and never come back.

It takes a lot of creativity to fill in Grumps word salad and make meaning of it. People who are logical will usually dismiss Grumps transinductions as incoherent ramblings.

Populations are often a 50/50 distribution of extroverts/introverts. Of course, most people are a mix, with a preference for one or the other.

Creativity is another word for pattern matching, like ChatGPT does. If you use a large sample and try to find many things like the large sample, few things will match it. If you use a small sample, you will find lit matches a lot more things because you can fit it in more places. Logical matching uses large samples and filters more things out. Creativity uses smaller sampling that is better at discovering possibilities.

So, look at Grump's followers...how many are loudmouth center of attention people? How many different ways do they come up with to grift and cheat? How bizzare are their stories and merchandise?

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Yes, it's a real oddity, to say the least. To get even low paying jobs, most applicants have to have some form of qualification that indicates the probability that they will be capable of performing the role competently. Yet, to become a politician, there are no selection criteria, no requirement for qualifications, not even a character test to demonstrate a character of service.

When one considers that politicians wield enormous power at any level and that even gaining the highest office in the nation demands no evidence of suitability or fitness, it is somewhat astounding.

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It is disturbing, absolutely disturbing. All these law-degree holding snake oil sales"men".....

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Money. Because he has managed to somehow pay his way out of every situation and has conned others into helping him his entire life. He's the most despicable person in America, blood on his hands and selfish evil intentions in his heart.

I was happy to read that Trump and Vance have been criminally charged by a nonprofit Haitian Alliance in Springfield. Ohio. Basically, these are affidavits filed by citizens which must be Court approved. If approved, the Republican presidential ticket will be arrested and arraigned. Haha! I cannot wait to see how this unfolds. Will he buy his way out of trouble again?

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I just learned a few weeks ago baby Donny was blessed with a new bank account on the day he was born with a first deposit of million dollars in 1946. Be interesting to get the TRUE play by play of his financial situations from birth right up to current. Love to know all the contributions of the grandparents and parents. His grandmother who was the one that started Trump Org must be churning in her grave, though I bet she got a nicer one than Ivana.

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America is to blame

This man is bad news


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Steady there. Dems have been fighting tooth and nail to get this piece of trash tried and imprisoned where he belongs. Kindly qualify comments to accurately represent those responsible without broad-brushing the entire citizenry of our country. Thank you.

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Some Americans are accountable. Democrats are NOT TO BLAME

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That is a broad brush, too - isn't it?

The way that the Democrats have approached dealing with DJT with silk gloves on for way too long finally came to an end - and rightfully so!

I still do not understand the approach by their strategists then. And I find it extremely disappointing, if not an unprofessional mindset, that their "propaganda machine" is not running open wide, announcing what they set out to accomplish, what they accomplished, and what the next objectives are, until it sinks in.

Lastly, Biden was way behind the 8-ball on immigration - why this chance of taking the wind out of DJT sails was not done right from when this Administration took over I do not understand.

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Because Sinema and Manchin refused to abolish or carve out from the 60 votes filibuster rule. It’s a cudgel that requires 60 votes for all non financial bills. And there’s only enough for a majority, and rarely 10 or more republicans willing to allow any bill to pass. That’s why. So the immigration bill was written with most of the republican desires enshrined and still didn’t pass, because trump didn’t want it passed. Doesn’t he understand that now people know it didn’t pass because of the republicans? Craziness.

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Andy, I use to think our laws applied to every single American. Since the orange man, I am discovering that is not true. Until we have unified laws that do apply no matter who you are, you will continue to see politicians and the rich skate by with absolutely no accountability!

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Yeah, I feel the same. It certainly did not help that Grumps last days as president he started appointing judges. What I don't get is how his appointed judges seem to always end up presiding over his cases. Isn't that a conflict of interest, and isn't the way a judge is assigned supposed to be randomized? Grump seems to be always breaking the odds of a lottery. And, then there is Grump having pardoned hundreds of felons. That wasn't a function of the law not being equal, as much as it was him being corrupt A lot of the injustice we have been seeing, when traced back, starts with Grump initiating and ordering it. Otherwise, he uses lawyers to endlessly delay cases so we never see anything get resolved.

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I agree, Andy! It is all so very tiring. I believe most Americans just want to get the orange man out of politics and off center stage! He is a drain on all of us! Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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Even more...what RIGHT did men loose when roevwade was ripped away. We are now less than....

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He knows where the bodies are buried? Maybe he's buried a few himself??

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I blame Rupert Murdoch even more than your uncle.

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And let's not forget the creators of The Apprentice. 🤬

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Read the book, Mary saw the office in 2000, a wayback machine to the 1980's. The producer of the Apprentice deserves a great deal of the blame. BUT go back to Roy Cohn. He enabled Joseph McCarthy, he died of AIDS, and Donny boy would not even go to his funeral

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I'll have to see about putting it on my kindle. Thanks for the Info.

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I just read a short story about Cohn. ICKY.

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Evil incarnate.

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Birds of a feather!

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Two of a kind!

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Distributed Blame...

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Absolutely no compassion for the poor ones who bought into his nonsense. If they're old enough to buy stocks, they're old enough to read. If they're old enough to read, they're old enough to check sources. They had plenty of time to learn about him. He's made the national news often enough, from his failed Atlantic City casino and all the other fraudulent activity he's been involved in or instigated. Grown-ass adults should know better, I don't care how much or how little money they have. They CHOSE to be ignorant. They can CHOOSE to feel sorry for themselves, cause it ain't coming from me.

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A very smart woman in our family always said “if you can’t draw a picture of it or describe it in one sentence, you shouldn’t invest in it”. I don’t feel sorry for ppl who invested in something as foolish as this.

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I am not proud about what it says about me, but honestly Mary, I don’t care if your felonious scumbag uncle bleeds every single one of his supporters dry, either. Anyone who doesn’t know of his criminal nature by now, is willfully ignorant.

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It also hurts those around them.

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Sometimes I still have to give my brain a shake to remind myself that yes, this guy has been president and there are millions of people who want a repeat of that. How the hell.

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Incredible how many are so Gullible and Naive!

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Yes, some are just kind of, okay I’ll say it, uneducated, not very smart, etc. Those people are frustrating. But the ones I have contempt for are some of the ones I know who aren’t stupid at all and still think Donald is better for their portfolio or that Harris is “too liberal,” or they are plain and simply racist and they like the idea of the damn “good ole days.”

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And if that were not bad enough, there's nothing that could prevent someone just like him from making the public swoon and becoming president.

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Unbelievably evil

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So true, Kay.

Thank you, Mary. 💙

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Pure cruelty on his part and also stupidity on the part of those who get involved with him; I feel sorry for anyone exploited by this truly evil man but if they haven’t learned by now who and what he is, when will they? I hope some decent class action lawyer puts together a lawsuit for all of them to try to recoup their money from his supposed billions. He certainly deserves it! Everything and nearly everyone he gets close to gets destroyed! There will be years of lawsuits once he s done. See Trump Vance being charged with criminal counts by Springfield Haitian groups and good for them! Yet more jail time s a comin’ for the dumbo duo!

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I am looking forward to the day when I can open up a news website without fear of reading about a new scam, or outrageous lie, or any of the millions of crooked distortions of the Truth uttered by this Scourge, Trump. Let's pray that day comes soon.🙏🙏

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I've said since the end of 2020 that I looked forward to being able to wake up in the morning without wondering, "What fresh hell has he unleashed upon us overnight?" There have been some sucky presidents in my lifetime, but none of them made me worry like that.

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2020 could be remembered as the beginning of the ''decade horribilis'', oh wait it started in 2016. And 2026 is not far away.

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I was listening to a podcast once that discussed biases. There’s one called the Confidence Bias where so many of us are more liable to believe a confident liar than a hesitant truth teller. The only way to overcome this tendency is to research the facts. Thank you Mary for giving us so many facts.

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Fifty years ago I got taken in by a grifter and I still remember my naivety. That helps me have compassion for some now.

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It probably also keeps you from being duped again.

Trump's people have been getting duped since 2015 (when he claimed he didn't need donations to run his campaign, because he was "rich, very very rich") If they haven't figured it out yet, they definitely drop to the bottom of my "give a flying fuck about them" list.

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Yes... that's the main struggle for me too.

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A line in a song from Fiddler on the Roof is, “When You’re Rich They Think You Really Know”. Superficial dt looks rich to his swarm of followers. Therefore they think he is smart. He’s not. He’s vile & foxy. He loves that story about the snake because he IS the snake. It’s one of his tells. He recites it & the magas cheer. As a result dt thinks himself quite smart because he has manipulated his swarm. And therefore he rightfully thinks less of them.

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A snake for sure

Happy I am Canadian

Americans are dumb believing in this snake

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Please don't lump us all as being idiot Magats. When Trump is dead and roàsting, there will be family and friends, we still won't have anything to do with. My teenage Grands will never date anyone being a Repug., a Maga, or a member of the GOP. And before I go: I'd never assume allCanadians are dumb. Personally, I think Canadians are wonderful people.

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Dude..........Poillievre is Trump North and sounds to me like you need a major wake up call.

You are dumb for saying that about Americans. Start looking after your own backyard.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

Well You better hope that we aren't all as "dumb" as you are implying. If Donald J Trump gets elected you'd be very naive to think that you won't be effected. My relatives in Montreal and Nova Scotia are very concerned right now.

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You are clearly anti American and engage in her than thou ism. But Canada has right wingers also. And Boris took over Britain and supported Brexit. I'm a dual HS UK citizen. Canadians are mostly lucky.

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Toole is clued out totally. An slap in the face of Canada.........Trump North wanna be Poillievre has been using MAGA talking points for a long time. He is the slimmy little bully that sat in the back of the class. Progressives north of the border are preparing to fight back against him.

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"Americans"? as in all of them? I am going to assume you misspoke. The alternative cause is bigotry.

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Toole speaks for .00000000000000001% of Canadians

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How could anyone say he looks rich? His suits are baggy, made from cheap fabric, and he probably buys them off the rack two sizes too big because he thinks that will disguise his corpulence. He always looks like an unmade bed and never buttons his suitcoat. His hair and makeup are just plain silly-looking. How could anyone look at him and see money and class?

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Excellent reporting on how devious and uncaring this man is and how terribly abusive to the people who are blind to this kind of skallywagging! He knows exactly what he is doing and he doesn't care. Thank you, Mary, for your courage and ability to call him out!

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I do dismiss their pain as they dismiss mine. I feel no sympathy for these people who gleefully seek to harm and destroy people like me and other vulnerable minorities. They may be poor or elderly or mentally ill, but that doesn’t excuse their hatred and the damage they’ve done. Many, many people have died needlessly because of them and they deserve the shame and scorn heaped upon them.

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Another bankruptcy not surprising.

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In addition to Donald Trump creating a character that he is, the media has decided that they want to pump out that character as the real Donald Trump. They ignore his incoherent pronouncements, his countless lies and misinformation, his insults and disrespect, his cheating of the American people, but keep playing his rants as though they are worthy of coverage; they're not. What our media don't realize is that Trump thinks they are scum unless they cover him as the "genius he claims he is and the brilliant politician he thinks he is. Trump has lost touch with reality a long time ago, but alas, the grifter never seems to go away. I can't help but wonder if Donald Trump is on some kind of drugs that are making him rant in such loud insanity. It is different from his pre-debate insanity. His whining that he will protect women, serial number immigrants, and other garbage like that is so off the wall it is sickening. I can't help think of those drugs that make people keep going when they have nothing left to say, but make up more anyway. It really is nuts!

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Adderall is what has fueled this demented demon yet he doesn't seem to be subjected to drug testing like most convicted felons. The two-tier justice system continues to protect the most dangerous and unhinged madman while the media continues to enable him.

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Rick, it seems whatever Trump blames on someone else, he is actually doing. I suspected he was wearing an earpiece or wire because of the way he functions, but now, I'm pretty sure since he claimed Harris was doing it. I do believe there are drugs involved and I wonder when he is going to start accusing Kamala Harris of doing drugs. He is not acting "normal" even within the framework of his increasing dementia and the media just keep pumping out Trump's lies, insults, and fascist rhetoric as though there is some "normality" to it; there isn't.

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Ruth, yes and it is called Projection.

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Exactly!!! Doesn't it make you sick? So pitifully stupid but so obviously transparent to anyone with good sense, but the press keeps giving him time without any reason. WHY???

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

Spot on Ruth.

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Astute observation Ruth!!!!

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What this idiot, and many, many men forget: WOMEN, birthed every single one of them - The ones who beat us, rape us, take our money, hold us hostage, abuse us over and over. The republicans have their head way up my uterus too...and that's weird.

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Yep, they're gonna be some people trading double wides for shacks and some trading shacks for tents.

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