When is it clear to the DoJ that he (Musk) is a domestic terrorist? When will his government contracts be cancelled? When will his citizenship be revoked for unAmerican activities? This goes beyond freedom of speech to threats to murder democracy. It can’t be overstated.

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And his security clearances need to be REVOKED!!!

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Yes, indeed. I would have had my security clearance revoked in a heartbeat. Then probably fired. The oath i took 32 years ago when i started was sacred to me.

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Donald and his bankroller Schmukz by now both would have had their citizenships revoked for crimes against the state If the justice system had actually worked. Simple math says that if big man took $ 100 billion of his stash and showered it upon 100 million voters, each person would get $1000 per their vote. The power of money is gargantuan in opposition to the common good. We need to vote in the Dem ticket

total ballot and then deal with the reprisals from the reactionaries as fast as they are flung.

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Schmukz doesn't have a scientific thought in his big head, else he wouldn't put down real scientists about climate disaster and public safety. Besides, the decrepit contraptions that he unleashes on the world are "unsafe at any speed".

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I forget if it was Tesla or SpaceX, a while back when he bought Twitter someone who worked at one of the two did some interviews. They said the only reason the company didn't go under when he bought it out from under the founders was that management had a system to avoid implementing his insane ideas. The people at Twitter didn't realize that was needed.

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Thank you, RuthKub. Here's a prime example of how big money, in this instance from Musk's windfall profit from PayPal, can ruin a promising company by malfeasance from an unschooled and manipulative firebrand. Musk is way overrated as a businessman, and it shows in the highly erratic performances of his enterprises.

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Thank you, apparently tRump and musk went to the same school of greed.

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Absofreakinglutely. Like-yesterday!!!!!!

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Why does he have security clearances?

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Good question!

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What agency confers these?

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He owns Space X. He launches most of our military satellites. He launches a lot of our scientific satellites.

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I guess it’s unavoidable…

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I didn’t think he was a citizen when both parents were born out of Country he in Africa.

He’s friends with Putin has multi Fed Gov Contract that should’ve been canceled when he started playing politics with the state of California & Governor Newsom, that’s when all this started when he moved to Texas, he became very odd.

Musk Disowning his oldest because they chose to be identified as a girl that Musk disapproved.

Musk shutting down Starlink over Ukraine because Putin asked him to that should’ve been red flag several years ago!

It seem like these millionaires and billionaires are always wanting more money, power nothing is ever good enough for them always more.

Twitter has become a right wing extremist site.

These big Media Co are to blame for Republican Party, Musk attacks on our Election not reporting on it. Musk has an endgame he doesn’t do anything without gaining something?

Do you think he’s helping Russia? Like When he shutdown Starlink over Ukraine.

I feel like we as a Country are losing our Democracy right in front of our eyes. Our election & Country is so fragile!

I read 35% of Americans will vote for


That sad no matter their reason.

I’ve cried too many times about DJT getting into our WH again.

I fear for my grandchildren that they will not have the same right as we have in the past.

Look at the countries that Donald Trump looks at as strong? Will they interfere in our elections? I think they’re going to try. We MUST have a strong & secure election.

Even Musks mother is as bad spreading advice how to vote illegally blaming the Democrats. I find these people sick. There’s something wrong and with their brain.

In America we have 250m voters only 150m that voted in 2020, 35% lean hard right! Only 80m voted for Biden granted it was enough however why would so many Americans vote for a convicted felon, THEIF, adjudicated rapist, a fraud and a person that caused an insurrection? that right there should make at least half of those Americans Not vote for him again.

Look at all the election deniers who are working in official positions in the elections in seven or eight states with Corp Media staying quiet about it & why?

What I read today was Arizona is leaning towards DJT how is that even possible?

Sorry for my Rant I don’t get have convo with family anymore since DJT. my family have been poisoned by his lies. I will not speak politics with them anymore after a year of not talking I can’t do that again. I lost my daughter to cancer six months ago and I swore I would not let anything come in between my family again not even him. He’s destroyed a lot of families in this country mine was one of them and it’s so sad. Fox News lies cont even after their lawsuit. Which should’ve been more $ as they have not stopped.

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Rant on, Nana. So sorry to hear of your daughter. And I completely understand wanting to keep in touch with other family members. I have a dear friend who is walking that tightrope too. Peace and Love from a stranger.

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My heart breaks for the loss of your daughter, Nana. I don’t know how we can convince the Trumpers that they are being had. My brother is a Trumper and I suspect that he really doesn’t know what it will mean for him since Trump is “his people” and that he only watches Fox News because it supports his beliefs. My heart breaks for all those lost to the Trump cult.

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Musk is now a naturalized US citizen. Ugh.

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They should revoke his citizenship and ship him back to So. Africa.

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Garland was placed in the DOJ to do exactly what he's doing....nothing. I blame Biden

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He is doing something. But it could all happen at a faster pace!

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He is only corralling the foot soldiers. Anyone above that so far is free as a bird. If he had started on Trump right away perhaps he would be in jail by now instead of a major candidate for President. He is a MAJOR disappointment

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I couldn’t agree more. I really hate feeling Biden has not done everything he could as POTUS to protect our democracy and Americans, especially women. Garland is Biden’s biggest mistake that he refuses to address. He should have been replaced by Sally Yates after it was clear Garland was not interested in protecting America from homegrown fascist. We shouldn’t be dealing with Trump at all, especially in a presidential election. We shouldn’t have Scott Perry R-PA, up to his neck in investigations be up for reelection or any of the 147 members of Congress who committed treason by refusing to certify the 2020 election? Who we know through others with first hand knowledge and testimony of the men and women involved in the January 6th coup been let off scot free to run for public office again?

These people are criminals we need protection from. They are openly promoting fascism and committing crimes that are out in the open while Garland turns a blind eye. The pay-offs certain members of the Supreme Court have happily availed themselves to with zero consequences for decades.

Now we know Trump gave Putin testing equipment during the pandemic for his personal use while Americans died? Treason again and completely ignored by the DOJ. I’m sure then AG Bill Barr signed off on that move. What the heck is going on? We need a rules based approach to these vile things. The laws have been shredded, our country is on life support, it’s the MSM’s fault. If we survive this most recent attack on our democracy, accountability is first on the list to bring back sanity and order to society. The MSM will become irrelevant with only themselves to blame.

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DOJ. Forget about election interference. Do the peoples work or step down. Declare Trump and Musk "foreign agents." These two psychos are the Chernobyl Twins. Just what we want, somebody on the spectrum with a chaotic idiot 6th grader.

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Nothing wrong with being on the spectrum. That said, he doesn't belong as the owner of (what once was) one of the most popular social media platforms on the internet. If he hadn't been born with a silver spoon in his mouth he might have ended up in a supervised living situation. His buddy the orange clown needs that as well.

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Blame McConnell. If it wasn't for him Garland would be on the Supreme Court. He is doing something, but IMO Jack Smith should have been appointed on Day One of his taking office as AG.

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Exactly my sentiments!!! WHEN! Maybe we should inundate the JD with just that!

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Most likely because he owns X/Twitter & Starlink. Piss him off and he can &/or will cut the government, stock market, or anyone off. Silent blackmailing.

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He should have his citizenship revoked and he should be deported back to So Africa. He has a Tesla plant in SE Austin, Tx and the waste water from the plant was being dumped in Texas’ Colorado River, which flows down to the gulf. He had to pay a fine, but I’m pretty sure it didn’t hurt his pocket book. He’s a pig. However, in Texass money talks and bs walks.

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I've been battling with this. On the one hand, I agree that anyone receiving the amount of money Musk is from government contracts should not be participating in the undermining of our democracy. I think the government should rethink those contracts.

However, I also do not want to live in a country where the government cancels contracts because of someone's politics.

That damned 1st Amendment sure complicates things!

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“X” out your Twitter account for good.

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I did that when he took over!

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10 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

me too and I wish powerful people on the Left would. I don't even understand why so many influential people still post to their X accounts when they are diametrically opposed to Elon Musk.

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So did I….👍

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It is amazing to me that those who are anti-mind litter, continue to post on it, to stay relevant, abreast of things, informed, whatever the rationale is. Litter should be as relevant as truth social. Don’t particularly understand why some other venue couldn’t usurp litters market.

Maybe the argument would be that it would only further silo information sources, but if some major influencers switched and stayed away and draw the traffic with them, as that occurred, maybe litter could have financials similar to truth social; the difference being that

the jumping bean can personally afford to find it infinitum.

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My daughters would love to leave it. Unfortunately it’s the only way their favourite bands spread early info about their tours. But they use it for nothing else.

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Good advice, but no need for me - I never had one.

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Me, neither.

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Good for you!

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Without twitter, Mary wouldn’t have a big enough platform to spew her hatred for her uncle. It’s ironic that her uncle will protect her first amendment right to tweet her fits of rage😂🤡

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Her uncle protects no one, Melanie.

You are fooling yourself if you think Donald protects anyone.

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

I though that there was a law for that. Title 18 U.S. Code 597 Expenditures to Influence Voting.

Whoever makes or offers to make an expenditure to any person, either to vote or withhold his vote, or to vote for or against any candidate; and

"Whoever solicits, accepts, or receives any such expenditure in consideration of his vote or the withholding of his vote—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both."

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 721; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147; Pub. L. 104–294, title VI, § 601(a)(12), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3498.

IANAL...but I looked this up just now because I had a strong hunch.

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Yeah, bribes for votes is illegal

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So where are the charges piled on Garland s desk with the rest of the Trump charges going nowhere?

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Ps that is impressive research proof on the law! Thank you for posting! Didn’t mean to be so sarcastic ; my frustration s with DOJ not with your excellent research! Apologies for the tone; directed at Garland not you.

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All I know about this is what Mary writes: that Musk is "handing out $47 in cash to voters." The statute seems to require a quid pro quo on the part of the recipient: to agree to vote or not vote for or against any candidate. That may be lacking here, so Mary may be right that it is "maybe-legal-but-sketchy-anyway." As a lawyer, I cannot say anything more definitive without knowing more about Musk's actions and studying how the statute has been interpreted.

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Maybe you should think and observe the current state of our country with your own free will. Mary Trump is not someone to get the WHOLE story from. She has an extremely biased opinion of Musk, RJKjr, Donald Trump and family, etc. etc…..

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Let’s spread that information! I wasn’t aware of it!

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Thank you

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I hate them both so much. Not sure why the government continues to do business with Elmo. He is the jumping errerror I mean walking definition of a security risrisk.

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For sure!!

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Agreed, but let's not disrespect the sweet little furry monster. Sesame Street is a thousand times better than Creeplon Musty

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Having left Twitter when the first wave of ‘we are all leaving’ happened, I am so sad to see so many still are utilizing the platform. I get that it is entrenched in our communication style and it’s a reliable method to get news out quickly. I do not think the poisonous environment and lies and treachery of Elon Musk is worth it. To me, it’s much like turning your channel to Fox News….which I will never do. We vote every day with how we use our attention. Thank you Mary for providing us a safe space with real information and truth. ❤️

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On the other hand, Donald has a dab hand of discarding his sycophants in the end. See Roy Cohn: Cohn molded Donald into John Gotti in a darker blue suit. But when Cohn got AIDS, Donald left him to die alone. Donald will take … then toss under the nearest bus.

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I read a story yesterday about when Cohn was sick, and Donald gave him some "diamond" cufflinks. Roy showed them to Ivana, and she told him they were pewter and cubic zirconia and cheap and remarked that Donald had no class or something like that. It sounds right to me, trying to pass on a gift as diamond and silver.

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This is not an election about different political positions or policies. This is an election between right and wrong. There is no way in hell that voting for a misogynist racist convicted felon is the right thing to do. I sure hope there are enough of us to overcome the misogyny, the racism, and the stupidity of the democracy haters on the other side.

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And let us not forget a sexual assaulter, which as the judge remarked later would be commonly known as rape in that case. It is just that weird NY law the specifies some distinction in what is considered rape. I hope they change that.

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I’m curious as to when the announcement will come out that musk has bought truth, social, so that Trump can talk to his followers from inside prison without any problem.

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Musk has not actually “built a fortune” in the conventional sense. He was born wealthy and lucked without actually building much of anything. He then took over Tesla from it's original owners and may have helped the company grow for a time, but he is now driving it into the ground. SpaceX is a special case, and this company really does appear to be accomplishing things, but it seems self-evident that this is despite Elon, not because of him.

I find it hard to believe polls reporting of a very close race between a serious NORMAL candidate and an indicted lifelong career criminal and fraud untethered to reality and his fast talking partner that admits he lies to gain attention.

My bigger fear is of the GOP controlled states as they do all they can to obstruct and intimidate voters.

Anyway, I believe things are going to go very well 🙏

Harris and Walz brought us optimism and hope. They've reminded Americans that together, we can do anything. There's no stopping us now!

I can't wait to celebrate Harris/Walz epic victory wearing this great "We the People means EVERYONE" shirt on November 5th 👇


I'll be celebrating in the streets like everyone else.

It's gonna be a glorious day!

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You are so much more diplomatic than I am, and as a libra that is saying an awful lot because generally, I am very olive branch type person. However, my yard signs will start to say Trump lost ha ha fucking ha on November 6 or whenever that announcement comes.

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Me, too - Libras rule! So is Kamala.

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Yeah but then again, so is Putin and his birthday is October 7

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Trump didn't build his "wealth" in the conventional sense, either. Most of it was inherited from his father's estate, a lot from government housing grants, political supporter "donations", and the rest by (I'm pretty sure) grift. There's nothing so easy to spend as others' money. And how many times has DJT bankrupted his own projects? Why can't people see the writing on the wall? It's there in dollars, cents, and DJT's other nonsense.

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That's probably why they like each other so much. Birds of a feather and all that.

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As far as I can tell, SpaceX is successful as you say, but also due in no small part to Gwen Shotwell, the driving force.. rationally.. and probably the only Musk employee to last this long. No, make that definitely.

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No wonder trump likes musk - birds of a feather… (with apologies to real birds).

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I love your optimism. I posted on here on another comment I wasn’t so optimistic. I started looking at some of the stats I don’t know if I should even believe the polls or not. I remember Hillary & DJT. I’m sorry I don’t mean to be pessimistic after reading DJT up in Arizona polls. I don’t understand how some Americans are so blind.

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Polls are useless, given that they're never reported with the sample size and demographic breakdown. Until that changes they're best ignored.

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Yes, I remember Hillary and the DJT...she's the one who got cheated due to DOJ and I'm so worried, but I still BELIEVE...

Trump is not really campaigning because his rallies are his stand-up comedy routine of nonscience because he believes he has the election stacked up in his favor with all the issues he's created with the vote count and MUSK'S money.

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Not to mention he can barely form coherent words any more. I'm sure part of the reason he's staying out of the public eye is because the campaign has figured out that the more people see him the more they realize he's fit for a nursing home rather than the Oval Office.

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I agree with you 100% it’s seems like people still have a reluctance to vote for a woman president. I believe we’re just about the only country in the world that has never had a woman except for autocratic countries of course.

I believe DJT is unfit to be in any office. It just seems these damn Corp Media Co are scared to call him on his lies!!

Thank you

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We all need to IGNORE THE POLLS. If they were accurate HRC would have won in 2016. The media needs to either contextualize them with the method (how many people in the sample size, how they were chosen/contacted, etc) or shut up about them. The numbers alone are meaningless.

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God, I hope you are right...I'm scared...

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Here's why trump will unfortunately win.

The corporate media is afraid of him and feed on drama.

Black people will elect a racist and white supremacist because they think it will lead to more handouts and the idea that they will be elevated to a middle class lifestyle. Good luck with that.

Frustrated, depressed, self deprecating, medicated white suburban women want to pay .50 less for a gallon of gas and $1. less for a dozen eggs because they think it will be good for their family. They're getting wrinkled and bored with life. They're fine with trump grabbing them by the pussy because their husbands won't. They never could be empathetic and see the big picture.

Elderly retired people with no formal education think trump will do what? I have no fucking idea. They're uninformed, uneducated idiots living on social security and they want to squeeze another $50 of disposable income out of their SSI check to get dressed up and have dinner at Red Lobster every month, and they think trump will enable it and also get rid of the migrants who are depleting our land, buying up homes and benefiting from government benefits meant for them. These old fucks are bitter, dangerous, and cruel.

I think you'll be depressed on your sofa, not celebrating in the streets.

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Hello Marcus,

I am a Black man, a former US Marine and American citizen who takes exception at your claims.

I, like ALL of my peers am professionally employed and like most people here in the states, know that there are more white folks in aggregate taking "handouts," be they corporate, welfare, bribes or otherwise, than any other ethnic group in this country.

I take particular exception to: "Black people will elect a racist and white supremacist because they think it will lead to more handouts and the idea that they will be elevated to a middle class lifestyle. Good luck with that."

Son, I will stomp a mudhole in your rotten anus. Who are YOU to speak for all Black persons as though we were monolithic when you aren't even Black?

You the "Great White Hope" come to save us all? Naw. I don't think so. Not you. Not with your limited mental capacty.

You sir are an insult to the American people and an insult to yourself. Racism makes you stupid and you sir, are the living proof of that.

Why, I wouldn't trust you to put butter on bread.

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Musk is a bad business person…but I don’t think he’s THAT bad. Is he?

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He is positively evil acting the way he does now and firing masses of employees when took over twitter.

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Don't give them any ideas. Ha ha.

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I thought it was pretty swift idea myself thank you very much

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You're welcome. I don't think they read this anyway, so it's safe.

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

Good Day Mary, Team & All Decent, Mentally Aware Americans.

2024 is the new 1939 Germany in America.

Keep Up Your Great and Patriotic Work Mary.

Soon, we will know if enough voters care about the truth.

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Mom grew up in Germany during WWII, when he did his Golden Escalator Stunt she said "That man is a Fascist and if he gets into office we're in very big trouble!" And look what happened.

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The enablers of Trump and Musk are part of this active intention to destroy our Republic and make the planet a playground for the sociopathic oligarchs and dictators.

Inheriting wealth with no moral compass is a sure path to insanity.


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Great line, "Inheriting wealth with no moral compass is a sure path to insanity". Nailed it.

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If I remember right wealth above a certain level is a risk factor for developing sociopathic tendencies. These people need to be heavily taxed for their own good.

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So once again, we have an exclusivly self-serving individual, Musk-playing a conservative, doing exactly what he had accused "others" of doing, he's taken over X as his personal platform. He, or his minions, have posted more on X than probably all the posts on Truth Social. And filtering out anything negative to Trump. X is now a Maga-fest!

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Where is the money going, very few ads, no billboards, not paying the rally venues. The only payment seems to be 10$ a rally goer but the must stay 20 minutes and take a picture of start of Rally to get paid.

Guess he needs to pay his legal bills- interest on the big one is 110,000$/day....

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Musk is mini-me mypillowguy

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Much wealthier, smarter, better connected, and therefore infinitely more dangerous

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More like a Maxi-Me!

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I thought it was illegal to actually give voters $ to facilitate their voting support.

Thank you, Mary. 💙

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Just water and sandwiches, for sure.

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They made it illegal to pass out water to voters in mile long lines.

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Watching from afar... frightening combination I recon.

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Yesterday on Facebook a person stated that FEMA can't help with the hurricanes because it is out of money. When I replied that this was a lie, she said she knows it is true because Elon Musk himself said so on X. I replied with a factual article from USA Today. It was all I could think to do.

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Keep up the great work Fran! We need to keep putting the truth out there!

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