It’s amazing that when one is a politician, one can participate in sedition and can get away with it. None of them are thrown in jail and barred from running in public office. None.

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Oh, that's not at all true. There are hundreds of politicians in prison right now in Russia and China.

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touche! and that is what the orange one wants to do with his enemies; basically anyone he disagrees with!

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Do these hate based magats think that "immigrants...anyone who is not orange.... are going to just stand there and

have nazis imprint a number on their arms????? Then round up their wives and kids, stuff them in rail cars for deportation??? Maggot Militas are not the only ones that have AR15s and stored ammunition.......

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Trump would love that. It would give him an excuse to invoke the insurrection act and all sorts of other crazy stuff.

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I'm praying Kamala wins in a landslide!💙🙏🏿💙

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He can’t invoke the insurrection act when he’s not president. He’s a private citizen and only the president can do that.

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Thank God!

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Trump just said he wants to give them all "serial numbers." Next he'll propose tattooing their arms so they can't hide who they are.

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When was the first time Donable Lector told the truth???? Jennifer on IHIPNEWS nails it when she says Donable is the Trojan Horse for 2025.

Did he not have a copy of Mein Kamph beside his bed? Orban is his hero.

We all do need to pray for freedom and to keep Kamala Harris safe from Maggot filth. The entire democratic free world needs Kamala Harris.

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I don’t know why Conold would have any book beside the bed. I doubt the idiot knows how to read.

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Horses are the best💙 Love them.

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Or just shoot them.

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As we get closer to the election, Trump in his desperation for fear of losing the election and going to prison, he is now openly telling us he will send federal military forces into American cities, make this the last Presidential election, jail his political enemies and journalists and put migrants in detention camps and deport them.

BUT Trump is the REAL convicted felon here. He was found guilty. He should go to jail. Between that, trying to intimidate the Georgia election official, Jan6, the misuse of campaign funds, and all of the adultery, I’d say he’s getting worse than jail time when he meets his maker.

In fact, this "isn't it past your jail time?" t-shirt will NEVER get old 👇 🤣


We can’t afford to allow Trump to win!

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DJT will lose by at least 8-11 million votes, so why does the Electoral College have so much say? Congress needed to change that long ago. If DJT gets in, that means a terrorist, felon, and traitor would be president. How un-American & un-Constitutional. -- p.s.- Yell 'fire' in a crowded theatre and get arrested; but DJT lies, and causes threats, death and destruction with his words, and 'nothing' happens to him. WHY? He should plainly be in jail- period!

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Joe, I was discussing this very thing on Professor Reich's substack. Once we get Kamala in the White House, I am concentrating every bit of my effort into getting the electoral college abolished and America chooses their president by popular vote. So many Americans do not vote and when asked their reply most often is "Why bother? My vote doesn't count." When just a handful of "swing" states decide who the president is going to be many just don't vote because they feel they don't count. That is so very wrong. All Americans' voices should be heard when it comes to selecting the leader of their country! No wonder so many people feel it is okay to disparage whoever occupies the White House. They do not feel connected. They feel others are running the show. I will work very hard to get as many Americans as possible to demand Congress end the electoral college and move to the popular vote. In the meantime, vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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I think a lot of it is because a lot of people with power in this country can see that he's at least one standard deviation below the mean and they think it would be bad form to attack him, or treat him like a normal criminal.

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C'mon, vendor of over-priced ugly T-Shirts. There's no justice rendered postmortem. When Diaper Donnie has consumed his final Taco Bell Big Cheez-It® Crunchwrap Supreme® Combo and perishes, he will have escaped scot-free, leaving the still-living to clean up his countless messes.

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Will Satan have enough room in hell for the Orange Pedophile? The place must be getting crowded down there.....Epstein will have to move over and make some extra room.

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He'll be in purgatory, trying to figure out why he can't get in. Unroll that scroll of 78 years worth of lies. God doesn't/won't have time to listen to his 40,000 plus lies.

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Matthew 7:23 And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'

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Aren’t you the cutest little doombot!

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They couldn't even get the correct Georgia (state vs country) down. This is who we want protecting our country? Geography matters.

🤣 🤣. I know, not funny, but i want a President that knows what country or state, SHE’S in !! VOTE 2024 Blue all the way.

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I call them resistors not politicians. Fascists like Donald Trump enjoy putting resistors in prison. And finally, they’ll come for you.

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Not in the States was what Sherman was talking about I presume.

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DJT said today that he will not run in 2028 if DJT loses in 2024.... Well DJT will either be Dead, in Prison, or in Moscow...

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That is one way to not run again 😂

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The third option….they'll bleed him for every bit of classified info (he probably remembers incorrectly), then they’ll give him some of the special underwear they gave to Navalny. ….Had poison on the fabric, absorbed through the skin.

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Hahahahahahaha! Janis, any country trying to get classified information from the orange man deserves anything that happens to them because of whatever he told them!! He would never get any of it right! Also, it would have to be a special diaper because that is what he wears!

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Agreed, Peggy. Forgot about his special leak proof undies. He would get information all screwed up. I think he was sitting at his desk in the Oval Office when he was announcing a new - “super duper” - submarine, or jet. He actually said super duper. Special words from a “stable genius”. Almost as good as his sharpie pen changing the course of a hurricane. Or wanting to drop a nuke in the center of a hurricane “to kill it”. Or, Kanye West’s “big boy”visit to his office, giving him advice.. So sweet that they could have their dysfunctional episodes together. And Kanye typed in his cellphone PIN number right in front of a camera pointed at him, which showed his PIN number was: 123456. Wasn’t that special? Oh gee, what good times. And President Biden has been so boring, doing his job as a real President. I would bet President Biden and Kamala Harris cracked up when eating in the dining room next to the Oval, while recalling J6 testimony about DT temper tantrums throwing food plates with ketchup against the walls. I hope every single detail of DT’s petulant child behavior is recorded in history books. And the children reading them will say “what the heck was wrong with our grandparents that they elected such an obviously completely inept idiot”? Good question.

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Extremely well said, Janis!

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What a perfect response! Love the writing.

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Woke up in middle of night, and that’s what I was doing…remembering DT’s absolutely absurd administration. Not normally what I do. I usually go right back to sleep.

Needed to set a calendar timer for something I just remembered that I almost forgot about, but my fingers wandered over to Mary Trump article. Am I saying my fingers have a mind of their own? I wouldn’t doubt it? Hmmmm….so that’s how those cookies get in to my mouth! Rascals!

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Just thinking Kanye’s PIN number might have been 000000, and not 123456. Anyway it was something like that. Anyone recall? I don’t want to misstate anything, if I can help it.

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That's lie # one million he's told.

He's running again. Fool me once, fool me twice. I don't buy it.

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DJT is very Visibly Deteriorating Mentally, and Physically... Imagine how DJT will be in 4-Years... I believe that it was once said, 'History Repeats Itself first as Tragedy, and then as Farce'....

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Love that saying. So we have had ten years of DT farce so far. What’s next? What is beyond farce? I can’t take anymore of that menace. Where is the planetary eject button?

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Once we get past this election, putting MAGA in our rear view mirror, there are many things like the “speech and debate” clause that need judicial review. This is a clause in the Constitution intended to prevent members of Congress from being harassed for ‘official comments’

The problem is how badly it is abused of late.

By no manner of imagination is Lindsay Graham talking about voting in Nebraska ‘official comments’

It is also the excuse Jim Jordan, former speaker McCarthy and others used to ignore congressional subpoenas.

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Amazing isn’t it

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Yup. Makes you wonder what they actually do in Congress

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That is very simple. They work for one thing, getting re-elected.

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Absolutely. That is IT.

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So true, Jim! From the minute they take the oath all they care about is being re-elected! They don't do one bit of work for the people that put them in that office!

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19 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs ago

That and the money and benefits.

I was chauffering my brother's kids when they were younger, & from the mouths of teenagers, " you're making all that money", while i am now a retired federal employee, i looked at them and said, "I only make x amount of money, i don't have a cushy job". That shut them up pretty quick.

That's how most people view federal employees.

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It is my opinion federal employees do not make nearly enough! Think of all the crap they have to put up with! I view federal employees like I do firefighters, teachers and first responders. They keep the wheels of our government turning. Kudos to you, Lisa! You are appreciated.

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So all politicians are utterly evil and Congress has never passed a single piece of legislation, ever, in its entire history.

You’re a very dim troll, troll.

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Well this current MAGA Congress is the last productive at least back to 1973.


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I see you are a deep thinker way beyond my ability to understand.

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Yup. The gravy train was that good

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Yes Mr Sanders the politician's first responsibility is to get elected, ie. acquire power. Everything else is secondary because without power there is no point to it all. Nothing gets done without power. Why is this simple truism a surprise to you? However to say that they work for "one thing, getting re-elected" is ludicrous. Where have you been? Once they acquire power they enact policies. And that is the whole raison d'etre.

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It is a beautiful theory, but let’s look at the current Congress. How much ‘policy’ have they enacted. Sure they have passed ‘some’ legislation, but most of that is either extremely partisan bills they know will never advance, or things like naming post offices or minting commemorative coins.

This Congress is on its third speaker, having taken 15 rounds to initially elevate Speaker McCarthy.

The republicans in this Congress came in demanding passage of 12 separate budget bills, no omnibuses, and no continuing resolutions. They have failed at that.

They are without question the least productive Congress ever.

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Moving Joy Around, what I said is not a "theory." It is a simple fact of life for a politician in a democracy. If he or she doesn't get elected into the Congress they then do not have even the potential, not even the possibility to make policy. As for this congress over the last four years, Joe Biden has managed to get through Congress the biggest infrastructure bills since Ike in the 1950s.

I agree the Republicans have done their best to stand in the doorways and clog up the halls. But this is not an indication that the institution of representative democracy has failed us. The institution is still as sound as it ever was. What we have been witnessing is actual modern Republican policy. Their billionaire donors want them to stop anything from happening because they understand that the only other center of power in America besides corporations, is the government. They fear government regulation and hate paying taxes. So, because they know their servants in the Congress are not numerous enough to pass tax policies which benefit the rich, like the tax policy Trump pushed through; their orders to their government servants is to gum up the works. Don't let anything happen. Remember Reagan's "eleven deadliest words: I am from the government and I am here to help." And Reagan's campaign motto: "Government is not the solution to the problem. Government is the problem."

We are witnessing Republican policy. The institution has not failed American citizens. The Republican Party has failed to serve the 99.9% of citizens who are not morbidly rich.

There are indications that, as Edmund Burke pointed out, in the 18th century "democracy has a tendency to elevate mediocre people into positions of power." Those indications have names: Manchin, Sinema, Menendez, Tuberville, Goetz, Boebert, Jordan, Johnson, Kennedy, Margery Taylor Three Toes, and the most obvious of all, Trump.

Burke may be smiling. But democracy is still alive and kikkin.

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Thank you for your well throughout, logical, lecture. I guess I’m just very slow to recognize simple truisms.

Simple truisms? Hmmmm.

Since I work in a world of complexity and chaos theories I guess I just forgot simple truisms exist. I wonder why Socrates didn’t recognize this world of super truisms? Hmmmmm. So many questions.

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Collect paychecks on our dime, collect bribes.According to the highly reliable Congressman Matt Gaetz, have cocaine-fueled sex orgies.

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That shouldn't be the way it is, Sherman. We have laws. They should have been jailed. Last time showed Americans that there are some people, like the orange man, that can openly defy laws and they will be allowed to get away with it! That needs to be corrected so that next time they try to cheat or participate in sedition, every single one of them should be jailed and never allowed to run for public office again!

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Hello Peggy,

DJT is only Good At Cheating… Didn’t DJT appoint Bill Barr who plans on Voting For DJT again? DJT Corrupts Everything That He Touches….

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Yeah. He doesn’t care about the popular vote because his people are focusing on the electoral votes. Nowhere near enough news happening on this front. The polls aren’t the news. The electoral college is the news.

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He's never won the popular vote. In 2016 he won the Electoral College through just a few thousand key votes in key states. In 2020 he tried to move a few more key votes even though he had zero chance of a popular majority: a few votes in key states could win the Electoral College.

And this time around, he's ignoring the American people. He's targeting those who can help him cheat his way into the Oval Office.

Is that what America wants or needs?

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The Rspublicans have been working on this for a long time, along with jerrmandering. Yes, both parties have, but the Reps. seem to have put more effort into it. And Donald is pushing even harder to manipilate the voting... but we know, manipilation is his specialty.

... it's how he has appeared 'successful'. If he wasn't so good at manipulating the legal system, he would not be where he is now.

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Please buy a dictionary.

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Not necessary nor kind.

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Of all the horrendous things this pathologic weasel of a human being Donald Trump has done, perhaps the worst is his destruction of confidence in elections for years and decades to come. It undermines democracy and who we are as a country.

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Yep. We’ve become like countries we read about, with elections in chaos.

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A sense of a common shared decency prevailed until the contract on America, since then it been hyperbolic outrage and demonization of democrats, that has morphed into an outrage against democracy itself since even though there is systemic attacks on voting rights and computerized systematic gerrymandering in red states at a level of efficiency previously technologically unobtainable. If it wasn’t for the electoral college the last majority win for “republicans” was in 2004. Gerrymandering has created the conditions where there is no need for compromise, only ideological extremism, which only engenders more extremism. Sad.

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Not a real win though both Gore in 2000 and Kerry in 2004 had the elections stolen from them by hanging chads and Court interventions. Again Republicans ARE the party of cheaters and have been since Nixon! Trump just takes it to the extreme edge of insanity!

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It has gotten so much worse since Trump came on the scene. I suspect this is partially because news has become entertainment and dominated by cable channels just in it to make a buck, but I also think there are a lot of people who’s primary interaction with the world is though a screen (TV,PC or Cell phone) all of these have been shown to be like narcotics as far as shutting down people’s critical thought. We need to foster community, get to know our neighbors, and quit being so dang angry.


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Papa P u t i n must be so proud of how his boy is behaving, opening up the system and pouring sugar in the tank.

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Right now I’m holding onto a slim thread of hope that the Robinson spectacle might throw NC into the ring for a swing state. Speaking with friends there they are also hopeful. Putting NC in play might honestly help.

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It helps a ton. Donald is already being forced to spend campaign money there, leaving less for Wisconsin, Michigan etc.

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That is the good news I like to hear!

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Let's do away with the Electoral College once and for always ithas out lived its usefulness. One person one vote 🗳.

Mayor Pete is working on it let's all help him get it done.

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Mary, I think the scariest part of the scheme is that he could win by a landslide or lose by one and it won't matter if they refuse to certify on whatever whim they come up with. He knows the whole game relies on the inability to certify swing states. Votes truly don't matter if they refuse to allow them to be counted.

Stop certifications and the election is his.

No wonder he's playing golf instead of campaigning. He really doesn't need votes.

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I’m terrified by this. My hope is that Democrats have legal plans, but aren’t releasing them. 🤞. His f—-ing Supreme Court will back him, even if he loses.

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Dems have a ton of lawyers working on this already. One important difference, this time he is NOT in the White House.

In fact it’s even better since Biden withdrew, if he was still the candidate Trump would accuse him of playing politics, but it is harder to make that case.

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DJT will lose by at least 8-11 million votes, so why does the Electoral College have so much say? Congress needed to change that long ago. If DJT gets in, that means a terrorist, felon, and traitor would be president. How un-American & un-Constitutional. -- p.s.- Yell 'fire' in a crowded theatre and get arrested; but DJT lies, and causes threats, death and destruction with his words, and 'nothing' happens to him. WHY? He should plainly be in jail- period!

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Agreed. And he’s also firing up his militia and aiming them at the Jews if he loses. Jews, Haitians, etc.

I was thinking today that his goal is create enough chaos to stall the declared results of the election until after his court date for sentencing (Nov. 18 ?) because he wants to dismiss all charges.

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I think it's November 26th--just before Thanksgiving.

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I’m hoping to have a VERY happy Thanksgiving, one that I won’t have any trouble coming up with what I’m grateful for!

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Or to give him time to get out of the country.

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Republican Party? More like Regressive Party. Remember when they used to be the “Law and Order" Party? Now they’re the party that tries to overthrow elections, shreds the Constitution, and nominates a convicted felon for President of the United States. They are a party full of enablers and cultists, led by an orange cancer. Hopefully, Kamala Harris can put a stop to this once and for all.

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She could be the surgeon that excises the tumor and the chemotherapy that prevents its return. Heard that Cheetolini said he won’t run in 2028 if he loses, find that hard to believe, politics has been his most successful grift, and his whole family is in on it. Pathetic.

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I actually doubt that he’ll be alive in 2028. He’s not looking very healthy. But a JD presidency, by any means, would be terrifying.

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I am terrified. I want to live in the imperfect USA, NOT Gilead

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Totally agree, Quizzically Bemused. What’s the grifters motto? My guess is: “Follow the money. And grab all you can.” I would assume that’s what is says on the degenerate liar's monogramed towels in his shitty hotels.

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President Biden has all sorts of immunity to do creative shit if needed. Remember, he is still President of the United States of America!

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If DJT were to win , the current President could refuse to leave office , could maybe do an Exec order preventing a convicted felon from taking office or otherwise stop the transfer of power with full immunity.SCOTUS has screwed elections forevermore with the immunity for official acts ruling; what a to stop any Pres from declaring any action taken illegally “official act”?

Have to pass a law to overturn that ruling and citizens united $$ and Dodd! Like right away!

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Please stop referring to the right wing fascists as Conservatives! They are not Conservatives they are Nazis. I expect that kind of weak kneed writing from the MSM but not from you. Call it like it is!

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All he does, over and over again, is say the quiet part out loud. he is like a kid on the playground who has a secret and blabs it out in the cafeteria because he envisions that people will think he is cool.

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I noticed this with sociopaths, and oddly you see it in the James Bond films and the original Batman TV series. The criminals always confess their crime step by step before they commit it. Weird, huh?

Your uncle has nothing to hide from voters, because he always WANTS them to know exactly how they get screwed, to make sure they realize what happened, when he finally does it to them.

A lot of money going into the GOP has disappeared, and we assumed it has gone to Ol' PumpkinHead's personal use.

But, what if it's being held to pay lawyers for them to challenge the results in court? What if they printed up fake ballots? I know that's probably stupid as ballots are serial numbered like cheques.

But, you are right, he is gloating about something he cannot contain within himself - and it hasn't happened yet.

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Hopefully the $ are trump $2 bills and a heap of gold from the hucksters on RSBN and Fox.

ps u r spot on, Andy!

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Yeah, probably fool's gold. Only other thing I can think of is maybe Putin expands his war at the same time on election day into Europe.

hmmmm...Canada is sending its largest armed forces contingent ever to Poland and Latvia in something called Operation REASURANCE last week


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3 dollar bills. 2 dollar bills exist

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Thomas Jefferson. statesman and slaveholder. $2

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It’s not real currency

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He's not a real president

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That’s why it’s not real currency

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or human

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DJT will lose by at least 8-11 million votes, so why does the Electoral College have so much say? Congress needed to change that long ago. If DJT gets in, that means a terrorist, felon, and traitor would be president. How un-American & un-Constitutional. -- p.s.- Yell 'fire' in a crowded theatre and get arrested; but DJT lies, and causes threats, death and destruction with his words, and 'nothing' happens to him. WHY? He should plainly be in jail- period!

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DT wants people to know what he’s going to do to them before he does it, one reason in my mind, because he’s bragging and bloviating in advance. He just can’t wait to show his imaginary non-skill, skills. He’s self worshipping, which is the same as breathing to him. I also think that somewhere in his incredibly broken mind, he thinks everyone is either a little, or a lot, stupid, so he has to give us hints about his upcoming brilliant fancy footwork, to make sure we don’t miss it. I have a mental image of the orange menace trying to do something like a Mohammad Ali boxing shuffle, in a very bad way. Like a not naturally coordinated or rhythmic person trying to do the moonwalk or the floss dance move. You can’t see me raising my hand here, can you? Remember how he drank from a water bottle at a rally, as if he’d never learned how to drink from a bottle, or walked down a ramp like he was walking on slippery squishy sponges?

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Oh my goodness,. Mary!!! The tasks of simply unpacking and tabulating the ballots for preparation for the Machines is tedious enough!! But to go through each ballot,By Hand, it's almost impossible not to have Human Errors! Georgia county election board members are literally, Legally stealing the Votes of hundreds of thousands of registered Voters. Your uncle has no reason to Rally for New Supporters,his cohorts are stealing the election for him. Thank You so very much for the wonderful Works your doing for the American people and Me 💯👍💙🇺🇸🌊🌊🌊

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Georgia Republicans insisted on spending millions to purchase voting machines because counting by hand was not accurate. So now, they want counting by hand supposedly to verify the machine counts. Their M.O. is clearly to spread chaos and delay, following their dear leader's handbook. Hopefully, the Harris campaigns attorneys are already on top of cutting through their sedition. Let's call all of this last minute rule changing what it is: Sedition. The GOP is trying to keep my vote, as a Democrat in Georgia, from being counted in a free & fair election.

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They have lawyers working in Georgia to ensure they can’t get away with these tactics at least. Both the AG and I believe Tepublican Governor have stated believe the Election boards acts are illegal. Federal election law carries jail time and fines for election board members doing this so hopefully it will be stopped. But scary as hell nonetheless!

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I noticed his words about not needing any more votes every time he's said that and my exact thought each time was that there's cheating in the pipeline for him to "win". He's put it right out in plain sight for everyone to hear. It's obvious what's going on and someone needs to put the kabosh on it right now!!

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Some states tried in 2022; thru election boards rigged as in Georgia s now; courts declared these illegal fines and prison time are penalties for any election board members trying it so at least it was stopped in 2022 by state courts.

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Thank you, Mary, for your column tonight. 💙

The 70 election deniers in pivotal positions in several swing states and what is going on in Georgia keeps me up at night.

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Me too.

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How dark can things get, you know? Oh wait, darker. This is just the beginning.

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My inner Eeyore agrees

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