What is WRONG with us?? It defies belief that we don’t all consider this reprehensible

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We are a deeply divided country and I absolutely blame Trump for wielding the hatchet. He recognized the weaknesses in this country and the people he could exploit. These people - his base - have been waiting for a messiah for decades, maybe longer, to have someone that they think is going to make it all better. Someone who is going to make the nasty people who have stood in the way of their success go away. He hasn't done that of course but he always finds a way to blame the other guy and still maintain their support. It's a gift, just not the one we want or need. Hopefully, without him, eventually we will regain some sanity.

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He has had plenty of help in doing so…

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The Russian trawlers never left us, they've just traded the international waters for the internet.

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Hillary throwing out the nets to putin

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Excuse me????????

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I agree with your hope that we will eventually regain some sanity, but there are a lot of magats in our government who probably won't disappear as soon.

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SCOTUS is the "Exhibit A" to that statement.

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Want some cheese with that whine

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Never knew you people were so status quo. You're all puppets for the big machine.

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Hitler rose to power precisely by means of the same mass shared psychosis.

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Like how your Messiah Obama did? Hitler hated & murdered Jews just like you Democrats

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Oh boy, you've drunk the kool-aid. Sad for you, but you are falling for the mis and disinformation and the lies.

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Wow. That's all you people have isn't it. Drinking the Kool-aid lol . You sound like the CNN & MSMDC

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Barack Obama is an exemplar of both sanity and humanity, the polar opposite of psychopathic Trump.

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Each individual is responsible for their own thoughts and inadequacies. Let's face it, we have a lot of ignorant, racists here in the ole US of A. Power hungry Republicans have capitalized on this. Let's hope there are enough sane folks to get through this, again. The 60's were horrible.

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It's too frighteming to even imagine the individuals (no longer 'human' or 'people' to me) who, for whatever reason, support Trump. Was, am I that naive not to realize how many 'off-Republican' individuals are actually for, on the side of Trump's rhetoric? I'm beginning to ramble which opens the floodgates to my desperation in hopes Trump evaporates. Not a realistic hope, I'm told. Bless those who have expressed their thoughts, fears, hopes here. Good luck - to us. Does luck play a part here?

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Democrats have fucked over the common man long enough. They only represent the very wealthy now.

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that’s a pretty big leap.

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And the division started with Obama. This is exactly what you people wanted so live with it.

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I agree, mer t.

Thank you, Mary 💙, for your 2 in-depth columns today.

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I keep thinking of this song when I do NOT understand Donald's supporters. Even though I still like the song, it's meaning has negatively changed since this election is too close.

"The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony"


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I do like the song. Not what it makes you think about though. I'm a musician. It's all about the music... :)

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I used to play this song on repeat while I was making art. I can't associate it with MAGAts.

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Maybe if you got out of your racist, liberal bubble you would understand.

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Many of us do. Hope we are in the majority.

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Hello Corporate Media, anyone home?

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Little known fact: For the first time in 40 years, more people identify as Republicans.

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...supporting the thesis by Harvey Danger in "Flagpole Sitter" that "only stupid people are breeding".

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It's an Idiocracy!

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That's all you people have are insults. You spew this nonsense shit w/o asking yourself, Why?

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Nice projection there

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So you don't wonder why people that have voted a certain way for years, and then all of sudden vote the other way? You're not curious? Seriously?

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“The forest was shrinking but the trees kept leaning towards the axe; for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood,

he was one of them”.

A Turkish proverb and a caveat to those voters who are undecided.

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I don't believe there currently are ANY undecided voters.

They are merely voters who hold sacred the secret ballot that democracy provides to them, and so they are happy to not reveal who they're voting for.

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Thats certainly some of the undecided voters but there are also some undecided voters who are horribly uninformed and have limited if any knowledge about history or the basis of their rights.

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...and live in an environment of constant misinformation.

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And that's why people should do their own research instead of all of the talking heads.

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I agree, and I think at least some of them just like the "power" they think they hold by withholding who they will vote for. Some also are not telling for fear that people they know or are related to will find out and look down on them.

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...or, if they're in MAGAt country, bully them or worse.

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I assume from hate or fear, but only MAGA know for sure why they act that way, if they're capable of reasoning, which many are not.

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What's it to you who anyone votes for. Ya'll are pathetic Karens. Seriously?? It's none of your damn business who they vote for. Get a job or get laid lady.

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What was the snarky comment you made a while ago about all we had were insults? SMDH 🤦‍♂️

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How is that an insult? An insult would be liberal men are incels and liberal woman are fat & ugly.

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Donald Trump has taken us back 100 years.

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Actually he's taking us back way further than that - like back to the 1600s. Remember those days, finding and killing witches? Remember the Spanish Inquisition and it's aftermath? That's where Trump has taken us along with his filthy, rotten,idiotic, unethical, immoral, Catholic, supreme Court.

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"The Spanish Inquisition" to be hosted by the Christian Nationalist, probably.

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You are right about that. I had not thought back that far. Thank you.

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More like 250 years! The classic statement of Liberalism is in the preamble to the Constitution: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and are endowed by their creator with certain INALIENABLE rights.... If Mary's uncle gains office again, our rights will be at the whims of individuals, just like under the English crown.

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Well, if he wins again, I guess that's where America wants to be!

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Does not really matter. This is not a democracy, but a Republic, and you can not use the fact we elect our representatives to undo the law. I do not believe the folks with those "Trump or Death" signs realize the effects years of the threat of violence have had on peaceful citizens.

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Technically, it is not a republic but rather is a representative democracy because the public elects the government (the exception of the EC re POTUS, notwithstanding).

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Not true. This is a Republic based on democratic principles. The reason the Constitution was written out, and the bill of rights added is to clearly delineate what the government cannot do to civilians. All those laws are supposed to be beyond the meddling reach of the courts, and since there were no initiatives envisioned by the founders, beyond the reach of civilians as well. In fact, one of the seven pillars of the constitution is republicanism, which means we elect the people who administer the law. We do not elect them to change it. Sorry to be arguing with someone I'm glad is voting for Kamala Harris, but there is a fascist troll(probably Russian) who keeps up truly idiotic comments.

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There are 3 terms that accurately describe our nation's form of government & are equally valid: constitutional republic, democratic republic, representative democracy.

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Try 165 years, just before the Civil War, when there was great division & slavery still existed in much of the country (the South). That is Trump & the MAGAts' utopia.

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And when slave holders were Southern Democrats

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That's why I became a Republican, when I learned about the sacrifices all those gentle young Yankees made to preserve this Union. They had to face guys like me that learned to sharpen knives and shoot guns when we were three years old. I pity the MAGA fellers if they try to rise up this time.

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Guns and knives at 3……..Me thinks you’re gonna get canceled by the democrats. BTW, I certainly hope you know how to load a shotgun lol

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Couldn't give a hoot what people from the cities think regardless of party affiliation. Besides which I have not changed parties. And yes, got my first shotgun when I was 9. Look, there are plenty of pro-tRump writers on the Substack. Why not comment with folks who share your ideas instead of trying to badger the people here who enjoy the perspective of Mary Trump?

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Yes, 100 years later they flipped & became Republicans.

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Coincided with Richard Nixon removing "party of Lincoln" from Republican branding. Look up Why the G.O.P. is not the party of Lincoln by Mike Royko for the perfect breakdown of what you just said.

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So you're saying all Republicans are racists?? Biden is as racist as they come. From the way he talked about Obama, to not wanting his kids going to a racial jungle, to Robert Byrd, Hillary or Bill mentor lol

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Nowhere did I call anyone racist. But if that is your inference, then clearly it was you implying racism in your original comment. But it is obvious that bigots of all kinds feel far more comfortable as Republicans than as Democrats. Those of us who support democracy, equal opportunity, justice, fairness, reason, health, science, education, a better society for all, etc. are more comfortable with the Democratic Party.

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You liberal white women are the worst. lol Don ya'll not hear yourselves or are you too busy paying some scam artist $10,000. to be yelled at for being white? Hell, I'll yell at you for 5 G's

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You would not be yelling at this 57 year old white man in person. Nothing but a keyboard warrior. It's so fun being a moderate in this country. Progressive and fascist numbskulls feel equally free to troll you, yet cannot link one featherweight of evidence or logic to their comments. The essence of American conservatism is conserving the revolution of Liberalism against authoritarian rule. Sorry, but anti-MAGA Republicans like myself and any conservative Democrats represent the height of reasoned discussion.😜

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Why would I yell at you for free, when some people charge around 10 G to make them feel horrible and guilty because they're white. I said, I would do it for 5G.

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That would be awesome. I get to be yelled at for free, and you would get a free trip to the dentist!😃😃😛

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You still don’t get my original comment, do you? LOL

But your comment here has me wondering something. If a woman yelled at you, not attacked you physically, but yelled at you, you would really hit a woman? You and Dougie Emhoff would be the best of friends.

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I really wish I could step onto a spaceship and fly away to someplace where love, compassion, empathy, and fairness is the normal way of life for everyone. Like a place in N.K. Jemisin's Broken Earth Trilogy. This place is really getting me down.

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That's what we did, it's called Portugal.

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Ha! I live in a peaceful little corner of Germany. Currently though, I'm just spending too much time and energy following American politics and worrying about my family and friends back in the States. My German friends are all shaking their heads in wonder at how insane the right has become.

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I get it. We’re the same. Once politics becomes an addiction, it may as well be heroin, it’s so hard to shake. We weren’t this bad when we first arrived, but an election year, this election year? How can we not be breathing in every line from every source? Taking a walk to the ocean and looking at the beauty keeps my blood pressure down though, and there’s always the off button on our electronics. Only 19 days left.

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Funny because the democrats of today are not the democrats of years past. Actually the last dem president we had was Clinton.

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We haven't had a truly progressive president since Franklin Roosevelt, widely considered our best president of the past century plus, with his New Deal, Social Security & other social programs, progressive tax system, boost of unions, resulting in the greatest improvement in standard of living in US history. We've been going downhill since Reagan & the corporatocracy he ushered in. Now Trump, supported by MAGA, Fox, the GOP & right-wing billionaires like Musk, Murdoch, Mercer, Koch, Thiel, Adelson, Yass, Crow, Mellon, etc., wants to turn us into a fascist tyranny.

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lol. If you think America is so bad, move to a more progressive society where their govt takes care of you from the cradle to the grave and limit your speech. We need less government, not more.

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Just tell them that the American Public School System has gone to Scheisse

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School choice, home school, or private. The government school system sucks

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Trouble with home school & private school, you get a lot of incompetent parents "teaching" their children and/or indoctrination, usually into accepting authoritarianism & ignoring critical thinking,

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I have 2 new neighbors upstairs, newly-arrived from... Portugal ! [ The Grass is always Greener ... ,]

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I have those fantasies too.

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Wonderful books!

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You get what you give. Elon can help with that.

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Kind of like this?


[Commodores "Zoom", my favorite song. The lyrics match your wish.]

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So who egged on BLM? Who didn't stop them from burning govt/private buildings? Who promoted a bail fund that released violent criminals? Who said they shouldn't stop rioting? As liberals love to say, "Nothing says social justice like looting a Gucci store"

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Good question, mer. You may find the answer in Kevin Phillips's American Theocracy.

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I believe the majority of us DO! It's the minority that's the problem!!!

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I believe what is "wrong with us" is that we simply believe the polls. I think the polls are underrepresenting Democrat sentiment due to their obviously flawed methodology.

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I don’t answer social media polls. I think many people polled might be afraid to admit who they’re voting for because of potential retaliation. They may not trust the pollsters. Others may be dishonest about their favored candidate for sport. Most of the internet based polls are attached to donation requests.

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I believe w have been saying the same concerning how Nazis managed to rise to power and kill over 20 million people. Humans don't learn and here we are on the precipice of repeating all that has gone before. Fear of reprisals comes to mind.

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What’s wrong with you and your ilk ? You have a few hours ?

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Someone I read today on Substack (I think it was reported by Jay Kuo) said that if Donald layers the makeup bronzer on any thicker, he will have to deport himself. Don't we all wish he would just DO that.

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It was Jay! Lol great meme!

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Jay Kuo, 1 of my favorite Substack writers.

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Just a thought. If the 78 year old orange “king in his own mind” becomes President/Dictator on day 1, day 2, day 3, etc, and at anytime in the next 8 years (Trump 86 yrs old) becomes incapacitated the Veep becomes Prez. The Veep who wants to repeal Amendment 19, Women’s right to vote.

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Vance is a very sick guy. He has real issues with women and seeks to dominate and subjugate, to make sure that they have no equality and no rights. In my mind even more dangerous than Trump. Hopefully the people will see that and make sure he never goes anywhere.

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He probably treats his sacred couch better than his wife and women in general. His non-stop bizarre comments and his goals to take us back 100 years can't be overstated. In the meantime, tens of thousands evangelical Christians gathered in DC today to send their hypocritical delusional message that we need to elect Trump to bring us closer to God. WTF These clueless people have totally lost their way by worshipping the devil in disguise.

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I think we are seeing how the paths led to religious atrocities like the Inquisition and witch trials

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Oct 13
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You mean their IMMIGRANT WIVES??????????

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Vance is a firm believer/participant in many christo-fascist groups such as Opus Dei and NRx (the Dark Enlightenment movement). See Wikipedia. I credit Rachek Maddow and Substack for this frightening info.

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ONG I wrote my thesis on Spain transition to democracy and opus dei figured prominently in Fascist Franco zeitgeist

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Leonard Leo is a board member of Opus Dei's Catholic Information Center.

He is The Federalist Society's co-chair and advocated and advised for Donald's S.C. nominees. His money connections bring $$MM into the coffers of Project 2025.

None of us will have known pain until such time as their precepts become enforceable, should Fascista Primo get reelected. Nicknamed Donald's "Court Whisperer". Here's what happened when the D.C. A.G. tried to break the money river.


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I am Catholic, but detest Opus Dei and similar groups. I don’t want them running my nation. I’m the latter years of Franco’s reign, they managed many governmental agencies in Spain. Leo manages the funds through which dark money funders carry out their legalized bribery. The SCOTUS majority seems content to let Trump, the billionaires, and the theocrats to destroy constitutional government and to set Trump up as a dictator. At some point Vance may well try to oust him through the 25th Amendment. I Vance is my Senator, but I didn’t vote for him, Peter Thiel bought Vance for us. Vance is a hypocrite, his book trashes his fellow Americans of Appalachian origin and is infused with a smug attitude, and I loathe Vance’s misogyny. I wonder what Usha Vance, his wife, thinks of his public statements?

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Yes Opus Dei is a neofascist Catholic group with very ugly ties to very horrific powers. I studied Franco history and know you are correct.

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Also, I am from a very Catholic family. My mom and godmother were friends with Dorothy Day and Catherine deHueck. I was raised to Believe that we had a moral obligation to care for the downtrodden and that was the true message of Christ. Every day I and my generational peers, children of these brave Social Justice pioneers, cry and wonder what all the sacrifices and work our parents did has come to. So sad.

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Yes, and this are fronts for those committed to destroying Our democracy and replacing it with a theocracy to control every aspect of our lives. Welcome back to the Middle Ages when The Church controlled everyone’s lives. if you want to be a serf, vote Republican.

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Thank you, Daniel.

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It’s gonna take more than “the people”. Please figure out a way to help get massive turnout wherever you are. That may be the only way to prevent or thwart those who are waiting in arms to dispute the election

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Fervently, Lois..." from your lips to God's ear!"

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What I suspect, JDN, is IF by some fraudulent means trump is elected, inaugurated on Jauary 20, 2025. That by the end of February j(ustifably) d(emon) vance, with the concurrence of the rest of the MAGA maggots will invoke the 25th Amendment and have trump removed from office on grounds of dementia - which is obvious to anyone who has heard trump ramble . Vance is not a viable candidate on his own, he is exceedingly disliked. But he is a more intelligent fascist, fully prepared to hand over the wealth of the Nation to the Project 2025 oligarchy so long as they declare him dictator (and puppet) for life.

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This is what I've thought ever since we found out that JD was chosen for Donald, by an oligarch. It is one of the steps closer to the filthy rich owning the entire country. Both TFG and JD are the puppets of the fascist rich.

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I would think jd is more of an active participant.

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Oh yes, actively participating, hence his being selected despite having a resume that's lacking actual experience. He'll make up for that with enthusiasm for his chosen dogma and further schooled along the way. He'll be as easily manipulated as TGF has been and in ways he hasn't even thought of yet.

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Poison or pistols?

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Neither, the 25 Amendment, Section 4: "Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President." the Amendment goes on to say under what conditions the President may return to office, as well as how to make the President's replacement permanent.

Anyone who has heard or read trump's recent speech can detect the very obvious loss of memory and deteriorating dementia. No one will even question that. And voila the fascist dictatorship of America will effect the bloodless destruction of democracy. And there we will have for dictator the man no one but Peter Thiel wanted.

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I can clearly see the obvious symptoms of dementia in The Donald. My mother had Alzheimer's and she constantly and repetitively recited all the things anyone had ever done to bother her during her life. Like Donald, she was angry, lashed out at people and about formerly normal activities, everything was someone else's fault. The paranoia was scary and made no sense. She was convinced people were out get her and stole from her. Everything was totally unfair at all times. She was always agitated and unhappy, raving to and about unseen people and things. Anyone who has observed an elder relative developing dementia will be able to see this is what's happening to Donald. He is already too far gone to even be considered for any sort of job, much less one of any responsibility. I am sure that many of his ardent fans can see this, so why they continue to support his candidacy is jaw-droppingly unfathomable.

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We see it, but the mainstream media outlets, as well as the outlets who back Trump, have been “sanewashing” Trump and pretending he is a normal presidential candidate. Trump is not psychologically normal. He shows signs of serious personality disorders, and Trump’s attacks on President Biden’s nonexistent “dementia” was an example of Trump’s ability to project his own advancing dementia onto the incumbent. Unfortunately, Trump has a dubious talent for getting people to believe his lies.

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I think DT is the train used to get JDV into the Whitehouse. Trump does not even realize it. They will allow Trump in long enough to pardon himself and then use the 25th Amendment to excise the cancer that he is and replace it with another cancer on humanity. We think our situation will be as bad as it can get if Trump wins. If JDV gets in he will take us to new heights, heights that a healthy, normal mind can't even imagine.

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I’m so scared.

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YES!! Exactly.

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Scary idea, JDN. Evidently society is no closer to solving the social metastasis of Donald T, Vance and their infectious band of cronies than medicine is to a cancer cure. The filth that they disseminate with every successive rally and interview seems only to reinforce the hold that they

have on their immovable adherents. There is no going back for us, because that would open the path for the disease to sweep the continent, and to progress from there. As Mary so aptly asserts, the disease of bigots that afflicts Donald has been festering for centuries in the minds of eugenicists and their fearmongering crew. Thanks to Mary L. for her incisive scholarly writing.

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What’s really cynically laughable, is the So called Evangelicals wearing their Trump baseball caps so proudly, when anyone with an ounce of functional brains, is aware they are supporting a guy who laughs and snickers at their stupidity, fuddy, duddy morality, that he has Never-Ever believed in Nor EVER, in his Life Followed. Always laughed off-broken with devilish Glee! From Breaking each and every of the 10 Commandments With Great Gusto, flaunted in their faces. Yet they Worship him as If He were Their God. How they Believe, DJT was sent by God, is the Best Example of how misguided they Truly are, Deluded and Easily fooled. Like Worshipping the Golden Calf.

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Recall that until the end of the 19th century women were considered to be mentally and physically inferior to men. This is why the Constitution makes no mention of women's rights and needs, which differ in some important respects to those of men. This is why SCOTUS found it easy to overturn Roe.

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Our nation has never been able to rid itself of its misogyny, and Christian Nationalists behave as though the social norms of the first century of the common era were a divine mandate for all time. I think they underestimate women’s determination to fight back.

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That is the dark PLAN.

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Yup. And stands a good chance of success.

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They are a step ahead of you. Dumpf is already exhibiting signs of near full blown dementia. Speaking to genetics, his father had Alzheimer’s. Meaning his dementia may be clinical. The power grabbers around him are well aware. He is not fit to serve. So, they will invoke the 25th soon after he’s in power and JD Ahole will be the willing Faustian puppet. That’s the plan. I have no evidence other than my own reading and personal education.

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He might have an Alzheimer’s type of dementia or another type of dementia. I agree with you that they may very well use the 25th Amendment to put Vance into office.

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I 'd like to know why his wife stays with him. She is beautiful, very intelligent, a successful attorney. Why would she stay with this white supremacist, woman oppressor?

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Why did Eva Braun stay with Adolf Hitler???

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Maybe she gives him cover-his “beard”

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Children? Yes I see her as trapped, the harm to the children would be irreparable. She stays because she is a mother. And her love of them means the lioness stays with and protects her cubs AT ANY COST. I feel soooo sorry for her.

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Pathetic excuse. Living with JDV is not protecting them.

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Being a public figure plays into it. Can you imagine the effects of social media putting them all under the microscope? Arrgggs. It would be hell for them. I did not say it was a good thing, it’s sad and pathetic.

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Money? Fear? Time will tell.

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Trump has already had one four-year term so if, God forbid (please!), he wins next month, he may serve one more term only. However, if he is incapacitated - or, more accurately, his current incapacities are finally recognized - then JD Vance would become president and he is indeed far more dangerous, especially for women.

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Trump has immunity for everything. So who’s to say he won’t try to remain in office and get rid of elections. He has threatened this. 1 more day of Trump is one too many.

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This is why I’d recommend everyone read or reread Timothy Snyder’s “On Fascism” to be familiar with what we are seeing and to be ready to resist.

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No immunity from the billionaires Opus Dei, and the powers behind project 2025.

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AND his little tiny hands will be way too close to the codes to launch nuclear bombs. Although, Putin may tell DT how good his intelligent hair looks and then ask him to hand the codes over to him. Hair does not possess intelligence, but Donald, I am sure, believes his does.

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I don’t believe JDV taking over the presidency would take nearly that long. Six months, tops.

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I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if he tried! And I quite agree with you about 1 more day…

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What a horrific scenario an “actor” pretending to be a politician, who is in Reality no more than a prop for the evil “concepts” for “uber” as in obscenely wealthy Control Freaks like Peter Theil and other billionaires or is it trillionaires who are obsessed with pulling the strings of government from behind the scenes as Puppet Masters, in a Fascistic Theocracy. This is what you will get if you cast your vote for the now controlled and dominated yet, still called Republican Party.

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Ha. That’s the plan. Dumper is senile. The handlers will retire him within a year. Vance is in like flint

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Oct 12
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Vance's wife is an interesting case, because as I understand it she is a high powered attorney.

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That one is most definitely a head scratcher.

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Maybe he wasn't the disgusting power-hungry, white supremacist until he was picked by Trump to be his VP.

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Vance was rather open about his dislike of Trump until Peter Thiel bought him his Senate seat. Vance has always been conservative, but he’s left that far behind and is headed to fascism, if not already there.

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Wish more people understood who Thiel is. And how powerful. And his old ties and partnership to fascist Elon.

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I'm not sure where I heard about that. She clearly has some leverage, but i'm not sure she will use it.

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Its entirely possible that she’s a self hating victim of a thing close to Stockholm syndrome. Or of course as he only a year or so ago boldly called dumpf a modern day hitler she understands he bends whichever way power lies. FYI if you want to understand Vance just follow the money 1st step: Theil. Next: Theil+musk. And so on

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Interesting thought about Stockholm syndrome. I also wonder if it might be something cultural, like what caste she came from.

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Maybe she is using her intelligence and womanly smarts and intends to use him to move herself into a powerful political position

Maybe if Trump doesn't get in, she will divorce him. Just thinking.

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I find myself wondering if she is downtrodden, being of Indian heritage married to a white misogynist. That would tend to mean that she would stay where she is. His attitude toward women may be something she's bought into.

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From the looks of him, his diet, temperament, etc. I suspect he is not long for this world. I would lay money he doesn't have another year. He can't finish a sentence with intelligence. He's an idiot. Then, there is Vance-who used to call Trump "America's Hitler" ah, the hypocrisy. Now he is his sidekick. Go figure.

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Really? You think so? I seriously doubt it. And even so he’s made a deal with the devils. I’d put no sort of blackmail beyond their imaginations. We’re talking mafioso evil here, make no doubt about it.

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Why? What leverage?

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Ever see the movie Stepford Wives? Hand Maiden Tales?

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I'm so grateful to you, Mary, for your common sense, your ability to speak out, and your courage to do so. Thank you

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Second that.

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Don’t think Trump understands eugenics … it’s enough that it only has three syllables so he can pronounce it. Doesn’t study, doesn’t understand, doesn’t care—probably just listens to the wise advice of Stephen Miller and Laura Loomer who are, oddly enough, “genetically ineducable.”

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And Stephen is the result of immigration as is Trump. I guess it depends on the color of the skin for it to be alright with him.

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Stephen Miller’s uncle, David Glosser, has acted as a spokesperson for his family. He reminded Miller rightly that his own family had fled persecution in Tsarist Russia, and that they emigrated to Johnstown, PA. Jewish immigrants often encountered antisemitism and social hostility when they themselves came to this country. Dr. Glosser hasn’t forgotten this, but apparently, Stephen Miller has.

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I had read this. Maybe Stephen thinks he can deny his roots by picking on others. Whatever his reason I don't want him back in the whitehouse and government.

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Stephen and Laura, Jared and dad, Roy Cohn—Donald’s picks, all that’s missing is Meyer Lansky.

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This is why the NYT’s support of Trump is two-fold ; their sane washing not only makes him sound coherent, it makes him sound intelligent.

I just can’t understand why the New York Times supports him.

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I haven’t read past ‘fascination with genes and genetics’ yet, Mary. Quite honestly, as a Jewish woman in America, I’m feeling my life is in extreme peril as were the Jews’ in Hitler’s years of terror. I’m not saying….well…I guess I am….the orange oompa loompa is Hitler’s twin. I hope I’m not offending anyone by saying so. And I’m not equating my life with the ones Jews had to live, or die, for under Hitler. I’m just really really scared 😢

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I am scared for you and all my Jewish friends. The brightest student I ever had is a proud Jew and an avid Trump supporter, as are several others of my former Jewish students. I just don’t get it.

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As my son always says, “Can’t fix stupid.” Like you, Bonnie, I just don’t get it. And thank you for caring. Knowing you are holding the umbrella over Jewish people, including me, brings me comfort.

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We must all do so. I can’t stand the resurgence of antisemitism.

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Makes no sense, does it? I don’t get it, either…

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I guess the only explanation is CULT.

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I can’t tell you how sad and angry his words make me feel, especially for those victimized by them. I am so sorry!

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Laura, at least half the country will stand in your defense. Fear not but fear itself. The USA is not Germany.

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I pray that you are right, Victor.

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??? The polls are showing Trump is moving ahead of Harris. That's scary.

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Yes, sad and scary. The high cost of living is the number one issue for many voters, who remember better times under Trump. Their frustration leaves them susceptible to Trump's lies and magical thinking.

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The Magat cultist want a civil war......what are they going to do when patriots start shooting back with their own AR15s?? They will run and scatter like the roaches and rats that they are.

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WJB, responding with AR 15s would be the worst thing defenders of democracy could do. Lawsuits, boycotts, and strikes would be far more effective.

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Unless the hostile side attack first with arms.

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Thank you, Victor 🥲

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Well aren’t we close to Weimar?

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Cannot even. Love all and give us your tired, poor and hungry.

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That beautiful woman in the harbor…I have no words. Why don’t bumplicans listen to her?! I just don’t get it.

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Beyond the pale. Just need to say…FOX news fuels this fire and gets away with it daily

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me too. terrified.

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Hate defies logic, Laura. We have your back as well as all of our friends that make this country homogeneous and free. Tell your son to spread the word: We are in this together.

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Thank you, Sharon. I appreciate you so much and am comforted by your words.

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I am not Jewish, but I share your sense of fright. It’s ironic, but if you look at Donald Trump and Elon Musk, both of whom brag about their genetic superiority, you see that the claims of genetic superiority are a total crock, and that both men do it to hide their inferiority complexes.

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😢, indeed. Take care of yourself.

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Do not blame you in the least! The anti semitism on the rise even here🇨🇦

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Of course there is no proof of reincarnation. It is pure coincidence that DJT was conceived a short time after Hitler killed himself. And there is no evidence that DNA from Hitler could have been used to influence DJT genetic makeup. Actually, hasn't DJT admitted to adore Mein Kampf, which he has read in the English translation? Of course that must be where he gets his evil and hateful racist ideas....

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Well, Fred Trump was a member of the Klan in his youth, and they shared many of the same ideas the Nazis did. The old guard Klansmen of the 1950s and 1960s had fought in World War II and were not willing to openly display the Nazi flag. David Duke was younger than they were and shamelessly flew the Nazi flag outside of his dorm room at LSU back in 1968 when he was attending school there.

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Laura Jolley, you are a very wise woman, who sees and hears accurately. There are millions of us of other faiths as well, who are also join you, as aware, alarmed, beyond concerned, know warning are not being heeded as occurred so foolishly to the detriment of entire nations, and people, all over the world that lead to World wide war, and IS Happening again. We are on The Very Brink Right Now, due to Willful BLINDNESS, Sheer STUBBORN, WILLFULLNESS to IGNORE REALITY, EVIL IS BEING CHOSEN.

It really is that simple. Vote ONLY BLUE.

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Vote Blue=no matter who.

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Me too, same as you!

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The shocking and sad truth is you should be scared. It could happen again. All we have to do is listen to his words and his projections.

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Hey, yeah. He is Hitler twin how could that offend?

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I learned a lot from this post, Mary. Thank you for that. One thing I already knew, however, was that your addlebrained, racist, rapist, lying liar uncle is the worst human being ever to run for any political office in American history. And, the people he relies on to tell him what to think are even worse.

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Starting with that Cheung thing, I’d love to see his head explode during one of his hate filled invectives. Shouldn’t take too long. He’s almost more loathsome than Donald. Well, ok, maybe not, but there’s not much daylight between them. Or brains, either, there’s that uneducable issue again.

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Totally agree, Randy. Steven Cheung is a top candidate for the 2nd Worst Person on the Face of the Earth.

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Naw, it’s a tie. Musk ovite is soo close. A tossup

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3rd after Stephen Miller. Don’t forget that horrific blight on America.

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Leave us not forget Mike Johnson. He probably thinks having a passing resemblance to Colbert makes him tolerable, which it sorta does, until you hear him speak. And whatever happened to the Habba person? Another future whistleblower? Although she never struck me as anything but a proxy tool.

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So many candidates deserving of being called the 2nd Worst. Unfortunately. Jim Jordan, Clarence Thomas, Turd Cruz, Alex Jones, Marjorie Taylor Dumbass, the list goes on and on and on . . .

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But as usual, the tragedy is that so many acolytes have abased themselves beyond recognition. Permanently.

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I Wikied the guy. He’s Asian Donald, perhaps worse than Donald considering his age. Wikipedia says he played football in high school. Perhaps he hit his head too many times?

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Mary Trump, you are shining a brilliant light on many issues of vital importance, both contemporary, and in the past. Few people realize the influence that American treatment of minorities and disabled people had on Hitler’s plans for Germany and then, all of Europe.

As someone who lost a great many members of my family in the Holocaust, I have long thought that much of what was developing as policies in the Republican Party were ominously echoing that horrifying time.

Your words are so powerful and could not be more important.

With deep gratitude,

Your supporter in spirit!

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I am so sorry for your losses, Terry. No one, especially orange oompa loompa and his minions, should hold power in this or any country on Earth that subscribe to his demonic ramblings and hatred.

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Thank you for getting the nitty gritty point of Mary’s brilliant post today.

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Good description! Yes. Donald Trump is mesmerizing across our country, and he is doing great harm.

Wise up people! This cannot continue if we want to live in a civil place.

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NY Times attitude toward DJT's attitude and ignorant and misplaced enthusiasm for genetics, is truly shameful.

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The NYT has given Donnie a pass too many times, on too many issues. That's why I no longer subscribe.

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Nor do I.

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Nor do I.

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Holy Smokes Mary?! What a Brilliantly written article you've given us this evening! Your uncle has really gone to a Dark Place in his soul and History. Both are Disgusting and should never come out of the mouth of someone who's running for the highest office in the land. The American people will do the right thing by Voting for the Harris/Walz ticket. When your uncle loses, Democracy and the Rule of Law will still be in place for Him. Thank You for putting your thoughts to paper this evening and will reStack ASAP 🇺🇸

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They can lose. Unfortunately not unthinkable. Numbers and turnout is what matters. Please do what you can ( driving neighbors to polls, canvassing, knocking on doors, postcards, phone banking) we MUST get out the vote!

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Emhoff is a misogynist piece of shit that beats his women & loves his nannys

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Didn't your Mama teach you if you have nothing nice to say-say nothing? You're a pest.

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Mary, as you know, Donald has been an extreme racist his whole adult life - at least. It was the 70's when he and his father were cited for racial discrimination against black renters and nothing has changed - if anything it has gotten worse. But also he's pandering to his base. This is what they want, this is why they support him. And like any good snake oil salesman he knows how to cater to his base. But as long as they do, and as long as he seems to be getting away with every damn thing there isn't much we can do about it except to support Kamala and Tim as best we can and see what happens to dear old don after the election when he's still facing all those indictments and trials. And hope that after she wins she sees about dealing with some of the corruption and lack of consequences that is fueling the former Republican, now Trump party.

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Lois, The GOP has gone to POT (Party of Trump).

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I fear his minions and handlers have infiltrated too deep. Blackmail, and Russian misinformation. The republicans have been co-opted completely.

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How about those good old days. My bestie is a relentless Republican and I a staunch Democrat. We all are in it together this time out.

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Thanks but you failed to include that his speech is also largely incomprehensible. Always crazy expression but now he is really blathering.

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And they listen and repeat the same blather over and over again. Remarkable and incomprehensible.

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Didn’t his dad have Alzheimer’s?

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Fred Trump did have Alzheimer’s disease in the last years of his life. Donald Trump has deteriorated to the point where he is uttering word salad and using garbled words that to him sound like the actual word he wants to use.

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*They're* bringing crime? *They're* rapists? The gall of this convicted felon and adjudicated rapist saying such a thing. As usual he projects. I sincerely hope that someday soon it all catches up to him. I can't wait for November 26th, when Judge Merchan sentences him. Let that be just the first of many events finally holding him accountable.

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How anyone can support him, is beyond comprehension. Watching from Canada with apprehension.

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I live here, and it’s beyond comprehension to me either what anybody sees in that charlatan.

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Perhaps explore Donald's own genetics on his mother's Scottish side. You might be surprised at th e politics of her region.

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I just came from 2 weeks in Scotland and they have a very diverse population. He would go crazy there.

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Look at the opinions of the population of the region when he mother left, and see where his attitudes may have come from.

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No. Dad belief system more prominent. German got kicked out because wouldn’t do service- look up dumpf ghostwriter columns from 2015 for best info on dumpf “ thought” development

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According to Mary’s book “Too Much and Never Enough,” Fred Trump assumed the responsibility of raising sons Fred Jr., Donald, and Robert, and Mary Anne Trump assumed the responsibility for raising daughters Elizabeth and Maryanne.

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Reification. Beware of that.

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