The only thing worthwhile left about the NY Times is the games section. Dropped my news subscription since it is now "all the news that sanewashes a fascist".

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I remember their motto used to be "All the News that's fit to Print". Now it's all the news that's print to fit!😢

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I like that!😄

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I also object to the Times' sanewashing the orange turd, but let's not exaggerate. It is worthwhile also for Jamelle Bouie, Paul Krugman, and Charles Blow.

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When was the last time they were on page 1 above the fold?

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No newspaper ever puts opinion columnists on page 1 above the fold, and, in its web version, the Times has them high up on the right.

But lest you think that I am interested only in defending the Times, consider this headline on the web version at the moment: "Former President Trump is blaming the housing crisis on a surge in immigration. Most economists disagree." It makes it appear that a genuine debate exists on the issue, and that Trump is on one side of it. Of course, Trump is not expressing an economic opinion, which he would be incapable of doing. He is expressing xenophobia and racism, which he is quite capable of doing. And the Times' saying "Most" economists disagree is merely its way of covering itself in case there is a lying MAGA economist out there.

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Thank you this thoughtful post

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I emailed my above comment (starting with the quoted headline) to the Times and received this reply: "Yes, one can criticize Donald J. Trump's housing plans, which are really deportation plans, on moral, humanitarian and civil rights grounds, but our editors also think it's worth scrutinizing them on the merits, because it's not unreasonable to expect that Mr. Trump's supporters will argue that his plans are a reasonable housing proposal. Our editors believe it's important to help our readers understand that it is not. Knowing that, our readers might then argue with those people in their lives who may believe this and say, 'Not only is his plan bad on ethical grounds, but it also doesn't even address the concern you say it does.'"

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I understand that they think we will do the arguing for them. But I think it would be better if they also wrote about the dangers of his words. I find most reporters so shortsighted. Why not just insert a “however”…

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Wow. Just wow. I used to like the New York Times. Perhaps I was always mistaken in doing so.

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Those subscription dollars support the "news" side too. It all goes into the same basket.

This is much like saying I only buy pot from the guy who also sells heroin. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

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Those same subscription dollars also partly go to ConOld's campaign, NYT is his biggest news supporter, MSNBC is fallowing close by as his supporter.

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More importantly the advertising dollars that need eyes on the copy regardless of political point of view.

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then you get their substacks instead of supporting the publication

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Food and Book Review are good. Does anyone know why The NY Times editorial staff has decided to whitewash Trump? Some of their articles on the war in Ukraine also raise questions.

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Don Lemmon was on IHIPNEWS and gave the lowdown........in short, if reporters are not on theire knee's blowing the orange mushroom....their contract will be terminated in a few months. The Maga billionairs are pulling the orange puppet strings.

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Their fawning over TCFG won’t save them when Donold enacts his own version of Schriftleitergesetz: The End of Freedom of the Press.

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CNN was taken over by a fascist billionaire so Lemmon et al had to go. CNN is FOX LITE...unwatchable as their most recent Maga mouth is vp of a tech bro Republican Promo agency using AI .

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Because they are owned by big capitalists who want tax cuts and dictate policy in journalism!

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No doubt for fear of being accused of liberal leanings. But, of course, Republicans will accuse them of that regardless, and Republicans don't even read the Times, so the Times needn't be concerned and could be honest about Trump at no risk.

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Perhaps the OP missed the cult leaders' threat to revoke all broadcast licenses? Why would he stop with only broadcasters?

The readers are not the obvious threat here. It's the mango Mussolini.

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Broadcast television is the only medium that requires a government license. It is because there are a limited number of airwaves. It would violate the First Amendment for the government to require any other media to be licensed.

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because people still support them

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I keep NYT for coverage of stuff like the hurricanes. Excellent photographers.

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If the Orange Stain is in office again, I guess we will not get much coverage on hurricanes. I am not sure how we will know to expect one without an agency to report it.

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Did the same 2 years ago but kept the Cooking section

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Oh…I didn’t realize that was possible. That’s the only reason I’ve kept my subscription but will change it immediately.

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Those subscription dollars support the "news" side too. It all goes into the same basket.

This is much like saying I only buy pot from the guy who also sells heroin. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

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I'm not giving them a nickel. Sulzberger is punishing Biden and Harris because they declined to kiss the hem of his garment by giving him a special personal interview, a Special Boy homage that he imagines he has inherited. MAGAs don't read the TIMES, but Artie must have his due and he's perfectly willing to throw away the paper's relevance in a tantrum. Reminds me of somebody he's ordering people to handle with kid gloves to no purpose.

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Those subscription dollars support the "news" side too. It all goes into the same basket.

This is much like saying I only buy pot from the guy who also sells heroin. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

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thank you!

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Excellent point. *sigh*. And I doubt anyone would figure out (or care)why 4,000 ppl may describe to one section but not the “news” section.

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Never subscribed, never will 💙✌🏻

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I subscribed because I wanted the Archives for a book I'm working on but don't even need it for that, since I get the stuff from Archives.com etc. So goodby NYT.

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They did come out endorsing Harris though, which surprised me.

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I heartily disagree. The NYT has much to recommend it. It certainly saved my own sanity living in the Deep South. I am old enough to remember George Wallace's "strange bedfellows" speech, saying (I paraphrase) that the New York Times accused the politicians and intellectuals of forming strange alliances against segregation. He knew he was speaking to an audience of elites who cared about public opinion, but the overwhelming majority of his audience, the downtrodden whites of Alabama, had never seen even the cover page of the NYT in a bookstore or drugstore, had no idea to whom Wallace was referring. It didn't matter. He dog whistled the NYT in his anti-intellectual, hateful, racist (by the way, does this sound familiar?) oratory. In the 1990s, I couldn't get the NYT delivered to my residences in Alabama and Mississippi. Finally, in Nashville, TN, I could find it the bookstores, and soon could subscribe digitally. I am concerned with all of you who are painting over with a very broad brush some of the most talented, intelligent, and ethical journalists in the world. Do I detect some sour grapes or professional jealousy in these screeds?

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This is not the same paper you are lionizing out of habit.

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11

I appreciate the perspective of someone who has lived in the Confederacy ("red states" is just another name for it). But I don't understand your paraphrase of the "strange bedfellows" speech. Wallace, of course, would have objected to politicians and intellectuals forming alliances against segregation. But if the Times accused them of forming alliances, then it appears that the Times was also objecting to such alliances. Your word "accused" confuses me.

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Those subscription dollars support the "news" side too. It all goes into the same basket.

This is much like saying I only buy pot from the guy who also sells heroin. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

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I dropped the NYT and WaPo a few yrs ago - never looked back nor regretted the loss of my then 30-yr daily reading habits…just sayin

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Me too I dropped my paper subscription and I’m just keeping the games

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I bought the games because they had Wordle. I also like Connections. That’s it

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If Donald is anything, he is a grad student in Nazi propaganda. His followers remind me so much of the Germans following Hitler. Perhaps good enough people, but under the spell of the Dark wizard.

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These are NOT “good enough people”! They are indoctrinated cult members OR willing fascists and racists. Fascism is here in America in their movement and if they win the entire world is at risk!

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They aren’t even hiding anymore. Have you heard about the Madison Square Gardens plan?

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100% 😎

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Definitely! He is a student of Hitler in essence. A book of Hitler speeches is 1 of the few books Trump has been known to read, keeping it at his bedside according to his former wife Ivana, whom he had buried in a remote end of 1 of his golf courses after a suspicious death from tumbling downstairs.

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And don't forget his German ancestry.

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Mr. Drumpf?

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A genetic predisposition perhaps.

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I’ll bet that was no “accident.” 😏😎

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So true.

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One sniper is all it would take. You'd think all the $$ we spend on military by now they could have done something to extinguish the threat to our nation. WTF

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I agree with you, Mary. I would only add that your piece of shit uncle is America’s enemy. And so are his enablers.

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The voters are an even bigger problem. They will replace him with someone even worse.

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Can the majority of American voters really be wrong?

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Doesn’t take a majority of voters with the electoral college

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What ever happened to " put up or shut up !!"

If he won't debate I will just use his words I my cat litter box!!

Why does it even get any coverage it's a web page ... ohhh yea it sells ... !!


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How is this evil man, a convicted felon, a sociopath, a pathological liar, a narcissist a nominee of a major party? This party took pride in being the party of Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower. It is mind boggling that he is in a close race to become president again! Did the public learn nothing after his first term?

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Let’s not forget a traitor. Sacrificing thousands of American lives during COVID so he could help our foe and war criminal Putin the machine that did accurate tests, and telling us it was a hoax and to drink bleach. In a normal world or for that matter any country in Europe, that would have been the very last straw. He put our enemy FIRST. Our system of justice has been neutered.

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And let's not forget sex offender.

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And one who has committed lots of sex offenses for which he's never been charged, along with the one where they nailed him this summer.

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Yes! Why do people think this okay?

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Somehow they are not concerned about his crimes. That says a lot about our society.

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How did people forget all this? He must have hypnotized them.

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If he does get in, he will probably have a heart attack from his unhealthy lifestyle and we will be stuck with another monster.

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I think even if he doesn’t do us the favour of choking on a hamburger, the plan is for Vance to take over. All his enablers know he’s totally unhinged and with dementia. That prospect is terribly frightening.

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I completely agree. Vance would be a much more smooth liar as he jams Project 2025 through and screws us over. Hasn’t he been bankrolled by some of the Opus Dei/ Heritage Society Christo/Fascist types?

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I have felt this way all along. There is a plan for Vance to slide into the position. They are patiently waiting - he won't be in power for long IF he gets in. If he does I do not even know what life will be like for all of us.

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Have you read the JD Vance Dossier?

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No. Link please 🙏🏻

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You do not have to upgrade to paid......scroll down a few paragraphs on this page and you will see a link to download

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It has been removed from the website. I do have a PDF copy downloaded. How do I upload it here?

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I downloaded it...give me a sec and I will find it

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Yeah, he picked a lulu. And Vance is young enough to slime the system for a long time.

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Apparently not. He is definitely all those things but his cult members and other fans would prefer to think that everything that happens to him is a conspiracy committed by the entire country. You can't even get 4 people to agree on anything let alone the entire country.

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It is rather unbelievable and Gobsmacking isn’t it?

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Yes, it is. Millions of us are shaking our heads in utter wonder and dismay that he has such a strong following. Without the right wing media and social media, which many people follow exclusively, I think the story might be different. But their view of what’s going on is utterly different from our reality.

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The Trump cult phenomenon seems to be a combination of genes, lousy American education and social media (including TV before the digital junk).

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I think lack of education is an important factor. Those without college degrees flock to Trump. When it comes to college educated people, that percentage is much smaller. I don't mean that those who don't go to college are less intelligent, but education has some advantages like exposure to different types of people, different ideas. I have met some very intelligent people who never went to college but those are the exception.

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and I'm old enough to remember Roosevelt and Eisenhower! And Churchill. The contrast is unbelievable. This is the Upside Down.

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What amazes me the most about republicans is that they cant tell that they have been betrayed. They talk about “their values” ALL of which trump has bulldozed. But they cant tell. So much for their “values”.

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We’ll find out real soon. Vote Blue up, and down. ✊🇺🇸🌊😎

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We are truly living in The Twilight Zone. DJT is scarier than any episode they ever produced. We knew it was just scary stories. Now we are living in fear, because it’s not just a story, it’s real life 🥲

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The monsters have indeed shown up on Maple Street.

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Dispicable Orange Donable Lector....while in his speech.... cutting up Detroit, and being in Detoit let loose an stinking Orange BigMac/Whopper fart that can be heard in the speech video!! This mound of Orange shit defiles the all good life on planet earth.

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This is getting really scary to me as we get closer and closer to the election, and so many people are believing his crazy lies.

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It scary that so many people believe his lies. I have been confident that Kamala Harris would win the election, but over the past few weeks, I have become very concerned (scared) about the election. If Donald Trump wins, most of us know just how awful it will be for our Country. I will be on pins and needles Election Day night.

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You and me both Keith! I have been feeling the same way because it is sooo close right now. Even if Kamal wins, yes, I would feel lots better but I would also be bracing myself about what he would do to our country for not winning! He’s really gone off the rails lately, I mean saying such ridiculous things and they are still neck and neck. I just don’t get it!😞

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I know. The anxiety is so draining. Plus with Trump and MAGA lying about FEMA is reprehensible beyond the pale.

Wonder if TFG does win, would Kamala certify the ballot? Would Congress refuse to certify the outcome? Our democracy must be preserved! We will not fall to fascism.

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Yes, and it seems like he is getting worse every day. I wish something could be done but I have no idea what that would be.

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It’ll be pins and needles AFTER Election Day to see what kind of violence ensues, regardless of who wins.

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If TFG loses, which I believe he will, they’ll most likely be some violent outbreaks from his MAGA nutcases. That said, I think we’ll be ready for whatever they throw. There’s been a lot of time to prepare for this. If we have prepared appropriately, given what we’ve gleaned from J6, there’ll be hell to pay, and it won’t be pretty.


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I agree, Anna.

Thank you, Mary. 💙

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It seems the closer the election gets the higher my anxiety gets about our futures. I do take in a lot of news, so maybe cut back,,,

Thank you Caroline for sharing your feelings with me. I guess we’re all somewhat nervous!

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Cut back on news, spend the time phone-banking, or canvasing, or otherwise helping the election effort.

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Good advice David, thank you!

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Only wish we outside USA could DO SOMETHING!! We can’t even do calls or postcards bc not US citizens yet this also affects the rest of the world! All we can do is feel sick watching America develop into a Fascist nation with Trump again apparently too close to call! Just feeling utterly helpless in 🇨🇦

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I hear you. And feel the same way. Actually worse than at the same point in 2020. Today I wrote postcards to swing states while listening to Beatles albums on Spotify. They are my “safe place.” I can literally feel my blood pressure drop along with the first stanza of “Hey Jude.”

Four years ago I did this routine and it 100% saved my sanity while hopefully contributed (in a small way) to Biden’s victory.

Let’s hang in there, keep our spirits up and vote.

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I finished your new book, and thank you for writing it! The truth in it resonated with me a lot based on my own experiences. So glad you put in the work—your voice is so valuable!

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I going to read this soon!

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They are not going to change course. The conservative media bias is real and pronounced, and the abject fear of telling the truth is insane to me. There are very few journalists. There are a lot of flacks though.

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If Donny’s interviews were edited for length and clarity there wouldn’t be one word left! Same old attacks on the media. Same old fake news. It takes one to know one because the MAGA conspiracy networks keep plying what is totally FAKE NEWS!

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"If Donny’s interviews were edited for length and clarity there wouldn’t be one word left! "

quoted for truth

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Right out all authoritarian’s playbook. Step by step, word for word.

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It is sickening to see how major US newspapers just gloss over Trump’s lies and hateful rhetoric. In my (UK) The Week magazine, it quoted Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal saying Kamala might lose because “she still hasn’t given voters a satisfying sense of what she is about”, etc. Really? I live in the U.K. and have listened to enough of her speeches on You Tube to know exactly what she is about!!! Meanwhile, Trump rambles on about washing “his beautiful hair” and lying about relief aid during the hurricanes, and they barely mention it! Shame on them!

I despise Trump and long for the day when he is no longer screwing the world. There are enough problems without his despicable behavior. (Whew! Got that off my chest! 🙂)

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Agree completely…the world s holding its breath waiting for Nov 5th and there MUST be a removal plan in place by the Dems IF they lose to Trump. Biden needs to put in an emergency plan to have both Trump and Vance removed and prevented from taking office , if necessary put the Speaker in charge of an interim Congress and Presidency (even if it is anti democratic to do so ) to ironically prevent the total destruction of USA s democratic institutions. How is this NOT an emergency? This a slow moving Fascist coup and I have lost faith in the ability of sane Americans to prevail at the ballot box. They must be stopped from electing a fascist government and losing your democracy forever. 💕🇨🇦

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The removal must be by his own party or even by his own family.

Any other kind (and I won't elaborate) would elevate him to a martyr.

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Alice, most sane people long for the day that Trump is no longer screwing up the world. I too hate him!!

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Completely agree and wonder what the actual odds are that he could win

In reality seems he will not ??

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So strange that he hypes eugenic superiority, when he appears to be kind of the low end of that sliding scale. Not like the guy's Michael Phelps or Albert Einstein or anything.

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We can not have another four years. The thought sends me into a tailspin! Ugh

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Trump's the enemy , the first date , second state , third state and forest state and maybe fifth and sixty

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I blame the media for getting him elected in 2020. So much attention on him was nothing more than free advertising.

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Same as 2016 where he got all that free publicity.

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You mean got him elected in 2016 ….

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Yes Loran ...I'll never forget 'Her emails' stories that were written endlessly. But now where are the stories in 10 million dollar payment from ..is it Egypt? Or the Epstein flight passenger lists? And other stories..

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Yes.. it was the false equivalency, and they have learned nothing.

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No that was his buddy Putin before we really had a handle on hacking ... he was as surprised as anyone remember ??

Now we have better locks but who knows ??

I really believe he should not be able to run for office.. where are all the " felon " rules that stop others why don't they stop him??

He never WAS or is my president🖐️

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Trump knew what Putin was doing and welcomed it.

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I would hope that his followers can see that they could be his next target if they disagree with him and would choose not to vote for a man who admits he would be a dictator. There is no difference between day 1 and day 100 in that world.

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Hope and vote 🗳️ ‘la & Tim💪

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