Exactly! I’ve said the same thing- he’s gotten away with so much while all the media spotlight was on Biden! If Trump’s statements during their debate had been scrutinized, it would have been clear that he wasn’t making sense then!
Trump loves to tell a lie that he thinks will be picked up as the truth by the media. Sadly, this has too often been the case (looking at YOU New York Times — be ashamed).
But these days, “I have agreed to a debate” and “I hear there’s a big movement to bring back crooked Joe” are just not getting the traction he thought they would. The media seems to be getting wise.
America is tired of Trump croaking out the same old lies and lunacy they’ve heard ten thousand times before. I will take the Prosecutor over the Felon ANY DAY. And that's why I wear this "Prosecutor or Criminal 2024" tee with pride 👇 🤣
For a guy who thinks he’s leading big, he sure is eager to participate in debates now. What’s funny is that his claimed reasoning for participating is exactly the same as his claimed reasoning for not participating earlier 🤣
Trump doesn't need a fact checker he needs a truth checker. Whenever he speaks people should check to see if he says anything which isn't a lie. And that’s no joke.
Thank you! The NY Times is a disgrace. They trashed Biden because of his age, knowing full well that Trump is both old and deranged. What’s wrong with them?
The fabric of his existence is entirely composed of ridiculous lies. If he ever let a truth slip out, he would probably go into cardiac arrest. He will go into anaphylactic shock if anything, even slightly resembling the truth, comes out of his ugly mouth.
Just occurred to me, take someone who has lied his whole life to a point that he can't stop lying, take his age and obvious signs of dementia, gee that alone is a reason he should not have been running for POTUS in the first place- Biden did the right thing.
Trump could be in a place where he can't remember, keep track of or discern his own lies, he is just running on some bizzare auto pilot that makes him even more dangerous to himself and his own party let alone the country.
But the ReThuglicans don't care, just get Trump back into the Oval Office and we can deal with Dementia Donny later.
I think he said that about Joe in an attempt to try to take the cameras off Harris/Walz and back onto him, thereby stopping the momentum they have going. It’s all about the cameras with Trump.
It is all about the cameras for him. He wants to be filmed or photographed from one side (he can't remember if it is right or left), and he does not like full-body photos. It does not matter what angle a picture is taken from because he looks equally odd from any angle. I won't even get started on his "beautiful hair" (his words). I almost choked on my coffee when I heard him talk about scars on his "beautiful body."
I do not like being so petty when discussing these things, but do you see how this happens? Anytime I listen to his asinine words, I cross over to the dark side. I feel optimistic and happy when focusing on Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Focus on the little orange man, and the energy becomes malignant, dark, and rotten.
BTW I saw his right ear clearly on TV this morning....did he really get hit by an AR bullet?? He said it "ripped thru his ear"...I see nothing. It had to be a piece of wood or something else.
When someone asked him about it during his "Breaking News Press Conference" he pointed to the top of his ear and said he was shot right there on his earlobe. He does not even know what an earlobe is!
You're not being petty. We are so angry, exhausted, worried about the election & probable f*+:ery post-election. Nine years of his hateful pitting us against each other + watching billionaires get richer while we worry when Corp. price gouging will stop. Sorry to be negative. I believe that post-election WILL be resolved with President Harris & VP Walz in the WH!
And ffs, he's still talking about crowd sizes, this time comparing his J6 crowd to the number present for MLK's "I have a dream" speech. What a weird, flagging ego.
Yes, he did. But not one "reporter" in that room fact checked him in real time. How much energy does it take to do your job and say, "That's not true?" What are they afraid of?
When dictators get into power, the first casualty is the press. To kill the truth, they silence, even kill, the messenger.
It’s a fair bet that MAGA supporters are already making threats against reporters who criticise Trump.
At the ‘top’ end of the problem is the billionaire media owners; the ones who don’t want to pay more tax, or take any social responsibility for what they publish. We don’t know to what extent the message is sent down to reporters to give favoured candidates an easy ride.
It’s a very poor state of affairs where money has, again, taken precedence over the public good. It does leave you wondering what impact of the Watergate affair would have now.
Thank you. Too many times I'm sitting here screaming at the television. Why can't anyone just ask questions like to JD Vance while telling lies about stolen valor regarding Tim Walz and how he never saw combat. When did you see combat, JD Vance? And bring up the fact Mr. Bone Spurs was too chickenshit to see combat. Drives me insane.
Bonnie LeBlanc, you are not alone! The anger I feel when the press lets him off the hook cannot be good for my health. I try to avoid watching, but now Vance and HIS lies have been added. There’s no escape anymore…
Then it's not a press conference and shouldn't be covered as such. All the major networks were there with the appropriate reporters. Invitation only. B.S. He's a plain old candidate of the MAGA party. And he commands the presence of reporters as if he were a potentate? Well, then maybe it's time for all of those Ms. Otises to regret. This makes the media culpable. Just like in 2016, they are quickly re-upping for the Lickspittle brigade.
And the NYT reporting on this gathering of sycophants actually called it a press conference. Insane. It wasn't. It was so programmed that the questions weren't even audible.
I think that the reporters questions not being audible to the people watching was done on purpose. If people didn't hear the question, then his "answer" doesn't matter as he can say whatever he wants in response. Thereby NOT answering the question at all and with no followup question or push back the people watching are none the wiser.
Right! Where does he come off getting a Press Conference in the first place. He wouldn't even allow the Press into his private "Press Maga Meeting" the first day he was in office. And, remember, his guests included the Russians staying in Trump Tower to help him celebrate.
I tweeted @Msnbc my fury over them live broadcasting the lie-fest. He's a serial liar, no policies, just wastes time lying about crowd size. It's not too late to contact media outlets. If enough of us do this, at least we can have them think twice?
This is not, directed at you Fay, I take you point. But that is called blood money in some circles. It is tainted......an equivalent of the mythical 30 pieces of silver. Why should we ever, ever, believe any of them again? From Maureen Dowd and Peter Baker at the New York Times to their equivalents at the Washington Post, they have taken the bait and swallowed hard.
In full agreement Carol-Ann. That is why I shut my cable off last year. It's been 16 months now and I don't miss TV one bit. I have no interest or sympathy with today's would be journalists. Like Faust, they sold their souls to the devil.
I am so grateful to have Dan Rather on Substack - the journalists back when he was anchor would have quite before being told what they could or could not write. But in too much of America today, MONEY is king queen and emperor and strength of character gets in the way.
There is no need fot cable TV........All you need is the Stephanie Miller show every morning 9-12........and MeidasTouch on YOUTUBE throughout the day. John Fugelsang on Sirius FM.........( on Stephs web site)...........stop wasting time with paid off corporate media these days
We have to be careful of dising the media and journalists these days. That's exactly what MAGA wants, just like Russia. NO MEDIA unless it is their propaganda message getting out. Journalists need to stand strong and stay true without fear of whom? A Crazy Orange Man??
There are a few of those heroic journalists out there.......sadly most of them are more worried about their pay check than the freedom of the United States.
I was just going to post this link! I watched it yesterday and finally felt some kind of inspiration from MSNBC. He also played the full Kamala rally at the UAW, which no one else broadcast. But they all aired the FULL Trump BS press conference? Disgraceful.
I tweeted @lawrence and @msnbc giving a big THANK YOU to LOD and telling MSNBC don't you even think about firing him & ticking off millions of LOD viewers who are very loyal.
To MAGA it makes no difference that Trump is illogical. I do not understand why so many responses, in what I think is more rational, that they point out how irrational the other side is.
I hate giving advice as I recognize I’m a fool. Nevertheless, I’ll say this: read the room. We ALL KNOW HOW WACKY they are. Irrational people rarely know they are irrational.
I agree. Trump's base is so far gone from reality that they can't see Trump's mental demise and psychopathic ways. They soak up everything he says. Is America that broken? It's really an eye opener.
The 28 million hits over 24 hours says that the "rambles on and on" is not a problem. I couldn't care less what you watch.....none of my buisness....just giving an alternative to mainstream
The media have NEVER done their job with respect to the moron’s lies. In early years they referred to them politely as misspoken words, later as falsehoods (when they got braver), and only in recent years have they referred to them as outright lies. The papers of record, particularly The NYT and WaPo should have been calling him on his biggest whoppers years ago. If they had, we might not have the MAGATS believing everything he says, such as his totally absurd claim a few days ago that the D’s are sanctioning killing (aborting) newly born babies. The MAGATS believed that craziness
I was yelling at the screen yesterday, after he went off on how bad Harris would be for Jewish people and Jewish people voting for her are terrible: ‘Just one of you, follow up by pointing out she is married to a Jewish man.’ Nope. Not a single reporter mentioned it.
NABJ fact-checked him in REAL TIME during his stage interview! When he was asked if he would pardon the Jan 6 insurrections who are in jail he said "No, unless they're innocent", and she said "They were all convicted!" and the audience roared with applause and he just sat there with his deer in the headlights stare, just being the dolt that he truly is.
There were lots of fact checks, and more to come. Enough? Maybe not. What I want to see though is some more reporting on just how unhinged that presser was. The guy came off as stark raving mad. You cannot just report that he spewed out the normal lies. This was all that but on steroids.
Check out Lawrence O'Donnell's opening comments on his show last night. He was ruthless in his takedown of the media who were there, including reporters from his own network, NBC.
I did watch that. Boy was he angry. But I got the (mistaken?) impression that most of the news media there were of the Trump-friendly type (perhaps someone was vetting who was going to get through the doors of Mar-a-Lago). Why else would they have been so quiet when they just witnessed perhaps the largest collection of outright lies ever spewed from Trump's lips. If in fact the news media covering that event were from many of the "not-as-Trump-friendly" major outlets (ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, etc), then yes there is plenty of explaining to do. But it doesn't make sense.
The problem with fact checkers is you need to fact check them. They’re not neutral. Some are right-wing owned and deliberately skewing the facts to distort the dissemination of information.
He is a psychopath. He lies about everything. Always has, I'll bet. Even when he was a kid I'll bet he was always lying, making all sorts of things up.
Have any of you seen this article on Medium? It is SO right on and so interesting! Donald was scored a 33 out of 40, which is almost unheard of.
America is under attack from outside sources that want to destroy democracy. Trump gets away with praising all these dictators and not being called on it. Autocracy Inc by Anne Applebaum, just published is a real eye openener.........cancel the cable.......
Good Day. Donald tRump is a life long Narcissist. He was brought up that way, by a very sick father and Donald is more mentally deranged then his father was. Most of the Media today, is traitorous to the purpose that it is intended to follow.
When you're at the table or in the studio? Maybe. When the liar is allowed unfettered air time? No. In a gaggle masquerading as a press conference? Reporters are supposed to be delivering the truth. And calling him on his endless fabrications. By saying nothing, they give credence to his lies. By giving him air time whenever he belches is as much of a lie as what escapes his mouth.
2016 all over again.
Now that he knows the scam still works? You'll see more of it.
Ummm, no snark intended......according to the polls? More than 30% of this country is dumber than a sack of hammers. Too many "Independents" just don't want to let people know how, well, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, and just plain anti-democratic they are so they register "Independent." To do otherwise, wouldn't be good for "business."
Carol-Ann, I agree with you less about this comment. I registered many years ago as an Independent because I only want to choose the best person for the job. Party matters less than the character and experience of the person taking the oath and running the country.
I'm a retired white metallurgical engineer who has been to a highly accomplished, highly educated black man for 28+ years. Thankfully, we live in the sublimely progressive San Francisco Bay Area.
It frankly is not/has not been safe for us to step foot in many parts of the USA since Combover Caligula has been on the national scene.
My husband and his extended family have been in the USA since the 1600s. They helped built this country.
The bigotry and musogyny of millions of Americans disgust and anger me. We have no kids by choice, retired early, and have been traveling abroad. We're seriously thinking about leaving. The insane lack of gun safety laws alone make us want to leave.
Right before their very eyes, the “big bully” they loved so much IS shrinking fast, into this shriveled, tiny pucker-mouthed wimp who mutters and babbles away in nonsense, on and on. That’s Donnie these days. Keep airing clips of this in campaign ads. Exposing him to his cult as he really is. With narrative overlay on screen. Flood the airwaves, so they can’t escape seeing and hearing his demise.
Lawrence O'Donnell roasted the complacent fearful press in the room asking him non confrontation questions on tonight's show. He's right. It was all hand-picked don't rock the raft press personnel. Sad. They owe Americans so much more! Great strategy, Mary...let him talk and rant and rave and show his dementia (which I believe is real) and narcissistic personality and sociopathic nature until ALL America sees it. The rest of the world certainly does! His own family knows this, although most of them are of the same ilk. He needs to withdraw from this race, for reasons of age, incapacity to govern, personality disorder, sheer nastiness. NO ONE LIKE HIM SHOULD EVER BE NEAR POWER! He is still a huge danger and the electoral college has to be policed now so his 70 minions in key positions can't throw the election to his side beccause they will if they can! Thank you for all you do Mary! Brilliant! BTW Steve Miller on Ari Mebler's show yesterday was ranting, raving, like a true Fascist which I believe he is; oh and lying like boss Donny does! Unbelievable.!
Chuckled when Renee Graham of the Boston Globe ( on Lawrence O'Donnell 's show tonight called Trump's " press conference" a " Liar Palooza!". Wonder if he even remembers the punch line from his own.show " You're Fired!"?
Catchy phrase...perhaps Kamala/Tim just may keep those words in mind!🤗
I think it is a different Trumpet, Jason Miller who doesn't pay his child support. But I still think Stephen Miller's warped personality is summed up by reports from his college classmates, who say his form of " flirting" was challenging and belittling a female classmate during a class discussion.....followed by asking the same female classmate for a date shortly thereafter.
Terrifyingly, creepy and no empathy whatsoever he was instrumental in separating children from their families on the border, and I think many of those children are still unaccounted for…
The Electoral College needs to be abolished. Full stop. It is completely outdated AND what makes it even worse, it truly violates the voting process per se: One person, one vote.
The person with the most votes is the one elected.
I do not see any "electoral college" when it comes to voting in your town or State - so why in the presidential election???
Even with his obvious mental illness and dementia, he is still a dangerous man. For the reason that his MAGAs would allow him to do anything, including committing crimes and they shrug him off. I do believe he is getting his cult ready for more violence and I hope President Biden keeps the National Guard on attention.
He will always be dangerous, especially to women. And this time, if they try any January 6 bullshit, Biden (and Kamala) will absolutely be ready. The main reason it got so deadly was TFG watching on TV for hours before calling in the National Guard. And he was the one in the White House. This time, we have a team who is MUCH smarter and faster than that. It won’t happen on their watch. I’m more worried about SCOTUS fucking things up.
Exactly this. But in bringing up Hillary, he seems to be expecting to go to jail (which will happen if he loses the election) and lining up the sentiment that it's unfair and terrible for him to among his supporters.
Hannity has obviously hung around Trump too long because he is one miserable SOB who only knows how to bash Democrats and lie, lie, lie. Disgusting man.
They had planned to fact check him. The reason that event started late was (mainly) that Trump‘s people did not want the organizers to do live fact-checking. They apparently relented, and he went on stage, where he blamed the audio equipment for the delay! As far as follow-up questioning, first he steamrolled every one of those three panelists after not answering the questions; and then his team cut off the “interview“ early, when it looked like he was digging himself too deep a hole.
We saw him when in office completely shut down any media who tried corner him on a particular issue. He won't answer he'll just call them "NASTY" tell them to sit down & refuse to answer. It's a no-win situation. He'll ban anyone who persists.
Mary, please keep reminding all of us that we cannot relax while Trump is still walking around free and spewing his demented BS. Thank you for your commitment to the truth and to keeping all of us who care about democracy alert to the grave threat he poses. I appreciate so much your courage and refusal to let him spew his BS unfettered by the truth. Go, Mary, GO!
I keep thinking of Hillary Clinton. She could have been our first woman president expect for James Comey & Wikileaks. It all goes back to Putin & her emails. I am so hopeful Kamala Harris will be our next president & her VP supports her. He has a perfect background as a teacher & coach.Tim Walz has her back & I am so hopeful for both to win this coming election.
I am dumbfounded every single time that democratic voters are looking back and referring to either one of the Clinton's as people to look up to and role models - they truly are not! They are a rotten bunch, complementing each other - both have so much dirt on their hands it is absolutely despicable - and a little looking back at their time in AK, and what either one did while holding office should bring everyone to their senses snd establish a solid basis of what should not be toleaated in either party for a perdon holding public office.
And just so that there is no misunderstanding:
The gutter level to which the Republican Party has in full conscience and deliberately (with so few exceptions, ie Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney) allowed to sink is a stain on the democracy in this country that will not be ereased!
Cleaning house, in the true sense of the meaning, including the Senate, Scotus, and for that matter any entity whose task it is "to serve the public" (!) is indicated.
This country needs bright, enthusiastic patriots who truly have the desire to and want to serve their country - and not individuals who are looking to enrich themselves through that position.
And by the way: start making lobbying in DC, and any place, illigal! Why no one uses the word bribery escapes me. And a public servant taking bribes, or enriching themselves, is punishable by law (and tes, so is insider trading, Mrs. Pelosi!).
I’m sure he will. And various forms of speed his Dr. Feelgood gives him before appearances will only work for so long. I really wish someone would make him take a surprise drug test on the spot before a rally. Dementia is a progressive, degenerate disease and it will only get worse.
The mainstream media focused on Biden’s alleged “cognitive decline” even before the debate, not on how every day, he did/achieved something positive for our nation. I had already cancelled my NYT and WaPo digital subscription (I had both for almost ten years) and told them exactly why). I have yet to see any MSM headlines about TFG’s slide into actual frontotemporal lobe dementia. Kamala has filled me with hope and even joy, but I’m still really angry that no one is calling for (or even subtly suggesting) TFG to drop out
I have MAGA friends. Unbelievable. But when I ask them how they can support him, they say, sanctimoniously, that they vote policy. Oh, right. Of course. Like Project 2025 and tearing up the Constitution?
Wow, you’re more patient than I am. I admire that. I have two Republican friends but they hate DT and didn’t vote for him. My usual motto is “we don’t have to agree on politics to be kind to each other”. That changed when that orange bastard was POTUS. He is actively hateful, racist, cruel, and is a sexual predator. I cannot be friends with someone that admires a misogynistic rapist. The saddest ones to me are the ones I made friends with online, then found out when it came up that they are hateful, unpleasant people.
Amen, me too. I've started trying to get the goods on some of the medical folks I have to deal with. Ive had to dump 3 so far because I would never let a trumper touch me or give me a treatment.
Oh, and a Podiatrist who gave me some pretty bad news with zero bedside manner got fired in October 2021 because he refused to get vaxxed. A DOCTOR. In a very liberal city, too. My new podiatrist is AWESOME, hates TFG and swears as much as me. He also figured out how make my pain almost disappear (cortisone injections every 3-4 months. So it worked out in my favor!
Over the last two years, I’ve been fighting near-crippling depression and anxiety. I know my anxiety is going to skyrocket closer to the election, so after a bunch of research and advice from my doctor, I’m going to buy a set of medically supervised ketamine treatments. My shitty insurance will never pay. I am absolutely going to make sure my 3 grand or so are NOT going to someone in the MAGA cult. Same goes for any purchase over 100 bucks, if it’s a privately-owned business.
I’m not rich, but no one that thinks an adjudicated rapist and convicted felon is cool or worth voting for is NOT getting my money!
Very wise, not to trust your life to those who have no respect for human live, based on their sanctimonious political arrogance of white supremacy, even if one happens to be white. It reveals a warped concept of humanity, reality and sanctity. That is actually anti-life.
I'm so sorry to hear that you are wrestling with depression & anxiety. My Dr. has increased my antidepressants twice in the last few years. In California weed dispensaries are now legal. I have calming gummies (Indica) which help without getting high. CBD I think is calming also without getting high. I don't know anything about ketamine.
Thanks for the kind words. Oh, weed is legal in my state! I now have to take a medley of weed in various forms just to sleep. I an already taking two different antidepressants, have been for awhile, at the maximum amount. I’ve read quite a bit on ketamine microdosing since my doctor recommended it.
Same. And that is how the wedge is being applied. Actual relationships are being insidiously divided, a few at a time, until the line between “us” and “them “ becomes wide and bright neon red. I wish I didn’t have to know what my family’s and neighbors’ political beliefs are. It’s too upsetting.
He has to have his “interviews” on his own turf with his own rules, with his whole selection of people. And I sometimes wonder how much questioners are afraid of being attacked.. called nasty, stupid, etc.
The black women journalists were certainly not scared. God bless them!!!
Absolutely not! Now that Joe Biden is out of the race, and people are not freaked out about his cognitive issues, we can "Walz" right into Trump's sad but real cognitive impairment! Watching his "press unconference" at Mar-a-Lago tonight, all the MSNBC hosts spoke about how much he has deteriorated since 2016, and even 2020. Comparing the size of his January 6 crowd to Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream," even bragging that his crowd was bigger, I almost felt pity for this unglued 78 year old dark shadow of a man. He has no chance of winning and I think his campaign aides will try to sequester him at Mar-a-Lago as much as possible to prevent more catastrophe.
It has become ever more obvious that Donald Trump, once the 21st century showman … has become a show. Like that proverbial slo-mo train wreck—horrifying, fascinating, fatal.
That some 40% of America fell for it? Horrifying. Fascinating…. Near fatal.
I think the RNC is running out of campaign money, and that’s why Donald isn’t campaigning. He blew it on legal fees and their ground game is non-existent in some swing states.
All the better to turn red counties and regions blue on the ground before the gerry-mandering gets even worse. They don't really have to spend the money to win elections there anymore because they have made sure they get to count whatever they want.
I expect when the orange one loses, he will blame JD. Polls seem too close to call but attendance at rallies seem out of proportion to the polls. Who is getting polled? I have never been asked!
That's what I'm afraid of - what the MAGA's will do with the "rigged election" accusations. They've already rigged the courts in their favor, and they seem to thrive on threats of violence if they don't get their way.
I’m afraid of it too, but TFG was POTUS on 1/6. Biden, Kamala, and Walz are extremely smart and will be ready and prepared for violence. I have confidence in them. No one will get NEAR the Capital if they try any Jan 6 bullshit. And his whine and calling it rigged? Again, in 2020, he was in office. We had to get him to leave the White House. Not anymore. And this time, Kamala and Biden will have a plan.
A number of years ago I somehow got on a polling list. I was contacted for at least 10 different polls. After about that many one is removed from the call list because you become "spoiled." A great scientific national poll rarely polls more than a 1,000 to 1,500 people. A good poll should include a number of different ethnicities, ages, political stance, etc.
There are all types of polls. A Straw Poll is one where the respondents self select their participation. They're the most unreliable.
Unfortunately too many people get their information from media straw polls.
Polling is a science, a very technical one. Unfortunately it's not regulated and there are no standards.
No one fact checks him so he just lies nonstop. The media has stopped doing their jobs.
Exactly! I’ve said the same thing- he’s gotten away with so much while all the media spotlight was on Biden! If Trump’s statements during their debate had been scrutinized, it would have been clear that he wasn’t making sense then!
Trump loves to tell a lie that he thinks will be picked up as the truth by the media. Sadly, this has too often been the case (looking at YOU New York Times — be ashamed).
But these days, “I have agreed to a debate” and “I hear there’s a big movement to bring back crooked Joe” are just not getting the traction he thought they would. The media seems to be getting wise.
America is tired of Trump croaking out the same old lies and lunacy they’ve heard ten thousand times before. I will take the Prosecutor over the Felon ANY DAY. And that's why I wear this "Prosecutor or Criminal 2024" tee with pride 👇 🤣
For a guy who thinks he’s leading big, he sure is eager to participate in debates now. What’s funny is that his claimed reasoning for participating is exactly the same as his claimed reasoning for not participating earlier 🤣
Trump doesn't need a fact checker he needs a truth checker. Whenever he speaks people should check to see if he says anything which isn't a lie. And that’s no joke.
Thank you! The NY Times is a disgrace. They trashed Biden because of his age, knowing full well that Trump is both old and deranged. What’s wrong with them?
Partial Political Maga Staff....
Has he ever said something that wasn't a lie? I must have missed it. Just saying.....LOL.
He Lies about Lying.
The fabric of his existence is entirely composed of ridiculous lies. If he ever let a truth slip out, he would probably go into cardiac arrest. He will go into anaphylactic shock if anything, even slightly resembling the truth, comes out of his ugly mouth.
Just occurred to me, take someone who has lied his whole life to a point that he can't stop lying, take his age and obvious signs of dementia, gee that alone is a reason he should not have been running for POTUS in the first place- Biden did the right thing.
Trump could be in a place where he can't remember, keep track of or discern his own lies, he is just running on some bizzare auto pilot that makes him even more dangerous to himself and his own party let alone the country.
But the ReThuglicans don't care, just get Trump back into the Oval Office and we can deal with Dementia Donny later.
And shouldn't that eventually lead to the truth?? I'm too tired for this behavior.
You would think, however, he is not like anyone else I have ever seen, so who can predict?
I think he said that about Joe in an attempt to try to take the cameras off Harris/Walz and back onto him, thereby stopping the momentum they have going. It’s all about the cameras with Trump.
It is all about the cameras for him. He wants to be filmed or photographed from one side (he can't remember if it is right or left), and he does not like full-body photos. It does not matter what angle a picture is taken from because he looks equally odd from any angle. I won't even get started on his "beautiful hair" (his words). I almost choked on my coffee when I heard him talk about scars on his "beautiful body."
I do not like being so petty when discussing these things, but do you see how this happens? Anytime I listen to his asinine words, I cross over to the dark side. I feel optimistic and happy when focusing on Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Focus on the little orange man, and the energy becomes malignant, dark, and rotten.
BTW I saw his right ear clearly on TV this morning....did he really get hit by an AR bullet?? He said it "ripped thru his ear"...I see nothing. It had to be a piece of wood or something else.
When someone asked him about it during his "Breaking News Press Conference" he pointed to the top of his ear and said he was shot right there on his earlobe. He does not even know what an earlobe is!
FBI confirmed he was shot. But he sure healed fast!!
You're not being petty. We are so angry, exhausted, worried about the election & probable f*+:ery post-election. Nine years of his hateful pitting us against each other + watching billionaires get richer while we worry when Corp. price gouging will stop. Sorry to be negative. I believe that post-election WILL be resolved with President Harris & VP Walz in the WH!
Good idea! He can star on remake of Tales from the Dark Side!
And ffs, he's still talking about crowd sizes, this time comparing his J6 crowd to the number present for MLK's "I have a dream" speech. What a weird, flagging ego.
And very offensive. Combover Caligula needs to keep MLK Jr.'s name out of his mouth! 🤬🤬
Trump drew a million people somewhere once. A million protesters in DC at the March!
Long past time for Donnie to go back to obscure buffoon.
Oh you can tell if it's a lie. His lips are moving.
His rambling rallys would increase to 24 hours a day and his audience would decrease to those with an IQ above 50.
Will he ever be held to account by the media? Or the Justice System?
Chris Hayes fact checked him tonight on MSNBC
Yes, he did. But not one "reporter" in that room fact checked him in real time. How much energy does it take to do your job and say, "That's not true?" What are they afraid of?
When dictators get into power, the first casualty is the press. To kill the truth, they silence, even kill, the messenger.
It’s a fair bet that MAGA supporters are already making threats against reporters who criticise Trump.
At the ‘top’ end of the problem is the billionaire media owners; the ones who don’t want to pay more tax, or take any social responsibility for what they publish. We don’t know to what extent the message is sent down to reporters to give favoured candidates an easy ride.
It’s a very poor state of affairs where money has, again, taken precedence over the public good. It does leave you wondering what impact of the Watergate affair would have now.
So many wealthy people in America seem to be victims of a Sickness..that of never having ENOUGH money and power. They just want more, more, more.
Thank you. Too many times I'm sitting here screaming at the television. Why can't anyone just ask questions like to JD Vance while telling lies about stolen valor regarding Tim Walz and how he never saw combat. When did you see combat, JD Vance? And bring up the fact Mr. Bone Spurs was too chickenshit to see combat. Drives me insane.
Bonnie LeBlanc, you are not alone! The anger I feel when the press lets him off the hook cannot be good for my health. I try to avoid watching, but now Vance and HIS lies have been added. There’s no escape anymore…
Yes, the NABJ journos did it, why can’t this lot? Do they lack the courage of the black women journos?
The owners of the station. The ones who made money, monsteous amounts of money when Teump was in the White House. That's who they are afraid of.
Then the cause and will of John Peter Zenger is dead.
My understanding is that the press conference was by invitation only. So who knows what members of the press were there?
Then it's not a press conference and shouldn't be covered as such. All the major networks were there with the appropriate reporters. Invitation only. B.S. He's a plain old candidate of the MAGA party. And he commands the presence of reporters as if he were a potentate? Well, then maybe it's time for all of those Ms. Otises to regret. This makes the media culpable. Just like in 2016, they are quickly re-upping for the Lickspittle brigade.
And the NYT reporting on this gathering of sycophants actually called it a press conference. Insane. It wasn't. It was so programmed that the questions weren't even audible.
I think that the reporters questions not being audible to the people watching was done on purpose. If people didn't hear the question, then his "answer" doesn't matter as he can say whatever he wants in response. Thereby NOT answering the question at all and with no followup question or push back the people watching are none the wiser.
Great response Carol-Ann.
Right! Where does he come off getting a Press Conference in the first place. He wouldn't even allow the Press into his private "Press Maga Meeting" the first day he was in office. And, remember, his guests included the Russians staying in Trump Tower to help him celebrate.
Well stated! 👏
I tweeted @Msnbc my fury over them live broadcasting the lie-fest. He's a serial liar, no policies, just wastes time lying about crowd size. It's not too late to contact media outlets. If enough of us do this, at least we can have them think twice?
Loss of their high paying jobs, Carol. They have lost all contact with REAL journalism and do as they are told, like any good slavey.
This is not, directed at you Fay, I take you point. But that is called blood money in some circles. It is tainted......an equivalent of the mythical 30 pieces of silver. Why should we ever, ever, believe any of them again? From Maureen Dowd and Peter Baker at the New York Times to their equivalents at the Washington Post, they have taken the bait and swallowed hard.
In full agreement Carol-Ann. That is why I shut my cable off last year. It's been 16 months now and I don't miss TV one bit. I have no interest or sympathy with today's would be journalists. Like Faust, they sold their souls to the devil.
I am so grateful to have Dan Rather on Substack - the journalists back when he was anchor would have quite before being told what they could or could not write. But in too much of America today, MONEY is king queen and emperor and strength of character gets in the way.
Oh, does character and morals still exist? If so, I'm ecstatic.
There is no need fot cable TV........All you need is the Stephanie Miller show every morning 9-12........and MeidasTouch on YOUTUBE throughout the day. John Fugelsang on Sirius FM.........( on Stephs web site)...........stop wasting time with paid off corporate media these days
We have to be careful of dising the media and journalists these days. That's exactly what MAGA wants, just like Russia. NO MEDIA unless it is their propaganda message getting out. Journalists need to stand strong and stay true without fear of whom? A Crazy Orange Man??
There are a few of those heroic journalists out there.......sadly most of them are more worried about their pay check than the freedom of the United States.
Also, death threats from his maga cult followers.
Check out Lawrence O'Donnell's scathing takedown on the media's handling of this "press conference" last night on MSNBC. 🔥
He is one of my favorite reporters! I just watched this and it was amazing!
He puts me to sleep every night so I can calm down from stressful political days. I LOVE that GUY!!
I was just going to post this link! I watched it yesterday and finally felt some kind of inspiration from MSNBC. He also played the full Kamala rally at the UAW, which no one else broadcast. But they all aired the FULL Trump BS press conference? Disgraceful.
I tweeted @lawrence and @msnbc giving a big THANK YOU to LOD and telling MSNBC don't you even think about firing him & ticking off millions of LOD viewers who are very loyal.
Because the reporters were hand picked by Trump. In usual Trump fashion it was rigged to be in his favor.
It is probable that the so-called reporters were chosen by Trump.
yes they were.
He's surrounded with MAGA support teams with greased palms.
Afraid of being denied access
Do you have a link?
It’s a start!
To MAGA it makes no difference that Trump is illogical. I do not understand why so many responses, in what I think is more rational, that they point out how irrational the other side is.
I hate giving advice as I recognize I’m a fool. Nevertheless, I’ll say this: read the room. We ALL KNOW HOW WACKY they are. Irrational people rarely know they are irrational.
I believe they know and are all following Social Media and Dt's Website into a propaganda dark state. Deep State comes from their man Cave in Hell.
Thinking that there are really SMART people who are really ignoring what Trump says.
I have two extremely intelligent cousins who are voting for him ONLY because he’s republican.
Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever…
I agree. Trump's base is so far gone from reality that they can't see Trump's mental demise and psychopathic ways. They soak up everything he says. Is America that broken? It's really an eye opener.
You’re so right. How do we ordinary citizens get them to fact check the orange stain and his couch lover.
Go to MeidasTouch...........stop wasting time
Sorry but Meidas touch rambles on and on so I now go to other places like Bryan Tyler Cohen, the Bulwark and other places.
Agree. Media's takes 3-4 times as long to say something. Waste of time
The 28 million hits over 24 hours says that the "rambles on and on" is not a problem. I couldn't care less what you watch.....none of my buisness....just giving an alternative to mainstream
Hmmm. Are you suggesting that something is well done as measured by number of hits?
The measurement of “well done” should be made of sterner stuff.
Yes.....I am stating that is is well done......got a problem with that?? Who are you to be the judge!!! Go watch what you want.......bye.
The media have NEVER done their job with respect to the moron’s lies. In early years they referred to them politely as misspoken words, later as falsehoods (when they got braver), and only in recent years have they referred to them as outright lies. The papers of record, particularly The NYT and WaPo should have been calling him on his biggest whoppers years ago. If they had, we might not have the MAGATS believing everything he says, such as his totally absurd claim a few days ago that the D’s are sanctioning killing (aborting) newly born babies. The MAGATS believed that craziness
Trump accused of RAPING 12 year-old.
I was yelling at the screen yesterday, after he went off on how bad Harris would be for Jewish people and Jewish people voting for her are terrible: ‘Just one of you, follow up by pointing out she is married to a Jewish man.’ Nope. Not a single reporter mentioned it.
NABJ fact-checked him in REAL TIME during his stage interview! When he was asked if he would pardon the Jan 6 insurrections who are in jail he said "No, unless they're innocent", and she said "They were all convicted!" and the audience roared with applause and he just sat there with his deer in the headlights stare, just being the dolt that he truly is.
There were lots of fact checks, and more to come. Enough? Maybe not. What I want to see though is some more reporting on just how unhinged that presser was. The guy came off as stark raving mad. You cannot just report that he spewed out the normal lies. This was all that but on steroids.
Check out Lawrence O'Donnell's opening comments on his show last night. He was ruthless in his takedown of the media who were there, including reporters from his own network, NBC.
I did watch that. Boy was he angry. But I got the (mistaken?) impression that most of the news media there were of the Trump-friendly type (perhaps someone was vetting who was going to get through the doors of Mar-a-Lago). Why else would they have been so quiet when they just witnessed perhaps the largest collection of outright lies ever spewed from Trump's lips. If in fact the news media covering that event were from many of the "not-as-Trump-friendly" major outlets (ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, etc), then yes there is plenty of explaining to do. But it doesn't make sense.
Yep! To them, it's just a race between a crazy person—who most Americans know is nuts—and a super-qualified woman. Cool! Let's watch!
NYTimes fact checked on line as he spoke. They were spot on, and called out every lie! I recommend it highly!
The problem with fact checkers is you need to fact check them. They’re not neutral. Some are right-wing owned and deliberately skewing the facts to distort the dissemination of information.
Years ago.
He is a psychopath. He lies about everything. Always has, I'll bet. Even when he was a kid I'll bet he was always lying, making all sorts of things up.
Have any of you seen this article on Medium? It is SO right on and so interesting! Donald was scored a 33 out of 40, which is almost unheard of.
They do not do their jobs anymore. Wonder why this is?
Which is very odd, and unprofessional.
America is under attack from outside sources that want to destroy democracy. Trump gets away with praising all these dictators and not being called on it. Autocracy Inc by Anne Applebaum, just published is a real eye openener.........cancel the cable.......
Odd she says
As it gently rains
In the high desert
The clouds cris-cross the skies
Searching to understand
What is reason
Finding no reply
Seek the Truth. It stands before all of you.
Good Day. Donald tRump is a life long Narcissist. He was brought up that way, by a very sick father and Donald is more mentally deranged then his father was. Most of the Media today, is traitorous to the purpose that it is intended to follow.
Never interrupt an adversary when they're making a mistake. Great observations, as always 💙
When you're at the table or in the studio? Maybe. When the liar is allowed unfettered air time? No. In a gaggle masquerading as a press conference? Reporters are supposed to be delivering the truth. And calling him on his endless fabrications. By saying nothing, they give credence to his lies. By giving him air time whenever he belches is as much of a lie as what escapes his mouth.
2016 all over again.
Now that he knows the scam still works? You'll see more of it.
The breaking news press conference was a rehearsed play. Shame on the networks who gave him the air time.
But, does it work? Most of intelligent people know what the media in Americo is all about.
Ummm, no snark intended......according to the polls? More than 30% of this country is dumber than a sack of hammers. Too many "Independents" just don't want to let people know how, well, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, and just plain anti-democratic they are so they register "Independent." To do otherwise, wouldn't be good for "business."
Carol-Ann, I agree with you less about this comment. I registered many years ago as an Independent because I only want to choose the best person for the job. Party matters less than the character and experience of the person taking the oath and running the country.
I agree with you, Carol-Ann.
I'm a retired white metallurgical engineer who has been to a highly accomplished, highly educated black man for 28+ years. Thankfully, we live in the sublimely progressive San Francisco Bay Area.
It frankly is not/has not been safe for us to step foot in many parts of the USA since Combover Caligula has been on the national scene.
My husband and his extended family have been in the USA since the 1600s. They helped built this country.
The bigotry and musogyny of millions of Americans disgust and anger me. We have no kids by choice, retired early, and have been traveling abroad. We're seriously thinking about leaving. The insane lack of gun safety laws alone make us want to leave.
Let's mock DON-OLD. Trump is a tired old man.
I'm working on this. Think it's almost ready.
Can you use "Donald Chump" and/or Mashed Potatoes in that?
Love it! Send to Dems may they make T shirts!!
Let’s all use the nick-name “DON-OLD” every time we refer to him! (including, of course, on tee-shirts)!!!
(This is starting to happen on other sub-stacks. We need to ramp it up to put it out there everywhere)!!
Right before their very eyes, the “big bully” they loved so much IS shrinking fast, into this shriveled, tiny pucker-mouthed wimp who mutters and babbles away in nonsense, on and on. That’s Donnie these days. Keep airing clips of this in campaign ads. Exposing him to his cult as he really is. With narrative overlay on screen. Flood the airwaves, so they can’t escape seeing and hearing his demise.
Lawrence O'Donnell roasted the complacent fearful press in the room asking him non confrontation questions on tonight's show. He's right. It was all hand-picked don't rock the raft press personnel. Sad. They owe Americans so much more! Great strategy, Mary...let him talk and rant and rave and show his dementia (which I believe is real) and narcissistic personality and sociopathic nature until ALL America sees it. The rest of the world certainly does! His own family knows this, although most of them are of the same ilk. He needs to withdraw from this race, for reasons of age, incapacity to govern, personality disorder, sheer nastiness. NO ONE LIKE HIM SHOULD EVER BE NEAR POWER! He is still a huge danger and the electoral college has to be policed now so his 70 minions in key positions can't throw the election to his side beccause they will if they can! Thank you for all you do Mary! Brilliant! BTW Steve Miller on Ari Mebler's show yesterday was ranting, raving, like a true Fascist which I believe he is; oh and lying like boss Donny does! Unbelievable.!
I can't recall seeing LOD so angry before. Bravo to him.
Chuckled when Renee Graham of the Boston Globe ( on Lawrence O'Donnell 's show tonight called Trump's " press conference" a " Liar Palooza!". Wonder if he even remembers the punch line from his own.show " You're Fired!"?
Catchy phrase...perhaps Kamala/Tim just may keep those words in mind!🤗
I cannot even look at Steve Miller because to me he reminds me of Hitler too much. What a creepy man who won't even pay child support? Did I mention Trump was accused of raping a 12 year-old? WHY ARE WE NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS? AND WHY WON'T THE MEDIA TALK ABOUT THIS?????? https://perezhilton.com/donald-trump-katie-johnson-13-year-old-accusation-ronan-farrow-stormy-daniels-karen-mcdougal-connection/
I think it is a different Trumpet, Jason Miller who doesn't pay his child support. But I still think Stephen Miller's warped personality is summed up by reports from his college classmates, who say his form of " flirting" was challenging and belittling a female classmate during a class discussion.....followed by asking the same female classmate for a date shortly thereafter.
I think he is a sociopath actually. A functional one, but a sociopath none the less
Terrifyingly, creepy and no empathy whatsoever he was instrumental in separating children from their families on the border, and I think many of those children are still unaccounted for…
Very well said!
The Electoral College needs to be abolished. Full stop. It is completely outdated AND what makes it even worse, it truly violates the voting process per se: One person, one vote.
The person with the most votes is the one elected.
I do not see any "electoral college" when it comes to voting in your town or State - so why in the presidential election???
Even with his obvious mental illness and dementia, he is still a dangerous man. For the reason that his MAGAs would allow him to do anything, including committing crimes and they shrug him off. I do believe he is getting his cult ready for more violence and I hope President Biden keeps the National Guard on attention.
He will always be dangerous, especially to women. And this time, if they try any January 6 bullshit, Biden (and Kamala) will absolutely be ready. The main reason it got so deadly was TFG watching on TV for hours before calling in the National Guard. And he was the one in the White House. This time, we have a team who is MUCH smarter and faster than that. It won’t happen on their watch. I’m more worried about SCOTUS fucking things up.
Donald may feel the only votes he needs is a 6-3 SCOTUS victory over some made up fraud claim.
I think that is their plan. Alito was going to do it in 2020 and given the immunity bs is ready to go
Exactly this. But in bringing up Hillary, he seems to be expecting to go to jail (which will happen if he loses the election) and lining up the sentiment that it's unfair and terrible for him to among his supporters.
And I'm pretty sure Biden won't hesitate calling in help should there be an attempted re-enactment of Jan 6.
I have a distinct feeling all of law enforcement is ready for anything.
I expect Biden should have them alerted well ahead of the election. DumbOld has already predicted civil war.
I am sure he has a plan when he loses. We all should stay on guard.President Biden knows his enemies & DonOld is a the top of his enemy list.
The plan is to sabotage the election by getting his stooges to refuse to certify elections in their areas.
They can get a judge to issue a court order to certify the votes.
I know. The main question is how long it would take to do so. And if there are enough lawyers ready for that.
Mark Elias has been working on that since 2020. Unsurprisingly, a lot of lawyers like the Rule of Law.
I know he's been at it a long time, and I'm sure he's prepared for the mess. I'm sure he has a plan in place.
I’ve been on guard since he announced he is running again.
He's like a drunk with a shotgun.
Or an elderly chimpanzee with a machine gun…
That's an insult to chimpanzees..lol!
A chimpanzee with bump stocks.
Let's hope his followers keep their tails tucked like every other time he has called for mayhem in the streets.
I agree. His acolytes are just as nuts as he is and dangerous.
Can't wait for this 9 year nightmare to end!!!!
Me, too.
YES. Me, too.
The press giving Donald air time and softball questions is a huge boost for him. He gets away with it every time . No one presses him on his lies.
The black journalists sure did it. God bless them, every one.
Sure did !
Msnbc just now said that we should make sure the press doesn’t treat Kamala any differently when she has a press conference. They are disgraceful!
It's because most of the press are controlled by the Right as many others have pointed out, especially FOX AND "FRIENDS"!!!
Hannity has obviously hung around Trump too long because he is one miserable SOB who only knows how to bash Democrats and lie, lie, lie. Disgusting man.
I know and why don’t they fact check him or do follow up questioning
They had planned to fact check him. The reason that event started late was (mainly) that Trump‘s people did not want the organizers to do live fact-checking. They apparently relented, and he went on stage, where he blamed the audio equipment for the delay! As far as follow-up questioning, first he steamrolled every one of those three panelists after not answering the questions; and then his team cut off the “interview“ early, when it looked like he was digging himself too deep a hole.
We saw him when in office completely shut down any media who tried corner him on a particular issue. He won't answer he'll just call them "NASTY" tell them to sit down & refuse to answer. It's a no-win situation. He'll ban anyone who persists.
Tim you just nailed it. Most of the press are cowards. We need many more Rachel Scott's
Mary, please keep reminding all of us that we cannot relax while Trump is still walking around free and spewing his demented BS. Thank you for your commitment to the truth and to keeping all of us who care about democracy alert to the grave threat he poses. I appreciate so much your courage and refusal to let him spew his BS unfettered by the truth. Go, Mary, GO!
Since June of 2022, I am in no danger of relaxing. Good comment though
I can hardly wait to hear him talk in response to and along side KH. That should make the distinction PERFECTLY clear.
I keep thinking of Hillary Clinton. She could have been our first woman president expect for James Comey & Wikileaks. It all goes back to Putin & her emails. I am so hopeful Kamala Harris will be our next president & her VP supports her. He has a perfect background as a teacher & coach.Tim Walz has her back & I am so hopeful for both to win this coming election.
I am dumbfounded every single time that democratic voters are looking back and referring to either one of the Clinton's as people to look up to and role models - they truly are not! They are a rotten bunch, complementing each other - both have so much dirt on their hands it is absolutely despicable - and a little looking back at their time in AK, and what either one did while holding office should bring everyone to their senses snd establish a solid basis of what should not be toleaated in either party for a perdon holding public office.
And just so that there is no misunderstanding:
The gutter level to which the Republican Party has in full conscience and deliberately (with so few exceptions, ie Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney) allowed to sink is a stain on the democracy in this country that will not be ereased!
Cleaning house, in the true sense of the meaning, including the Senate, Scotus, and for that matter any entity whose task it is "to serve the public" (!) is indicated.
This country needs bright, enthusiastic patriots who truly have the desire to and want to serve their country - and not individuals who are looking to enrich themselves through that position.
And by the way: start making lobbying in DC, and any place, illigal! Why no one uses the word bribery escapes me. And a public servant taking bribes, or enriching themselves, is punishable by law (and tes, so is insider trading, Mrs. Pelosi!).
Looking forward to the debate….IF he doesn’t back out with some flimsy excuse.
I’m sure he will. And various forms of speed his Dr. Feelgood gives him before appearances will only work for so long. I really wish someone would make him take a surprise drug test on the spot before a rally. Dementia is a progressive, degenerate disease and it will only get worse.
The mainstream media focused on Biden’s alleged “cognitive decline” even before the debate, not on how every day, he did/achieved something positive for our nation. I had already cancelled my NYT and WaPo digital subscription (I had both for almost ten years) and told them exactly why). I have yet to see any MSM headlines about TFG’s slide into actual frontotemporal lobe dementia. Kamala has filled me with hope and even joy, but I’m still really angry that no one is calling for (or even subtly suggesting) TFG to drop out
I have MAGA friends. Unbelievable. But when I ask them how they can support him, they say, sanctimoniously, that they vote policy. Oh, right. Of course. Like Project 2025 and tearing up the Constitution?
Wow, you’re more patient than I am. I admire that. I have two Republican friends but they hate DT and didn’t vote for him. My usual motto is “we don’t have to agree on politics to be kind to each other”. That changed when that orange bastard was POTUS. He is actively hateful, racist, cruel, and is a sexual predator. I cannot be friends with someone that admires a misogynistic rapist. The saddest ones to me are the ones I made friends with online, then found out when it came up that they are hateful, unpleasant people.
Amen, me too. I've started trying to get the goods on some of the medical folks I have to deal with. Ive had to dump 3 so far because I would never let a trumper touch me or give me a treatment.
Oh, and a Podiatrist who gave me some pretty bad news with zero bedside manner got fired in October 2021 because he refused to get vaxxed. A DOCTOR. In a very liberal city, too. My new podiatrist is AWESOME, hates TFG and swears as much as me. He also figured out how make my pain almost disappear (cortisone injections every 3-4 months. So it worked out in my favor!
Over the last two years, I’ve been fighting near-crippling depression and anxiety. I know my anxiety is going to skyrocket closer to the election, so after a bunch of research and advice from my doctor, I’m going to buy a set of medically supervised ketamine treatments. My shitty insurance will never pay. I am absolutely going to make sure my 3 grand or so are NOT going to someone in the MAGA cult. Same goes for any purchase over 100 bucks, if it’s a privately-owned business.
I’m not rich, but no one that thinks an adjudicated rapist and convicted felon is cool or worth voting for is NOT getting my money!
Very wise, not to trust your life to those who have no respect for human live, based on their sanctimonious political arrogance of white supremacy, even if one happens to be white. It reveals a warped concept of humanity, reality and sanctity. That is actually anti-life.
I'm so sorry to hear that you are wrestling with depression & anxiety. My Dr. has increased my antidepressants twice in the last few years. In California weed dispensaries are now legal. I have calming gummies (Indica) which help without getting high. CBD I think is calming also without getting high. I don't know anything about ketamine.
Thanks for the kind words. Oh, weed is legal in my state! I now have to take a medley of weed in various forms just to sleep. I an already taking two different antidepressants, have been for awhile, at the maximum amount. I’ve read quite a bit on ketamine microdosing since my doctor recommended it.
Incomprehensible, isn't it?
Same. And that is how the wedge is being applied. Actual relationships are being insidiously divided, a few at a time, until the line between “us” and “them “ becomes wide and bright neon red. I wish I didn’t have to know what my family’s and neighbors’ political beliefs are. It’s too upsetting.
I have friends like that too. And not a single one of them has ever read Project 2025. In their minds they deny its existence.
He has to have his “interviews” on his own turf with his own rules, with his whole selection of people. And I sometimes wonder how much questioners are afraid of being attacked.. called nasty, stupid, etc.
The black women journalists were certainly not scared. God bless them!!!
They were the best! And he couldn't handle it. Imagine if anyone were to try speaking to him as he spoke to those women!
Absolutely not! Now that Joe Biden is out of the race, and people are not freaked out about his cognitive issues, we can "Walz" right into Trump's sad but real cognitive impairment! Watching his "press unconference" at Mar-a-Lago tonight, all the MSNBC hosts spoke about how much he has deteriorated since 2016, and even 2020. Comparing the size of his January 6 crowd to Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream," even bragging that his crowd was bigger, I almost felt pity for this unglued 78 year old dark shadow of a man. He has no chance of winning and I think his campaign aides will try to sequester him at Mar-a-Lago as much as possible to prevent more catastrophe.
It has become ever more obvious that Donald Trump, once the 21st century showman … has become a show. Like that proverbial slo-mo train wreck—horrifying, fascinating, fatal.
That some 40% of America fell for it? Horrifying. Fascinating…. Near fatal.
Oh, Mr Sharp...beautifully stated! Well and truly done, sir!🤗
Yes. Keep talking, you treasonous fascist fuck. Keep talking.
I think the RNC is running out of campaign money, and that’s why Donald isn’t campaigning. He blew it on legal fees and their ground game is non-existent in some swing states.
Nothing that $10M from Egypt couldn't fix. SMDH.
All the better to turn red counties and regions blue on the ground before the gerry-mandering gets even worse. They don't really have to spend the money to win elections there anymore because they have made sure they get to count whatever they want.
Go listen to Lawrence tonight on the weak media reaction.. he was FAB.. tore them to pieces as he should have.
Yes he was!
Do you support Harris or Trump?
I expect when the orange one loses, he will blame JD. Polls seem too close to call but attendance at rallies seem out of proportion to the polls. Who is getting polled? I have never been asked!
I’m 75 and have never believed polls! I’ve never been polled!
I will be 86 this month. NEVER have I been asked. So much for POLLS!
I'm 67 and neither have I.
He will blame JD, but he’ll blame it on “democrat lefty liberals who rigged the election” first.
ANYBODY but his own shortcomings.
Yep. Textbook malignant narcissism
That's what I'm afraid of - what the MAGA's will do with the "rigged election" accusations. They've already rigged the courts in their favor, and they seem to thrive on threats of violence if they don't get their way.
Takes 2 to tango...they're not the only ones who can use a gun when push comes to shove.
I’m afraid of it too, but TFG was POTUS on 1/6. Biden, Kamala, and Walz are extremely smart and will be ready and prepared for violence. I have confidence in them. No one will get NEAR the Capital if they try any Jan 6 bullshit. And his whine and calling it rigged? Again, in 2020, he was in office. We had to get him to leave the White House. Not anymore. And this time, Kamala and Biden will have a plan.
Do you support Harris or Trump?
A number of years ago I somehow got on a polling list. I was contacted for at least 10 different polls. After about that many one is removed from the call list because you become "spoiled." A great scientific national poll rarely polls more than a 1,000 to 1,500 people. A good poll should include a number of different ethnicities, ages, political stance, etc.
There are all types of polls. A Straw Poll is one where the respondents self select their participation. They're the most unreliable.
Unfortunately too many people get their information from media straw polls.
Polling is a science, a very technical one. Unfortunately it's not regulated and there are no standards.
Same here. I have also never been asked. I keep hearing you can’t trust the polls. It must be true.