A woman neighbour of mine has this weird hate for other women.....as a guy, I do not really understand this at all. Could this kind of feeling bring a women to sell out another and vote for the Orange serial rapist???
Years ago, an ex girlfriend of mine got sucked into a cult........I would get notes under my door from these freaks to stay away........totally understand the power of Donable Lector's capability to be a psycopathic cult leader.
It IS a cult he leads, since his followers have lost their critical thinking skills since they are never convinced by facts, they just endlessly repeat what Trump and his Republican followers say!, they are emotionally hooked!
There are a lot of studies, both cultural and psychological, how women are coerced to oppress other women. I grew up with a grandmother who always said her one daughter ruined the family of 5 sons...
Mary, I know what I think, too. As chilling as Stacey Williams' story is, what got to me most was where you said he has "a patriarchal fantasy of the subjugation, infantilization, and sexualized punishment of women". To me that screams that he is a pedophile. I've always wondered about that, knowing that he sexualized Ivanka even when she was a baby.
I didn't think the weird sexual overtones and undertones of Trump and his Cult could be any more nauseatingly inappropriate. And then I heard Tucker spin his perverted fantasy.
That was beyond creepy. That was a permission slip for violence against women who don't do what they want, or do what they're told. The scariest part of this whole nonsense is how popular it is.
I’ve been saying for months that Trump lovers are dying for a “Daddy” that will take care of everything. None of that messy grown-up Democracy for them!
The cultists fail to realize that Trump won’t take care of anybody but himself! We can see that people mean nothing to him !! I don’t and never will understand anyone that would vote for this monster!!
Just have to say that after receiving my Kamala - Removes Stubborn Orange Stains shirt about a month ago, I have found that any woman who is nice to me is a MAGA gal. I had thought that meant they accepted the worst sort of manners, lies ad infinitum, demonization of the "other", and all sorts of inhumane policies. Now I realize many of them are simply uninformed, and are parroting the people in their lives they look up to. I hope people will be able to look for the good in each other when this is all over.
I’ll find it very hard to see the good in those who support fascism. Ignorance is not a good excuse, especially now, when there are so many choices of media available.
True, it's impossible to sympathize with people who really are aware of these plans and support him anyway, but it seems like most of his supporters gained their opinions from other people, and those people watch Faux News or Newsmax and are not even told about all the bad things the Hater in Chief plans for the nation and has done personally. I know Thomas Jefferson said the only security of all lies in a free press, but having a subset of the press being a disinformation industry turned out to be very costly.
I agree with your analysis. Again, however, I can’t find good in “the good Germans” of WW2, and if these “good Americans” elect Trump, there’s no good in them, either. Being a good person is caring about the less fortunate; not demonizing people who don’t look like you or belong to your religion or don’t have “the American family” as their ideal. And not electing a man who mocked a disabled reporter on TV, for the world to see. There’s no excuse for these people.
I’m tired of people, including the media, explaining why ordinary people are voting for a man convicted of sexual assault; a felon who cozies up to dictators; and on and on. I understand WHY they’re entranced by him: they live in small towns or rural communities or are rich mfers who DGAF about anything but themselves — and don’t look now, but maybe they ain’t too bright. I know that they’ll smile even at strangers and welcome newcomers to their block. All Auntie Bea and Sheriff Andy. And go to church. And kill our country without being smart enough to really want to do it. As my mother would say: “Feh!” 😡
I think many are not enthralled with him at all. Just so uninformed they actually believe he was good for the economy. I find it hard to excuse the fact they do not care about access to reproductive healthcare, but I had a friend who had previously had a tubal pregnancy and used to hang out with a bunch of gals who were social workers, teachers, worked for C.P.S. or child probation and can't help wonder if all the horror stories I've heard are just not as common as I have believed. And to be totally honest, yes some women have liked my shirt and were nice before and now they are even nicer -too bad they are 18-20 years old. I'm hoping Gen-Z will turn out in such numbers that we don't have the gift of a second tRump presidency. If we do, like the first one, it will be a gift from cranky old people.
The fact is many people in the United States are poorly educated. This is a big part of the issue. Because they're under-educatrd they're working two jobs maybe three jobs don't and don't have time to listen to politics of what's going on around them. But what they do recognize is a strong man who's willing, he says, to help them out of their predicament. That's exactly what they're looking for and that's exactly what they are promised. What they don't know is that it's all a bunch of lies.
Poorly educated, hardworking people (often immigrants) used to be Democrats and were very suspicious of Republicans in general (for good reason). I agree that most of these Trump supporters don’t have the time (or interest) to follow politics. But why did they fall for a con man from NYC, far from their peaceful little country towns filled with cows and barns and meth addicts? Trump IS a master at conning. And I know well that not only rubes have fallen for his many wiles: my close friend (now former) with a Master’s degree is now a Trumpist. She’s from Queens, too, and used to be a liberal….
From my experience with close relatives and friends that have been brainwashed by Fox News, they just refuse to believe it and others are so used to bad behavior by men towards women they just shrug their shoulders.
Yes! It’s so sad I saw one woman in an interview at a rally actually saying those women were lucky.. that she wishes Trump would grab her by the ****! How terrible is it that these rallies have made women feel so subjugated 😔
I'm sorry I don't necessarily agree with you. Yes these women are brainwashed but many of these women and men magas appear to be mentally ill people off the street. Very crazy.
Still stunning to see how many go along with it. I doubt that a great percentage are even really aware of the entirety of his agenda, they learned a positive opinion of the man from the people in their lives.
Not only do they not care but they are encouraging it. I'm sure their internal polling is telling them that they are losing women badly and they have decided to double down on young men. We hear all this talk about a Civil War but what they really want is a gender based war.
I think you hit the nail on the head. And it’s horrifying that they feel (probably rightfully) that the way to appeal to young male voters is to perpetuate the idea that the subjugation and sexualization of women, even girls, is just dandy.
I see, and understand, what you're saying. And you're absolutely right they want a gender war. But since there are men that support women they will also have a civil war.
THIS!!!^^^^ My VERY first thought when I read about how Ivana died was that it was no accident. And that she’s buried on his New Jersey golf course property makes it not subject to her body being exhumed. I would be curious as to what exactly is in that coffin.
I'm pretty sure the motives for burying her in his golf course were more nefarious than tax consequences. I have no clue about the laws up there, but it seems as if it would be much harder to exhume her body and contents of casket from private property. Not impossible, but he could tie it up in so much red tape he'd be dead by the time it was approved.
I was attacked by a reader who said I was abusing Don's reputation as a champion for women! Wow! I sent the person a picture of Ivanka's overgrown grave on his golf course. But Donald IS going down...and there are more than a dozen reasons why...
Unfortunately, one of my closest male friends does *not* care or acknowledge this. He has sisters, a daughter, a mother and many friends who he purportedly cares deeply about, including myself. I tried to explain to him how deeply hurtful his dismissal of this is, but he simply said “there’s an appeal pending” or something like that.
That’s deflection by your friend. And for those who might think that it’s long ago so doesn’t matter or isn’t true, trust me, when a guy does something like that to you, we remember like it was yesterday.
And really, I try to understand his point of view. Hes had issues with bad first marriage and later some over criminalization of minor domestic disputes with his teenaged daughter. And TBH I’ve questioned his side of that story in retrospect.
I have to believe that the veil will be lifted soon and sane people will finally see the truth about the orange stain. He must not ever again sit behind the resolute desk again. He is a scourge. Women are not nor will ever be safe with him around. He is a disgrace and an abomination.
I don’t understand how any woman could vote for Donald. I also feel that men should not want a president that is this abhorrent that talks about women and acts like this with women. I know my husband and adult son would not ever want to vote for any such person. Donald is a disgrace.
Liz Cheney, when referring to her fellow Republicans in Congress, got it so right when she said, "...There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain"! Extend this to not only the Congressional Republicans, but everyone who supports and/or votes for Donald Trump...their shame shall be forever! The day will come when their children and grandchildren will ask, "how could have you supported such an evil man"?
They don't care that he assaults women or whips up a violent mob to steal the election or lies about everything or is a terrible businessman or sucks up to dictators or separates children from their parents. They care about one thing and one thing only: Inflation. And they believe he'll bring it down, even though any thinking person realizes his tariffs and deportations will cause prices to spike and the economy to tank. Trump voters are morons. All 70 million of them.
Am discouraged at the signal the maga wives are sending to their daughters
This isn't the 40s or 50s, this kind of crap shouldn't be allowed to happen or sanctioned when it does. Then OR now.
You’re right it shouldn’t but here we are
WTF HAPPENED to " enlightened " 20th / 21st century people ?
There are some just nit among the Rafael crowd
They’ve been degraded to the point of degeneracy.
I’m astonished that any woman or person of colour would vote for Trump.
SO AM I ..
A woman neighbour of mine has this weird hate for other women.....as a guy, I do not really understand this at all. Could this kind of feeling bring a women to sell out another and vote for the Orange serial rapist???
Years ago, an ex girlfriend of mine got sucked into a cult........I would get notes under my door from these freaks to stay away........totally understand the power of Donable Lector's capability to be a psycopathic cult leader.
It IS a cult he leads, since his followers have lost their critical thinking skills since they are never convinced by facts, they just endlessly repeat what Trump and his Republican followers say!, they are emotionally hooked!
There are a lot of studies, both cultural and psychological, how women are coerced to oppress other women. I grew up with a grandmother who always said her one daughter ruined the family of 5 sons...
Same here!
Or Jew. After all he’s done to show Jews what he really thinks of us.
Mary, I know what I think, too. As chilling as Stacey Williams' story is, what got to me most was where you said he has "a patriarchal fantasy of the subjugation, infantilization, and sexualized punishment of women". To me that screams that he is a pedophile. I've always wondered about that, knowing that he sexualized Ivanka even when she was a baby.
He’s obviously a pedophile in my view!, look how happy he was teaming up with Jeffrey Epstein! Birds of a feather flock together.
I appreciate that we see it the same way.
I didn't think the weird sexual overtones and undertones of Trump and his Cult could be any more nauseatingly inappropriate. And then I heard Tucker spin his perverted fantasy.
That was beyond creepy. That was a permission slip for violence against women who don't do what they want, or do what they're told. The scariest part of this whole nonsense is how popular it is.
I’ve been saying for months that Trump lovers are dying for a “Daddy” that will take care of everything. None of that messy grown-up Democracy for them!
The cultists fail to realize that Trump won’t take care of anybody but himself! We can see that people mean nothing to him !! I don’t and never will understand anyone that would vote for this monster!!
All of us who have voted, or will vote for Kamala DO care. None of the magats care one bit.
Just have to say that after receiving my Kamala - Removes Stubborn Orange Stains shirt about a month ago, I have found that any woman who is nice to me is a MAGA gal. I had thought that meant they accepted the worst sort of manners, lies ad infinitum, demonization of the "other", and all sorts of inhumane policies. Now I realize many of them are simply uninformed, and are parroting the people in their lives they look up to. I hope people will be able to look for the good in each other when this is all over.
I’ll find it very hard to see the good in those who support fascism. Ignorance is not a good excuse, especially now, when there are so many choices of media available.
True, it's impossible to sympathize with people who really are aware of these plans and support him anyway, but it seems like most of his supporters gained their opinions from other people, and those people watch Faux News or Newsmax and are not even told about all the bad things the Hater in Chief plans for the nation and has done personally. I know Thomas Jefferson said the only security of all lies in a free press, but having a subset of the press being a disinformation industry turned out to be very costly.
I agree with your analysis. Again, however, I can’t find good in “the good Germans” of WW2, and if these “good Americans” elect Trump, there’s no good in them, either. Being a good person is caring about the less fortunate; not demonizing people who don’t look like you or belong to your religion or don’t have “the American family” as their ideal. And not electing a man who mocked a disabled reporter on TV, for the world to see. There’s no excuse for these people.
I’m tired of people, including the media, explaining why ordinary people are voting for a man convicted of sexual assault; a felon who cozies up to dictators; and on and on. I understand WHY they’re entranced by him: they live in small towns or rural communities or are rich mfers who DGAF about anything but themselves — and don’t look now, but maybe they ain’t too bright. I know that they’ll smile even at strangers and welcome newcomers to their block. All Auntie Bea and Sheriff Andy. And go to church. And kill our country without being smart enough to really want to do it. As my mother would say: “Feh!” 😡
I think many are not enthralled with him at all. Just so uninformed they actually believe he was good for the economy. I find it hard to excuse the fact they do not care about access to reproductive healthcare, but I had a friend who had previously had a tubal pregnancy and used to hang out with a bunch of gals who were social workers, teachers, worked for C.P.S. or child probation and can't help wonder if all the horror stories I've heard are just not as common as I have believed. And to be totally honest, yes some women have liked my shirt and were nice before and now they are even nicer -too bad they are 18-20 years old. I'm hoping Gen-Z will turn out in such numbers that we don't have the gift of a second tRump presidency. If we do, like the first one, it will be a gift from cranky old people.
The fact is many people in the United States are poorly educated. This is a big part of the issue. Because they're under-educatrd they're working two jobs maybe three jobs don't and don't have time to listen to politics of what's going on around them. But what they do recognize is a strong man who's willing, he says, to help them out of their predicament. That's exactly what they're looking for and that's exactly what they are promised. What they don't know is that it's all a bunch of lies.
Poorly educated, hardworking people (often immigrants) used to be Democrats and were very suspicious of Republicans in general (for good reason). I agree that most of these Trump supporters don’t have the time (or interest) to follow politics. But why did they fall for a con man from NYC, far from their peaceful little country towns filled with cows and barns and meth addicts? Trump IS a master at conning. And I know well that not only rubes have fallen for his many wiles: my close friend (now former) with a Master’s degree is now a Trumpist. She’s from Queens, too, and used to be a liberal….
I’m spent and going to bed (night owl).
From my experience with close relatives and friends that have been brainwashed by Fox News, they just refuse to believe it and others are so used to bad behavior by men towards women they just shrug their shoulders.
Yes! It’s so sad I saw one woman in an interview at a rally actually saying those women were lucky.. that she wishes Trump would grab her by the ****! How terrible is it that these rallies have made women feel so subjugated 😔
That made me throw up in my mouth a little. These people really are brainwashed.
They sure are. But how’d WE avoid getting the Trump disease? And why didn’t they? Maybe they lived his racism and misogyny, right from the start?
I'm sorry I don't necessarily agree with you. Yes these women are brainwashed but many of these women and men magas appear to be mentally ill people off the street. Very crazy.
Crazy; weird.
This is sickening!!!
That just took "ewwww" to a whole new level.
let's just call this out as a War on Women
That means over half of white women are in on it.
That also means half of white women are not.
Still stunning to see how many go along with it. I doubt that a great percentage are even really aware of the entirety of his agenda, they learned a positive opinion of the man from the people in their lives.
There are a Lot of brainwashed people, sadly.
Not only do they not care but they are encouraging it. I'm sure their internal polling is telling them that they are losing women badly and they have decided to double down on young men. We hear all this talk about a Civil War but what they really want is a gender based war.
I think you hit the nail on the head. And it’s horrifying that they feel (probably rightfully) that the way to appeal to young male voters is to perpetuate the idea that the subjugation and sexualization of women, even girls, is just dandy.
I see, and understand, what you're saying. And you're absolutely right they want a gender war. But since there are men that support women they will also have a civil war.
I never knew that there be so many women that would defend this. Even one that got beat up by her ex husband years ago …incredible
He physically assaulted his first wife and pulled her hair out.
THIS!!!^^^^ My VERY first thought when I read about how Ivana died was that it was no accident. And that she’s buried on his New Jersey golf course property makes it not subject to her body being exhumed. I would be curious as to what exactly is in that coffin.
I'm pretty sure the motives for burying her in his golf course were more nefarious than tax consequences. I have no clue about the laws up there, but it seems as if it would be much harder to exhume her body and contents of casket from private property. Not impossible, but he could tie it up in so much red tape he'd be dead by the time it was approved.
And their children allowed this disrespectful and shady treatment of their mother, they are as bad as he is, if not worse.
Stockholm Syndrome?
This I think
Such a cocktail of self-loathing.
I was attacked by a reader who said I was abusing Don's reputation as a champion for women! Wow! I sent the person a picture of Ivanka's overgrown grave on his golf course. But Donald IS going down...and there are more than a dozen reasons why...
Nice post, Barry. I subscribed. Let's hope you're right.
Many do not.
Unfortunately, one of my closest male friends does *not* care or acknowledge this. He has sisters, a daughter, a mother and many friends who he purportedly cares deeply about, including myself. I tried to explain to him how deeply hurtful his dismissal of this is, but he simply said “there’s an appeal pending” or something like that.
That’s deflection by your friend. And for those who might think that it’s long ago so doesn’t matter or isn’t true, trust me, when a guy does something like that to you, we remember like it was yesterday.
Oh, and he’s not your friend really.
By far most criminal and civil appeals at every level of our court systems (local, state, and federal) are lost by the appellant.
And really, I try to understand his point of view. Hes had issues with bad first marriage and later some over criminalization of minor domestic disputes with his teenaged daughter. And TBH I’ve questioned his side of that story in retrospect.
I was and am heartbroken to learn that about someone I’d known for 40 years.
I have to believe that the veil will be lifted soon and sane people will finally see the truth about the orange stain. He must not ever again sit behind the resolute desk again. He is a scourge. Women are not nor will ever be safe with him around. He is a disgrace and an abomination.
Obviously there are too many Just Like Him!
Blue All the Way🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙
I don’t understand how any woman could vote for Donald. I also feel that men should not want a president that is this abhorrent that talks about women and acts like this with women. I know my husband and adult son would not ever want to vote for any such person. Donald is a disgrace.
Liz Cheney, when referring to her fellow Republicans in Congress, got it so right when she said, "...There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain"! Extend this to not only the Congressional Republicans, but everyone who supports and/or votes for Donald Trump...their shame shall be forever! The day will come when their children and grandchildren will ask, "how could have you supported such an evil man"?
I agree with this statement.
They don't care that he assaults women or whips up a violent mob to steal the election or lies about everything or is a terrible businessman or sucks up to dictators or separates children from their parents. They care about one thing and one thing only: Inflation. And they believe he'll bring it down, even though any thinking person realizes his tariffs and deportations will cause prices to spike and the economy to tank. Trump voters are morons. All 70 million of them.