It's just a shame that some women will vote for him. He shouldn't get a single vote from them.

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Self-respecting Men should not vote for him .

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That statement I really agree with. Men should all understand what women are saying and ''Do not vote for a sex offender''

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Trump would be banned from your kids school and most workplace’s in the country. He should also be ineligible for a security clearance SF86 just from his multiple bankruptcies alone.

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MAGAT + SELF - RESPECTING = type mismatch.

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Self-respecting PEOPLE should not vote for donald...which is really a vote for vance. And why vote for vance?

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Trump’s enablers just want to get him thru the finish line and get things ready to install evil incarnate JD Vance who will rival Putin. A man void of morals, decency and integrity. Zero respect for women or any laws. The perfect Hitler.

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I couldn't have said it better myself Vance I a woman hater if you don't have kids I'm 72 abd I never had kids even though I was married 34 years I'm a widow for 5 years

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So true I saw this coming months ago and don't forget about Vance's bestie Don Jr. who he will promote!!!

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Cause Vance is a misogynist asshat just like the Orange douche.. needs reminder of women needing to carry menstruation cards ??!!!? WTAF

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I know a lot of people think that this is all Peter Thiel's setup for Vance to take over. But I'm not so sure it will happen, even if that is Thiel's plan.

Trump has always looked out for number one and doesn't trust anyone. I'm sure he's figured out by now that Vance is a potential power rival. So I'm sure he'll stock his Cabinet with his most loyal toadies and/or family members, so he can't be 25'd.

He also now has immunity for "official acts." which he could interpret any way he chooses, should anyone challenge him.

Remember what he had planned for Pence.

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And I have no intention of doing so.

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For the life of me, I can't understand why any woman would vote for him.

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I don't understand it myself. He is such a sick pervert. And he's even paid off kids he assaulted.

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I think Kamala will win just because I cannot imagine living thru the next four years of hell that trump would bring upon us.

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Unfortunately if that Felon wins he may never leave

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That's his plan from the beginning he will never leave after 4 years that's why he is telling people to vote and they won't have to vote again. Then his sons dumb and dumber will be put in charge when he dies or before. He has planned this all out for the past 4 years+ and he tells us every day. BELEIVE HIM he will turn the United States in to Russia. We should be really scared.

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Low self esteem.

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Because those are seriously sick if they vote for Trump. Women are dying because of him, especially in Texas, so if your a women and vote for him you are sick.

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They definitely have some patriarchal daddy issues. That and John Wayne tough guy fantasies he fulfills.

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Let's try another approach. I can't understand why any man would vote for him. It says more about the male species than about the female. By voting for him, men are indicating their tacit approval of his actions. They may not engage in such actions, but they don't find it so repugnant that they won't vote for this creature who exalts man's basest nature. As for the women? Stockholm syndrome. Misogyny, the majority political party in this country.

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Let's try another approach, why would ANYONE vote for him other than insanely wealthy people who feel like they have not reaped all the windfall that they are entitled to.

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I wonder, too if these men realize their tacit approval is being internalized by the women around them.

There are many reasons women don't want to report but would a daughter, for example, trust asking a father for help who is so enthusiastic towards a rapist? Would she even want him to find out? Would she question which side he is on and just not want to test it? Even if it is an unconscious thought. Do these men consider this?

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I'm reminded of the "stay virginal for daddy" dances.

Creepy and grossly inappropriate.

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Oh I so agree!! Morgan!!

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Absolutely inappropriate.

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If any father feels like that then a daughter's relationship with him would be strictly superficial if any at all. Of course she would never tell him anything meaningful but a father like that probably wouldn't care.

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Surely women can't want 20 stone of the creepiest man after them.

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Trump regards ALL women as available. Magas first in the queue.

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No the don’t think about anything once inducted into Drumpf World

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I wonder if the men don’t admire him in a weird way. 😢

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If these men only knew how repulsive he is to women they wouldn’t be admiring him at all!

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They do! He gets away with doing things they wish they could do with impunity. If you notice, those that support him are either extremely wealthy (buttering their own bread) or those in lower income brackets who want to stick it to the Man for their own lives which are are often affected negatively by their own actions, drug use, crime, Domestic violence. They are envious of his ability to get away with breaking every law, social and ethical law known to man. He preys on their anger, feeds it. They are often not well educated, believing owning an arsenal of weapons is much more important than sacrificing their own obsession for the safety of others. Inherently selfish, they do not seem to understand that left wing government is so much better for them financially than right wing "freedom"(which isn't freedom at all! They are sucked in to his depravity. It's a sad state the world is in at the minute.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

Tracy; Well said! I thoroughly agree.

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MS Sweet...so concise...so eloquently stated.

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He’s totally disgusting and no woman should vote for this so called man. He’s been handed everything to him and never has been able to manage his affairs. So many bankruptcies , and selling of products is insane really.He is far from masculine and actually repulsive. He is a poor excuse for a man.

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He's a poor excuse for a human being. Trump isn't even human anymore; animals behave better than he does. He is just a disgusting maggot.

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Yes he is abd so is Vance

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I don't admire him. All his macho stuff is bs. He us a weakling

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Sadly, many do admire his lawlessness and bluster. They get a chubby thinking about raping little girls. Women are always the target of these sickos.

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Donable Lector is the Mt Everest of the creepy old man down the street who gets off on molesting women of all ages. If anyone needs to be deported, it is the slimmy deranged sexual deviants that grovel into Maggot Nazi rallies.....they worship the Orange Melting Pumpkin that hates America........so get rid of these traitors.

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Men definitely DO admire EVERYTHING about him!

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Here is a man's perspective, which may seem strange in some ways: One of the many reasons I would not vote for him is that he can get away with things that I, as an XY-carrying Homo sapiens, would like to do, but I cannot. If I tried, I would probably not be able to get away with it. Therefore, I also dislike him for this reason and would not vote for him. This may sound like a twisted perspective, but it is what it is. After all, I am human.

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Very twisted

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Are you saying you would like to violate women and get away with it?

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No. I just wanted to share my perspective on the topic.

Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto. (I am human; nothing human is alien to me.)

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Quoting an old saw in Latin doesn't make what you said any more smart or interesting. If the 'men' that vote for him really think like you do, then there's no hope for the human species. I can see why birth rates are falling worldwide; women now have the option not to reproduce with such vile specimens and there are sadly a lot of you losers about...

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With reactions like this, I’m almost considering to vote for him. But it is too late for me, I already mailed it in. Maybe next time I’ll keep my options open.

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Thanks for your honesty. I think I would like some of your other reasons better.

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If these aren’t AI generated responses, then you’re beyond twisted. You may have some of the same social pathologies as the object of your desire.

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I understand what you are saying. But I think that many other men are voting FOR him precisely for the reasons you're voting against him. They'd like to get away with everything he has, too. And if he's elected, they hope that they'll be able to rape, pillage and loot along with him.

If he does become the dictator he aspires to be, they're in for a rude awakening.

Only the king gets to do as he pleases.

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I wholeheartedly agree that it’s the MEN who vote for DJT that shock ME, displaying how THEY would LOVE to be in Trump’s position, getting away with sexual assaults, marrying Eastern European models, and doing whatever criminal acts he desires by scaring people off with his big money!

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Not only a shame. Incomprehensible. These behaviors from anyone should make all civilized people nauseous. It’s repulsive.

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D's lifetime pattern of reprehensible behavior casts him as the ultimate of boors, yes rapists. As Mary has pointed out, he has gotten away with all this for his entire life and so

he has no incentive to correct his evil ways. He will deny it all to his dying breath.

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Look at what "The Real Winemaker" says in comments above. If he really is representative of what many men think, then I reckon women will have to re-evaluate how 'civilized' their husbands, father and sons really are, in truth...

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I do not think like him. However, a high percentage of men I have known do. That is why most of my friends are women.

I take minor issue about saying “will have to re-evaluate how ‘civilizized’ ….”. Re-evaluate? Life for most women has been a shit-show for thousands of years till the present. The percentage of “civilized” men who actually think about women’s issues and perspectives is quite low throughout the world and likely much less than 50% in the USA.

Unfortunately, there are many women who go along with these attitudes.

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And people have wondered why I didn't marry! This discussion is pointing out how depraved and disgusting men are for the most part. Why purposely saddle yourself with these people. It's a weakness.

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I know a few women who never married. All of them are independent thinkers which appears to be anathema in our society.

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I think it would be better to question whether anything realwinemaker said is actually from a human. The responses seem far too perfectly crafted and some of them don’t address a point. Also, who parenthetically states the use of an emphasized US is not a reference to the United States, unless coming from a foreign bad-actor. The only real thing these responses accomplished was to distract and divide.

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That clueless asshole (the real winemaker) does not represent me.

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It's a huge shame that any men or women will vote for him! Or, any of the Republicans in Congress. Wake up people!

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I think this disappoints me the most because they are our elected officials and they should have protected us from him years ago. And impeached him. No matter the consequence.

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I think that for some women, there's a certain appeal to being totally submissive. If you let someone else dominate you, that person (in their minds) will protect you and provide for you. You don't have to take any responsibility for your own well being and actions.

Of course, the idea that a man will take care of you forever if you let him dominate you is disproved every day in divorce court and women's shelters, but it's psychologically powerful and culturally supported in many communities.

Sadly, the world's major religions encourage people to be blind followers and to "believe" rather than think. They also encourage women to submit themselves to men's authority and to accept a secondary role in all aspects of life.

If you grow up in that sort of household, it's hard for a girl to develop the self-confidence to feel that they can make their own way in the world and think independently.

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My father told me as a young child--be kind to people but above all---Do Not take any crap from males. If you are in a situation that you have trouble handling---Come tell me and I will handle it.. And he DID.

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Now THAT is a real father! Good for him--and you! You for being willing to trust and him for keeping his word to take care of the situation.

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I think girls need to be taught how to handle and defend themselves in all situations, rather than depending on a male to do it for them.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

As a widow I experienced the cultural pressure to be paired up to the extent of being publicly taunted and socially shunned because I didn't "have" a man. I remember thinking - oh, no one told me I was supposed to climb in when my husband was being cremated.

I married again several years later. He was abusive, greedy, entitled to sex, money, adoration when in reality he was a self absorbed, unattractive and exceedingly stupid man. The first separation was a month after our wedding. I filed for divorce less than a year later. He stalked me for several years and eventually assaulted me.

I had fallen into the fairy tale trap that he would always take care of me. In reality I am very lucky to be alive and I will never again partner with a man as long as the dominant culture refuses to acknowledge the part they have played in setting up the abuse of millions of women and the lack of support available when we are abused. The fact is that in some of my lower moments I wish he had killed me. Perhaps then he would suffer some consequences and I would be at peace and free of fear.

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I find it incomprehensible that any person in possession of any sort of ethical or family values could possibly think that Donald Trump belongs in the Oval Office. Trump is immoral and amoral - his own words, repeated endlessly at his rallies, define him. He speaks openly about his authoritarian plans, yet his voters just brush it off as "political rhetoric". "Owning the Libs." But the evidence shows that it's far more than that. He abuse the office before, when there were still some people of integrity in key positions. They won't be there this time. How on Earth could anyone see that as a good thing?????????

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47% in 2016

53% in 2020

White Women voters for both 'Rump and MAGA Local/State candidates that enable Handmaid's Tale legislation.


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Any woman who supports a rapist wants to be raped! Women who are attracted to criminals, including serial killers.......

Hybristophilia is a paraphilia involving sexual interest in and attraction to those who commit crimes.

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That is not all women, so stop blaming the victim. Attitudes like yours are one of the reasons women who have been raped still refuse to come forward and report the rape to the authorities.

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Thank you. The victim blaming made me feel ill.

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You're not alone.

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Women who vote for him are the ones who have been brainwashed they're not good enough, who want to take a back seat in their life and feel safer having some BIG MAN telling them what to do. If you have your will broken with "blanket training" or grow up never learning to have healthy boundaries, you end up with a lack of self worth and support these types of men.

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I agree completely. It's appalling that anyone will vote for him.

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What is wrong with those women? Who raised them?

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Not some women, he will get a solid majority of white women pulling the lever for him.

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Then they're expressing their hate and fear of "the other"

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Joe: Right away you are blaming WOMEN? SERIOUSLY?

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No kidding he treats women terribly but has aot of people fooled

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Am discouraged at the signal the maga wives are sending to their daughters

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This isn't the 40s or 50s, this kind of crap shouldn't be allowed to happen or sanctioned when it does. Then OR now.

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You’re right it shouldn’t but here we are

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WTF HAPPENED to " enlightened " 20th / 21st century people ?

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There are some just nit among the Rafael crowd

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They’ve been degraded to the point of degeneracy.

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I’m astonished that any woman or person of colour would vote for Trump.

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SO AM I ..

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A woman neighbour of mine has this weird hate for other women.....as a guy, I do not really understand this at all. Could this kind of feeling bring a women to sell out another and vote for the Orange serial rapist???

Years ago, an ex girlfriend of mine got sucked into a cult........I would get notes under my door from these freaks to stay away........totally understand the power of Donable Lector's capability to be a psycopathic cult leader.

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It IS a cult he leads, since his followers have lost their critical thinking skills since they are never convinced by facts, they just endlessly repeat what Trump and his Republican followers say!, they are emotionally hooked!

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There are a lot of studies, both cultural and psychological, how women are coerced to oppress other women. I grew up with a grandmother who always said her one daughter ruined the family of 5 sons...

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Same here!

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Mary, I know what I think, too. As chilling as Stacey Williams' story is, what got to me most was where you said he has "a patriarchal fantasy of the subjugation, infantilization, and sexualized punishment of women". To me that screams that he is a pedophile. I've always wondered about that, knowing that he sexualized Ivanka even when she was a baby.

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He’s obviously a pedophile in my view!, look how happy he was teaming up with Jeffrey Epstein! Birds of a feather flock together.

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All of us who have voted, or will vote for Kamala DO care. None of the magats care one bit.

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Just have to say that after receiving my Kamala - Removes Stubborn Orange Stains shirt about a month ago, I have found that any woman who is nice to me is a MAGA gal. I had thought that meant they accepted the worst sort of manners, lies ad infinitum, demonization of the "other", and all sorts of inhumane policies. Now I realize many of them are simply uninformed, and are parroting the people in their lives they look up to. I hope people will be able to look for the good in each other when this is all over.

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I didn't think the weird sexual overtones and undertones of Trump and his Cult could be any more nauseatingly inappropriate. And then I heard Tucker spin his perverted fantasy.

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That was beyond creepy. That was a permission slip for violence against women who don't do what they want, or do what they're told. The scariest part of this whole nonsense is how popular it is.

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I’ve been saying for months that Trump lovers are dying for a “Daddy” that will take care of everything. None of that messy grown-up Democracy for them!

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The cultists fail to realize that Trump won’t take care of anybody but himself! We can see that people mean nothing to him !! I don’t and never will understand anyone that would vote for this monster!!

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From my experience with close relatives and friends that have been brainwashed by Fox News, they just refuse to believe it and others are so used to bad behavior by men towards women they just shrug their shoulders.

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Yes! It’s so sad I saw one woman in an interview at a rally actually saying those women were lucky.. that she wishes Trump would grab her by the ****! How terrible is it that these rallies have made women feel so subjugated 😔

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That made me throw up in my mouth a little. These people really are brainwashed.

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Crazy; weird.

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This is sickening!!!

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let's just call this out as a War on Women

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That means over half of white women are in on it.

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That also means half of white women are not.

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Still stunning to see how many go along with it. I doubt that a great percentage are even really aware of the entirety of his agenda, they learned a positive opinion of the man from the people in their lives.

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

Not only do they not care but they are encouraging it. I'm sure their internal polling is telling them that they are losing women badly and they have decided to double down on young men. We hear all this talk about a Civil War but what they really want is a gender based war.

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I think you hit the nail on the head. And it’s horrifying that they feel (probably rightfully) that the way to appeal to young male voters is to perpetuate the idea that the subjugation and sexualization of women, even girls, is just dandy.

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I never knew that there be so many women that would defend this. Even one that got beat up by her ex husband years ago …incredible

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He physically assaulted his first wife and pulled her hair out.

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And perhaps even contributed to her death down the staircase and her burial in his cemetery golf course for tax purposes.

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THIS!!!^^^^ My VERY first thought when I read about how Ivana died was that it was no accident. And that she’s buried on his New Jersey golf course property makes it not subject to her body being exhumed. I would be curious as to what exactly is in that coffin.

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I'm pretty sure the motives for burying her in his golf course were more nefarious than tax consequences. I have no clue about the laws up there, but it seems as if it would be much harder to exhume her body and contents of casket from private property. Not impossible, but he could tie it up in so much red tape he'd be dead by the time it was approved.

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And their children allowed this disrespectful and shady treatment of their mother, they are as bad as he is, if not worse.

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If you declare your business a cemetery, you don't need to pay any taxes. So his golf course is free and clear now and for forever. And I agree with you, he threw some other worthy shit in there that he cared about more than he cared about the mother of his precious Ivanka.

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Stockholm Syndrome?

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"Hybristophilia is a paraphilia involving sexual interest in and attraction to those who commit crimes. This is a type of paraphilia, an intense sexual arousal to atypical objects including situations, fantasies, behaviours and particular individuals."

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Such a cocktail of self-loathing.

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This I think

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Many do not.

Unfortunately, one of my closest male friends does *not* care or acknowledge this. He has sisters, a daughter, a mother and many friends who he purportedly cares deeply about, including myself. I tried to explain to him how deeply hurtful his dismissal of this is, but he simply said “there’s an appeal pending” or something like that.

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Your "friend"? he supports a rapist, a felon?!

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I was and am heartbroken to learn that about someone I’d known for 40 years.

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That’s deflection by your friend. And for those who might think that it’s long ago so doesn’t matter or isn’t true, trust me, when a guy does something like that to you, we remember like it was yesterday.

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Oh, and he’s not your friend really.

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By far most criminal and civil appeals at every level of our court systems (local, state, and federal) are lost by the appellant.

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And really, I try to understand his point of view. Hes had issues with bad first marriage and later some over criminalization of minor domestic disputes with his teenaged daughter. And TBH I’ve questioned his side of that story in retrospect.

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I was attacked by a reader who said I was abusing Don's reputation as a champion for women! Wow! I sent the person a picture of Ivanka's overgrown grave on his golf course. But Donald IS going down...and there are more than a dozen reasons why...


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Nice post, Barry. I subscribed. Let's hope you're right.

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I have to believe that the veil will be lifted soon and sane people will finally see the truth about the orange stain. He must not ever again sit behind the resolute desk again. He is a scourge. Women are not nor will ever be safe with him around. He is a disgrace and an abomination.

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Obviously there are too many Just Like Him!

Blue All the Way🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙

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Without consequences behavior will continue. Followers wish to be like him.

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He comes from a time when one could be a big DOUCHE or a MONSTER, completely subhuman & people would give them a pass because they were public figures. This included the Kennedys.

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It's aspirational. They want to abuse power, and never face consequences.

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I care. I care a lot.

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