If Trump doesn’t sign the transition documents, stop the transition. He is not President, the law is the law. Donald J. Trump cannot be inaugurated, sworn in on & be the 47th President of the United States on January 20, 2025 unless 70 Democrats in the House of Representatives and 17 Democrats in the Senate vote to remove his insurrectionist disqualification before December 17, 2024.

The Supreme Court ordered Trump to have his "insurrectionist disqualification" removed by a two-thirds vote of both the House & Senate on March 4th, 2024. He did not do so.

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment doesn't require a formal conviction, so the Congressional investigation, finding, & referral for criminal prosecution, & the federal indictment and prosecution for insurrection can easily be used to keep him from ever holding federal office again.

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment still reads, and only legally reads, that the only way an insurrectionist can hold federal office again is by a two-thirds vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Trump is a citizen and must obey the laws and norms we do.

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment doesn't require a formal conviction, so the Congressional investigation, finding, & referral for criminal prosecution, & the federal indictment and prosecution for insurrection can easily be used to keep him from ever holding federal office again.

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment still reads, and only legally reads, that the only way an insurrectionist can hold federal office again is by a two-thirds vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Trump is a citizen and must obey the laws & norms like the rest of us. More people voted against Trump than for him. In both percentage & raw votes, Trump’s margin is on pace to be less than half of what Biden achieved four years earlier. No mandate.

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I indeed wish all that were true... I am not "Legalese savvy" enough - so If I may respectfully suggest PLEASE run this by Joyce Vance in her substack for reveiw and hopefully she will concur and build momentum.

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I did put it on her questions. Also would love George Conway’s opinion. Why doesn’t Biden enlarge the Supreme Court?

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Oh good… and I would think Conway should weigh-in too. Yes, I too had fervently hoped that the Supreme Court would be expanded… I guess Biden & insiders figured that was a “bridge too far” for a 1st term and would do it in his 2nd… big mistake in hindsight. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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there are almost two months in which to act. Biden needs to get the best scholars (we know who you are Laurence Tribe) and act.

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The only problem is, ConOld would not let Biden pick any for the supreme court. Look at what ConOld did during Obama's end of term, ConOld picked one that Obama should have, not ConOld, because he was not the sitting president. Then look at what he did to Biden when Biden won, the day before the inauguration, ConOld picked another for the seat of the supreme court, which Biden should have been the one to pick the person. After reading all of that, and knowing it is true, do you still think Biden will be able to pick anyone.

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Because it has to be enlarged by action of Congress, not merely by executive action by Biden.

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Y'all have no idea how much I enjoy watching you groveling slave's crying !!!%

MAGA IS ascendant and your master's are literally fucked !!!%

Retribution is coming slave and payback is a mother fucker !!!%

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Why are you even here, you show you do not care about democracy and freedom, your master does not care at all about you, and if you think he does, you are sorely mistaken. What ever ConOld does to the non MAGA will also happen to his MAGA followers. ConOld will not be holding office for long, vance does not intend on being the VP for long, vance and the rest of the republicans plan on 86ing ConOld by using the 25th amendment, once that happens, what are your next cries for help be?

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ROTFLMFAO, poor liddle wannabe chick with a dick your desperation is showing slave monkey !!!%

Your master's will try many thing's to stop MAGA princess, the problem is we have more people, guns and ammunition than all the military combined, understand that we are sick of your master's bullshit and we're chomping at the bit to bring justice to a government filled with nothing but abject corruption !!!%

Retribution is coming slave and payback is a mother fucker !!!%

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why didn't he when he could have is the question. unfortunately there's a lot of stuff that Biden should have done but didn't.

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I keep getting emails and texts asking for donations to pass the Judiciary Act. I think it’s great legislation that should have been passed within Biden’s 1st 100 days, but I don’t think absolute presidential immunity was on anyone’s Bingo card (but it definitely would’ve saved Roe). Here’s the thing: Passing it now would be counterintuitive. Adding 4 new seats would simply allow TFG to add even more right wing zealots to the court. There’s no way it will be passed before the end of the year, and even if it passed tomorrow, Biden’s picks would be blocked at every possible turn. At the very least, they should remove the addition of 4 additional SCOTUS seats before going forward. It’s just not feasible, in my estimation, that Biden would be the one to pick those additional judges. Term limits and a Code of Conduct established and adjudicated by Congress would be a huge step in the right direction. We can add seats when we take back the executive branch.

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What if Donald tries to add four more seats to the court in this term?

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The point is to have a court that calls on the 14th amendment and no president Trump.

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He doesn’t need to add any seats. Trump already has a solid majority on the Supreme Court.

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You can't imagine how much I enjoy your ranting and desperation whore !!!%

The demokkkrat plantation is dead and as proof I have one simple question, who's on deck for the plantation, no one nothing but desperate loser's !!!%

Enjoy the show slave because we haven't even started yet !!!%

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It would still have to be approved by congress, which is mostly MAGA republicans, he did not have a chance in the first place, with all of ConOld's MAGA republicans holding the congress hostage for ConOld.

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Cry harder shitstain !!!%

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R u sure? How would u know? Maybe he was a bit busy w israeli war ?

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It wasn't a war in Israel. It was a Nutandyahoo deep fake WMD inside job so that BIBI could partner with Kushner and Trump and turn Gaza into waterfront condos. Take a look at the latest map of gas discoveries in the eastern Mediterranean; they were offshore Gaza, not offshore Israel.

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Hoho that makes sense. I heard Jared talking about a nice resort in Gaza. Netanyahu has the same problem as Trump. When the war ends the Trials begin.

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But it still was a war?!?! We may not have boots on the ground...but we r involved bc of negotiations and sending our missiles...

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Ciliberti. Just enlarging it means the other side can do the same next time. I think having legal and criminal accountability for SCOTUS is the way to go Well, IMO.

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Could be. Spit balling here. Time for “the loyal oposition” to get smarter.

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George C’s would be a good opinion to have but to have President Biden take this up could be dangerous for him and his family under the new administration. The Justice Department has shown all signs that they were trying to be unbiased, bending over backwards for Trump. Attorney General G. appointed Jack Smith but I believe he was still Trumps toddy and was afraid to be in his crosshairs. Just look at how many times he has had to prosecute the former president and he declined.

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He didn't because he said before that's not the way we do things in the US. Too late now. If he added four seats (for a majority), Trump would just add five more, and it still has to get through the clown circus Congress.

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Take 14th Amendment to court.

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Agree! And President Biden needs to give 4 covid checks before he leaves. ❤️

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Why? Inflation better and groceries $ r going down. He won't and not expecting one.

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We don't have a "lame duck Presidency" This Duck Has 2 Broken Legs! Hasn't done one damn thing to Protect Our Union.

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It would help if Dems don't shoot themselves in the foot by passing a law so Trump can declare any nonprofit a terrorist group without any proof or recourse from them. This is the dumbest move yet.

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Ask Lawrence Tribe

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Better yet, what does Marc Elias think? And what can he file? The whole country will be harmed. Is that grounds for a class action?

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Marc, I was given a link to a very good article by someone else on this Substack about Molly's comment:


Hopefully that will set your mind at ease.

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Well, it has been well established that Trump is constitutionally ineligible & clearly unqualified to be President, but no one, least of all Merrick Garland, wants to enforce it.

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Which bothers and upsets me greatly. I didn't realize that the human race had evolved to the point where they no longer have spines. Even cockroaches, ants, and rats have more spine that Garland, and that's saying something since roaches and ants are invertebrates…

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Is Mr Garland on Mr Trump’s payroll? I would like to have him investigated.

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Merrick Garland is weaseling little rat Fvck who buried his head in the sand and didn’t do a damn thing.. he’s an incompetent little toad

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It may not be incompetence. It may all be by design. There's a commentary by Sarah Kendzior over a year ago about Garland & Jamie Gorelick, who has been critical in Garland's advancement, & herself has been in numerous positions of power where she has caused harm. The article is enlightening & Kendzior has been very prescient about what has been happening with our government. I think she's the one who stated that Biden is meant to be just a caretaker president between 2 Trump terms. This may be why you're seeing no apparent pushback by Biden or Harris against Trump's illegitimate takeover (I keep hoping there's something going on secretly, but I'm sure that hope is in vain). Garland's inaction on the Mueller files of Trump's criminal acts, & his slow walking of the criminal cases against Trump until it was too late to take place before the election, were intentional to make it more likely Trump would come back in power. So probably was Biden's campaign for reelection & the lack of heavyweights to oppose him in the primary, which is how we ended up with a Democratic nominee who wasn't chosen by the voters & who had no competition for the spot & therefore was considered by many to be illegitimate herself.

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Thank you so much Susan… pretty compelling stuff… but with a compromised SCOTUS as the final referee in most legal matters of this magnitude I am worried.

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I hear you, Marc. I feel the same.

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How horrible that we the people are held hostage by a SC that is breaking the laws of our country and constitution daily.

Why does no one challenge their warped interpretation of the constitution????

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I really don't know the answer to your question, but I suspect that some of it has to do with being traditionalist and playing by the book. Which, clearly, is not called for in this circumstance.

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Yes, something Democrats need to change! Playing by the rules with republicans is a losing proposition.

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Yes a very good article. Thank you.

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One of the few ways you can lose citizenship is by being convicted as an insurrectionist. My Great Aunt lost her citizenship three times from 1907 to 1934 because she married a Japanese...this was overturned with the repeal of the Cable Act. International law overrules in that the world has agreed that someone can not be "stateless"...those who do carry multiple citizenship can however....how many citizenships does Elon have?

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Keep speaking out! With knowledge there is power!

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Amendment 14 sub 3 is written so simply that an 8th grader can easily read and understand it.

So where are our Democratic leaders on this?

How could have this ever reached the Supreme Court? — I’ll tell you why …. our legislators are so afraid of Trump that they are relieved when SCOTUS takes the responsibility out of their hands and does their decision making responsibility away from them.

If their state is Red and you vote against Trump, you’ve seen your last term in Congress for voting the truth….. so let’s let it go to the SCOTUS, who should have never have been given the responsibility.

Same with this hilarious immunity for the President - no precedent, no reasons for their decision, which is usually given -,nothing!

I say we need a new party as ours is obviously shown to be weak and corrupt!

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Molly, it would be good if that were to be held as necessary, but somehow, Republicans seem to be able to get around just about anything. Their lying and cheating are monumental and too many go along with it and their excuse, to protect our nation, to keep the norms, or some other such BS. However, we would have Vance to cope with and he is younger, a bit smarter, although that is not a guarantee, and just as cruel to gain power for himself and his crew. We saw what he did to his own constituents in Ohio. No Moral compass for that fool either.

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We need to get smarter.

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One can pray this is real & would be upheld/honored…but unfortunately this tsunami may not be stoppable. Trump not only believes he is above the law…so do his hordes of MAGAtts including majority of SCOTUS. Once he declares his dictatorship, he’ll own ALL the power over his new kingdom….goodbye democracy goodbye the USA as we have known it.

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No, he won't. Power...the real power...lies with the military and, to a lesser degree, the CIA and the multi intel agencies. They have real power to affect everything if the Constitution is not observed, because they're oath is to it.

Trump presumes he can junk the Constitution and continue unabated. And it seems many just go along with that.

And it's not just the military, but 100+M citizens that would oppose such a move.

Stop giving authority away, stop being compliant. Get damn serious, for this is.

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I am so with you, Molly. How to get Congress to wake up and uphold the law?

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You don't. If you are a Democrat, you are powerless. If you are Republican, you are scared shtless of Donnie the Impaler castrating you if you don't kiss his ass.

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"Trump is a citizen and must obey the laws and norms we do." Never did, never will.

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Only because he was allowed to like the schoolyard bully.

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My thinking is if the Judge in the hush money case could ask Trump is he using the tools his job has given him to stay out of trouble like the transitional packet. No the judge is not over any roles a president has, but like a young defendant wanting a light sentence, a judge would ask the defendant about his work. Trump is acting like he doesn’t like his job he is going to. He wants to refuse the transition packet, he wants to put congress in recess, he doesn’t want background done on his cabinet picks. I would think a judge would want to know a defendant is planning to get in trouble and Trump is planning to get in trouble and the judge needs to order confinement until January 20th.

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As can be seen with Jack Smith dropping the charges, what insurrection?

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Jack Smith is dropping all charges. Game Over.

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Faaaaaaaaack I’m so over that Orange Shitstain and his fvcking groupies..

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I’m just hoping that the full report will be leaked by “accident”!

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tRump IS ABOVE ALL LAWS... Obviously

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As I said above ..... he's above the Laws because he SAID he was! And we don't have a Dem Leader who has the balls to stand up to him. Terrible ! There's partial responsibility for this because they all fear him .... including Obama during his time.

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Here's an excellent interview on NPR from Oct. 30th - Of course, Trump has selected the founder of America First Policy Institute to be in his cabinet... They are ready with 300 executive orders for him to sign on Day One! https://www.npr.org/2024/10/30/g-s1-30917/how-a-little-known-organization-is-poised-to-shape-a-second-trump-administration

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About Trump’s picks for offices and his flood of threats…

From the Atlantic Magazine:

“Neither the voters nor the members of the U.S. Senate, however, should fall for it this time. Professor Timothy Snyder of Yale University has written that the most important way to resist a rising authoritarian regime is not to “obey in advance”—that is, changing our behavior in ways we think might conform to the demands of the new ruling group. That’s good advice, but I might add a corollary here: People should not panic and exhaust themselves in advance, either.”

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Good for you on this comment. I’ve been calling around about this. Also, he has time to serve time, at least a good month.

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Dang Molly!! Shoot your post straight into my veins!!! That is a fantastic post!! Thank you!

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White fragility? Bathroom bans? WTF? This is the how the House ruling party helps the American people? I'm so proud of Jasmine Crockett and all those standing up to the drivel spewing from the mouths of House Republicans, to say nothing of the absolute laughable crap coming from the future President.

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I wish Jasmine Crockett was my rep. I have good old Chip Roy.

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Step up Joe! Go out with a bang!

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Yes Step up President Biden. We the people need you to do something to stop this insanity from becoming reality.

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Hello Mary, Thanks for your perseverance and tireless work to hold your Uncle accountable for his behavior and his lies. I'd love for you to expose the fact that he and his team of sycophants are not revealing the source of his dark money funding his transition process, by not agreeing to sign the required transition documents all the money flows secretly with no paper trail! btw... his minions in Congress are determined to de-fund Public Broadcasting...

See this excellent NPR Fresh Air interview - of course, he's appointed the Founder of the America First Policy Institute to his top team: Oct. 30th https://www.npr.org/2024/10/30/g-s1-30917/how-a-little-known-organization-is-poised-to-shape-a-second-trump-administration

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I heartily agree . The dark money is no doubt illegal foreign money laundered through treasonous Americans. WHY ISN'T THIS BEING INVESTIGATED ? President Biden could have a marvelous Christmas gift for us if illegal money can be proven.

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Or Citizens United is undone. I'd settle for that. Retroactively. With all the money refunded. Fantasy, fantasy, all is fantasy.

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The investment group on Wall Street, BlackRock, has 9 TRILLION dollars in active investments!

You mean to say that with that amount of money that they, and the Wall Street Banks, don’t control our Congress whenever they want?

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Maybe Blackrock already tried to take out Trump. Check out the "coincidence" in the Butler, PA, assassination attempt on Trump. The kid behind the trigger had been an extra in a television commercial in which Blackrock highlights their activities and charities that improve the communities in which they operate.

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I hope I have the opportunity to vote for Jasmine Crockett someday.

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Norm, and everyone who Liked your comment -- How about contributing to Crockett's campaign?

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Not a bad idea, although there’s nothing special about making a campaign contribution. I can contribute to any candidate’s campaign, but, I’ll only get to vote for Jasmine Crockett if she runs for national office. That would be an honor.

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Her chances of running successfully for national office will increase by leaps and bounds if she's able to fund a campaign.

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You and me both Norm!!

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Hundreds of thousands of men need to support and march with the Women in Washington during inauguration.

Guys.....get of your butts and protect you mothers, daughters, wives, granddaughers from Oranges sexual preditor stacked white pedophile house.

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Why are we worried about appointments? He flagrantly broke the law, committed insurrection, was impeached twice. He is not fit for office. He must be kept out of office. Any one of these actions disqualifies him. Where is the outrage? Our media is bought and sold by the same people. Wake up! Stand up for democracy before it’s too late. We’ve all been lulled into a sense of complacency that will destroy us. Our institutions have failed us. Everyone is waiting for someone else to act. Our politicians, media and legal experts must demand accountability. The Washington Post stopped Nixon. Stop Trump now!

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It is so infuriating when Dems play by the norms and Biden "welcome backs" Donald to the White House and they snap selfies as if this is normal. When a senator goes on Fox and says Musk's cuts could be good. NO! We need a new group of leaders who will fight each and every attack, offense and crime. Thanks, Mary, for highlighting the few Dems who are showing the way. Let's boost those who have taken the gloves off and hopefully others will join in.

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What’s worse, these wily Dems, is that they fight back with reason and reality … the sneaks.

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Love this.

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Me too!

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We need about 100 more Jasmine Crocketts! And she is just getting started!!!

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Let’s hope the courage to speak and act from both sides of the aisle to save our democracy continues to get louder and stronger.

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Where were they last year?

Notice that they are ALWAYS late?

Trump should have been sentenced last year and here we are now, throwing his charges out the window!! I think we need another party filled with Jasmines!

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Oh it is wil....l angering simmering...watch out. Dems will come back

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Nov 25Edited

Well... hopefully more progressive and not so willing to capitulate morals for a supposed "both sides of the aisles." There is nothing a Dem has done earnestly for our climate environment in multiple decades. There has been alot of financial self reward in the presidency and Congress by Dems. Very few are not millionaires after coming (or before!) to Congress. Which is why I love Bernie Sanders. He publicly refuses.

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What do u mean not enough climate environmently work! What do u think they have be done these last for years, oh abd btmy the way wait till dickhead takes office. U think he and he's very weird administration gives a hoot...no bc there is nothing wrong w our climate...it's just seasonal cehange SURE! until their states keep having weather disasters...

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Nov 26Edited

I did not fully understand your message. But I think I have the jist of it. I am not comparing Democrats to Trump. I am not comparing at all. I am simply saying that politically the Democrats have slid dramatically to the right. Additionally, they have done more to continue to climate chaos than they have to restore environmental wellness. And is that a major issue they are waking us up to? No.

They talk about middle class. Exactly who is that? Not them either. I am angry with myself for not voting for who I wanted. I am tired of being told I should vote for someone to prevent someone else. Look where it gets me. That isn't a democracy premise either.

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Ok understand

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Biden's legacy is tarnished; he's now a mediocre President.

Nevertheless, there are judicial vacancies...

Tell Democrats in the Senate not to let any judicial vacancy be left for Trump to fill. Take advantage of less Republicans present in the Senate.

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Bidens legacy will NEVER tarnish! Shame on u...that man did the best. He's a very moral person and the comparison between frump is instantly gross. He did what other out going presidents have done for hundred of years why should he stoop to f...heads level.

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Biden has been a good president. He hasn't been as progressive as I would like and there are areas where I couldn't disagree with him more (I'll never get over that fist bump with cold-blooded murderer MBS, and I'm infuriated by his support or Netanyahu), but he kept the country on an even keel and got some decent legislation passed. Never forget: Biden is an old-school politician. You can't expect him to suddenly become one of the new Progressives.

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He got some legislation passed that will benefit the country for years. Just watch as the effects become apparent republicans will take credit for it.

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Yesssss🙌🏽 thank you MO

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Isn’t the best way to undermine federal agencies and render them incapable of performing their function… install unqualified leadership?

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...And, to appoint the ones who you can protect from prosecution, thus they sell their allegiance and loyalty to you. Has no one noticed all of Trump's appointed ones are pedophiles, sexual predators or agents for other dictatorial nations? There is a reason for this and it is not just because they look familiar to Trump. They need someone to help them with a CYA.

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Yes, and Trump's goal, once he's done "punishing" everyone who hasn't sucked up to him, is to follow the Project 2025 playbook and totally upend all government institutions.

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Almost 75 Million people voted for Harris.

If 75 Million people say NFW to the destructive policies and overtly dangerous plans for the country;

That's a lot of sand in the gears.

Just Do It.

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What a curious place, that House of Representatives! On the far right, you have the dumb screamers MTG, Bobo, Chip Roy, Mace (currently on Potty Patrol) … on the left, well-spoken and deep-thinking Jamie Raskin, the wonderful Jasmine, heartfelt AOC. The Serious vs. I’m Ready for My Closeup.

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Spot on David!! You’re exactly right🙌🏽

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This is my take. They are only interested in the money and nothing else. Period! They have no interest in policies, ethics. Right or wrong. They really don't care about America. Only about their own selfish needs. They are Maga's. They are Nazi's. They are undesireable's. They are unAmerican's.

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Your take is shared by me, my family, all of our friends, and millions of other Americans.

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go team. I'm glad to be on board with the. New Resistance. let's go 'em!

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