Hopefully, The Trump Show will conclude on November 5th.

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Expect him to unleash a violent nationwide revolt. So no, this is not going to end until he's firmly in prison

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I would be equally satisfied by seeing him led away in a straitjacket as his deluded supporters need to know that this dime-store demagogue is certifiably NUTS.

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There is a gallows that was prepared for Mike Pence on Jan 6.......in past centuries they were used to deal with traitors....bring it out to be used properly....the GOP wants to turn back the clock so lets just go for it and end this nighmare.......

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I've mumbled many times that Tyburn would be great about now.

And they even had bleacher seats...

Just realized most Americans wouldn't know what Tyburn was. London. Corner of Edgeware and Bayswater. Gallows. not there anymore.

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where Tyburn gallows was is exactly where you say and the place where it stood is now a famous landmark, Marble Arch.

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Shoot. My comment above was supposed to be a reply to you.

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Gallows is good, but I personally prefer the guillotine -- he's already lost his mind, taking his head too wouldn't be a problem.

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Hector Berlioz.........Symphonie Fantastique............

"At the final moment, — a wisp of memory brutally cut off by a swift guillotine blow from the entire orchestra. The onlookers, in the form of a brass fanfare, yell hooray!"

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Even in a straitjacket, the headline would read, Trump Sticks To His Policies, "My hands are tied," he says.

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Great comment!

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HA! Y’all are hilarious! We should keep this thread alive.

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@Roger R Smith

Dear Mr. Smith,

Maybe. But how many violent individuals and groups would respond to Trump's call for the "violent nationwide revolt" you predict? A thousand? Two thousand? One woman who responded to Trump's urging was shot dead during the Jan 6 insurrection. Several hundred more are incarcerated. What makes you think it will be different this time?

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Worse !

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Joel, since the orange man is not in charge anymore, President Biden knows what he is capable of and I am sure has prepared for whatever violence his cult may try to do. He will take care of it so do not worry. If anyone should try anything with me, I may not shoot well but I am jim-dandy with a fry skillet!

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I will proudly wield my favorite iron skillet alongside you, sister!

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Totally Worse!!.........In the last days of WW2....Trumps personal Jesus...Hitler blamed the German people for his defeat.......if you do not think that those targeted for mass deportations are not organizing......planning defence of themselves ,their families and homes right now........then you truly are living in the Magat universe of non-reality.

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He's already calling for his lackeys to shut it all down when he looses.

Or get ready for his 2025 Mein Kampf brigade!

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Heritage and 2025....Who is going to stand up to this bullshit?

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100% agreed👆

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It will be much different. Everyday the ground work is going down and nonsense is being substantiated by repeating it over and over.

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If they voted for him they clearly don’t learn from their mistakes.

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Many, many business interests for Sir in Uruguay. That will be his Place of Exile.

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That's interesting that you mention Uruguay. I think Montevideo would be a nice place to live. Why do you think it would be the best place? Just curious 🤔

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Had some time the to think of the “Best Place” for Sir and have settled on having him cross the Bridge of Sighs and then into the cells beneath the Doge’s Palace in Venice. Look ‘em up!

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I don't care where he goes as long as it's away

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He can even have Casanovas old cell😂

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Trumps have been at it in Uruguay for quite a while. I’m sure the extradition agreements between our two nations can be, uh, ‘modified”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Tower_Punta_del_Este


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That 🍊American traitors wet dream would be to set up a shadow government with the $$$ his maggots gave him, in the hope that he will triumphantly return one day to America, you know, like other deposed dicktators.

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I hadn't considered that the Chumps would self-exile to another country, declare it their own, and bring a MAGAt army down with them. Mar-a-Lago del Sur! Think about the market for classified docs. It's really quite clever.

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Crazy like a Fox.

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Handcuffs would do it for me.

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He is stirring up violence so that he can claim that only he can get his thugs to stand down—“I alone can fix it."

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He stired up someone today no doubt stired them up enough to go after him with an ak47 not the reaction he is looking for I'll bet.

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Him, and very many of his cohorts in Congress.

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THEY ARE the real problem, although when defeated, not one of them will say that they ever supported the🍊traitor, typical gop members.

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Yes. Every Republican who still supports him is complicit in the disintegration of their own party, if not our fragile democracy.

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You nailed it.

The Putin KBG fix is steam rolling through the social media and other Vulnerable Platforms.

The fascist American army is zig heil der Fuhrer!

The rest( indifference rules ‼️

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WAKE UP AMERICA before you lose your country, please🌏🌍🌎


74,216,154 VOTED GOP


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The no give a shit !

Marches on.!

Shhhh don't wake them up.

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The good thing is Biden is still in charge and his administration is not ignoring the looming threat from the Trump and his extremist supporters. I recently read that Jan 6th 2025 has already been designated a high security day so the government will be on high alert and security greatly increased; DOJ has been aggressively cracking down on Russian and Iranian election interference. The FBI is closely monitoring domestic threats. Those are only some of the things being done in preparation. That doesn’t mean there won’t be serious problems but this time our government is not just sitting by passively waiting to see what happens.

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Check out the status Kuo on substack

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I hope they will also be monitoring state election interference efforts, especially in the swing states.

Does anyone know what would happen if several states refuse to validate their votes?

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And without a mic or podium.

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Unfortunately, I agree.

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I read Nate Silver and he says it will be close because that's the way the Electoral College works, regardless of the national numbers. Remember when George W Bush won in 2000 because the Supreme Court gave him Florida by 537 votes and that was enough to get him to win by 3 Electoral College votes? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_United_States_presidential_election_recount_in_Florida

Do we want this Supreme Court to make the final choice in November?

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I simply can’t understand why the polls aren’t 75-20 in favor of Harris over the felon!

I wouldn't be friends with anyone who thinks Laura Loomer is okay, and she's a close advisor to Trump, so anyone who supports Trump, supports that. Life's too short to be friends with hateful bigots.

Their party is riddled with racists and bigots. Trump and Loomer share the same values. They are conspiracy theorists. What do people think that whole Obama birth certificate crusade by Trump was all about? They are a perfect match.

They are the party!

Can't wait to celebrate Harris victory wearing this "We the People means EVERYONE" tee on November 5th 👇


Can't wait for all these to be over. Hopefully start to heal as a nation as Trump and his cult further fades into oblivion.

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Yes and where the hell IS Melania ?? Are we looking at wife #4 and the new First Lady?

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I was about to say the same thing. Spouses of the Dem. candidates are out there campaigning, but have you seen Melania? AND WHO WANTS HER FOR FIRST LADY? I'd say "again," but she never was a first lady the first time.

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‘Sure looks like it!

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First Lady Grifter Melania wrote a book.......yea......a big seller int the Christofascist Megachurches......Laura Loomer must be the latest Magatbitch to service the Orange mushroom

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His disgusting dalliance with loomer ( consummated or not— and if we find out it is someone should track down his urologist) should disgust a few of his last remaining female followers. Wonder what JD thinks of it. Wonder what Usha thinks of it. Wonder what Melania thinks of it. !

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Pretty sure Melania hasn't let him anywhere near her in years. He's so revolting.

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Can you even imagine? (shudder). BTW, great name you have, although it might be Francis & Clare, or Francis Clare Jones, not Francis Clare. My hubs is an English Clare.

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Nate Silver addresses this here: https://substack.com/home/post/p-148855194?r=506k2&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Now I'm with you on wanting to celebrate a big Kamala win in November but Nate is someone who knows his subject and has the data to back it up.

Heather, you and I are probably getting our news and views from similar sources but news media in America nowadays is not the sort of objective, independent trustworthy source it was, nor does it have the same reach. We get a lot of information from social media and, well, newsletters.

What sort of information and views are those who aren't already decided getting?

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Look up Allan Lichtman for a brighter prediction than Silver’s. Lichtman has a good record of predicting presidential winners.

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Thanks for the lead. Interesting link here: https://www.washingtonian.com/2024/09/05/allan-lichtman-is-very-comfortable-about-predicting-the-2024-election/ Regardless, I'm donating, writing postcards (not a fan of calling and knocking on doors) and misc. until Election Day.

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Nate Silver is bought & paid for by Peter Thiel after Thiel bought into the predictions market platform Polymarket which in turn hired Silver as an adviser in July🤷🏻‍♂️🇺🇸 DON'T TRUST THIEL OR SILVER AMERICA, they ARE supporters of the 🍊American traitor, adjudicated rapist, russian asset, white collar criminal, racist, gov docs thief & some people say - seller, a coup leader, misogynist, xenophobe...what is there to discuss AMERICA ?

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Nate Silver also has a book to peddle and is struggling to remain visible. He is thoroughly discredited and no one should pay any attention to him.

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That's good to know. After skimming through that Nate Silver link in Britni Pepper's comment (above), I was depressed. Then after reading your and David Lehnner's comments, I'm feeling a bit better.

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You left out fools and/or extremely uneducated.

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And the most important question: WHY are there so many extremely uneducated?

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The fundamentalist Christians often homeschool their children and deliberately fail to teach them anything that does not validate their own opinions. For example, large chunks of history are omitted and there is no education in some of the sciences because it contradicts the Bible. Many of these kids can't get into a decent university because they literally have no background in science. The GOP has publicly stated that it likes its base to be stupid and that's what they're getting.

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I really think most of our problems originate with the Civil War, the assassination of President Lincoln, and the failure to continue with his plans for Reconstruction. Most of the backward-thinking Republicans live in former pro-slavery states.

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Folks, this is spam. They seem like a regular commenter but when you click through you'll see it's a company called "LibTees". This weasel company is all over progressive sites, hawking their shitty, way overpriced shirts. They've posted here, on Wonkette, and Crooks and liars, and probably a bunch of other sites too.

It is most likely AI generated comments, all designed to scam us into "supporting" them.

I wouldn't be surprised if they also sell Trump crap on conservative sites. These fuckers are insidious. Report them for the asshole spammers they are. Remember "LibTees" and boycott them

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Relax Paul, what's wrong with you? You look so nervous! LOL

As Tim said: "Mind your own damn business!"

Maybe that person is unemployed and he/she is trying to make a living, maybe he/she has some mental health issues, who knows?

And you (a grown man) are playing the 'good cyber cop' game here. Please give me a break! 😄

Next time you should be nicer to people. Don't be so bitter!

Enjoy life today because yesterday is gone and tomorrow is never promised.

Just a tip. 😉

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Dream on. Dream on.

Achtung! Verboten!

Zig heil der Fuhrer Trumph'

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You people have the absolutely most INSANE voting system in the world. JUST COUNT THE DAMN BLUE AND RED BEANS. PERIOD.

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And stop voting on a Tuesday, make it a weekend, encourage mail in voting, absentee voting, easy access to voting places, utilise every school hall, church hall, community centre, sell democratic sausages & have a fun day of real democracy, back the Freedom to Vote Act and, stop these silly voter registration drive before every f'king election cycle, the greatest nation on earth should be able to send a voter registration to every eligible citizen in the mail...easy🤷‍♂️🇺🇸 And just to stir my dear American friends, why not make it compulsory😉 it would make for a more educated electorate✊then you will get the real USA USA USA🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Haha. Guess which party wants to make voting as difficult as possible and votes against every reform you mention?

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Right on, Bazza. Compulsory voting. And more than two parties.

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Totally right on. Thank you.

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"You have a Republic, if you can keep it." B. Franklin

There was no subterfuge. They knew it was a Republic and called it so. But yes, we need to change to a true democracy. Where it really is: one citizen, one vote.

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The question was - is it a republic or a monarchy - Franklin knew the document wasn’t perfect - for instance all the slavery stuff - but it was the best form of governance anyone had come up with - we ain’t going back to a monarchy -

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So very true brought in c1776 for the S slave owning states so the non slavery economy couldn’t dominate the political system. Still in use 250 years later which makes zero sense to the rest of the world but takes 60% or more votes to change the Constitution across all states I believe?? Those of us from a Parliamentary system find it ludicrous! 🇨🇦

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Pathetic isn't it? The fathers of our country weren't as democratic as we were led to believe.

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Our voting system was put in place to give slaveholders more power since population-wise there were fewer of them.

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So agree, but the enemy makes it impossible to get rid of the Electoral College. Maybe some day….

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One person, one vote!!

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Nate Silver may be right but I wouldn’t put too much weight on his opinions: he was very wrong about 2022 and he is now in the pay of Peter Thiel. And more generally, the veracity of polls is now questionable: many of them deploy problematic methodologies and/or are produced by companies owned by right-wing figures. Perhaps their best use is just to track how a group of them change over time, for which I find Simon Rosenberg’s Hopium Chronicles Substack really useful: https://open.substack.com/pub/simonwdc?r=1kcdc&utm_medium=ios

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I also like Simon Rosenberg, but look up Allan Lichtman and check out his history with presidential predictions. Might be more encouraging.

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Actually, I find Simon Rosenberg quite hopeful!!!

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Lord how do poll pundits get to work for one side only?? And paid thugs to influence public opinion! Alan Lichtman s totally independent podcast weekly is very hopeful and his 13 Keys method was developed looking back to 1860 and correctly reverse engineered both historical elections and modern except Bush Gore wherein the vote count was stopped and the Republican Court threw the Presidency to Bush! We know exactly how that turned out unjust war and death the s o b!

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Is everyone working for peter thiel these days?!?!

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He’s such a malignant individual - apparently so repellent in person and on camera that he no longer makes public appearances and instead depends on surrogates to speak for him. Men only need apply.

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Simon Rosenberg from The Hopium Chronicles was interviewed on the topic of poll accuracy and big money in politics and it’s super enlightening- definitely worth the listen: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-lincoln-project/id1551582052?i=1000669551049

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Keep reading behind closed doors .

Trumph Brownshirts are on the March with the Putin KBG!

Read on Americans.

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I too read Nate Silver. In my view he’s very much in Trump-camp, trying to appear fair. He very reluctantly accepted Harris debate win. I suspect he wants to drink expensive liquor and play poker with Thiel, Musk, and the rest of the right wing apologists.

One issue that polls (and models) don’t incorporate well (even with the “likely voter” category) is turnout, which I think will be a huge factor. The fear of a national abortion ban and general antipathy towards Trump will drive many, who may not otherwise, to vote.

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I think Mary touches on something powerful as regards turnout. If the idea that the courts and the state legislatures will have an effect at pushing Donald Trump over the top in a tight race is widespread - as it should be; I'm worried about those factors - then there may be two counter views:

1. GOP voters will take it easy because Trump has the courts on his side.

2. Dem voters will get out and vote for precisely the same reason.

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Yep, all polls operate on the assumption that this election will be like its predecessors. And few of them can adequately factor in the impact of both different turnout AND Roe.

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Simon Rosenberg from The Hopium Chronicles was interviewed on the topic of poll accuracy and big money in politics and it’s super enlightening- definitely worth the listen: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-lincoln-project/id1551582052?i=1000669551049

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I don’t trust Nate Silver anymore since he was kicked off his own creation 538 and now is on the payroll of Peter Thiel a known TFG supporter!!

Simon Rosenberg of “Hopium” on Substack explains polls very well!!!

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People, Please talk to everybody you know about the absolute necessity of casting their votes for Kamala and Tim.

They really need to get some knowledge about Project 2025.


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😂😂😂😂 yeah right. Every one of you on this post are crazy.

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Don’t forget, the🍊traitor said he has all the votes he needs, the ‘24 fake electors scheme & ‘his’ SC will try to safe him unless the ‘brilliant 🙄’AG, the DOJ & the FBI are awake to all of his shenanigans🤷‍♂️🤞FFS 🇺🇸, WAKE UP @thhsfec, he will try to steal it AGAIN🤞

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The bottom will drop out for him, but not until the last minute

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Ah yes the infamous hanging chad we must do away with the Electoral College

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Hell no. I want them locked up.

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For some reason I’d thought getting rid of the EC was a priority in 2020. Seems like too much of an uphill struggle these days given the current play and players. Except this is no game.

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Easier said than done. It will take a Constitutional amendment which is a years long process starting with the legislature, which requires a two-thirds majority in both the Senate and the House. - and Republicans have no motivation to cooperate. If it were to clear the legislative hurdle, then it goes to the states to be ratified. It must be ratified by 3/4 of the states.

Alternatively, it can be taken up by a constitutional convention, which requires 2/3 of the state legislatures to initiate. This method has never been done, and we definitely don't want that - Republicans would love nothing better than to rewrite our constitution.

So at this point, eliminating the EC remains in our most wished for list.

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Hopefully, it will end much sooner than that! He's a dangerous lunatic and everyone should be scared to death that if he ever gets near the White House life in the United States will be hell on earth!

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Get out the vote, praying isn't going to help anyone. "They" are praying over him, praying he's the "chosen" one, praying that he'll save the world. Pray if you will, but get out the vote.

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Pray AND take ten people with you to do early or by mail voting for Kamala!

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DO SOMETHING! Block walk. Call voters. Work at the polls. Staff a voter hotline. Write postcards for "NEAZ Native Democrats" or "Tony the Democrat" and choose your state. Those organizations tell you exactly what to do, give you the addresses and the script. DO SOMETHING! Our future is literally in our hands, NOT in "their hands."

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I was thinking the exact same thing. Do something! You can still write letters for https://votefwd.org/. They still need volunteers! It’s easy to do. I have written 260 letters and helped with voter registration in Texas. You can do it, too.

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pray… and work!

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I prefer he be locked up sooner!

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We have to work hard to make sure that happens.

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Where have you been? The Donald Show doesn't conclude until Donald does.

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I hate admitting I voted for the a$$hat twice. He lost me on 1/6. I no longer recognize the Republican Party, they are nothing like the party of the past. I will forever be independent and the people who get my vote will be those I see as standing on the principles of democracy. Principle over party.

A few months ago I was very concerned that a potato was the better choice over your uncle or Biden. Thankfully Kamala is there now and while I do not line up with many of her policies and views, I believe our democracy will be safe with her. And in an effort to help her get something done I will vote right down the line. The party of DJT will hopefully lose every single race they are running in 11/5. Then maybe they will wake up and realize the truth that Donald has destroyed them and over haul the party.

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Thank you, Marti, for opening your mind to see the corruption and danger of DJT and responding accordingly. Not many seem to be wiling to do so and continue to support him. It’s tough for any of us to admit when we’ve made a mistake. To do so is very brave of you!

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One must stop drinking the koolaid and step back from biased media. I started following SharonSaysSo on instagram in late 2020 and learned so much about government and the constitution. She is unbiased and thinks political parties are dumb. One thing she says a lot that helped me see truth is “facts do not require your approval”. She will give it straight to her followers and dang did it home. 1/6 was just too much for me. I couldn’t ever support a man that clearly tried to cheat while accusing the other party of cheating.

I stopped following mainstream news and get my news from Mosheh (Mo News) also on instagram and 1440 in my email. I realized how easily people are swayed, like DJT repeats lies over and over knowing after folks hear it enough they will believe it.

Now I just point folks to Sharon and Mosheh and try to have conversations to see why they think they way they do and point out their sources against truth.

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Also take a look at the Letter from an American by Professor Heather Cox Richardson. She’s on substack as well as FB. You can also get her nearly daily letter via email. She’s an American history professor who not only distills what is happening in the news each day, she also ties it to history. Very unbiased and informative. I voted R until the 2004 election — I didn’t like how Bush was handed the election in 2000 even though I had voted for him. I also didn’t agree with the Iraq invasion although I was proud to serve in Baghdad working with the Iraqi military headquarters.

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Heather Cox Richardson is a national treasure!

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1440 👍🏼Fact based and solidly center/unbiased.

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Yes! I love them. Quick catch up on news that doesn’t lean just reports the facts.

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Praying 🙏 for the USA 🇺🇸. If tRump loses this election there will be hell to pay, if he wins you won’t recognize your country. Please be prepared for either EVERY VOTE MATTERS my US 🇺🇸 friends. STOP tRump. From your Canadian 🇨🇦 friends.

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Who the heck "lines up" with 1000% of any candidates policies? That always gets me. That's the way my husband used to vote, a one issue voter who voted for "gun rights" because he was lied to by the NRA and his R family. He voted for him once, god knows who the 2nd time, though he did change his party affiliation to IND (couldn't go "there" with D). He loathes T and most of the R party now. In 2022 he voted a straight D ticket, shock. He'll be voting that way here in deep R Idaho too.

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I'm an old crone and have been voting since 1972. It baffles me that people expect a canidate to align with their every whim or desire. A president isn't Santa and we the people need to stop acting like a political canidate grants wishes. They forget politics is a machine with many parts. We can't let our nation fall, to those who would destroy it.

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Diane so well said

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I agree - and I’m cronier than you! My first vote was for Lyndon Johnson in 1964, when the voting age was still 21.

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Glad your voting for her

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yeah - I would have voted for the potato

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Despite Biden having passed the Infrastructure Act, the Chips and Science Act, getting us out of the COVID mess that Trump left, getting the economy back on track with the best recovery from COVID of any developed nation?

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How does Biden’s great track record not resonate with these undecided voters especially young women and good men?

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His first act as president was a proclamation that claimed (essentially) that men are women if they say they are. I don't know if he (only)succumbed to the money and power behind the trans industry or if he so badly failed high school biology that he believes this shit. If I didn't live in a state that would no way no how go to tRump I would have voted for Biden but it would have been hard for me to stomach.

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That's what you focused on? Methinks your hangups go a bit deeper than disparaging Biden for trying to alleviate some of the ignorance and prejudices held by too many unaware people that think humans only have male or female genitalia. Caved to the yadayadayada industry? Really?

Our country is in a violent quagmire due to past and present actions by Donald Trump and misinformation that legitimize him every day on Fox News and even the more acceptable traditional news channels and yet you finger point and hold onto a personal judgment fixated in subjective misinformation. "Biden's first act as President" if this is accurate, was to send a message out asking for tolerance and compassion. How many people out there think or choose to believe these dehumanizing lies?

I see trolls and bots on Twitter rabidly attack our gentler, more open minded ,tolerant and empathetic people in such horrific ways,it scares me. It's with repetitive toxic dehumanizing slogans which only exposes them as the ignorant bullies. They cry Free Speech when confronted and little is done to address and defuse the rage and fear from the brain washing, programs mainly centered in the ultra right -wing 'Christian' communities. Our GOP is an echo chamber of hatred towards anyone Not like them.

While you don't appear to come across as hateful within this particular forum,because it would not be tolerated, the importance and reasoning behind your negative opinion leads me to consider you have no issue with categorization

My point of rebuttal in response to targeting anyone outside your reality with prejudice, is that humanity is complex.

Our Shared world is a vast place,filled with diverse and mysterious beauty. It's was never created in black and white. It's a magnificent Rainbow of seen and unseen colors.

How dull and suffocating it would become if everyone was forced to fit into just 2 identities.

I commend and adore President Biden as a Great leader of All people, no matter how they identify themselves. He has endeavored to be a visionary peacemaker. I hope that gender stigma can be let go of ,and I hope you can give him your respect for all the Good he has brought to our nation.

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Wow…you can spell…. Now VOTE

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Maybe you are or maybe you not aware:” n the vast majority of cases (99.95%), sex is assigned unambiguously at birth. However, in about 1 in 2000 births, the baby's genitalia may not clearly indicate male or female, necessitating additional diagnostic steps, and deferring sex assignment.[4][5]” Wikipedia’Sex Assignment’

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And because with 1 in 2000 births sex is ambiguous humans born with motile gametes can become humans with non-motile gametes just because they say so?

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My hat's off to you, Marti. Changing your mind takes guts!

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Voted for him in 2016. Never again. 4 years of him was enough. Literally messed with my mental health. Every tweet he put out just triggered me. Not the way to run government. I was shocked, he was allowed to have a "non-secure" cell phone and said whatever he wanted to tweet. I hate him. I did buy the latest book.

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Thank u🙏💖

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What did you see on 1/6 that others don’t seem to get ?

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They don’t want to get it! That was an insurrection, not a riot or a protest or whatever pretty paper they want to wrap it in. People have let their political party become their identity. It’s so sad

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Thank Newt Gingrich and his merry gang of Reaganites for that one.

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Don't forget Buchanan and all the rest.

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Thank you for choosing the Democratic Party.

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So you’re ok and were ok with the omnipresent GOP bigotry and cruelty contained in their policy prescriptions towards immigrants ,women,and others.. Bigotry in public policy is ok….,

but smashed window panes …no way !!!

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Who said I was okay with it?

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A little late but welcome back to reality.

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Canvassing every day in deep red OH; seeing more signs/bumper stickers every day. For the first time in years we are on message: EVERY GOOD THING this country enjoys was brought to you by progressive action, from the weekend to the end of child labor, clear water and air, Medicare, Social Security, FMLA, ACA, ARA, the list goes on and on. WE GOT THIS!

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Thank you for doing something to move the needle. We all must get out from behind the keyboard. The stakes are too high. We can celebrate when Ms Harris is sworn in. Till then, we do the hard work.

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Over this past week/the weekend before, I filled out 200 Vote Forward letters to voters in swing states. Filling these letters out is fast! My handwritten message: "I want to be part of a movement for change."

I'm holding off now because I've got RSS (repetitive stress syndrome) in my writing hand.

I'll do more letters, later.

From https://votefwd.org:

"We’ve shown that Vote Forward letters can boost voter turnout by as much as 3.4 percentage points. This is big! Our handwritten letters are among the most effective ways you can help get out the vote."

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I have 105 Vote Forward letters waiting to be sent on September 30. I always include a personal letter begging the registered voter to vote. I extoll democracy and our duty to participate and defend it against all threats. That's "non-partisan" enough to follow the guidelines. Oh, I live in Japan and I'm hoping getting a letter from Japan will get their attention! Air Mail is only $1 here. so it's not much more than regular postage in the USA. The outside of the envelope also gets funny stickers and colorful masking tape around the borders. I'm giving money to Kamala/Tim, Hakeem Jeffries, the NAACP, Field Team 6, and several US Senate candidates. We have to win this, and we have to win this big as Mary says. No letting up!

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Because I do mine under the umbrella of UU the Vote, they have to be nonpartisan so I chose: I vote for candidates who share my values; thanks for your hard work!

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Tell me more: How can I do this also?

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Online: vote forward

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Yes, yes, yes!

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I did postcards this year. My message was Your Vote is Your Voice: Speak Up

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I did 20 letters with vote forward last week and I brought a friend who did the same!!

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Many hands make light work.

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Tell me more: How can I do this also?

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For Vote Forward, sign up with them at https://votefwd.org, pick a campaign, and be prepared to download and print letters, get some blank envelopes and first-class U.S. postage stamps, then fill out the letters (this goes fast, actually), and hold on to the addressed, stamped letters until a planned date in October.

I'm lucky because I live in NY's Capital District (Albany area), and local volunteers have already done the work of downloading and printing letters. Other volunteers (like me) pick them up off the front porches, take 'em home, fill 'em out, stamp them, and hold on to the prepared letters for a pre-planned SEND date in October.

Two Indivisible orgs are involved:

Bethlehem Indivisible:


Bethlehem Morning Voice Huddle has a great writeup on the letters campaign:


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Search for "Vote Forward." Their website will tell you everything you need to know. Yes!! Do this! You get to pick the state you want to write to. Swing states with abortion on the ballot? Your own state? Florida or Texas which might turn blue? Pick and start writing!!

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I too am writing Vote Forward letters! I am going to sign up to write more.

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Yes! I love it!

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My postcards arrive Tuesday! Looking forward to doing my part!

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Please be right!🙏🙌

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I am; in the past Dems have just shrugged their shoulders and said: no point in taking our message to rural areas. This year Kamala is all in on taking her message everywhere!

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Great point, thanks!

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My biggest fear is kamala will win and the supreme court steals it for Trump anyways. I expect the country will descend into civil war if that happens, so lets hope it doesn't.

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Totally agree. We need to win big and do the hard work to make it happen.

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She needs to over perform, and she will, but he can only replicate. They can not idiate. See end of The Hunger Games.

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I as well am terrified

& Am Afraid for Kamala’s safety as well!!!🙏

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And Tim Walz, esp Gus.

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She has the A-Team, he has Womp-Womp cold clown sad wanna be leftovers. She will be fine. Believe.

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If it's not close don't think we'll have to worry

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I hope you are right. It will all depend on the electoral college, something I wish we could get rid of, because it does not reflect the way the people vote.

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I think that no matter if it's close or not, we have to worry. The debate wasn't even close, yet his supporters said that it was rigged. Heck, even old Donny said it was rigged and yet, other times he would say that he won decisively. He can't make up his mind what message (if there is a coherent one in his head) to say.

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So, yes, I do some worrying, but I also pick up a blank letter and fill it out. 1. Maybe 3. When I get to 10, I put stamps on them. Every one of them is a letter to someone who is likely to vote Democrat.

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I agree that existential angst does no good. Action is important. Perhaps a better way to phrase how I feel is that I am very concerned about potential violence, no matter the outcome of the election. I am trusting that the current administration is well aware of this and will have (if not already has) a well thought out plan for how to handle post-election violence.

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There has to be a plan. We cannot assume there is one, however. Can someone find out if there is a plan?!?

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Harris will absolutely win. He will run his standard, tired Bullshit. But this time we all know, and can-enmasse-resist. It was shock to the system J6 v.1, but now we know what to expect.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14

If the circumstances were egregious enough I would hope President Biden would step in -- now that the Supreme Court has given Presidents immunity from what they do as official acts -- and force some Justices to recuse themselves or add some new Justices by executive action. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

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I think that's a bad idea. It's "extralegal," and would give the next right-wing President "permission" to do terrible things.

We should not follow bad ideas to their logical conclusions.

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It would be good if Harris wins big, but on the day all she needs to do is win the the electoral colleges. And if there are ECs not able or willing to confirm, one way or another, and there's some sort of deadlock which sends it to the House and/or the SCOTUS, and if either overturns what looks very much like a Harris win, then yes, I predict there's going to be civil unrest, and likely on a scale that makes the assault on the Capitol look like a gentle stroll in the park.

As a Brit looking across the channel, I'll be keeping a very close watch and keeping my fingers crossed that the current polls are way off, and that in reality there's a very large majority against the felon & his misogynistic running mate.

It's quite astonishing, sickening even, that yet again, we're being put through this awful spectacle, pitting such an incompetent man who's now sadly in early stages of senile dementia against someone who is clearly both highly competent and human, and who rightly places country before party or herself.

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I'm scared that the country will descend into civil war no matter who wins. If we win, Trumpians will revolt. If Trump wins, our side revolts.

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Both are a possibility. . . If he wins there will be a mass exodus of Dem. citizens. . . I don't think that will be good for our country, either. He just must not win this election. So far, I believe, we would have the military on our side to stop this war of his followers, who would do whatever he would command of them. They are a cult, he is angry, and an angry, out of balance narcisistic leader is not going to be behaving in any sort of rational manner. He will do whatever it takes this time. If that doesn't work, he will flee the country.

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Democrats need to put more emphasis to electing a down ballot straight Democratic ticket!! Kamala MUST HAVE a Democratic Senate and House in order to move forward on her policies!

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YES!!!! It is very important to vote ALL Democrat this time. We need a Democrat Senate and Congress, including Judges. We have to be vigilant this year.

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Yes, Yes, Yes. We all need to be doing all we can @ the top of the ticket to help everyone who is running. Some hard work ahead. Let's support everyone running for sanity.

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He’s toast. Into the trash on Nov 5 and then to prison.

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Yes. The more the merrier

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Yep. Flush twice!

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Sadly, it is now the Trumplican Party. But I have been here since Truman and the Republicans (in cahoots with big business, the military, and the rich) have been working to seize power over America permanently since I was born in 1951. They have all been criminals, whether on purpose or by association. On my 73rd birthday November 5th, I hope to see the Democrats take a clean sweep of Congress in addition to the White House. Then the work of ridding America of MAGA can begin, by prosecuting all involved starting with Donald and working down.

I don't want my children to suffer like I have because of MAGA.

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A Harris victory would be an indescribably fantastic birthday present, and a loss would be the most unimaginably worst birthday present ever!

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Hope with all my heart this nation joins together on 5 November to.give you the Happiest Birthday ever!

Vote Blue up/down the ballot.!

Trump...You're Fired !!

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Trump....Your guilty.........All the court cases will make 2025 a very enjoyable media viewing year.

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I feel like I've been in a non-consensual GOP-lead dystopia my entire adult life.

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Pres. Harry Truman was a Democrat!

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yes, Truman was a Dem and a good president. He was an avid reader. He kept the tax rate up on the rich for 8 years. Eisenhour won in 1952. The rich came to him to convince him to lower tax rate but Ike refused to lower rate. Last good Rep. President we have had.

I am 86 and remember all the crap put on us by Republicans. Vote Dem---------this Nov 5th.

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Big military and big business were in cahoots with the Republicans to use the Korean conflict to damage Truman because he would not continue WWII against Russia. I liked Ike but his VP Dick Nixon and other Republicans did terrible things. It has steadily snowballed from there. Harry Truman was a Democrat from Missouri. He was a good man, in the mold of FDR, Carter, Obama, and Biden. Clinton was born near where I live but he had some moral failings where these others didn't.

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Remember???? " The Buck Stops Here", Darrell??🤗

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Yes, he is famous for saying that.

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I will be 70 on the 5th - I'm so excited to vote for Kamala and Tim (and every other Democrat here in NH) as a celebration of my birthday!!

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I hope we can all celebrate Harris/Walz AND your birthday! I’m 76 and always vote and have never voted for a Republican over a better Democrat. But while Republicans were never for the poor or middle class, they were never fascists and/or traitors — until Trump, with Reagan ushering them in. I cried when George W “won,” but I wasn’t terrified. Now I am.

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I’m doing my best. Plan to canvas in PA.

I finished your book this afternoon. Gosh, it was good and sad and horrifying.

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I just paid for my copy of your book today. I am looking forward to reading it, but my heart breaks for you. I truly hope you are feeling better after getting covid at the DNC. I have had it 3 times and hope to never get it again. Be well, Mary. We are all supporting you and this country.

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I'm supposed to be shipped the book Sunday or Monday! Will discuss it after I've read it.

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P.S. We could create a book club for Mary's book. I'm sure there could be much discussion about the toxicity in families (especially hers!), and healing amongst the group from discussing our own experiences. Just a thought,

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There's another book it might be really helpful to read in order to understand what's been going on in the US for decades: Women's Ways of Knowing by Mary Belenky et al. Which describes how MAGA KoolAid authoritarian followers happen and how to "cure" them. There's also a version for men by William Perry.

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Could you elaborate? Fascinating. I've heard his followers have something called, "Authoritarian Submission," or similar. They have extremely hierarchical brains, and think that, by default, white cis-gender males are automagically 'superior." I mean. look at some Diane Arbus photos. Jeez.

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They write of 7 stages some women go thru, from intimidated Silence to listening to others, then to your inner voice, to eventual critical thinking. There is also another book by Bob Altemeyer from one of my old alma maters, called Authoritarianism (the one that was promoted by John Dean of Watergate fame). Same thing: why and how people don't seem to grow up and think for themselves but instead follow a lot of people they shouldn't. And the classic True Believers book. by Eric Hoffer. Tons more, inspired by observing the last several years.

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There is a link where you can hear from a psychologist who is letting us know how to converse with people who are in a cult. He, Dr. Steven Hassan, cult expert, was once a member of the Moonies and got out. https://youtu.be/uMlLTtL80pl?si=eF9mTlizgJoH5pKO

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I see it isn't connecting to this video anymore. Sorry. It was on #davidpakmanshow. Dr. Hassan wrote "The Cult of Trump".

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Thanks for this. Will look it up. Collecting this stuff because I'm working on a kids' book (gotta get them early) explaining/describing this phenomenon. (Which isn't new by thousands of years.)

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LOVE. Yes.

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Just started reading it…

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I am mostly concerned about the electoral college and swing states. Trying to keep breathing and focusing. I’m working every day with our local Dem party, organizing volunteers, doing postcard projects and phone outreach, meetings, events, voter registration, everything we can do to reach people and get them involved, informed, psyched, and registered and ready to vote.

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Thank you for all you're doing!! Let's Go Kamala and every Dem on the ballot!

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I generally have a difficult time distinguishing between intuition and fear (or desire, for that matter) but want to share an overwhelming sense that Harris wins this election. And that she wins BECAUSE all of us --and women in particular - are getting involved in practical, concrete ways like never before. A blue wave will wash us clean.

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Good Day. If there was any Law Left In America, Donald would already have been punished to the fullest extent of the Law. He’s already been convicted of many felonies, but not jailed for any of them, as ANY other criminal would have been. He has orchestrated an Insurrection against America and IS A Traitor. This is completely put aside by his party, his supporters, the media and Even The Supreme Court, which he now controls. This is the most Bastardized Electron Campaign by Republicans and Their Candidate that I have ever witnessed in my 72 year lifetime. What has happened to America and Americans is beyond any rational and legal occurrence in Our History.

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Yes. Agreed. Correct. Thank You.

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This does appear to be true. . . I keep praying that everyone now gets that this election is the most important one to continue on with this 200+ year attempt to form a union that works for the majority of its citizens. It is a continual job to get better and represent more and more Americans as was the intent. It is an imperfect union, but it is always in process of getting more open and accepting. WE MUST NOT GO BACK!

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As I have posted more than once:

Benjamin Franklin was asked what form of government the founding fathers came up with. His answer resonates now more than ever:

A republic, if you can keep it.

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How can we get INTERNATIONAL ELECTION OVERSIGHT ⁉️We need it now more than ever and have participated for other countries. Thank you for keeping us sane !!!

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Russia is no doubt watching closely.

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Doing more than watching perhaps

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Yeah. Russia is up to those shenanigans DonOLD mentioned.

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I agree. And don’t count out Iran

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...as we watch Them !!

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All of us up here in Canada are holding our breath and can hardly wait until the era of Trump is over!! I hope everyone gets out and votes!! Time to move forward.

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Trump North....the maggot wanna be Poillieve is studying the Trump Cult dictionary of racial slurs and using it. Canadians better wake up and get out their "Fuck Poillievre" flags fast.

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Amazing specimen of humanity: "cheating as a way of life" does seem to be apt. He even cheats on the very topic of cheating by throwing the accusation right back at his opponents! (It's as if it means absolutely nothing to him; except that if he's able to level it at someone else twice as "hard," he "wins"!)

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His motto is “admit nothing, deny everything, begin counter accusations “

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And keep people off balance and turn them against each other

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Admit nothing. Deny Everything. Demand Proof. Probably Roy Cohn.

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A la his own personal Jeezus Roy Cohn.

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He sees cheating as a positive thing on his end, and negative only if someone else is doing it. Actually, from what i've seen the Dems do not cheat - he only accuses them of it to fool people into thinking they do and he doesn't.

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Right, you are! (But I'm not even sure he can actually tell the difference —being a sociopath who never experiences guilt or shame, and simplistically thinks the "easiest" path is always the "smartest"!)

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You are persuading me to rethink my comment. He does think it's awful if others cheat, but it's about not liking what others do (whether or not it's really cheating). I'm sure he does think the path he chooses (always the easiest, as in not bearing any responsibility for what he does) is always the best.

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I'm not sure about this, but I think it's likely that sociopaths/psychopaths are bound to have a screwed-up idea of the normal idea of wrongdoing. I think they think all normal expressions and phenomena of conscience are unbearably phony, are some sort of a hoax. They know they'd never get "bogged down" by such (as they see it) stupidity and nonsense. I think their incapacity to grasp otherwise may lead to terrible resentment.

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It is actually a known fact that such people don't have a normal idea of wrong-doing. It's about what works for them. I will never forget a program I saw many years ago, where a young man grabbed the purse of an old lady as she exited her home. When asked why he did it, he said "she had MY purse". I have a sister like that, who has no conscience, and she has been described by professional therapists as a sociopath.

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Astute observation, Dashk....and so beautifully worded!

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Well, he is a sociopath, so none of this should surprise anyone. Textbook behavior for sure. Only he thinks he’s special.

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I can't help myself; I get a little carried away —I'm familiar with in my own life, and so disgusted by people like him.

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We sometimes specify money, or greed or some such thing to be "the root of all evil" in the world. Personally, I'd say if anything is, it is human beings devoid of conscience!

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Well, . . . greed is pretty bad, too.

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I grew up in Arizona as the lone D in a family full of Goldwater and Bircher extremists. In my world, the have-nots were cheaters and suspect due to their skin color. Last night as I flipped through channels, there he was, reading some fairy tale about a snake that bit a woman (!). I'm working to get the word out that at the bottom of all this foolishness with Trump is, as Lincoln said, the same old serpent. Thank you, Mary, for doing so much to expose your uncle as the weak, slithering fraud he is. ~Linda S. Clare at the Substack The Deep End

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The last time I heard him start up,the snake fable at a rally is when thousands of people got out and there was but a handful left, mind you there were only about 3000 there to start. About a month ago there were more in the parking lot than the venue, the only traffic jam was those leaving!

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Douglas, I don't follow his rallies--my stomach is too delicate. :-) Can you tell me what that snake fable has to do with his campaign? Anything at all? Thanks in advance, Linda

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Donald *is* the snake.

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I misread the title as"Chanting As A Way of Life" and I thought how fascinating it would be if Donald Trump was introduced to chanting, particularly those Buddhist Tara mantras sending healing out throughout Earth. And then, of course, I wondered what it would be like if I surrounded him with healing mantras. I decided he would either find himself open to catharsis, or, go totally and completely bonkers, either of which would be universally helpful.

I am certain I will get around to reading the article... after I sit and complete a few mudras....

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