Mary, you are loved! 🥰 Do be careful! You know he’s a monster. 👹 Stay out of harm’s way!

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Mary said on Molly Jong Fast's podcast that Donald ISN'T the stupidest nor worst person in her family. I'm guessing Fred was the worst person but I wonder who's the stupidest? 😉

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Has to be Donald! 🍊

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She specifically said it wasn't?

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If so, I apologize; wrong!

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I’m just guessing; don’t know!

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Either Eric or Don Jr. .....could be Melania. ?

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I wouldn't consider "Melanie" a relative. 😉

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That’s funny.

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I agree. I love what you're doing and support and try to help in any way I can but like Judith said, watch your back. I'm convinced he will stop at nothing to get what he wants, including murder at this point. I honestly think, and this is such a horrible stretch, that DJT is equally as horrible as Hitler was. I truly believe that.

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Robert...you nailed it PURRFECTLY! I have been calling the ignorant goparty the NAZI PARTY OF 'merica since he slithered down the escalator, KNOWING in my heart and mind that's where we were heading. I REMEMBER the day the Japanese bombed Pearl and later got to work on Oahu for IBM in my 20s creating computer programs to track planes and ships for CINCPAC. We worked under a pineapple field on the sight line where the planes flew in towards Pearl Harbor. I was 8 when the war was declared over and my family and I jumped into our 37 Plymouth drove into DC and joined the revelers. This time of the Trump killing our Constitution brings back all of those years in the DC area until the surrender fearing Hitler's wrath and supporting the war effort in so many ways. I'm 86 and plan to live until Nov. of THIS YEAR to vote again for MY DEMOCRATIC PARTY, up & down-ballot, knowing Joe Biden is a TRUE AMERICAN defending each of us and our WORLD and the CONSTITUTION EVERY DAY, and will continue to do so.

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You are my new Hero! Thank you for sharing your story. Agree! Vote 💙🌊🇺🇸

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You go Martha!

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He should’ve been held in contempt for disobeying the Judges orders in the first place. Thanks, Mary, for your untiring efforts to provide us information in such a timely manner. Your steadfast commitment to provide us with all of this important information is most appreciated. Keep up the great work!

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You go Martha!

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I hope he loses the trump building in Chicago so I don’t have to see that name when I’m downtown. Hopefully the new owner will rename the building.

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You're thinking too small. I'm hoping that whatever is left after Leticia James is done gets taken by E. Jean Carroll. He needs to lose everything.

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Unfortunately D. Has a huge following who will donate money to him, even if they can’t afford to do so. Then there are his associates ( not friends) around the globe, who can send him tens of millions of dollars, if needed. The only answer is incarceration.

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Those rich people already know that he won't pay them back so, I seriously doubt that they will just send him millions of dollars. Rich people's assholes get tighter than a snare drum when asked or expected to part with their money.

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I hope you are right. He is a lost cause, we all know where he is headed, eventually and he won’t ever get out.

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I hope he NEVER, EVER gets out!

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Only in a pine box.

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If, they don’t immediately remand him after trial, he will undoubtedly hitch a sub somewhere. 😁. If he does go to prison, I give him a month tops. He will go mad before he kicks.

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🤣🤣🤣 well said.

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They will if he gets back into office as they will expect favors. If he loses, you will see how many lose his phone number. If he ends up in jail, will the ghost of Epstein be waiting for some hellish revenge.

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I completely agree with you.

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No where near the size of illusions Jack. Smoke and mirrors is the trick behind much of it, in all it's "bigliness / Hugeness".

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It’s really scary that people we work with, live with, grew up with, went to school with, go to church with believe in this monster and give him their hard earned money.

What Kool-Aid are they drinking?

The flavor of woe is me, I’m a victim, must be Jews, Mexicans, libs, commies, , Muslims, Catholics, Democrats, Biden, Obama, ......

I guess victimhood and entitlement reign supreme in their addled brains.

The reason their lives are miserable is looking at them in their bathroom mirrors..


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Or a heart attack!

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I’m not thinking small, I’m thinking local. But I’m on board with your thinking.

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RIGHT? It is such a huge eyesore for the city. I don't go downtown much, but when I do...UGH.

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I hope The Biggest Loser gets punished to the fullest extent of the law. I hope this case cost him every cent of the $370 million.

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I am shocked at what property he has managed to hang onto still.

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The one in Vegas, too.

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Donald is an amazing guy.

When you say you will do everything in your power to ensure that he doesn't become president again, please try to remember: despite him being utterly despicable, he is not the whole problem. The primary problem is the Republican Party which has been party before country since accepting treason in Paris in order to assist Tricky Dicky. It became explicit with Newt Gingrich with the K-Street Project, Contract with America and the dogged pursuit of Clinton. The Russians (and Putin in particular) took note and turned tRUmp into a lickspittle asset knowing that the Republicans would accept him, given enough support. Putin could also have picked someone else. The bottom line is that it is crucial to defeat the Republican Party up and down the ballot, regardless of which candidate. That would include your uncle, too. SO, given your platform, please don't focus exclusively on your kin (and don't leave him out, of course).

#TheRepublicanPartyMustDie (be disbanded)

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Bruce, given what Mary's been through, and how hard she has worked, I'm thinking she can focus on whatever target she wants, and more power to her! The rest of us can can help work on getting rid of the RepubliKKKans.

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I prefer to encourage everyone, and especially those with a larger platform than mine, to consider the entire picture. We'll be in a world of hurt if tRUmp is defeated -- and the Republicans take full control of the House and Senate and more state legislatures. She knows this. I'm asking her to speak of it more.

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Keep going Mary and yes everyone still needs to know about Proj2025 the Republican version of fascism. Well laid out. We’d better be ready.

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I don't disagree, I just think she's doing enough/all she can.

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Do you mean if Trump is defeated or is not defeated?

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A Democratic president with a Republican Congress (both sides) and more state houses in the hands of Republicans would spell disaster.

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That is exactly the point, and also 'the why' that those hateful azz's in the former gop are fighting so desperately - tooth and nail, to keep cleansing sunshine off of investigations; they are and were in on the plots themselves, materially. Their careers as they wish them to be would be over, done, fine' (italian sp ?) !!! The "OiD" (Orange iL Duce) is merely the 'face and mouth' of a much broader conspiracy; it's all mostly on 'leadership coalition' that is hiding behind the 'curtains'. I know with certainty who that coalition "is." We need to recognize this ! And that the OiD is just a tool.

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Bruce, this is absolutely right! We focus so much on the Orange menace, we forget the fact of what you say here. He’s only there because the Republicans didn’t have a cojones to convict him when he was impeached TWO TIMES for CAUSE! He should not be there and we shouldn’t be wasting our time with this conversation. And the disgusting excuses for men and women ( humans? ) who are up his butt so far, they can’t find their way out, should all be thrown out of our government. They are all, every day, betraying their oath of office and spending time on BS instead of the real and important issues of this country. They need to be replaced by people of integrity and intelligence, who are interested in governing this country with intelligence and care. How do we get rid of these useless wastes of congressional space?

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Follow The Constitution, 14th amendment, Section 3. Every House Member or Senator who failed to support the electoral count and the peaceful transfer of power and is running for re-election to The House or Senate failed to uphold their oath of office. They aided an insurrection. I direct violation of the Constitutional obligation. They should be removed from ballots for office. Check with and request the removal of their names from respective ballots. I requested the removal of my congressional district candidate for his participation in the insurrection.

They are NOT entitled to a vote. They are insurrectionists.

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Debbie, That is exactly the point, and also 'the why' that those hateful azz's in the former gop are fighting so desperately - tooth and nail, to keep cleansing sunshine off of investigations; they are and were in on the plots themselves, materially. Their careers as they wish them to be would be over, done, fine' (italian sp ?) !!! The "OiD" (Orange iL Duce) is merely the 'face and mouth' of a much broader conspiracy; it's all mostly on 'leadership coalition' that is hiding behind the 'curtains'. I know with certainty who that coalition "is." We need to recognize this ! And that the OiD is just a tool.

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Lynn, you are right on point, and consider 'this.' That is exactly the point, and also 'the why' that those hateful azz's in the former gop are fighting so desperately - tooth and nail, to keep cleansing sunshine off of investigations; they are and were in on the plots themselves, materially. Their careers as they wish them to be would be over, done, fine' (italian sp ?) !!! The "OiD" (Orange iL Duce) is merely the 'face and mouth' of a much broader conspiracy; it's all mostly on 'leadership coalition' that is hiding behind the 'curtains'. I know with certainty who that coalition "is." We need to recognize this ! And that the OiD is just a tool.

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Interesting, you just may be right. And this 'tool' keeps talking, digging himself deeper into the swamp it seems. Bragging that he's the one who overturned Roe, which should lose him even more women voters and men who support their woman's right to choose for herself, or to save her own life in some cases, and... I could go on but I'm sure you're aware.

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I keep reading these posts and I keep reading the Republican Party. I know some of you will and, some of you do object, but we need to call a spade of spade here. Remember this There is No Republican party anymore. They have made themselves into the Fascist Party of America. We should honor them by calling them by what they are and what they really want to be: the " Fascist Party America."

Now I know some of you will object and say well that's just name calling. If you call a horse a mule that is named calling. If you call the American fascist party the Republican party that too is name calling because both are simply lies and delusions. Let's not fool ourselves anymore. Let's call a spade spade. IMHO

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Just refer to history. This is absolutely *NOT* a sudden turn of events. I've been on this soap box since Gingrich (1995). David Corn has stepped up on it, too, taking the genesis back to the early '50s:


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Sobering thoughts bro

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That is exactly the point, and also 'the why' that those hateful azz's in the former gop are fighting so desperately - tooth and nail, to keep cleansing sunshine off of investigations; they are and were in on the plots themselves, materially. Their careers as they wish them to be would be over, done, fine' (italian sp ?) !!! The "OiD" (Orange iL Duce) is merely the 'face and mouth' of a much broader conspiracy; it's all mostly on 'leadership coalition' that is hiding behind the 'curtains'. I know with certainty who that coalition "is." We need to recognize this ! And that the OiD is just a tool.

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That is exactly the point, and also 'the why' that those hateful azz's in the former gop are fighting so desperately - tooth and nail, to keep cleansing sunshine off of investigations; they are and were in on the plots themselves, materially. Their careers as they wish them to be would be over, done, fine' (italian sp ?) !!! The "OiD" (Orange iL Duce) is merely the 'face and mouth' of a much broader conspiracy; it's all mostly on 'leadership coalition' that is hiding behind the 'curtains'. I know with certainty who that coalition "is." We need to recognize this ! And that the OiD is just a tool.

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Thank you Mary,

The judge gave Donald enough rope so as to lessen the chances for an appeal.

There is no cure for Donald’s foot in mouth disease.

Not a good day for Donald.

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I'm waiting for his antics to have some real world consequences - losing his beloved properties, serving multiple sentences in prison, being deemed ineligible to even run for office. I am so tired of Donald Trump and the people who support and enable him. And when we are finally done with him, I hope Jack Smith will roll out the cases against those who aided, planned and assisted J6 - Ginni Thomas, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, MTG, just to name a few. They all need to face consequences as well.

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YES, PLEASE. 14th Amendment section 3 applies to lawyers /congressmen and women also.

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I'm SO pleased that Engoron isn't taking any crap from Donald!!! (Unlike a certain simpering sycophant judge in Florida.)

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Honest to god---what the hell is wrong with that woman??!

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She is beholden to the piss -ant for her position, no real experience and hasn't been breathing air long enough to become a self loving, self respecting woman.

A prime example of being a Privileged stepford female....just another Educated Fool.

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So what? It's not like he can fire her from prison.

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Trump is always his own worst enemy.

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And for once and hopefully for more times to come, the enemy will have helped destroy himself and his evil empire.

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that's the best bit about the big Turd, but what baffles me is that he has not been certified as insane

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I believe the phrase used by people in the field is sociopath. Sociopaths have no moral code. I have read that Fred was worried that Donny would bring the whole empire down one day.

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Shoulda nipped the bud and saved us all....

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They have no conscience —no, or a very impaired, capacity to ever really feel guilt or shame, and so no problem doing horribly cruel things upon being motivated.

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Please let there be audio of Engeron's admonishment!

I'm gonna look...

Keep on keeping on.

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Even Judas knew he was guilty of wrong.

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And then Judas did the right thing -- which we can only hope will happen here.

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Applause to Engoron, allowing DJT to shoot himself in the foot. Well done.

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The reverse of Hunter showing up and stealing the Rs' thunder in yesterday's hearing!

Good Guys: 1

Bad Guys: 0


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I loved Hunter being there. He presented a dignified front. While the republicants acted like a bunch of subachiever second graders on a sugar high during recess. I’m ashamed two of them were females; set feminism back a few hundred years.

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You give me hope.

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Thank you for the good news! This goes to show that it is worth making the effort to grow up and become a real adult. Reading your newsletters has become a priority for me, because the news you share generally gives me hope.

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🙏🥳😂Mary - Thank You for the fantastic news!!! And with what you said about djt’s upbringing - his ridiculousness makes much more sense. WOW

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You must read Mary’s book on her uncle. You learn all about the family and Donnie’s proclivity for cruelty. I wonder if he abused or killed animals. And, if he wet the bed, we have the trifecta for psychopathy. Phenomenal book—so well written. I was worried for Mary’s safety, that I was looking over my shoulder. And after that book, you must read Reckoning. Yowza—extraordinary. Mary is a powerhouse. Thank you Mary for your courage and dedication to expose this malignant narcissist. Be safe. We need you.

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I had heard of his reputation years ago. He wasn’t liked by the business community. He didn’t treat women well and I remember when he was divorcing Ivana he said “she did the laundry”. Really jackass!! She produced 3 kids for you! And you tell the courts that she did the laundry??? I was in New York with my father in law and read in the paper that Donald had locked Ivana out of her office so she shot the lock off and she was arrested. So Hillary Clinton wasn’t the first woman that “the Donald” said “lock her up” about.

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He damn sure traumatized Mary to her soul. Evil incarnate is the "OiD" > (Orange iL Duce) !

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Mary, how long until Donald gets up close and personal with the bailiff? He's due for an introduction.

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Deserves to get 'up close and personal' with some "Bubba's".

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Mary, never knew you existed until orange faced asshole took center stage. I am a soon to be 89 year old sceptic but, you have struck a nerve with me in your relentless but welcome attack on mr sh t for brains! I paid my dues and support the cause but, In my humble opinion unless Joe’s handlers figure out how he can and must reach the people and move them to believe they must “Go Joe” to stop this s o b the nation we cherish and love will be gone. I grew up reading, watching Nazi and Hitlerian newsreels about all the great things that monster was doing and how Mussolini couldn’t be so bad “He got the trains to run on time” - what a bunch of a holes and America, led by sh t for brains people like Lindbergh, held their Bund rallies and Father Coughlin held his rallies and America slept! Guess what - we are sleeping again! Enough ranting from a senile,or perhaps soon to , old fart. Stay the course Mary - your message is not heard or

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I have noticed that Biden and Harris have definitely upped their game on Instagram, but they and the Democrats need to do much more - on the offensive, not on the back foot.

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Joe, “Mr Nice Guy”, needs to go “in your face” to his fellow dems and All Others or there will no longer be a democratic US. I cut my eye teeth at 27 negotiating as a management rep with the Teamsters in Harrisburg, PA. I didn’t know whether s t or go blind but , we finished the deal and over the years I negotiated dozens of IBT contracts as well many other unions. What’s my message - never let them see you sweat! When they (others) see you sweat, figuratively or otherwise, you come across as weak - whether you are or not. What am I talking -about? 1 simple thing - as psych a major I learned an important lesson “Perception is a component of reality”. What does this have to do with Joe and our nation? Joe is dealing with the greatest perception our nation has ever faced. I believe Shakespeare wrote “Tis time to screw your courage to the sticking point.” We are running out of time! Joey, get in their f ing face and tell everyone to step or give up - there is no in between. Joe’s handlers MUST MOVE NOW! George Allen came to the Redskins moribund football team and signed a bunch of older players who had - maybe 2 years to play. His critics said Coach you are bringing in all these “old guys” who only have a year or two - you could be mortgaging the future. Allen said “For me the FUTURE is now! JOEY WAKE THE F K UP! AMERICAS FUTURE IS NOW! Signing off now to drink my warm milk and have a cookie.

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Damn straight Bob; approaching 'the abyss' as though it's some academic issue to walk by, they have to find their steel in truth and blunt honesty, regardless the personal risks. That's how I see it.

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Music and the arts must lead the chorus. A full front approach.

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Uncle Joe, as I've always called him very badly needs help Bob. He has to recognize it somehow (Us) and plainly ask for it. I would gladly lend him all that he needs or requires of me - that goes for Kamala, 'And' my good Senator Sherrod Brown, who is under massive attack for his seat. They are their own worst enemies in many regards. Have you, or for that matter, anyone else tried to reach out to any of those folks ? It's implausibly an impossibility ! I know because I've been trying to do that and offer help that they sorely need for ages now ! You cannot humanly get past all of their "filters" , whom one must hope have their charges, best interests at heart - yet, they fail them miserably ! That has got to change Bob, for their and our own good, and the good of our republic, "If" we want to keep it !

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